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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jul 1886, p. 6

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 I: I fe-J ^- ii] ll t r! iTiTlTPr^""" Vbmrt la • tarn ti iMd. Lo^Mrt "YMmfc" •* And ih* alirayi il^rt |#. »ii,»s.J |jiat nj bat Fb glad to haniJ^r JBt momIm* my work's dl battiff 'Ci^-^ted amrl ou' Ml^^lh* bMf fii^iiMp. Aad mj iHt JK •! «9ifk«if jam't 1m« wwUag M it mft flfrtraa^ ad I havrnt aqpcok si frait far talk Johaay vMrtad toMk vriiat Upd of ^ra^ rMpboti jMBina to-StlikUt «rddag| bM knew it mi no tlae for qusllMM wbm Ui methn ww m-mmlk wviritdi Sf qi^oktr said,â€" -â- â- â€¢ •* Pat baby in bb boggy, amoun, aad ra taka Um oat in ttn gaidwi. Aad don't yoo think I ooold find aaongh atmwbarrioa for tea.ifIlaokhaidf' "Yoa'ra a daar, halpfal Uttia fdtow I Than I oan pat off thaaa other thinga, aad haToanioa vialt wMi tbm aid lady. No, I'm aoio tkara ara not onoogh itnwbairioa ripe." " Bat if thara wara jnst a fow, yoa oeald flattan 'am out ia tha i^an diah ao they'd look liko a good oiany aad whoa yoa said, HaTa aoma atrawboniaa, Jabaafo r I'd aay ' No, I thank yoo, mamam,' jnat aa aobor and than tliay dgo reond, yoa aoe, ma-ama." Johnny tboaght hia plan rory oloTor in- deed, biH amanna aaSy langhed and shook her heiH^ aa Jotamy draw baby oat of the book door, jart aa Mn. Brand alewly came in at the front one. " III MO, wyhow," aaid Johaay to him- aolf, for ho kad a vary leader foefog for his mottier'a amall tronblea. "New, Harry, yon ait,8tUI, while I get mamma ooom bar- riea." Harry ohattad in very oreoked Engliah to acme dandeliona and bnttarenpa, wUlt John- ny peeped among the atoawborry Tinei, greatly delighted at aeon finding aome of theredfrnit. " I thooghi M," ha aaid to himaolf, in great aatiaiaolion «• I thoaght wo hadnt had thaaa two hot days far aothiag." Ho iraa aoftly into tiio heoao to got a paO witheat munma knowfag, and tiiea eagerly bant OTor thabed, wondering all thatimo why raapberry jam haid any work to do, aad if it workofl aa hard aa his mother did. And if, as tha son was hot aad his back adiod with steopiag, it worked aa hard as ha was miA- bg ta girt thaaa strawberriaa. Bat Johaay waa not afraid af wark, and langhed merrily to hia small self aa on* after anetiior tiio berriea seemed to smile oat at him as he spied them in thair bldiag-plaooa ondor the green kaves. Into the paU they went, and it filled an so f»st that he forget all abeat the hard work and tiie raspberry j tm in ftinkiag hew glad mamma would be. And Harry really mast have had aeme kind of an idea el how important thooe strawbenries wore, for the ifarUag tamed his oarly little head over and went to akep just aa Johnny waa ready to take the hnlla off them. He got the glass dish and oanled them in inat as mamma waa sottiBg a diah tt honey en the table aad thinkiag now tryiag it waa to have no other saneei when all the aeigh- borhood had honey, and Mra. Brand waf probably tired of the right of it. Mamma waa joat aa mooh anrprisodand deliahted aa he ei^oeled her to be. '0 yea lIMe darling I" rim aaid, 'yoa are the oomfert of my iffe." And when the benciea were ho^^ John- ny, with a vary loige smOe on bii faoo, whioh only mamma nnderstood, said, â€" " Yea, if yea please, ma'am." For there weroplen^ to go rennd. I 1 1 I â€" I 11^ A Gape Bieton Fanm He waa a tall, angnlar puaen o the old â- evere Freabytoriu* typs. As the loeal idiom haa it, ** Yon weald know by hia Eng- liah that ho had the Oaello." He waa preaohlDg in a brother parson's pnlpit to a oongiegatlen who were atranffera to him. Deaoanring on the IdmA aa a type of gentle- noai. meekneta, etc., ha aaid s „ •'The lamb li quaite and kind. The Iamb is not Uko the otber beasts, the Uon and tiie tiger and the wolf. Ye will not be manin* away from the lamb. No. The lamb is kaind the Iamb will not eat ya^ whativsr. " And there is food in the lamb, teo. Oh yaa,yoawIU be klUln' the lamb aad tae aheep when the oeld weather will oomoin in the winter. Yen will be wantin'some nod strong feed la the winter, aad K i« then yea will b» kfllia' the lamb. ••And tiiere is dothing in fte lambr-li* la good for the detUng. Yen wIU tek the wool off him, and yea wOl mek oletUng for yoorselvea. And hew woold yoa and I look withMtolsttiagreto. At the oloae of the exe roi ies he gSTO eat the f oUowiag Tery peooliar aotfa^ «a axBiain whidi I moat atata that raTagea had been made ameag the Fterivtafoa Heck bf the inflnenoe rf a dirine of a different pannaafan: ••And there wiU meet Kkely be a fomOy from X. tiiat wHl be baptlztd here after en Friday n%ht, bof'-Jiere he and adil^d. in a load stage- whiner'"ye'Biio be saving a word aioÂ¥t U.dwbnartntMldonotikinkiheywaHt it known" .-. 'â-  ' ":â- â- . ' t- Wholesale Blaiucfalar furlMhioB's Tnito. Haweaermeashat beaa the daa^itar of InaeooBlbbdafarthe parpese bsaatifo- ingaglyaadheartU^ Y^??* !L"2!7"t oSaartatistioa En^Iaad fayrtafaM a Ls- dla. AMea aad Aaiirioa $10,000,08«^werth Slfaa«baM aad bifdi e27 ?««• 0»«j^ a haU ^DDsa exatio bfrd% iaoiaOag 250,- OOOhommlasbbda are toFr Sdi far tte nke o^»^T- atelyha«rW«»g«"^«^ iwalbli " """ MtoifSB Oa the 8tt el Jaae, 18S7. jest aa Ea^uid had 1 whioh iartaa- oonwqnaatfy at the ooasmaaoamcnt eC breakeot the rebeU had thi. gi aU their ewa way. Aa asea, h a p^ s r, m she aewsof rorelt of tte aative amy raaehed Baglaad. peaoe haviag baea dedarcd witt Bnssla, regimaa* afjsr r sg im |«^ â-  paa hoMfod li SAastepolle thes^Hsfthe afrisiag, XV elsfy if henrlla .amtlBy waa qaellsd lea maisr etltfalary. Itat aa tha yeara toVi by, the TstsrtM wb» aloraied Pelhi, aad: to tha relief of Laokaow are beooming fewer aad fewer. One of thoae who g issisiis the medal for the rebellion, with olaep. lot Delhi and Laokiiow, la Mr. VHlliam Kennedy, a oare- taker aft tha Pariiaaoa* BnUdfngta lereafta. In ooaTenatiia with Mr. Keaaadhr Wbeatly a Globt reporter waa given some faiftereatiBg *^^8El^ ertf kifa ^lpn» lb. Kii^ â- â€¢^Vid. TOM^U^^^ |w«- ^llal »», aadnratthe aoly eae that ""^^Vln" fthan may BrtlUiliMpi at fthaMUelef Laricaewf ••ThoM were ISS.OOO aMa» aad a»t moie iL_ lUDOQ if *isi â-  Si s astJTiT BbOeUa SSiSdS. H.-e«-.««d wWt Offtata laformatlon abpnt the^oat nutlny, w. KamriDT, or kihcoba. "lam W. Ksaaody, of Kiaoera," said the yeteraa, " aad I waa bora in the town of Innea, ooonty, of Glare, Ireland. I wHl be 54 years of age next Deoember. On the 26kh of NoTomber 1848. I ohUsted la the 75di Bqilmeat, new known aa the First Bat- talion Cravden Highlaadera. I aarred wMi thk oorps all throogh the mnttoy. and final- ly lefttheaerVioesnthe 26lh ef Ootober, I860, having been allowed a year far Lack- new. I spent ten yeara altogether In India." ••Yon moat have seea some hot work there, Mr. Kennedy." ' •• Indeed I did. bat Delhi was worse than Laolmow. I landed in India en the 5th ef November, 1860, and ao saw tha mntiny from the very oonmienoement. The firat liattle was at BuoaHiLia a'sukbu, Jane, ,8th, 1857. When I waa bi India there was not a raHway or a telegraph polo in the ooantry •' At Dslhl the fighting lasted from the 4th to the 20th of Septanbor. I was oolonr sergeant nnder Odneral NioholMn there at the atorming of tiie Moore Imttory. Gsa' oral Nioholson was killed aad whea iie|waa shot he pat Us arm areoad my aeok. He waa a fiao aoldier, and ttie whiteot maa tiiat erer stood oa two feet. Just before the General waa ehot Iw was told that his brother. Captain Nioholaaa, had last aa arm. ' Let him go'ea aad fight with; the ether,' he orled. At CHS STOBIOHO OV DBLHI WO lest 1.462 mea indde an hoarâ€" killed BDind yon I waa field aeneant-mejer an* dor Sir Golln Oampbell at l£e relief of iiwdc- now. I senred ander Sir Jamoa Ontram at the eoeapatien ef Allnmbngh whUe Sir CoUn went to roUeve Cawnpore. The first time that we went;to Oawapore I was there, and waa among the firat that reaohed the wells where the bodies liad been thrown. It waa a terrible al|^t. Do yon know WHAT OUB BATIOKB CONSISTID OF when we were marohing to the reUof of Looknow 1 One pouid of wheat a day, and, grind it yenraelft 0( ooarse we had aothiagte griadit with, and we used to braise it between two atonea t* Iwell aa we oonld. One time I managed to aOonro a aaok of split peas, bat I had to keep it hid in a hole in mm gronnd, Inride my teat." •• Did yen-aaffer maoh with the maroh- **I never had oeraa oamyfoet la my Bfe, aad the climate always agreed with me bat of ooarae we had terribly severe work. My last cvnpaiga was ia Central India, where I served ander Mtjor Brooks, and was proeent at tiie SSOOND BATTUI 0] A0RA, on the 8 kh of Ootober, 1858. I remember marohing theae 36 mHea with netUng to eat. then fightbg, and then doing another 36 mUea. We were really net fighting natives, they were trained soldiers and many ef them liad their Itroasts covered with medala wen in the English service. I remember one time In Ceatral India, the 3rd Owallor Cavalry diarged the 9kh Lanoers thro* timeo, and thraa tlmea they formed r%ht an- der ew goas, bat we dared aft Sie da ti^im beoanse we wonld h(ft ear ewa mab." *• DM tlKB »lh bteek fik 4|ative9 ap badly!' Fai^'a faafttary. aad II wsm aavsa o?ala a* £S!t beferefie reaohed tim Light DIvMea^ where my rsgfaaeat waa. At finLhe oMdd^^ aotmake eat iriiether v« were ^^ wKtriJUirjtnt wor, â-ºâ™¦^ for we were as dirty aa Marphy's pljfc' '• Yea did aet aot fst aaarrlad aatU aitsr yoa left the army, Mr. Kenaedy V ••No. I narrfod la Qaebeo 24 yean ace, aad I have been la the Paribmaat BiAdiogi here sinoe 1862. I have a family of five dooghftirs aad eneiisea." •â- Dtmlpuaa was severe la the army la year tiaak was itaetf' MJadeeditwas. I hove seea any lanm- ber of mea flawed aad ttiree shot. Oae maa waa shot for striking .the ;deo^r. aa- ether for THBOWIKO Hia HAT AT THB COLOKSL, aad aaether for aomething dae. Ever sinoe tiien it had been the rale fa the anny that whea a ama k bmaght befeie the Oolead his hat Is removed first" •• What do yon think of flogglag f ' ••Amaa will never do aay good alter wards, althaagh hit eosarados wlU aet an- noy him abeat Ik Lord Gengh waa a very aevore oemoiander. It was aader him that the mea I meatloned were shot." Mr. Kennedy Si a maa ef madinm hei^t aad very steoagly bnilt. He haa regolar featarea, aad ahaves alsaaet all his faoo aa- beidiagte ttie mlllitary ragalatieaa. He has alwayaeajoyedttie beat ef health, aad dedaras ftat tae^ias never known a day's rioknsss whOe residbg la the eld PaiBa- la aweak. Ildepiadeil opta^flrqdtBrtBta- has baea ptdud np ta make a o e mp h te dute tte whole eeoy has besalatsre at a d The reoerda el crime ahew IhM whin olroBBwtaatiBlaHdsiMelB eeldy dafsaded A ncBBiBLT araoira oau bs iKaagh teal time b the great llag hL msntBalldfaga. laapMa efallthal hahai geae Orragh, Mr. Ksaaedy 4i as aetive aa many maoh yeongor maa, aad blda fair te see a gr aaa eld age. Daiuwn of the Deep. Alett«rMoeived la New Badlerd B«aae tfaae ia Ootober last reported thai foor maa hadbesalest \j tiia lAaHai htA Qnj- hoaad, two boats belag oapabad by a whale. Oapt. Jeaiph Silva, lAe has jnst arrived home, tslla tte f eUewiag alory ef thr aod- deat; ••Sspk 4 tha vessd was tiiBtwaeB Beyal aad St. Qewge, aad tint day we leaded the aeooad mate at St. Geecflo to visit his family. The next day.'alUtia after fio'olook latheoveafag, a laqp i^ale waa raised, aad two beats were maaiied. I having;eharge of oMol them aad tiMtldrd male la oburge of tiie etiier. It waa oomlag on dark, bat the whale came np aad we gave ohaae. tlie third male atrlUng him. Hia beat waalm- mediaily eapdisd by the wliale andthemea dnng en to the aidea. ••latartedtopiokopfhe crew, andaaw the whale oooie ap a short distanoe from mv boat. He laid so ittll that I oondaded I weald try and gat a bomb into him and kUl him. Oa ooming i^ my beat waa also stove and capsized, i ezpeoled a lioat from tlie sh^ as she liad one oa the crane. The vessel was oaly abent two milee away. When it got lat^ and we aaw no aigns ef any beat from tiie ah^, the men on the thnrd mate'a capaissdbeat all awam over to my boat, aad then there were twdve of as dinging to one- lioat It waa hard and tlreeomo wwk for as te ding to her, aa there was a strong on- real, aad the beat kept rolling over and over. At abeat 11 o'dock aeveral of the men were oompletdy exhansted and thor- eaghly frightened. An hoar afterward one of the mea had te give In, aa^ dropped away aad waa drowned. Hia name was Antone Dembgo. Two other sailers also dropped off b abeat tiuree-qaartam ef an hoar. Antona Fratoa, my boat steere r hdd oat antn 6 o'oledc, and tiiea bt go and was drewaed. MAtdaybrsak ttie veasd was abeat a mOe an a half off, aad we ware disoevsred and pUad ap at abeat 7 e'deck. Theia were aeven ol na left, and foor ef tiism were fretiiiag at the meath whea saved." sat deWa te The gM waa eryfa^ bat he didat seem ' s it Aflsr tha meal waa eaten •d ap alieraelo ttie boggy saybg That ttiB baa aU majority ef htojoatdaoertBi Same forty years afs there Uved ia OnUrfo a fanaer aaaiadfteeei), who was a widewer, witii a daaghlar 15 yeara dd.- The maa bad a good repitallen, aad bis daniMsr waa a great f avarlta b ttie aofghborhood. For some time previoas te the eooorsaoo whbh oaosed B|a arraaf Threap had aet beea OB g4od terms with a former named MoWUUama, Uviag abeat a mlb away, ea aeooant ef daaaage com- mltlad by Mttie bdengbg to the bttar. Than had been a bw salt, and the two mea hadonoeoeaMte bbws, aad Throop had said ia the-preeeaoo ef witnesaae ttat he wonld like te pat a ballet bte Mo- Wlllbma. One day abeat aeon fhe oattie broke bto the field agala, aa4 ttie daa|^tar aetified hm fother. Thmep tTaa tarrHdy earMred,and, aa bestartadte drive Oem oatae took hip rifle along. The back end of tiiefleld berdond ea a wood, aad ttie â- r fottiar diaappoar aftiang tte rnnaiag cattle. Seea ahe beard a ahe^ aad waaalarm- edferfoeraalbar fottsr had carried eat biattreat la abaat ball aa boor Thmop oame I Ui aBsaff witaem a wero. ha drove away, aayiag waa-ae angas aet be back befen aaadfWa. Ha r sia i M d at 7 e'deek, and the da^ghWr aa tt ead thai ha was b aiabb balbr banar. NsMnt rotend te tbeaibir of tba oaMlOk aad tba avaalag passed air plsasaatty. Two daya btar, Threap maaawhlla aarsalag hk anond hsBse, Oa Sb«jff appsaied arrealad hfaa. Tha fanner was at aapper iriioB theofBser eatsral, aad It wai altar- ward pat b evUsan that liefon the erraod of the effidor waa made kaa w a Whea teU to eoaaider liiaiself a psiaoaar be asked what was the charge, aad the Sheriff repUod •'Far tiie mardor af Henry MoWffliams. His body waa faand fa tha woa^a this after- noon." Throop was terribly agitated, bat pntest- ed lib iunooonoe, aaybghe had not aeon the maa for a week. Aa he was t^W* away he whispsred to Us ehUd, who wias cUaglag to him: •'Say aothiag of my oliaabg the oattie eat" Thb waa overiieard by tiie Sherl£^ aad at the pnpor time waa nsed, to the priaoner'a oottfaaioa, Tlie daaghtar waa ooavboed of her father's gnUI fram tta first The blnnd- lOring Shorindid not take away the rifle, and he had no aooner departed than the girl in- spaoted It, to find that it had been reoentty disdiarged. In hepee to exoalpato her fother, ahe aet about aad oleaaed awl loaded thegoo. In tiie oeamefa fowhoanshe waa pat ander reotrabt jmd bterrogated. Believing that anything ahe oeald aay fa n- gard to the affair weald reaot on her father, she determined on rilenoe, and not one word ooold bs got fnm her as to the evento ef the past three days. Throop vigorondy denied the killbg, bat was obatfaatalytaibnt to aU otiier qaeitfena. The prosocatien tiien be- gan to workup tts caae of ofaroumstantial evideaook and waa f ortnnato from the atart A psroen cams forward iriia aaw Thraop leave the hoaaa, gnafahand, to chaMthe eatlle. Two psnopi affioajid Ihat they heard the report of a iifl«i Several peei^ had heard Throop make threats. The oleaa- Inr of Oe itta waa irtuogad to.Tlinei^ and made to bak agly agritMtldn.' Tlw Msnoe of himself and daughter was proof auffiobnt 1^ U'%.4/ K-»::aift.i.ikfe. ^^•i -r^ii Plidl^ •»'t;tssrs'£z EngMdbilb .0 '5 .ES^MHC'I '••ft** ' r k ;,.â- â- , x'liip; ,.i-/^ .•!*.!»i-.;,.j-t}«Y/ ^w^^â€" ___^ ISJJOOW tJeatt'wfu^yN aad he "•«*|i aadmisdachw ^*»*w •liiaatoreSrS^^iO â- â€¢ntwaswifttS^^ik! town eevendinlSr,"!^* b regard te»2;*2?b the lawyer- ** boau begot bwyerhhh^ JJTai: fag to hie mei«iih»^*'*iiZ9 !»BdofreoonXShL'£'NSr »VtimlSnr;TJ;'?*Q •foountedferhi.cSJi'" ' oame beaie. ^The lawyer wmt u ft, ' thebeedi tree, and Sf^^,, atao found that th, ij **»«l5 Mrs. Wflliam, iffim«j „. badbft theh^T'Sl'^b.i aqulrrdsbthe^S^K aeou him aUve apS. H.^^i tbnugh the healwiS^* J •^8VThreopwithMK»N tionpotrndllii^gj I^* and otherwise, end h^^ Befon the defence opaMd a-L^ ' nd which had a miTESS A^ateanser wai arwetadhVtl. milaa away whUe tryfaw ti iS^^ iriaiMcWiUia«,7Si» ^nrpUtotathe.toT'H'ri"' to the ommty soatat oBo^ JT rt right premarewu br.a5rtl.ll,, he made a oonf eadoB. ^, w.tI' dock tinker. Ha had baa dn^ tiina days before the ihortii. iSk! fit had been lost er 1101.18^ ill mnrnbg of the shooting hi iUii2' ef henafrem ThroepTUd S JS woods and mads a fin and nuU Zl his breakfast Ha wai mImvlTlI WnUams stamblad span hi£ liz\ wen at hand that ha wm a thU, yZI farmer ordered hfan te oiokuiJbri MoWOliama thraataaedUa wilk £Z| and he oloaed in to «Mt it inn Ih^l the strnggb ths weapaa wii dbbid, J the farmer wu kiUad. At thi aa J atant another ahetWM find, bitthihl didnotaeoThreop. HeatfinttbtM ttie rifle and ran away, bat itenl J turned for the gnn, thInkhgttaUiM procure another eatfib I Then otfuld be ne dmbt il tti taul the tinker's story, andThraipvMdhbtl ed fnm custody and ths ethtr piitj|rii| trial He pleaded gnOt;, bsl jtipril juiT accepted hia verdon •! thi M|l and he reiodved a oempinttnlj Mai tenoe. but for hia aotim is OHt}htiif I the gun he would preba)djhmb«Mi| liberty. FERFETUAL MOTIOI, Aa Invented Wheelbirraw Ialiaiai| Trsad-HlU. A wonderfol disoovery wu niJetaaitl by Mr. B»bt. Reevai, of Egurilk, OMtl of Renfrew, whioh will and ti m*! tionbs the looomotisn of midter il the near fotnre. I'he dimrarr vaaiil by throwing a ploaghpeint on t**^**! board of a dogohnrh, the inituttisFl tooohed the beard it revetvtd en ami Mr. R«evea could aea " parpetMlMasTil once. The treed board of thoohinriiml very little wdght on the dde tnj|a»| tion. The diiooverer thewopm iMBBMi wheelbarnw and placed tbo^V" side of tiie board and laoatidttjh* firmly to a beam b thi mm ^JZ Everytiiing ready the bra»ki »«'"3 and the beard began to »»••"• "J^Ti ef the banew travelling »P,'»""'f?'jft| name parpeee aathe ••" •Lii!%fc| understand word wai in"»«2'*2.^l Otbwa tosoonre a patent ^**T1\ fag bounty of $500,000 offwjjrjl Victorb to the diwovotsr of jfj^ill Men, and stepe will bo takm » •«; pnmbm. The maohtoe oja la a^. tienbydlwhowisbtooall. ^J^A bto Mr. R. on hii •Usooj-T. "*! will be fortunateenoughtoHonti Wi nme bounty. Too Lita. With many sad »P»JS*fSi I look tack er O'SJ'KSu^!^ Which, like a dewrt d»«^^ use stretched brf^ffljBJjj^ifc And wish wiUi MtMBMiJ»»^ That I oonld have them DW"" Thongh mwjh of ml««» wj^, Has maraed my i"""SiMfci* j. Yet I would gladly torn jMJKA iorooB the reus*. 8^1^ I might-who ta««ii^tf*"" HavodeanedttoWign^;;^^ I " I might have tested olljjgji 4lat*folls to hjg« JJSS^ I mljAt-but tha* Migjpif .3T:rfi*j:r.^i .n f ^^^Ss^i* 3»ajw«_^ Vaif|«op«^J?j|!JE dabbiiBSMllf**" •^a£ â- â- 

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