I! ii: m n It MHbti la » tMdmoj to O* iMnwtbnMd dqpMlt iaIL A owtidB â- â- Mait of tkb dapodt ta aonskL It k an •ImcBtof ba â€" tf, rooadiBg ant tha fann. It laaaaaa tha afiiet of raddan chaBgaa tt tmamXttf. Itlaaiaaarra of BatrtnaBt) to Da inm opon In anaraeiioiaa, tima mnbtg tha muolaa and attiar liinaaa. 8ama paiaooa inharit a tandani^ ta. h, Bmmt raaaa an mara liabla ta It than athaia. WaaaaB aia aaara ao tiun man. Batt aczaa annunalaelinad to it aftar tha aga of forty. nara aia IiidlTidaal oaaaa af axtrame aba- ailjr. Aboyattiiaacaafthreawa^hadaDa hndrad and IwaaW-foar ponnda a girl* aaa hoBdrad and flighty-two at twdva. A IB, whawaatninanddalloata ataigh- diad at lottyaB*. with â- ama alght laffataraoadharbady. IhafaBOoa DaBial Lambart'a maxfanom waq;ht waa â- av«B hoBdrad and thiity-aina pouida. Uadk tha laq;aat part af tha bady is thaaa p w B B u a waa para fat. Ib ail oaaaa af obaaity, thara b a dafioiaBoy ti angaB fai tha Uaod, althar abaolat|tly, ar ralatmly to tha amooBt of food. Ezooaa af iaod taBoa to prodooa It, aBd vat aama ara oacpalaBt ob a ipara diet. Lack of cxaroiaa. favon it, by laaaeBiBg tha axldatfon of tha tiMoaa. It la alao produced by diaeaaaa whkh dimlBiah tha nombar of tho red blood oarpnaolai. It la the latter that ab- larb oxygaa from tha iaaplrad air aad oob- vay it to tiie tiaanea. Aoeording to QoalB, very oorpnleat pao- pla have la^ hearta and imall longa. Thii nay help to azpli^ tiia defidenoy af oxygen. It haa alaa qnito reoently bean proved that wamen have fewer, by many mllHona, of red blood oarpuMea than man. This, too, may baane reaaon for theb greater tondanoy to oaruulanoe. Am the mnaolea beoome inffltrated with tet,thtyara weakened. HaBoa oorpolaat ponenaara apt to be indlapoaedto aotiva axerdaa. For tiia aama reaaon, tha heart fai tendered feeble and iaeaaily diatnrbed. The dafioienoy of azygantonda totha formation •f uio and, and henoa to tha prodnction af fast, Iha Tory ootpnlent ara apeokl'y liabla to TBriaoa fanna of oongeation, and aonto diieaeee ara apt to have an nnfaveraUa In treating tha oorpolent, regard mnat be had to the not that their heart ia weak. Xha main rdUanoa for rednoiDg the obeaity la on diet and axeroiae. Tha latter inoreaaaa tha power of tha blood to take np oxygen. Iha mora axygen ana oan reoeire, the batter, if kept well within the peraon'a atrength and tha oapaoity of a weakened heart. The diet ibanld oontain bat little fatty or aterohy food, aad mnoh animal food â€" ^lean meat^ fiah, bat not the rioher kinda, alio freah firniti, vegetablei, and bread with only a moderate allowance of batter. Alkaline water la believed to be helpfnl. How to Disinfect. To diainfcet a ilok-reom, bam three ennda of lalphar for every thenaaDd oabio It of air. Plaoe an iren kettle on some brioka in the room, pot the mlphar in the kettle, then add aema live oeala from a ooal firor Or, poor en a little alcohol, and light with a.bit of banting paper diopped into it, Shnt the room np tight, and allow the inl- phnrfnmea to remain in the room ever night afterward idr the room three or four daya with doera and windowa wide open. Te dialnfeot aolid or Uqald matter, a aola- tian of oopparaa er green vitriol, two Bonnda diaaolvad in a |^on of hot wator, ban efficient agent. The aelntian shonld 1m appUed to daoempoaing matter which aaada diainfeotion, and will deatrey any af- iaaaive odor aad atop tho pntrabotive pro- oaaa. Snlphate af alao, a paond to the gal- lon af water, b better for dbiafeotiag olathiBg, aa it doea aot ataia ar iajare tha Ikbrio. Heat b a good dlafnfeota^. Olothbg anbjeoted to a tempcratnra of 240" in an •ran for two er three honra will be didn- feotad. Thb b the time of the year when it b important to give attaatioB to mattora of thb aort, aad whaaver haa aas already made a tonr of hb prembea with a ybw to a thorengh oleaaing np and dbinfeotion, ahanld at onoe give attention to thia Im- portant matter. Teachiiuc Deaf-Hutes to Bead. Inatmotion b conveyed to deaf-mntea In meat 'rt^^o^^ by the naa of aign language, er the mannal alphabet. The feandatlon Buxim af the methoda naed b " firat Ideaa, ttian wwda." Tha mind mnat be areaaed to aotivity, and, aa tha foandatfona af know- ledge whioh other children acquire by the aid of hearing are here wanting, progreaa b, af oenrae, very dow at firat. Uanally, in- atmctlan b began by the word metiied, worda being connected with the objeota they repreaent. Far faiatanoe, the child b ahown aama common object, er a piotore of an ani- mal. Mid Hm printed name of the object ar animal b ahown him at tha aama tune. Hebthna tandit to oenneot nameawith thab ebjeota aadto recegnlza printed worda. When a few worda have been laamed, aan- taaoea ara framed, aad tiiaohild b tanght to xaoagalia thaaa aa naita ambodyiag a oom- platoidea. Tha priatad and tlia aign alpha- Ma are tanght tagathar aad, whan tbeae ara maatarad, iaatniatlan ia apdlfag b aat dfffioalt. After aamaa of abjaoto, tbdrob- Hana prepartiaa^ with anaierata aad verba •f aotiea. an aazt taaght Xha ad jeotivea fifot broBi^t farward an tiiaaa af dxa aad odor, thaa pnpadtiow of koality. The dmpto tanaaa an ezan^Bfiad by oalliag at- toatiaatoaaflriaaof aotiaaa. MbA naab Biadaaf oaBtehat atidaaa. AohildoilOar ISyaanaf aga. If poBNaaad of wdiaary ia- ^^^Ti g«M«^ oaa Baaally. at tiie and af a year, OMHtenot for himadf aimpla aa Bt aneaa dbaat •veiy-dayafiiia. Daring tin ftrat twaar tiiraa yean taxt-faoaka prapand aapadaHy ito daii-BntM an oaad, aftK tiiat aay taxt- baakawffl leak. Havayon rt2i!i?^5fi*(is thal6thofh»lm«rth. Oatha thtoapn- oaodlBg dayt Ika Water Faaa^ «m flipl 1248 Oatha Waftar .wy«fcii ^fq^^ll BnHab, waa at^Bwaaam- oBBloMry lermalitha aadMth «aoaI bah- ttfoaa MrdaaBl It h aaadbaa to gira aay laagthaaad deaoriptiaa of tha Watar Feaalk Every wrttar aa Bnrmah or ttia Baraiaaa baa devoted aame apaoa to diaoaa- aiag tha moaning aad origia of aad to de- aarlblM tha faaltvitiaa with whieh tha Watar Feaat b oabbratad aad tha aaw year naher- edia. labott liowtr aad Upper Bnrmah dnrlBg tha Oraa daya pnoadlag tha aa year tha towaaaad vflbgea ara fiUad witt OBOWDS OriiAVOHntO GIBLS aad yaoag man eagagad la throwlag water over eaoh othar and too paaaeraby. Tha ohildraa an armed with large tyrlagaa, whioh thay naa with great aooaraoy. Under BnTBieia nda it waa aoaroely aaf a for Eorap- aaaato baaeeaiatlM atnete of Mandalay daring tha three daya tha Watar Faaae bated. They ran grant rfaka af being draa- ohad with thafilthleat water that oanld be fanad, dtiiengh aaiong themadvaa tha Bnr- maaa only oaa tha pnreet water avdlabla. Many a gmdga waa paid off daring tha Watar Feaat, and it waa Impoaalbla to ob- tain aay redreaa. Oa tha praaant ocoaaioa tha Rumeee did^ot timw watar oa Ennp- eana nntil thay had aaked and raoetved leave to do ae permiaaton waa oanally freely givea, eapeoially by tfae Enropean aaUUara. Tommy Atkina appeared to thoronghly enter into the apblt of the thing and to ODJey engaging in a watery combat with half a dcxan Bormeae gtrla. On tha ether hand, tha Sapoya did not appear to at all reliah the attentiona with which they wen favored. Daring tha Wator Feaat It b ad- viaaUe for Enrqjieana who do not nnder- Btand Bormeae well to obaerva oondderabla oantian in nplying to any qneationa which may be addrened te them. An affirmative reply given to a qneattoa in the belief that itb A DKHAUB FOB CHABUT, or aema almilar reqneat^ wUl not Improba- bly reanlt in year having a few bowb of watar thrown avar yon ojf the peraon who ad dw ed yen aad by the byitandan, the qoaation having been a rcqnaat far bava to thnw wator an yen. I experienced thb fato myaalf All tho prindpd pagodaa ua radaoaratad aad tha Imagaa af Ghtatama ia them an regOded dnriag the Water Feaat, Enormooa annu an apant in thb my. One of thamoatintareating aighta In lumdaJay daring the new year'a feattvitiaa waaavfatt to tha Arrakan Pagoda. The great braaa Gantania there, weighing 14 teaa, waa, with the exoeptioa «l the face, plaatared aU ever with thin lay en af gold,.lvoaght by devoat worahippera wha Vtutod it from all parte of Barmah. _^ Stramre Weapons' Many of the weapona of atrange ahape and oharaoter to be toand in Indb deaerve ipccbJ notice on acooont of their appropii- ateneia to the dktrict in whioh they have originated, their hiatotical aaaedationa, or their individoal peonllarity of ahape and quality. The kauri, the national weapon of Nepal, b abont 19 inchea In total length, with ar angnarded hilt. It'a blade, gener- ally of bright ateel, b incnrved, heavy, and widening toward the point. It haa mora the qaalltiea of a good bill hook than any- thing ebe, and thia. Indeed, waa Ite origi- nal innotlon, for the Gtorkha required it not only for fighting pnrpeaea, bat alao to dear hb way throogh the junglea of tha TenL In hb praotbed handa tha kakri b tha handieat of toob and tha moat formidable of weapona â€" how formidable thoao who have been in aotian with the Gorkha bat- talUena in onr aervioo can wall taatify. Like tho knkii of the Oorkha, tho Ug kaifa of the Goorff mooataiaaar derived ite Aapa from tho ddly aeoeailtiea of life ia dmaaa joBglea. Tha tnmeadoaa manaoon ndna whtoh break on tha maontaina af tha weat coaat of Indb devdep an extraerdinwy Inxnrieat vegetatkn In the dhtrlot, and tha inhabltante tonnd tho cenatant want af aa implemeat to open their way throogh the thiok underwood and dnmpa of buaboo. Tha Ooorg knife, the ayda katU, b about the aama length aa tha kukri alao with blade incnrved, but atill wider and heavtor. One of ite moat remarkable oharaoteibtioa b that It haa no ahaath, but It b oarrbd, dung naked, acroaa tim Up*, tiinagh a dlt la a metolbdt. niebdtb oaUad a todttaga, aad b made generally In either braaa or Oli- ver, of a aoUd plate behind, faatening in front with maaalvo and handaanw ohuia. A apike projaote to the rear from the cen- tre of thb idato at tha back. Thb aj^a haa no apparent definlto uae, but It waa re- marked at the imperial anemblage at Delhi that tha Ceerg oniab who wen tiien in the ooatnme and wearing the arma of theb native coontry wen not Incemmodcd by any onwd prcming on them from behind. A Tonng Woman Dies of a Battler's Bite. About a month ago Mlaa Gertrude Martin, a lovely and aooompUahed aoctaty young lady ef Eort Hallry, went on a vids to a married abtar in TatnaU county. OneTueo- day evening Mlaa Martin, accompanied by bar dater and a young lady, want to a blaokbarry patch about half a ailb fraai tha honao to piek blaokbarrlaa. Abontauadawa, juat aatiie party waa ready to retura heoaek Mlaa Martia oriod eat that aha waa bittaa byaaaaka. Har aiatar laa to har, aad, palling aJf tha ahoa and atnfMng of %b» waundad limb, aaw oaty a alight """^^ i aa if made by a ^n. Shaatenoeappliad bar mouth to Oa bito aaid Mad to aadcoot Oa paiaca, but tha Umb began awdling at a rapid rata. She atappad anoUng, aad tak- fag bar faaadkeidibi tied it araoad thalas juat balMT tta kaaa. laaameaatiBwtta yooag lady had gana to tta hooaa in aa- dataaoa. laabaataa boor MbaMarlfa waa' Mua to tha kaaB% whan aU that waa pea- flOUa waa daaa to nBave bar. The awauaa aaatkaadaatflhareatfaabadywaai ^^ aot of an pranrtiaa, aad fa fiva ttaaaakabadlaateaad ite flaohahawaaaoacpaa. Har oaasa waa a nfllTUlWMI^ iMB yN IBS WM OOBSOImM VD Adharhff MMhaabaDyâ€" BMrilagi •adamto of wator. aMMraa :ir.£iC!r.£ tlM upper ar Gam, Sugar, Jalty, ate.â€" Simply mtUng with wator at a haad haat. Graaa»-Whitogeoda, waah wUh yap.«Hr alkaliaa baa. Oolavad oottoaa, waah wifli Fraaohebalkarfalar'a earth, aad dbadva •way with baaaiaa er athar. Oil Oolon, Vaxaiah, aad Bfaiaaâ€" Oa whlto er oolerad Bnana. ealteaa, or woalaaa. nae iMtifiad oil af tupaadaeb aloahal lya, aad diabaoap. Oa dlki^ naa baaalaa, other, aad auld aaiHh v*ty oaatiaaaly. Staariaaâ€" la all oaaaa, atraag, pun aloe- hoi. VogetaUo Cabia, Fruit, Bad Wine, aad Bad lak* aa wUto geedsk aulphor fomaa er olibriae wator oolerad oottona ar weelaaa, waah with lukewana aoap lye er ammanfa alike the aaaw bat Bion olndoady. Aliaariae Inkeâ€" WUto goada, tartario add, tha men ooaeaatratad the older an the apeto; oa aalerod oottoaa aad weobaa aad oa aUka, dflnto tartarfa aoid b applied oaatleudy. Bleed aad Albnmiaeid Matter-Steapbg ia lukewarm wator. II pepafa or the jmoe of oarioa papaya oaa be proeund tho apeta an firat aof toaed widi lukewarm watar, aad thaa dther ef thaea aabataaoea an applied. Ina Spote aad Blaok lakâ€" White geoda, hot oxalic add, dilute aiarbtio add, with little fngmnata ef tfa. On faat-dyed oot- tona and woolana dtrlo aold b oantbudy and repeatedly applied. Silka, impoaaUde. Lima and Alkalleaâ€" White gooda, aimpla waahing. Colored oottona, woolana, and ailka an moiatened, and vary carefully dilute oitrb add b applbd with tho finger-end. Aolda, Vinegar, Sour Wine, Moat. Seur Finite â€" Whlto geoda, dmple waahing, fel- lewed up by chlorine water If a fruit color aooompaniea tha aoid. Calcrad oottraa, woolana, aad eilka are very carefoUy mdat- eaed with dilnto ammonia with tha finger- end. In oaaa of delicato oolon it will bo found pdenabb to make aoBM pnprad chalk into a thin paato with water tati apply it to the ipefeh Taaaing f coni Cfaeetonta, Green Walnnta, ato., ar Leatherâ€" White gooda, hot chlorine water aad eeaoeatrated tartario add. Ool- erad oattaaa, wadona, aad aUka, apply dilute chlorine water eantiaady to IJm apot, waahing it away and reapplying It aeveral. timoa. Tar, Cart- Wheel Gnaae, MIxtarea of Fat, Baafa and Acetic Addâ€" On whito geoda, aoap and oil of tnrpcndne, altematiog with Btnama of water. Colored oottona aad waoleaa, rub fa with lard, bt lb aoap, Itt He agafa, aad treat alternately with all of turpentine and water. Silka the aame, mere oanfolly, uafag beadna Inatead et the oil of tarpentlne. SoercUngâ€" White gooda, rub wdl with Imen raga dipped fa olilorine water. Color- ed oottona, re- dye, if peadble, or in woolen raiae a new aoilaoe. SUka, no remedy. Hints. An Improvement on makbg rag carpet Meaanre yonr attlpa exactly the length of the room, then take to tho aewmg maohfae and Btitch through the middle of each rag nntil yon have atitohed thnngh four nga fa Buooeadon. Then cut between the ndddb atitcUng. It will not reqnin bfading, and aavea work and caipet and looka ao mnoh neater. If one ounce of powdered gum tngacanth be mixed fa the wnito of alxegga, well beat- en, and appUed to a window, it will pnvant the nya of the ann from penetrating, Arttdea ef a dalloate blue that mnat be waahed an often rnfaed fa the proccae thb may be avoided by addfag aa ounce of an- ger (rf lead to a palltnl af watar and fatting tha artido lb fa thb far an haur and a half or even for two houra let it dry thea, after which it may be waahed witheut fajnry. Thb b aald to be a perfect remedy for the tnubfa referred to. Never put a partide ef aoap about your aHver it you would have b ntafa Ite erlgfa- al Inater. When it waate polbhfag take a pleoo ef aoft leather aad whitiag aad rab hard. The proprietor of one of the oldeat diver eatablidimaate fa the dty af Phili- ddphfa aaya that 'henaekeepen rufa their ailver by waahbg It fa aoap anda, aa h makea it look like pewter." A littb borax put fa tha water fa whioh aoarlet napkina aad red-bordered towda an to be waahed will prevent them fromfadfag. To remove fak atafaa, waah tha doth thoroughly m milk, then fa hot watar with aoap, and the atafaa will dbappoar. â€" -g -n^ A Panther's Bevenge* The panther of Indb aeldem attaoka a man uideaa provoked, driven to bay, or wounded. If tiie man fate him done, ho will not tnuUe the man; but ahould the mu wound him, then the powerful animal baoomea a men 'dangamoa baaat to oone **?^?' **•• *•«•'• " k« oaadimb a treel aad tho tiger oaaaot. Several yeua ago, aa Bnglbh officer, fa India, located himadf fan tree, witii a native hunter, aad waited for game. A iS^f^Sr^ " " "' -^UBtortunato^fer hfaudi, he weondad faataadefkmfagfheaalmal. Thena^SIr «™«o»,^n»iaptte trnak af tketoal tobed the'oloar, dragged Urn to lS The frfahtaaed aatlTa Maafaed fa tim tree, uaaUa to hdp hb amaler. What SI maawaaharmbae,heaaeaikbd the tnaTa eaoead time, aa d kilbd the aaHtaT IhdatoOite. Aldenaaaâ€" **Tea an elMnrnd wMb mIw. hg the oemplaiBaaira taB^ whib eamfag StoHty??" •""â- ** WhatfiS -P^lMMi^««Idiaa*l latead la Heal, war "~ioiiaT?i£?*"^^ OQLIVBi JadKkkrjwUaHawef replaeia* de atoofc anrSliAa.eBdewaIb. IaeUakeerfaUv eaaaldefi' da autteria oiy miadhv a week b: t'.aa* Ideaa' Uke da ide^ efa diaaga. puaaea who oaa't alfck to oaa motto fur ' dan aiz araathe oaa't be dopeaded oa to k by a Jeb tar me' daa oaa. Ulwaaoate'a " reMridaea .^„aa' ebeiy day to pao'hanae.I deaa' iaewbutl aiigbt fur •• If 1 waaeat e' oaeh, frfeadbee, laid up fa a garmtirid a eonhed aa' a earbuaob, â€" ' apaotia' ebaiy day to batatadoff tode Biah de worid wid aooM watohwerda aa' aayia'a, bat it would hav to be nader aoma ,t Mnf MMtanoaa. Abont a maatii ago I bagua tradia' wid a buteher who had hong aptahb diep de motto: 'Live aad Let live.' Iftetrndc me dat da ideah waa a geedoae. Ha wanted hb daee, an' ha would Eiat de eaam to eddera. Ia about a week alteped a pluaedqaartor into my ohaage; twedayelatormytwo poaadeef beef waa diert three ooaeee de at x' wedc he eharg- ed me ap !wid ferty.dght oonta' weif of Krk whi I Bobber had. I doaa' trade re aay aie' aa' nay raapook fur hb motto haa draflpad ilfteea pega. ** A aaybur e' aone took fa a aiotto 'bent a y'ar age. It waa 'Da Airly Bard Ootohea de Worm.' Ia a leeUe tiaM I miaaed my hoe- Daa the bnokaaw went. Daa odder naybon' loeee pnperty begun to go. Wo Kt a poUofUDoaa ap du* to watch, an' when oaught de thief it pnvod to be do man wid de motto. Hewaade airllaatburd on dat hull atraet, aa' de way he took de worma waa nd fur oa. " If dar* am aay membon of db club who oaa't keep to work widont aame motto 'bout faduatry bd^id 'emâ€" who can't pay deir honeet debta widont aouM nmtto 'bent honeaty above 'em â€" who can't be good hnebanda an' fatiicn widont aome aoripturd quotaahun paatad fa dob hats, aooh ptuwna had better eever deIr oonaexna to oaoo." BOUNCSD. The CoBualttae oa the Interior, tiinngh tiie OhalrmBa, Jodgo Ohewso, then npert- ed baok the oato ef PreL Aahfeet Sadth, aa heaorary member reaidfag fa Milwaakee. Hohad baea charged with befag aa Anar- ohiat, aad aa favaatigatiea had reeaHed ia the diaoovery that he beUeved ia aad ooa- teadodfor: ".Notaxatioa." "Daatiito the rich." ** Equd divleleB ef aU pnperty." ** Ndther lawa aer arlaone." The committee won.unanimeua fa rooom- mendfag that hb name be atrioken from the rella. "Which the aama will be did to once," aald the Preddent, " an' it may be aot down aa de aentimenteef dbolnb dat de gev'mant ahould take abh akahan aa willpnvent con- apiratora, Nlhillata and criminala from Tarnp findfa' a aalo aaylam fa de United Statea." NOT IBPOBHBD. Glveadam Jonea aroao tor infonntti(». He would like to be Informed wheuer aay oomapendenoe haa paaaed between the Lime-IUln Club and Cengreaa fa reference t»4 the aummer adjournment. He had nnderatood that neither body propeaod to ad j aurn nnlaaa the other followed aoit. ** I kfa inform de member," anawend the Preddent, " dat dar' am no fato oerrea- pendenoe to bo anlmilttad. WhUe dur' am no dUrect ooldneaa between db dub and Congnaa, we doaa' waato mnoh poetaga writta' to each odder. It am my epfaynn, however, dat we ahall boaf take a vacaahnn deerin* July aad Augnat. Maay of our aiambara will be away darfa' doee two moatha, aa' da ooeaahim will probably be adaedto malta aemo aeoeanry repain to Paradke Hall. If db program am oarriad eutaiohaf ua aa ramafa will meet fa de library aaoe a week fur maehal improve- Bieat. I haa baea axed to ddiver a eariea d eight er tea ahert boktun to ddi aa gather, aa' hav partly proailMd to de ae." PBOBABLT DOBS. Seme tiaw aiaoe the foUowfag query fhmi Toroato waaraopeotlally eubmltted "Deea our maatal progreaa keep paoe with that ef other aatfamaT' The query waa givaa to the Comadttee oa Social Sdoaco for favoa- tfgatioa, aad Prof. HafAeaaaok Jdiaeoa, Obairmaa, Bww begged leave to report. Die ooBimlttee had kept theb eyea opaa aad theb toaguea gdng. Thav had dieoovered that where one work en hbtory cr iclonce waa aold 10.000 fly aheete of aome new fave atory wen threwa upea the deontepeof aa maay houaea aad eagwtyroadby thaaiother aad her daaghtara. lleyhad found that fbrovery eae book of aelid readbg oarriad heme by aa adult 20,000 boya punbaaed dime nereb nfatfag to Indian alayen or "Old Sleuth "deteottvea. For every aobool- book In America then wen five neveb. When one woman reada her Bibb 100 read a atory paper. The oemmitfeee weie then- fen of the opfaioB that "aba deea," and tiiey aaked to be dboharged from further oonaidenfiea d the aubjaot. KOT THAT TAB. Shfadig Waftina alao deabed inftematien. He wanted to aak how far the fraternal fed- inga ef a member ef the lime-EOa Olnb aheold oarryhlm. He expaoted to lead hb eoffae-iaill,hbkeeaBdhb fawa mower to ahrelhar member, bat waa therea pdat where tha liao mast be drawa t J J^*^" ""wwred BreUiar Gardaer, •Wdal pfat am readied whea yeaoea- AteioliaBflnaAaadala paa- to piek ewm oeBm»r, ---^ eldb eiob lirtai* aezi'doah -JJ^Ig^.a-yha.dledl.'bbekatoh. The tim awasruffljwss' â- â- ,.iri;^iijti#^:ij. 7^ n-*-tak2?\ P^tm paalik. nr* •teaUWadii*" baavy gatarL.^^f^ »*««oriueir»*«ihT "MBdatien to^2^« ment. Tda iw!I *» fe^t.quM,,^»5k**5 tiiatitwiUliui«MjpA layera af amaU SL?^i lal ttah.leufill,ruat!?t yenhaveapeilMirTtt iaveuireeg»t«7,;"»l way, onto one of WK*"** jumped and haB.S«y thatpedtionthriJ^»lk3 •wuBg ahnt aUHrft t?* ' severe teat, waaaeS2,2L? rf« iaoh,buttt:HS5 brMdth, aa we oonldBlZTr Of the many kfadiTI? gateal llketho^k^L- Thoyooat$u,rt. itJW^I aqaarftJiachh.rlroa,ir *•« long enough to re«ih5,!l?5»i nut on outer end aadS?!?!!? to prevent It worklngTi** WlthtwoormereWdHl^ tiie gate may benlfad teSV aooumaUttnganewna,i2' AgatowoUaadfcoliiri!L pdnted, and huagia thk, about $5, and, buitaig mU. ita plaoe twentyyeS.^^^ "V Xoe best fartnbgii i wm .^ ' A mertiae ahouldbo md, fclJ ttie porta of tHe gate in wStS an framed aad belted. IWkir! tiaaatatehdhardwod,lS?Ui mare, aa facfa or erar aiRMvaJ mertfaete give te play, A«iidi"!3 on the pset agdnat wiu iJ^â„¢ A peat with uteh a to receive the btoh wba tht'nhJ wide open, ao that K li alnnMn] never left te the meroy af tbaH Timely Sonegtini, Cows which givo meat, id riaa need moat^ carefnl feeding, m i atimnlatton ef milk gludi cioa and often milk fever. Miaft Jaraey cow haa been dti'nyadkr force an nnnatnnl bntter yldd, lieve fa goed feeding ot alloM^bii the tendency ia largely ii bitta tion a good deal of diaoettoBPuut fa givfag too much. A correapendent of the Nw Farmer givea the fellewiDgRo^: fag a graftbg wax Wlute nilii, a half ponnda beeawax, pon, w linaeed oil, one pbt WannOid' and when hot pot b thereihidwi well till all b tbonoghly 'naltad, d. out fato a pail. of cold water; wniklitai laaaea candy, and ferm b didnd out aize, aay abont aa hip u Thb will keep for yean in a onIi b an excellent appUoatian let ill treea. The old practice d gmrhi among com hu been giowiagoq aome yeara with famien wha dan b^ theb corn thenogh ooltiTitta. " abort, deemed better to gmrfti I17 themadvaa. A dlfhiamjid aeticed fa the corn, batthepaayi larger riae aad are bettor lifwa. grew choice varietfaa it li ait (air that tiiey be rnbed dooe, bat tbi â- bo rich and weU workd Bart meada planting b rem freo '^*\ feet apurt, throe or four feet wi* â- • rowa, dnppbg dght orteamii h" tiib b odoulated te beaaoffiditfffj to leave three or '•"•'"»« flt'ii hUL Itbeaaentidthatthilidbtf free from weeda, even after tte (»« tdn conaidenble aim. j.bH Thb recipe for oomontfag •» -ra an EngUah mechanloal jowBal: »»2 parte of aulphur and white hadi parte of aulphur and white «»»• "T^ a dxth of borax; ^^J*Ji Uioronghly. When^abont toigf" itwitii BtroDg â- ««lpl»«rf»**l."lSi thfa layer of it between fte »• PT- ben and proas tiiemtogetiw. b" innandproaotnomwg»»»' â€" ^^ it wUlbe dry, •"*»»• tL?*JnS# fag vanbhed. and the b* «SS£ appearance of havtogbeeawadWIJ- The Huabandman aaya • »" Tgy aomithtog which •««" to '»Jj; farm, but aeldom la. « ""g? dieet of heavy cotton ««^*Jiil yards bdng«.ffioi«it to mjkMl-5; Sae, to be spread on ttewy^i when bnAwheat, oata, or wjj^^ toeripeantobediai«l»| "Ji^ti ahdlacl grdn "Uoh wwlj JJ^" lortb not faoonddarabla AWJ^n imrBoae-abo, aa Hmay 'S»m*fti^^ over a. load of grab fa •»«• â- OB the way to town. One to-day i»'r:^l»- modi advbe, but ^J^plt^. mU, Never fdl **SdumjS*i aMals.aer ^^f^^Zgi^' mtad ueefdly wg^Hh al!j*£| ssteb^i4sa%Ss{ u A 'd'j ay