â- MiPIMP mm. fti • it It i;:. I,- 3 i Tbe Marldale Standard i «TM7 Ibnradftj, at tfa* office, MSl Street. Ifufcdale. ^^mn-4Iper7«um Mlmnee; flJOif ° not panl within three months. Professional and bofdness eards one iaeh space and imBer, per year, ?4. 1 TB. 6 xo. 3 no. V«bole colomn fHO 00 927 60 f 15 00 Half colonm 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter colomn .... 15 00 10 00 § 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 « 00 Gasnal adrertiscments 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent ' insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c., advertised 3 weeks for •1, the advertisement not to ezeeed twelve lines. No paper discontinued nntil all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. X WHAMm t^' lasne? of ' ]£anSage lAamem. I«an Beal Estate at low No*. «. '86-17 SJJKI7B WAUEIilt TTTELLDIOQliBAIIDiatlLIJm. AlJCt W orders iwomptljr attended to. Bed ider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 lb- ;5i sit "-.a ,u.MJ3 r,'{,!r" civil â- ;« J j. â- w;r«tiia,#nd*^sig^ ;,t J " F'a.shionasble rTalioi*, OVEB MAC^AItlJUIs's BTOBX. A. PERFECT Ffr GUASANTEED. l-iACYARas YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATI5IV1 JOB PRINTfNC.- The Stamdaxd oflBce has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOE AND PEOPRIETOB. ISAAC STlxYS01!|.a Builder and Coritrabtor In all kinds of Briek and Stdne woork. Estimates given. All work (Hiaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 19o-6m* Besidenoe, MABEDALE. WORM powders; InvtaaMUrttotake. CoBtala tbairown !â- a Ml*, mn, and ar wwraw fa oblldMa or J Ce0Jtl. I*. ^IcCiillorigrli, BAREISTER, SOLICITOE, c. OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE, MABKDALE. jMoney to IL.oa,n. 274 HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, ^SUCCESSOBS TO IiAUDEB HANJs), BARBISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, e. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street Bast, 199-251 ToEONTo. niASSOIV MASSON, "DABEISTERS, SOLICITORS, a. OrricES â€" Owen Sound, in Vie.\er'8 Block Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satuiday every week. 57-ly J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. N.B. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six ta Eight per cent. Alexander Broiw. ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. E. c. Conveyancer and Money to loan for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Prioeville, Nov. 5th. 1885. 1-y W. G. RICHARDS, ABCHI- BUILDEB, CONTEACTOB. TECT, Markdale. 124ly WM. G. GUTHRIE, Plain Ornamontal Plaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Church Mark- daSe. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Bepairs promptly attended to. .S0.1 inoBtbly Fair*. Orangeville â€" The second Tharsday in each month. Dondalk â€" ^Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange, ville. Markdale â€" Saturday before Orange- ville. 63i 61 «0: S9' S» 67 £6 5 54 £8 62 fil 50 :3 '•illlDlJHi OWEN SO^i^ V TIME Noting effect Mon^^ Durham- BQonth. -Third Tuesday in each Chatsworih â€" Monday before Dor- ham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Chatswortb. Prioeville â€" Monday before Durham, Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday ia every month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Ilictor Roller Mills, MARK DA L E. Farmers are driviog from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor BoUjcr Mill, and are so highly pleased with tue results that they idways come back. No waiting, or return trip necessary as yon get your grist hcHue with you every time. No change made in the scale of ezchani^ from the past. Parties wishing choice floor, be sore and go to Plewes MilL Good mixed chop, bran and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in^.the fonr townships, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLBWES- Scale of Gristing: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. GOING stati^ CardweU Junction" Orange-, Arrive. " viUe. /Leave.."' Orangeville Jun." onelburne.. Dnndalk ...."""' Flesherton.. Markdale. ' ^rJfeley.. ".â- â- â- *•• Wiliiamsford " Chatsworth "' Owen Sound* "ORTu 1032-, 1058.- ll2i.i 1117" GOiNc STATIONS. 12 1 1288' I0a SOUTH. 'If •I Owen Sound... ~~ Chatsworth....." Wiliiamsford!!'"" Berkeley Markdale..,!,""""" Flesherton ..,, Dundalk ...!!!!! Shelburne Orangeville Jun' Orange Arrive.!.!"'" 'nUe..JLeave CardwellJnnction!."""' Toronto... ..Arrive.. "' £^. 610" 702'.: J 725" ij 751" S " ,56. lOSS'MjJ, ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Syd.eii]ia,ni Street, MARKDALE. «.!• EOBT. As:e:EN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINeS supplied on the shortes notice. WBBAT. 62 Ihs. 6J " 60 " 69 " 68 •• 67 '• 66 " 65 " 64 •' 63 " 52 " 51 " 60 " 49 " wxioHnro. 41 flonc 40 " 89 " 38 » 87 " 36 " .So '• 34 " 33 " 32 " 30 " 28 •• 26 " 24 OFFAL. 13 lbs. 13 •• 14 '• 15 •• 16 •• 17 " 18 •• 19 '• 20 » 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 •• 20 PBESBYTBBIAN CHUBCfl. Brown, S. S. Superintendent! CHRIST CHUBCE Services for May 2nd, and7. lethT.ls-rri'i^^" V. June 6th 10:.% and 7 m 7 ^i 10:30 and 7. 27th 7. Eev jf wL kl cnmbent. Sabbath School 2M J t| Ford, Superintendent. " \Â¥m. Bro\ni« ISSUER OF MAREIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj .attended to and carefully ezecated. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se cnrit.v. Farm for Sale. A. STleiidii Heai^se for hire at moderate rates. J. P. !MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /-^ BADUaTE of TOEONTO SCHOOL \jjr of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- jiesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of bis profession. 122-47. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HOUSE, I K r\ ACRES North f of lot No. 18. con. JL (^ \y 8, Euphrasia, IM) acres cleared and 1 under cultiyation, 60 acres of which is lit for reaper and mower, fenced with cedar rails, well watered, log house and frame barn. The uncleared portion is hardwood, with sufficient cedar for fencing purposes. Soil clay loam, and almost free om stone. This is a de- sirable farm and will be sold on easy terms. Church and school convenient. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles; from Bocklyn, 3 miles. For farther particulars apply to JAMES BOYD, 273-tf Bocklyn P. O. â€" ^All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS MARKDALE, ONT. J. E. Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVHjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms KJood Bed Rooms, tc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af ords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor OlTY X3:OTEL, MARKDALE. The subscriber begs to inlormthetravellin ' public generally, that he has leased the above premis«»s for a term of years, and hopes by latering to their comfort to merit a sbara of nblic patronuge, B»ir and Lardor well sup- plied. Gt od stabling and attentive hostler. 'd, McLKAN. Proprietor, Markdale, NoV. 12. ISbo. PUKE BEAZILLIAN PEBBLE SPEC- TACLES, manufactured by Frank Lazarus, late of the firm of Lazarus Morris, form- I erly of Hartford County, now of No. 28 Maryland's Road, Harrow Road, London' Eng.. can be had of W. A. BrowB. Watchmaker, Ac, Markdale. Mr. Lazarus would beg to notify his num- erous friends and patrons, that he has no connection with any other firm in the Do- mmion, and only his Pebbles can b« procured as above. Prank Lazarns, Manu-I facturer Optician, 28 Maryland's Road, Har- row Road, London W.. Enghind. 274-6m H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRAI TE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, Se. JUST RECBIVED Carloads Finest Variegated Marble ^Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personany selected at the qnar nes m Vermont. Wm be sold at p^ces Remember I give you all your small wheat home with you, which Is considerable. 270 w. J. ROWE. WOOL! WOOL! As the season for the new wool is at hand, we would respectfully intimate to all those who may want any carding done, tnat we are now prepared to attend to all who may favor us with a call.1* Having this spring put on some new steel cards, with other necessary improvements, and over thirteen years ex- perience, we are confident that we can tnrn ont our work in a satisfactory manner. Weaving and Fulling Cloth done as usnal on short notice. All work done at the lowest cash price. Wool taken in exchange for work. Markdale "Woollen Mm. May 17, 1886 248 P.J.RITCHIE. MEl'HODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 1 nrtl 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. 'p»| Meetmg every Thursday eTeDrngfromiiiJ" Bible class Monday evemng from 8 toll Rev. Wesley Casscn. Pastor; W.A.Bnal S. B. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in ml nection Mrs. T. Hill, Secretarr ^ttU^ iiwrtwif, Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meebcn;! alternate Monday evening at 8 o'dockinttil HaU, McDougaU's block, welcome; Markdale A. 0. U. W, No. Wl neebil their Hall, McDougaU's block, eTeiy«ltai*| Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Avisittel brethren of reighboring lodges solicitei Mabkdale L. 0. L. No. 1045 me^intliiirj Hall on Friday on or before M moon Ul month. Thos. ElUott, Master W. i. Blihir, Secretary. which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .^â- ^••~^f""^otKQmm(iniB and Head- ^tSf°^^'°',^r""'°'2°°' soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON. MARKDALE, MANUFACXniES OF ALU KINDS OF Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron Pumps Supplied Orders respectfally solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also agent for Sargent's Patent Load Lifter for Glenelg and Bentinck town- ships. Orders by mail promptly at- tended. 219 VICTORIA R. B. PRECEPH â- No. 282, Meets' ip Lodge Boom of MarkdakLOlj No. 1045, first Friday in each mentii. W ing Sir Knights always welcome. James Bkomb, W.P. 275 Thomas Elliott, Begi*ft J, J. IRTTIIV, V.S^I Honorary Graduate ofOirtim Veterinary ^\ Treats ail dis- eases of domes- tic animals. inedforwi'l'j ness and*' fictesgi* Veterinary Medicines ATe/if a/irfi'^j Health is Wealth! EUGENIA HOTEL EUGBHIA FALLS Ont. McAIeer, Prop. Db HENT, TO SCHOOL TRPSTEES. The nnderaigned is mannfactnring aa ex- cellent assortment of School Fumitixre, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESK8, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latrat design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compaotness, whereywr tried. An assortment of Farm and School Rolls kept always on hand. tMnd for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. CHARGES MODBBATB. CA1.LS PEOMPTLY ATTEND0t| OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, MILL STREET, Opposite MAEKDALB- WILL CURE OR REUEVE KU01JSNE89. DIZZINESS, OYSPEPSIA, IMDiaeSTIOM, JMNDICE. eHYSIPEUS, 8W ItHEUB, 4tSAIirBVRN, MEAOAm/E, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ C. WnsT's Nbbv« atoBbaih Tbkat- guaranteed spedfio for Hystaia Dizziness, Conmid^na Piti tooL ^^^' ?--5S^I^| Clover Seed, resoltujg in Insanity and l^diM to mSl!^ decay and death, PrematureOUAi? K " ness. Loss of Pow^k^Swiif tS*?*" tary Losses and 8»ermX3»f^ Inyolun- oyer-ex«tionofth?bSS^„.r*^ ^^ md^^n^e. On. box'^*^^,^^-^- iaeh box eontaitis one manth' *»S.*^^* One dollar abox. or S C^ for «^*T**- i «n t^by »«1 prepaid 'Si'SSyrJ'SS:' CUasrcterad The pnUio Bwy i«5t on TecetTing Beceiaary attaation. «« tn Eaublaa. Drwk tibtey. and fi»we 3"*«. 9Sl 9f THeSKIiL ss^tiss'-J^sJiiirwS Medium Bed. Large Bed. Wliite Dutch, A««e, Lucenna and fellow. CRA88~8EED, u.5^^'!n.^**i°«' Mfottdow Fox TaU, Eng- HAVE YOO Liver Comprint. Dyspepsia, Ind Twindice, Headache, Di^«*.fton.»«f j â- itiveness. or any disease ans^ fc««" Uver, Dr. Chase's Liver Cub" '"' ' and certain remedy. --uroV NATURES REM t?*. Jvu Cosi "*d2!?i compaDied ^Sf^fl^ aIk^ *•»•«» boxes, ae- J ^JTZT* *.' **^" "O w«wimi Bt f^^^^V^^^i^S^S^M*^^ l^^' '^^^ «»«'«»«» ••rty in March. themonvtfthetreatmStiSfc^^^ u BM^MirBB* â- -.JKl. J' IQRONtQt y^.Mj^,it!%^!^^mA 1ntt«c*Cg^J f*n ;»ioigo^4JL.. 1 -.j-i pzHeOtt, The unqualified success of Dr- 9^, (icl^ Li*er Complaint rests sole' "J^UnriT^ compounded fromnature s««"'-^bBiea **j^t, other invaluable ^00^.]^^^*^ ' powerful effect on the Kidney ^fT^ Slood. 500,000 SOt« jprt»'5i Oner onfkclf milUot »/ Dr. h^ «gr^ wtrt sold in Canada '"ff^jjUt^^^ MMM and child who »* ^^*T V (tmimt to try thU exciUtnt 'T^^^gf^. SOMnHIMflHEW. CflO^I^^IJjS Wnipped around evep'l»"'5^'C«i*?,,«ii^ U a VSmble Household .»*?S««Sfi^s Book (84 pages), °?'"f "^iTdW^?^ ' pronounced by medical "^.^iceof^rrjH able, and worth ten tunes tW Pâ„¢^ ^«ir IWr Cmasps Gatamh CBK- Tci, is cents. .„«»r^, ^nnrfiMAsfs KiDNEr*»i«":rr. reniMy. CHASE' â- . ftic f?OLD itii{,A;",.-.J^-'*« BY ALL Ot ALC"' i-i5#-" .T^*' loa kMn