•1 i! if ^^ 1 V "I i'ii'i f;i â- ?.» «' Ki M p-"ii n 1 ;!f Th3 Standard. MABKDALE JUNE 8 1886 ONCE MORE AT THE HELM. It's about eight mpoths since I ihrnte my last editorial, and as the boss is sway to Ooderich and won't be heme for a week or more, I again 4ltap into his shoes. He dido 't say a ifrord against my last efTc^t bat, by joye, old man Flewes wouldn't speak to me for months after. Well, things have moved along about as usual. Our ranks have not auffered from matrimony or other siatara] causes to any serious extent â€" true, Hugh Mercer joined the army of benedicts, Jack Bichards started a store at Eocklyn, and Frank Porter climbed a tree fishing for porcupine quills but the rest of us are still en- joying single blessedness; how long the latter state of affairs may continue there is no telling one thing is cer- tain, some of them are in sore need of a housekeeper. Since the skating rink has closed, there ia^inxt little amusement. Some are extremely hard against the Boiler Bink, and condemn it in severe terms, jet we have heard others remark, and very truthfully, "How little drinking there has been done in Markdale the past winter," so that it was not an unmixed evil, to say the least. Having been laid up on the shelf for a few days with a sick ankle, and having charge of the business and not much help, it leaves me in poor condition for editorial writing, especi- ally anything komikal, so we shall conclude, and if C. W. does not send something in the shape of a leader for next week, perhaT)8 we will try again. W. T. J. Ifnmtmrmneomnemdtmt. Fbbb CaiOT«i8.â€" The Wizard Oil Co. gave eeveral open air ooncerta in our vUIag« last week. Thbir music was of a high order and duly appreoi ated. We believe not less than 500 people were present on Saturday evening. The concert company were invited to ring in the Methodist church on Sunday evenmg. The invitation was aceepted. They sang several anthems, very choice selections, which were well rendered. The house wais packed to the doors, the ushers find- ing it difficult to get all in. The Rev. Mr. Auld, of Eugenia, delivered a very interesting discourse upon the min- istery of angels. Mr. Buchannon, of Hamilton. Grand Secretary of the Boyal Templars of Temperance, delivered a very inter- estinsr and mstructive lecture on "Templarism and Temperance" in the Town Hall here on Monday evening last. The town of Plesherton will be well represented at the Gnelph Conference this season. Bev. Mr. Ayers, M. Bichardson, Dr. Christoe, W. Clayton and J. W. Armstrong all left for con- ference on Tuesday morning. arr 68paBd3BX53* Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly nnderstood ihat we do not hold oarselves responsible for thft opinions expressed by oar correspondents Markdale, May 25th, 1886. To the Editor of the Standard. Snt, â€" I notice, m last week's issue of Stamdaud, an article attested by Johnson Wilson. He states he carried the rifie, he loaded it, he fired, and the result. He states he did not know lifle wasi^Qg^' Feversbain. broken. It was not broken, but there was a missing part, the ejector, which it IS impossible for any one who has seen a rifle, not to obserye, and which caused cartridge to burst. The piece taken from Alf.'s eye is about quarter of an inch long, and corresponds ex- actly with space left open by missing ejector. He does not state how he got rifle. It was obtained without permission of owner, who had pro- hibited any one from using it, for above reasons. He also states trigger was filed and be started from shop. Now, he filed part of trigger himself, and did not start from shop till after the accident. I will also state that Alf. was not one of the party, but was working in snop, and followed them to the door also, he did not coax or urge Wllfcon to fire, but he admits saying, after rifle was loaded, to "aim at a post," whichether two witnesses corroborate. He stales shooting took place in an adjoining shed. ]Now, it took place about 3 or 4 feet from eur saw table and casting mill. The whole letter is evasive and though I do not admire writing about the aSair, I am compelled to write, as it appears he wishes to shirk all responsibility, and put the whole blame on Alf. who has to suffer the coc sequences oi the accident. I am sorry any one should think the shooting intentional as "Truth" in llesherton Advance sup- poses from statement'in Standaud. I would also state that Johnson's letter is the fir.st apology he has made so far. I would just here remind Mr. Wilson of (he good old maxim, "Do ye unto others as you would that others do to yon." Thanking yon for above space, T. L. Moffat. [The above wae crowded out last ireek. â€" En. S.] Wrom a Correspondent. Times are improving in this village now that the formers are all through seeding and the mills have commenced operations again. The men have been on strike since the 24th, therefore can sing "The«mil]'s to be closed." Quite an exciting event took place last Sabbath morning, Mr. Ab. Han- ley's horse, taking fright at a pile of wood, ran away, throwing he and his sister out of the buggy and injuring them to a certain extent. Mr. Anson Lee has moved from Mr. Mitchell's residence and taken up his abode in one owned by Mr. Lush. Mr. Campaigne has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Lee. Mr. B. T. McGirr has sold his valu- able brown pony, Mr. Thos. Colhns, of the Grand Central House, Colling- wood, being the purchaser. Mr. Geo. Donkin, our respected miller, has taken his departure from our midst and gone to Shelburne, his place having been filled by Mr. A. J. Conron. Two of .our worthy. merchants (one an ex-Divine] got into quite a squabble about some wood, but ended in noth- ing but some hot words. Mr. H. got the wood all right, and Mr. N. felt pretty bad, not so much about the but the manner in which Mr.' H. took it. Mr. John Deacon, the well known sport, has been paying our town a short visit. "Ayearsgonj l»«a*"wa« oomtm wtth matm. and the atnptianB eev«red«T » f '"" » no eon I tried BurfortTBlood Bitten. Two botttoeperfeotlj eure* !»».- Stotoawnt of Miss Minnie Steronson. Coeagne, «. o. DANOXB AHXAD. There is danger ahead from neglected oolda, A tight cough a»d irritated throat are the warning signs of lurking danger to th^ lungs. Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsam cures colds, «*re throats, stobbom oonghs. and all brondual and long trobles. SmLOH'B VnnJZBB is what you seed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Djspspsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by R. L. Stephen, Draggist Markdale. A BIRTHS. EoTLBBOEâ€" In Fort William, on the 22nd inst., the wife of E. S. Butledge, merchant, of a daughter. MAFTr I AGES^ Jacques â€" Bichabdbok â€" A.t Laskay, Ont., oa May 25th, by the Rey. G. T. Richardson, assisted by the Rev. J. Gklloway. J. E. Jacqnes, formerly of this town, but now of Calgary. N. W. T., and Etta, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman. jttaytot iley»rt»« MABKDALE. Fall Wheat :-.«0 70 to »0 80 Spring Wheat 70 to 78 Barley 40 to 65 Peas 54 to 56 Oata 28 to 28 Butter 12 to 12 Eggs i 10 to 00 Apples 40 to 60 Potatoes 10 to 15 Hay..... 10 00 to 00 Pork 5 00 to 5 76 Flour 3 50 to 4 50 Wool 12 to 12 G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBER of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. tS~Office and residence, R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298-lt nieatord Road. From our own Correspondent. Prof. Huntsman gave an art exhi- bition in the stone school house which was very poorly patronized. Cause, the scarcity of dimes at this season of the year. J. I. Graham has had his barn raised W. Cooey and H. Wyvil were the captains. Cooey's men, in their haste to beat, broke their main plate so badly that a new one had to be got out. The Queen's Birthday was celebrat- ed here by some going fishing, others working, and the majoritj having a pic-nic at Eugenia. Bobt. Grskham shot an eagle last week which measured about 6 feet from tip to tip. John Boiand lost a fine yearling colt by death. Notice to Creditors. •rDRSUANT to Sec. 34. Cap. 107, R. S.O. _Er the creditors and all others haying claims against the estate of Mrs. Geo. Lamb, Sr., deceased, in her lifetime, of the township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Widow who died on or about the 5th day of April, A. D. 1886, are hereby notfied to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Geo. or Jas. Lamb, Glascott P. 0., the Executors of the deceased on or before THE 218T DAY OF JUNE, 1886. Their christian and surnaines. addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any), held by them or in default thereof and immediate- ly after suoh last named date, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim, notice shall not have been, received as afore- said, at the time of such distribution. Dated this 19th day of May A. D. 1886. GEORGE LAMB, I -, JAMES LAMB, |-Bxocutora. 298-301 Glascott P. O. ENVELOPES, MOT£ PAPER. PENCILS, PEHS, INKS. FANCY GOODS. TOYS. TVj the People of Markdale and rounding vicinity: ««r. Having opened a Stationery and Fancy Goods Store in Dunlop's Block I hereby solicit a shore of public patro! nage. Hoping that our intercourse may prove both pleasant and profitable,] I am, yours truly, MRS. cuiim, GUlEl Diet Wftfini 5»eef A call respectfully solicited, MRS. CLEMEHT b o o o b o 6 'O o o o o o o o o o o o o"o' o p o~b~nâ€" ' ANNOUNCEMENf] o o o p_o_o_p_ol_Q_p_c_o_o_o_o_o o_o_o_o_o^ o -:oxo:- TO HAND A CONSIGNMENT OP Beady Made Clothing, Cheap, Stylish and Nobby â€" in desirable Shades and Pattern.] Young men and others who wish an ELEGANT FASHIONABLE OUTFIT ' Should see my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS SHOES Of superior quality made to order. Kepairiug done expeditioaslj. Stock Complete in all Departments, Prices RigbL N. B.â€" The highest price for Butter and Eggs at the TOBON^O HOUSE. WM. BROWN. FAffM FOR SALE Hew nmA Beaewed Sabs. Wm. MeLeod, Markdale (oew), Jane '86. Wm. Taylor, " " June '86. B. H. Wdiy. limhedey. F«b. '87. H. Meraer, HoUiM Centre, Jan. *87. Jblu Mtfariane, Tiavwston, Jan. '85. Thof-Oook.. " Jaiu'47. Bar. J. S. Oeieona. Hepworth. May Hn. W. B. Bart. Woaifanl. Jan. "ST. t Jan. "SZ^ What thej are Sayiav. "Doc. Brodie is one of the boys." Dick. "Why is all the bouse so lonely, why dues Mrs. Mc. and the baurng stay so long."â€" Dan. "I'm taking lessouB on the flageolet." â€" Charlie. "If I had caught ten more fish I would have a dozen." â€" Jadcman. "I like babiesâ€" when they are nice." â€" Archie*. "I wonder if I will be asked to the pic-nic at Eugenia " â€" Maria Jane. Tbftt McGrogan, of Glenelg, who had an item inserted in the Standabd a short tume ago. to the effect that be bad stopped smoking and chewing, has commenced again. Let hiai consider the tnt, "The dog has retomed,- c. That Dick Stephen would have token first pUce in the half mile foot raoe on the 24th bad Eetebam not baai too fast for bim.: •• fa I. L ShpkM't Fa laAi't Whanl OH. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, be sold cueap and on MASON'S (BARJUAGE WORKS! is the best place in Grey to procure light or heavy Buggies or Wagon's. A large stock of picked timber thoroughly seasoned, and the very best of mechanics to work it up, cannot fail to result in a prime lot of canines. All the leading improved styles to pick from. An early call respectfally solicited. WM. MASON, Opposite Severe Hotel, MABKDALE. LOT No. 24, COB, 100 acres, will easy terms of payment, forfurtiierparticniMB apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, ^^*^- • Pomona, P. O. mortgagTsaleT Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Holland, County of Grey. Under power of sale contaired in a mortgage, which wiU be produced at the ST,**'"!!! **'T " ^« °ff"ed for sale, by PabhcAuction, by Geo. Noble. Auctionee/ f atthe ViUage of Markdale in the CoS? of f Grey, on Tttesday. 29th day of June ISfifi^ « **. ^1 ^^tA\ "^^JSmrM Spectacles and Eye-Glass(» 72aiid7t. Conc8B8ion2, South-West of tlf; •* i Toronto and Sydenham r«^ **' "*® The property is one of the best ««;» farmain iho township of Holh^d.^ouHS •^ ^^ ^^^ *t8 balance a gS^ h„dS wood bnah except 2 acres of cedM^ram^ «^.ft7^il limestoneloamas i^oSlS ofcnhivBtion, weU watered by afSd wdS »X"SraSi;Stt"^^®°' Berkeley station, trhich puL^iT •ocessibkbygoodroadsraiid^JS^ «»»i7 market for^fi^SSL a^ «*** pro^wty. The Yndor reserrw â€" ABE THE ONLY- OENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES â€" ^IN THEâ€" GA]V^TIA]V MARKET- said n«^tto1^d. to Solicit jTaS sysiie^oL" the the itP^^J^P^ or Real Pebbles are kept in stocic TESTS ARE GIVEN TO PURCHASERS TO PROVE OM They are Tecommended 1^ «ud testimonials have heen re^iv ^^ Premdent, V^ce-President, Ex-President and Ex-Vice-Pro«deDto^^^iSj Association of Canada the President of the CoUetje of ^^jT^agiii\l\ IPBOI18 of Qaebee iha Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval ^jj^ 4^,*" I Presidrait and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Conncil of Tag^ These'nodnaMBdaticaM oaght to b» salSoient to prova knt it farther proof i^naaded, call on $3* ue ^-f^ .tM. fimr^ hemists lOie only iflaM in Town where they can ^?gy^ •peolAQlM Pitl«l on Scientific PHn^V^ ^utfHiiii