^I â- mm 9itsii.f H- 1 1: â- il t' 'i n ;; li* Iha hm«IMIhi betmea th« â- •â- â- tad 4aaghtHt Mid tih« bind maa or wtiuB ta n Intimate • tii« fum than ia athar 9i bwhaar-Mid tharaiara A«m la I naad af eara la tba chilrMtar af tha «'halp." Dr. HotkiM daioM lliat aa hoadrada af iMBiawhaM Mmi» m* a* bata acllata tte aaO aadar tba floara wbaia tb« oattU •tHid la wortb aa ntaA ar aaarly aa anob p« ftaa aa ttoa tarUllnn «f oomaiarea. Oaaia^artaat reHaa'uby elavar la ao vabmUa • aMBufad plaat ia baeaota It baa a laag ar %up raat hf wbidi awtariala far twaath tba aaioa wa bisngbt lata a yalaabla ibapa far plaat aaa. ll J. 8. Woadward balda tbat aa aiaa feaa a nnal, aar abaald ba bava a lagal figbtt ta paratitbla Mobard ta ba a braad- graaad far oaakar wotaia, oaoUag ' â- ( ko. Ha abaald be eompallad to da- I ar ta oat d«wa tba traaa. Wbaaife b oadaratoad tbat If aDanrad ta s^paa aaad parfaotl^ tba gtaaa kiaai all itt neb Joioaa aad baoamM mata dry atiairâ€" waady fibr^ a littia ailloata at pataab, aad a Tety triluag qaaatlty of -vagetabla az- •raotiTa matterâ€" tba impartaabe of cattiag II at tba rigbt tima will ba appareat, Fanaan, wboaa wbela lafaraiatloB r«: laHvo to tbair boaiaeat ia baaiidad by tha aarraw azparleaoo af tlie^iw^v'" o" Migbban, aad iriilob aiay bo mdkally ORflBooaa aad rolaaaa ia ptaotifla, aro oftaa faaad aa oeavinoed of their ew^ wladom aad ao deginatio la their opiaiona aa to be wboUy aaimpragaabla to teacbiag. If a former wlahaa to adncate hia boya tbat they aiay beoomo good aad ooataated fallowaca et hte owa oalUag, hia firat atap abonld be to adaoate bimaalf. Ib atdar that ha may make aaooeaafial fomaraof them he muit himaelf liave a jaat aadeiatandiag ef .he poaaibilltiea af .hIaTaoatiaat aada geanlae levefor farm arork. Hard aad ateady work moat bo dooa to gat a booatifBl biurreat, bat wa raiaa a word at oaatioa aboat over- work. It ia aot JMoeaaary far iaraiera to work thoaiaalvea to death ia ardar tiiat tiioy may reap abaadaatly. Ia it atill aaoeaaary for laraiara ta ooatiane aa tiieir forefathera did aad weik from ana to toa We do aot bold tbat a ajatem of eight boors of labor a day oaa be anooesafally laangnrated oa tiie faiBii bat wo are aare that the daya oan bo Bach aborteaediamaay Inetaacea wltbaat detrimeat aad avea with geed reaalta. A aiarkat gardeaer baa a very fine oow that waa milked week after week by hbed men. Ho observed that the amonnt of batter he carried to market weighed abont a ponad more eaoh alternate wOek. He watched the men and tried the cow after they had finiahed milking, bat always f ennd that there waa ao milk left in the teata. He finally aakcd the Scotch gbl who took oaie etthe milk if she conld accoont for the diffeience. "Why, yea," the said, ** When Jim milka he taya to the old oow, 'Sol my I ratty maley, so!' Bat when Sam milka ha hita her en the edge ef tiie pail and layt, ' Hiat yon eld binte I" The Kansas Farmer aaaerta that dairy farming adda one dollar per acre to' tiie â-¼alao of the land, while it iavea an« dollar per acre ef tba yaloe of the land aa agabnat grain farming, thia ia two dollara per acre â€"geed rent. Xwcnty of the pemrest mildt oowa in the country, that two men can •Ilk in one boor ana a half in the morning, the same at evening will pay the wagaaaf tha two hired haada aad fariddi lea for a goed-iiied family, .by aell- oraam at tan oenta'a gauge. The akbn will raiaa tweaty hoga tbat will ba ortb $6 eaobt (120, and to tUa may be Ided (3000 wortb of oalvea, aa a dear it OTar aad above the crop raiaed by twobiiadmaa. W0SD8 OF WISDOM. laqalaitiva people artf tbo faaerala of eoBveitatien ;tbey do not take in anything their owa aia, bat nmraly to paaa It to nB||iopiii LiAfaa. wUeh ^ar i baadoarrlad o£ toa Uqi wortblaao; hE" tadhfaJk Ibeae men who daatray a healthfal otfn- itttatiaa ef body by Intempeianoe, do aa naaifaatly kill tbemcelvea, aa thoae who bang, or poiaaa, or drown tbomielvea. Were wa aa aUqnent aa aagola, wo ahoald plaaaa leme mere by llatcnisg than by taiag. Good maanera, la tbo art. of making thoae people eaiy with whom we oenverae whoever makea the f ewe at peraona aneaay, la tba beat bradman in oempaay. Two peneaa who have obeaen each other eat of all the spcdca, with design to bo each other's mntoal comfort and entertain- mcat, have in that aotlea benad tbemaelvea ta bo geod-hnmored, afiable,dlaoreet, foigiv- bg, patient and jeyfnl with reapeot ta. mcdi ather'a fiaQtiea aad imperfeotieaa to the •ndoftbafarUvea. ' The real difiarciica between men ia •aeigy. A streag will, a settled parpeae and iavindUa datormiaattoa oan aooom- pUabalmoataaytblBgiaadantblB Uaa the diatinotion between great maa and little •' Hew," said eae to Sir Walter Balelgb, •f whom it waa tM ho "oaald taU taniUy "â€" " bow do yoa aeeanpliab ao Booh aad ia ao Aort a ttaaof **Wbaa Ibavoaaytbiagtodolgoaaddall," waa ftarepty. For drankaaaeas, driak oald water; far baahh, riaa early i to bo bappy, bo heaeat; to p l a a aa all, miad y( The Learned Sedetfes Ihroai^ their atclBaaoyef It ibarabavo taotified ta tha CanBz- aadtha 1 wBaCtho UghaH have so MarUea. DL, tbat tboy talk of boUdtog a bogo "oyolaaa ooUar,^ wboro ttf wbola town oaa take rafago wbaa a win GeorgU b llkelv to bo knOTra aa MotfJof KvaaBdlala. Tba B*r. J. tt Maaday li her tetaat prodoot la tbia Uao, aad bo b aald ta be doing a great work at Oohunbia, Toaa. Tommy Perry, aged 14, waa..ptei Boar BaMrfacd, Ga., wbaa l|ghtaiB| hbhead, paaaed down bb ama aroaghOa ploagb baadlea, and aloag ttie ploagb «• tbo nab, kllliag both tha boy aad the aataaaL IboTeaerabtaJoaapbKbiafBldtef Utioa raoeatly dlad^at tha roaldaaoo oi bn aaa. Alderman littlafiold of Detroit. Siaoa the daatt aotioo appeared the AldemaB^ boea baay ezpldaiag tbat bbaaaio baim- ply bb fatbar'aaamo traasUtod iataEng- A yoang oolored womaa la Lakoviow, N. J., whib oarrybg a kettle of boOiag water, aoddealyiaiatad aad fell. She kept tight boldoftbokottb, aad tbaa laoooad^d In pearbg lb eatin oententa over ber bga« â- oalding heraelf terribly. John Caalter, of XUdimond, attea^ted to hiveikawarm of beea the otlur day, aad ttiey lighted apea him and nearly atong him tedeatt. It waatboaght that he iKoald sardy die, bat he managed to poll throogh and ta now very aero hot ooavaleaoenl Charley Sheebaa, 13 years old, of LafayV etta, weat in batfalag accompanied by bb dog. The boy oonld aot awim, and wldb paddliag aboat in water nearly ap ta bb aeok, the dog got on bb baok and pasbed down. As faat aa bo come ap the dog podi him ander aad the boy waa drowaed. Stephea Gleaeoa, of Fall Bivar, b 100 yeara and six moaths old, atteada obaroh every Sunday, walkiag anaided to and from tbo obaroh t^ea a long walk daily, baa ezoellent aU^t and hearing, and anfanpatred momoi^. Mra. Gleaaan Is nearly ninety yeara old, aad Ukewlao well preaaived. G. A. BaroUy.of Edbburgb, toId)kCbl- oago reporter that be bad beoa by bight throagh the alama of bb owa city, of Glaa- -sow, Liverpool, Leaden, Paris, Boaso, aad Kafdea, aad that, ezoept ia Naplea ba bad never aeon anytUng ao bad in tbo way of drinking, aad vice aa he had aeenlnOhioago. Aocoanta begin to come in of girta who fciU tbemaelvea jampiag the rope. The eleven-year-old daaghtor of Andrew Boae- mer of LeaiaviUo baa jast dbd after matoh- lag herself against seme playmates at a picnic. She jumped until she brought on heart palpitation tiiat could not be control- led. A writer in the Bee Journal says that bees have a strong antipathy to dark-color- ed objects. A brood of oUckena ran about his hives. The beea stung one of the dark ones to death, and did not molest the light- colored ones. He says that a man with a black plug hat rarely gate atnag, the beea. devoting tiieir entire attention to^sheoting tiiebat. Three ye^ia agO| after a tornado bad do- vaatatedthe farm ef a Georgia farmer, bo found a two-year-old boy among the sbrab- bery of hu garden. No one olalming the waif the farmer took him andfoared for hbs. Last sammer the farmer took the bey with him into Mississippi, and then aaether tor- nado took the child, aad be baa never been beard of since. There b a cave about fear ndlea from Houston, Tezaa, about 100 feet long, 60 feet broad, aad, from 4 to alzteen feet in height where numbertaaa bab rooat by day. It b said tbat there are ao many tbat It takea them aearly aa boar to got lata the cave eabb morning and in tbo msb; baadroda aro killed. Itbraropoaed to form a'oom- paay to oolbot andatfliaa batsUia. John CaroOiera, whIb bnralag brdah near Akron, ObK oaaght bb foot ia a teoab beap^ aad waa ia danger of being banbd to death. Eh yelb faro^|;bt a bmb, who aald " Pay ma the $6 you awe m«^ and m help- yoBoul" Carotterafaabtad tbat bo didn't awe any 15. "AllrVit, than, boa," Mdd tbo man, and ha walked away. Oarotbaia tiien by frantb effsrta robaaed bimadf, but not before bo waa badly aoorohed. Herman Beodb wm difgiag a«.well at McAUster, L T. He arranged a oharso for' Masting, lighted the fuse, ud waa hobted toorarda tbo aarf aoo forty feist abova. When half way up the rope broke, and be fell to the bottom. He tried to grasp uid eztin- gaish the foae, bat was tbo late. The charge ezploded, Herman waa blown nearly to the top of the well, and feU back dead with every bone In bb body broken. A dignified pug in the arma of Ib mb- treaa waa riding oa the froat aeat of aa open London atroet car the othor day. The horaea were tired, and the driver aaad hia whip freely. Tbo dog watohad him oboely, aad, each be Btrook the weary ateoda, howled dismally in aympathy with tbo anlbrlag aaimab. Ho kept it ap aa v%eraaaly tfaat^ for peaoo aoko, the driver bad to pot op the whipk aad tboii the pag aaamad qultf. re- lieved. BtmngthudSiet. Tb» Romaa ooUbra, i^ bafltaaflb won- derful reada and oairied a we^t of armor aad luggage Oat waold ernab tto aTsrain farm baad« liTod en ooakoo browB broad and aoarwiaa. Ih^wara tampatata In diaL regalar aad oaaolart. la imwiiii, Tbo Bpaabh p easa nt wo sb a aie sj day aad daaesa half the BigU, yot eats only bb Maok breads r«ta'^ir?SS?l!rfa *S Smynm p«t. or eata oaty a mtta fraik aad aooso aUvw. Ha eata aa boa^ perk or amMda. ynt ba walkaoffwMihb£adefdOO^- aaoUoifadeniiee^ b BMro I •ndara man fltaa tto negro' flsd *i bt aM0*._Xha heavy work enba wi isM by asen who eat «o grMbot sfsrs*****- 2? £1 IK" aJ Am h^M era ao arranged thai tto aua ww MM ar maroof ttagaordnpiOB. Wm. H. yti,rii..M i iieiS4hi Mi p iMt a r ef thh ayatam, uidbowaainolted tottby «lwlW|* Bom- ber eforaa^bllaia ho raoalved. Ha vro- tewd to ba^ naiaar of ntioaal evU-deara^ but waa appaabaaoiva t^rt maalaoa auA* iMook i£ait iimo BoBbaraf bb fhmDy. StaNhbdaattF tha Balls hat« siith all aarb of appoab, tbraatadboolidtolibaaaa. Jay Goold'aaalf-proteotion b ' -â- "^Ha doii art Intmat It ij, bat bbei bbawn Fer'yeara bo baa alwaya been by a Btalwart yoaag fellow. Bat l]iatÂ¥a«lbgBMd ogalBBt Wall atroet •notaui. Oraaki wha Bight eat apoonara la ar arooad bb hoBO are onder uo viow of apba wboaa qoartara aria la a room dl tbo Wiadaor Hotel aeroaa tbo wav. This bad- diHonal ta potral da^y dona by a Mmn,U oetof Boa. Tbo eaplayeaaf the BilUpn- aba famiUea, wboaa aaoiaa are poor peopb a synoayms for wealth, aro kept laformed as to every new demonstration by a orank, and they are alert to desoiy and drive off the moBomaaiaoa who attempt aay^ezptolta. Dorfais the Weatam atiikaa Jay Oonld baa madouio trii^ batwooB bb homo aad offioe ia a oab,lnatead of elevatodoara aa fonnorly, and it waa abaorved that a ring at hia beU bdoga a saaBtoriaig watobBaa to the foot of the atepa aboat aa qalbkly as It doee the BortaM «o^M top. One of the dofeasss la GooM'soasB b agalast tiioso who weald write aatsgoaistio seBtlBeats with ohalk ob bb Udowaik aad stops. Mob aad boya aro beqaeatlir oaaght at it and ooapelled to deatat. A apodBCB af Oat olass ef revolu- tbaiata aeeinisd to bo a poel» and a wild eae, judgiag I7 the desoriptleB ef bbn. Hb dia waalr^t rod,.and bo rapidly wrate; SlMiiDhBMyBitk. lbs poor jBM«o.fc. Before he was oollared and than, as tiioagh dotermhMid tbat at leasttbe termiaal rhymee of bb vetoo shoald he eBMaaaned,^be"added at what weaU have beea the end of the third UBO,«la'jer," aad right aaderaeath " aeigbbor." The rest remaias aakaewa. TheSaltoftheStrth. If the- salt formations af Nevada wore in railroad oommanlwatba ttere weald bene market in thb ooantiy for the foreign arti- cle. In IJnooIn oonn^, oa the Bio Virgin, there b a depoialt of pare rodt aalt whioh b exposed for a bngth of two miles, a width of half a mile, aad b ef ankaown depth. In places oaanons are cut through It to a depth of dzty feet. It b of aaident formation, being covered in aomo plaeea by basaltb took and velcaao tnfa. The depoSit has traced ea the surface for a dtstaace of nine miles. It b so solid that It most bo bbsted like rook, ao pure and traaaparaat that priat oaa be read through blocka of it a foot thiok. At Saad Spiiaga, hi Oharchill county, there b a dopoalt of rook sidt four- teen feet In depth, fne from any partblo of foreign sabstaoo, which oan be qnarriod at tiie rate of five tons a day to the man. The great Humboldt aalt field b about fifteen milea long by alz wide. When the anmmer heato have evaporated the aarfaoe water, salt te the deptii ef several faiohss may be scraped up and anderaeath b a stratam of pare rook salt, ef anknewn depth. Soda, beraz and other valnabb Binerab aba eziat bbrge qaaatitba near these loooUtiea, aad braaoh rallroada will seoaer or later bring titoBiBtoBarfcet. A eeasidsrabb baabeM fai gitbarbg borax b alraadyeotshlishod oa the llao of the Caraon sad Calorade raibead. If Nevada will cut down her working e^ peases uaASinwit^ hsr aatoial researoe aba will be aheva tha bsssbIct of aeeUag bad greats, froB her aei^bers or froB the General 3oyeniment; What He Hhd in ftr Km. iCba other day Judge Neokdsoa went a fisUag. BeoomiagMredandhaagry bnhb way home ha: atoned at a oabin aoarthe roedaide aad thus addressed an old aegro man wfaa oaii;« to tiM gate ' How are you, old maa f •^oTy, aab how n It wU yerent'f r '*I amhot, hnagry, duaty and tbiraty. Oan you doa ayttJag for me f "He,sah:" **OBat yea give BO aoBo water r "No, sab." !! i"*)*** y*" •»'• • "•n »*«* there." •• Yaa, do woU'a dar." " Ihep why osn't I get sobo water f ' "Looker beah, Je^e. Yourso'f tbinka datldoankaowyer,bnt Ideea. Iwuaer witness m yor ooa't do udw week an' yer let onoo doB bwyers oronqaestlea bo an' ketoh me m or Uo. Dat wa'at no way ter beatastraager hdetowa. Tie, sab. set ifcbt dar^lat dat bbma bwywliuae taT I^ab ter tell y«r iHiot's or fadk. af vor f^ "W??? •5' *«» ' ttibe airter 2«^a,bad da hatdeat fight erwUte AValuble Ibiu^ '*WU1. K Sparks b a I wasdd like te iSheU ef UiiL" ?5r«^!l*^*»?S?fSL!*ir!! 3-.Mk%?ir43l4^»^^ ••We iBvelvee pardy pbyakal •^•"•^F m deee that ef tte Baedss eAbe stOBaeh. «« Eiussdve theaAt Boaae sgMiral hyper- aiMib as lB--**""r ** ••"•"â€" '" **â- " " *â- gaabb atfanobat SBeaaa aotlva eon g aatla n Cthe BBoeas BMBhrene ef tte stsaaoh Bad jast artaiMtBal eseeasiva OSS tee farlAa- oengestien in tne Bwrvais, or ae me asqaai, of aetba een g e st i nn of «e gasMbenan, ae Bwy too parabtsnt aad ezoeadva hnlB-«erk taad te the urodaotion ef a dvenbsBgoige- »ant ol the vssseb of the e n os p h ri e B *^ (the braiay, ** wHh whatever that physlaialdaet invelvee or eatalls." A psrfeot dniibrity of bw gwtrafe the dfabims at ef dbordeis of brain aad body. Now, ae sobo have iaherltod a weak Bae- ealar syatass, and ethers a fadhle dfgSatiani ao atill others, poAapa te seaae sespsets brilliant, have a eengoaltal iaaUllty for otmsiderahb or pretoagad kala-werk, sad are abnostliare ta be b jBrod by e oentteaad atraia. The times dsaaad fa ftb oeoalry, evea Boie thaa fa Baglsnd, that bramweiAers abould have a large re a ar v e ot eaergy, and a opacity for predadBg feree alaioet faidef- inltdy, to' meet the dasaaads of sxceptbaal exlgeaciea. Ia oar oeaatry aaaay eater the prefeealons, who are aatarally eqaal to roottaa work,' bat are wholly aaaqual te tiie strain^ of oem- petfttoaandte the BoMpibd ahd varied doBwads whieb ae ebarawteriae ear timaa. They ooaataatiy and partaudy atilke tba limita of their oongoiUtd oapaoity. It b equally sain Barcwttte lift. Not a few. Who are aqoal to a aaiall baalasss find eat that tboy wore aet eqaal to a large obo oaly after both pbydoal aad finanotal fail- ure. It b aaly loM ae te ssany othepr forms of bnsfasB Xboosaads attsatpt aiore then tiiey are equal te^ the eeatteaM presanre of wblob reaolts te aarvoaa azhanatMB. SoBsewbat ahte to th eee are teaobera te ear o oBsa e n aoheds. The early stagea ef Oraadmai, •a the trab St • leng torn. 72"" ^Sseaqaa,;5«Ji •**fewo.„;rii' tn where ^eJ*»«U •ndkilbdhtaBW " Thb breoght Csl V"' gsfwitfflsfij^.^ the coarse ef MfifclJS^ J told«,emwh,wi?*?S of F«»k H„s;,?^^-v two years ago, ij .j* •• C ^•dtiieiSonSlSt.'*^ Burdered hlnu^ **" Ithadboonknoaa»-_ «»:««•*• hriaSS'Si neighborhood of tbB^ aatil Braanea eaat hthf offioers eznUdt aisSS a?i fag them closely, thTifflir' Bnnnons descrtptlw, ,jT' what IS now oallsd RobW 1!?^ wa.pttchdarkfath.M?f£l sighted candle in hh hi JJT and he speedily saaotll' oome upon a hnnisnAdyZ difficulty the bones oTLK aarfaoe, where the; woT'"' tiioee ot Harris. AiXknAl that Its dfanoadsBt win lri«^l2 alone being smaU. IhbnadJIiL every psoisssiea aad hostecssBaha peeaUar- hapa twenty fset^ Uksai^ ^.....4. .. kh. •»....» f.»..« A. a mm^ cave widens out h »U direSs the bottom of the welllhit mains were fonnd, jut a tb ** thrown ttieretwe tcsr bdoi/ The murder of Hanh vatti quarrelbetweoa him and Jia !|L out ol the admiratba si bitli Jri baging to tiie Scott UaStt, Jh leaaer of the deependan, laib brook the idea that Hanb Mi vd in anythbg. Hatrb, «b Ih ib waa regarded by the gid vttB and he swore that he wosld an;; that ao one elae ihonld. Tin la ed Pitb, and onieTtnloooHin trouble with Harrb an aowmtrf sistenoy in woehig the girL it 1884, as Brannen new (\mtnm, restcMi Harris en lome ttMil d turned him over te the Sittti, mij was a constable, noHrithitudlBg nection with the gang. IheSiabi one evening with their priras^ pnrpoao, as wai inppeied, ef bif to thb city, but he wai nenr seen alive. Ho waaklUcdthii and hia body wai oeaoeakd b cave from wnlch it hu jut laa Soon after the tragedy Pttb asiU Scott, and they Ibed hapnOytiiiii he was kiUed b the Gerdinx Scotta are now nnderamitfgt ttierebnot mnch donbt tbd have other brimea te auver fn Msl again lee the eatiide ef the jiH Since the diacovery of Sobtai' tereet fa the place hu biMmTSji andaevetd ezplerbg V^,"**, preparations to bveatigati it dM» I believed to ocntab the I«""1J3 maay people who han diaffsni^ mysteriously In the lait IwJJJjl sntranoebnot mere this »m»wJ from the honae b whioh tta lived for some time, »* «. that vicfaity predict that iâ„¢*" be a regular priva te grawytri.^ QaestioDB of BoobooJi Two old mlien, «• "«'[, other eighty years al lA" a dtapute as to which wu tt««*' en the norvens fwee. And yet thoBsaads enter the teaohing profesaiea wKa' do aot tebad te restate te it. They stay just bag eneagh to be evtrwerked, aad te be bjured â€" fa many oases for life. So, also, our polUioal i^atom eonstsntiy brings forward new bob who Bust fit thcBtsolvaa for aow aad difficult duties at aa iBBoase eeet te the brafa. The proaeat pbyaloal ooaditioa ef sobm ef oar pabUo BOB b simply a proBsiaeat illBstratMn ot ^faot. Heryou Oongh* bard, dry and violent InngB, Iweneblal tabes perfeotiy normal oendl- Oae mtf have a oongh, and yet the and lamyx bo in a ion. Say a Flint, '*^In moat of the oaiea of thb kind which 1 have soea, the oongh has bad a peoaliar barkfag tone, and the pitoh baa been low, ahewmg that the glottb waa dilat- ed at the faatant of ooughbg. In some oases, however, tbo tone b shrill, and the quality of tbesoaadoraapal, abowfag apaim of the glottb. In a caao recently under ob- aervation, the oongh oondated of a aingb, abort, hoarse bark^ often repeated several timee a mfauto. It ia aometimea fa pac- oxyama, having a reaembbnoo to thoae ef whooping oongh. Tbo peonlbr sound of the oongh, together with Ita fre quant re- onrrenoe, and aometimea lb vfalence, ren- ders ita diatresabg to these whose sym- patblee are excited, and aaaoyfas to others." ' " It b Bostiy oenffaed to foBaks ef hysteri- Q»l tendencies. It may be fadaoed by m- vofaBtarw IrritatioB. A sAool for gbb was onoe broken ap by H.- The slightest ohaages of toBperatnre excite 1^ as do abo pene- trating odors. Itboonstaatiyatteadedby sneeriagaad snaffling. Shadowald, who has reoeatly given it â- pedal atteatioB, feaad ft oould be predao- ed by geatiy toBobfag a oertafa petet with- fatheaeetrib. Thbpofatb the termfaa- t^ of one of the QloBeata ef the trlgeBite- al (or trifaobl) aervei and It b te Uaiirlta- ttoBtbat Shadowald regalrds tiita oeagh as das. Heaoe ha oalte It the (rvaeiMta; oeagh. It bears a strlkfag rescBblaBoe te aervpas asOma, aad the fatter b Uwthoagbt to be the Beat pro^oaaeed fers af trigemlaal S"*!li ^1^ lb aeat wKhfa tiie aoetrlb. Bamlficatieas of the ti^cnOnalgo to the pharyaz (the badrpart of the mdntb). aad olsoteapartleaofthecar, oMhenbe thb oeagh may aoBotiBea beduoto trigeinfaal bnuUtn et the nerve wHbfa the neatrfls. ^x^ ""'" "• treatstent dlrtotad te the Omat or lungs will be of any avail, and » psrdstenoe against sll erdinan roBodles "^L •«"•«»• grevaat feara. But tiie po- enlbr barkfag tone ef the cou^ and a cer- tain nervoae oharaotar ef the patftnt may soKostlbrsalaatare. ' ' ' The medical attendant shoald aloaoe aua- pcot Ita trigemiaal origin, if he ft^ to find enyorganio 4zplanatian of it. All treat- mmt snould bedbfotod to the nassal n6r?e. end tin aiafaebjeot shoald be fa bssen ita nndno exdtabill^. ' nSa^m' " *«»»»ly /eoommended. Usnterisatbn b often efEsotaaL aad so. for •gaejls a dight blssdfag ,rf the nirts. potaashun. 'admtebtered fatemally. sfvee ilaeb hdpfal, bywadii««;;it the fiffkatfag P;rtblss.^lh Mghtar eases, iiii andTSe fahal fag of vapor aie efbi» :sagobrt â- f Jones had written aleoaf ItiiB.ef asaeiia •ooBrxeBoe at his tmt the C|g*V^*fc*»yt day KaitelUd aNtad to â- Jâ„¢w|fcMdjtorii*e«t It. •• Well," said • fe^* W »• "Iways glad to _!^i?* i^ â- "â- * K ia teii these waa a trSUas V «*ibty»^ iM^ j ,5a»,» 555yj«-'*»F *•««.â- • I "The proof," aald the f«»*i have no idea of lavbg b »»' half hour we have 1»* '^^ your sugar bowl has be« " j^i Md you have not tok»the«»«" it away." .^^itrntai •• And the proof that I «» vfag tiian yon, and ttatw»p me," retorted hia aged eBP*^ I leave that faueot to »/ J' purpose. He acts SI Pl^Y^t, fSih.me«.dfi.Jtt^^tC perfectly sure that the oeot» fag sugar." Awbem«.'"heartliUl«»5l,' tiiat keeps ihe onit V^i^^i^ burning the honie. ««*^ t« life are oods raked «P to*" a fire next day. ^j lUd merit •ifl^ZS^' conceded; it wUl be dbj^i, tbfagoandepr.cbtertW»j^ wardedaait eogMii"" known. ^M" Three weeks •«• Vjl»^^ a very fiady •«•* ^1^15*1 f^ ohaw tobMOo. »2do«, tiie house by the basMT^, ^^ ^..^t0mrzt is tallL-â€" bfaa^dthatiel â- beteati»«rti"2Sb»fi cerdaB •* h" J2Siii*fi ||.goeawilh»toe«g5,i «llt«i A»thehbig"»^ Apet •••^ (u. was bft at •"•â- •^n' tahabb grief. dMvSghbnsa^i'hh. ii»'as» of Hal