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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jun 1886, p. 4

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 .^r^m^ I i" â- H H m ^tmespaxfiettce. The Stewdfttd. Moths.â€" W« triah it distinetty ondOTtood «hst w« do not hold omeiftm nopimnblo iat thwopiniiMexpwMedby onr oorre8p«md0BtB is the county ated on the Biver where Huron. The IfAT^irnAT.Tg JUNE 101886 MABEDALE TO OODEBICU. On Taeaday morning, Jane Ist, w« boarded the train south, changiBg ears at Card well Junction we took the Hamilton North- Western, arriying in Georgetown at 10:40, making close connection with the 6. T. B., and reacbing Stratford at 1:15 where a train was waiting to convey us to Goderich, where we arrived at 8:40, B harp on time. Yegetation along the above line i in much the same stage of advance- ment. The country from Georgetown to Guelph is generally broken, stony and rocky, but on leaving Guelph westward there is a vast improvement, while the districts paised through in the vicinity of Berlin, Stratford, 8ea- forth and Clinton are unbroken, and a deUghtfully prosperous agricultural country. GODEBICH town of Huron, is situ- banks of the Maitland it empties into Lake j)lan of the town is strangely novel. The county court house stands in the centre of the town, and is encircled with a beautiful park in which flowers, shrubs and shade trees abound, faced with many of the principal places of business, which en- compass the park on all sides. A park surrounded by business places is a Tare sight. These places of business around the court house and park have a frontage of about a third of a mile. The roadway or street, between the park and those business places is very wide and level, in tact all the streets *re, we believe, a uniform width of six rods. The streets point from the court housA in all directions. East St. West St. North St and South Street beisdes one between each of these mak- ing in all eight streets direct from the court housie, and these multiply in hoth directions as yon proceed from this centre m a manner very sugges- tive of a spider web, and equally as entangling to those who fall into its meshes as many of the Conference delegates will indignantly ascree (ask Mr. Bowes.) The streets abound with ehade trees, and are wonderfully clean; the sidewalks wide, being all twelve feet; but there is not half as much wooden sidewalks in the whole of the town as there is in Markdale; the walks are gravel, and are hard and smooth; the streets are also hard and smooth, while mud is a thing, com- paratively speaking, unknown in the place. We cannot go into general particulars in regard to the public in- terests of the town, such as the great salt works, the greatest portion of which Jiave been given up for want of a demand for that article at remunera- tive prices. THE CONFEBENCE has progressed from day to day, com- mencing on Tuesday the 2ud and cbs- ingon Tuesday the 8th. Over 200 dele- gates were present, and the various matters of business were dealt with in a thoroughly practical and business manner. The people of the town have shown commendable liberality in providing for the wants of the hun- dreds of strangers attending Confer- ence, while all appeared to thoroughly enjoy their visit both in reference to Conference work and society. The next annual conference will be held at^ Gait, commencing the first WedneE- flayin June. Following is the final draft of sta- tions for MABEDALE DISTKICT- Markdale, Geo. H. Cornish; Flesh- ertwn, Walter Avers; Dundalk.W. H. Strongman^ J. W. Mahood; Eugenia, J. S. Corcoran; Priceville, A. J, Park- er Holland Centre, Alex. Thibadeau Walters Falls, Eobt. Johnston, one wanted Euphrasia, Eobert Hosking Victoria College, J. W. FrizzeJ, Ed. A. Shaw, J. F. McLaughhn. Ed. H. West retired for one year; David Auld, David Perry superannuated. G. E. Cornish, Superintendent Eev. W^alter Ayers, Financial Secre- ttr^. Bev. Mr. Casson goes to Mitchell. Mr. StoHdard Editor: Being as yon are editin' the paper this week, I thought, ae I have had a little experience in the matter I might be able to advise you. Now, in the first place, I have learned that the Editor-in-ohief is away for a while to the salt wells, as a foreign miBsionary, and that yoH, a rism' editor, have took upon you the editorship for some time. A serious responsibility, boy, very I I thought I'd give you the benefit of my experience as an editor. Now, while I was oat west, I ran weekly paper on the improved style for about three months, after that I found the sub- scribers of the paper were running me on the ajpproved style. Once I ventur- ed in a mild way to advise a man to keep his wife at home, and not let her go out gossiping to her neighbors he did not take kindlj to the advice, and the result was I was waylaid one night coming home from church. Again I was trying to add a tone to the morals of the sommunity and I called a mother's attention to the fact that her son, if not better looked after, would be a liar, loafer, rogue, and likely a drunkard, and advised her to use the broomhandle on him for my goodness in giving this kindly advice I, myself, the editor of a respectable paper, was pommelled with the broomhandle by the infuriated mother. One piece of advice I would give therefore is, to let the women alone another, don't sav anything about anybody don't try to report a concert in the absence of the boss editor, it's folly, simply foolhardi- ness. I give you this advice lor your own personal safety, as much as for the bosses safety on his return. I hope you will act on it before your office is surrounded by a howling mob. Yours for the best, Phin Coneot. To the Editor of the Standabd. Sib, â€" There appeared an article in the Flesherton Advance over the signature of V. G. Glassford, supposed to be aa answer to ours in your paper of the 20th May. We did not say General Gordon was not registered what we said was this, "General Gordon is not nor can he be rogist«!red either in the (Clydesdale nor the Shire stud books." This statement is strictly correct. Now, for the. public's information we will show exactly where he is registered. General Gordon is registered as follows: [A 46] Canadian Clyde Appendex whish is kept for the purpose of registering half-breeds and mongrels. Mr. Glassford knows this, and if he is an honest man, why does he not own up and give General Gordon's pedigree just as it is Mr. Glassford says it is easily known what our motives were in the article we published, meaning no doubt we were envious because hr was in the same business' we were. Such is not the case we envy no man. Now, to set for ever at rest this pedigree business, we will bet Mr. Glassford $100 to 810 that General Gordon's pedigree is just as we have stated. Now, let Mr. Glassford either put op or shut up. TSIHBLI PlCEBLL. To the Editor of the Standard. Deak Sib, â€" Allow me to congratu- late you on your success as an editor. Along with this I would advise you to not be so hard on the boys, you know you are one of them. M » Iff assey Harvester. BE ON YOUB GUABD. Don't allow a cold in the head to slov.'iy and surely develop itself into Catauu wh!li you can be cured for 25 cents. A f^w appUcations will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five iKjxes will cure chronic (Catarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure, Sold by all 4$^er6.»t is6 cents per bozv 812 Glenelg Tp., June 2, 1886. i rom Daniel McCartv, Markdale P. 0., Co. Grey I bought a Massey Harvester from your agent, Mr. Thos. Williscroft, which has given good satisfaction, having cut a very heavy crop of grain in 1885, over 100 acres without a break. It by far exceeded my expect- ations, having cut very heavy grain, on very rough and stony ground, with soft bottom.where I thought it im- possible for a machine to work. Did I require another machine it would not cost me a moment's thought to decide as to what machine to buy. I would advise all my neighbors to buy a Massey Macnine when requiring one. Final Coarts of Revision The courts for final revision of the Voters List under the "Electoral Franchise Act" will be held in varioub municipalities of South Grey as follows: â€" Durham Town Hallâ€" Wednesday, June 23rd. Latest time for returning additions corrections etc., to the Bevising Barrister is June 8ih. Egremont. at Hoi jteinâ€" Thursday, June 24th. Timefor returns, Jane 9th' ' Normanby, at Aytonâ€" Friday, June 25th. Time for returns, June 10th. Bentick, at Hanover â€" Saturday. June 26th. Time for returns, June llth. Glenelg. Basket's Hallâ€" Markdale Friday July 17th, Tiw* retnjns JulySud. ad- said and TheRevMing 0««« for fl»^EIe«- tond Dirtrict of South Kding of Gr^j in Ow Provinoe of Ontario, ow **Th«EIsjlortdFruneku0 !««," hertj ffiTes notiee that ha will hold sittu« on Friday, the 16tii day of July, 1886, at Nme o'clock ib the forenoon, at Town Hall, Village «f Flediefton. in the Mnnioipality of Artenwsia, sn tha Electoral Duttiet. for the final revision oftheListofVot«»fo» Pollmg Dis- tricts Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6. 7 and 8 of \he Townships of Artemesia. m the said Electoral District, and a sitting on Saturday, 17th July, 1886, at 9 o'clock m the forenoon at Hasket's Hall, in the Village of Markdale, in the MunicipaUty of Glenelg in the said Distjict foB the final revision in the List of voters for poUing Distncte Nos. 1,2, 8, 4, and 5 in the said Municapality. All objections and claims for ditions to or amendment of the Ust, with the grounds therefor, the name, addition and post office address of the person objecting to any name on the list, or claimed to add to or amend the list in any other respecc, unless the same have already been sent or delivered at the preliminary revision of the said list, must be delivered to the Bevising Officer at Owen Sound, or sent to him by reg- istered letter, Owen Sound P. 0. be- fore the 2nd day of July, 1886, in the same form, as nearly as maj be as of notice of complaint, in the schedule to "TA Electoral Franchise Act," and for the Municipality of Glenelg afore- said before the same date. If che objection be the same of any peissn already on the list, the person so objecting must, at the same time, deUver or mail by registered letter to the person oo objected to, at his last known address, a copy of the notice of objection. [Sg'd] SAsnTBi. J. Lanx, Beyising Officer for the Electoral District of South Biding of Grey. Dated at Owen Sound, May 10th, 1886. dm Conserrattve Co«TentioB. -IN- DXJ NLOFS BLQ n ENVELOPES, MKAVfA PENCILS, PEMS, INKS. FAMCr GOODS. To the People of Markdale and rounding vicinity: *ur. Having opened a Stationery and Fancy Goods Store in Dnnlop's Block. I hereby solicit a share of public patro- nage. Hoping that our intercourse »K( «••* prove both pleasant and profitable,! may I am, vonrB truly, MRS. CLEMENT, TOYS. Sweet A call respectfully solicited, MffS. CLEMEHl F ARMERS » THRESHE R! Use on your Blaetainery only tiie WelUknowa SIX GOLD MEDALS lUSS MBXTIMO IN DUBHAIC. The Conservative Convention held in Durham on Tuesday last far the purpose of selecting candidates to re- present South Grey at the next general election was a grand success. Dele- gates were present from every part of the riding, and it was said by those of experience that it was the largest Con- servative Convention ever held in the riding. Dr. Jauiieson, President of the Conservative Association, accept- ed the chair. A few minutes after 10 the Dr. called the meeting to order. After routine business the following named gentlemen were nominated: Dr. Jamieson, Dr, Christoe, James Edge, Esq., A. H. N. Jenkins, W. J. MoFarland, and Thos. Kells. All of these gentlemen declined in fayor of Dr. Jamieson except Mr. Jenkins, who was the last to speak. He declined to be governed by rules of Convention, consequently a standing and unani- mous vote was given in favor of Dr. Jamieson. Hon. Thos. White ihen addressed the Cpnvention in a short speech, full of wisdom and sound advice. Con- vention then closed with three cheers for Sir John McDonald, Hon. Thomas White, and the Queen. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon a Mass meeting was held in the Agricultural grounds. A large crowd of very in- telligent people assembled here to listen to the speeches of Dr. Sproule M. P., Mr. John Blyth, M. P. P., and Hon. Thos, White who was just fin- ishing and extensive and masterly speech as we left. When Dr. Sproule, in the course of his speech, announced that the Home Bule bill had been defeated, a tremen- dous cheer went up from the crowd of veryatteutiye Hstners. A banquet was held in the evening at the Middaugh House. Your town appeared to have turned out in full force conspicuous among those present we noticed. Dr. Sproule, M.P., Messrs. W. J. McFar- land, Douglas, Lucas, Ford, Turner, Mathews and Marsh. Com. have been awarded it during the last ttreen. Try also our Peeeless Axle Ovsmk} Waggons and Horse Powers. Manofactorned at Queen City Oil Works, by SAMUEL ROGERS CO, TORONTO I At the TOBONTO EOUSlI MAHZDiiLE, Hamlin's "Wizard Oil, Warner's Safe Cure, Shilo's Consumption Cure, Allen's Lung Balsam, Burdock Blood Bitters, Sandersons Infalliable Oil, St. Jacob's Oil, and all the lead] ing Patent Medicines of the day. A/so, 100M0 SHINGLES FOR Sm WM- BROWN. Entrance Examination.! ^^^^ Shiloh'h Vitauzeb is what you seed for CoDBtipation, Loss of Appetite, DizzinesB. and all symptonn of Dyspepsia. Price 10 ana 75 cents per bottle. For sale by B. L Stephen, Droggiet Markdale. A ' " BIRTHS. BcBHsiDEâ€" In Markdale. an the 4th inst the wife of Mr. Bobert Burnside. danghter. of a "^ri^ WolfJ^. ». W. T.. on Friday. 28th nit., the w ife of Dr. W. L. Bam, of a son. oEAths. ^^Bsos~In Smgiaittptctt on jihe ith inst^ Mr WentwortafiiigbMn, •Md^;22 yeiftn fw*«aiitI«i,l)«^SwMiSitaat^SL at Markdale B. B. Bi^m a yei?S. ^^^ Notice is hereby given that the High School Eotranco Ex- amination will be held in the TOWN OF DURHAM en tbe 6th, 7th 8th Days of July, 1886. Intending candidates will please no- tify tbe Principal, Mr. JAMES WrNTERBORNE. R.J.HILIi, Secretary B. 6. Dnrkam, June 4th. 300-2 in. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying on bnsiness in this Tillage as Sat-h, Door Fomitore Mannfactnrers, nnaer the name and firm of Oeorge Grant A Co., is this day dissolved by mntqal consent. All debts owing to the said partnership, previous to the late ^re, are to be paid to the undersignied, William L. Yonng, and all dauns against tiie said partnership are to be presented to the said William L. Young, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Markdale this first day of June, A.D.1886. (Signed) GEOBGE GEANT, WILLIAM L. YOTJNG. Witness agned, WiLtiAK Lucas. T OT No. 24, con. „ 4, N. D. RGlm* 100 acres,' will be sold cueapuilH easy terms of payment, forfurtherF«rtifl» apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, PomoM.P.U' STEAYBD P° to the premises oMheuficferngned' on or oolore the liSth of M«ytW led calves one j-^]loUt--)n6 Bteier «Bd one heifw. The owtoerwte^aeated'tb Vtr4 wmoeAji pay ex^eiwes sad titt ttui^'iiK^ ^UBX SOLAKD^ I I0RT6AGE P Of Valuable FarmPropertui" Township of HG/land,Couf' Grey. Under power of sale contared mortSJe. which viU be Fodu^ ' Sue ofsale, there will be^olferea or iH PubUc Auctio;!. by Geo. N*- ^^^ attheVaiageof^raak"^J^i?«* Grey, on Tuesday, 29tb day « at the hour of two o dock r J. parcel of land in the townsnip « j^ containing 100 acres, co^J^oX.^^ d 72and 73, Concession 2, SouJi' Toronto and Sydenham road The property is .cue etm ^^ farms in tne townsh'P o W" ^i^ acres being cleareJ, the batonce^ wood bush except 2 ^^f^Jl'^gd^ and the soil limestone loam..^"' J «^ d of cultivation. ^^U watered •)? ^JJf^ and creek running t .r"igj tj^^^rf. The buildings oa he pro^"J smaUlog house anJ ^fj^'t^i o* J* There is an orchard of ^J^j^H^ The lots are fairly fenced. ^J^ ^^ and are situated about ft» Village of Markdale ""^f "^are fiSey station ^f^J^SoriJ^^ accessible by good i-oaJ=. ^n-^^ cbafl* J market for farm f ^^^^e inile tf J School are situated fou^ said property, li^e right to bid. puril^ iTif Terms.â€" Ten per cent. o'Pjb, YeBjj attimeofsale,tobep^d^'"^oae his Solicitors, and the b^a" jg ^^ thereafter without mres ,j,, «{* particulars arid condition « Vendors' ^^"^^^^f^ Date Irt June, 18B6 SoUcito*^ :jw,..»ai--i:-:. ^mammUiS^

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