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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jul 1886, p. 2

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 r 'II i n 1 S j w ;; yoUNG FOLK The1hMBoFtop. AbMl «b« y«r 1760 • |mI â€" â-  â-  J --â-  » â€" part •! SiiglHHl ftw w w iMr ilBflMdiMp. Mtonad «••(â- Â»â- Â» Mbui wkn* tk«n «m placed aptn tha aavKr iaUaaroaalaf ftufaft aatlra. Iha talk a tba laadlat d Vusad fram tba maMoB to ihaahaapaadtha gnaft ahaap awaar af Oe Moatiy aad ha aaaaad hk gaaata whh bb •oooaat of a gnat qaanal batwcaa twa â- akhbaiiag gaBtlamMt aadi af wham had fetauht a tail agaiaat tha athar, ana for ih» ^^t-^«-^ of hla ahaap, and theothar for what ha oallad anlit^rfalaelmraaf apartaf fclaflaak. Thaafbdr, nldthakBdlord,«aa widaly kaowB and had tzoifead ccBiidaraUa iBlaraat, and bean mada tiia rabjaoft af auuty jaata, taaga asd liddka, tha pant beteg aa •a haw a oarlaim floek of ihaap ooold have laal thair taila and gattaa them back am tha Tha Btary af tha affidr, aa ralated byOa laadlard, nap aa fdlowa Eaeh af tta gaatlaaMn in qnaatian waa «ho owaar af haadreda of »hav, whiah fad hilaigaflaaka aatha TOJioUaad davaaar â- ammnna Thay waia all af a braad, ra- ir"'*»'»« for thav ahart laga aad braad, fat, haavy taUa, aa whiah tha waal graw aa loag Md thlok that thay Utarally draggad aatha naoad. Thay wara dlvkud lata variana Iwga flaeka, aaeh of whleh waa aador tha ahMga of a partkolar ahaphcrd who ap- pataSad athera, ahlcfly baya aad gtrla, to kad thaa abant ia imaUar oompaaiaa aad watah laat tha ahanld gat mlznd ap with thaaa af thair aaighbaia. Tha thepharda of tha twa â- haap-awacra waia vary jealana of aaok other, aad thata waa batwaea tbam a €d daal af qvarralisg and evan at timaa tiag, oonoarafaigpartare, beandarka and I awaarahlp af ittay ihcep. Oaa day a almpla yaang oavntry girl, who had aboat forty ihaep In her charge, eat dawa aadcr a shady hawthem baah to watch har flook and there onf ertnnately fell aaleep. Same af the aatanaJa, fiading thtnuelTca on- diaoked, atiajcd eff to a diataaoa and traa- paaacd apaa tha territory of tha riTal fiooka, whete thaahephefd ornelly cnt off thair talk aad thca drove them back to their owa paetnro. Tlw girl Buaawldk had awakeaad and in aara dkmay aearobed for har miaslng eharge, wluoh iha at leagth to her great jay eipled aamiag taward herâ€" bat aka 1 aa aha aaoa d t wararad, withent Oeir talk. Theienpea liar kver, a yaaag ehapherd, weat la great wrath with aome af hk oompaaiaaa aad had a flarea battk with tha parpatratara of tha aatraga, whom thay cempaUed ta keep tiia aiaiawd aaimak aad give ap fautead aa aqnal anmber of their owa flook. Heaoa tha kwanita aad tha bitter eamity batwaea tha twa aeighborlag faciliea, owa- antrfthaaheep. Whan I firat oame aoreea thk aooeont In aa aid beak, A JamU through Mnglandt I waa iauBcdIately atraok with tha atmikrity af fauldcBt to the weU-knowa balk:d ef " Bo- Peep." ladeed I can hardly denbt that thk maat liave been the arlgin of tha pretty llt- tk paatoral with wlikn every child in the land k familiar aad tha ezplanaticn of that paazling riddle as to hew Bo-Peep'a flock utt Uwir tails aad fennd them again. The ballad waa fiiat popularly known abeat tha Hbm that tha baok in qneatkn waa writtenâ€" â- early aaa hnadrad yeara agaâ€" and waa then aat a aaraary rhyme aaed to amnae ehDdraa, bat a taaliioaabla aoag anag by ladiea ta tha Buula ef a iplaet. It baa aiaoa beaa altered aamawliat, bat waa arlgiaally, aa we find it la aa eld colkatioa of *• Soaga aad BaUada," aaiallowa: UMtBo-Tmp tOUlO TU WULD* JmmH. Md. it la Aad didn't kurw wheie to And tkeat; Let than aloBe. aad Ihey win eeoM aome, BnnlBi thaii teitob«UBd them. 8olMleBe-?Bep Awatobdidksep Bev traabled iMNsaU to lad aad they all eaou I Ihex hed left their talk behlad ttam 1 I the slahed aad wev^ AadUlaataheitopt. Aad dieeMyl that ihe heeid them a44eatiac But whaa aha awoke Mm f ffoad it a Jokaâ€" lataiab they were a-fleetiaf. IlieD her tnie love took Bto (tafl and craok Aad ttvnUa abioad toflad tham} Ab0 ahe aaw tiMm aooa By the U|^ ol the mooo DnKfiat thcli taOs tMhlad theni Gon'viotioB. Never let year heaeat ooavlotioa be laaghed dowa. Yoa can ao more exeroke yaar reaaoa, if yon live In ceostant dread of ildioale than yea can csjoy life if yen live taaaaataatfear of death. If yea tidak it right tadMer from the time, aad make a pSkt af mertk, do itâ€" net for inaalenoe, bat aerknaly aad gravely, aa if a maa oar- aiad a bf g lonl of hk owa ia hk bosom, aad did aat wait nntil it waa breathed into him by tha breath af faahion. Be true to year oanviotloq, and in the end jon will net enly be respected by the weild, bat have the ap- ptoval ef yenr oonscknoe â-  â-  â-  â€" » â-  â-  Ba^ains. A great many dkf ntes arba fram bar- galaa being impcrfcotly nnderstaod or not plainly ana folly ezprcsaad when they are Sned Into. Ihk oaa be aad ahaald be gnarded agaiaat. When yen liave mada a laaigain crally, nrlte it down ia brief and pkia tarma. Bead It ever alead to make oertaia that bath oaatractiac par- tiea'anderstaad it alike. If there any danbt- fal palata, dkeeas them fraakly, even at tha rkk af breaking off tha teaasaollaB; far. If thara k baaad ta baa dilbraaoa abeat It, te better to have it ha tha bagfainiiw, whoa Itk harmkaa, thaa at a later period, ^ea BO aaaoda maaaara tha daasagea that asay Hoaaacaadaabtthagreataaeritof FM- md'b Km.viim,ferlt haa baea piaeed te thamarketta 10 eeatbettlea, jnattoglva waa tha appettaaity af teattog itaweaderfal JS|JJravJ?Sklada ofpaia. Thk k the hMtavldcaee oi ita cffiakaoy, ferevacy f!!!aBeaB try for themialvea. Pakaa'a EJSuaokat-Itt^ ^•«»^M?"2: ThofoarM JiaWa an aaw Malban^ papalal 947 1 Sydaay. 224 SU AAkida, •^- 00.000. af Am- .282.. 10S.864; AChleaga jawakr haa iavoatai aaalf. wiadtagwateh. Byaa anaageaMat sana- thiagllfca tha earatally bakaaed iavar el a pademetor, the wateh k waaad by tta mo- tloa af tha wearer whea walUag. Awalk af aavea minatea wiU wind tha watoh tago for fart7-twa haara. Battksaaka Jim of Woeatar, Ohla, aaya that dM oaly telidUa aara f or tiw bUa ef a rattleeaaka k tarpeatiaa. Ha aaya thata battk of tarpeatiae held over the Uttsa spot, the anoorked awnth down, will draw oatthapoiaoa, whidioaabaaaeaaaltaatara tha tarpeatiae ia a aort af a Una flame. Althoagh ho haa aaver beea Uttea, ha haa triad thk oara on lik dogfl,alwaya with ano- tmS^X^^JthaSm Um vmm te a ^-M »-- 1. « ^k m. â- !â€" a ai haaad la wawa George Rilay of Sohaeotady, who haa jnat hadhkhaaderaahadiaadrlU paaB,kaot afartaaatayoath. Whaa very email ha feU effafeaoeaadbrakohkaoeo. Later ha waa aaarly drowaed than hk toea were oraahed by tlweara;tlMahafarohahkaeaa agala; thaa hk head waa etaahad betwoea the bampera of railroad oara, and whaa tha ikataig riak waa qpcaad lie waa the firat ta bars hhaaalf braaUag hk arm. A wamaa balaagiBg ta one af tha oldest famlliea at Derby, Oeaa premised her has- baad before hk death that aha waaid wear hk ring aa long aa aha lived. Ia tlia grief that followed bk death she forgot aboat the ring, and it was en hk finger when he waa bniied. A few nighto ago, at midnight, tha sextan opened the grave and taokefftho lid af theocffia, aad the widow waatdowa to the grave and removed the ring from the dead hand. She pdd the sexton $25 for hk work, A statlstioal aq^ar^cahdatea that If 1.000,- 000, bahlee atarted together In the race of Ufa, ISO.GOO weald drop eat In the first year 53.000 In tba second, aad 22.000 in the third jear. At tiie end of ftnrty- five yeare about half at them woald atUl be fai the raoe. Sixty y»ara weald sea 370.C00 gray heada BtlU at it. Ac tha ead of eighty yeara there woald be 79.000 rcmalnteg en the trtck fifteen years later the number would be reduced to 223, and the winner would quit the track farcver at tha aga of 108. Fred and Wlllk Gerster, aged 9 aad 11. tired ef their home ta OfaioiBaati, so they packed a bfg baaket with provialona, atole 13 aad a piataffrom their father, aad set oat ta see tha world. Aad they saw it far three wecka, alacpiag ia iMtraa, aalllatt aawapa- pere, and biaoking baots In Dayten and To- ledo, and were la a fair way to beoeme tiior- en|^ trampa whaa tha advertkemanta af their ftaatio father led to theb apprahaa- skn and return to the pareatal roof. Taay say that they have had all the tramplag they waat. It waa anaoaaoad that tlia Thomaa Fhiae Bselety of Viederick county, Md., would celebrate the seveaty-aeventh aanivaraaty of Tem Paine'a death at the heuae ef Aaion Davk, near Frederick but not a cekbrater appeared. Mr. D^vk himaalf obeerved the day by act werkbig. He said that, while there were only about a dcaaa membera of the society, thete were three or foar hua dred beUeveia af the Paiae dootriaca la the oonnty, but fear af aacial eetracbm or injury to their Iraakasa cauaed them to make k sac- ratef timirviawa. Dantel B. Araeld k tha atatka ageat at Pawtaokat. Baocatly tha elerka aad freight haada weat te hk iffioe la a body, aad tha spoketmaa begaa a apaedi aboat tiie atrilua out Weet aad the relatlaaa ef aaBpiovera aad ampkyed, aad waa galag ea whea Mr. Ar- aeld vary aUraly aad taspatlaatly said t •' State your griavaaoa." Tha aaxt aiaaMat Im felt tta cheapest of aay aaaa fat Now Ba- glaad, for the spokeaaiaa said tha boya Itad eemo to aisko htm a preas at aa Ida fif^aav- eath birthday. It waa a aloe preaeat, bat Mr. Araold ooald hardly aay • thaak yoa," liawaa ao Borprlaed. Ohriatapher Oasey aad Jolm Hebliara, military oaaviota at Fart SaalUag, Mina., were workhig oatalda the fart, aaditr tho care ef Seatiael Browa. Sdabg a favorabk oppertanity, they kaocked the seatiael dowa asd got,hk gua. Browa got ap, kaooked Hebbora dowa, mada after Casey, who waa rnaalsg cffwith tiie musket, over- took him, get the piece, and whm Oaaey refused to surrender shot him throogh the heart. Then he fired five shots at Hebbora but did aothtthfaa, and tha oonviot eaoap- ad. Casey was a deserter and waa servkg a two-year's sentence. ^Jh^LmdoH World saya that on PatU'a return to London she found awaiting on her table several pale blue boxea bom Lady aad Mr. Alfred do Bothaobild, the first oae oea- talning a breech abeat four inchee' long, re- piesentlog two large' panslee la white bril- liaato, with nke big blood-red mblea In it heart all diamoadtf and a krf^e ruby in the middle, goes with'the brooch a oigar-bex of violet leather, with an kch-wica sold frame, and on one ride ' M. Bameat Nlco- lini}" en the ether, "From Mr Alfred do Bothsohlld," both namea all In diamonda aad rubiee and aundry etlier triflea In geld and rilvar. Henry Balph aad lik wife of BervUlo Mkli., quarreled aad aeparated, the mother takbg a three-year-aid child with her. Sha tired of the boy, aad a few daya age, ia cempaay with aa adadrer, started ia a bag- gy to take the ohild te Ik father. She mat bim aa a wagea kad of gravel aad efEnad Oa dilld to him. Hawaalda'ttakalti Tho aiother tossed the bey up on the load of SveL Tha fatiiar threw him hack late iMfgy. The mother grabbed the whip aad begaa IwaWag har haabaad, aad iatha oealuriaa tha Bttk bay fdl oat of tiM baigy betweaathawheek ef the leaded wagob Tha herasa alartad, tiia wheel want aver the litlk head, aad tha qaeatiaa fai dim^ aatHsd Iqiavar. Ihewomaa haa beaa The Rtvma Bden^figne aaaoaaoee the dl^ oavery rfa beoUo, oarleteaedOttoafa oaraftF whiah k ta reader aaaaoeasaryaU tha kaaw ledge gaiaed hy Paatan afrahka. ABi ker,k *^.*i?*'^J^ •â- thadlf te tho leat that ia smhsin Bwiriatt k oe». kiaUtaboeCaBeMOk .â- M ^ita Haao and saa« kweaik Bok ofaaathanBaa*. bat' ofimarty ell Barope. Mra.Haaaah Batte, tea Uagtteaa B.SHM eathe boaaty of a sAuritabto ar- kaintka la Baltimora, dtod tha athar day, aadaptoia pbo ocflia waa piaeaMd ^adAa StfcrtlStabykdby «»«nt|«l«*te» tiiat had aamerted her whik sha^ Uvm. Iba^na torkadiidy had beaa haatiag ummg Saaaaa'a pasBSislrnr.*it^ ~** '" **'" lathootrawafharbed waa a wallet oea- taiaiasfSOfagalAaadabaak book ahaw- ^iaSrtMameuatingta $1,785 Same of tha BBoaey had been diawa oat, bat uoro k a goodly aamatmoadapaaltia the Sat- laga baak of BalMaiova. Tha kadlady atSpped tiia faaaral. aad^hadtha bo^T *^ oatefthepiaooefliaaad nkoed iaaate oaakel; Tha aid draai bt whleh tha wi waa kid oat waa takaa eff aad aha isiothad la aa alogaat ahraad. Ahaad. eashetwaaofdaiad,aBd the faaand teak pbMowMiBBaro pomp thaa waa at firatia A DSEADFUL DEATH. Perlahlas beaa Thirst aad â- ayeaare eai Om Mojave Beeert. Jamae Satollffis aad Alaxandar Faleeaar rotoraed from a t^ te Cave Wells, en tho BeatiBg Spriaga road, Cal., ktaly, whither they had gene ta aaaroh for the peraea of Osorgo Aaderaoa, who waa loat a short time ago wliilo travellag la oompaay with A Batemaa, en their way to Wllaon raaoh, Ltaoeln, Nevada. It aeodis that Mr. Aaderaoa whik kborlag aador a fit af ama- tal deraagemeat, jumped from the wagoa aad fled ta the menntadaa, wliere 1m eladed puraoit for foar daya in a eoaatry deatitute of water. Oooasieaally eight waa caught of him by Mr Batemaa, wha waa iapnrsatt, ao- companied by John Bkck aad Judge Califl. Onoe In the meaatinw Mr Batemaa, waa okse enough to bim to oaaoc him into hk wagon, where he gave Um aeuM water aad llquer. He agala baoaaM violaat, Inafaitiag that aoaio oae waa after 1dm te ttio pnrpoee ef robbery, aad tlveateaiag ta kill Mr. Bate- maa, who waa at that tfana alone, toying te gotatlhefirearma. wliloh fortuaately liad beea oeaosaled. He ttien attempted te get the trntdhar-kaif a fram tte auaa cheats bat did net an ooeed. Mr. Batemaa at HiklMoaaM tlieroaghly alanaad, told him to jump from tho wMoa, whldh ho did, fleekg to the hOk like a dear. Thk waa the laat tloM aav one got aear eaengh to speak te him. Meaara. Cnrrr aad "WlaterB, oondag aieag two daya later, fonad where he had laid dowa la several plaoea, havfaig ly tlik tfana diveatad himaaU of hk abaca. Nummraua plaoee were found where he had been dining ia tho hard greimd, apparently 'for wi^r A dUlgeat search was kept by Mr, Batemaa, Jaha Bkek aad Mr- Callff, aad at laat Mr. Bate- aaaa feucd hk body oaa rooky hill aboat rix milea aoutherly frfm Cave atatioa, lyiag an hk face dead. Hk feet were worn to the beae from ruaaing [over the sharp atoaee barefooted, hk right haad woia eat from diggteg for water, hk arma lacerated eo that that the honea and riaawa were ex pe asd from faltiag, aad hk liady badlj braised, nw eearohtag party covered him ap oare^ folly, iatendiag to ooaao te Dagget for help te bury him, Irat SatoUffe aad Faloeaer, who had goae eat, anivad, aad at mid^ht, with ao mnak bat Oa plalativa oooiag of tiie t^urtk-dova aad tha righiag wtek amaag the graaite reoka aear tiia haee of eld Iva- wa^ moaataiaa, the frieada of poor happy- hearted George daga dam grave, aad aa thapak meoB leaked oataafy daira apaa tha aioarafB* leeaa, all ttat waa aiartal of Gearge Aaderaen waa nanslgiisil to ikmothw earth. lahkdaliriam ha hid the aieney aadtwagoldwatohaaaathawaa kaowata have apaa him, aad loat hk ooat aad liat, whleh have aat yat lieaa foaad. Ha waa well kaewa ia thk vldalty aad la Nevada. Ha waa a maa ef wann aad gsasreaa te- pakee, whleh eadearad hte ta a Iteat af frtede, wha deeply awara hk aafortoaaU death. Hawaa a member of the Maaaak fraterahy, aged aboat Oirty- eight or for^ years, aad aaative of Daadoo, Soot- land. HehadUvedagroatarpertkaafhklife la Caaada aad Nevada, Mr.Batnua, Jate Black, Judge Oalifi^ aad athera were naceaa iag la thek eadeavara to oaptara him, bat their efforta were la vaia for he ooald eaaily watch them and hide in the anmeroaa oaves aad raviaee which abeaad iathat regka. • 1 â-  a â- ! i^ FEBBOVAL. Princess Loute's Ulnstratioas and sketoh- ea of Caaadka life aad aoaaery are used cx- olurively hi lllustratfaig the new guide-book to Canada, compiled and just tened by tho â- Dominion Government. Mme, Minnk Hank mtenda this aummar ^. V^^\Jf^^ Branch. Newport, Sarataga, Bkhfield Sprbn, Colorado, aad the Yellow- wtene Path. It k eatimatad that Mme. Hauk has given away over $10,000 in ohar- itlee afadoe beglnnkg har career. The Oomte do Park haa deoUnad the ow- dial tavHation of a group of sffioare of tho Army of the Potomao te reside hi tim Uait- •A Matea. He ragrata tiiat he oaaaot eoaaUar a permaaant raaidaaoe hero, aad â-¼ery tralysayathat itk tea dktaat horn Bnrepaaa oaatera. After mnoh arran^ag af tfadr Mavary. Pi«teMr I^by aad^SakaMit aSSSS^ have Btarted ea atexplariac tear iaae Mont St. sua railoa JTttT'Akafam Alni! pteaNriaaaf phatsflrapha aftim TUiakak iBdlaaa,aadttiairwaj7liia. *â„¢"«» Iha Clhla saa marohaata at Hang Kane â- 10 abeat ta afsasnttha Prlaoaafl^S witiiarilk M^M ^JZSH!^ Jg 5|»2|»aad OekakI UlbWea. It b deaerihed aa a vasT haadasae njana *f eadaaidery aboat flitaaatetkng. enaateOarooeaalon. Itk at wUta ko!; aU AmQi by iko SLthm iten II la wha lb. dnaiathii... Mr. W^ada teliM |» i» y gj^ Um lasaliiBiiTiT la tha AaafecaUatei oa- kaiaa^iaa at oMtteia BaomborettiM ftei af (Mn ft Waad^ at Bfimv^TS.^ W. Tha Wlaaipeg Saa aayo ttjrt 'Mr. Wood, darlag hk reaidaaaa la Wfamipeg, by hk pabllo spfrltodaeaa aad oearteaaademaaaor, hM BuUa maM frkada. Mte Nora Gisaoh, a aativo af St Marya, Oat., aad te aaase ttee a rcaident of HamH- ten. Oat,, k aaa atadyiag maab ha Lefpiie^ Germaay. The aawapapera af that ol«v ell snaak la Ugh prate •«te,7«nS C«a. £u'a firat perfermaaoewpoblktiiare. Fol- kwiag k aa axtraot from the 2;«4w9er ntgeNatt: **Tho oholoeat aaashar of the avaaiag waa tte parformaaoe vi Baeh'a Chaoeaao te vlolia aek. Mte Laonora Ckaeh, of St, Marya, Caaada, prw^d by har really glarlaaa latarpratati^ U ttat maal diffioalt eempoaltfen., that aha haa al- ready raaohad aaeh aa advaaoad at)ge la Oa artefvfolbiplaylBgtiiat "iMbheJiBawia harpewar tagooaaad attaia thahlghaat limto of har art, Beaatlfal tone, aobk phraaiog, pr^baad aaalfabiaaa oharaotarted the pkying ef thk hir yoang artlat, wha by her perf orasanoe raked a atona of eathaaiaatti Indeed, Herr Bxodaby, the oekhrated teadier of tide yonag vtaliakte, k traly te ba eaagratnlaled aa tho paaiaarfaa of aaoh a KpiL May tiiara be ao laterruptioB to tha al developmeat of audh a graaa taleat." A muakal paper asaerte tit Graver Ckvo laad is aa aamnaioal at ttie Bmperar of Ger- maay aad tiie Qoeea of Bogland, bat that ha prataoded to obOeae tiie mualo lor their wed- diagallthaeamo. Grover may ba unmnaloal but he caa hegfas to take aa iataroet ia it BOW that hk young wife will play to him, and it might be Bafelypredloted that he will. As for Emperor WllllaB^ ha Is by aa nwaaa uamnaioal, and waa la hk yonaier yeara a graat adsdrar of really good maak he k ovea aow a patroa of maaio aad haa done mnoh to Improve military muslo ia Prnssia. Qoeea Viotork k abaolately a fine muaiclan, who never engaged a lady of hon- or that would not play a daet with har oa the piaao aha poaaesaed a very fiae vote, adadrablT trabad by ^d Sigaor Lablacha. Mnak was daily praotked ia tiie roynl hooashold duriiv Priaoe Albevt'e lifetime, aad it traa a plaaaara ta liear MoBdakaohn aay, with hk ayoa all agkw, how del^htod he waa to liaar tiie Qoeea pUy oae of hk •• Lkder ohao Worte" better thaa he ooald do it liimaelf There k aa amatear lady in New York tiiat oaa maaaure haraalfwith Qaaea Viotoria aa ta maaioal kaowlodgo. When iatha world was that lafonnatloa takeafrom! Net from reality. TflEFLAOTB OF EGIFI. A MaaertotloB oaniea as They Exist H^ the Baaha or tho NUe. If i ahonld bo oallad aa to aame the meat vital aaimal okmeat of Egypt it wonld not be baffak. doalwy, oameC ostrich or man, aaya tha Hon. S. S. Cox. It would be tho fike. It waa winter, Imt they wore aa plen- tiful as in time ef aammer ar of tho plagnee. Ia the eighth ohaptar of Exodus It k said that the Lard ** did aooordiag to tiie word of Meeea. and he â-  removed the swarasa af flte from Pharaah, tem Ida aerraata, and fram Us paopk tikere remained aetoao." What araliatt Not oae." That waa aear 4.000 yeeiaago. They liave aoeumulated riaoo eaarmtmaly. Witiwat diapkylag aay la- arodBli|y,Iliavamydonbti oftiieia liobg a ttee wImb thtra traa aat oao fly la aU tfaatlaad. It k said that thara la good fa evotythlag, aad. If ao, there maat be aa m e atlltty fa tiie fly. Ik poaribk poww far good amy aat hava beea meaaarad. Tliat ft pradaoaa aj^tlmteh and taada gsBsral^ to derogate Itea tho laad af Oairk aad Bsmesee aooao wHl dispute. Tha perpetu- al IrritatiaB of tta fllaa, aapaolaUy upoa the eyea of the ohUdren-liko that of a flea â€"may provaka tta law ** ioUah " tecxer- tkB, aad tinUi hala hte ta dteharge hk dabtta aatara, If aetto the bandholder. If oae did aot kaow by osriiflad papri that thaea mamifled kinga aad qnaana wara aa- oient, aad had, therefore, ahrivaled their coadittei mlg^t lie aoooaated for by the lilagoa of fltea. Mnoh tronbk haa beea takaa ta aoooaat for the bnildfag of the graad tomba aad pyramida fa tha deep sonde and rubble. It k not diffioalt to solve whea wo raasembor thatprieat and Ung auffarad tem the atrarma ef flioob The fa- faatik doathrata k duo moatiy to flies. On the vessel or fa tho mud hut, in temple or townâ€" files 1 From TUnite, flrat dynaaty 2700 B. C, to the time of the present court- eona aad nnaelflah khedivoâ€" fliea I Theban, BnbaatUe, Sate, Ethiopiaa, Maoedoak, Greek, Bomaa, and Mabemetaa dynaatf esâ€" fliea 1 Frma tho tktet buoeor to the big- gset bluo-bottioâ€" flte I Touohing with dafaty feat aad prehaaaDo grip the beaute- oua eyekah af Ckwpatra; biting with ohivalrk utrapidity throagh tha haraeee of Godfrey do BoaiUoa, aad puraufag with a ' nippbig air " Panian, Kormaoi, Syriaa, aad Room, aa thay fltt throu|^ hkteryâ€" flies I What a vfadtatka, aad ealy oaoo a relief I Yet meohaakm. If haraaaaed by StapheaaaB, Bricsaea, aad Edtea, nd|dit hava employed theeo peedbk farosa. The mtlag pawar of doakey, camel, aad bafhlo, tepliadfa tho tail force of tea pooada a Bfanta for ealy frrty oentarteof porpetnal fly time (except whea laraal waa fa quea- HaB), aad Enpt m^ht hava had ana^ked power OBOB^ to hava worked all the aha- daali OB the NIK pkwad aU har aiabk aaO, teaanartad aU bar pradnoa ta naitetb aad evoa bored tepetrolaam obOo Aaraa af tha Borfptaral Sad aea. "Yeo.Ibelteafatiiaolghl-haariyataa," M^aWanaalawaAlDtefliw. "I .. aBdalghtfatha "â- teaaaB, In hayfag ttoa I aaaiatlmaa pat fa HI haar ar Iwa extra, â-².widow who pat har aU fata a daal fa ABd waa Bhraak oal^ oallad uoa har It oWhoB Witt thk thiag Mi^fa ite pmnf '*iv tea." MHowla^ oaByoB it oat y twa brt lia it** "WteflmlghlkMB M dq^t irlat^HBMf Aart aaliaatbrt Tm *-?y*.yfcâ€" iiitiybBteiXiii rud^ 25*«tfcMwajh^ Oklte ti*4 di^ Sr i*l** dBNwiid hMrteM tel tec trai* tmm an tha h^h ^i^- 'â- â- â- ?' ;^^^^* "" â- Â«PbrtP«By*^l 6«»«»eafwlSrk* Mfopa aver asea k*? |*LNi Mr. Jenathaa B^w^'w. faw daya agoWL^^" U Maears,inhl,;rt51r*«l5! HakundsriaadkKSjii;! k very fand of auoJ^"^iCT temaoenatlbeSS'M?^5a the famUypk. OaLSSJi^S" TfieSoettAotAlSlL. •P«fa»«. AnornBh!P*tilkI olatknarnauSS.*^' Vjf haa become se old sadfaSlLV £S'«ti». H..5KJS to the outskirts efSZE'S^ fato Us caroaae. The dni2?i' and dkappaatad, and tKl^S hk bnUet had faUad fa?^^ d.yortwoaft.,,hewSiJt'l»g home, and on « x«mii..n.- u I'M tiie ball hadpM.wldSlZ'S without tonohkff gar riw!?.*l beendeaidedttSthadirSift" tollve. B"inuBj evidently been oaet «8 b, "JT^ found in the bam ef Mr. J«b aill ontheBajfieldEoad.|«HaN,3a tiie pocket was a leatkt vaSA wbioh were a dozan or nattlSS five dollar bills, Meat altbtibSyr oUpped right aoreai the bOL Sua figure five on them. It hnn^a baknce of the bUl waa piaiAhhi way, and that tha elbpiwi «mi to be pasted over teSgon I,«l bilk, thus makkg what u kamairi bUL The old Epiioopal Ohmh ash Keswkk, N. B., baa joittwhai and removed. Ibb wai niii hi ohnroHes in New Bmaiwie^ hial built 75 years ags. Ilwnlio^] now bvkg k ttie plaoe, Mr. Ganl Sr ,80 years eld, whehaiiajNalr the .time when the ohmh lai Moat of the early wttltnaktNkii • recticm are noir boiled h Ibt nil surmunded it. It b nptmkl ohnrob was remered igahst th the obarcta-wardena aad a iiqe i the people ef the plaoa 81TMMEB Sialic Epitaflyâ€" Temkteu isra^ Mormnrs ef the tkd-Ibi '" a married oenple. Since the ezmrimnli ti M, 1- oaaea of hydrephebia hrn ftm*-^ ful, there k a grewiag teadaioj hhd try to vaoofauto sarlybaaihHSl bite, ' ' By goish, remaikid Ihk bl Una. after hk retuB{i«ntki|i|i he had been te vWt nw "[b roktkns, " It seeni aiiM g* tl baok where I can aat phwMiJW'r Young BW (at thsds«)|"liljjj fa I Servant: " If. towa net frive mkatn tjp, m man " Ah I WeU yeapteifai" taMlN Smith r •• How do you sail te« hJJ quired a lody d caa rf •™fl day. He looked to tha dWkJJ aad tiioa bloahed olaai »• *• "JLI h^Mbe.xpktettatiahJW" w«tenotwkebnstlai,bs»l«*J' Mr. De Ganno I "PPJ"*?-! ef the year yen J»mjff*^^S to graduate are eBgagad aUajTH paring your essays, vm-^^^^ Eagenla,whatl«yomai Eugenk: Pale bine, tiU havtog such hard lock fcljJJJJ feared they may 'rSZi»*i It may afford them ""•â- Trl {»tk«y«y^l sharp, the ocean wlU dry «P " J milUon years. â€" ota*' j The striking '^â- ^tt* preacher k a to2»SS?V preach de goapel « ^^i^^^ f'ae gotdlaeenrageijjj';,*] cut an skirmish fiir^?g^,%, wid do rest ef y« %7i«k* g^eto Heaven. By^ai ttio congregation itXJS^ tiieaah5yettwedontf«-» "^hath.dsg»»2-*tljj opinkn,ohBd. "T^iiiKk tt^lttkfelte'r^iJ^sMija about *orty fi« JS?**-*)!? «xclt^taftf31a.dA waa sewtog, •^' f^\ Our ephden J^JJSiiMTa' lyand'SUltjjrJU/; onto ours, en- cta«j;i»lh»»* hteawfuL Oor«*-' had awewed, ^^^ -^-â€" ' j A Stupid 1^;^ "Charles," -^JP^q oomf ortably kh" upi^T ft fl whsaever I «• "52* ^^ UetooB*. rSn^*^ ie,trlBB«4«»r| )« and U".*fl| aio

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