^PJB^ mm wm mm BiniB JJQ) yiTBHn IH1 T MJ whieh to play wila p«r- What b nU to Iw O* in th« world wlU w«i be lufialMA a^Batb. Sta* will haT* a ooal canjl^g OKgrnatfy of S,600 toaa. IhePUladalpMa^Mi b acthority for tiw â- totomcBfe Hutfto aeydene inOhio **the bonndary Uikaaf Mveral towaaUpa w«ro bant all ontef ihape." Patty bai beoo£i naioe anfl bigh daa*' ttio reoeat glaaa-braakbg â- fonni in tba WMt. One dinggin.fai I%pis baa.eold 600 peaada witbin a f«if daya. A writer taye ^lat Keely» of me or fkin waa ia(er) iKea c»ibid ImIi iciier I ciroaa. "Yoatee," he laya, "be la only a jaggler by aataie, bnt by edaoatioB." An entire family of negroea were foand dead in tbtir cabin near loiktown tlte other day. Without dosbt they were killed 1^ Wgntoing during a heavy thnader atorm that paaacd over two daya before. A peoaliar Pariaian faabion whioh baa grown rapidly wttUnthe paat few yeara ia tiw OBBtom for women to go bareheaded oat •fdeora. The cap onoe worn li^ the labor- Jog woman ia new aeldom aeen. George Holyland, of Fork, Md., waa abeariDg a abecp the ether day, when the animal klokad and dreva oae el the bladee •f the ibarp abeara into Geerge'a alidomen, inflicting a wonnd from which he aeon died. " Moiquiteea have leldom been thicker in Virginia than thia ipring," jayathe Milford Chronicle, and it goea onto tell of an ewe that waa literally bjed to ^eath the other nigh^ the pinta attading ito udder, which waa dlatended with milk. Streator. IlL, baa a cat that delighta in killing wakea; bat ahe nearly met her match the other day when ahe tackled a big garter anake. It ceiled abont her body, ana the two rolled aionnd on the gtonnd until tba teeth and olawa of the oat got her the viotory. A darky did a big buineia aelling egga in Oabome the other day, at 60 centa a do- len. He waa able to aell a good many at thia fignre by offering, aa an inonoement to bny, tba privilege to the buyer of throwing them at bia head thrnat through a iaele in a can- OUR TOUKG^FOLIS. Ihe-ten-year old Nancy Taylor of Orant, Iowa, reada with the beek npaide down, and wxitea with inverted otaaradtera, braimiiag at the right aide of paper or aUto. She aaya that every thing within three feet of her eyea aeema npaide down. At a greater dia- tance her aight ia normaL 0..C. Weat, of Butler, Oa., went fiahlag two weeka ago, and wore an old veat. After ietting home he hung It up^ Un W edneeday Ira. Weat waa feeUng in the pooketa for a matoh when a rattlesnake two feet long dropped from the torn lining. It muat have got there the day Mr. Weat went fiahing. A bam waa burned in Bockingham, Vt;, not long ago, and a valuable borae waa lup- poaed to have been burned too but the ether day he waa found in the pcaieaaien of a milkman of a neighboring town, who had put bia own old hone in the bam, atolen the good borce, and set fire to the buHdbg to (oonceal the theft. A Kbigaten family moved from their heuae a month ago, and recently, the little girl of the family and her mother went to call on the lady who occupied the heuae they vacated. While there the idiild law a very email baby that had arrived but a few daya before. She looked at It carefully, and then aaid ' Mamma, we moved to soon we'd have got that baby if we had atayed here." Mr. A. H. Dayton of Spkinfield, Ohio, bought a chicken â€" ao- called â€" for a recent Sunday dinner. The' ooek dreaaed it, and found within three ahelleaa egga. They were pat into the frying pan along with the fowl, acd in a moment there were three aeparato .azploaiona like piatol ahota, eaoh egg waa Tteleatly daabed againat the odling, and Ilia cook waa badly burned. It ia auggeated iliat tlie hen had Men feedfaig on dynamite. Fear yeara' ago Jtihn Twombly went from Maine to Orange City, Fla., arrkmg there with teven dollara in bia pooket. He aet up a peanut atand, and In lix mentha added frnit and dgara to Ua atock. Witliin a year tobacco, oandy, and older, and a few greoer- iea were added. Oat of thia buaineae John baa paid aaveral hundred dollara for old debta, benght a lot In a good looaUty, and en it bn}lt one of the beat buildinga in the One Good Tub DeitmM inotlnr. Itwaaontar a littia aatti|y bind a olamp of -baahea and ' uunamak^ltf tkUm iHtm baaUkg ii the aaaUiaOon mer'a day in tba heat of Aaguat. Th» way leading to •• Peaeh Bleaaom Cottage," aatt waa odied, waa threugh a long arbor, from whioh hnng delidona grapes aa if ready to be plucked. Oa this day of wliich I apeak aatraager enterdd the little viU^e, ^nd. after bmahlog away the aweafe? from Ug brow, he proceeded to aeek apjfaoetoiMtf hlmaelf fiam the long awi tiieaomf joamey. OlaaoiagatUm obo woold owtainiy term him^ tramp, ao daaly aad tv^Yekworn trai ha. Aa be naaabd one after omUier, aind" found nothing in the way of wooden atoola and r'natio Itenebea, be almoet deapaired. Wheal nearly dropping with fatigue he came In eight of ••Peach Blotaom CottiHB«" could not refrain from atepping over the wall, and aaating htaaseif apon aninvitlag bench under the arbor. Scarcely had he aeated himaelf when a Utt(a child, of per- bape ten jeara,. approached him with teara of aympathy in h«r aoft blue eyea. Aa aeon aa aha! caught aight of him ahe ran inta the cottage, and ipmudiately reappeared with a aoft white pillow, which ahe laid under bia head. As the ohUd prepared to go, bia aad face Iwamed with a amlla tiiat apoke vclumea of thanka. Preaently he fell Into a long and refreahing alumber that laated un- til midnight, when he waa awakened by the loud ringiog of fire holla, whioh clanged out on the atlU night abr. He mbtted bia eyes and looked areund him then graaping the altuation, be ran around to the aide wing of the houie, which waa enveloped hi flamea. Already a large crowd had collected to note the progreaa of the flamea. And after Far- mer Brown, the owner of tiio cottage, look- ed around him to aee that idlwaa aafe, a ter- rible thought occurred to him. Hia face grew pale aa aahea,aa hia trembling worda reach- ed the heart of the multltqde " My daugh- ter I my daughtor 1 Oh, where la my daagh- tor!" aa bli eyea aough** the Immiog build- ing;. A ladder was qnloklyjtiiioed againat it Then, aa Farmer Brown e£tored all hia poa- reaalona for the recovery of hia child, tita traveller of the afternoon atepped forward amid the wonder ot the people. As he placed hia foot firmly upon the ladder, a about rent the abr the mnltitued watched wltti eager eyea aa he aaoended the ladder and gafaned the top^ All wa^atifl aa the un- known mandiaappeared throogh the window. Once more a ahont waa raiaed, twice aa noiay aa the firat, aa the man appeared on the top bearing tbe almoa*:^ anSooated ebild ih hia anna; juat aa ho reached the ground, and everybody was rejeobig, the ladder caught fire and bumed to the ground. Then Farmer Brown offered the hero what he had promised to give but the good stranger an- swered, aa he pursued hia way, "Sorely one good tarn deservee another. " Mis. GoUemame, with her three diildren, has just made the joumey from Hamburg to San Jose, CaL While they were journeying through Nebraska one of the Uttle ones fell from the car window when the train was at foil speed. The tnbt was stopped after seme delay, and the frantic mother and •thera hurried back to pi up the mangled remaina. They found toe youngatei qnlto nnhurt, playing with peblilea alonpide of iho track. For aizteen years Margaret Jaoobeon, known as " Crazy Maggie," has lived in a shanty in CUcago. Her only companions were dogs, and aba subsisted by beggfaig. One day last week she was arrested aa m- aane. Sne related the po l icemen and when overcome insisted tiiat were waa money In iter ahanty. There waa. In a satchel was 1661 in silver change; b atoddngs were gold and gree nb ac k s. Over $1,000 was loond, and they are lookiig for.moce. Tba loot ring story oemea ta hand aa nsnaL ' Tills time tlia soaaa is b Jd in Ken- tncky, where fiva yeara aoQ WOUam Howe Meorafiald laat hk sitte^rkg iHiOo fieUng Ib a pond. Not long sga ho went shooting boll trogi in tha same pead, and whila cat- ting off Aa hind legs of a big one that lie bad dMt, what jMdlia aaa fvetaBadbg tnm tiia bidlat wonad in ue side of the Tiotimbnthia sMer't ioBg-lost risfc with tha ldentifyiagiaa«il^«*Ul4nitolegIbIa. FoUecmaa (yDoueUaf daralaad attempt- ad to arrest Andrew Zoaoh, a salaenhaq^. Id whose plaoa a M of Us ooantryBoa were »iaking a_dlsti^any ^S^^gy .Htehed aa tka palMMiWBHto cBmaq^tod to' draw his r^etvor. OIm •tbisaaa allante grabbed it. aad M Isakad^ ba« for O^DeuMlt Jast mattsMi to* a^Hh to Hm Isokop. A Baimese Faiiy Stoiy. Fairy tales are popular among the Bur- meae, and there la one which cemea from over the border in Slam, whioh wis toU us by a Siuneae. The exaggeratlone-aJl hang to- gether artiatioallr, and are in the aame key as It were " There waa once a king who heard that there was an enormous giant in a far country, and he declared that he abould never reat until he had a hair of the giant's head. So he aent hia fleet, aad they aailed and they aailed and they aailed fer weeka and weeka and weeka, and at laat one day in the afternoon it became auddenly dark, and they ataok faat and could ret neither forward nor backward. Now, tbe fact waa that they got inside of a hole in a tort of carrot, the amalleat vegetable in the giant's kingdom. And behold, the next morning the. giant's children went out to flab, and aa they went they picked up two or three ele- phante on thebr way for bait, but they were only able to catch a few of the very amalleat fiahea in the countryâ€"* aomething equivalent to your minnowa,' aald the narrator. And as they were going back they saw a oarrot growing by the water's edge, and palled it up to put It into the curry, and inside it was the whole fleet After they got home the giant threw the fish and the carrot into the pot in order to boU them, when the fleet rose out of the root to the top of the water with all toe men in it ' What are thoee ouriouB bssectet' said the giant peerbg down into the pot Then came a good deal more whioh the narrator had forgotten. The man tried to shout to the gltnt and tall him what it wae they wanted, but their voices* were too weak, and he ooi^d not hear a word they said. At length he lifted them up to his ear in Us band and a whole boat's crew marched In at the hole, and went ever auch a long way up inside, and toon they all shouted together and told him they had come from their king to ask him for a hair of his bead. So at laat he wae aide to hear what even then loomed to bim only a whiaper. Unlike bia kind, the glut waa apparently aa good-natured aa he waa bigâ€" he gave the hair, lifted them back to the tea, wnere the hair, when put en board the fleet, near- ly sank it, after which he puffed out hia oheeka ai^ gave a tremendoua blew, which curried the fleet straight home handreds of mUes at one go." Ha haa aad mB mMag inmhtf baa • Kba Dnrbf Ihf paatwaak don aatha naduift ;Uao|«Pete enjoying a shoviTSMatfsa-vithUB family. Itoaay hM a vsify. flaa yeka oC oxen, ai^ baa. expert ia dmtng thsm as hb fathviimmMafbgalMainoava. Oia the day after hb father's arrieal Tapgrny yoked ap his oxen for too porpoee of draw- ing a load of wood. Uaeis Foto was anxioua to go with 1dm aad laara tba process of "ranningthaboilgiaea." Tha woDdswera aboathaifamno Hon tta hMMta^-aqd np a ate^ hU. The op trip p* s*ai| • finry plea- santly and Unde J^eta ptataed Tommy very highly on bb skill as a driver. When they were ready tomtom Tommy fixedassoare seat for bb fatiut on tbe load, where ha oonid hold OB to one of the binding diaiaB and a stai^o to stsady Umsdf. As soon aa tb^y were birly bended for heme, Tem gave tbe oxen a slisfp ont with the iriitp, and sent them soramblinc down tiie road at a Uvdygatt. ' Eaay, Tom, eaay," Said tha eld man, hnggiBg deser tolhe load. " GIsup, BrigEI, git up Buok " shouted Tom, givlns them another oat " ESsy, Tom. Drop 'em in easy, I tell yea, or yoall ditob us as sara as thnader." 'Skt Tom kept en plying the whip until they were daehlng down the hill at a fall oantor. ••SbdE up I sladt np I" eMed thai dd man, pulUng atthe blndfaig chain to If giv- ing the slgeal fer down brakea " Can't deck 'em," ahonted Tom. ' Hang hard and you're all right " They were now witiiin a few roda of the woodahed, and the old man, aoouatomed to the guidanoeof tbe iron ralla, aaw no eaoape fremmaahing Into the building. Tom waa atlll a winging the whip and â- hooting at the top of hii volca. Undo P«to became frahtto. Catching Tom by the arm be cried out "Tom, yoo break-aaok villain, throw 'em over for Heaven'a aake -reverae 'em or we're gone to amaab." Tom brought ap at tha door of the wond- ahed with the oxeo paotiag and Idowlng like veloanees. The old man olambered down from buperiloos seat, walked aroond the oxen, eyed them susplcioady, and then confronting hb son, said "Tom, theee machines may be all right for l|^t grades and short runs, but If yon have get the pluck to ride 'em over aooh reada aa theae without reverae or brake, you beat the old man, that'a all." â- ' â- p ' eaim m Fiide Comes Befoie a Fall. A lump of day and the end of a wax candle found themselves, by some strange obahoo, dde by dde one summer day, on a dust- heap. " I wonder yon have the as- Burance to He so dose to me I" tald the dainty wax, aneeringly •• a great, common Innpof olayl and X have bten on a fine lady 'a dreaaing-table " "Ah 1" aaid the cl»y, humbly " we are fellow 8nff«rera in adveraity we muat make the beat we can of it I ought properly to have been In yonder brick field." "What a come-down for me I" moaned the candle. •• It does not signify what becomes of you." The clay wkely held hb tongue. And the atrangely-aisorted oompsnions in mbfortune dropped into silence. " I wbh it waa a little warmer," aaid the day to himaelf. "Dear me, how hot it u getting f gmmblod the wax candle. Preaently toe ann grew bettor and better, and the pboe of wax candle gradnaUy melted away. But the clay only became harder and firmer th# n ev«r. Thua it b, tbe hopeful and self re- Uant when tried by the heat of adverdtv. come cut of toe fire toe atranger and firmer But toe weak and worthless paas ih|b ob- scurity, and are no more heard of. T) ' nawam by maoia SwaiaAB. at Maawtila A Judge's Opiiiioii' While Judge Walten was at work in hb " lis* "'7' ""Py y" *«•» «l»wlag up an opinion ia a knotty caae, a oertain lawyw eame in. Thb lawyer, who has sfaicadied, was a thin, toottpicUsh, diidbh sort of man, whom toe judge did not like very well, and than whom he had rather ^ve seen DanM Pratt Umsdf wdkina faito hb ohamber. ^^ " Wdl, Bratiwr Mghtwdght, what can I w u' y««tti« "•ralBgr aeked Judge Walton, hoping to get rid of toe fdlow. "NotUng," ha replied. "I only ina mtomakayaoaoalL^' 7 «»ma ioetS'a|4Sm^:?r"*^-i'^«- "BeeaaaalosaHsflsrdit How modi da y«» wpposa it eeete me to livenowr The jndge said he wmlda't guess. my. own Bvbg." ' Aaenressioa of snrpcfae «»»^ •â- «.. jodga'sboa. "i^-e ana sa aa Thoiutlit Maniage Hirht Sober him Up. Doosenberry was so full whtn he went to get married that he wanted to wUp tha mmlstor, and offered to bet that he could puU one of toe plUars from under toe ohurch roof and bring the whole steuotore tomblins In on them, a b Samson. Minister to weeping bride-"Did yoo toow^tobman drank when you accepted Weeping brlde^" ^y yea, air." befor^Sr""" " yoo evar sea him fnU Weeping bride-" Y-y yce. slr.»' ma^uSr"^~ " '" yo-wantto Weeping bride- « I thought may be toat marriage might aobernbn op." â- '"""•' Minbter-^' WeD, marriage does usually sober a man np. But ia thb case It aeenut thirS^d?l,i2?'?^'^*' --ri^)-" Forty Mlnfater-"Oh, toat makee a difference. S.Yn'i^ti'T;? WUUams, held toe groomup nntU I get torcu gh wito tiib oaremsay." Eaoh to Hia Taste. " ' "LS^fy* •"•"MMe.-midlh. allkmaabUthe "PornOTe»aiooeaiib».Ma,ai«J love the daddag Ta^ IJoj^ ft« Jteioua annaet^ lor. the cato M,d lore But I thtok I love the water, to my bwin.., bert^H "^S^^!r^ '-•we- -*- «« the pcoee "^thJfid!"^*" billowy yet .leant fOfiel ItUnkn^ toeaaad.* OaSudaf. decsoB, a waIl:ta-#o Grave, ita.* mile aad a half erf tka vlliaga. fTMsMaaataift Grow say «hM Ma tfMsnded tha Maeeato lodge Jaftoidagr jsbM^ biavlag tha haU aboi^t ]1| A. M., aad staitod for lib hama nâ€"t, twa aad a %df idles aorthaftoWB. Ha waa IMuid lyiag aa his badk, wito a tofrlbb waoad ia hb tiuraat and obeat, oanaed by a dioegan. All day Monday andToesday toe Inqoeet want aa^ and on Wednesday the two Mi|i,,cl^tlia dead man, Ed. uid Beniy Ahdortdn,' imit a oom- paalMi nuied Ewing Sandew oonfewed to the horrtola ofima. The 'a uuB aaa le as ol the thsaawera taluntory, ana UoOgb% oatat Coronal's inquest One of toe boys partldly gave the tUng away k lib testimony, and the other oentradloted it, and toey toraed against aadi other until the whole mystery was unravelled. They finally oonolndad it was best to ooafesa adl.- Earfng Sandera made a full oonfassbn. "Tne plan," ha said, "was laid aboottwo months ago. Ed. oama to where I was at work la tha fiddaad p re pesa d ttat I help him kiU the eld matt. I said I didn t like to, but then aad aftarwarda ha kept persoading ma, and I fiyudly yMdad., £a. fold ma he had laid a plan to kill h'm «moe before when ho went to salt the oattie 1^ knaoktng the old devil In the head with an axe Hid toon bttbg tha wagon ma ever him, but one of the llttie beys was along. I agreed to bb plan abaat two or three weeks age, and sinoa tims every thb g was perfeded. Ed. begged and begged me until I didn't know what I was about It was my gon, a muz zle leader. I got the ammunition last Wed- nesday night. The plan was to have F/ed Archer stay all ^Ight to keep down suspicion. "I hid the gun about 300 yards from where he wae shot, and we got It about 12 o'clock at night and waitod for him. He came along between land 2walkbg faat, all unconaoious of danger. Jd. lilted the gun and fired, and he dropped and nt tered 'Oh.' and instantly expired. We didn't go np to toe body, bat ran away home to Mr. Cox'e and put tbe gun away, and went to the kitchen and got eemetiUng to eat and went to bed." Here toe eaormity of Us brims seemed to eoouT for the first tune to Utib miuderer, and he broke down completely, orylns, "O, God, what have I dene t Oh, boys, Ed and Hen- ry, yon have got me toto thb 1 Ob, horrible, horrible 1 They were to pay ma |50 and give me work ae long aa I wanted it Ihe eld lady and Jennlo didn't know aaytoins of it Oh, El, £j, why did yon peraoade me to go toto it, aod Oh I to toink my poor old motoer rab«d me bettor. It will kill bfr. O, God I O. God." • The scory of ttio Anderson boys b as fol- lows " Wo worked it up togetoer how to kill father. The first time we failed. The laat tinie proved saooesful. There were otoer partiesâ€" W. S. Campbellâ€" who worked for us who first put it In onr minds, and who got mad at fther about one year ago, and aald to usin the field toat it would be a blessed thing If toe eld fod was dead- mean- ing father. We began to meditate about It from that time, and otoers put It also in our minds, among ichom were Joe Lee and Price Byera. Joe told me If it was Um in our place toat be (Fatoer) would be a dead man in leaa toan twenty-four hours. If It had not been for them thb awfol morder woold not have happened. It was worked on onr minds. Ed was to do the shooting, as Henry said he wouUnet hdp shoot Um. About three or four yeare ag^ on Sunday morning, fetoer aad Ed had trouble about Mr. Archer's horsee, which had come to onr heuae. Father picked np araUand made ^^* " â- 3d he wonld knock hb brains "'•That was toe beginniog of onr bad noobb, aad it has worked on qs siaoe, and to kUl Um. He dways worked agauist our going to choroh and sohool, and that warked ^JH^A f^f »•»« wi^T thooght abaot what woold follow after toe killing. Wt did it to a worked np passion. We shot him wito a musket shotgnn. We got soared and ran AaAAveataica ar»] Oa»ta the i^" Ark.,l»H,,^**;Mln,, Iiithetownr,2?J*H hiaiestsallnr3'f*fc»hl The oaae waa »HiT7 **'•«•. ' WfachestertpZS^Jjj! volver around her mT setoutforh«,k"l**^ IB ora It whbh ahepdd" o^?^ out for her hoiTan *. n^ wk Before leavbe 8hrJL*"Nti 45-oalibre revoSl"^Sit* tooremark^.T^rrtt,^^iW,^ a fine pbtol. beaotieal' Don't â- I IT attract! J.v.tospendhertb.,*^'^. o!k«i and got separated, butfindly got tegethar and went dfreot to Mr. Cox's. Fatoefoame angrUy to na, and we diet and â€"" Um." Ho Highltttin' About little Broth8^ 'IJ-y^^' *^y ' «*n't make my kite fl«f Jg«l to. litU. bretoer .nKS^ScK;! tbuTto te ite^'sssai??" *^i^ nearly mb- Mra. Anderson, toe motoer of the boys. iWiU'S'!â„¢^-.,.^ Impresdon prav^ toat she knew of toe crime. It b sdd ttiat toere has been a continual war between hna- bud and wife for years, snd tiiat toe boys took thefr mctoer's part S3 stoong was toe lynching sentiment that. toe prboners were removed to l^ingfidd Mo., for safe keeping. They willbetokea • tfd* " "" '" ***• preliminary ex- â- ' â€" p- â€" ' i ' A Fienchmaa in a Fix. Jl^^iL^ *c f ^***y »«*^ d Prenohmaa I?-"" f*Bd SDi£5n, ••my swaetoeart has given me do mitten." â€" «-â- !*.^*,?^» *»•" 3W that hamiea r' J^t.^J^-'**' I most gTS) make her voa vidt Were I leava.tawi; so I stop bs ^•"iH^^"'» Ptoetohoot on von law." A leafage, you mtoa.*^ "YoosaliwhatT" In b to SSIP^ ' '•» hayapat yapr foot .vl'.5^ '^t !»• "y f«at out of it far â- »» "jya dm waiSd oallWsaore bto brathv toymarUfiadJmtl eaald act fhuToTda down here to cout yoar. woman and ex^ci'dto^ die. She dreaae. 5JS^'»« broad-brimmedwhlteSi^^ ed by a wide black pl«h bite era and ornament.. KhiJi' tober. Sholaofmedh.i,» b£fe5r""«*'»^te^ eer^Sfa-Ji^dt'SiSSSr;' at Carthage, Mo..T?^**' Uat February. Inl863iJIfai'" TtxM where he oonttaned to n thecloaeofthewar. Aft« th. QaantreU-B men »meto th,!. When leas than 1 yean In love wito one of the duhhj] whoee name ahe aaid it nvrm. for hw to give. Her fatltet obJNti., marriage and ahe ran away wtftk, being married on hembiok fa thi aenoe of about twenty ef herhubiii'ia panions. John Ffaher, eue of the ^Z ed outiawa in the State ef Iau,UiU horse while the ceremeny wm b^i formed, her weddbi; attin bsmi velvet riding habit, About three weeki after thenut|M|J hnsband was forced to flee fron ttaa try, and be went to Ml!aenrl,laTl)i|k Texas. Her father leaniod of hb hii^ parture, and in order to iadios htrtiii turn home, aent her a numge thitl mother was dangerouly ill ud het p» waa required in haate, She bnei' went heine, bat found that ihe I duped, aa her mother wm net eick i and it was then the ezpetiecoid 1 captivity, for the old grntleman leoMI np and kept her in oonfinemtnt ieri two weeka, after whioh he gmhere ef going to aoheol In Sui Aotoniii e smaller place hi Pirker oounty. Shi f laced In school at the latter place udi mained toere fer seme time, bit i»t not allowed to csmmndcate with uj i ontoidti of her family. While there her hoabud igih i Texas, and after oonaidertble tnmbb 1 ed where she was and oamt after her. By thu time her admhatin for^k become aomewbat impaired, and i refoaed to go with hini, bnt after i able persuMion berruwed a bene I young fellow who wu attending tbe i aohool, eatenaibly te takaaihntiUM meetli^ her huahand after dirk, fterr oot for Mbsonri, where har habnl diased a farm and made as liirttoi down and lead an npr^t lita. i barrassed by enemiea to nob h toat he could not live in paaoi, w J toey kUled hb brotoer, and in ittanX' two of toem, after whioh tiwy «P" •" Texae, and from toere went to ImU CeL, and remained b th't^ati »' time. From there toey igilnw" 2 Ji as, and her huahand wai «"«• "l foUowed toe fortonea of an «Wf^, ahe baa afaioe been true to •"• »^=. comrades, and shehaaoontinooiia* wito men of hb oallbg, ^^^1 the Indiana nearly ever iw«i'"^^B ceptien of two yeara »P«» "l**! She baa spent some ef the tiiH » I wild tribes. ...^ ^M tf« toW^iF'-^^v^^**^ Ceavea- af*i2^I'^i^A2?*« «••« •tola at two ImiB Ids dbtilett A daakarw^ hawte daaksywas tim atiiar mm..^ j« ttjfc h a d2y;^I SI wMm m th e ' pasafagby. Said have lali voJIp, bat ^^l^adtdl. He had red in tha Ftflyrods'aitka tosaofiha He was a whaalBiw. farmlioaaofec a glaa af a^'affiS^j glass r^^ When at home, her oonP^Si"*! daughtor. Pearl (whom ^.^^luM adian Lily "), her hone and J"' -flil revolvers, whioh she caMa "' ",7,|B|f I horse she rides ahe hai •'^,,^^1 five years, and no one '^•fZMt)i*\ him but heradf, and it '""WjtfSllal noes fer anyone elae to i^^L^n, M She sayi die baa been of^^t^A time a^d agdn, bnt that If^JJlfifl him. HetaaamaU»ri«lh«Jj";^ in good condteien la •,^^js|i»l Bdllba crack abet, «i»»^, wito as much doxterljf »'J!^'g^#| man. No man eater. Yowg^Hr out firat glvbg a tooroagh me-- i sdf before he geta on*vjrt *al»i^ In winding up ft* w*" .tf^J ••You can just «ay m*^ any brave and g»"»»»f£5ia"' nee for that eneakbg. *SS. •* I who can be found to any IjJJ, 2* wwild betray afrieid *?.« gil^ sakaaf hb •w»,e5l: Jtti**!5 fear joHy good '/•^'"t^.** "J ' my potion, and »»»• ^Htf jS do** ttatnmlder ba taUas ia %Qj^ :*Toiitf«/y«i7 UdMU «alv« anOo ^i i-}-' frbnds,andwoddby| my defence manded it, Mrvameinanywaf. Why babdd-l««»»JS«.li«l" hound T Bacanse ho m»«* great way. ^^m^^^ I Cdi.tarnatienfiU6daT^j2V^ towaShea tb»}^^^fi laid bean batte»4:J5*I*»* dor game, fdlia ^H" iMrAthabdir