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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jun 1886, p. 3

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 'Si.~^.V-*i.'-Xii. -£|;ir^«;Wi«s:«*'ic.e..9*JiiSn,»e--^^ J ««:j-.-w.v,-5c»«H* «s1«ur•â- Â»wa^••l»•».'=Jfp •tapUMBfen -monandM mTarnlb Cflrk IriiluB«»' â-  J*'*!* b. o' oonlM, potatoM ttd â- ^ kla the hiatcrloal one, the n- Iw^^bivata of Irelud Mold bowim- Mi»,«*dU|iteous than rt any fsnuar h ^.Tf ana may jndg* »• phj^iqw l-gjol Ji the diet r.qalna no reoom- IJ^^TtheiMdlo*! faculty, for a m«re l»^*?S^Swonld be difficult to find. I'Tijrerofthe country, ae long "pre- ll-*?- i. "hould expect to find the I**' Triihman, and we certainly found I^Th* native Iriih ia almoat nnlveraally I*** hnt »t tho wâ„¢' **"â-  ***• n*J3rfty I'fSrwmiger generation apeak EagUah 1^ ** hrone o( the moat exquisite flavor. H*^ we have the Irlebmen in tho lB**rtrirB to which caricaturiata havo ^^01 To the visitor from the Si It i« • lod»«»" Plotura to mo '"zii h»t. bloe tailed coat and knee- ,t work in hia wretched plot, like ^oher oat for a little recreation. It r much she atyle of hia gamenta, r, thrt m»kes their plotnreaquenM Irtdr potitively mlracnlona raggedneaa. "ffSt thU raggedne.1 ha. ^qulta ^eitageofdiarepuUbUity, and hai '„ become ernamentatlon. Bat It *lL lU the hat that fixea the attention. •fSe often doaely inapected It, an d â- onder nerer ceaaed hew, in tho el a ••ngl« ^f'» *^^ '"'*» •»ow«^« tfbeaten and however bmtally Muld attadn that preadamlte look. the gre»t charm of travel In Ireland ,ne cw become acquainted with Ita I, in le ihort a time and on anoh eaay The Irishman ia the moat approach- j'f human oeings, and aa the very Irlah- the stranger wUhea to know la In moat bit Off n lord and master, interoonrae '^a made doubly easy. If in the oourae lelltaiy walk you ahould desire the of a little oonveraation you have lUkeyonr seat oa one of the ttirf that form the fences In these parte of iBDtry. If yonare aemoker and pro- yonr pipe, yoa ^iU present an ad- il indocement. Before you are well yon will be saluted with "Afine J, God be praised " and a careless irillbeseen approaching with apade pickax ever hia ahonlder. Sharing tobacco with him it will remain with i„ell to COD elude the Interview. Before Btoatei have passed you will have had ntiinesaihis family history, and hia en tbfaigs in general, not even ex- ig bii priest. At the end of aa many coDTenatien aa you pleaae, he ^^ ill yoa on your way with a fervent idpreierveyou long I" and part with ai If yon had been hia lifelong friend. The Boy to Succeed- lew years ago, a large drug firm in New In ftdvertlaed tor a bey. Next day the twai crammed with applicants, among s a queer-looking little fellow, accom- ied by a wcma^ who proved to be ut, in lieu of faithless parents, by ihe had been abandoned. Looking at h little raif the merchant in the store kaptiy said " Can't take him places I'gli; besides he is too small." ' I know eimall,' said the woman, "but he is lig ud faithful." There was a twinkle bcy'i eyea that made the merchant Ugm. A partner tn the firm volun- itdte remark that he " did net see what Tinted of such a boy â€" he wasn't bigger ut pint of cider. ' But after consnl- iiD the boy was set to work. A few fi liter a call was made on the boys in iitorefor Ecme one to stay all night. ' ptcmpt reeponse of the little fellow Itttuted well with the reluctance of ftn. In the middle of the night the itlunt looked in to see if all ^aa right In I iteie and presently di^overed hia Rtbfal proUge busy scissoring labeb. Wbitareyon doing 7" said he. " I did t tell yon to work nights." "I know tiid net tell me so, but I thought I ilt u well be doing something.' In membg the cashier get ordera to nble that boys wages " for he la willing. 7 1 few weeks elapsed before a show of I iKHta pasted through the streets, ~uy naturally, all hands in the store 1 te wltneis the spectacle. A thief (pipertunity, and entered at the r to seize something, but In a twink- Sirand himself fiimly clutched by the 'â- nUre clerk aforesaid and after a Sl vai captured. Not only was a ^7 prevented, but. valuable artiolea frem other stores were recovered. I aiked by the merchant why he staid W to watch when others quit their «i the reply was, " You told me never [â- avethe store when others were absent, ' thonght I'd stay." Oidera were Im- iJtely given once mere " Double Myi wsgee he is willing and faithful." ill "'** ^^^ getting a salary of r;^v, and next Jannaty will become a rt«ef the film. YouBg men, imitate P'Jiinple, TAsnms ToncB. Mr. llMdy h nkfag |20O.O0Oto tmaiag Mhaol aft OUms* far week ua»am tho -nnia]^ â- hyrt a ATra^edyof the Far West. ^i?"a.n"" in an Indian camp near jn mil Arizona, recently, and before IZ *J'J"^^ '»*'°«^ P'zz"' "itb his ^«wr rifle ghet and killed Ah Qnintho '!!?'??'• ^anghter of Chief Love- ll»? 7 wounded another buck and »dL V*"" °* **"» "'•'ef. »nd alightly ri«tfl' 'tber Indiana. Theif the Id CM.! l.P""'*** ^y mounted bravaa. *C 'V?°' miYii at the oamp •i\«5 """ " *k« murderer. Tho *«S?:„'?1V«8«* hiding placoa in »td hi Plu and that he muat oenn- '-I'utLinM "• ,-^' reluctantly com- 'tiny '" «rf«ra tobr4«PI«. l«tbt ^*»Jlwthl^ V" *^«"8«" wererld- •* lii tJ^ .^^""8 murderer, and fol- ^«Wrn^ «»« Wallapri VaUey fcWttSJJWaient ^at after rU- feJffiSj «"•«. PSttIr g tho B.nnl. «f A Plekloid (Mieh.) biid* Imldod ud mad* eaoQgh straw baU i«oa^ ft* pay th« mbMnr far hk mmnem w her wvddiu day. A iwool atory thia, of a d«ar ttttto girl m Mortti Caroltaia who ont off and add aa* " ailkon treaaoa " to bay a ooaunankm aar- Tloa for tha ohnroh. Every baehelor idi* porohaaaa a fifty, dollar anit of olethoa of a partienlar oloth- ing heoao at HoBimingafoia, Nobraaka, will ba provided with a wna. A featnra of a moating of tha SalvakioB Army tha atfaar night in Waal ington waa an addraaa by a oenvartad dade. Tha army prayed vaolfarondj for all poor dsdea yat nnoeBvarta«l. A 3-yaar-ald girl fall frem tha baloony oai tha fourth floor of a Hartford henao the other day, Imt atmok iqnaraly aoroas a olathaa mia atratohad from tha third flaar, and the rebound throw har Inta a baloany there, almoat unhurt. A lot ef little boya in Adami, Oragen, played at lynohlng tha athar day, and Charlie Spriaglar asread to hatha victim. Ha waa awinglng graoafnlly frem the limb of a tree and quite blaok In tha face whan a neighbor diaoaTared him and cat hfan down. A dweller on tho banka of tha Oodoma, tlea ahort llhea with baited fishheoka to tho lege of hia geeaa and dilvea them into tha water. The fiah bita and jerk tha linea, and then the frightened geese hurry to shore, dragging the fish after them. A California farmer aent |5 to a man in the Eaat in exchange for aix gourd aeeda warranted to prednca gonrda of the oapa- oity of 60 gallons. After waiting long for the aeeda to aprent, he inveatigated and found that they were artlatioally oaived ont of baaawood. Anguatna Fulton, the only oelorad atn- dent ever aent from the United Statea to the Propaganda in Rome, baa bean ordained, and will letnm to Amarloan to take charge of a colored Oatholio Choroh in Now Orleana. There are " amart " man ontaida af Yankaeland. A deeply aoiantlfio Oerman net long ago invented a new food for oatUe, which he advertiaed aa atrength food, and which aoon bad a large aalo. It haa re- cently been analyzed and waa foond to oonalat of 88 per cent, of vegetabla Ivory tnmln^a and 12 per cent, of oommen aalt. A small boy waa detected by a atlngy farmer in one of hia cherry treea. The farmer made tho boy oome down, and talked very seriously to him about tho ainfulneaa of atealing. The boy anawered Indignantly " New, you jnst count them cherries over again and see If there ia one ef them misaing before you insinuate that I took any." James Warder, ef Nokeaville, Va., in- aista that the following ia a true anake story " My wife's old turkey hen waa sitting beside the garden fence on thirteen eggs. About a week ago a large blaok snake came along and ate the turkey, curl- ed hfanself en tne eggs, and stayed there until they hatched out, and then ate the whole brood at once." From the Hartford Oonrant Tha Canaan Newa tella of a man who began work on a barn 30 yeara ago and who finally got the frame raiaed on Thursday. For 30 years It haa been a connndmm often atked " i^hen la TempUn'a bun gabg to be raiaed " and fer SOyeara tha invari- able anawer haa been "Next Thursday afternoon." Several years ago Louis fienneberg was foond dead In his bed at Monongahola City, and bnried. But ha wasn't dead after all, fer he turned up tha ather day at his cild employer's and asked for work. He saya that ho revived after being buried and dug out of the grave but it ia tbansht that ba was resurrected by medical stn- dents, who, finding him alive, paid him to quit town and keep quiet. As an illnatration of tho trivial causes which sometimes bring about a aeveranco of the pastoral relation, the Presbyterian Banner tells of a paster who had to resign hia obargo becanao the Sunday School superintendent objected to his uaing a plum colored silk handkerchief in tho pulpit, and the Herald and Presbyter men- tions another good man to whom objection waa made because of hia wearfaag an un- becoming mouatacbe and the practice of rolling up hia trousera in wet weather. The oitizcna of Greenville, Mich., are talkltg about the remarkable fate of Mra. Lyons. Eight years ago Abnham Van Horn bought a farm eflf her. Ho doubted the dearnesB ef the title, and aha was in- oignant and said " If I am trying to cheat ycu Ikope Ood will atrike ma dead.' Tho trado was made, and Van Horn re- mained on the farm until raoantly, whan another man laid claim to It, saying that ha had a clear title. Van Horn at once went to Mra. Lyona and demanded that she secure him from loaa. She heard Una make hia request, attempted to apeak, and feU dead. The neighbors aay that her prayer haa been anawerad. V onderfol Inatmct of Mefc '•• Yan ua a telegraphist, Hanr Malar, I presume " •( Oartainly." « Whan out walking to-day I noticed that whole myrUds of fljei «•'•"£ **»• telegraph wiraa for a oensldeBaWa distanoa. How do yon ozplaitt thisri •• At what time was itr •• About four o'clock." •• josk than wa had a memga oonvayliy the last qnaUtianB In wgai and molaasaa. A HoniinfiOaU. Mala guosfe-" I'd Ilka ta ba Mllad at fo«*t*.marr*w maming; I'm gshg fish- ^llala damaalte Cl-iffiti* £" Mala goaal (4«P«^H^ "J5S! ^taaa^dMlio (il*lldly)-«^WIII fM ifegr ^Ul KDROUOAL XECB. Tha abBtaraMoa afa taryafDatrailaiadtiM oammeBoad ao tta pnpevlf af tfaa MkU can tttra aauany, on JaflaioB Tndltioa saya that tha dd«Ulw was a allent wttaeaa to ttettartlbla tyPentiao'sIttdianoanJnly31,1763 Pa«- tiaa waa carrying ant hia great oenapiraay against tha whltaa, which waa agraad to at a ooancil of Ottawaa, Pottawatasslea and Hnrons, held at Eooraa an April 27, 1763. His first movament^ to masaaora tha garri- aan, waa betrayed ta Maj 0!odwin, the Brldah oammaadar, by an Indian girl, an May 9, and, with his biavea, ha waa ordar- ad ont af tho atookada. The fort waa after- warda Invaated, Pontiao hoping to atarv* ant tiia garrison. He oaptnrad supply boata and tralna, and tha gan^en retaUatad with aevonJ aortiea. On July 29. Captain DalyaU arrived witii 22 bargea and 280 aol dlara af tha Fifty fifth and Eightieth ragl- ments, and 20 rangers commanded by Ma- jor Robert Regera, af New Hampahira, with oannona and provisiana â€" all ondiar Dalyall'a orders. Tha latter, who had baan an cffioar, ondar tha daring Pntnuui, besonght parmlasion ta lead an expedition agalaat Pontiao, and waa finally given that privHegOb He atartad befara daylight an tha maming af Jnna 31, 1763. Dalyell marched up tha river read with three detachmfoita, and anpportad by two batterieaarmedwithawivelgnna, on the river. The wDy Pontiao had bean informed of the aortie, and waa lying on tiie banka of Bloody Run, then called ParanfaOraak. Aa the Britlah foroee neared the bridge ttie Indiana poured In a withering volley. Tho aoldlera charged aoroaa, bnt tha enemy wai Invlalble, and their numliera melted away under the terrible flra. The troopa retreat- ed, and Dalyell, while trying to aava a wounded soldier, waa ahot dead. Tho Brit- lah loaa waa: Killed, 17; oaptiired, 3; wounded, 38. Detroit waa virtually bedaged by Pan- tiao's forces till that great warrior signed a treaty of peace, Aug. 17, 1786, Datroit was tho only western posttliat held out against tha Indians nndar his oommand. Old raaidenta in tha oity tell that han- dreda of British and Indian bnllats entered the tree, and that tha ontting of tJiom ant was one of their juvenile pastimes halt a century ago. Getting Lito Hed Without Awakening Her. On a certain oecaalon Ferguson iraa^and- ing his nncertain way homeward, seraly troubled in his mind over the ouxtain lecture he knew was In store for him, and castow about for some meana'ef evading it. Sna- denly a brisht idea waa evolved from hia befuddled Drain. Ho would alip qnietiy into the house and get into bed witlurat awakening hia wit Accordingly he oaretully undreaaed in the lower hall, atole gently upstairs and crept Into bed, with hia face turned toward the outside. He men- tally congratulated himaelf up)n hia succeea thus far and went to sleep. When he awoke in the morning ha dared not look at hia wifo, and after lyiaig atlll for a few nsinntea, and net hearing any noiae from her, heoonolnded she was atUl aaleep. He then determined to arlae very qnietiy, carry hia clothes into the hall, dress there, and go down town to bnsineaa witiiout waiting for breakfaat. He was anooeaaful in this, and meeting tho col- ored aervantglrl downataira, he aaid " Eliza, you can tell your mistress I ex- pect to be very busy to-day, and therefore I didn't stop to eat breakfaat this morning." • Law sakes, Mr. Ferguson I" said Eliza. " mlasns done gone 'way yesterday morn- ing, and a^d ahe wouldn't ba baok till dis avenlng." A Hew Line of Bailwaj. A party af wealthy Canadians visitad Buf- falo reoentiy to arrange far the building of a Ibio of railroad from Table Rook, on tha Canadian Park reservation, to Qnaanatawn, Ont They axhiUtad a special charter (granted by tite Dominion Oovemmant), and claimed they had secured the co-opara- tion of the Canadiui Reaervation Commla- sion. Tha road la to run olooo to tho river bank and will be cenneoted by an iaolinad railroad at Table Rook with the Mkih^ Central. A grand hotol at that point is an important feature in the aohemo. At Qaeena- tow n theyprepoae to connect with th« ateam- erCAtcoraandthoMlch^n Central RUlroad. They claim they are to ba given free right of way ever Government property, as tmir road will help to make the Canadian reser- vation attaraotive. This Is a different view from that taken by Cemmisaioner Dor- ahelmer, of tho NewTerk State reaervation, who reoentiy urged that a bni be paaaed Sreventing the Niagara Fall Whirlpool bmpany, chartered to build a road on tiie American bank, from oroadng tha State's property. The officials of this corporation, however, feel good over the bill Governor Hill has just aipied, which allows thOm ta charge pasaengera ten oenta a mile. Two Kinds of Bnapense' A murderer under santanoa of death had a number of iufinentU friends who were exert- ing tiiemsalves ta saonra a respite frem tiia Governor. The Sheriff battevad in capital punishment, bnt ha waa a eharitab^ dimoa- edmanandhad baan doing agaaddaai of running around far hb doomed gnast. (hm maming ha ratmnMd from aooh a trip and went to the prlaoner. «« WeU," aaid tha man eagerly, *« iHiat did tha Govamdr say V " My dear air, ha haant aaid anytiUng yat ha wants tfana to think." •• Grsat heavens, man I This aaspensa ia tanriUa," avolalmad tiia orinlnal, draiaa- tloaUr. *• Dent mantlan it," raq^iendad tha Shw- Ufinadiaartultana; ' it atait anything to what it will ba If Oa Gaveraw daaant fa- terfera." EBHldlAL. Mr.JalasIWifii "ninafl. iiliwi.sfril aafoll af iBrtnwn paMaali The Qaaaa Bogaat of Spain wm mafartidn iaaata at hw private aspaBM tta Ind- ian afthaaa who partshad inthaiaooBttac- nada at Madrid. Mr. Henry M.SkanIayIanowiaPaiis: to aeaaa extant, aa tha gneat af Mr. Jamaa Gar- dan Bsnnatt Ha ia aanaidariog a United Stataa visit in next DMsmbar. Tha wadding prsssnt of tho Ooontaaa al Paria to her daughter, now Grown Priaoaaa afPortagal, waa a i^ta maroaao prayer book, coating about a hnndrad doUan, Tha kte Jamea Smltii, of FalUrk, Saat- land, who Intrednoed Ametloan oaokfng- stovae into Great Britain, waa a brother af that Celond Robert Smith, who was UUad in tha assault upon Fort C^nlg, and waa also snob a warm peraanal friend af Jefferaon Davh. Frank D. StoAton, tha story writer, da- niaa tha pubUahad stotemant that ha Is ** al- meat blind." **On tha aontmrr," ha writea, *â-  my ayaa ara every gaod. I diotato all my atariaa, it is true, bat this method af com- posltian is so satisfactory to ma that nndar na cirswnstanoas would 1 employ any othar." Tha balanoo of the ana rahad by popular subaoription f or tha statae of Sir RelMrt Pool at tha waatam and af ChMpaida, is to ba uaad far andawing a ** Peal sohaluahlp." It has Iain idle fer soma yeara^ and amonnta to $3. 150 The scholarship iHll be for poli- tical economy. WandoU PhPUps waa buried an tha spat ha aalaoted for%ia grave many years age â€" a wooded rise of ground at Mtlton, Mass. Philips is lidd beside her husband, and their namee are insoribod jnst as ha used to Uko to write themâ€"" Anna and Wendell Phll- Ups." Parson Gray, who Is at tho head of a congregation of colored folks In Denver, haa been preaching aermona that reflected ao- verely en the morale ofjaomo of hia people. Jamea Hawkins thsught the coat fitted Um, and not only put it on bnt talked back sav- agely to the pastor. Then Parson Gray got a pistol and put it in his pocket, and tho next time ho and Hawkins mot tirere were more high werda and tlio piatol want aff and HawUna waa hurt. And now the paator la on trial, oliarged with assault agauut this blaok sheep. WUloBlamarok, in a recent debate in the German Belchatag, waa apeaking with hia aocnatomed vehemence, the preaident of the Beriin Academy, Herr von Werner, was nnuggled in among tho members, and ra|dd- ly sketched him in the heat of oration. Tlie Prince caught sight of the artist, and the moment ho had finish his speech, made straight for Herr von Werner. Various wary members, however, buttonholed him en hia way and cloaod abont him. The artiat had aafely retreatod before tiio Frinoe could oatoh him. A lest dispatoh of General Gordon haa juat Imou feunl on the peraon of a apy new- ly-escaped from captivity. It ia dated Dae. 29 :h, 1884, and addreaaed to the â- * Sever- eigne of the Powera. " It uonclndee patheti- cally "During the twelve montha that I have been here theae two Powers [Great Britain and Turkey] the one remarkable for her wealth and the other for military force, ihave remained unaffected by my aituation â€" perhapa relying toe mnoh on the newa aent by H^aaeln Pacha Khalifa, who aurrendered of hls|0|vn accord. Although I personally am tobt insignificant te be taken lute ao- oountl the Powera were bound, nevartholoaa, te fulfil the engagement upon which my ap- E ointment waa baaed, ao aa te ahield tho onoroftho Govemmenta What I have gone tiirongh I cannot deaoribe. The Almighty God will help me." ^â- -^aa^ i^ £iuaia Fiance, and Gennany. Speakbg ef tiie attitude of Ruasia in tho event of a war between Franca and Ger- many, tiie Hovtjje Vrjemia of St. Petarabnrg aaya ** There la no doubt ^t. In any oase, it would not be proper for ns te lend our sup- port to either one of the belligerent powers to the detriment of any one of them. Bat at the same time It would be a mistake to Imagino that Rastia would neoessarily re- main neutral in case one of tiie twa pawara Intareatad shauld attempt to weaken tiio other. Such an indlffwenco upon her part would bo a noss political error. The Intor- ventienof Prince Gortohakeff, in 1875, In the Franco-German diffiiulty â€" an interven- tion which made Germany give up har in- tention to finally crush France â€" will idways be counted as one of the most important services that the Chancellor rendered to Russia. The same considerations which governed him then ought te guide us to- day. But these considerations ought not in any manner to hinder the censolldatlon of the moat friendly relations with Germany, becanao anoh relationa reapond on all polnte at preaent te tho intereste of Rnaala. More, ever, from a Government point of view- Germany Is more closely allied te Russia than R^publioan Franoe Is. Oa the otiier hand. It must not be f wgetten that tho sympathies of the Russian people are rather for France than for Germany, and ttiat, in a narmal daveloj^nent ef policy, our intereste mfght net be in disaccord with thoae of Fruioe. It is, therefore, natural that the eenntay should be of great importance te ns as a political factor. Germany representa fer US tho preeent Franoe tin future and, sinoo wo need both tbo present and tiio fn- tua, it would not ba for our Interest that one ef theae faotera shonld absorb erweak- antfaeetiier." Hewpapen No newapaper ever published pleased e verybody, and every sensible takar af a paper. In paaring judgment npan It deddea tiia matter upon tha whale appaannoe af the nnbiloati a n from week to week, nat aaBCMmnlng it baoanse ha ^«»^" aametting printed Ibenin tiiat displeaaas him. Or oan- rikering H Inialllble becaaae it iiprisaia, from week to weak, his axaet views. Otiiar- wlHtiie only anooaarfol newspaper would ba tiie one whidi waa neotral i^en aU snb- jedh, or one wUdi never axprssaad am Tiawa an apaint al lataraa^ aai£BnIng ttsatf to man ttpna el news. Theae twa daaaaa of papHB wore never knawn toeadstinan flar faalM oeadaot- iar s» h^Hi af ._-. la jodtad brSe mt»-- rife vwU bf tiwwwvipn wU* il Mf. LATE BOSS lEWB. RaaManteelBellevlIla nfwwpiain eIleH» lBTMybadatA»aaBtar. Three liU' Biltlafard haa Pubdol a andeleoted Daring tiie laat week af May the therma- mater registared 90 degraea fai tte shade at Battioford. The Jewaat IkeJawiah eoleny in tiie Nortii-waat ara tiiroatsned witii atarvatian. Rilief BBeaanraa are being taken. A party of forty police have left Battioford by the Cyf^coa trail with a manth's forage and provioana for patrol duty. It ia aUagedthat aama Ottawa yautha, who Inaulted yOungladiea at a Saved Army meeting in Kemptville, were aanndly thraahed by incansed young aaan af the vil- lage. Tha Calgary Tribune raporta that ' Oari- beo" Gameran, iriio made $160,000 in tiie Cariboo mines. Is at p r esent ** broke," and has gone to the Big Bend to repair Us for- Rsporto from Yale, B. C, rep r ese n t the Ff aaar River to be higher than ever before at thia dato. It ia amy ten feet bdow the higheet ptdnt raaohad in tha great freahet of 1882, and old aettiars predict that tha high water market that year will be ex- A young man haa been arreated at Mont- real far atealing half a ton of iron from tiio Canadian Padfio Railway yarda. He and a aompanion, who Is still at large, are alleged to have snooeeded In stealing this large amount in small quantities before they were deteoted. While Mr. O. E. Howell, of JerseyvUlo, was teaming logs inte the inlll yard of Mr. Obed Howw'a b acme way one of the lege he had on the trucka alid and caught him. When found the leg waa lying en hia breaat and he waa unoonaoiona. It b thought he will recover. Battioford haa had an exhibition of contrao- ter's beef in the raw. Last week a herd of cattle, aliened to be milch cowa, intended for the Inuan Dspartment, were delivered at that place, but the agent ref uaed te re- ceive them, and the men in charge turned them loeae te take their chance upon the prairie. It la estimated tliat five miles of shedding will have to be built on the 0. P. R. in the SelUrks, that the cost will be abont$1.200,- 000, and that the sheds will be completed 1^ the first of Deoember. A great number ef men are now employed In tiing out square timlior, driving piles, and runidng the lum- ber mUls. Mr. Andrew Stapleten, of Jerseyville, had boon missing for some days, and his wife becoming alarmed about him preoeedodon Friday with her son over tho path he usual- ly takes to bis work at Abram Vansiokle's, and found him lying against a tree dead. He waa taken to a house and bnried the same evening. It la anppaaed he had a fit. Farewell, the new divisional centre on th C. P. B is altuated on the high banka ef the Columbia River, on a loamy flat, and has water communication with Spokane FaUs and with Colville, In WaaUngten Territory. Vegetation ia quite far advanced, and garden pr^ncts, such aa lettuce, radishes, and onions, are fit for table use. A number of prospectors have already gone Into tho mines and have atnnnel many feet In depth from which they are taking gold, although they have not yet reached bod- rook. They are busy preparing slnlco-boxes, and seem qidte confident of resulto. Already $4,000 has been expended on tho claim. THIBTT-THBEE TfiASS. The Kenctlt of Time Ytom Moat Spend Ja Penitentiary. Louis Vlau's trial is ended. Lato the otiier aftomoon ho was found guilty of hav- ing endeavored to escape, and the Clerk of tho Court then read to him the third Indict- ment of having escaped from the peniten- tiary. Vlan admitted that he had esoapod, but said that It had been with the aid of tha guards. They had opened doors for him, and he had simply walked away. The dark again aaid guilty or net guilty, and ho ra- plied, ' I am gmlty, I got out, but aa evary- bedy knows," he added with a smile. " I was recaptured." The Clerk of the Peace then asked Vlan If he had anything to say why sentence shonld not be passed upon him. " Well," said the prlaoner, â-  I have this much to say I have NOT HAD A rAIB TBIALl I should have enjoyed righto similar to those of other priaonors. 1 have not had fair treatment, and as a proof look hero I" Vlan here raiaed hia foot over the deck and exhibited the manacle clialned to hia leg. " Thia baU," he aaid, "weighs eleven ponnda, and I have nevoi been free firom It for one moment aince my caae has been going on." Ho then complained bitterly of the meagre diot te which ho had been sub j scted since nis attempt to escape, which had the effect, of injuring his health, and that he had not long to live at any rato. His Honor, the Chief Justice, then pro- ceeded to sentonce the j^lstmor. It waa useless, said he, to urge him to do better. He had boon a criminal almost from ohUd- hood and ho had no hope tiiat ho would over Improve. Ho would thoref ore sentence him to IWINTr-nVX TKABS 09 PENAL SIBVITDDn en the first indiotment of felonieualy shoot- ing with intsnt to murdar Guard Oliarlxand, whUa santenoe on tha other indiotment waa hiaHenor had finished apeaking. all eyes turned towards Vlan to see what laopnssiou the knowledge ef havlag to spend sa many yeara af hia Ufa Impriaaned beta fear atane walla would spake upon him, and to everyone's aatanishment he waa aamto aatila and without a ward torn reand and leave tiie deck. Then, with a demaoairit he whiqperad to a guard "I tHUbeiree in leas than tiiree mentha ar again atanding In lUi very deck I" He waa driven back to the penUanthiy ahar^ afterwards. Yfan ia new Olrtotiueeyean af age. Ha ejriit yean to nand In thapanitMtiiaiy tott altowadtobn will be an rid Whan ha ia tlM air'ef Hbertf BfBia iM vir â-  â- 

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