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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Jun 1886, p. 2

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 =fc-f' yi i I m w I 4 ' (. • i;i I )%« p HOUSEHOLD. ffista. Onde in awhil* let yonr hoabuid hftv* th«' iMk word it wU gntify him and be bo pw- tionlkr loH to yea. The Betrert qolor lot table deoenlloaid enlyent ab.nt a weekw two, is a' Tlrid crImioB. All klndi of fliwen uxe prodaoB, In thla color to be need together, rhe crim- â- on b relieved only with green, and the white Ubleelalli fwma the gzoond. It â- honld rnly be ventured upon in a dining- room forblahed in a toft and neutral tint, and the color with which the lighti are â- haded haa to ba oonaidered. Trails of fl w- eis laid on the "tablecloth are still a favorite form of decoration. Itieema, says the L^ncat, that the little toy balloons cr India-mbber bladders which ohildrea inflite' with the breath may be readily reversed by inspiration and even drawn into the air paaaages. In two in- stances recently death has occurred by snf- fooatien, a btUodn ot the sort being arawn into the opening of the glot^iis. Thiaiaa matter of danger which ought to be recog- nized. Parents and nurses aheuld be eu their guard. The:r8za of ta])Ietnraiog haa abaolntely gone out of faahlen, and it is CLUita a long time since we heard of our old friend plan- ohette. A new. tiling â€" much more wonder- ful than planohette â€" ia now coming Into vogue. It coq^iats ef a reotangalar board, two feet long by eighteen inphea wide, on whioh are piacedall the lettera of the alpha- bet. A minfatrire tbree -legged table on small roUera Is plaoed en the top of the beard. Two ,p*rsens. ait down with-Uieir finger-tips on the table in the old fashion suitable for table-tari^ing. A quaatien is asked and the table forthwith moves about, and with ita l^s pointing to sue jeaaive let- ters of the alphabet spalls out the anaww. There ia aemething novel abent this, though it is not likely to sacceed in reviving the ex- citement which once'ga^ered about moving tables and revolving hats. Ohoice Becipes- Craokera â€" Rub four ounoes of butter in •ne quait of flour, make it into a paste with rich milk, knead it well, and roll as thin as paper cut them out by a small saucer, and biJke quickly to leek white when done. Maple Cream.â€" One pound of maple â- ngar to half a cup thick oream boU till â- uffidently hard to make into cakea turn Into small cake pana to cool. An additfen of one cup nut meats makes an excellent nut- candy. Dried Apple Cake.â€" Soak two cups ef dried applea over night, chop and simmer in two caps of molasses two houri one cup e! milk, half a onp of butter, half a cup ef su- gar, half teaspoonfnl ef each kind of apioe, sift two teaspoonfuls of baking powder in flour and mix pretty stiff. Is splendid and will keep Uiree menths. Good with oream er seme pudding sauce in the spring initead ef pie. Moak Lemon Pie. â€" Two teacups of sour oream or buttermilk, two-thirds onp ef sugar, yelka of two eggs one tablespoonful flour, a pinch of salt beat well together, then add two teaspoonfuls of lemon extract. Line the pie tin with orust as for custard, pour in the mixture, and bake nntil firm. Whilthe pie is baking beat te astifffreth the white of tare egi;s, add two tablespoon- fuls of white sugar, ane-half teasporaful lemon extract. When pie is baked" spread frosting on top and slightly brown. Tough Meat Made Tender.â€" Take a thiok allqe of beef jrem the round, such as you can buy at the market ior 10 cent* per peund, with ne bone and little fat. Gat the but- cher to split it almost open far you, so yon have one large thin steak. No matter how tough, it wiU be tender as perter-house steak when ready for tha table and quite as teothseme. Lay the meat out smoothly and wipe it dry,^ but do net wet it. Take a oef- fce cupful of fine bread drumbs, a little salt and pepper, a little powdered thyme or other sweet herb, and j ist enough milk to moisten to a stiff dresalrg. Mix well and spread over the meat. Roll it up carefully and tie up with twine, wound to secure it well, especially the ends. Now, in the bot- tom of yonr kettle fry some fat salt pork till orisp and brown, one quarter pound cut in thin slices (cost thrte cents.) Into the fat that has fried out from this pork put the relied meat, brown it on all ddes, turning it till it is a rich color all ever, then put In half a pfait of water and sprinkle ever a lit- tle salt. Keep closely covered, adding a little water if it cooks away too mnoh. If •ne likes the flavor ef enion, add the half of a small one ohepped fine. When ready te â- erra, vnwind the atring oarefnlly te pre- â- erve the shape. Lay It eiva platter with the gravy poured over it. Cat the meat in alioee, through the roH as jelly-roll is cut by the bakers. The tonghest meat ia made tender and natritjou caaked in tlila way. and is eqaally nioe warmed evar next day. THE T.TVT! XILH OLUB. The Engioeer* Uke a flash ot liidit the through express Hies over the sLvecr line, Bearlnar Its burden of human soulsâ€" On. on, tbiongh tha gay sunah ine-. There at the thiottle-bar. brawn and grim, Hia deep eyes looking ahead. The eaiginew m his oUydothee. gtsnds fltm and free from oreaa. The tcaok is Us own, aU must give way. Yea I See at the town, on there I The momlog freight on the Biding watts All is right no eaU tor o»r«L Aii.aodiaa openewitohl Onemove "^JidfcisbatfiquiokreTened; Then the alr-brakee drag. Jump! jump I or death, On your toul will do his worst Tba ensine I wohes upon the switch, Jn^talbMidtbexeatanda the freight; He oan save hia train if be keeps his poet ItobimseUt Ah I well, aak fate. A tngfattnl crash the p as g e eg ers wived, •mOk their fHoee white with dread But under hia â- agine.anMed and torn, Xl» briave engineer Uea dead. Think aardilflr'hild the annshine bright, tethraorhcbeatonn and rain, Brday and night, tfer ptato and gorge. Of *».* eafljnesv ft the train. ThiAk of ttanoaaaadaof soola he holda bUagmWb wlfliaitt afear TSk olttoatnha«n nerve and OB hndn. And stay tor the eegineer. Whn SaomelSiyn bad atraiA: ft* triaa- gk«ad lataned to hU aaat ea tb« garret italnh Brolkor Qwdner vn^ â- "I'M* •.^, *fj, lake plf^"â€" ' in Infermln' dia meaMi dat 4e Bt. Honorable JomboSaaith. ef West YarsiBay, Jim Ib da a«Bty-«oom. He bt- lOwTisMhlaa'nltaby de dirt vmA^mJ^ wa^*o6uiady, an' at my rfrneat follolta- shmr he remained ober to address na. l»e snbjlok ef hia addren am • C/oloneaâ€" deir Causes an' Cares.' Da committee will bring him in." The Reoeptien Committe retired te the ante-reom and appeared with the Hon. Jumbo. He proved te be a dark-fkianad gcfntleman, built en the principle of a oarrok â€"4, good deal tiie heaviest at the tcp Hr seemed to be somewhat ,nnnerved a sight of the brilliant assemblage, but after drink- ing a glass of water he braced up and took the platform and began " My friends, I haa giben de snbjick of qyclones a great deal of thought an' staidy. It has bin de aim of de past fo'ty y'ara ef my life %o, diskiver what caiued an' what would cure 'em. Dair saems to be a great deal of ignerenoe 'mong cnll'd people as to (^clones. Dj yen leskoa de pyramids of Egypt have any thin' to do wid 'em If so, yon am sadly miataken. [Agitation behind the atove I have met cnll'd men who oen- neoted Cain an' Abel an' cyclones altogether, an' dey wouldn't give In to no argyment If deir am any among you to-ni((ht, an' I 'spose deir am, who belie va dat Neah'a ark eber had oaytbin' to do wid cyclones. You am off yer base." [Agittlon all ever the hall.] " My frienda," continued the orator after gnlpbg down more water, " do yon 'spose it took three thousaiid ya'rs te make dia '«^rld. If dar am any sich in dis hall to- night let him Stan' fo'th. Wheneber I meet a onllu'd man who says dia world am g wine to eand up befo de ya'r 1900, 1 sot him down aa a puaaon who would steal a $2 bill outer yer vest pooket If he had de chance. [Cheers and applause.] How many puasens in dis hall to night am posted on de Drift Period 1 When did she begin to drift Whar' did she drift to 1 [Suppressed emotion.] Seme pussena will tell yea dat die world was in darkness fur fo' hundred ya'rs arter it was made, Doan' yon believe it I Day wasn't dar. What would be de use ef all dat dark- ness What would be de good ef it i ' " Hew about cyolonei 7 ' called a voioe. ' Yes, sah I was oomin' to dat. In the fust plaoe, what am a oyolone If dar' am any pnsson in dis hall tonight, an' I 'spose dar' am, who tUnks a oyolone an' a zephyr am one an' de same thing he has lived his life in vain. Day ain't any mo' alike dan aa old bob tailed dog am like a new plaaer. [Slight evideaoes of amazement] " In de fust p^ace, a oyolone has got to have a start. If it didn't get a start it would fool areim' In some paatur' or swamp nntilnffin was lef t of it. What eber sots do idr in sudden moshun may act a cyclone jgoln' Itamaleetle feller at fust, an' if it doan' hit a bam or a side-hill it gathers strength an' momemtum an' becomes a vehioleef destruckshnn. Bewar' how yen sot a onrrent of air in moshun, espachnally if de day be sultry. Ne cnll'd man haa aay mo' right to fall off his wood-shed, an' thus precipitate a oyolone, dan he has te walk into a bank an' lay hia hand on de money dar* expoaed, 'Sposen your mule slips de halter an' runs outer de stable? He sot a onrrent ef air in moahun. If yen run arter him aot anoder current gein' What am de reanlt 1 A cyclone sweep ober a hull county, an' death an' destruckshnn foUer in its wake, [Sighs and groans If a cnll'd man should enter de watermelyon patoh of a white man and the white man should find him dar' a ourmnt of air would be aot In moahun. If any cnll'd pussen should so far forget hhself as te be found in or abent an- oder man's hen-reeat at an enaeasonable hour ef de eavenin' de same result would feller, " I has no sorter doubt dat many oyolones has bin sot in moshun in dis manner," [Cheers.] The crater removed his collar, took ah- other drink, and continued " If dar am any pussen in dis hall to- night, an' I 'spose dar' am, who would will- ingly start a oyolone to carry his own selnih enda, dat pussen kin not be removed from dis onf eelin' world any too soon. He am a human fiend. [Great apj^ue.] Sartin wiiite men have ridculed m^heery regard- in' de origin of deee destructive wind stormai bnt dey have fa led to disprove 'em. Rid- ioole am de weapon of de man widont proofs. [Great uneasiness in the vicinity of the stove " In oenolushnn I beg !to thank yon fnr yonr kind atteaahnn. I have ae oonneok- â- bnawidde aiipuJ aarvioe or de Oeaoord Sohool of Fhileeophy. I grasp de dtnaahnn all by myaelf, aa' whea I haa oaoa get hold I aeber let go. I am aow on my way te Caaady te ooUeot a debt 17 y'an eld from my naole, aa' to make some aoleatlflo obser- washnnaoa de lateral mevemeat ef aide- hills. I expeok te retnra ia a few waeka, aa' shall tirna be ia pesaeaahnn of a new leotnr ea idrthqoakea, whioh I hope to do- Uever la dia haU." The orator retired amidat great aad otm- tinned applause, and Whalebone Hewker moved that the thanks ef the olnb be tender- ed him. The Rev. Peastook honed tiiht the motioa woold aot prevaiL The oyolone argnaaenta that had been advanoed were aa insult te the intelligeBoeef the olnb. Pickles Sndth di't want to do the Heat. Jnmbe or aay other maa an injoatioe, bat he felt oompelled to aay that the atraager was off hia base. He hoped the dub woold aot ladorae any sooh thooriea. Waydown Beboe had wrestled with tlia oyoleae problem ever siaoe ooe of 'em came aleag aai oarriod liia mother aad mole aotoas two oooatiea, aad it atmok him that tile Hon. Jombo waa adentifioally correot. He lielieTod ia oonnter-Irrltaats uid oonnt- er-oorroati, aad dienld try several experi- nuDts before gnag te bed that aigfat. Shindig Wstkiu, Paraan Davis, Trostao Pnllbaek aade^hera diaooaaed tiie nutter Eaad oen, aad tiie Preaid«it fiaally aot- *• We wm neither iaderae him nor dodar' bim a loaatta. De beat way ia aU saoh oaaea am te strike da hanpy modiom bv taUa* «p a oaUookahnB of ffity oaata for hta bsMfit aa' pndsia' his flew of laasaage. Let na aow bo ad joomed." HI amolad tUa ooIEm doont owo â- â€¢ •f|7nw|." Mdda boarder, at tfao broak- I-t.^ dent boliev. it w^old wntSS" I" SUMMEB PMILE8. ^^. be only a oelaoUeaoo-wltiioii* aay but thoee; toitaN nahteit iBlBreat ia baaofeiiBhfn BS^lBOBrlabor tronblee. 'â- â-  He (after anrveying the oompa^): ad lot L 'Bttdlr geatlemaa in the oear ' In the P^ahawnr oemetery in India is the foltOwiBg amujii^l epitaph " Swred te the inomeryof Rev. misdoaary, aged- murdertd by hi. diowkMaft • WeU done. th^n good and faithfpl aervant.' flnaban4,.(l«P*^e»tty *o ^?o.)-"I teld VDU I enly wanted half a cap of tea, and, as -itiudry©"*^*" "•• •• tiw top. Boat Touknow what halffnll is!' Mother-in- law, (grimly.)^' She ought to by this time " It ifrsaid that tl^ousaada of teas of leather sora'ps ate ground hp and sold for fertilizsrs. Gentlemen who have been raised on the too of a boot will readily see hew effiiaoions leather mnat be as a fertilizer. Wife.â€"" Do yon know why yon prefer a game ef base ball to the theatre T" Husband, (just from the game.)â€"" Shertainly m' dear, {dio,) it's more exdltlng" Wifeâ€" " Exact- ly, Yea oas go «nt nine times between the acts, ' Cnrran's phyaloiaa remarked to him, whea he was oh his de(4b-bed, that he seemed to congh with, more diffisulty. " This ia sar- priaicg," returned the wit, " as I baye beoa practUing iJl night." A Snuday sohael teaoher asked a llttie girl of her data if the had been baptized. "Y«," addtfaelittie girl, "two times." "Two times?- Why. how poold that be?' It didn't take the first time," said the lit- tle girl. " D jn't yon know new many three timea ten b Now, Harry," Baid tiie teaoher, "if one foaf of bread coat ten. dentf, wouldn't three cost thirty cents f ' " Maybe so at joar bakery but we deal with a baker that gives three for a anarter." " Ullo, Jones I You la Paris " •• Yes I've jnkt ma over for a holiday." ' Where's your wife I" " Oonldnt oome, poor dear. Had to stay at henie oa aooonat of the baby! ' •' Why your holiday will be half apeiled I" ' Yea. Meaa te atay twice aa loag, to make npl!' An ITndeitaker's Ezperienoes. " I've j oat returned from thehjuaeof a yonng manied man who died laat night," aald an uadertsker, ' aad his weeping wife told me ah« wanted hia ocffia auade large eaongh to hdd his goa aad game bag, beoanae h6 waa so foad oi aheoting." " I suppose yea have a great many snoh queer requeats," rematkea a Ihfeener. Oh, yes. It waa oily abeot a meath ago that a metherr frenzied with grief, whea I waa about te pat tbe lid on her danghter'a oasket took from a deaet a aatia ball dress and insisted npon having it oaed aa a oover for the oerpee. ' Then some people want favorite books, letters, Bibloa, pictures, and auoh thinga buried with their dead. It aeems to soothe their anguish to some degree, and yon haVe to humor them. The qnsereit thing of the kind happenedteme joat alter I Went late the busfaaess. It would have been laughed at on a minstrd stage, but in a house of grief had to be tolerated witii selemalty. The 10 year- old boy of a peer woman hiui died ef fever, and I waa Ongaged te bury him, Her neighbera had all gathered down atdra. I went |ip te aak her if there waa anything mere I could do, and ahe handed me a little bundle, aayiag, *Pleaae pnt thla at the foot ef Johnny's coffin. They are a pair of his old paataleoas, aad the first I ever whipped him ia.'" A Shoemaker aad a ITataraUst. Shoemakers have alwaya made good na- taraOatat The latest inatanoe reported of a aheemaker devoting himaelf with anooess to adentifio pnrsnits eoonrs In Holstein. In tiie little Holstebs village of Sageberg thore lives a plain eotogenarian shoemaker oalled Honelaoh, who for a great number of years haa, while fellewing the gentle oraft, devet-^ ed, himself te the atndy and oplleoUon of beetlea. He has gatiiered together no fewer than 2.^63 different kinds of beetlea, 1890 beiag aadve aad 1,173 fwelga. The whole oolleotioa la reported to be well preaerved, and to be aolentifidBlly named aad olaaalfied, ita â-¼alne beiag from a aolentiflo polat of view vary great. i^ot ooly dees ahoemakar Honelaoh peaaesa a unique acqoaiatanoe with the habit of beetlea, bat he oan boaat a familiarity with the biolegloal oboaniataBoea of Holatabi beetlea whioh for eae la hia hambla ooadl- tlea la regarded aa almeat iaorodible Eato- mologiata of ferdga oooatriea, who deairo iafenutioa xeape^ the beetiaa of Slea- wiok-Helateia, have only te go to tha rim wthatia kaewa. Thoigh 80 yean old HoMlaoh ia aaldto ba aa devoted aa avn to hb fovorlte atadiai, and to be ooaataatiy adding to hia axttnaive obUaoUona. Bjmpathy. Small Boy-" I aay, Jimmy, ma'a jeat get a BOW ohum, eno dem beaa twe-minato ohnraa what hOavn do batter in no timo." J»»»yâ€" " !â-  It pdatad blaa ' Small Boyâ€"" Yep."' i^?;r" P*8 "'•^ •» *•» outdde, aa » orank ' Small Beyâ€" That* a it" Jimmy-" Did Mm foUer wot aold itto for ma have warti en Ua nook " Small Beyâ€"" Yep." Jtomy-g,niM«|y]-"Soolto, Ifod.«». «Syr^' "'y I *-»•* -ki*-' •lld»y Sat- SmaDBeyâ€" "Ko." foiXV^*^ «p wgb. Ilk., with SnuS^Bayâ€" " Yap." Jimmyâ€" "I waa • ohamln'" StricOr 5» aTery rMpeot and attaatad by tho teati mony id fliWMand. tiutl Patoam? FOn. JaaaOoraExtoMtoriaa â- Â«â€¢ and pbEEL oare for ooma. The obha Oat H h^aTaa eff imltatioMlat Hm â€" »â- -. 2i. «JZZ 2J;^»;£NWtoi »*•*». "K f iBtawiiurtha Rartoa Xla^h Sdiif I " Raataa x^lm mtk an' I won' toot thing %pal ooe.MiataBai Vattoditafor^ " ^, I waddent waa' tor do nufiu' what wdlzent What I wan's tor know nm^doi iatot. i^^lfO' ^hent^e worry bigli tonod In ber depo*tm^nt, I wnddent waa' t-" ^^ -«««' ^^hat ia de latea' atyle. 3- is. should I ban' de miniater de m«ey my aetf,8ah, er ^tapato afrea' tor do bitfe' me Mr. Smith I aea anybody going to stand np with yoa, Raatos Baataa Yoa, aah. Sam J oh ndn g vn ter^ be my bes' maa. Mr. Smith Well, put the money la aa envelop and Jet Sam hand it to the minister. Rastaa What I latS m Johnain|( handle dat money No, aah. Mr. Smith Why aot Rastns Ooe I wnddent da' resk It. I has de ntmoa' eonfideaoe in Sam aa a gem- men, aab. Sam am a good Iron' of mine, aa' he am a great ladiea' man, an' worry pepler la aaaaolety an' wif do fa'r aex, an' ebbery thing ob dat ae't, sah, bnt ef I ahonld let him handle dat dellah bill de minister woald nebbersee It, 'deed ho wnddent. I has do ntmoa' oonfidenoe in S im, Miatah, Smif 'oept whea it oomea tor wealth. ' Sam aia't ynse tar wealA. at ^^^ «i^ »w*b'*cS.*"-*^ 01 A Test of Aiistociaoy. They were talkitg ever the members of the aristocraoy they fcaew, aad were rnoaiag them down. '• Now I have always thonght," said the Tart, her magoifioont eyea meed en hbn, " that yen woold paake suoh a good noble' maa. Yen ought to be a lord I" " Why " he aaked, ia raptarons tones. " Beoansa yon get aa draiMf, aa one. " A Terrible Fire aroaaea theapprehensiopa of the whole olty. And yet the wud havoo of dbeaae atortha no one. Sad to relato, women anffar from year to year with duoaio diaoaaea and weak- neaaea peonllar to their aex, knowing that they are growing worse with every day, and atill toko no meaanrea for their own re* lief. Dr. Pleroo'a " Favorlto PreoorM^tfen " la the result of life- loag aad learaed atndy of female oemplainta. It la gnaraateod to oare. Bhoda Bronghton la thin and ahrrp- featured, bat she haa wliihat an amiable and winning expreaaion of coantenaBce. Decay of the Bones, witii aome thirty other aymptona, aiark the progreaa of that terrible diaeaae known aa oatarrh. It advaaoea from atage to atage of fearful anaoyanoea, aad if ti^leoted, is oertala to end la general debflity, and pos- sibly In oonaamptioa or iuaanity. D:. Sage'a Catarrh Ramedy will oure it at any ati^e. Thfa medioine hiaa been long before the pnblio, and thonaanda have been re- atored to health by ita nevor-fdling vbr* taea. The widow of General J. E. B. Stnarb, of the Virginia cavalry, la at the head of a proaperooa girl'a school at Staunton. ' ' Premature dedine lof maaiy powers, nervens debility and kindred dis- eases radieally oared. Consultation free. Book 10 oenta in atampa. Addreaa oonfiden- tially. World's Dispensary Medioal Aweoia- tion,Buiblo,N. Y So witty a compliment la rardy made as that; of Sidney Smith, to hia friends, Mrs. Tighe and Mn, Cnfie " Ah I there you ateâ€" the ouff that every one would be glad to wear, and tiiotie that no one would tew " AMwum TO twnmMM, lbs. WrasMw's BooiHBis Braup theuld tlinyt be used for ckUdren teething. ItsooUiss the child, softena the gnina. allaya all pats, cnrea wind collo, and ia the beat remedy for dtairkoav 25o. a bottle. Write alx.dpheralna line and ^y amount to nothing. Pat the figare 1 before them, and ^ey amount to a^ mil- lion. AU human talento and poaaeasiona are bub olphen until yon pnt the name of Jeaaa at the head of them. Then they make their owner a mUllonaire for hea- ven.â€" Ir. r. £. Cuykr. Don't use any more nanaeonspnzgatlves Buch as Pills, Salts, fte., vrtien yon can get ih Dr. 0»apB!9 Stomaoh Bittera. a medicine that movee the Bowda gentty, deahainR aU in pur- itieefrom the eystem and rendering tiie Biood pueandoooL Great Spring Me^Uolne SOote. The great tmtha of Christianity are not ontwom, the (dd, old itqay l««tlll aa dear aa erer, the needi ai|d longliq(a of the homan heart are joat aa argent aa Vfwt.â€" Churchman. A.P. 284 MM^â€" WIKWIt ana two ladMS as »....... goodpay. H. K. KaaassT. XoseatD, Oak ixjpniMi ran ahd raifb^wakeanibd ':bU kinds of 1041 PABaBi.CMIF.O, •^^^^^Iv^tfAii^^aiti »tnmi. §L_ "DAHD 8AW MAOBIHBBâ€" ALL ,,,â- â€žâ-  ..,.-,. n fanpiovanaata biaoket band saws for SMaeh- Sg t o INMKBaat, ohrap and dmaUe aend fot atomlais. Â¥CnH LuA h oa, Oailotaa Flaoa. obi. 1 VBBSK STAMP, with yonr M\i ^tttti^Vatm, pdmtt earda^ ehi. ^waqM; oitrali " 'Oa.Brito.lld. jj^J^wvMj^oitadaxs fiso. MODKL Bsme, oaly 86ela ehi.. tOOO atylaa. KODKL BimUEB CAUIASK KOBBIBB rOB 0ABXCB8. wnnlaaala honaaab aumntaoiBMH •- a,^ bHm OaatBrintn. Addeass ILD. H: A^^MB^Siw'â„¢" S^^M^' FAMILY lunans tiat loBsi ooati^ AiWObaiaUtaMsad^Ba* S!!S?'^^S;%I^ ""*»*»«• latsnallonal Book aad BiU^Hrao Connlo.OBl snraM WABn»-Qr kvit town and «0!»*rf!' ttoO. K.raMraadaUoar. Baal M t aiOa at alghti Mmalo Kailo siat on '0lpsios,Uo. ).P.DAT. Agant, M roNce at. tOfOBto. Oat. Srao^ jroim^aBAND mmatMwm onaadto â€" â€" valtolf faab Ad. fiia. chp^gg!algtg: PO 80 Gold" OaroBM 0»rtg IB !-•• 16 oti. Sonil rilvr,* •»•' » i.; meatkl script. Aii.4r"**»»S" SCBOOft ^JJiJJgJBWIto,* a ftt to ttvsB Stool OaUgraph rwi giadtttte.T^"' l« Oarad. »Dd th« g^ •» laciUUe. excellent; taZJSTS! Berlin, Ont-S^^SHlsf gmea for printing offic«. i? tj; Rines for electric* uS^^l-Mi cheese, butter, and 4S; ..'*i»»t purpose, whe,; UrtuSZ*? For price list and othw "°°' above PWii,' Jttvea better MUrtSiii mpnay tatter with ttS^S.*?*: 1^ olaeaea-OhrlrttaM Jf'J'Ji't- ' Prpteatanta. ollVl7C!^ not oaDvasaed (or yetw ^1,* Hi lt;O.F. JeiklnB,;idi^»»ltt. aaya: "The fim w«k»».'!?»«L, one hnndred end etoSea toJ!?**" for unemployed perton.- rSl^B vaaaen. write loVSl T'^U Ck Branttoid 'â- ULIT I MONEY TO ProductiYe Town, Se kv^i ©.MITCHEUMdWHii^* Vnlon Block- lor pKsasrcs, Beady Soofl]||,r* rorlowpiioeaaddreM ' H. WOIUMS, tAddSliB DAIRY SU nneik branda of KagUih Difaj w. l, aa^. Hlggtoa' Eureka. WMuStaU iBKton, alaa the OelebnM lata ' bnndaotOanadlMiDiir/UL i£\ Send lor Pilce Uil " JuiMfim m GUELPH CARPET J.A.ABMST60ld luniFiflnuHv WOOL, UNION ftDAIUSI I 01 new pattema aad dtSigBii UITOI, LiU oa, UB I Aile and Hachino Sernl Carriage and Wagw Ailci, I and Gap Sorevi, «to. Uaai â- ^ ABBUCB ffiWIi Hanoi aotoien a Iht OaMaM T. PEPPER ft CO., I Oni Duplex Axlea are iDtobtkidll principal Hardware StorN In the DoaHa f i a h a m B. SPENCEtCti OonanmaiB will And U to adiil to aak the trade (or oar nuke e( I Raapa. Ke-Cnttincalpe(UVl for price Ust and tenu. Hamilton, • •ntffM BRANTFO I fi OLD WATER meg Automatic Smgifli**! 5 m. h VI THIS CHAIR la «b« -TjM dM.r. f^ •" "fft^lB.* lutnuBook or mbUwd^ "»«" Buggy and C«ffW IKE Deuba "•"'L^Sb"" dawlrt«'«,2SA»

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