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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jun 1886, p. 7

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 Arriw • \t*j»r;s»-»t.! mterxiKTiiMititt*- w^.\a:M ^^^TU. '°8 •Ml, I ,;^tfd Hot Weather. ** intolembly In the hot L^C^ftininchortooUttla [#*" 'Member one dear baby we 6*»*1? woolen looke on hto foot •*%.. drop, of penrfratton W' A,, uttJe head, and what JT»*V.,rom iheetdlacomforti Ti^'^S no covering, wd the t"'.* M have beenrepUoed by a H*l*rg«ment during the fcEd»F.thedre.Ung.gown P*?t„iUpon 88 soon aa tbeafr H „ht Uaderolothlog pinned »•* "^CwMin weather would be "' Why 'ho"' "" "?P*^ i' *â-  *Lhvte "dare it? Phyriolans i^^li b»bie» cold water at â- ^.STor rather oflFertoR it for '»"° 'Ibltofice picked rrom l"^h£05d re«nlt«,:and beat per- h^benthe Mttle oreaturea grow fcA IL when they are a burden PLibv wlie ootherB, big liaten, iV^ i paraally nndrefcing the " irfoinraway the heat and duat r^' Jii .nonce or cloth, in a cool, p-rtfd with plea-ant cheerful Stotakeanapby the way. P^yon'vegot to have a nap," L„^;belUen in almost any baby aoul, Pbdaced inte something nice be- ^ilLr than a^hot side to tne «n however. It is the teking y^in room where windowa are *? .iud changes and nobody remem- LlDlwi little vi3tlm of our oap- Uoofihtleisness. There is one oaae jterea baby was forgftten and m I piazza throuah a heavy thunder- â- tat there are few bonsta where that toppen, h»PP"y- There are homes, V where baby really anffera from (elothlDg. The infant mortality in a -ia town, where there waa alwaya a ITtje air night and morning, waa Ijjjjjightful. Long-sleeved dresses iBut habits now.ear) with the feet jrilikeft Tarm, migtit have saved Ijtheie prccioos lives. The babies' itojk the form of bowel trouble, some- iieinltef a gammer cold. There p4, every tody knows, that will re- iSTitoniaoh of bowel pain like a hot ititn. Indeed, some people who have ggr to 'uch cemplainta, are aeldom. uttieir flinnel bandage, and in oaae i^illitnrbanoe of the organs mentioned ftbtt the flannel bag with smartweed qailted into its fold will act aa a Some phydoiana eay everybody I wetr fiaanel next to the akin irronnd; others »ay flannel aheuld itogcbthe skin. The truth will be Itelle between the two extremes wear Ifben it is needed, leave it off when jfim. lobe well, however, a person [it num. If not warm naturally there biytomethiog wrong in theperaon'a but nntll a natural circulation and ._ cut be secaied artificial meana Jbtued. Of one thing be sure, babies' [irau, and bowels nr Jst be taken oare dtfaecaieef the outer part of the th i quite as important aa attention liner wants. In cenoluaion, let na prnent worn during the day ahould imttnightby old or young. Cleanll- lifiottplEodor, is poEsible to all and to health. How to Disinfect* IhiDg which requires dielnfeoting ibt isbmitted for about three honn Itinpeiatnre oi250 degreea in a chamber fdwith (ulphnr fnmea from a large itfolnlphor. The chamber shonld liKutrnotcd as to prevent the fumea jipHihig off. No germs can stand thia. priiwin has been used by a person [ittbasyoontagiona disease, it beoemea nytodleinfeot It before it Is used Ihii ii dene by removing and bum (aper on the wall, rei oving the d tsd other furniture, and exposing Itiili and wind, and giving them a â- Mtef vainith by having the mat- Pu^ over new and the hair boiled iji^in the room thrte pounds of anl- ^l*^ ^7 whitewashing, painting and "gthe room anew, l^tlt ii generally conceded that â- paen ii caused by germa which mul- fOaelnDgi, a method ef dialnfeoting *mL ihall be harmlesa haa been »«», but M yet without aviOL The 'oneute, the oil of the eucalyptna fsrtolk acid have been tried, and, to *(aent, they may paialjzs or atnn the ^w prevent their rapid boreaae ilhepuaageaof the.lnnga aredelloate, fj* ^P«r cannot be brought very near Itot*'" hijury, the good cfteote [^^ Bnt there ia one method which pwWi to prove beneficial, and that ia C^*^" oi large quantitlea ef freah |f^- Ihis ii worth more than any dla- ' for the lungs, and can do no harm. THE LUE-KILI CLUB, J^ePontiao and Pacific BaUway. fcJi'^V-ODe miles have already been ir^wd the contract haa been let for litL?i\J'^* °"" more. When theae tp;r*«\ track wUl reach aa f ar aa â-ºO^ J •• "« fi" crosaing over k tkTIk ?.' "^^^ contract for ballaat- W.Sl';^**"" "fd there are be- tt^ *00 men employed along the «hLTt.°"S- T" "n« "hen completed O 1*. â„¢^'®^'»» a diatance of 85 Site?. Jf"^^^y expected that ^C?i ^^^ ^^^ do tome of the to the Deminien, it being In- Cd Tu° !^« « »»«" " theiini- 'C«B l^rfence that Pntnam'r Paln- kd tf^T^l " the only remedy to be HtJ^ *• extraction of conn. *^ X '"y"'®" **»""'ghen» *be i». '?i"8«* Pntnam'a enre- "•^At daalera ever ywhere. "KSh'S[""f to put aU PdM BBder "tbwatenedlntheWeafc 'StS Aftar ttie neelbg had been op«ed with, oat fnrtlMr aooidmt thaui ** n^ ^el aiiin breaking a wlBd«w.puM with hli albow, •ad being fined $390 and ceete, Brotber Gardner aroae and aatd "IpTeanmedcfaok dak Unole WllUam Balls has paaaed from urth away am known to meaa' meabsra of dta dab. WtiUe b» waa not one ef ni, he waa a landmark known to all. He waa an elo man, bat ole aige did not take lilm eff, ner did alokneaa Imt anything to do wid Ilia demise. He jiat act around an' died be- kaae be wai too goad to Ub any longer. Ho waa a man totally wideat yioea, an' I hopo nebber to aee hla like agin. **Iteil yoo, my frienda, do man who haa no anmil vloeo an' no weaknoaaee am a puaaon whloh it will be well for alveraga hamamlty to avoid. He am jiat alMiat as bad aa tee poaaonwho am all vice. " After ao ole woman haa ol'ared away de aapper an' 1 luw fed do pig we aot down an' iigat oar oo'a-oob pipea far a ameke. Smokm' am one of do amail vioaa, tmt aa we wniff an' puff 1 glance at de old woman an' bleaa de day 1 mar'd her, an' aho ghmcea at me an' I ae« a amlle creep bbor her old Idaok face. Unoie William neblMr amoked. It aeemed powerful wicked to himj bat lie'd aot In de twilight an' groan an' grant an worry Providence antU even de dog waa' dlagnated. ** Arter we git frew smokin' we take de fiddle an' go ober to our darter Linay'a, an' when de young folka come in I play far 'em to ah»ke deir heels a leetle. Uncle Wil- liam nebber danced, an' de sound ef a fiddle waa nebber heard in liia hoaae. Acoordin' to Unole WUliam, fiddlin' an' danoin' waa nex' deah to highway robbery, liut I'ze known htm to keep a mule free aaya wideut food or water kaae the animal kicked at him. "On extraordinary eooaahuna, when I hev tumbled ober the wheel barrer, run my neck aoroaa de olothea line or gene down cellar in a heap, I haa indulged in oaaa- words, seme of whloh would meaaare aix- teen inohea from tip to tip. Uncle William nebber awore. If be struck hla foot agin de aaw-buok an' pitched head faat into an aah-heap he got up as humble «a a licked boy an' amiledall de way into de hoaae. He didn't aWear, bat he made de fam'ly dog hunt hia cave, an' de chill'en believe dat a cyclone waa in eight. " New an' den aemebedy dropa In an' I play a game of euoher. It'a a worry wicked thing to play keerds, but I'za aorter takin' my ohanoea dat if da Reoordin' Angel can't find much elae agin me de Lawd will paaa me frew. Uncle William nebar teohed a keerd. He left my cabin one night kaae I brun? 'em out. He wouldn't eben leek at one of 'em, but he went home and kicked ober a kittle of aoft aoap kaae hia wife had lee de pig break out. ** Dar am occashuna â€" ^um I yum I â€" where I feel dat a glaaa of hard cider am juat what ta reeded to take de kinka enter my weary ccnatitnahun, I wink at de ole woman, an' she slips down cellar an' draws aome cider fur boaf of na. I 'speot it'a wicked to drink hard cider. 'Deed, Uacle William cotohed ua at it one night, an' he went home horrified. One ef hia chill un had leat a cent, an' de good man apanked dat yonng' un until aeme of hia naybura called in do police. » "I ain't holdin' it up dat anybody ahould be bad, but I do wiah de preachera would nnderatand, aa meaa' edder men de, 'dat our smalt yioea an' wealtneaa am do aafety-valve which preventa exploahan. Dar' am 'great temptaahnn befo' all human- Ify to be worry, worry bad. If men kin keep ol'ar of it by bein' jiat a little weak an' foolish it am net a wise policy to batter at 'em from do pulpit fifty-two Snndaya per y'ar." so OBS10K. Judge Chewao, after riaing from hia aeat with an effort wiiich broke a aaapender square in two, offered the following re- aolution "Seaolved, Dat dia Lime-EiLa Club aym- pathizsa wid Greece In her attempt to throw off de yoke of oppreahun an' pat 5 cent olgara before do nobility of do ole world." "Bruddtr Ohewao, do you cffer dat reae- laahont" aaked the Preaident, after a moment of ailenco. "Yea,Bab." M What' am Greece 1" « Dnnno, aah." "Whar' amdoyoke!' " Dunno." ' What haa we got to do wid de nobility of de ole world T" •• Iâ€" Idanno." •' Whar' did yea git dat reaoloahon t " I dashed it eff, aah." ' Well, now, yea daah yeraolf down on yoar cheer, an' dean' let aa heah no mo' of yoa far alz weeka I When dia dab haa got frew aympatbUn' wid de United btateo, Canada, Mexico, Cuba an' Sooth America we may reach oat farder. Until dat time ocmea yonr reaoladian will lie nnder the table." LanBoK, The Secretary annoanced a commnnioa- tlen from Dr. Ephrlam Sweet, of Qaeboo, annoandng that he had a aare remedy for the cholera, and that In ca^ the dab would ferwud him $50 ho would aend on three barrela of It by fast freight. Whalebone Howker moved that the money be forWarded at once, and Way- down Bebee, Samad Shin and EldwToota aroae to the aeoond motion. Brother Gardner waved them down and aaid •« De money will not be aent-not jIat yit. In oaae de oholera dean' ooma along aammer we'd be |50 out. In cmo de oholera doea come, an' »•»•"•»* »" awhile, do doctor wiU Fobeblybow taw extra bar! to oloao do trade. Tluoe barn might poMlbly poll dia dab frew, bat It wont do no harm to hev an extra one on hand." HOT AT PBESEHT, The B«v. Penatook aroao to a qneatlMi of privUege. One of the ^^o^V^f ^^ " forr«lS him a. " «*«eK*Uwd «^n^ wanted to bo Ald«inan fa«n fte KA^ Ward." The hwHt applied to tiwentfre dab. If ho waa a «*?L,5!i^^.« ooonfc M ho waa aaddto-oolorod, there Swofifty other »eaaboi« In the aamo fix. He^o^ a nit for damagee by and in the name of tte dnb. j »v^ ^___. ' ma» far," Uandly aaked the Pwel- **"*FBr dander, la^t I In de fort plaoe. ^K^ifcaai^-^^^^K ••r. .«^ir»v ,,«c! •ifM+'iv: ^rH««rfv'*i»«M»cSBi.«»*j«Ksr, a^r^iSTy â- '^»^-»^^!W»- ei«m » jMi gc^ an* da rkaaoksMdaaoall'd daon' «aa» tobe •«BraddarFteato(*, da oak in Hia oalketlatW to fivw a obacy timo anyfeodwyoUa afrklm haa ahard joboahaad. NoKar yon year pleznn. Son oani tarn blaokar, an' I'm lartin yen won't bleadi oak any whter. Aa far boin' oalbd a ooon, dafa all f%ht. Yoa Un rit oban by ealBn' wlilto lelka 'poaaam. If yon doan' wank to be Alder- man nobody will fo'oe yon to. Indeedi yoa haan't one chaooe in a tiMoaand of glttln' dar r* " I'd Uka a wote of do dnb on do qvedinn of a aalt for damagea," aaid Pemteok. A veto waa takein, and he foand hlmaelf entirely alone. A Japanese Oi^. Prof. Mono, in hia raoent book open life and aoeaca in Japan, pointa oat many oar* loua ooBtraato botwoan Baatem and Weak- em dviliaatioa. Perhi^ tlio diffaronoo ia meat naarked in kbo g ane r al upoaranoe of the largo dtlea. A view of ToUo, from aeme devatod point, revoala a wait aea of roofa, kho gray of the ahinglea and dark alato cdlor of the tiloa givlog a aomber (ffaot to the whole. The even expanae la broken hero and there by the fire-proof buiidinga, with their pon- derena tiled roofa and ridgea and pare white or jet-black walla. The tomplea alao are conapicnoua aa they tower far above the pigmy dwellinga which aurround them. Their great black roofa, withmaaaivo ridgea and rlba, and grand aweepa and white or red gablea, render them atriking objeoto from whatever point they are viewM. Green maasea of tree foliage apringing from the nnmerona gardens add acme Ufe to thia gray aea of domioilea. There ia, of courae, no church spire. It ia likewiae a oarioua eight to look over a vast city of, it may be, nearly a million Inhabltente snd detect no ohimney with ite streak of blue amoke. From the absence of chimneys and the al- moat nniveisal nae ef charcoal for heating pnrpoaes, the dtiea have an atmoaphere of remarkable oleameaa and parity. The compact way in which In citlea and towna the houaea are crowded together, barely aeparated by the narrow atreete and lanea which orosa like threada in every di- rection, and the pecallarly Inflammable ma- toriala of which meat of the buiidinga are composed, explains the lightning like ra- pidity with which a cenflagratien spreada when once fairly under wav. Temperance and Assurance. We take pleaaare In ohrenlcllng the ea- tobUabment of a new life aasuranco com- pany in Toronto en a true and cqnitoble basis, keeping aeparato branchea for total and non abatera and dividing the prtfite aa made to each claas this ia no new ex- periment aa it haa been tried and proved to be very successful by a number of the lead- ing British Companies, foremoat among which ia the ** United Khigdom Temperance and General Provident Institution," whose experience for the past eighteen years ahowa a difference in mortality of nearly 30 per cent, in favor of total abstoinera, al- though none but very aeleot Uvea were aa- aured in the general claaa The name of the New Company ia the Temperance and General Life Asanranco Company which haa a good financial basis, a guarantee Capital of $100.COO and $5C0,- OOOdepeaitedwiththe Dominion Government for the security of pelioyholdera. The Management and Directorate are oomposed of leading bnaineaa men. The Hon. G. W. Beaa ia Preddent, Hon. S. H. Blake, Q. C, and Bobt. McLean are Ylce-Preaidenta, and H. O'Hara, the Managing Director, haa had many yeara' experience, and la well and favorably known as a aaoceaafal In- aarance man, and under hia jadiciooa management we have no doubt the Com- pany will prove a aucoeaa. Yoa wul notice in oar advertldng columna they deaire appllcatlona for Agen- oiea for thia place and vicinity. A Skiimisli with Indians^ A Medicine Hat dlapatch aaya On Ulan- day laat, the oatpoat in the Cypraaa, in charge of Corporal Bitohle, discovered a band ef .American Indiana csmped a few mllea from their quartera. On proceeding to the Indiana, encampment, the corporal asked them their bualneaa In the territory, and for an anawer received a ahower of bu- leta, which fortunately fell wide cf their mark Bltohi« then oommanded hla m.m to fire, and one Indian waa dropped. The redaklna aurrounded their wounded oompan- ion and ancoeeded in carrying him eff. Shota were now freqaently exchanged and the diaae kept np for some time, bat en aoeonnk of the timber all trace of the Indiana waa loat. On return to the place where the fir- ing commenced the police found a rifie and bluket. preaumably the property of the wounded Indian. rrnuiTr' ^^^t^s^^^sism ' Hope en, hopo ever." How many ddl- eato ladiea there are who, while they attend to their daUy datiea, do ao with aching heads, a aenao of fnllnoaa, pain in the baw and|dopreacedapirikB, who are 'only keeping abont^" aa the phraae ia. Some day tiiqr " go Into a dedino," and leave their difldran motherlaaa. To aaoh we would aay, "CAaer up." Timdy nae ef Dr. Pieroe'a •• FaTorito Preacription" owreota all famale irregalail- tlea, weakneaaeo, and kindred a fle a tieaa eaaily, pleaaantty and qaiokly, Maavo waa the favored color at tiie Qaeen'a laat '^wing roan." • All dinaaea of lower bowd, in- olnding 1^0 tamora, radically onred. Book of parttoalara, 10 oenta in akampa. Werld'a Dlapenaary Medioal Aaaooiatf on, 663 Main Street, BofEslo, N. Y. •*Ma, haven't I been arecrf good boy over ainco yon whipped me klia laak kimo for kolling a whopper!' "Yea, BDly, yen have a very good boy, indeed." ' And yoa kraak me now folly, doa'k yon " Yap, my bey, fully I" ' Then, Mamma, whak makea you keep the preaorve doaot in tfao pontry locked all the time, juBt.the aame V Chrenio naad catarrh podtivdy cured by Dr. Saga'a Bemedy. Woiainv liao a horaeâ€" a lawyer drawing op a i^veyanoeh iWt uao any mora naaaeouaptrgattrea eaoh a. SaUa, fte.,wheB you can sol fa Dr. 7» Btonaoh Bitten, a mediblae toaft thoBowelafntlK deaaataR^lB itleo^asn Uio ayatam aad nndi puoaadeooL enatftnla« BAD BL( • !• i SYMTOilS AJIIIfiB BeroflitoM CoMaafUâ€" oar VAUvB MmrtMimrrTmiMt im the aye- teas, Badl Air, laarreper IMet awd IKMsaer •rijivlHfc B«4 ItoalwaM, lasactlvv â- â€¢vrele â- â- d Kleye, vrtmk liisasa, T«nM' I^vcr, â- â- 4 mawr other ohviows CMBaee,lBdHr' want •rCIeanllacae. Aetasperfect in tans aaakee laucofecs hodUy^vgaik •f eveey A||DB Obecrve) etricay an the Iaweof VUlaC Bealth, Keep the 8hla Cl« the Bawela auid KldMje la perfect warif bag arder ta carry mtt paleaaaae aaatter, AraM Hlsh l.lvliiK, Slave AceeaataPa*« Air aadHeaatiifia Kxcrdae, Mmt Piaiia Naarlahtas Vaad, mmi tarite BuBDOCE Blood Bittebs The great Key to Health, widch anlacka adi the Secretieiia by Acting apan the Faar Cardinal Points at Healthâ€" the Btoaaach, aiver, Bawela and Blaod. In thia manner JBUBDOCK BJLOOD BIT'TERS maUtes PnreBload. -THBJâ€" Toronto General Trnsts C O .d I» A. IT -v. VJ and 20 WelUmcten Street Kost, Toronto Ontairio SS-"" BtWaatedto AiUtmti. President â€" Hoy. Eswabd Blakb, Q.C, MP. Vice-President â€" E. A. Mkbkdith, LL.D. Manager â€" J. W. Langmcib. toe Blood This C^mpany acta as Executor. Administra- tor and Guardian, and receives and executes TruBte of every de*oription. These varioua positions and duties are assumed by the com- pany, either uoder Deeda of Trust, Marriagre, or otner settlement ezeonted during the lif(- timeofthe jiarties. or under wUls, or by ap- pointment of the Court. The Company also undertakes the Investment of money in real estate mortgage securities collecting and remitting the interest for a mod- erate charge. The Company also act j as agent for the col- lection of interest or income, and transacts financial bueiceas generally, at the lowest rates- The fourth annual meeting of the sharehold- ers of this company was held at its office, in this cit; on Monday. 10th iastant. Owing to the absencein 'Jttawa of the President, the Hon. Edward Blake, the chair was token by the Vice-I'resident, K. A. Meredith, LL. D. A large number o( the shareholders were present ibcludinsc Sanotor McMaster, Bon. Alex. Morris. Q. C M. P. P Wm. Elllctt. Gheo. A. Co., Robert Jaff'-av. W. H. Bea,tty, A. B. Lee, J. J. Foy, Q C J. a. Scott. Q C, A. X. Ful- ton. J N. uake and others. Mr J. W. Langmuir. the manager of the company, was appointed secretary, and read the fourth annual report as follows BEPORT. Your Directors have pleasure in submlttii^ their fourth annual report, together with the usual financial statement showing the op*ra- lions of the company for the year ended Slat Marcb. 1886. The result of the past yeai'a bnaineaa, as well aa the Ivorease that has taken puce in all the main department- of the company'a work, are not only highly satisfactory, but in the opioion of your Directors show very clearly the neces- sity that existed for the establishment of a company authorized by law to accept, in a cor- p irate cap tdty. the respo sible poaitiona of lYustee, Exenutor, Administrator, and other important offloes of a like character, which fbnnerk^ had to be entnstea to prirate in- dividuda. The income derived from the varioua branches of fltcal wora is fully detailed in the profit and loaa and other statements herewith (ubniilted It will be observed that the whole of tha preliminaiT ezpenaea coimected with the orgviization of the company, as wen as ail the current annual expenses otiovery kind have been paid ofi, and out of the past ear's profits your directors have declared a Uvidend of 8 per cent per annum on the pdd-np stock, and nave added j,0O1 to the Reaiervo, oarrying forward the balance of profita to tlie csDditof profit and loaa, to be dealt with aa the ahare- hddersmay doclda. RedlalBgtho vital importanoe of maintain- ing a tliorou^. continuoua and systematic in- apectton and examination at the company's books, aeouritiee and records, and of keeping the Direetors fully a- quainted with the detaiu of the touaiaeaa done by the Executive, a ar eoid committee, sdected from the Directora wlto aro not members of the Executive waa ap- pointeO in the ear^ part of the year for the purpoao of devising the best method of aoc cm- pliuing theae objecta. After much conside a- tlon a moat ttBective ayatem of inepeotion waa looommeBdod and oanied into effect, and vour Directora are much indebted to the Special Cmnmlttee for the thorouith maaner in vrhich their important dutiea were diachanced. and for their comprdiraaiva and praotioai anggea- tiona. The Directora would not be juatified In pro- aeatlng thai* report without expreaaing tbeir great satiafactias with themaoner in whidi the iMgo, varied, and complicated bualneaa opera- tiona of the Company have been oonaucted during the year by the Manager and Iiia aasiat- Xdwabd BtiAkb, Preaidont. TOBONTO. 8th May, 1881 Xhsyioe PMrfdant, la moTtag the adoption of ttie npoet, aad the Son. Alex Moiila, in asoonding la. ooBgiatulated tlie Oompaay on the ooBtlnned and gicwing aoeoata that haa attsnded Mm Oompsayia attitavailoasopeMtloaBdnilair tlia yeai; aaddnw attaaMoa to the giaal iaoteaae in the KSDml vdnnie of bosioeaa, and paitiaulMly aa tagaada the Trust b â-  'aad in the Oon tatsa whieh have been plaoed Oonapany'a A raaohiUon of thanka waa passed to the Prssidaal, Ytee-Peesldent sod Dlieoton, as wall as to the Man- ager aad aliff. to* thair saalons aad eaiafnldlachafga of thair doHas donag the yaai; Ibalaliowiiig wars alaolfd Dlreolon for the bnanlnK yaai. vfc: Hon. Bdwatd Blake, Q. a,M P. Hon. Waa. MoMaitBt. aeartor aea. Alaa. Xoiiia, Q a. M P. P K A Meredith. LL D. B. HoBMr Dlxoa. Koboit Jafftay, Oeofge A Oo^ Wm. QoodeAam, J. a. Soott, Q.O J J. Foy, 2.0. A B. Lae.Wm. B!UeM,J«B. Maolennai^ Q 0.. J. K. Koir, Q 0. .SadUna Irving, Q 0. t. a. Btaynar, Wm. Molook, M.P.; awl Wm. H. Beattr. XhenawBaaidaflHiaoton then met and le-slaot- od«lMHaB.UwaidBUkaP«ealdent, aodMr. C.A- MsaedHk, LL.D., ^es-Pitasldent. I ifl I LI I WELL BOUHfi ' â- " cr.: led tte bod bof Ma Iha by Oo ear, and having adeolrd a ^Mtaki^ikwaBabmitta appteikwhan h would do tbo meat food, whcaSo aaid •â- Hold 0^ Mai" **No,alr; ttafa tlu MoendtiiM ypa'va beca in the walar ta-day." II Are you gdng to atriko, ma " • Don't atrika, ^Liit 08 arbttnte." Bat ita waan't a Kaiglit ef Labor, aad uioatruok. A.P. M Ezrâ€" THBEB-and too tadiaa-M Oaai gocd pa». H. .|KBnniT. Xosoala, Ool PIT CLUna BXC!ftV8im.Y. Olieaiaia naa. a. ir. Kmna, Daaaopolla, Ala, SVPKBIOB FILBS AlID RABPS-WABBAimD equal to beat tanportid I all Uada of re-oBltiag. Oalt yua Wmka, Tebbbkkk Pabxui, QaH P.O AMD BAW MA0Hm8=ALL~nZB8â€" LAXBX I ImpravcBaata bsaekat band saws for aMash. r to posts; neat, obrsp and duaUo asod lea idimLaia. JOHN OlLUtt 00.. Oadaloo naea. Obi. g RrBBBK BTABP, with yont name, only SSola matka linen, prtnta ouda, t%\. 2000 alylaa. ARuits wanted dionlars free. MODBL RUBBEB BTAMPOO., Ba'to, MA CAKKIACB I.OBBIBS FOB OABTESai wholiaale bonaaa, mannfaotureio list piin oential Faba. Address M. D. NbluojlI, MaDnlao tnrer. Haiwilton. A OENIS FOR NBW PARALLEL FAJOLT J\, BIBLB8-Urge type, aplandkl mope, btantl- tnliilnBtrationa: ooBtaina 4,000 qniatioBa and aa- Bwara on BlUe Topias Ubeml tetma. latamatlonal Book and Bible Houie Toronto. Ontf A CBHT8 WaBTB»lV BTBRT TOWN AKD J\. county, for the O. K. Parer and BUoer. Bast tUbg out sel'a at sight aam«le Keifa stnt oa teoeipt of p:ioe, 15o. Q D DAT, Agent, 40 fonge at Toronto, Ont. RBFRBSBNT ATITB hi each county to sell " Pro. posal and Etponcal"â€" a book oa Love, Oonrt- ship. Matrimony and kindred themea. Write for oireulaia. Intematlonal Book and BlUe nae^ Toronto, Onl AH AN WK A WOMAN WANTED IN BTBBT townaUp. to aell Dt. Tabnaga'a new tKxdt, **Iilve Coala.** The keenest and moat Tlgonma specimen of oiatory ever written nearly 700 paces i only 8S toll partteUbM ot this and ottur new bo*a PBU. SohnvIer8Biitha;Oo..Pnbllaheis,Londoa.On* 8PBCIAIi H«TICB.-ORAin INDUCBMENT8' Ottered to yonnv I«diea and Gentlemen during May. Shorthand. Bookkeepii4f,OomineK)lalBnilneatb Bnglisb, Olaasioal or Mathematioal courses, aeparato or aU together, at halt the regdar tuition lee. Ad' dreaa immediately, Tna Xobohio BosiHaa Oolum^ Toronto, Oat. 8CH««I. Teaehcra gtudrnta Attention Dming Holidays a apeolal course of piivate leesona. by highest masters, will be tiven School Teacheis and Students, on Shorthand, Dtawlng or Paintmg. All who oan Shonld oome. Sana immedi- ately lor sp«clal otrcolaia Tna Uaios Bhoet- HiBB HKS' AOADMIT, Aroade, TOfOMO. GmSliVH BVSINEaa COUXCB, Onelpn, Onl. Tonng men and women thoroughly prepared lor potitloaa aa Book-keepers, Sbortband Wtitert^ Oaligraph or Telegraph Ofwratois; students Atom nine Pravlnoea and Statea in attendanoe within a year gradnatea piaoed in oonuneroial oenttee ol Canada and the United States; ratea moderate; laaiUtiea excellent; inatmotl"n Indivldnal lortenna, etc., addieee, M MaoCORMIOK. PrincipaL ACEN18!-T0V CAN'T FIND A BOOK THAT gtrea better aatlilaotion or that yon oan make money laater with than â- â-  Woild'a Wondera." Bellsto all olaiseaâ€" Chrlstiaus and Infidels, OalhoUos and hotestania, old and yoimg old agent? who have not canvassed tor years »re going into the field with It 0. F. JesUns told 128 the first mek J. B. Biaoo says ' The first week with *• WonOeia" netted me one hundred and aixtaen dollara" A good Ohaaoo lor unemplosed peieona; outfit Iree to aotnal oaa- vassen, write lor terms. BaASLn OAamaiaoaft Oa Brantloid MACHINERY. sea B n g lnee, BoUeis, Iron, Wood, and mtseellao eons maohlnas, lor aale. For nurUonlars addraaa H. W. PBIRIE, Brentford, Onl MONEY TO LEND â€" onâ€" Frodnctiye Town, YiUae;e k Farm Property. B. MITCHBUi MeBONAUl, Barrister, a Tnlom Blockâ€" Toronto Street â€" Teremto. JAME SPARKSON^ Pork Paokors, Toronto. L. 0. BaooB, Bol'td Sploe Baoon,- 0. 0. Baoon. GHasgow Beef, Hams, Sugar Cured Hama. Dried BeaL Braaklast Baoon, Smoked Tonsfues, Mess Poik, Plakled Tongues, Cheese, Family or Navy RiA, Lard in Tubea a"d Vails. Ibe Best Brands ol Bngb Ish Fine Dairy Salt In stock. SPECIAL ATTBHTIWN.â€" BEWARE ot unroU. able eduoatiooal advertiaemeBls and do aol soend your tinie and monny lornotbing. Bengongh'a Shorthand and Bnaineaa Inatltnte is iU tad fliialy eatabliahed, employing only teaohen wittMm laaa. tioal and esperienoed in every depaclaaaol. PMMlM aeoured gradnatea without extra ahaige -^M^pf ' pattioolaia. Thob. BasoonoH. FfUMfF^ 0. H. Baooxa. i ""-^ ' GUELPH CARPET WOiRK J.A.AEMSTBONQGO., luiurAorDMBa or WOOL, UNION DAMASK CARPET^ 01 new pattema and doalgnat CuelBh,Oat. fV ARMAgB WACWH AXLES, Manulaotunnof thoOelebMed ^^ GfHELFI AXLE WQBK8 i;^;^ T. FKPPXR ft GO.. OnelphaOnt. -Br Di palBO^pal] Our Dmiex Axlea are all to be had at all the pal Haidwars Stores tai the Domlnkm. I B. SPENCE C«. Oonaumeia wHl find it to their advantage to aak the trade lor our make of FHea and Baspa. Be^CutttncaapeeiaUy. Send lor price Uat and lenna. â- amilton* Ontario. f The Boyal lanufoctnring Gompany, a rerth St.. fiuOlBai. •mt, L 0. WIDEMAN OO., â€" KAnurAoioBBa oaâ€" bsBroTOd lUaaUy aad lammdry HauBloa, Aad all Unda of laaadiy AppUanoaa, Boigiar. Prod Wfaidow-Saah Loeka. Map Laddera, eta., eta. Model-MaUng. MOtWrlghtiag aad Work. dVSBND FOB PBIOB LiSI. I CURE FITS â€" il isr can I do notniMa nwnlr to itaptlMm tir^ â- nw Mia fbon luTo tbem nlvrnafaln. I m««a •radlej Mr*. IknoBuida tbo diwwe dt VRS, KPII2P8T or VALb nra atUanaSBa Ur»40B( itadr. I mmnt my MBoCi to me tk( «ant cMM. BwasMottaaahan ihfladlaaS mwDBfcr mmtaow rae«l*tnaa ear*. Sand at oom for a toMtIn aad sFiM Bottle otmrlnraUllilvraaMr. Ohe Manmtadrmtomm. UeoMsyDanotldaa feratiiaL udlwOlemJaa. AddrMOB. aO.BOOT, ^^ BriiickQto,3?Iiitt68t.,TM0a â- mi mm jt/trntm â- Auiii

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