â- l5,-t^fSr*'vW!«" ftrnxms^ Maripgale, igJieadquagfr^ferl^t^agBn^ ani^jpsi^i^ FMIid-ware ^. ri«iied from Fourth P«ge.) :^U,bei»ia:M.Bieley. I "hiidee oa townim* Q. A., H V Jenkins, «dvertiBinj? â- 7 au-^ito**' abstract, eourt of and mnnicipal staUonery, '"nenrT Burnet, goods fomisli. ' Anderson. $2.74; Chas. •" Terraces in conndcMcn with *^ under by-law 171, $2; assessor, $75; do. was granted to con. tili rfond, Batledge. j,el §2; S5 i travel at lots SO and 51 r"r B tae same to be expended llpathmaster for that division. h the treasurer was instructed ,sit ?2000, land improvement i ffben received, to credit of .fuDd, under by-law 171. Rppve was authorized to order A. McGill, the gtkiDa L„ad scrapers from e to be delivered at town haU by uth June. 1,8 use of town ball was ordered g given to Reform and Conserva- Jsociations of the township free, 46 request of the respective presi- liati thereof of associations meet- "^cil adjourned to meet at town ImU on June 14th, at 10 a. m. â- John S. Blacx, Clerk. ior 4m Dm! and Dwnb. •! MBeitofltedMl diilvn of th#pr«*iaee, tad every daal auife ehM in Ontario vfartfatr thejiuiittsaEeinar or neb, may share ii: the manv ftdvaati^ec the In* stitotKni affoidi,radi MJKmtioii, hoacd, esre, Xbare are many parents of speh eiu|dran who do not know of this place, and petadna who will iniorm them; of what the fto- vincehsa so generonsly pipvided for fbehr children will confer a lasting obligafion. I Unedoeated. a deaf mnteehildhasnoknow- ledge of langnage u iaolatiBdi as it w?re,. om ibe rest of mankind is rssponsittle and in ntany cases dangerous to the community lifeis ablankwithuat a. ray of hope to ill- nminate the fatore. Widi an odacation such as may be had here, all this is changed and the matA is enabled to take lus or her place as respectable members of the society and law abiding citizens and learn of the glorious life beyond. Over 700 mute child- ren have been entered noon our books, and the large majority of them spread over the I Province bear testimony to the good work I already accomplished. We have a full staff of capable, devoted teachers in the library and industrial departments. We are doing all we can for those afflicted in this way, and we are anxious to do whatever work of this kind there are to do. There wHi be room for all that can come in September next, and in the meantime it will giye me pleasure to â- apply applioatiun papers and necessary in- Conaation to any one who may apply. Yours futhf ul^y B. Mathisok, Superintendent. Belleville, July 1st, 1886. «i ^Otiber ^nmf ^^4 m^mijm County Coanell. iContinued from lut week.) THOBSDJLT AmKfOOH. Ur. Clark presented report of Bond and jridge Committee, which was adopted. By-laws for the incorporation of Dundalk, Ljj salary of Clerk of Peace, and to estab- lib a fair at Avton, were read a second time. I Hoved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. ncCnaig, that this council memorialize the Iteislatnre of Ontario to so amend the Mu- Jiicipal Act, that the number of members at IjrMent comprising county cuncils belargdy Indnced, and that the Warden aad Clerk be a Ijomimttee to prepare and forward such me- iBorialâ€" lost. Moved in amendment by Mr. Totten, sec- luded bv Mr. Robertson. tJiat the Beeves of leiflielg" Bentinck, St. Vincent, Collingwood I ad the mover, be a committee to consider ud report upon the advisability of reducing Ue representations of county councils as KH composed, and report at next meeting I «f this con Qcil â€" carried. The above amendment was carried by 27 I toll Moved by Mr Cameron, seconded by Mr. I Shute, tbat leaye be granted at this session io intr\luce a by-law to proyide and set I ipart 820.000 for the purpose of repairing ihe gravel roads throughaut this county â€" lost. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. UeCUait,' that this council memorialize the lepilature of Ontario to so amecd the jIu- uicipal Act that the assessing of townships shall not commence in anv year before the 15th da-T o.f April, and that when «ach as- sessmert is completed it shall be ^ood for ire years and that this resolution be placed intlie hands of the committee appointed to report on reduction of number of members somprisinj; eonrty councils, to be reported by them at nest meeting of this council â€" carried. â- FRIDAY AFTBKNOON.. k long discussion took place 0B the report o! Finance Committee .fixing #ie assessment for the year. 25 per eent. itad been added to the persoaal property is«Sv^ Sound, and the Beeve and Deputies of tSj^ town fought ior a reduction, which they got to 16 ,per ct., nth some sligiit modifications to the other jaiunicipalitie j. The report wias then adopt- ed. The report of County Property Committee was adopted. raiDAT EvxmNO. Beport of Edncation Goaunittee and of iCommittee on memorials were adopted. SATUBDAT KOlURniO. Report of Printing Committe, and another report on memorials, were adopted. By laws for tiie incorporation of Dundalk, fixing the salary of Clerk of the Peace, es- tablishing a fair at Ayton, amending the Auctioneers' by law, and levying the rate for 'he current year, were severally put through weir final stages and passed. Another report of finance committee was presented and adopted. The Deputy Reeve of Meaford and the â„¢t Deputy of Owen Sound were added to «!• committee on reducing number in wnnty CouncUs. Moved by Mr. Moffatt. seconded by Mr. â- cCnaig, that this Council is of opinion "lat sections 112 to 119 mclusive, cap. 47, «Tised Statutes of Ontario, should be re- Poued. and in lieu tl)^reof it shall only be T^^ for a municipality to forward to «"« Clerks of Division Courts a copy of their ^rs' lists, vrith the names of those liable to r^l,»« jurors so marked thereon, and that to tt "^^ and Clerk prepare and forward wtbe Legislature a memorial to that effect â- ~arned. The Council adjourned tai Tuesday, 16th ^^mber, at 7.30 p. m. tmi â- f l7.0*O Fire at OrmvffeTille. Obasqktillb July 5.â€" Saturday «v«uing fire broke in the store at ^roadway ahd Prince of Wales-roai occupied by Gilchrist Kent, and ^apletelydectroyed the stock of dry l^f^nd groceries, amoanting to ♦^',000, on which there wai an in- •^ce of 18000 between the West. r ^^ Lanchire. The fire is thon^it JL originated in the clothing ;;g«nmentbythe exploding of a lamp. This is to certify that I liaye used MeOregor'a Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Com* plaint, and do hooestly say that if it tost me one hundred (9100.U0) a bottle I wonld not be without it, as it has dene me mere good thui all tiie medieinea I ever need, and I feel like a new man. â€" Tours tnily, Ai.kx. Sran., Garleton naoe, Ont. This medicine is for sale At 0c. and 11.00 per bottle at Jt. L. Stephen's Dmg Store. 1 ^. AnTsABa qr TuinnBi* "" "l " Mn.I7. Aston of Biraodindie. wril* «i My that BwdMk Bkiodt Bftteri evMT ler eC M â€" da eh o a from whieh Aa iai nireMdfdr Ave ja^p, all other meapia haiqig |M|ej|. '" "W CowmutB' io TiBEK ° ' Ohstiaato|ilan abnaes, hnm^ inttAiood, eraptiona and old «orea are cored fey Bordoek Blsod Bitters, wMeh pmifes and regohdes aa^ the aeeretkos. â- V Tj 7 -^gy BKMiOT DocTon. Consnlta doetor. foe a 6 ot 8 oz. bottle of medicine 91â€" oonsnlt â-². Tuner A Co. and he will giye yon a 12 oa. bottle ef Dr. Chase's Liver Cure for |1 andavalnafalB Besve Book free. Jnly TB£ LAST TKAB, 1886. After the above year is ended thsra need be no more suffering from Bheomatism, Neuralgia. Toothache, Headadie, Lumbago, or any acute pain, if tiiey only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lic^tning, as it enres instant^. Pain cannot stay where i^ is need. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sold I7 B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. 8 Arxb TwxHTT-TaBBa.TsiBB Sufraano Bev. Wm. Stout, of ^na«U)Wi, vras cured qt serofuloua abaoess that sewanteen doeton eonld iMt cure. Burdock Blood Bitters was the only snccessfnl remedy. It onres all impnrities of the Uood. A Golden OBUxmo, Mrs Wm AUan. of Acton, deelared that Bagyard's Yellow Oil is the best household remedy in the world for colds, eronp, sore throats, bums, scalds and other painful complaints. Bier opinion is well founded. ^ImjingTOnr Jewelry, jqtfjsiS %(u PtPesvAc. A. Tuner dk Co. Druggists win ghuDy in- form auyoae enquiring as to the wonderful merits of West's Pain King. The standard remedy terflnz, dysentery, summer eomplaint, cholera morbtii, cholera, coUe, etc. Price, 25 cents. Of the GN»t Bfock; of PATENT lEDIGINES! AT STEfJHEJM'S DRUG STORE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. « Cherry Pectoral. " Hair Vigor. ' Antibiliena Pills Warner's Safe Core. " lienrine Cure. " Dabetic Core. '• Safe Pills. ShUoh's Gonramption Curt. " Catarrh " " System Yitalizer. McGngors Speedy Core. " Long Componnd. " Carbolic Cerate. Allen'a Lang Bidsamif Lydia Pinkham's Compound. Northrop Lyman's Yeg. Core Cntectm Besolvent. Dr. King's New Diseorery. Fellow's Compound Syrup. Sulphur and Iron Bitters. Burdock Blood Bitters. Carson Green ^Qg'iot Flower. Boschee's German Syrup. And all other Patent Medicines usual- ly kept in a first-class drug store. -AX' JAS. G. WSSEU'S FLESH ERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. â€"..â- /o 00000000 oeoeooooo It i£ a fact, as eyei*y one says, that BUSSELL is the man jto repair your Watch or Clock Iptoperly \ooeoeoooo oooooeooo/ GIVE mM A TBIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- faction 217-269 Jll a. RUSSELL Spectacles and Eye-Glasses â€" -ABE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THE: Real Pebbles are kept in stock. TESTS ABE GIVEN TO PUBCHASEES TO PBOVE GENUINENESS. They are recommended by and testimonials have been received from the President, Vice-President, Ex-Preeident and Ex- Vice-President of the Medical Association of Canada the President of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval University the President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, c., e. â€" â€" â€" o These recommendations ought to be sufficient to prove their qualities but it farther proof is needed, call on A. TURNER Co., Chemists and Druggisis, The only place in Town where they can be obtained. Spectacles Fitted on Scientific Principles. Also a full line of Tsilef Goods, Perhinory. Shoulder Braces, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' sundries. PARIS~GREEN Best in the market. N.B.- uight. -Medicines dispensed day and B. L. STEPHEN. Markdale CARSON'S Iiptefflent EiporiHi. I beg to announce to the public that I am this seasion better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and ]}fachinery. I will keep on hand Self-fiinders. *, ' " Beapers. •• Mowers. "'"â- â- â- *' 'â- Sulky Battes. Steam and Horse Power Threshing^ Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combiqed. Plows, eight kin£. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills; Brpadcaet Seeder, Combined. Spring- TooiU Harrows, Iron Harruws. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons. Democrats, Open Top Buggies, c,, c. Office at Marfrda/e House,- 291-809 MARKPALE. THE GENUINE SINGER THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWINC ' M ACHINE Should be sure and get the 00000000000 o o 00 1\£ocleT-a.t:e Oha.T'geg. aEiiniEiEWYORKsniaER oooooooooooe 000 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CumMthuiAL TRAVELLERS. iVIathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House W^l. T/tYbOR, PROPRIETOR. finff T ^arm for Sale. 1 On ^^^S, five miles from Markdale, ioBseV Euphrasia, 3Q acres deared, log •Oten^ "' tardwood with aboat three e^. "iar, good spring creek. Terms, KJOO 30^ • «ng as you like for balance. Appty to '"^^WOW, MarWsle. WOOL! WOOL! X tgL' Those having Wool to eeU or manufacture, wiU find it te thwr advantage to call at the FLESHERTON The best, is the dieapest, and this grand machine is certainly the be8;. C. W. BELLAMY. Agent, 290 • Markdale. irW EUIESSSSOF. B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count! y that, he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village sf HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to mannfaetore and keep OB hand a larne stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HABNES8, long and short tn^s. STRAW COLLAKS. WHIP1. COMBS. BSUSH£8, HABNESS OIL fte. I will nse onlj first daes matenal and those requiiuig anjthinK in the harness hne will find it to their interest to eall at the new haness shop and get prices bdore go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness.and dispateh, Sohciting a share of jrablie patronage. I am respeetfolly jronrs. New ;iBakery. I would respiectfnlly iatimatf^.to the. in habitants of Markdale and sorroni^ding otintiy that I haTe opened in.. MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good sappl; of BREAD, SCONS. BUNS, CAKES PASTEY Of my own mannfaetore, also BISCUITS A COMFECTIOllMRY. ORMGES. LEMOKS. A BEST BRMNDSpf FLOUR. flonr. Butter and Eggs takeuj^ezehaagc. I cordially solicit a share of public p^ti^on- sge, and trust by honest dealing and clobe attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is Ho Credit. Yours respectfq^jTK 291 W. M. SPS.ER. IT lARKDALE 6WÂ¥, -Foa â€" 4it.a» iy GIVJE tJS A C^DL. .|^ 190 R. CARNAHAN. CUES AT BEABONABLE BATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIOIIARY • of all kinds on hand^ SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES! Supplied on the Shortest f^otice. Wsddiiii: Cakss a Speeia)iy. A call is respectfully solicited. Bread delivered in all il«rt8 of the town PBS1III9ES Next D«ar f the Boiler Bink. •80 EDWABD BoOKE. Farmers AHentim HATlka seeoied tite ageney from tiie Ohathau HaTeet Co., (ooe of the bert in Ontario) I am^ pw p ai e d to nvfil dwafi, ertnar ior «aih (V give two or three jfNUs credit. Rgapon^ 0mmm.. Self-imden, WQIjBakei, iUiii «fii9ttittg i^ Ola inple- nMu'tinr, aho' »liaM thieiihing â- iaehiiiefc -imiat lOaiK m Bfll aadniMiT. porHAle MftfaM-fniiB tta ^netor Engiiotft,:lfotlM. Ffmim FOR SALE- IOT No. St, eoB. 4, N. D. B. Grlenelg, J 100 acres, will be sold eneap apd on tusfj terms of pqment, for further partienlan apply on the pfeBiiB«a.-or hy letter to J. S. BLACK. 19Q-tf. ?Dmoiia,]^0.. mMey ioi mm .^^^fc^ewnte otf dbngid. Boai-., 3A5 r*w»«3jf"V ^ilitaiU^^dHta tmiim Miiiii ittiHii