ilintiiin At Ml IIL-(0*HroroBD.) '::ke the next »«»«»«. 9^^ I- fc*'*^!! farther »h»t ha hadbi- ^^V^ttb^t the pal* laMit girl •^2n«ed ev-e the yonng peat diimon ha M- «*4 Ma iabi^ W.I lie Mill when r*,iSniBg b, tl-rfrar^^ J «nUed. her foeliah happlnaaa *i« lid «nUe; bat ha tonwd rf/'he h«i never nrtlo«HH{«ra I T«d her oheeke were, haw »»'«' .LVha Dlump ronndnaaaofhar Ivf to be taU and .light. pJa «d ffll Then, when aha epeka, hew â- ^h^eooent, and how aamnaioal ' Ty[ h^ tnmed from har w cold- ***i,k ohiWUh teare which brimmad [!L» Ceoire^heart. and. patting '"^^.^lir Won't yon tnm back «?.?« yoao-ioixma mta a rjtfk »" thaottk^ OB It iiiii d*g4an; ralaottntly ta hint hour waapaat, ha off by [r. Jahii iaHuia »ther pwk^ ofl PeaMdiath,, ^tiakaavAM,, Ohorah aav jut beta tna 'Mona rfihit heiabaalTM* •Mr.G«n, haaaayi^rih ohnroh an who teekpHil id is the nrd â- repertid tha kgalnet ih» d a lai|e a «ti alM. hare pcanii [toadeaoytalhti ly bioiia teem i (od Fhdv to fremtiwtitri t MM U ka michly |Md i liawWiakiibi iaaiii"IiJfr. ionr.hAfM I a«H â- "'•" IplMMhaadftilj [awdirtitlM« la direetlMi r laOa â- ppaaaabealthhj idaUthatiMbI to-by*fc»wy.f [iSfwilkniK id hli oei«q»»T| hiL-de«»J»|j ipaUadtiwatt* sMtHlMiior hoary « • 7 npivKl* wh«», fcii 'iTvtuie turned at once and lent a KwohantedeartohU idla re- 'tf S poetioalquoUtlon.. She ^^Tmhm he wae silentâ€" loot in re- '*?tSa?d»y. Cecil had no Idea that llov^hKno idea that for bar to ffibUde, seeing him and hearing -LthehlaheitblieashoocuH imagine d3yng*^«*beraaan amuefagnu- iStS ohUd. When at length aha 1 timidly and Itke eerly dinner fJ^f'-Mid he repeated tl» jreirf j^ •• Oh, ah, yoe T Yon had batter TSk, ohlld. I am ?oirg to tho Mara ' may n*t be back until lata." bwk alone 1 A strange pain amote I heart but with a oareloaa wava at Owll had already gona on, haat- ruTwardB Veriaton, Ma head bent, and t ouie iwitoblng the tromnlone Hid he tamed to look, ho woold Men the girl throw heraolf down r the ferns in paaiionate cbildiah griaf "ilmeet stifling herâ€" jealonay, iovo, J wounded pride in fierce oonfliot. Ho iht have been startled to hoar from theao lipi the almost inartlcalata bitter „j U going to see Argent Voriston 1 I I himâ€" I hate him I" jtallnnheeding, ha pnranea his path. inkeolng to the f aot that tha hour was an itlselr ene for calling, he atrolled along themue, feeling sore that Argent wanld ,jit her favorite haant. Aibewer had fallen daring tha night, and Iteewu new4k delioioasfreslmeasinthoair. Inie birds sang joyoasly in tho trees, aweet Imti ware wafted by the gentiis Inreeze, llnggn flies hang quivering among tha long ImI reeds, and the water flashed and dim- Ipled. All was ineffiibly fair, innooently Ijonoi, and JDy -giving, and yetCeoil'a heart Inind with an indefinable foreboding. Llldiyaoload had hong over hii qirits IrUoh wenld not be shaken off. In vain he iMmed with himself, in vain he oallod hjBitlf ft merbid fool and a senseless Idiot. Iht vague clinging shadow was atOl there. Brttling with it, he paood np and down, mta nddenf y he saw Argent ooming toward Uin;th«i the cold misgiving fied and all |g golden glory of "love's yonng dream," I nitonnded him instead. Slowly she came, her hands olaaped ba- I bie her, her long dress sweeping tho graaa. !b wore no hat, bat a white quaintly-om- Inldered umbrella shielded her faoa from I tha hot glare. LUtlessly graoef at, fair and pile, the dark blue sky throwing ont the I pvity ef her white robes, she oamo towards Ud, ippearing neither sutprited nor pleased then ihe saw him, and replying wifh dmmy Indifference t3 his warm nervoas pieting. Her eyes rested without emation oiuyiort upon his changing faoe, whioh fu many shades redder than waa its w(«t. "A great blundering booby I most have Inked 1" he afterwards told himself savage- ly, " But if I had looked like an angel aha trald never have noticed me." With a si({h as of one resigned to her fate, fte yenng lady sank down on tha eld tmnk gubg with longing ayea ont over tha nter, "Yea seem to love tho mere?" ventured CwD Graham presently, finding her appar- •ily forgetful of his prasanoa. She sighed again softly. "Level That is a strange word." " It ihenld not be astrange word to yon," oentinaed the poet, seating himself nnbld- den by her side. "Why net to me?" she asked in oalm nrpriie. ""Why not! Bacauio, beoana^ â€" pardon Be, bat yoa are so young, so aa beantifn], M beloTsd 1 Why all year life mnat ba filed with love " " Young, beautiful, beloved," she mnr- nnred, as if studying the meaning of tha verdi, " I have read of women who ware three, and yoa say I am. But that Meen't make me love." She apeke wearily, without passion, and vitbont change of tone or ezpressloni "Do yen not love yoUr father!" ho aakad nther etartled and feelfng his way. "No; I think not â€" I do not knew," she »»wered quite calmly. "I do not knew what yon mean by love." "I mean that power 'which makes pain Beaven, and deitb bliss," Kdd Ceoil solemn- 'y^ A ilight quiver disturbed the serenity af jBe^l'gface; she turned her eyes on hia, «^ he law in them an expression ef vagne "I have read of it," she said; "but I S**6f nothing which woold make daath â- " *?«»e"-shuddering a little. JJMtii borne for, or with another, I "«Ji he contfamed gently. " niere haya «««•«• who have endnredâ€" than are "4WM who would endnra tertnra wMia â- »«•. fer love's aweet sake." «8wt tamed away from hia pasdoa 8Wi «d his passionately ntterod wards. I, J^MV she implored, wllh • ^Jttje warding off a Wwr. ••Lat'sMba drawttaaBViiiMc ywM nwa^i him, araoii iMira wflnnny, " The wliola room was rodalmt af Oa aoaat •f Bavelsanaa OalkwamaB entandâ€" Aanbtta «doar whiA arsr aftorwaTds ssamsd in GaoU'aakiAalnMgolyohanwtartatiefll Ar- MBit Variatan, for alM ware olmtwa aftta lowpr fas bar hair and boaom. It daafnl kav har nan pfmipss Iha ysowig man; Oa tonaa of diamed him Ilka awaaleat muie, aad bar UstlaaamavaaaantenahdaadUiayofl. S^ tha oolaorleattaaa of her faoa aatl draas, i^oli wanld Imto dfapisaa^J aisat iMa, aama indaaoribiAla attraelloa for He 08^ hava knalt aad wnraUppad haraaasriat. She seamed to Mm aweet aa a reaa, pore aa a dawdrop, mora sable and mora ta ba deafarad than aoght tiia world oontained. ' When I have tangbt her ta lova." ha said to Mmsalf aa ha walked heme in tha gloaming, and Iiia pnlsaa thiabbed Tialesitly aa ha itfd it, " aba wHl twake heart aad aaol, and aha will hava laamad tha only iesB sn needed to make her paifaot I slmll wrIU what I will on thaaa naapottad tab- lets. Am I not the ficat who liaa penetra- ted Into tha palace af ttw alaaplns oaaatyt Am I not tharafera tha mily one dastliiad to awake her with a kiss to love aad life f And tiie words of a favorite aong rose to liis lips as ha preaaad on gaily. " 'Oive her fine on Kiass aad sky Ii«t her giz if eheba faia. Aa th«y looked era he drew nigh, Xhry^ will aoTsr look again. ' " CHAPrER IV. •• Did yen ever aee ICra. YerlatOn T" aakad Mr. Graham'ono mondng af hit landlady, aalia paaaMharia tiM UtdMtf |iardan, where she waa engaged la ooMdng eaobageat Ha iud panaed on Ida wav to have a ohat wlthMra.MiU. ' Yae, sir," she said, pansiag, knife la hand. ' It aaema only aa yaater da y the master bronght lier home ta the Mare Honae and yet It mnst be over twenty yeara agane. Ay, bat time do fly I Here to day and gone termorrer, aa yon may a«y, A right pretty crater aha waa " "Aaything like her daaghtar, Mra. Mm?" "Nat a deal, air; aha were little aad playful aa a Uttiagâ€" eiily aeve nt aea yeara old, yen aee, sir. i remember I waa np to the 'onao witt fresh batter aad heggs aad as I waa aet dawa, havlag a oraos ef talk with Mra. Sampaan tiia heaaakeeper, in cemea yonng Mrs. Veristen, all d r aased in bine, rir, with gold-colenred liair aad bine eyea, for all the world like a fairy at tlw pantomine. She comea in amlling, and, sea she, 'Who's this I' sea aha, Well, I np aad makes my 'bedieaoeâ€" tor I kaewa wliat's dne to gentlefolksâ€" and sas I, I am WO- lam Mill's wife at the farm, what brings yonr batter and heggs, my lady, aad wiahea yen, if I may'ba so bold, 'aalth and 'apfd- noes.' And she langhs like a peal 'a ailver bells i and, aes aha, Thaak yon, Mra. Mill. I look aa if I'd got both, don't I!' And sure enough she did, sir and, aoaroe a year after. I helped to lay he^ in har coffin I" " Poor young thing," said Cecil, with a thrill of pity for the fair famaoeat life ao quickly ended. ' How very, very sad I I suppose her huabaad made a great trouble of her death T" "Trouble? He waa mad with trenbie, air 1 It was bawf al to aee him at firstâ€" up and down, up and down, aad ao raat for a minute. No one dared show him the baby, poor Iamb but at last Mrs. Grnbb â€" whioh she was the nnrsa, airâ€" aea she. ' It's redikilis and bnnateral, and see the bleaaad Mnfant he shall, if I loses my life for it I' And she nps and bnrata right into tha stndy, and she lays it in hia arms afore you CBuldsay 'Jack Boblnaon.' A pala, fair little thing it was, aa quiet aa a monae, and for all the world as if it knowed everything. Contrairey to all we thought sir, he clasps and kisses it, and breaka out into a perfect flood of tears and sobs and the doctor said said he. It 'ad saved his life or Ms reason. After that he oonld hardly bear the ohlld out of bis sight. Bnt it'a a aad loaa for her, air â€" ^blm so queer and her neither Uth nor kin in a sense of word. They do aay aba's aot quiteâ€" quite " And Mra. Mill tap- ped her f orelwad myoteriously. "IllteUyou what it la, Mra. MIU," cried Ceod, aa faidlgaant flnah riaing ta tha very roota of Ma huur, " there's a aet ef tale bMiing (dd goorips n^e will teU^aBy liaa fai creation, just for the sake ef having aame- thiag to say*'â€" thelaadlady, whe fdt some- what gMlty heraalf oa this poiat here flash- ed la her turnâ€" "aad wHl even ataadera noble and iaaooeat ladyaa faranoh erea- turea asâ€" aa the atars above la the aky I" " Yea, sir. qnltaao, ab I" atanmered Mra. MHI, very much creatfallen beneath tha na- ezpeotedatorm aha hal brought dawn upon her head. ' Yen mlgbthave knocked i»e down with a {eathar," aha told her husband afterwards. " Who'd ft tiieught he'd a taken me up like that t Depend upon it, WOlam, If a aet for nothink our young gentleman goea np to tha 'ouse so of tea. iVs to be hoped for hia sake she fai la her right mind, poor imx 1 Oeott had allowad It to be rappoaad by. Mr. Veristen that he had never aeon the venerable rains of Euthere Abbey, and that very momfaig he waa going to ba oon- dnoted there by the eld gentleman and Ma **rKtuiniffl3d atill by Mra. MUl'a laat remark, a Uttle saddened by the thought of Mrs. Veriston's brief span ef life and love, and the Idea of Argent's lone mo Aerless youth, he hastened towarda the Mart Honae. It waa aegray snnlesa day, fall /^fStof warmth. Notabreattof wind"detaohoa tha doUcate blossoms from the tree, or otir- red the frail feathery «a»sa wMoh edged the narrow wfaidbig path that made a short out to tiie house. ^^ _«...j.„ Argent waa in the garden gn*h«iBg flowSr Oatehlag a glimpae •ItafT^S" dreaa between the treee, Oadl want towarda her, mnrmnring â€" Het eye dMcwuisssi But when he readied har he eaold only "?r^t a lovely uMnNb h '*â- *.»",„, • It B^aiV noed," aha anawsnd, wMh- dnwkg«lwl«^ hahadtakooHidwodd bin have held. "xaaawoaa iaftasMa VBoaa OedaMvlalr. ** B«IM1 aa tho Naasa af y«v hapa I may kaaw aaaaa apali pottia ta ezoceiso Oa avU apMt." "Ikataaaaa? Than fai aoM, oalyttat thaflavanan aad. I tald you bafon 'â€" h i p a t lsa t lyâ€" "ttay waat iAaana, aadao d«X" ovetwUheBils, J 'VI. liWa haai, To Ma Htmua, aad bo thidr ' Bat I do," aha aighad, ptaMing oao of the «atiier)d bloswmi to lier soft p4e cheek. "Well, love shaU ba your aoa," he want •B,atni eeatlaatag tha faaaifol vain, al- though Ms heart was beginalag ta boat f aat. " Mhdaeas aad gloom diaappaar la Mm nya of love. If oaly yen wfli aet hide f nm them." Sha stood sUeat, aa If poadariag hta words while he waited to gather fitem â- veioe or glaaoe sonia siicn that she uader- Btood Ids meaning, notvantwriag ta aay more, lart by a too r«ngh tandi ha ahaold daatny hia liaaaa of oarda. A memant or two aha ateod. than. In har usual oalm quiet "Imasttaketiiawroaeala. Ittittkmy father waatatttam." "Have you forgotten tbail you an golag to ahow me Bastlten Abbey tUa mocraig t" he demanded, bnvaly hiding kia dlsappeut- mant aa they atnllad np ta the honaa. "Wen we? Yea, I had ioigettan"â€" oeoUy. " Bat H la impassible I mnst help my father." " Oh, you will net diiappdat nmsa cmel- ly?" he urgsd, deeply wooaded by thia proof ef her iadiSeraaee. "I am tm Mr. Veriatoawm putaff the bnsfaieas, what-^ ever it be, nntu te-morrow." "No, no; but"â€" faealtatlagtyâ€" •* If yen like, perhapa we ndght go after Inaoheea." " Yen do net aoem anzleas about It I " heaaid bitterly. "I balieve yen wenld raUier aet go at all with me." She looked np weoderlngly at hia faoa douded witvpain. " Your gabs nakaa ao differeaoa," aha reapaaded, dmlagthe aall deennr with every weid 'aad I want ta go. 1 like the Abbey, aad we oaa go dowa to the aaa," "Misa Veristen, yea an ornalt Yon dont kaaw liew yen hart me ' he bunt eat with Irreprsasibla pasden. Than, by a violent effort "^iâ€"t-g Ma agitatloa, he added, "No, you do aot kaow. Fo^ve me if I hava startled yen. What doaa tha poet aay?â€" " Ton'It tore ma yet, aad I oan tanr Toarlore's MOlnotsd growing. Jane leaied tasl bonohof flowais yoa oaiiy, Fraa seeds of Apiil's sowiag.' " But Argent was already aacending the wide ateps to the perch, and aha did aet hear what the poet said. However, the werda wen aot spokea wholly la vala, slaoe they save Oeioil aonm comfort. All the way wrongh the hall Im bagged the comfort to his nreaat, murmuringi aa liis ayea feaated themadvoa oa the graoeful fig- un that preceded Mm â€" " Yoall love aw yet. yeaH love bm yet I' Mr. Verlstea'a own pwtloular daa was a small octagon room, lighted by ene namw heavlly-friuned caaemant juttfaig out among the rich oool greennesa of a laurd shrubbery at the back of tiM house. A namw paa- saoe and flight of steps led to It from the hul. Dawn this passage and up theao stepa the two went, broaldng in, with soaat ceremony, en the atadent's claaslc retreat. They f onnd him amyed in a tern dressing- gowm of faded raiobaw huea, aad burled in a pile of books and papers, mumbling to Mmself aa he searahed the musty pogoa or wrote aaeateaoooa the virgia quires by hia side. " Ab, Mr. Graham I Yes, fiae day I" he muttered abatraotodly, as he looked np at Oeail aad tliat gantlemaa «asped his cold thia liaad. Thm ha added, " Argeat, an you nady to hdp me " "Maylhdp?^ urged CeoU, belon the Rirl could anawar. " Caaaot I take Mba Vwlstea's place frtille aba acts suasblae to her flowers "'â€" witha sndle iateaded for her aloaoi "Yea, year was Mr. Variston'a aaawer. "Atlaaat* If you oaa timsL Graham." "It will be tiiebeat uaaloaa make of it," ntoraed Oecil, wHh a nalle. " Bat yea must aet forget, ab, that after luaeb- eeawean all gdi^ to Baathan Abbey, aad down to tiie aaa-aiian. I will hdp you tfala mmrnlag, aad you aball ladalge me tUa aftarBMBTls ita fair baigMa " "Qaite,"aaillodthe eld bookworm, oa- able to rodat the genial fanfluanoa ef Oedl'a ataaaar. " You will go. Argent V " Yea, father," ahaaald, toning away wltheuttiie glaaoe for whloh the yonag maa waa yeaialng, aad taklag Ms heart with har aa rhe nturned. Later oa, the uaUorm aoft gny eftiie sky bnke np faite pearly oloods, bordered with light, aad uewing hen and tben faiat atreaka of Uae. Standing en tho door- step rmdy to set out, a gleam of auashiaa smote the ground at Argenf a feet- " A good omen 1" exeldmed CeoU, witii a soiilo. Then, in lower tones, " Yon will aot be sad aewf The oaly answer sihe made waa a lovely refleotienof Ms own smile, iweetar, he thought, ^an aay words eoald have beea aad it was with a heart fuU of renewed hope that he walked by her ride, aha lean- ing on her f ather'a arm, to the Abbey. I^heir path lay aoroiss a wide common, aow fragrant with heather bloom aad bright witli masaea of golden goraa, broken np ben and then by granite boulden j^erdng tiie moasy turf. O rer this plain the breath ef the sea stole refraahlagly. Poiaed In the dear air a lark waa poarbg ont a bnrst of liquid soBg. Mr. Verlatoa, his head still full of his late labon, which had boon most nnwiUlagly disooatlaaed, strode along with head bent la afloat oagHatioB. Argeat waa absost aa alleat. CeoU could aot hdp fi.f»fcfc.g iriiat a earioua party d pleasure they weald hava anaandto erdliiMy ob- sorven. Nererttdesa, aad tai spite ef the rebnflii ba liad'lbatmoCBiiwraoeived,he fdt atnaaaly haypy. Thabt^ht.' Uesaoma, tte taaali pan ab, the lark'a and tbs Booadnnnt Banahfaw,all tobbial D opOi ^^g^^auSbTgg eager I the dogsUa gloves His " wwdd net have •Mia^ world. It by bar sUa, bnalUM ttw lieldiag the aaae ani "Esathan Abbey r* he iMtb bnaMng the enofaaatad bad fallen wsoatiieai. «• Hal" and Mr. Varistsn awoke wMia ** Yea a fine eld pboe tall ef mem- af tbapaat" bugha the days when tha Abbey was la Its prima," said Cornl, wbea they stood la tte diamaatled cbaBc4 presently, wateh- iag the awallows darting to aad fn on dark swift wings. "When stoled pcltatB swept dawa theao foraat-link dslai, whan modo aad chard singing mingled witfi tin oleoda of amethystine iaoense riaiag to the fretted rMl, aad Oe light fdl fas red aad porpla flakMoataBsnredmonkaad kaeding w«r- aUppera, oa ttatdy baonar-huag tamb and jawelied ornolfiz -thta vast f aaa filled by a 4lavout tiurong And now, wlien an thay When is tin pomp of its wwsbip AD gene, all leas than diist I " ** You an doqusat, Graham I" sndled the eld man bat ArigienVa eyes wen glowing aa she listsBod nntn he finlslied. then noy grew B) mpatlmtioally aad. CscD Graham laughed. " Tha ^aca is enough to inapbs ene," he aald " the very walu and empty windawa thateno« 'Uashed with theb goats ef glory' aeem to aieura theb perished cnad- eur. Temeltbllkeonevaat tembi" " A tamb ' add Argent dreamOy. " Yea, a tomb of time." "Thia tree most have beea atraekby figbtaiac," rcmwkod Mr. Varistsn, after they had daly ezplered tte Abl wen seated antside en some fallen restlagbefen preceediag ta the aaa ah a n aaotber mOe away. â- * Yea," nqpoadel GsoD aad a tiieng^t ef tiiat other aftaraeen, apant la oimpui- londiip ao different came over Mm fer amo- meat. "I waa hen at tha time. It waa duriag that tarrlfio thnadantena a few weeks %go. You nmoniborit? A grand sight. I shall aaver f(»get Its wild beauty. "Ratiier ft dangerous spot ta be in during anohaatorm. Waaraabouta yon?" " Just wlthla tha dofarters." " If a a wonder yoa woreat Uflad, Gn- ham," assarted the otiisK aolemaly. OeoO stole alookfttArgsnt. Sbeaatper- ieotiyoftim aad ladiffisrent, theogh attea- tin. •* I dent aee tfiat It would have mattsnd mocb." be said Utterly. "lb. VerbtonI" ezddmad aveloe, be- fneai^ aaa ooald speak agala. " TMs ta a plaaaaat aurpifaa!" aad tha Bsvanad llaurice Stone, in derlod long akirtsand wide-awake, appsftred la eight. Shaking band swarmly with thb trio be softted him- self by Ms old friend's dde. "Yen mast jeia us. Stone," said Mr. Voriston. 'We an going dowa to the seashon. Yon will oomo baok with ua to dine?" ••Certainly. IahaUbeglad,"nplled the deigyman, aet *h""'"g it aeooassry to add that that would be the first time he had bnken Ma faat during the day. "I never expected to find frienda here,' waa Ma next nmaric 'I auppoBo you oame-^llke the hdy bnthem of oldâ€" to pny and meditate uii Cadi flippantly. **You an partly r^bt," nturned the other calmly. • To me tMa seems a fitting plans for meditationâ€" and for pnyer." " I suppose of course the ancient rite of conaecntfen performed hen stQl holds?" queried CeoU, feeling rebuked. " Certainlyâ€" whUe a stone nmdns. Even after tliat the holy iDfluencea of pmyer and praise will hallow the s^t when onoe the dtar reared ita aaored ngn deft." "I am fai fer itl" muttered Ceofl aoUo voce. Then dond- " Do you often cobm hen. Mr. Stone r " Very eftea. I tMak Mba Veriataa and I love it equally well Tâ€" with a smile ftt the yonng gbl. "Mbs Veristen and II" The words strnok unpleasaatty oa Mr. Graham'a ear. Thay oaoM hen tiiea together i Bat Ar- geat waa whelly aacoafnaed, iriwlly .uaooa- sdeas. She eiuy said quiaUyâ€" "I think we dai,"aad tho yenng peefa momentary jedoos qualm pasasd awfty. (to bb oohtixuid.) Ta IIm liilii idMJPWijaliii â- j*^. w Iba hftd ta fad Its way aheat far a day ar two, bat Aat Sna/fna UvlH !â- • lew s Oddly Addzawed* Maay oddly-addressed lattsra daOy through the pitst-offioe. Severd of the riiym iag kmd anaemewliftt reaurkabla for the poetiod skill ^splayed by Mm writara. A olever example ta givaa la tiie f oUowiag, addreaaed toSbWdter Soett daring one d Ms vidts to London •• Sir Walter Soott. In Londoa Of elsewlMn Ho needs Bol ask, wlMMo wMe-extaodod fame Is spread aboot our saith. Ilka Ugktand air, A local habltatlOB for his .name." Charlea DIbdaa, tho navd-aeng writer, aentalettertoMr. Hay bearing the follow- ing address: " Poetmaa bear ibis sheet away, And oany it lo Mr. Hay; And whether yoa ride mare or oolt oo. Slop at the Theatre, Bolton If la iriiat ooanty yoa inqolie, Harely mentioB I«BcahliS." A letter svddnseed aa fellowa was mailod In the pnvinoes, aad waa duly deliverad la London "Whore Londoa'scolnnuipofaitbur to ttia sUesk Like a U'l bully. Iift« ito head and Ilea, There dweUi a oitixen of eober fame. A pliOn. good maa, and Balaam la his name." The letter waa deliverod wMuot delay to a Mr. Balaam, a fishmanger near ttm Men- nmenl Turning from poetry to prose, we find tiw followfag vagne direotlMi: •' Mt. TmvelllBg Band, one el the Voori^v lag la the street, Paiiha [Fonlioto]. W o w ss tsnUse. Please JtodMmlfpessiMe." t Another envelope bon tim fdlowlag •fXhislafortheyinuggIri that waaie whomladatwo Miiae SOsiheiU Pltaoo Klwla siseelk Livatpeol." Mr. J.WOaanHyda,iBhtabeok, "Iha Rml Man." sftya that two latlm doeetad aa fellewa wan duly daHvand •• IBsBf lissss Jeea^ Up jM.dsneaiBte, Dm a â-²T BAIDSIIE4M. 0« Bsyilsiaf Jee8,Vp Ike dsni Owstb WialNm; As has a A BrtatTldt to Ihe ftlnee et Wals«'Cs«nliy â- cat. Thebesteritarlaaofamaa'bahametsr b fsrabhsfl tnr Us banw Ilia, «nd I do aat baUavethat fataU the bread Iftodaof Old Ea^aad Oab extsts a man b^ipy beoM thaa ttat d the Prince d Walaa at Sand- rlai^ain. fas the oaaaty dNorldk. Many oooatry seats an laxuriaos Hid aame man magaifloant, bat tbera h hardly aaether iriien BO maoh oomfort is adtad with ax- qaleitB taste aad rafiaamsnt. The vidter. aa ariving at tim Wdvertan rdlway atatlen on Satnraay aftaneen f rasa LoadoD, finds a variaty •( osnnjftnoai, char-a-baaea aad phaatana, togitbar wHfc light foorgoaa far wa Inggaga, aad the dUb- tanoe between the depet and Saadringham ta qoiokty oovarad. IndlditingeiiebreodvediB tha hall by the nyal boat aadbottees, and after having been taken off to tho priaoeas' room oa tiie |{nnad floor for nfroshmeat after tha loag jearaey, In the ibape ef tea, ato., the priaea^ if it be your fint vldt to Saadriagham, takes yoa upetain Mmodt ta your raem. and after aedng that yon Iiavo overythingyoa require rings the ball and orden one d the aorvants to attend spsoUIly to your wants and com- forts. Thea with a Undly nad aad aa " an nvab " he leaves you to drees fer dinner. THB BL40K BBIB0HB8 •ad silk stooklnifi formerly do rigaear aft royd diaaen an aow a thiag of tao past* aad having pinned oa tiie. pntty button- hole wMob yea find oayosr drearing table, aad doaaed aay dsoontieas or war-modftb (the letter worn In mlalfttan ea tiiaoa eo- oaaloas) wMohyeamay po asaas, yen make year way doirastftba to no drawmgroema. Than you will pnbaUy flad Odead Teee dde wearing Mb cqoarry'a ooat of daric bio* with gall batteas. Hs has beaa with tte priaoe fer dose upoa thirty years, and New Yorken of 1860 wUl reammbar weU tiie d asbl a g young effloer wh» had just woi hta Viotwfa erees aad order ef the bath by Ma ilandid ceaduct attha aalge d Kara. Tha 'Ouatsas d Maoclesfidd, lady-la-wdtlag tai tho piluu eas wUl aba prdiabuy abeady have^ come dowastdrs. TMs tatho good lady who, whoathe Priaeass ef Walaa Wfta pre- maturdy conflaed of her eldeat aaa la 1864 fttFregosere, ftfter ft skatlag party, had aaf- flolsnt p rssanee d mind to pnnona tho offioea of acceadMnr and aurse, both ef whom an* rived dter tho tnubta was over. As aeon aa the guests an asse m b l ed tiie priaoe aad prinoeas. make tiieb appaaraaoa» aad dlaaav ta lauaediatdy aanannped. Tlie beet and haatess dt bnAof eaeh ether at table I the dinner ta exqulsitdy cooked, fer tiie priaoe ta a great gearmoat. It, how- evar, rardy lasta men waa aa hour, fer hta royd hlghaeaa detests loag dlnnen and ovsrioftded meana. Those who pay attsn- tloa to anob triflea may be iatenated ta knew that fishkdvas an eadiewad, two forks befaig used iostead fer eating fish. The goatieoMn remain for a short time over theb wlaa dtar tiie tadiea have retiied, and then jda the party la tho dmwiag-noms, when round ganua d oarda are frequently indulg- ed la. Atabeut midnight the ladiea ntln to reat, and the men to geasip with the priaoe in the ameking nam or jonnd the bilUard table. IHB mXT MOBmNa (suhdat) the prince and prinoeaa, whe during all tha tweaty-tiuroe yean ef theb married Ufa liavedwaya eocapied the same bedroom, bnaktaat together in private^ whibt the msjerlty of tiie guests breakfut downstain at a number of small tables la the momiag room. ShorUy bdon 11 o'dodk the priaoe makea Ma ftppsftraaoe la the hall aad cbaff- iagly orden every one, adeas veleas, to get ready for chanb. Mid after saaiag the whale par^ off briasa np the rear guMd hlmsdf en we leok^ont fer stragdera. The chunh ta en tiie eatato, and ftbont ten minutas walk from the house. It ta small, bnt ex- oeedlnffly pntty* and the dierd service ta both abort and alaq^ Oa the way heme the priaoe will aak yoa to iaspact Ms msaa gerb ef all Mads ef weaderfnl pet aidmtla» nam omoodilas down to aedgohogs, wh^.at the prfauMss wUliestat oa your admbrln^ tha keaaata when she keeps her pet doga, over eighty la anmber aad dallb n eda. After a heavy Inaoheea at two e'deok Ms royd bighnssa wBl lavlte yea to walk ever with Mm ta hta hoiae bam to aee ooma magnlfleent pifae oattie, d wbtabOia ta vary proad. Oa returning to the ball he wiU pnbftUy ahew yea over tha heBae,iaoladliig tiie ball room, wl^ all Its magdflowt tropMoa,aad tha plainly lifBiabed when tiie three yeang prlu esss s s re- side with theb two g e i rei a esesa. Tha atabbs, wbiobcosttiio pdtaoeever $80,000 per aannm, an almply pariaeWea. Aa yen an about to leave for London early the asxt meralu[, yon take leave d yonr boat and heatass bafore retiringto reat, aad will pnbftbly flad en your dressing table aulegnpb portrdts of tbemnlvea and ohildrm aa mamantaea d yon% vbit to Ssndrlngham Hall, A MoBgnito Stoi7 "I waa at Fort Keegh one anmmer not long agowhenan expiotton ooonmd In the boibr wMdi blew It aome distance from the fort Into a airamp. The men started dter it. Whea they got then the mosqdtoea wen ao thick that It was found impoasibb to work. The men get iaside tiie bdler and the mosqaitoea punched thdr atlngen right thnnah tha plated Iran. Tho men cilnchod the bUa on we Inalde aad kept oa clinchiag them natil haadreds and h a adreda ef moa- qnltoes wera fastsaed to tiioboibr. Tlie men built a fin indde d the boOer to scan efi the ether moaqniteea, and the latter atartedte fly away.j " Of conrao tiioM that wen faataned bind to fly with the root, aad actually oarried tiie heavy boiler and tiie men eat ef the awaa^ aad ea to tiie dry land. After that bwaaao trfadc to had the beOar bate tiie fort, Hew did they get rid d the mosqul- tasa'UUat Why. thay inat fltad them off oieoa and taft **"-* 'â€" ' eon bee tight aa a maBBaiilitfHi^Mii^bi«iiMfiaM««MstiiiiSii)ia