i ^f IVY I i^ i^ |;^ i f. Tba Standaira. MABKDALE JUNE 24 1886 '♦IN THE MIDST OF LIFE WE AKE IN DEATH." In a little over a week, death has claimed three victims in oar village. On the 12th inst., James WiUiam, sou of Eev. A. Wilson, passed away at the •age of 8 years. Deceased was strong vigoroQS and very promising boy. He recently recovered a severe attack of inflammation of the boweh, but had a relapse, which hastened him to a premature grave. Then Lottie Manb, a girl of 15 summers, amiable and forbearing in her disposition, and a favorite of all who knew her, was called to her re- ward on the morning of the 17th. Lottie has been u poor health for some time but nothing serious was anticipated until a few days before her demise. She was the eldest of the family and upon her rested, in a great measure, the care of her mother, who has been an invalid for several months and whose recover}' is very doubtful. Then on Friday last we were sur- prised to learn of the sudden and serious illness of another citizen of more mature years, Mr. Michael Sul- livan, who was stricken down with inflammation of the lungs, and died on Monday morning, aged 45 years. Deceased has been for some 83 years a respected and well-to-do farmer in Artemesia, hut the last four years has resided m Markdale. He leaves a wife and three children with a large circle of friends to mourn his prema- ture death. We extend to the be-, reaved, in each case, our condolence. MAEKDALE SPRING SHOW. This show promises to develop into a permanent annual affair, and for the satisfaction of those concerned we give below a synopsis of the financial standing. The show was gotten up by private individuals at their own expense, and we trust the enterprise will have the support of our businesB men generally in years to come. BECEIPTS. Subscriptions entrance fees $45.50 EXPENDITURE. Paid in prizes, advertising, c. $37.85 Jhvmowrowneor reittm i t nt. TItt townahq) iatben had qvite alirely time Satnrdaj last in the Town Hafl aii^Qst- ing the aaseasmente of slaige nnmher of ratepayers in this townabip. ' The news has just reached ni irnfle writing of the death of an old nioneer in this comity, Mr, Bicbard Campbell, sr., irtio bred on his torn adjoining this Tillage for a number of years, died at his daughter's residence, Cul- lingwood, on Monday hwt. His remains are to be brought here and interred in the- milv buying plot, Heaherton oemstey. on Wed- nesday, the 33rd. Eztenstre preparations and CMistant prae-, tice still goes on here in preparation for the rendering of "Queen Esther Oratorio" on Dominion Day evening here. The drillshed is now platformed for the performers, and the large company are practicing there every night this week. Magnificent costumes have been secured in Toronto for the occasion. The Presbyterian congregation of t^ place purpose holding their church anniyersaiy services (D.V.) on Sabbath next. The Eev. Mr. Colter, of Meaford, will preach in the morning at 10:30 and in the evening at 6:30. On the Monday evening following, the an- nual festival will be held, we uadarstand. Several prominent ministers will be present to speak on that occasion. a3ie Eev. Mr. Mclntyre. of Berkeley, preached a very practical and interesting sermon in the Presbyterian church here Sab- bath afternoon last. The genial editor of the Advance returned on Saturday last from his holiday tour as pleasant, happy and if anything better look- ing than ever. The Dinwoody Bros., of Stayner, are spend- ing a few holidays with their parents and friends in this locality. JohnBannan, Esq.. formerly of this vil- lage,as'at present rusticating in this locality having retui;ned home from Toronto where he ha^een pursuing his studies in medicine. maxwell. To balance in hand $7.65 C. W. E.DTLDDGE, Sec.-Treas. P. S. â€" If any person desires to see a detailed statement, they can do so by calling at the Standaed ofiSce. C. W. E. (F'ojn our correspondent.) It is really too bad that our village is not any bettt^r represented in your valued paper, so I give you a few items. Mr. Cyrus M. Field, who is now in Mr. B. J. Sproule's establishment, Flesberton, was out here on a visit over last Sunday. His sister, Mrs. Wright, of Eleinburg, is now on a visit to her parents and friends. Last Wednesday the bam of Thomas Gamey. Esq.. was raised. There were over one hundred present, and things were lively for a while. I understand that the Presbyterians of Maxwell, Feversham and Mclntyre intend having a picnic on Dominion Day, but the place of mooting is not yet determined. The Sons of Temperance, I believe, will also have a picnic at Heron's Mill on the same day. No doubt a pleasant time will be spent at each, and all friends will be weleome. A number of Flesherton's young men are spending a short time camping out at Heron's Mill. We suppose they use ^eir fishline for trout, and their firearms to kill the mosqui- toes. Don't know what else they can ex- terminate. According to last draft of stations of the Toronto Methodist Conference, we see Eev. S. A. Arkels is to be removed from this field of labor. Mr. Arkels has been here for only a year, and is universally well liked. From what I can hear his removal was altogether uncalled for, and the ehurch authoiities here will do their utmost to prevent it. Mr. Arkels is now on a yisit to his father and mother in Belleyille, Mbstob. Notice. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsibJe for thtiopiniens expressed by our correspondents Tu the Editor of the Standard. Deae Sib, â€" I have to ask for a spaee in your valuable paper to show your readers that there is a tnistake about me putting a fence across 50 sideroad. I placed a fence across a disputed deviation, and I also deny of them taking proceedings at my expense, I am inclined to think that it is at the ratepayers expense like all others mis- takes. I notified the Holland Council that if they had a proper title, to come and stake out the deviation and I would build my fence in the proper place at once. 1 don't think they have either plan or specifictriouv they cannot how- ever be found recorded, and I hope this will end my writing in the matter, if. not, I shall be very apt to jog i^eir memory, "â- • ^i- Makshaix. Waiu' iierkeley. Feversliaiii. From a Corretpondent. Quite a number of our boys' went to Eu- geuia on Saturday to witness a basebidl mat^ between Eimbetloy and Eugenia. Mr, A. McGirr hals gone to 6we5 Sound to attend County Council. ' Mr. Joeei^ Henderson ' is away to Belle Island, Lake Simcoe, to attend S. A. camp meeting. The S. A. Captain and Mrs. Poole have gone also. ' Da^ Wood, onr popular s^Oeinaker. is adding imjpoi^eineuta tu onr village by build- ing a new house. Mr. J. Linley has the conttact. W. H. Caipsigne is pipping daily, quan. titles of hardwood lumber to Toronto. B. T. MoOirr baa been around purei^siog -potatoes thfi lat,% ireak^ ' Bob is paying good prices I believe. tCr. lii«ee,'«f Finy SSn^jiS, paid our t6im a flying vint last weeJf- I Mr. A^ B^'iiai 'trivet be eareltil vfi«a miOk kte/ln «mV9«ReeidcQt hto^ Holland Centre. From our oion eorrespondent. Thos. Shea has the job of building a bhdge across the Sauble here. The township fathers are having trouble owing to loosely done business in the past. Lyman Anderson is erecting an- other fine dweUing. Mr. Timson, a boy of 82 summers, is building a house, and doing the carpenter work himself. Mr. Jas. Fester has been up for selling liquor without license second offence. Mr. Joseph Fanning lost two valu- able mares with their colts, with in- flammation. Spears Neelands are rushing the stoning machine and eairiage bi«. 4'lXl.v.^ iA\. New and Renewed Subs. 8. Boyce, Markdale, Jan. '87. Sandy Foster, " Feb. '87. Ed. Burnett, •« Mar. '87. v Ed. Large, " Jan.'^f.v' {-' E. McGowBii,^rioevilleiihnu fflty • J. M.DantkTMBdelenr, Mf'8^,. .^ H. McDonald, D«rhutt (new)i,^!4^r^f Geo. Mopdle, Kimberl«gr^B«ir)„flflpW»5. Hogh Johnstm, ' ' •jFwiftr'W^ Josiah Gamey, MaxweD, Jan. '87. Wm. Mihie, •• Jmu 5?^ r, .. r" E. Brown A S«i, Fey»Bhain,.J^WB4 .^7. B.T. McGirr, " Nor. '86. James Boyd, Boeklyn, July '87. Walter Crawford, Berkeltqr (new), June '86. W. J. Long. Walter's FalU (new), Jan. '87 J. C. Madill. C»betton (new), 8^. '8« E. McLoughry, De 'dare, â- Han. (new), June '87. ' LJolia Alfam, Hnson, Ibefa., ApW "87. • '•" i Alex, llaceor, jr., Markdale (new), Joi. •8Ti â- « â- ! â- ' Tweatr«ff«nr OVJ«cfc rv-i »;i ' Roller Mills. PJjEWESV imO^ PBOCESS BOL: LEB MILL CBOWDED BEYOND ITS UTMOST CAPACITYâ€" BUN- NING NIGHT AND DAY. AND YET CAJJI'T CATCH ^,. SO GBEAT IS THE DEMAl^D FOB VICTOB BOLLEB MILL FLOUB ' Geaeatd Manager Van Hom hs« igracdft eiiiidttr to the «Bploje«B of the Gimadia Pacific Bailwaytiat ttg "Twanty.fonr hour system," that is thesniMtitationoftheiiinnlMnie i^ ;24iBr 4he prBBent aRerdoon hoart â- • Hmt the how8 trill ntunfcte: For the fiml time in i milling experience oi eighteen years we find ourselves so crowded with work that it looks almost impossible for us to catch up- with it. We emphatically and unhesitatingly declare that we thankonr friends the ladies for this, and we are proud and pleased to learn from them in so decided and practical a way thaf\l^e lie^ving them satis- faction in the floor they get from us. We say we give the ladies the credit! Why? Because seldom a day passes but some new customer tells us the woman sent him. or some old one that he has mills near hand, but the woman won't hear of him going anywhere else now. We were satisfied at the outset that if we could do anything that would improve the quality of the flonr used in this country, and so relieve our women from part of the toil and worry baking, or even if we could not lighten the work, but conld only giro them a flour that would be sure, after then: work with it, to always make good bread, that we wonld not only earn but receive the hearty thanks and earnest support of every woman in the county, and that very few men would get much rest or satisfaction until they had been at our mill or got some of our flour. We are glad to know that the great expense of building and furnishing latest and most approved roller process machinery has been crowned with, success, and that we make a flour that not only always makes good bread, but what pleases us fully as much is. that it alsoUghtens the womans house work, for it dont require half the kneading or attention of the old btyle flour. Any one who comes to our mill and see tht eftwd there eyery day wd iha4uli9ant of work we have to do cw^jipdge for himsolf that our confidi«nee in the gratitude of the woman of iQiis county was not mis- pleased; abd we may say. at once that they Hayeressonded far beyond, our most sanguine expectations, and to such an extent that we fear wo will yet have to enlarge onr grinding capacity. In return we have to assure you, ladies, that we mil continue to do our very best to please you and give yon the best article of flonr that can be made. We wiU spare no ex- pense to keep onr mill to the front rank, judge by the quantity of its work, and we want you to know the feeUng that we appreciate your hearty and unanimous response to the effort we make to lighten your home work and relieve you from the worry and an- nounce of ever having in' your house that article most productive of grow- lings ahd grumblmgs in men â€" bad bread. While we are so crowded with work that we can't give all the attention to customers we would Hke we trust no one will feel alighted, but bear with ns under present circumstances, and if any miatake occurs kmdly let ns know at onc», 80 bhat we maw rectify it. ' Flour $S.60 to$4.6(^er btl cash. Bran $10 Jter ton. --.. Shorts t^ pet tpn. MixedXhop ^6 per ton. ' ' 'â- ANGUS PLEWIJS.T Mi:,, „^/,""^5p Piopgietor Markdale 22iid Jnn«. Q«enc^. .H6W to ei»ae Statoto Labo»? ixm- Who took a 85 cent tebonr fifem Morrow s gtowrs^^^aas^,^ ga o»nt one m its place? â- *^^^**^ ,Whow^£|pdJi»6,0(».peop|# ex- pectedm Markdale flwlJtJT The small fish aw aarfiy ««awd. ' eome from? M v' ai ^T^ ^11 _Who wiUfemain W%eep houM^:^ MYkddeoii|Doim*uc?»Iiay? ' iByerythiDg marM dowii'td rait the hard times Don't thro* hf Imying'JA another iMiki'« fisares, when you can save fro per cent, by pttfohasing your Groceries at Startling Value in Teas andSugj^ 150 dozen tX Canned Salmon. Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines To P^s, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Peaches, c.. to be 8acrificea"Jf°^' Flour and Baco n Cheap as the Cheap^^^ A large stock of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and ALWAYS ON BANIX â€" ^VEKY CHEiP, rS A IiABOB STOCK OF TTsT" Mistake not the place if you want Good floods, flood Satisfaction and Low Prices, LEWIS KNATt m sTlTHI aii W -IN- DUNLOFS BLOCK. ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, PENCILS, PEms, INKS. FAHCr GOODS. TOYS. To the People of Markdale and sur- rounding vicinity: Having opened a Stationery and Fancy, Goods Store in Dunlop's Block. I hereby solicit a share of public patro- nage. I Hoping that our intercourse may prove both pleasant and profitable,! I am. vonrs truly, MRS. CLEMENT, 'GAMECid OICE, mcmi BISGOinl emia, Sweet Heakl A call respectfully solicited, MAS. CLEMENT, IVf AliKDALE* I F ARMERS tc THRESHER S] Use •â- » your JMaclilnery only the Well-known Aiy Pill n iiCIIMI Q bare been awarded it during the last ikee;eini OlA llULII nlCIIALw Tiy also our Peebless Axle Gbeaeb for foitj Waggons and Hcnrse Powers. Mannfaetnmed at Queen City Oil Worka, hy SAMUEL ROGERS CO, TORONTO i ^i^- jftini^. At the TORONTO HOUSE MAREDALE Hamlin's "V^izard Oil, Warner's Safe Cure, Shilo's Consumption Cure, Allen's Xiung Balsam, Burdofek Blood Bitters, Sandersons InfeJliable Oil, ^^^St;^31i^bb's Ofl; and aU the m ing Patent Medicines of the day. Mor mOOO SHINGLES FOB S0 â- "-y l WM. BROWIj T~" iiipli Mâ€" i^^â€" biSSQUJTIjQN Of PARTNERSHIP w *3%^ *» l^iehy'BiW that tiieputBersbip naraofore edsttnig oetireen the nMerngned, 9t.»Cku^ iant;«ljsl»^ Ai tatzymg on Imsiiien mtkii vflUtgi «â- Saab, ,pMw ATntaitiin Ifaaabrtiinia, wder the ym a s nd fin n Qaiaa»Qtnit4Cto.,i» this owing to 018 Raid iwifiMitdiia, BMmBtas to t^^ fire, «re4»be'iMU to W^wMknkiMd. v^iluun L. Tonng, tm4 all daiaaB mambui (he 1 white 8t*«r two yf"" "TL-fl oH. ' 1 led and white heifer tf»J^ •*)« !._« .-- ,»o, old, andl w^^-^iritfj If J. » « boll one year oia, »»»• ,-„,gin»»r:i old. AnJ person 'f^S^,' warded. 800â€" 4t MALCOl^SS-* SALT itnov-V^ (»i^ ^.far Salt Bhume. m?!l flr**« jUte faoeor lioe, or lianas v-T'-toe «l^|^' Bnetbat nothing jfL Oj^**^ hot at B. •