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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jun 1886, p. 5

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 CfeM'A*t»fl»JV3*« I iiHW»i^ i|iMlâ€" I W '"ill â- ! .NSUMFnONCURED. j;Oj;uj^*-^^^ from prsetiee, l^»-';\;i.,.,,diu bis hands by wi East j^ placed lu---^^^^ of a sini0- iitf-' ;;ionai7 the "rredv for the speedy and peiman- bier!"'*^: ' tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, â- "' "and^i-adieal cure for NerYOUs cat and Lang Afflictiona, #»f^"*TIl Vervous Compkints. after I»i*^'"!pl its wonderful curative powers I^f'^^fo cases, has felt it his duty iii^a5»D'i-^" to his suffering feUows. «*'-/'i this motive and a desire to itf»7,,!^^,H -uSering. I will Bend free of *^-'-,'^ll«hodrsire it, this recipe, m i^rr'^j'^^,, or English, with fuU i*^ tor preparing and using. Sent by i.-*'"'";;:;.^;,u(T with stamp, naming thia ,tli'.\^"' n",te8, U9 Power's Block. â- MA3VEL0U8 ^nceofDr. Chase's Liver Cure^ '^^Ze Sick Headache, Dizziuess, iw"" c. â€" n„Vi ite 2 bottles are lARDEE BAMT, FOB BREAD, CA|€S AID AT REASONABLE RATES BISCUITS AND CORFECTIOIiARY of all kinds on baud. SOIREES SURPRISE PiWTIES Sapplied on the Shortest Notice. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. A call is respectfully solicited. Bread delivered in all Darts of the town FARM FOB SALE, Lot 8, om. 14. Olendg, 100 •eieB, 75 deuad and andar ooitiyation, baiaiifle hard* wood, soil day lo«n, well watered, log hooae and bam, and an ordiard-of 1S5 gaod bear- ing trees. This farm is iitasted 8 miles b«»i Uarkdale and 4 from Berkehy, and is one oH the best farms in the township. Will be scdd on reasonable terms. For fall partieolars, apply to GEO. LOfB,) V 298-3in OlaacottF.O. THEY ALL SAY IT I ooo :,Ji' Fuisn S Sloiik Oiun jt;our Stomach. ' rriuted to cure Liver Coraplaint, S,..tioa and Biliousness. Sow by I Xiirner io. --^"J ff„. World's wonder or Pamily Liniment i ;;dT. that no well regulated Ihousehol "'â-  R. without, as It is a pDsitive cure for I "'i ti-m It is invaluable for Sprains, " P ' U' "â„¢*' "^^' a.To.di^ diseases "" eiterual application Price 2-5 cents bottle. Sold by A. Turner June. PREmSES Next Door to the Roller Rmk. '86 EDWARD RUOKE. â€" GOTOâ€" L-jji cents per CURE FOR SOKE THROAT. ipiomi'tantl efficient remedy til' KNITTING. Coleman Hamilton's Is tbe cheapest place in town for Parlor, Dining room, Bedroom and Kitchen FURNITURE. R. L Stephen SavE Monelt By baying yonr Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SpectaceSf. Pipes, ACk^ -AT- JAS. G. »USSEU' FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. MBS. CRAWFORD has opened a Custom Knitting Factory in Markdale, and is foa sore 'Ti'well as croup, asthma, pain in the "ii i,che, deafness and many o^er ^i^iaun au.l painful oomplaints, is found in iHigTarls Yellow Oil. OrF WORK, .jirasoff work for two years suffering aakiJnev disease, and eould not get on '^,i until adyiseb by a friend totry B.B.B. |«ciiiedby two bottles and lonsidered it a aacuk'iis cure." Theaboveis the substance Ijlapiniuiu'cationfrom Wm. Tier, of St jjlsry, Ont. BE ON YOUR GUARD. Dou't allow a cold in the head to I slowly arid surely develop itself into Catarrli when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applications will cure I iiicipknt Catarrh. One to two boxes Kill cure ordinary Catarrh. One to in boxes will cure chronic 'atarrh. Dr. CLases Catarrh cure, Sold by all Uers at ti5 cents per box. 312 McGEEGOP'S SPEEDY CURE. WhfB we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is I the only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Indigestion and Impure Blood, I se are telling plain facts, of which hundreds jpoB hnndreds can testify who have been re- iiored to perfect health by its use. We Tould vhereforo advise you strongly if you sre a Piibjcct of any of the above troubles to riTc McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial and be ionvineed. It is sold in 50c. and ?1.00 I bcides at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store. 2 WHY IS IT? Why do so many limp and hobble about I oa sticks and crutches, enffering from I rheiimatisra, stiff joints, and cords, lame Wkj sprains and other aches, pains an I amentss, when Hagyard's yellow 'Oil,nad ;:!i!li:;;,' rt'liiof, can be purchased at the I iring exist o twenty-five cents A Profitabi-e liiv Fe^fiaeii have accomplished the same amonnt of wmk and good in this world as itctrihratfd Pr, Chase. Over 500,000 ot n5w,irks kivo been sold in Canada alone. "civ3iitivery person troubled with Liver i mplaint. Pyspipsia, Headache, Kidney or I'naary Troubles, to call in at A. Turner I." and liny a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver ' w, it will cnre you. Medicine and Receipe t*k ?1.0O Sold by A. Turner Co. June " hat i McGregor's Speedy Cnre for ' .•.lifi.rliysjvpsia, Liver Complaint, Indi- 't.on. Biliousness, and it is the finest blood ji'Ee; in the known world to-day. "Docs '"'« at!sfactiou " We cannot point to one ;:s:aioe whtio it did not. "Where does it ave tlit largest sale " Right in the City of asmiiton. where it is manufactured, there ji Wen over on thousand dollars' worth sold 3tlie last year retail, and thegreat majority â- â€¢ ttie sales are bv one recommending it to -cmer. For sale at 50c. and 81.00 per •^"'le by E. L. Stephen, Druggist. 3 now prepared to do nil sizes and shapes of stockings and socks, in wool or cotton on short notice, and at reasonable charges. A trial respectfully solicited. Factory opposite the Stamsabd office. 295-8 STJSEl. -«»- THE EMPIRE HORSE AND FOOD CONDIMENT, The Original Thorley Food. UNDERTAKING. ROAD SCRAPER. I beg to call the attention of Munioipal Councils and others to my new Solid Steel Road Scraper â€" One Solid Plate of Steel Pressed into Shape. The weak point with steel bottom scrapers has been overcome in this cass by putting on Steel Shoes which protect the bottom, so that there is no more wear on it than on any other part. The Scraper combines Lightness with Strength, and Handine8. with DurabiUty, and wil scrape any ordmary grouiid withuut plough- ing. They gave good satiataction to all who used them last Season. A Sample sent Free of Freight wherever desired. Send for Prices to ANDREW McGILL, Chatsworth Foundry, 294-300 Chatsworth. Ont. Ha. ing received a stock of undertaking good. we can now supply all kinds of funer- al lur.^ hings on shortest notice. Hearse foi hiiv connection. Q OLhMAN H AMILTON, MARKDALE- COURT OFREYISM TOWNSHI t OF CLENELB. The Court of Revision for the Township of Glenelg, will hold its first fitting for the current year at the Town Hall on SATURDAY, 29TH MAY, 1886. at 10 o'clock a. m. The Council will meet for general business at- 2 o clock p. m. the same day. J. S. BLACK, Township Clerk. Glenelg, 13th May, 1886. 296-98 New ^akery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surrounding country that I have opened in MONTGOM FRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, I Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS CONFECTIONARY. OUANGES. LEMONS. BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of pubUo patron- age, and trust by honest deaUng and close attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W. M- SPEER. During the season of exiseptionally hard work, too much cannot be said in reference to keeping the working animal in proper condition. To meet the iuerease demand made upon them the spring work often leaves the stock run down, and they have scarcely time to recover before the harvest is full upon them therefore if you want to get your animal quickly into condition use the Empire Food Condiment. O O O O O O OOP ocooooooo\ It IE a fact, as every one says, that KUSSELL is the man Ito repair your Watch or Clock properly Vooeoooooo oooooeooo/ â€" â€" â€" V- r 1 • GIVE HIM A TRUL. Every job warranted to fiive satis-, faction. 217-269 JIS. 6. RUSSELL SCONS, CAKES PASTRY Gondiiion Powder, ffOnditlon Powder, The Derby Condition Powder, the best stock blood purifier in the market at The New Drag Store. OILCAKE, OIL CAKE, always on hand. A full line of Potent Medicines kept by Yours respectfully, R L STEPHEN THE GENUINE SINGER CARSON'S Implement EmporlM; I beg to annoupee to the public that I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implement?, and Machinery, I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Beap^rs. Mowers. Sulky Bakes. Steam and Horse P.ower Threshing Machines. Grain Drills, Single «ar. Combined. Plows, eight kmds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combiaeid; Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kin^p. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons. Democrats, Open T Buggies, c., o. Office at Markdale House, 291 809 MARKDALE. TO RENT. A single shop next door to Turner Go's Drug Store. Also a farm 8 miles from Markdale with 50 acres cleared, will be leased for one or more years. Apply to A. TURNER Co., 194-8 Markdale. RETAIL PRICES • OF MIGMH'S ELECTRIC SOIP r-ATâ€" â€" I R. TRIMBLE'S, For Cash; ^ar 7c, f " 20c. soc. ^^ ;: -^/.oo. r..».. S.OlJ, KADY-WADE CLOTHINQ ^^^«/ variety and latest ^mes, cheap far cash, ^iJ^. Trimble's. »w ^** Shoes, "nderful value, and big ^oc^ to choose from, al ^- JP. Trimble's, iL.iTrE3:ES"sr. THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING -:- M ACHINE Should be sure and get the o o o o ooooooosoooo eENUINE NEW YORK SIVGER oooooooo o o o o o o o o TVIoder-ate Charsres. « SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiAL TRAVELLERS. M athews' Od Stand, opposite Markdale House W/l. T;etYl»OR, f ROPRIETOR. [Ovib. WOOL! WOOL! "H^ Those having Wool to sell or mannfactore, will find it to tiieir advantage to call at the "Trimble stoeA: of very complete "or cask,. FLESH ERTpK WOOLLEN -:- FACHCOEY. The machirery being now in splendid working order.ipd Imyi^ engMed aa^of co^ ^eiit hands; wa^i.iipwbwffl^'l^fi^X*'^-:^^ eanfnl attention, and doo« at iit**MAk pricea. Ifl GIVE US' f CALL. DOM'S FMLISO^ The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certamly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. m eisnss \m. E. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count] y that he has opened a general harness shop on £ing street in the village of HOLLAND CEKTRE, where he intends to mannfactore and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVT HARNESS, long and short tugs, STRA^ COLLARS, WHIPf], COMBS. BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL fec. I will nae only first class materul and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to eall at the new harness shop and get prieea before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting ^a share of pablic patronage. I am respeetfnUy yours. R. CARNAHAN. 190 Peerless Oil Ahead of All Competitors.. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. Satisfaction (xnaraDteed. Ask for PEEBLES8 and be snre you get it, as there, are imitations.. The genuine is only mifle by SUB B VL, Queen City Oil Worl(s, TORONTO, ONT. WEAVING, fiaving tetonied to Markdale, in order to be more eoovenient foriay anatoners, I b^ to annoonee that I am now omNured to do all kinds rf Ciuttwi Wearing. Besadenoe old stand, opposite £i8d)}temn Chiurch. ABCH.BOT£ 6 PEE OENT. PMiMMflgr fti'loveii IVj|a|TJBi "â-  MONEI j;0 LOAN,. ON real estate secnrity, at low- i^ta of f intereat, no commission chaiged. jBati-. ness Strictly Confidential, J. S.BLACKi. 190 Pcunona, P. O. FARM FOR SftLE. BEAUTIFXILLY ^tnated T^thin 4 mUea of the thriving,1|()^ of Meaford, being, south half lot 26. con,. 7, ^, Vincent. 100 aerM, 65 aeres beingcliBared und iq a good, state of coltivatiop. There is a good youAi; orduffd, an abnndaiiee of good water, with. Boitable bn44lPf" Price very low. Terms' esqr, Fgi^s«r^cn]ars apply to J. J.. JOHNSJIQJI.. 190-98 Chisbohn's Block. Meafordi R. JiaSPROULE^ FLESHERTON. CJo|T8]riu)cer,. Appraiser,; Yalpator LebdeCv. Deeds. Biort-. aitd Willa drawB np, ^~ Sl^BPtJIjJElf riiIi..;A.i.^- yA^W\ \V!^^ «n4 n^«- SIcihaEloii. ':jl

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