Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jul 1886, p. 7

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 •^^-i: JOJUCS FSAin. •â- tnsc It «»• °'!Jr„ ag« the »boT« mqo â- 5iL« and while •ome men r^. ""'othen locked twnbled '» "I. for the women and ohlld- w^to whl.p«». •«* »»«k«* Van in d.ylight, m If expect- .Ten I llBtUl [^••TKi wme onrioM doingt fa " flfgt fcuutm •wmrred on a "night. Tneie toad been. ' " .taMethodirt ohnroh, and '•*"ire who attended waa a mid- ••^tf ni!med Lee. She ^a. not ^a\« Uved en a retired atraet ' ., a«T. »d half an hear after •iSdiaman pauing over the ih»d token fomid her |.^GSIKSELIS3 0KTH»PATH. t had been matched off and torn ' !r Her ihoea had been remev- ^toto the road, A Mt ef ialM fwB taken f lom her month and » hwtbe ground and deatnwed. 'K^weman revived the had bnt Pil in explanation. Some one had ihTbehtodtbeear, makfag a great notbrtaking the ikln. She had 'VhliapP'eech, nor did ahe catch ij^i ene. Sae waa walking qntotly •hen all ol a iudden, ahe leas oon- J' id she had been in that condi- Riat fifteen minntes whon fennd by TILbUb •P«1'«'» °*- '^^^ woman had ' No one had aManltod her for ^of robbery. She had not been jb«)end the removal ef the artlolea ^~i It was aaob a aingnlar affair [Tlet ewrybody to talking and apeca^ V bnt/M arresta were made. Indeed, iluipooible te direct wspiolon toward liboBt » weak the public waa farther L ud mj stified. The wife of a vU Luned Parker stepped eat te the well gUii pait 8 o'clock In the evenfag te p»ii el water. She waa working the (oftbepnmp when a hand dntched ^, Before ehe coald scream cat ahe Ifiiiiled aronnd and flang down with [06 that she waa aianned, Aa near I be figured ahe waa lenaeleaa for four iBdantea. Darmg that time her liair gd down and ont off abort, her ahoea led eff and flong in the well, and a ef iott-foap waa taken from a t by and smeared over her cloth- The hair which had been cat cff waa {nttered ever tbe greaod. Mrs. Parker Inet leen her aisailant, bat she knew HAHS HAS CLUTCHED HEB THBOAT.' r onirage raised the pabllo palie to beat, and the moat determined efforts Bsde to seonre a clue te the Identity perpetrator. Half a dozen arreata made, bat in eaoh case the peraen waa diicharged for want of proof to held A detective was sent for, bat after i| en the case for four daya be waa Itteplok up a siogle point leeking te- the aolntltn of the mystery. the tenth evening after toe asiaalt on Fuker Mr. and Mrs. Loyd were alttfag nnmer house in their gronnda. It liad pewn dajtk when Loyd ran acreaa the idi, a distance ef aboat 300 feet, to nay a oow which seemed determined knke in. He was net absent over seven d|ht minntes, bat when he retarned te inuner honse he found his wife lying eor hBcnaible, She had been atrnok blow en top of the head. Her alip- d itockiugs bad been removed and en the graaa, and a let of dry aahea m spriDkied over her olothlng and When she resovered oonfoienaneia hd DO faiformatlon to give. She did net bow when ahe waa straok. nr teemed apparent tliaVthe perpe- d these outrages mast be a reaident of nlltgt, and that he maat be actuated by 'deviltry. None ef the women had been ledbejcnd «]{kat had been stated, and -itive h) gefaig that far could be noth- le than what a plain-speaking man 0*11 cnaaedness. Tiie.detective waa ltd, and certain perse ns who had bere- leicaped all suspicion were placed an- luveillanoe. The last assault bad CBIATZD A BKIGN 01 TSBBOB mgthe wcmen, net one ef whom dared crfoot outside the hente a^ter dark aooompanied by an eicert. Qe the detective waa still in the town, innmber of leading citizens were acting "^^ ttd patrols, the fourth outrage oc- Ihe wife of a citizen named Warner Mo the cemetery in the afternoon, ac- iwled by her sen, a boy of 16. to deco- Me ef her child rtns graves. In trana- "igthe flewira it became necessary io KMlderable water, and the boy went to »» sbent twenty rods away with a pall. ^ll^Il "" ^^'"' *«*1» "«8, and he wt "nether for five or six min- »Vhen he returned he fennd her the ground UDConioioas, with iih."" .^^'""'y^Wbleon her threat, hi '"^i*"'""8» had been removed, ?^^«/f.Mid the rings tern oat ef •n uid flung down. Tfie only explan- jC «°'i make waa that a homan "*l wddenly grasped her throat. She "Wd no feoutep, nor had ahe oanght M anybody. The deteotire at onoe «e oemetry, and fa a brief time the (a»,r^J!""«^'y"««*«^. bat no- ,„?'••' •*; One side «f it «m border- A 0? ""•/." '^^ «' thia field waa a k ^**» ^ow a eearoh waa faatltnt- ndftv"?^"' P^bllo indlgnatien r*** m!!.^^'^y elw waa helpleo, when r isSjSt^V' »n«gestien. ft wm that 5* "IsV^Il .."' """•" •» '"»•»• •*»«• W«»M J *!'"*• nyeterloui vUldn. i*'tu! *uÂ¥ o»tthat very night, S.KaJ'?^ before the dlmi ciSm^ h^Iftati!"*^ '°wk the disgoiaedof- hS ""« be had iUnfagly ^iSn^lit"*^'"^*^ atthegrta li !* WhS^ Jtf^ to have the pJS|to of Jf^jkope that he weald get \Su aO "^va naBghted. and tin efioer "ky â- nmdhiattvMt. Tha tm en aad gn^ad fa taRlU«atf«ab teak plaM. N«ft waa nltored by either. Tha esse a away, tha attar ta haadeoff Ui ifaatthe offiier ftaaUw and whan ha oandnotad hfa prfaoaurtotiia village laaknp the myatary waa at oiaa aolv- ad. He pnrrad te ba a half-witted fallaw named Orami Tayler, hvbg with hia faHiar an a farm a oanpla of nulea from the tU- laate. Ocaen waa nnmarriad, about 39 yeara aid, and known aroond this oautry aa a half f aaL He had navar been known ta oommitan a£Gniaa agafaat tha faw, and far thia reaaan waa aatanapaotad ef any ef Oa aatragaa above detailed. Ha praaarrad a anilmi ailenoe whan qnaatiaaad, and fAan a oemmiaalon ef deotora had reported ea hie oaae he waa lent ta an inaaaa aay lorn Inataad of befag arrainged fa oenrt. Ha wan ba oama a raTing maaiao, and died fa abaot a year. AJiOBTflWEST YOLCAia â- nnten Have a â- casaakaUe Bjvertasee on the Manltaw Btver. A most atartUng atoty haa oama to Ughfc A party of five yoang gentlemea fiom the marttima provfaeea, under tha iguldaaoe ef an Indian guide left Ottawa a oonpio of weeka ago to hunt fa the Manlton river dia- triot fa tha North Weat territaiiaa. The five apertaman have returned home, with no game, but faatead tlmy oa^ne burdened with a meat marveloua atery of a burning maua- tafa fa tiielr hunting dlatrlot. The partiea' namee are Meaara. Sutton, WilUamacn, Van Heme, Cribba, and Alexander. The diatrlct fa whioa they were hunting Ilea about fifty milea te tiie aoutti ef the Oana dian Pacific. rsdlway'lioe from Brule, en the high lands joat north ef the Manitea river. Tnia locality ia joat north ef the United Statea boundary Ifae, brom Blaok Dack lake fa Minnesota. Ihey reported having left Brule together with theb guide, and gemg aonth, when they met a monntalneer'a fam- ily cm the way into the town, with all their geeda and chattels, packed on a ooople of lean-looking heraea. The mother oariied a SICK OHILO IN Has ABHS, and two littie girla, whose tew haada were fleeoa grown, toddled on bara feet after. The father, two aona and a daugh- ter led the way. Their appearanoe ahew- ed that they were leaving hastily for aeme reaaeo, and en befag interviewed by the would- be huntera, they aald that thay ware fleeing from the region fa which they had lived en aooount et seme teribl* fire. They hah lived from hnnd te month on a patoh of cleared ground, en a meuntaln'a aide wheae baae formed a portion of the Manitou river'a bank that the terrible fire waa aomewhera ever behind or fa nndeir the mountafa that no smoke waa yiaible, but that the ab waa atlflfag hot, and the river, at oertafapofata, ao hot that tiie fish died fa It. The firat m- timation that the father, whoee name ia Malcolm, had of tbia strange phenomenon waa the unusual sight of a great number of dead fish fa the Manitou, whoae loe had, ear- lier than usual, broken up thia year fa their vicinity, bnt to hIa auprlsa the iae bad la- mained the netmal length of time, both above and below the plaoe they had lived. Stranrely hot winda also oame down fate the valley, whilst elsewhere the atmoaphere waa ef wintry obUlfaeas. The huntera fa tiacfag tha oauaa, found, evidently, that the reaaanaoftha famar'a great excitement fay fa the foot of the aub- terranean heat fa the mountafa'a aide, whioh extended under the river'a bed and abant a mile up TBI SXSEAM BECAHB SO HOT that It had beaaed the water, which mat alewly at that pefat, until ateam reae from the aurfaoe near the banka. Thia waa fafat- ly netioeablo f or a abort diataaoa further up, aad beyoad whioh the water by degraea reanmed ita normal atate. The atmeaphera waa f enad to be very warm, and the alight- cat exertion brought out the pwapiration. Atapafataaar ta whara tha farmer had lived tiie huntara found the afar to ba almeat atifling, and there alao the earth waa too hot fa plaoes to lay the hand upon. NeUi- fag elae waa netloeabla, the mountains befag bleak and herefrom wfatar. But further back upon its aides the heat waa abaolutely unbearable, and after climbing up ita thick- ly-wooded aidea for two or three hundred feet the hardy hantera were forced tore- torn, the air befag unbreatbable. Anlmala bad left their retreata, birda ateered olear of the leoality, and net a llvfag thing waa to be seen. The earth waa dry and oracked with tbe beat. Dead anakea without num- ber, and vermfa, were dlsoovered by the hunters. The beat, faatead ef dimlnlahfag, waa found to facreaae tb^ higher they went up the mountafa'a side, and tbe cnuka in tiie earth widened and new ones appeared, and the LOCALITT BECAHB UNINHABITABUI. It waa no wonder, they say, that the terror- atrioken family, deprosaed fa tha know- ledge that something strange and terrible waa gefag to take plaoe fa the earth beneath them, and livfag fa the midst of atiflfag hot wfadi, wheaa faoreaafag heat brought te terrified and ignorant minda pictnrea af burofag fielda and volcanoea, had reaelved te absndon tbe nnoomfertable Iroality. The tawn ef Brufa la very much cxdted ever the extraordinary diaoovary, and a partyafamthalf adaaan haaatarted fertha scene of the bnmfag meuntain. It Is about fire or ten milea from aaw kabitetioa at pra- iaatexiatfag. Mea weU aoqaafatad with tha gaalafor of the praviaoa deolara that tha laoatfen of thia Tolcanlo ana haa been fixed ta a aloety. aad aiight be with reason ex- peoted. Their thaety k that tha bitam- meaa oaal, ia whloii thii aaaatafa raaga iakBawatabarfah,haaby aaiM phaaama- aal meaaa baaaaM Igaltad, tha vaat aad amouldertog maai. far dawa fa tfia aieaa- tafa'i heart, tbuanafclag a mighty oaaldraa af tha Maaltan rfrar'i bad. A VOLS Optafaf UHdred kMu. givaa fa tea kaowladga ef ifaoduind. tnaSt Sari;^ fwtatna HKIJinKHHESS, ehlenl, tabaooa, aad Hw madfciiia may ba ir eoffsa wKhaat tiw paraem taklag 1^ tefaataaapa. far bacit haaa waa baVa baas II. y. I«bam 47 WalllBg- Oulc Oat ttii aat Wh«a vltalitr.aadwUoh.lfBa ftaohaMstiMaaeatiabaatwamaataa hrakatt-dawa faralld. Dr. PtataalB **F«ror. ita PnaoriplMa" will poaMvaly aon arvy inragalarity and waakaasa poaaliar tatha aex,aadrcqidroab«taaiagbtrfalta prava ita aarpaariag marlt. frioe radaaad ta asM dalfar. BydrafgirtB. *«Wbatrafaa aaMt" a laaeat tmwoliar waa baard ta axolaiai. ** Why, abaat tta hattaat oeaniry an tha tfaba ia OhlU.' Tha Nfaataaath OoitBfy Gtab la aa argaa- laatiaathat wUl eaaaiat af aa equal naaibar of man aad wemen. Itisbar^ te baax- pcotod that they wUl agraa aa aU aabjsots; bnt It oaa aarpriaa aa ma ta kam that Dr. Piaroa'a "Oaldaa Madieal Disoarary," la oaaaiaieasly praaauaoed tbe moat raooMaful famadyaxtaaL for pabMaanr eaaaamptlaa, aa haa baea damoaatratad fa huadiada af oaaea; It porfttraly arraati thia dfasaaaaad reataraa health aad atraagO. If admlalrtMad^ fa Its early atagfh Tha ear aaaOy oatdM para. Yoaag ar aiiddla-agad mea* aaffirlag ham aarrana deUBty ar kiadtad afl.atleaa, aheuld addreaa with lOoaatafo ataans far large Inatiaa, World'a Dlapeaaary Madloal Aaaaefatiaa. ees Mafa Stnat. Boflala. N. 1. Mighty daeda are faoempaMUe with aiaay worda. Dont uae any mora aaaaaonapnrgatlTea aoob aa Pilla, Salts, fto., when you oan get fa Dr. Carson'a Stomach nttera, a medidna ttiat movee the Bowela sently. deaaslBR all in pur- Itiee from tbe system aad rendering tbe Bmod pnieaadoooL QieatBprfagMcdloineOOotB, A.Jf. 287. ud AdvaaitanTcE WwsifceM BssfesB. Foel^lS^ tae%«ntaiid tha heart* a iHiia- KHâ€" THBKBâ€" and two ladlaoâ€" as OanraisoiS good pay. H. â- . SaDnar, TotosMo, Onl M SUPBBIOR FILB AND RA8FBâ€" WABRANTID equal to best invorttd allkiadaot lOKiaMlsg. Oan rile Woika, gaioaaiiw PAaxia, Qalt P.O. "DAHD BAW MAOHUtnâ€" ALL aiZKBâ€" LaXKR Ij bnpravaiMnts biaAot baad saws lot atlsoh iar to posts: aea^ obcap and duiabia send for eliealan. JOBS aiLUtt k 00.. OsUstaanaos, CAKBIACB I.9BBIBB lOB 0ABXKB8. wholesale bo u ses, BtaBafaeturois ' Oeatnl lUia. Address B. D. NauaaaB, iQtar, HaiBlHoa. A' tniu mem roB vkw pakallbl vabilt ulusitatlou; eoai BIBLBBâ€" iaacs. Ispo. splendid oiepsb btanlt alaas i.O0O qutslioaB and aai- IntsnaHoasi sweis OB Bible Toplos Ubeial terms. Book aad BIUo Hoosa XCfoato.Ont. A «Bn WAflTB»-Dr BVBBT TOWB AHD /% oonntgr, lor tbe O. K. Paiar aed BUoer. Best tUBk onl I sells at sigbt samale Knife seat oa toseU"Fio- oe Lore, Ooofl. Wilts for Bible use, ~n IPBBnaiTAnyB in eaoh Xl jMsal aad BspanBal"â€" a book â- hip, Batrimoay and Uadied olianlan. Intsraatiosial Book iCtontOb Ontb. ATfifi aa AcM FaYBsâ€" •taa aa Acre OlUU â€"1 mile from Dunilalkâ€" 100.000 aatii« piays, 16 ocntsi 100,000 6 oent masio insliaments half -piloe. BUTLASD, 87 Ktaig-st. W.. Toronto. SASraAW TAIXBT FABBra« KABB.â€" I have 5,aaa aons for sale at from BBto B8 an aoie. Gkwo land, wltb tbe advaata^s of aa olo- settled couDtay. C. 6. WWIMB, BaglBaw, Bilek. A â- AB*BAW«HABWABTBBDryKBT 3L townsbip, to sell Dr. Tabnage's new book, *Ilve Coala.* Xba keesasl aed aaost vtgoraos speoiBMa of oiauluy over wiMaa aaadyJOOpagwi (lalylS; full paiUoulaisol Ibis aad other now booka raaa. 8obavlar8BsMh|EOo. " ^rSCIAIi â- â€¢nCB.â€" OBAHD^IHDlIOEBBra iT^ ofiandtoyonagLBdiaeBBd Bm nhnatbanil ltrottootng. fin â- agUsh. Oassioal ot Bathematipal eoaista,.ispaiMs osStogolber, at half tto ragabi_taitfaMa fee. Ad- â€" H^oBlO FaiataBg. All wbo oan sbonld oono. ataly fOe spcolal oUonlais- Tbb Vinsr BiasBB^ AoAvaKT, Anada, Xanalo. fw peeMoea yBook-keepeis. bJESCS'^^mE OaUnaBh oe Celegtspb OpasaloiB slndeats fnm afao mrlaoee aad tWtaa ia atteadaaee wllUn a year: giadnatea Msaed ia ooauBaielsl esntres ol baiiaia and tbe ttHed Males! latss medMalos faoUlties ezoelleDt Instraotton tedlridnai Ittteimsb eto.. addiess, B. BaoOOBBIOS. Pttaio^Mkl. SPBCIAK ATTBbn«ff.-BBWABB of uaieU- able educational adveitUements and do not spend your tbce and noaay fornotblag. Beivongb's Aortband and Bnainess lostltnte Is old and flimly MtablUied. employing only teaoben wbo aia piao- tloal and ezpetietoedln ever; depaitment Fodtlons Koufcd Biaanates witbont extra obarge^ Wiite for paHlonbura Ibosl BaaocuaH, President. O. H. BaoCKB. Seoietafy. AeKNTBIâ€" TOU OAHT HKD A BOOK THAI gives better sattafaction or yon oan make money faster wltb than •• WoiWs Wonden.*; BaUsto aU classesâ€" ObitoUaBS and Infidels, OatboUaa and Protestiuits, "ohTand "young old^entt wbo bays not oaDvassed for yeara are going taiio fbe nald with It 0. F. JenktaM sold 1S8 tbe first week: J. B. maoe says t " Tbe fUst week wltb " Wondeis" netted mo one hundred and sixteen doOaia" A good obanoa for unempkned persons; outfit Irso to netnal oan* vasseis, write for terms. Baaaur aaaaanoaft Oa Biaallofd MACHINBBie. Saa BngtaMS, BoUeiB, Iron. Wood, as aaatAtaies, for sale. PO r partl enlais s d d r aas B.W. nXBI^Bli MONEY TO LEND â€" oaâ€" FrodnotiTe Town, YillMEe Ikm^perty. i B. 8PBBCB COh CoasoMas wm lad file tkair advantage te ask4ho Inde for our make ol Fllae aad BMpa. Ba-Catttasca f or pitoe Hsl and â- afliUt«Bs Oatavto. The Boyal lannfiuitiiilig Gmnpany, ^uMr. etej. onntained laeaOh Issae of Vha iriBosidBWeebdNr. aB.pere(»y:or,wifh4««r MiM«M deatoaabie aampa of the day. 98j00 per year; atxmanthaead9« pieeee inMi Bi: ttme mmtta amd'fS^pleeea mnaie, 60b. i i â€" i Mw. Agenta wanted everywhere. liberal eom- â„¢aBmi. W a a sp l e r splsaft'ea. Tax Iteaaxna WxaaxiT, 9B Oolbame St, Tonmtob Canada^ ^ABBIACB dfe #ACOH ABlJB. SUIIiFH IXLI W0BI8 £ T. PBPPBR OOn CtaialphsOirt. Oat Dnalaa Azha aBsanteboh^alall Ike iBlhB- BRANTFORD (j OU) WATER BICE STARc H NEVER FAILS. GUELPH CARPET WORK J. A. ABMSTBONQ 00., iuHnPi0iuBaaa or ion, uinm damask carpets, M Mw paMems aad daslgBBt hseIah*«Bt. WATER STAB AUGUB •ta Par Bay. WELL BORINC Has no superior; SO feet per hour; band or horss power; oomblned botlag and rook dtOllag maoblns grand sooosss; tal priasB aad diplomasi Beadfor oatalogUB. a8HaiTB*.*BaMUtea. Cauada. lL««aa Knivaa. BXAys oucuuk. ax.v JT Jelnler. Bheess bei^ vaaeat. Isaiher talvBS o* beat qnalMyT sai Ufa Walk Bouldtag, Kane Wenab aad other maebbM byPanaHAT lerpaioo MMTO W, LAKB dk Cib, Ctelt, •nte ^^^^^^L^H|^AAAAAA^A^^A OHiaa Soaaw WoaxB. Oar ia«e A Wagoa Axles, iron and flIeelStlAOap iTMsaappliBallBa: ilLJELM:S1*JcCOI«fG^'S Bbic7 and Carriace Ban.j^ THB **VWWlMXQmr TUs Gear Buppliss Mie damaod of IbiDitflBr Pub Ho for low bangfiig bngelas. and romblr so wltb tbls Hsblaefe. eaee of moUon, grrat ilrenslhawl dnaa- bOllT. Pklocs v*y moderate. Wberlt tired wltb our DaaolB aiaagf Bteel tire wear tnlty four times as long as Iboe* iritb ordinarv tire steel Bend for out daserinti'e elieular. J. B. ABHBTB9HC VTc Ce.. U.), Caelpli, Canada. Allan Lme Royal Mall Steamslilpg. BaHiag during wfuter'tram PeHaa' evwf Thnndaf, aadSdlCaz evaiT Baturdar to Uverpool. and in ituamai Craaa Qoobeoeveiy Satwday to Ltrarpool. oallinc at Lo» doodanv teiaad oukUa and i id. AJsotromBalUmaee. vte 1 Mtni^Ur torSooUaad aad hxawtBkJobn'Bi _. F., to Bhrerpooi fortni^tlr darlag a Uai ai ir saoatbi. the •teaaera of the GHaseow lines eaU dnrint wbilM to and tram HaUtax, Portlaad, Boston and PUl^- Olaaaow and Boo i. wee kl y; aad Olaa fiaailsbMi Var beight, piTsaage, ar othar iatonaatloa apply to A Bohumaoher ft Co.. Baltlmora t B. Cunard ft OOm Halifax Shea ft Oo .St Johnti N. I*.. Wm. Hiomaon ft Co.. St. John. N. B t AJfan ft Co., caileago; Love ft Alden. New 'Sork H. Bouriler, lOroato: AUaaa. Bate ft Co., QuBbeoj WBLooUe, PhQadafahfat H,l. lo ana iran naiiiBTi i pbia: aad *â„¢*-g sbidbi {naL weekly, fliaainw i row aadHl4lia3b^. i AUaa. Portlaad Montreal lew Orleaiis Soad Cart Go't â€" â- aaorAeioaMaâ€" Winters Patent Road Cart, BosslM* Canlaac^ Ucteks* dfec* tar J. CtaltaOnt. 1 .i)i\ i:r iiC ** ELECTRO 5TERE0TYPERS -:• TORONTO, -r fARnKEE. V-I^- Call, WAY' nOKlNGSi- WE5T To Rp .V TO 'Viit!lon Thifi Pae*!* tar qartalegae. TENTS, FLAGS, HAMMOCKS, AND CAMPING GOODS. Macnair's, '*» '•"«",«Si^. t^Syery eagnlry obeeifnllT answered. DALLEYS FINE GOLk EXTRACTS, ABSOLUTELY PURE FROM SELECT FRUIT. SOLD EVERYWHERE ICANUFACTUSERS AND MILLEB8 WILL SAVB^MONEY Y USING HcGoffs Lardine HaGbine 00. H oaMo aad yen wm ubs no oIkar.lBft ivAlM Cylinder, Biigl]ie» Woal and Harness Olls.'w IMJcCOLL BROS. C O., TORONTO. VRT OUR CANADIAN GOAL OIL. "SUNUGHT" BRAND. riNBSV IN THB MARBXT. STEEL WOVEN WIRE FENCING. A Rerolntion In Fenolnff. No tuurbs. ne shade, no waste land. CAnrOT BK TOBN DOWV OB BBOKUT BT SNOW DBinS OB ANUfALS. ont aeeoialely represents onrfeaes. It baa fraea 16 teU Meal WIvea woven tocetberwUbatreas nWlieOBU»B. We aaaka itliam84toMiaobashlch. aadseUMffomSSotoSOoperiod. Ton eaagBt a lawa or Oaaden taoos atone-qnarter to eae- t ilh usual itrioe, and a Pann Penoe Ibal will laal a evo bBTors bsand oL Streaitt, aaaadty, naraMUtr bbssd. Ask you dealer lor it et address tor pacUoolaiste ONTARIO WIRE FENCI NG OOMPANY. PICTON, ONTARIO. L D. SAWYER CO.. HAMILTON ONT.. "L. D. S." ENGINES. ABBSdsd fntR FBEB. Uat, aa PraviaaiBl lUa, Sadsa lOsateal lUi, Hsmatsa. sad HosMmb 'â- Grain Saver"' and "Peerless" SEPARATORS. .-. .t« ?TJH« »* iilttabHiifel

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