70J •Hi] 3« 24 3] 4 31 1 5i 5 351 :55 630( 8l0l V. CoHei »TE»_ W^' '»i:.n"«' 'â- fs» Kl. e.-No. 300. MAKKDALE, ONT., JUNE 10, 1886. ConxB or na Stahdakd FlYX CXBTSKACH. aEi other Items. ,,„,e ailiivinx Mended to benefit "" ' r .S'""'f' '"'" ^^ charged ten â- " '"flirf/ic "••« in««"""« and five f'""-nrh ^uh-efinent insertion. ICE! fctfT county court is in session Lfe«»- ^•. L. B. Hamlin this week. 0^ Maxwell km toff" £ S. Mabee is visiting friends |]t«ooa aud Fergus. ;reouL«.M.P., returned home 'bttswii last Friday. f,o,.ar loads of potatoes 'wanted J at J. K. Trimble's. Bonis steadily progressing on tbe Lw dwelling hoxiseB of Mr. G. S. Samuel Walker, formerly of L place, is "ow here on a visit from Biiouhu. Ljfeff excursionists left here to »idtlie regatta at Toronto on Fri- fiad Saturday last. isssB. Geo, Grant W. L. Yonng ledissolved partuership. Bee their [in another column. Irish Lake pic-nic will be held [Wnesday the 23rd inst. It pro- to be a grand success. i. hi. Stewart and H. Hulbert mssia captured a young bear i near Eugeuia recently. IE High School entrance ezam- Lnwill be held in Durham on the l,7tiiand 8th days of July. h deeply regret to learn that Jas. Lie, who is lying ill at Cheeley, is pin a very critical condition. jyraE a number from this place at- Ud the South Grey conservative tventiou in Durham on Tuesday. |Iti Lamb has been talking of fleeo- tilienew editor. We don't see why [did not say anything about him in rlast issue. IThos. H. Xewerj, from all over the jttment, struck Markdale yesterday. p is every body's friend, and all sgladto meet him. \\ ssKTicEiu the Presbyterian rthcn Sabbath las.t. Rev. Mr. |!iicn hiTing to dispense the sacre- Btm Flesherton. |Mr,A. MePhereon, of Forest, Ont., sly manager of Lucas Go's i, Fleskerton, was in town last 4, alsoMr.E. G. Luaas, of Dun- t's Peerless Oil is recom lied highly for all kinds of ma- nnrj. Farmers should use it on ' reapers, mowers and threshing wU be a monster meeting Ifieiormers in Owen Sound on the 'inst, '(vlicu the Hon. Edward "if and other leading politicians " Represent. â- P. McCullough, Barrister, At- â- atLaw. kc, c., has been away JiDg his brother, or rather acting Poster of ceremouies at bis brotner ^wCuUough's wedding. l*i-TH03. McXka is having his two "^D^iU St. re-painted, and im- â- jes appearance considerably. He pushing towards completion '^ae^ Sash Door Factory. '-^^l^erton Advance entered "wsnponits sixth [^Pleased to note, ""•"s of coutinued tcttt year, with, strong in- prosperity. ye oar very best wishes brother attention of our readers is here- ^\'^^ tlie notice in another Uor'i* ^^^^^«i"ii^S re voters â- ""temesiaand ' ' â- " Glenele, to be and Markdale " Flesherton «tl7ely. '^;;j^i" be received for the mint,-* *^^elling house on a Wl n 'f °^ "^e" Hotel. JlP^^Hv the 20th. Plans "^tionscan be seen byap- â- ^ the undersigned. The lowest But ".c^^^^^^^Jy accepted. ""^EY, Markdale. A gcodly number of the young folks attended the pic-nio at Eugenia last Tavsdiy, and returned home in the evening feeling tired after perambul- ating all day through the woods and among the rocks. The Garden Party on Friday eve- ning, promises to be something more than ordinary. The grooni of Mr. Wm. Armstrong are well adapted for such. Tlie ice-cream, and lemonade will be of the first quality. Mk. B W Ennis preached a very in- teresting sermon in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning.and Mr. Geo. Steer in the evening, in the abs- f nee of the parson, Bey. Mr. Casson, who has been attending Conference. Mr. Alsx. Lucas called on his brother Monday on his way home from Calgary, having safely delivered fifteen car loads of Ontario heifers by the first through train on the G. P. B. He intends moving his family there in August. Who is to carry away the dtbrit caused by the removal of the old church If the person who took the old church away, why has he not done so? If not, why not employ- some person to do so It is an eye sore to the public. The sidewalk between the English Church and the schoolhouse is in such a delapidated condition, as to endan- ger the lives of the pupils on their way to and from school. Which of us would like to have one of our children car- ried home to us dead or with a broken limb? Is it not high time the Trustees were at work HoBBBD BY A MiMK. â€" Last (7eek one oi our quite and industrious citizens was out fishing, and when starting for home with a large string of the "speck- led beauties" unthinkingly he placed his fish m the water, and on turning round to pick up, found them gone. Billy is determined to beware of sharpers in the future when out fish- ing- Gakden Party. â€" The Young People's Society of the Methodist chureh will give a Garden Party to-morrew (Fri- day) evening on the grounds of Wm. Armstrong, Esq. The Brass Band will be present and discourse melodious music during the event. Admission 15 cents, proceeds to be expended on the erection of a new fence around the Methodist church grounds. All are cordially invited to attend. Park House, Goderich, is a hotel especially adapted for the comfort and convenience of tourists, being situated at the west end, adjoining the large pleasure grounds from which a splen- did view of the lake can be had. We spent a week at this hotel together with 40 other delegates to sonference, all of whom were so pleased with the treatment received, that they passed a unanimous resolution of thanks to Mr. Doyle, proprietor, for his attention and hospitality. Serious AccnENT. â€" Wo regret to have to report a serious accident which befel Bev. Mr. Ward last week, while driving near Hogg's mill Artemesia, where the road curved round a hill and was very narrow, the horse took fnght at a pile of lumber on the road and bolted down a steep bank capsiz- ing the buggy and pitching Mr. W-. violently among stones and stumps rendering him unconscious in which state he remained about an hour; with a great eflfort he reached Mr. Taibert's, about a mile distant; Mr. T drove him home the same evening, and altho' no bones were broken, he received many bad bruises. The left eye was completely closed, and left side of head is badly bruised and an ugly cut from which the blood saturated his clothes and the ground where he had been lying. He is still in a critical condition, and the doctors say it will be ^eeka before he will be able to resume active duties. The horse was none the worse, but the buggy completely smashed. Tmt coming event of tiiis summer is tbe performance of Queen Esther at Fleshil-ton on the Ist of July. Fart of it will be in the open air and free to the public, and the coneert and drama, which will take two hours to render it completely, will be perform- ed in the drill shed, in which a stage will be erected to accommodate one hundred performers. The drill shed is the largest in the connty, being two bents larger than the Government specifications, and will accommodate a fine audienee. All who are provided with tickets will be accommodated, an early application will be advisable as only a limited number of tickets will be sold equal to the seating ca- pacity of the hall. A 10 or 15 cent lunch will be provided for all requiring it. For stabling for horses, and billets for visitors staymg over night, apply at office of Committee. Flesherton has only one hotel, but the whole vil- lage will be an hotel on this occasion in order to make the visitors who come from a distance comfortable and wel- come; there will be a large crowd, but their comfort will be looked after. Every effort will be put forth to make this the grandest fete ever got up in this county, and one of the most en- joyable holidays to all who may avail themselves of it. It is expected ex- cursion rates will be arranged for with the B. B. Company fcoin all pomts between Orangeville and Owou Sound, of which due notice will be given. BUSINESS LOCALS. Tar^ip Seeds, fresh and pure, a large variety to chose from, at the Medical Hall.- A. Turner Co. NATioHAii PkiLb will not gripe or sicken, yet are a thoronith catartic Examine your address label and see how much you owe the publisher the date thereon is that to which your subscription is paid The reports of oorrespondente show that in most of the fall wheiit districts of the Province the winter weather was very unfavorable to the crop. Heavy rains carried off the snow over wide acres, leaving fields exposed to intense cold in January and February; sheets of ioe lay in hollows and on low ground during the latter month; and alternate freezing and thawing prevail- ed throughout March. "Killed," "smothered," and "heaved out" ex- As SW15BT Ab Honey is Dr Low's pleasant P"" ^^^ tenor of a great many reportB That HACEma Cough can be so quickly cored by Shileh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Dmggist, MarK- dale. A The Irish Home Bnle Bill was defeated on the second reading bySO. The vote stood 811 to 341. Will You Suffeb with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilloh's YitaUzer is goaranteed to cure you. For sale by B. L Stephen, Druggist, Markbale. A at Badjeros last PA'l"»«» ABBAD. There is danger aheaia frcffli n^eieted colds, A tight congh and irritated throat are the warning signs of Inrkmg danger to the lungs. Hagyard'8 Pectoral Balsam cores odds, we throats, stubborn cbogbB. saA all bronchial and lung trebles. Mr. McEinnon's store was destroyed by fire a webk ago Saturday. i West's Pain King works like a charm in relieving pain jn the stomach, all bowel difficulties and cholera, No traveler should be without it. Should always be in the house. Costs but 25 cents. E«pt by A. Turner Si Co. Druggists. Sloan's saw mill at Melancthoh was burned last week. Have you ever tried McGregor A Park's Carbolic Cerate for sores of any kind It is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing Sores, Bums, Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, and is the only proper method of applying Carbolic Acid. Sold at B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Mai-k- dale, for 25 cents per box. 1 Mr. Fred Pearce, the champion skater of Owen Sound, broke his leg last week while playing ball. Scintists inform us that, we may expect a visit this summer from the terrible scourge, cholera. West's Pain King is the remedy to keep. Always ready for a sudden attack. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Tomer and Co. Druggists. Mr. Edward. Bntledge. and wife left on Wednesday for Fort WilUam on a visit. Ladies troubled with Pimples, Blotches, Boogh Hands or Face, ox Sores of any discrip- tion, should use McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will leave the skin in perfect health, smooth, clean and good color. Be sure and get the Renuine, made by McGregor ParKc. Price 25c. Sold at B. L. Stephen's Dmg Store, Markdale. 3 En BuTi.EDaB is looking supremely happy. Among the new arrival at his store, and not down on tbe mvoiee, is a httle girl bom on Saturday morn- ing. MoGBEGOB PABKE'S CABBOLIC CEBATE. Have you an old Sore, Cut, Bom, Bruise, Com,Bnnion, SaltBheum, Pimples, Blotches, Boogh Hands or Face If so, there is hot one cunt, namely, McGr^or Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. If you but try it, it will con- vince you. It costs 2oc. at B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 2 Brown's saw-mill at PrieeviUe was burned a'week ago last Sunday. A PaonxABUi LdT* Few men have aecMnpHshed the same amoont of work and good in this world as tbe oelelwated Dr, Chaae. Over 500,000 ot hia woriu hate been sold in C^anada done. We want eveiy person tiouUed with Liver Complaint, IyBpepBia, Headache. Kidney or nrijMiy Troobles, to oall in at A. Tnnier ft Co. and bny a bottle ^Dr. Ouwe's Liver CiBe, ittnlicueyoB. IfedieiBe and Beeaqie I BoiA fl/K) Sold 17 A TnmffiT Co. Jmie worm syrop, yet sore to destroy and expel worms. The next sitting of No. 6 Division Court will be held in Murkdale on the 22ud July. Pro. Low's Sulphob SoiP is a delightful toilet loxury as well as a good aoratiYe for' skin disease. I am just finishing up some yery fine Democrats whidi I will sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see them and get prices before going else- where. Wm. Mason, Carriage Builder. It Cah Do Ko Habx to ti^ Freeman's Worm Powders when ytnr child is ailing, feverish or fretfol. "Wizard. Oil for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Tuiner Co. For lameback, side or chest, use Shioh's Porous Plaster. Price 85 cents. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Droggisti Markdale. A Wm. Mason's Carnage Works is the place to go for anything you want in that line in proof of the quality of the work he builds, he has just re- ceived an order for four rigs to be shipped to Port Arthur. Cboup. Whoopiso Cough and Bronchitis immediately rebeved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by B. L. Stephen Dmggist Markdale. A Hamlin's Wizard Oil for sale By R. L. Stephen. Shiloh's Covsh and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con- ^i^eat plant, and a large breadth sumption. For sale by B. L. Stephen Drug- ' gist, Markdale. A The highest price paid for WOOL at M. Bichardson Go's. Sleeplsss nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A For sale a new Wanzer C. Sewing Machine, neyer been used. This is a first-class machine in every respect. Will be sold cheap for cash or on time. Wm. Mason, Carriage Builder. 60 to Rs L Stephen's For Hamlin's Wizard Oil. EvsKT Man bis own Horse and Cattle Doctor. â€" This is the natne »f a book just out of press, from the office of "The Canadian Sportsman and Live Stock Journal," Toronto. It is well bound, clear print, contains 448 pages, abounds with excellent cuts of its various breeds of Horses, Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. Price $3.00, sold only bs subscription. Agents wanted in every Township. Apply to G. W. Booms, 78DnndasSt., Toronto. Mrs. Clement will haye this week fresh Strawberries from Toronto. MILLINEBY.â€" The Ladies are cor- dially invited to inspect Miss Maud Bichardson's stock of Millinery all the leading styles. Green Vegetables of all kinds at Mrs. Clements. The cheapest place to get your Buggies, Democrats, Wagons, and everything in the carriage hue, ' both new work and repairing, is at Wm. Mason's Carriage Works, because he giyes a guarantee. For cheap Stationaiy and School Books, go to Mrs. Clement; a full stock on hand. If you are after a first class hand sewed shoe, go to McLeod's. For workmanship, and a first-dsss fit he can not be beat north of Toronto. Comfortable dwelling house t« rent apply to Wm. MoLeod. Dress k Mantle making done in first-class style at Mrs. dement. Fresh saplplies of Boots k Shpee at MoLeod's Shoe Store, the cheapest place in town to get Inx^ed. Good dwelling house to lefr; apply at this office. and in portions of tbe country from ten to seventy per cent, of the wheat land has been ploughed up or re-sown with other grain. In a few sections there are complaints of too much spring rain, and in others the unth- rifty appearance of many fields is at- tributed to the lack of rain. Of the six Lake Erie countries, where nearly a quarter of the fall wheat acreage, of the Province hes, Welland is the only one which promises a full crop, while the adjoining country of Hald- imand is likely to be much shcrt of an average. Excepting in the south- ern part of Lambton, the crops on Lake Huron countries wintered well, and its present condition is very satisfactory. In Grey and Simcoe^ on the Georgian Bay, the prospects is not cheering, and the acreage has been reduced to a considerable extent. The West Midland countries gives varying reports â€" those for Middlesex, Oxford and Brant being the least favorable. Dnfferin promises well, and in Perth the lookout is almost in- variably pronounced very good. Over the country from Wellington to Dur- ham, and between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay, serious injury was caused by ice lying on the holds in winter, and the crops were yery uneven. In York and Simcoe countries especially ice and exposure proved to be yery destructive tu the- has- been ploughed up. Lincoln and North umberland alone, of the Lake Ontario countries, give promise of a good harvest. In the East Midland count- ries the crops is variable, and in the St. Lawrence and Ottawa group it wintered safely and makes a line show,, excepting where some bad effects were left by ice and snow in part of Grenville, Carleton and Lanark. The fine growing weather with which the country has been favored since the middle of April has greatly improved the prospect of the crop, and a small- er area has been ploughed up in con sequence than seemed at all probable I when the show disappeared. The indications are, however, that without unusually favorable or unfavorable weather from now until barvest tbe yield will fall nearly a fifth short of the average of the past four years. The report on clover are on the whole favorable, and the crop is at least two weeks earlier than last year. Clover of last year's seeding has suffered little, either by winter or spring weather; but the clover on old meadows lias been extensively injured especially on un drained, low-laying or heavy soils, by ice and frost heaving. Ploughing for spring crops com^ mence from two to three weeks earlie^ than last' year's and seeding pro- portionately early; but in some districts, the work was delayed by wet weatherv especially on heavy clay and uadrainud lands in the lake shore counties from Norfolk to Peel. In the northern and eastern counties the green appears of crops presents a strike and favorable contrast to their backward state lat spring's wheat, oats and peas axe very cheer- ing. Apparently, however, the breadth of spring wheat is less than last yeai, while that of peas and barley is great. The reports on live stock are general^ lyfavorable.Foddar n as abundant eyery where unless in portions of Simcoe and Muskoka, and almost the only com- plamt made is that cattle did not feed owmg to tiie ohangeaUe eha^racter of tne wmter. Hogs and sheep have been I'ddttoedl. in nnmhier since last year, ba| the s]^ing weather has been very lavMftble lor tiio roimog of pigs and Iambs, which are remrted as numerous. Animals of all classes were tamed on grass jtbsat threa weeks eariier tkan usasi, and old an J young are in hearty condition. i: M§ :, f M H ^M