'"ff" -iffi"S« i â- s I ^«fl Urn. 1,1 »thi4 Mi, •t Ik inakta. udiiohMni At thtM Id. baliht kfink â- » aftmid *•( thalnlki vapirMdlabii-L Iber pMty(irt«| bat jid|i ttdl •f th« ikMH ^tlnly iktrti in ouijiif M r iuT« bMMal [OTIOI. w â- aiattlni I. grariUtk OMitrl ttnd t* rmh-l of muUamj ii| MT8f7 wail oa t*tk*b iartuitttepnl| edoMhaUtn paiutMliM" M ohua nqiiwl ide t»MttaM-l mpw •MriMiil iwdtht- „, u wanlMHMd r»in, tht whMi |ilU,Mrfb||h( [•f *i«^* •dhlrir â- «*• Than !â- •*«-, r«rel bf Qm« ,f pnnAnlM-l a 10 I â€" â- Wit-. ^, 7. Md k#ki| laouMtbh"'** asDifwi Lta* !-^'»' 5*^' â- ^^SBHbLD. [JfM -fAffAff Af.h^.RM V7TTlf01V/r qmiHTiia g IggiStf Bieak£Mt» ?l2£r»s «*Sb. btte KriStT!!.*!. Uhl«* bMiiiT«i«« KSSS • diffioul* mM Ujad M**' ^!^M»den. Cotoold bolkd Pfjl2«ln^k dioM (»b«i» » 5iBr*!ii«k.)«d ••C*TSl5 rf^fl, aboac a pint nUow half ^S-Thot itir to th« flow miztd KSi« with milk Mid wrt«r. stir i«!SiSth« add th« batttt, wM, ESSTstomer gently nbont ten .la. v^u lota a warm dub Ul oenirM iF^ofuJtli to be varied at pica- lf2WtoB â- » "W'^y *â- reepeot to "TTlloxeamb not plenty nee nDk TheM peUtoei are nloe to Mm LAirw»y w« •*• "y ""** ia to «ut CtoP««o" not very fine, and for KTS thepoUto put one-half cap of tewtabk.poonfnl.^b«t»5r to *^na frytog-pan. When ft befla .*21tfoMpinoholaaltand etlriafiie tijratir gntly until well heated CTindtnniintoawarmdtah. Water nM«dbute»dof the milk. Theee Im hiTe a rich, buttery flayer, withent f^ tute melt warmed-over potateea Afi poutoei may be made toto a de- ,ud »tti»otivo-looklng diah aa f ol- iBsO «id mash the pototeeiâ€" If yen £«! t lilTer fork to maah them with IfiU never n«e anything elaeâ€" and add L alt, and milk aa uanal. Then to a Rthemuhed potato allow one beaten T ud, if yon have It, one or two toble- Lglief oieam. Butter-roll pana, or r«iii, which are much prettier, ei/a ^idbhli preferred. Put the potato hudiog np nicely browned. If gem or loni lie need they ahould be well heat pnebefaig buttered. Ihe potato wHl LintbfMWnlly browned all over if ttxe [bright Spiced Shnbaib. joneaikifor a reoipe for (pfased Jib, ud new that it la in seaaen ethers Inn fend of ipiced reliahea may wiah U treiome to serve with meato daring MM bHarlx tnmmer, when it la not always ^ibla te i^ecnie fruite, etc. Peel and iilkethnbaib and weigh it. Put it In a pliln kettle and place where It will heat jptdually, nnttl the juice flows freely. Inter shoald be added. Then bring ud en the stove and boil gently for lioheDr. Dip cut about halt the julee ^MiDot tin) which eheuld be kept ts, Now add to the cooked fiult ene-hw tdtfingir fereaoh pound allow one ipNsful of cloTea and two teatpoonfula |iJiiamon. Stir well, and if you like it ii{eriddmoie ipioe, but this amount hiit (Efficiently spicy for meattaatas. ild tt be toe thick, reduce with a little llii vum jnice the mixture ahenld not Iqtht le thick aa jam. Simmer for ten BitN snd pour into glaaa fiult Jan. nvtnthetepa closely, and when cool bptulijaTin thick paper an^ keep in a lidiypltce, ' Hints- f 1 decided imirovemcnt In the eating-bib keUldi(n is made of a towel. It la bet- \\» have the tcwel white. Hollewent puck before binding and bind with white |ilid;wiites that te kill inieota ahe uica •ti^enfalef keroaene to a gallon of '^ud ipiinklea it en the plants with a I'brecm. It deatreyi green flies, cur- I vnms, and ether peati, and waa oaed uithjoiyon fnchias, geianiumt, oal- ud other planta. But It miut be need leare. I^u dining-rotm has a windew cem- jng a pretty view, dreas the table in « that rather than to the centre ef â- iNB, ud give the aeata oemmandtog Pinrgneite, or to theae who can ap- ptainchthJnga. IHudicme plllow-ehama can be made by ^8 light medinm-aized, hcm-atitched â- wiohiefi, fonr for each sham. Trim t?ini6ttini; either lace or fine em- lA ^^^*"** ^^^ Imertlen forma a oreas [»• middle. Edge with lace or cmbrold- i«Ed make np ever bright-colored oam- l^'may be remeved even from the T^wlcMeiy Miered kid gloves, without l?J. hy nspending them for a day to an ll7Ti"S°' aamcnla. Provide a taU ^tyunder, in the bottom ef whiob plaoa -7.*9"» »mniOBiB. Be careful to re- «it«in the lidea of the jar any.ammonia W a' •P»""e'i npon them. Sos- r "• glavea to the stepper to the jar. oiiut cot come In contact with the I^J^'elliBglonthe MiBsissippi. Lth/JJ!."** "^•' â- tean.boat travelUng K,SJ*"W' ' *•â- "k'd of an Eng. CSt «V* " *^*^ I ^•- Do J«« j»nh wch a beaatly and 'qrrld man from «iild bUr" "1 ** " A«8l»t file -or- 'S to ftf.'SJ •tato-roem, se to frenay PWJIt '^*'"«°»««»»P»d by file "^•."Oh^"'.^"**^** w*^' deer and "int^r "*?•!?*'â- "^^ 'and me a life fc*;^ All righV said 'e, and file â- •"^W t'2?, "Jd;"Ere yen are; haSL" J ?*^°" '»'n««d, for I never l^« that, bottle was a life preser- \Si ^;i.?« knaw. Oh'e-w;i';S4^ 'lC:*«T6udo!» 5,*af{*^wthatlwasse ftlgliton. ••dttlf^Jj^P «• bottle llsed I l^, '^.?P^ Ban 'ad the imr«iu««t |Hl4^ ' ^* traTdUng eafint Mr. Jehi ft WMMlH i !â- » t» im *aa^ fiMiolWwiig ' it WM) atoBd inM miGim gnaMefafriMdefiaHl Beany a htk* laa. Gaecf* Annelna Bala deeUaee to » saafe to the Hense sf CowMM, sawing fiwt ha is a heait-htokea^ daselato eld asMi wttfa- oat any am bW sa wbatawsr far paWo Ut^ AtareosntbaUgiwsBkyfiM OeonltMef CalMiiiess to Paris manr eotloas faaoy oee- toauawMSseen. Miss Blake, a yetwg Amer- ioaa' Ufdf frea PMrtdsaeSk pentSatod a whtto oas. Qoeen Vioterbis the eldest ratgniag sew sKSlga tH Eoxepf witti toro exoepltoM, Bsa- peiw WlUtam, wW ikfai his QOib jsor, aad King OhfistiaB, Dawnark, whe hassatar- edhmegfib The great BtoBardkhMsOpalatod that his seek Herbert^ atpcessBt Sseretory ef Stotofe* Vere^Afiain, shall soooeed hfan as GhaaeeUot, aad with that view he Isaaak- ing htm a depositety of all his schsmes aad Women semetlmea attafa a great age to Bassto. AMlle.8osnitzkidledtothework- hease at St. Peteraborgthe efiier day at the age of 122 years. In the saae institatiee aa* efiier wemaa aamed Irene monlaieff has raaohed the age el 110 years. Oea. Bonlanger, tlie Frenoh War Mtoistsr, to said to be disgnsted at the iq^pearanoe ef the bearded seuUers whe have taken advant- age of the permission l)^.gave Idiemtotot their beards grow. As he wears a full beard hliueU he cmild net revoke the permit with- ent being eempelled to saorlfioe Us own to- dal appendage. Qiarles Johnnyoake, iddef ef the Detoware Indians to Indian Territory, to on his way to Washington to held^ ccnferenoe with the ••Great lather." £lris72yearsof ageand has pesUed over the Detowares far forty years. iTor thirty- five yean hahasbsenan erdaiaed Baptist minister and at bis peseet ae deliven two sermons every Sabtiath to ipaepto. What to the valne ef a flea T Aooerdtogto Prof. Erbtol, whe owns thoae marveloaa toj seota new perf ermtog at the Exohaage Booms in Leadoa, the higlilytrafoed Bnaslan "palez Irritans" to valued at $125â€" at least, that is the sun offered by the Pro- fessor fw the noevery ef a misstog mem- ber ef bis troupe that ptoys " leadtog bosi- The erigtoal manuscript ef the Waoht am Roto has jost been presented te the Emperor WilUam by the German Ambassador to Switserlaad. Theoompeser, Max Sohneoi kenberger, whe published the aeng In 1840, died about twenty yeara age at a village near Bcorae, and the mannsoript was reoenuy pat npfer side by Us heirs. It appears th»t an Amertoan offered a higher price than the Ambaaaador, but patrletlam won the day, and the tnanuaoript, wUoh to written en the back of aeveral buatoeaa letters, havfag been porchased for $5,000, Is now in the poases- aion of the old Emperor. Prince Baldwin, eldest sen ef the Ceimt ef Flandtn, has new been dafiUtoly aoknew- lodged aa next heir te the crewn ef Belginm, and although only 17 yean eld takes preoe- denoe of his father and methfr en all cflKolal ocoaaiona. He has juit been appomted anb- lientenant in the Ftiat Grenadier Beglment, and haa token the hanal oath ef alle^anoe. The nperta as to the engagementa betweoi the eldest son of the Prince of Walea and the second daughter ef the King ef the Belgians are witheat fenndatien, for aooordug to the torms ef the British esnafitatien, ne British Prince to allowed, raider thepato ef forfeiture of all Us righta and privileges, to marry a PilBoess ef OafiieUo birfii. S avin g the hmnjen. •• The first thing we de, let's kill aU the towyeib" Tbb Ip rather a blo0d-tUrsty proposition, which we toedlfy by cfbrtog te cure this weithy dais ef peoj^e. Most efth«manfier(iB.commea with aearly all others of sedentary habits), from thetojnr- icns effeeto ef dyspepau, tod^satka, piles, lots of appetite, Snd ether allBCBto ososed by a oonatipated haUtof the body. Dr. Pterce'a Pleaaant Pnrgatlve Pellets^ eradi- cate aH^theto disorders to ^emptly remov- tog the canse thereof, aad todnce a rare de- gne of comfort and health. ~**Love, think of me when the lllaca bloom," stogs Alice Stone BlaokweD. Alice seems to be easily satisfied. LOaoi Moem but once a year, and then only for a few days. Too well known to need lengthy adver- tlaementaâ€" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. 1. They have 'hnggU]|:Bectablea" to Mon- tana, where the mlnhter hoga free, aad they do lay that the Territory is filltog up wiA theological gradoatea, looktog for a job. Tlctory At Last I Conaumpticn, the greatest curse ef fiie age, the destroyer of thonsands ef enr brtahtcst and best, to oonqnered. It tone longer toonraUe. Dr. Pierce's '•Golden Meolcal Discovery" to a certato remedy for thta dbcaseif fskento time. All screfa- leas diseasesâ€" ceasamptfen to a tcrefaloas affectiea ef the laagsâ€" caabe oared by it. Ita effeeta to flhf tâ€" ef the threat aad laags are little less thaa miraealens. All drag- gista have it* Pat O'Fkherty said that Us wife waa very vasatofnl, f«{ :«*wlMn I maitied her she dii't a rufto her baek, and now •he's oovtred with Vs." Dont use any more aanseonspargi^ves so^ ^enAeSSr^it SprtoiMedStoe SOots. ' A.P.286. M" foedpaf. H.X. CtjmioB warn xn s^n-^ABBAHZBD QUELPK OJ^ET WORK j.Aei^BupBcmsoa. -«-« **^*t;i_l IBII. â€" â- , ^1 AlAHAKeAim laaBfUe ^les; JaaaaMafSa; HEr out I aoBa as algU; aaa«le Kaila seal on no^alprioaiUo. q. iTnil^. Agaolb SBroBiraai. fa e at B.qBt. SPMâ€" BmiT»taaei*nsBB»tasaU "hai- paaal and BipcBaal*â€" a beaiea levfc Oeast- artslBM^ A kMiad taeaia Wito fse ;:CnVQHHL VUBHHQBIB B09K IMI fllOM vHVs S7M?x^ iaS-veloa. B^ or aU togethMr, at half diMB lawadlatalr. SOfOBtO. 0llt. S Câ€" •I.Tee^ew A StadteasiAltoPiyoa I DnrlBf HoUdaya a apcoU oonne cf ptivale leaseuh by UebMl auMlOiS, wlU be |It«b l6hoal Xaaohen aad Madenti^ oa WwrthaBd^; Diawtof or PalBtuig. AU who oaa abooM oomo. Band iasaiadk aUtf for apeelal oiieahMa Taa Vami.B0»' Hianaai^ AoamiT, Aioade. TOteato. nara BVuntMi causcb. oneipfe. oat. Tooac ineB and wamea r' for poeMoM as Book-kaepaia, OaBcnuph or Valegiaph Openitoia Btao hevlaeas aad laataa to alte year: giaenates plaoed la Okaata and tto oBilcd W iw^ iw fadUtiN amdleat IsslmolleB iadtvMual lot elo.. addioaa, M. ICiaCOBllIOK. ntaoipal. XTBLBON a 00.. miXWIUOHTSa ENaiNKEBB, " J^ Berlin, Onlâ€" Bole mannfaotniera in Oanada of antoouktio engines fiom 8 te 16 h. p. aatomatia en- ginee for printing oAoee; high a p ee d aolonirtio en- ginee f or electtlo lighting; MrtonatiO enginee for oheeec, butter, and aaoaaga factoiiea, or any other poi^Me wliere a light and e hc a p power ia i o tt ied rat price Hat andf other paracnlant addiias as above ' Afiamst-Tou OAV* nin a book that gtras boMav aaHriaelloa or thafiyba oaa mate money faatat with ttaa ItaiWa Woadaia^ Mlato aU olaiaea-OhrlaMaaa aad Infldali^ OathoUoo aad Protestaala, old aad yooBg; old agaaa ^have act eanvaaaad tor years are gotag laio the fleU wtib n 0. r. Jeaklaa sold UB the flnl week: J. a " â€" aavat "The flist weekwHh'*WOBana"Bett feales far Hills aaAJUeTatan. lafhefeacaaU â- t^asofSCAUn, wUflh an noaqaallel for aeooiafly, duablllt]r and al«caaoa offinkh. OSBORNE CO., Iamii;ra,0]it. Surprise Tliresheira Hanntactnred In 3 Sises. Jaf$3t ,}l\\j W ill" • I mMoxB BilAliiyORP lOmsit FAILS. IjMMBBriMdt^MlU^ Lnrrei^ lakb a €9h sait, tat. abbXa. OBHB Soaaw Woaaa. Oar- riage A Wagoa MafiaaS^Oav SaawK eta. Heaatod ABewa rewen,S WkMHevae, â- y Bpcetaltlea. __â- R:i»'Si""'5:"'«t?-^ •S'TEITS, FU108, HAHIMOKS, B«.s. «e «• 4ia M» AlfD CAMPING GdOl[S. style la nse. I invite oomapondenoe fnaBtannan aad^Huaahcnnea. In writing maniioa what you watt lleagiavaoireaw^OB.r ' â€" Jaines iSharmaiiy Cirrlala C i| 1| njt ena hnadicd aad elxtaen doDBta" A good, fornncBiphned panooa; oatM tree to aeti vaaaeia. write tor teiaui BaanuT Btaawso»a Oo. Bianttord 5: MACHINER BOO Bnginea, Boileta, lion. Wood, and ml ae ell aB- eona maohlnaa, for aale. Tot paitioniMa addreaa H. W. PBZBIS. Bianttoid. Oni ftABKIACB A WACOM AXLBg. Mannfaolaieis o( the Oetebtatad iS^S eUELFH AXLE W0BE8 ^^. T. PSPPSR CO., Gaelph, Oat. Our Duplex Axlee areaDtobehadatall the priaoipal Haidwaia Btot ee in ae PoaalBteB. H. SSSS^Sb^ Felt ft Slate Boofer. Maanfaetuar aad dealer Ib tarred felt. Booflai Fitch. Bundhig Papeiab Oaipet aad DeataolBg raK Keady Koollnct etc For low ptioao addiaaa B. Wn.T.IAMfL AAdeUde St. a. SoaOBtet DAIRY SALT. raeStliaBads of a«Hah IMiy SaM^ to qo"" Hda. BMa^BBrSrWaah!BgtoaBiaBd.WlBrth. iBcidB. a5a the Orlebeatid iaMaa aad leading beBBda el OaaadtaB Dairy Ban BaMaeWeifeaa. fta goBdtoirMoeZMi. WA. asaB. 1 B. SPEICK CO« OoBSBSoiB win Bad M to their advaalaga taaaktbeteadoforoor make ef Idas aad Baafs. Be-CatttacaSBectattr. tor prioe llat aad teima â- amUtan. Ontario. I Allan Iiine Soyal lall Sfeamiblis. LaJLlBi BaiUag dnring wintet traai Fort an' and Halttaxeieii Baiaidaf toMweyi troaa Qnebeaaf eiy Betoidar IQ UmooOi. aaUlBS aabM' aoadany to land aMfla and paaaeMeta te BeoUaad and Iiriand.AlaofieaeBMtlaaeeabiiagamaKaBdBt.JohB' arffiltoUraisooltetaighr ' She ataaaaia of the r to andtttoaa HaUtaz. jUm i and dwto g anuM M between Ot 'a W B' aed ^^^aSTraSadewESTtelBlsktlr. '^^* ror freight, pa s sage, or oOier apply to A.Sebania»araCaL, Baltlmeni 8. Cuaard a Co-fialliax: leaaOo..8t. Johnia M. F.. Wm. Ivcmaan k Co.. Bt John. N. i APan a CO.. OhtoMO; Love a Alden. New Icrk H. BoorUer, Iwmto: Allaaa. BaaaOo.. QnebeejWm. Brookie. Fnlladelphto i H.A. The Boyal lannfuitiiiiqg td|panj, • rcHh 'St.. CBeiBa||isB " L. a WIDEMAN te^ Aad aB klads ol laaadry A] FMof WtBdewaii* lectok S t iy l ja iai' Msdei-BatBg. lim-wrtihtai |a« jai3nn fob Pbhv' Lnt. fARnfREE. Ibis Ooir sqpyOee ahe dcaaaad ot the DitvlBg Pubfc lie for tow haagtaigbngdea. aad cemUnea irith thla BdilBan. •aae of aaofloB, giraS HrengttiAnd dnia. bWv../ JMnaa vary modeiata. WhajfUiaed wlthonr DedMt^Miae Btael Ti|o Wtar Iqlta. four ttmae aa long aslaaBe with onUnaiirtiiealeer Send for our deeoiinti'e dironlar. «.-« ABaSTBailC HTB jCp fjfJlA.}, aaelph, ftujada. jdN^inrioN. ffeaT* a poittr* npuOy for tiM at-m dlKU» br It. aw nouaDd* ordjtau Mlb. wont klBkani of lone Mandlnc kav. bean. entBd. ladMd^ao atraoK la my fUth la Ita •Beaoy, that fVm and TWO B0m,E8 FBJGE, tacathar with a YiLlXfABtf TBKA.TISB on tbia llfilti to aar Mthnr OlMaxpnif andll O. addnu. J â- ML T. 4. RlflCua, Snoef" Tonirto J.L.J ONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S East TORONTO ELEC J-RO STCREOT YPERS -: T"RONTO. â- - no: in: :) WLN1 To RON 'O Mention 'apir FINE GOLU EXTRACTS. ABSOLUTELY PURE FROM SELECT FRUIT. SOLD EVERYWHERE r CURE FITS! Whanl Ba7 con I do natmaaa maralr to Mrtbamftra Saa and than taaTa ibMoiatanacatn. I maan a tadic4 â- ra. I haTa mada tha d ln aa. of »rrg, BrmPgT orJAI^ ne BKJKiriSB aura-ioasatody. I wanant B7 ranada la eara tba wont oaaaa. Baeaaaa otban hara anad I. aa Maaakr BotBow TaeaWlii«aara. fiaaa a* oaea fir a e w a t Hi aad a Vna Bottia ol mr lafaunil. laBadr. eiva nil in aad FaatOBoa. " IteoataToBBothlBC forataWk MilwincaraTaB. Addnaa UB. B. e. BOOT, Bnudi dee, 37 Tmie St, Troti. pARMERS AND THRESHER Q Vie aa yaar MaChinerr ^iy th^ WeU-knawn ^^ PEEBLESS OIL .-^ SIX COLD Medals *»'«tn*'~*^"****'******^*^' •^^*"' VIA HVhU mbWfflB^F laSS AXIS aaBASB for your Waggnaa and EoisoFoweea. ' ' l|aan«ao»nrad I* aâ€" â- Wy au Wart M, 1^ SAJBCOpL ROaaSS 00., Toronto. WOVEN WIRE FENCINO. A l^Tolntion in Fendaff. Ho barbs, no shade, no waate land. •M liikJit ^^iai^m Bt xoBir sowk ob bbobw bt skow dbuxs ob aioicals. lew OileaBS Boft â- "' â- t f Iff Winters Patent Nl(|art. CHflaaMbJtaWiMkar .-».j.%tp dealer tor tt ot addiasi fse parthmlan t|^, ONTARIO WIRE FENCmO COldPANY, nCTON, ONTARIO. L D. SAWYER CO., HAMILTON OUT.. "L.D. S." ENGINES. ., ,, lUr^ "Gram Saver" and "Peerldts" SEPARATORS. jWM I aiiiiis JigBp^^B^iiaâ€" Ml V4Vi' -^y Mil nm mM