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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jun 1886, p. 5

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 «•! »9»* i)0mm€AU flolland Centre, May 28, '86 f Ssion met ftt Fitzgerald a itbrre"9ion of the assciment r^b€rt»:iP'^«»«°*' Beeveintba LIST OF APPBALS tTpIIy, on real estate, reduced '^U Pryle. on real estate, roll a' F fc A. Pryle, on real 1 sustained: Wtn. Bradley. Tptatc roll sustained James L real estate, roll sustained j; Uced $50; Wm. Henry. slate, reduced $50; Joseph roll sustamed Joseph roll sustained John placed ou. roll aad stock I ff I w «,] and seconded, that this court l^^""*^' Monday, the 7th day of .1^ isOB, sr., isoD, jr-' 'name MM Kmmm Mi, Oeotge Bnn t U of Aniora, Ont., mts lMlNBagn«t mfienrfeana nniiiBg Ktra of the wont diwrptioo, whioh Iwilol the best iiiediMlakiil.uid bis Mf ems abwden. H« was oozed by B. B^ B. to his gnat joy and sorptiso at his friends. West's Wootld's wouder or Family Lininont is a remedy that no well regnlatad hoosehol shonli be without, as it is a pasitive oore for Bhe nm at i sm. It is invaloable for Sprains, Cats, Braises. Bums, Scalds and all dianases reqairingextemal application Price S5 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Tomer ft Go. Jnne. CUBS rOR SORX THBOAZ. A, prompt and efficient remedy fiia sore throats as well as croup, asthma, pain in the side, ear ache, deafness and many other common and painful oompliunts, is found in Hagyard's Yellow 3il. M i^ii frnf/mu aBin till 1B86 ^*' Carson Pbice, Tp. glerk. MONEY TO LOAN. Lot 8, eoiu 14. Gleiwlis, 100 •Mt^'TlB dearad and undar eoltiTabon. balaaoe hard* wood, soil elay loam, weD watered, log house and bare, and an orchard qt 185 good bear- ing trees. This farm i% utaated 8 mHea bant IDirkdale and 4 fzam Berkeley, and is one «t the best forms in the township. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For full partiealars, apply to IEO. LMB.) -a X JAS. LAMB.r^""***^ a98-3in aUuMsottP. 0. G. M. BRODIE, M.O., CM., 1tA~EMBBBof the_College of Physicians lUHR iwm OnSR â€"GO a?oâ€" SavE and Soigeons, Ont. ^^Office and residence. Drag Store, Markdale. B.L. Stephen's 29811 I ..die close ot the Court of Revision '„.;[ took up general business, J veil by Mr. Williscroft, seconded Mr Galbraith, that Wm. Foster •'.rwiDted arbitrator in tue matter â- f S S. Nos. 2 3, in the town- 'jorilolland and Euphrasia to re- jiader the matter of adding lots 20, to section Is 0. 3. fioTed by Mr. Shute, seconded by Williscroft, that the Clerk b© in- ^cted to Qotify the C. P. K. to make ijroper crossing ou No. 6 sideroad, pCbats worth, in accordance with htition from Abel Wright and 12 Lrs antl that the latter part of the Le petition be laid over for further Lsideri'iop. • [i petition signed by Angus MoNab i 30 others, iu favor of getting a it from this council to pay P. Mc- liaenfortbe trouble and eipense Lrred bj him on the Alex, Mitchel ubing affair. f^oTed by Mr. Shute, seconded by Howey, that we agree to offer [ti. Ltods to settle his claim with rjrdto part of lot No. 1, con. 2, of £ township of Holland, and we offer name without prejudice. [iloved by Mr. (jalbraitb, SEConded jMr. Williscroft, that the Clerk noti- kllr. Lichfold to remove ail obstruc- L ont of tlio river at Maspie con- feting of driftwood and sawdust placed lire through his neglect, otherwise v. inspector will be notified to re- love it at bis expense. llioved by Mr. AViJliscroft, seconded vMr. Galbraith^ that we adjourn till te'thofJuoe. Cabson Pkich, Tp. Clerk. SALT EHEUM CUBED. li'fegor A rarke's Carbolic Cerate Has Himniand faiud to be the only positive t:;forSnlt Uhume. Pimples, Blotches on lace or !i;iiiils. Cats, Burns, Bruises, or Sort tliutuotli ins else will heal. Try IC-Kfor a- Parke's Carbolic Cerate Price |^:.trt bos at it. L. Stephen's Drug Store liJale. 4 Ladies Only liscomj'lesioniH often rendered unsightly [fci'ks, livrr Spots, and Yellowness. •Sf .! is Well kiKnvn are caused from an ICTo Liver and biui Llood. Dr. Chase's I'rtLiue purilics tiie blood and whole F*a. Seo Rtcipe Book for toilet hints • 'Ki-'gojtions ou how to preserve the VMiou. Sold by A Turner Co.June ON real estate seciiri:v, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Ban- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P.O. STEEl. ROAD SCRAPER. R.L, -FOB- I beg to call the attention of Municipal Conncils and others to my new Solid Steel Koad Scraperâ€" One Solid Plate of Steel Pressed into Shape. The weak point with steel bottom scrapers has been overcotae in this case by putting on Steel Shoes which protect the bottom, so that there is no mor e wear on it than on any other part. The" Scraper combines Lightness with Strength, and Handines.s with Durability, and wil scrape any ordinary ground without plough- I ing. They gave good satistaction to all who used them last Season. A Sample sent Free of Freight wherever desired. Send for Prices to ANDREW McGILL, Chutsworth Foundry, 294-300 Chatsworth. Ont. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF GLENELfi. The Gosrt of Bevision for the Township of Olenelg, will hold its first sitting for the current year at the Town Hall on SATURDAY, 29TH MAY, 1886. at 10 o'clock a. m. The Council will meet for general bufainess at 2 o dock p. m. the same day. J. S. BLACK, Township Olerk. Glenelg, 13th May, 1886. 296-98 New Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surrounding ountry that I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS CONFECTIONARY, ORANGES. LEMONS, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing an^ cloBe attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W- M- SPEER. Bj baying your Watched, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaces, Pipes, Ac. -AT- JMS. G. RUSSELL'S FLESH ERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. rOOOOOOOOO OCOO.OOOOO) THE EMPIRE HORSE AND FOOD CONDIMENT, The Original ThoHey Food. It IE a fact, as every one I says, that RUSSELL is the man to repair yoor Watoh or Clock properly. During the season of exceptionally hard work, too much cannot be said in reference to keeping, the working animal in proper condition. To meet the increase demand made upon them the spring. work often leaves the stock run down, and tbey have scarcely time to recover before the harvest is full upon them therefore if you want to get your animal quickly into condition use the Empire Food Condiment. looooooooo oooooeooo/ GIVE HIM A TBIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- faction. 217-269 JAS. e. RllSSELLs SCONS, CAKES 4 PASTRY Condition Powder, Condition Powder, The Derby Condition Powder, the best stock blood purifier in the market at The New Drag Store. OILCAKE, OIL CAKE, always on hand. Toronto Mtisical Festival. TO RENT. A single shop next door to Turner Co's Drug Store. Also a farm 8 miles from Markdale with 50 acres cleared, will be leased for one or more years. Apply to A. TURNER Co., 194-8 Markdale. gOS 33 Notice to Creditors. PURSUANT to Sec. 34. Cap. 107, R. S.O. _». the creditors and all others haying claims agamst the estate of Mrs. Geo. Lamb, Sr., deceased, in her lifetime, of the township of Glenelg, in the Counsy of Grey, Widow who died on or about the 5th day of April, A. D. 1886, are hereby notfied to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Geo. or Jas. Lamb, Glascott P. 0., the Executors of the deceased on or before THE 218T DAY OF JUNE, 1886. Their christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any), held by them or in default thereof and immediate- ly after sueh last ilamed date, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the Executors will not be .Uable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim, notice shall not have been received as afore- said, at the time of such distribution. Dated this i9th day of May A. D. 1886. GEORGE LAMB, t^,„„„x„„ JAMES LAMB, jExecutors. Glascott P. 0. A full line of Potent Medicines kept by Yo'irs respectfully, R L STEPHEN THE GENUINE SINGER THOSE IN NEED OF A SiWINC -:- M ACHINE CARSON'S Implement EmporiM.. I beg to announce to the public that I am tliis season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery. I will keep on hand 7 Self-Binders. Beapers. Mowers. Sulky Bakes. Steam and Horse Power -Threshing • Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined. Plows, eight kinds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows... Iron Harrows. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds.. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Open^ Top Buggies, c., c. Office at Markdale House, 291-309 MARKDALE. KNITTING. Should be sure and get the ooooooooooocoooo 6EWUIHEBEWY0BKSIN6EB OOP O O O O O OOP P P P O P M jm iuformed by the committee that the 'â- s-'iuous made {or this r'estival are being 'â- '-itterily carried out. The monster ' now reluTsing in the Rink Music -iviiic!. is being rapidly seated' and it is t^a: the Chorus is etficient and enthus- jiaJwai, assisted with the array of ;â- â€¢ 'f'^.trilute tlieir share to the general â- '=â-  The imirenso Music Hall is found â-  Eos: admirably adapted for such a ^®t. the fullest tone and the sUghtest 'cmo btiiig alike elaar and distinct. /project has been received with enthus- -^aij OTertheProvince as wrfl asthe cityâ€" ,;Ms of J8000 worth of tickets have been ••« .or the Concert. Owing to the size of the Hall tb?re are vet numbers [?»'S availably for each Concert, which ^^tonbt betaken bv the Citizens of j/"".- sad those visitors who will be at- joy the Eseursions to the City. ^^.Tammes giving particulars of each ^â- aarcuow ready for distribution. -;r^""""Jtend going to the Festival, aV J " Aeir advantage to corrsspond â- .•i3H Eaels, Honorary Secretary. GOOD SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuinL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T/cYbOR, PROPRIETOR. The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certamly the best. 290 C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, Markdale. m IIBIESS IW. ES. CRAWFORD haaopened a Custom Knitting Factory in Markdale, and is; now prepared to do all sizes and shapes of stockings and socks, in wool or cotton on short notice, and at reasonable charges. A trial respectfully solicited. Factory opposite the Stamdabd office. 295rS [OVBB. â- A Tear » ^^" ^-"^^ HUMOR. -•^^ ago my i,e^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ -=1!m""' ^^"ptit)i^* coveredmy faca also, 'â-  "J even until the backs of my hands 'tareT-v- i\.""""'f'^l^ and ill Finding fc-:e=4rf;,^'^-^lo«-" Blood Bitters. Two ,^n,cuy cured nie,"' Statement of °- 'e^enson, Cocagne, N. B. ^^ OFT V,-CBE, ^^ork for two years suffering "i-tase.and eould not get on '«ea ov" tl^'t "â-  ' 'i^-i to try B. B. B. ioious'cujâ€" 'I'^s and considered i\ a WOOL! WOOL! "S^ Those having Wool to sell or raanufactnre, will find it to their adrantage to call at the siJ: The above is the substance '(Ja;. â- aication from Wj m. Tier, of St "tss :°f "•â- ^' limD and hobble about '^isa L-fl""'^^^' ^^ering from '"^^^'s an/"'!^"' "°^ =^'*^^s. lame ..,"' HaKvard's Yellow Oil.nad «an be purchased at tbe FLESH ERTON WOOLLEN -:- B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding countiy that he has opened a general Imrness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, inrhere he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs, STRAW COLLARS, WHIPil, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL c. I will use only first claes matonal and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfully yours. R.CARNAHAN. 190 WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient fcr my customers, I beg to announce that I am now oreoared to do all kinds of Custom Wearing. Resideuc3 otd stand, opposite Presbyterian Church. 282 ARCH. BOTD. FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFULLY situated within 4 miles of the thriving Town^of Meaford, being south half lot 26. con. 7, St. Vincent, 100 acres, 55 acres being cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is a good youag orchard, an abundance of good water,, with suitable buildings. Price very low. Terms easy. For particulars apply to J. J. JOHNSTON, 190-98 Chisholm's Block, Meaford. and gages '.!::-!l' twenty.fiye cents? The machinery being now in splendid working order,- and Jiavn-'gengaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy mannfactarinjf goods usually tpnt in stock. Any custom work entrusted to us vill reeeire prompt *nd^ cSSaS2tionT«^a doneatreaaonaWe^e^. .. IS" DON'T FA^:Ta GIVE TJS A GALL. '"-^ ^ay8rd,1886., W- ^. *^^J-«EP}fJER. 6 FEB. GENT. ^oney loaned ou Farm or Town Property Hat ktweat rates of interest. Apply io -^ J*, a. BPKOULB. '"f^il^^X QQnv^ancer and ^t^^ ' ^leaheitQQ. R.J. SPROULE, FXiESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator Money Lender. Deeds,..-MQrt- 3, Leases and Wills dra^n up and Valuations made ou shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J.SPEOULE,. Money Lender and, Ppgcmaster, FJesherton. MARDALE BAKERY, â€" FOB-7- BREAD, CAKES JIND BUNS, AT EEASONAiJLE BATE?. BISCUITS AND GONFECTIOIIARY of all kinds on hand. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest Motice. Weddiiii; CakAS a Specialtyi A call is re8pe^tfnlly solicited. Bread delivered in all narts of the towa -I il! i ti ?1 ;; 'â- ik r ' *»,• â- r SOB SiSSSSSiSM

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