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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jun 1886, p. 2

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 f f iJ jPi! I rii!i i.:i I KiJ! Slj. ^^^ YOUNG FOLKS. The Hew Kath't AA •^ What an y«a gabg to nak* for mnr "IhMiart' Iha makw waa a Twy '0iiag woDua, with ae mnoh flaffy Uaoda'hair banging over her eyea'tiiat aha leaked T«ry like' tiia terrier oarlad op faedda the work haakat, where were bmuriied bright bite ef ribbon and laoa to be tuned into wendarfol nsthinga" for the fair. "I dent know," waa the reaponae from a flotner where Cheeter waa anpp o aed to Iw Alodying. "A My with a camera and a aeroU-aaw and a prtnttag- p re M oof^t to do Iota of lliing8,S«aaie Clarke mya." "iKd Baaaie reaUy tay that 7" ** Yea, and ahe ia to ham a table, and all tfie menay geea to the ChUdren'a Hoapital. " " I don't cue whera the money goea." " Bnt yon ought if a lo phUan â€" aome- tUng." ' Filling imnetfaingT" "Yea; peer little empty atomaoha â€" I â- ra^eae that*! n^at it meana. " '• Why â- honld children in a hoq^tal be hoBgry, when they have orangea and thinga t Annt Cenatanoe takea dezena of them there " Blanche waa nnable to reply, for ahe bad oeme to a twiit in herailk, andwaaatrnggl- mg with a knot beaidea, ibe alwaya felt like a witneaa in coart when Cheater begxm to aak qneatlena, " Yon will make aomething, won't yeaT' â- he aald, after a while. "I might Kake a book," said Cheater, leaking aronnd aa if for an idea. "The very thiiM !â€" aj^otnre-book, I inp- poa^" laid Blanbhe, eagerly. "Baaaie makea lerely aorap-booka with Chrbtmaa oaida." '•Do yon think I'd do Oat?" waa the â- oomfal anawer. "Why not I" "I'm not a girl. I mean a real book, with a title and a preface and a ' to be con- tinned' â€" or, no, the end,' would be better â€" and ateriea in it." **Ohl" laid Blanche, drawing a long preatha «• I can print it well enoogh I have plen- £of paper, and my preaa ia all in good or- r. The type ia a little mixed, bnt I can â- eon atraighten it out the only bother will be th»etoriea. I hate to vrite." " Swde I my fingera get ae inky." "That ian't the werat^it'a the thinking nwke than the inking." ' Laura Jenea likea it she writes â-¼eraea." " So doea Jack Vane he makea up yama by the yard." "And Kitty Regera'a oompoaitiona are aplendid." "I won't have any girla' fingera in this pie they can make pincnahiena and paint plaqaea." " Ofi, Obeater r* ** I'll only have one story wit'i lllnstra- ttena, and a red binding and gilt letters. I'm going to see Tom Barker and the boya perhapa they will help. When ia the fair!" " Six weeks from te-day." ' That's time enoagh," said Chester, as he pnt on his cap and went eat. He fennd Tom Barker and two or three •f his other cempanions playing baae-ball, bnt they were tired, and glad to have a chat aa tiiey strolled home. They all entered heartily into his project, and promised aa- â- latance. "I tell yon what, ' said Jim Nixen let's have an editor. My big brother will do it, and we'll get tiie fellows at lohoel to send in thbgs, and the best atery shall have the anthet'a name on the title-page, and we'll print ever so many copies. " ' All right," waa the response all arotmd. And then hours for meeting Were appointed, and they resolved to call themaelves " The Steeple-ohaae Printing Club." The way in which pens and pencils danced aboat at the Webster School for a few days was something remarkable. Snob knitting of brows and biting of nalla and twisting of shoulders might have frightened parenta had they seen it but they did not, and so there was no suggestion of nervous mialadiea. Some lessons suffered, and much paper went into the waate-baaket; bnt the editor soon announced the chosen mannsoript, and the boys ceased their literary efforts for the more agreeable task ef printing. But, strange to say, the editor had prcmiied not to reveal the •othor's name. The story was called The NtiB Noah's Ark, and the only name ao- oempanylng it was to be Chester Drayton's, theibeys having voted that aa he waa the donor, thia henor should be awarded him. The rest were contented to see " Printed by the Steeple-chase Club " in very small ^pe down at the bottom ef the last page. Iiere were a good many difBonlties to be oreroome, and the boya worked like beavers under the direotion of a competent bookbinder, whom Chetter's father employ- ed for the purpose. Perhaps the volume waa a little rough, a trifle less beautiful ^M« the finbhed worka of experienced hands, but how prendly did the makers Burvey it 1 Oepy after copy waa turned off, until a goodly little pfle was ready in brijBhtest scarlet and gcfd and never was bey better satisfied than Chester. The Steeple- chase Printing Club went in a lody to the fair â€" a handsome, valiant set of lads, full of fun and nonsense, but of oenrteeus manners and gentle, address. The book waa prominently placarded, and at the table where Blanche Drayten waa aorving, everybody waa saying what a Iffight idea it had been, and how clever and funny the story waa, Have yon read it How do you like H? Ian't it good 1" said one to another. " It ia the beat thing in the fair. There «nght to have been a thousand ooptee they woold go off like hot oakaa." Oheatar oanld net help being a little proud aa Blanohe amUingly repeated all the kind tfifnaa that were aw and Blanohe looked â- a pratty M she gave a little aigh, saying, a fa^*lly "None ofmytibdnga sell so weU." "Yon oonld net expect them to," said Oheater. "Why net!" aaked Be«ie Clarkeâ€" a bright little wren of a girl, with a soft YelSe and sweet maimer that Chester thought M-yy ^y Mi'a aaawitred, in a patrenldng way ' ti^e Ainga ^Is do are very nice, a asiwie. bat. tiiey cant come quito up to Sia^and he looked at The New Noah't iLri'he held in hia band with aa immimae anennt ef aatiafaotlen. Beerie'i langh rang eat â- â-  softly mndcal The â- eawRafe jahOftBl twiHsr aadeiliBeal; "WhoisthoaatiMr«Cttisr MAedaeme- body. "Oh,lMMttoIl." cried Biaaehe; "I flMH^teO. BaasieCaacke wrote the Btey." Cheetar atarc^ feaandnleoaly. " She didâ€" ahe did," nodded Blanohe, and every one crowded areimd tiie young aathor to congratnlato hn. Ohestor had a little atruggle with himaelf. So the best of the book waa not hia, after alll This waa indeed an nnwelooBu 'aarpriae but hia batter natare prevailed, and aa soon as he had the dianoe he took Beade'a hand, and said " Yon'ra a perieot briok â€" I beg pardon but there Isn' a boy I knew who could have done it. Baoidee, the not toll- ing waa aplendid, and I jaat wiah my name waa off that cover." " Oh, no, no," said Bessie, laoghing "it is twice tko fun to be anonymons bnt when Blanohe told me that no gbl'a finger waa to be in the pie, I oonld net resiat the temp- tation, and my brother Oeorire waa only too glad to lot me toy. Yen must aoeld him." But no sooldings were neoeasary. The fair waa a Bao9ess every way. ABOmSTDTHEWOBLD. Portsmouth members of the crew of the famous war- ship Kearsarge at the time of her battle with the Alabama are planning to celebrate the 22d anniversary ef the fight at Boston, Jane 17. Telephone lines are being extended from the towns to the rural hills of Berkshire, for the convenience of summer boarders, whote entertainment ia one of the most prominent industries ef that region, The anappiiiff of a dog at her legs, though no bite waa inflicted, ao frightened a little girl in New Haven the other day that she became ill, efiusion of blood to the head en- sued, and she died in convulsions before morning. The so-ddled peanut factories of Noriolk, Ya., handle and put on the maiket a mUllon and a half dollara' worth of peanata each year. The faotory la sitpply a cleaning, pol- ishing, and sorting estabUshment, and the work is all dene by machinery. Two young women and one yonog man went beat ruing on a recent Sunday, and the boat tipped ever. The young man was tall, and by standing on tiptoe waa able to keep his head out of water, and the girls hung to his hair and ears, and were saved. A three-year-old youngster near Appo- mattox, Dakota, was lost, and, after a search of twenty-four hours, waa found near his heme in a biukier's hole, into whiohhe had slipped feet foremost, and which was deep enough to quito conceal him. While a young womui waa being taken in an exproM train from Beaton to a reform school the other day she eladed her guardian and jumped through a window while the train was at full speed. The train waa stop- ped, but no girl was found, nor has been yet. Until very lately only one oepy ef the first edition of "The Pilgrim's Progresb" was known, but recently two oopies more have been picked up in London at sixpence each. One was immediately sold to the British Museum for £65, and the other to a London publisher for £25. The Kansas City Times does not hesitate to say that the conJng mateh between Sul- livan and Mitchell will be a hippodroming fizzle for gato money, and remarks with con- siderable wisdom that " standing up against Sullivan for thirty per cent, of the gato money is much safer than facing Demnsev for blood." *^' It appeara from a recent book on sea le- gends that their are many ways to raise the wind. You may suspend a he-goat skin at the mast head, you may flog a boy at the mast, you may bum a broom and let the handle tarn toward the desired quarter, you may blow out to sea the dust from the chapel floor, you may stick a knife in the mizzenmaat or soratoh the f eremaat with a nail, and so on. A small Waterbury lad said to a police- man the other day "If you see a ladder up to my bed-room window to-night pleate don't say anytiiing, or take it down. A lot ef us boys are going to sleep together to- night and get an early start to see the circus come into town, and I want to get out ef the house en the sly." The pelioeman ia MUtehoTObeeB wartkyef tine plModia bin. Mr. Brown ef San h atiirii, angry and swore in tlM fMeanoe ot lua. Williaaa. She objee^, aad he told her to halp herselflf ana oottld. Sashetoldhar li^rtrr^i andMr. WHUaase at eoee loaded hia pistol, aonght Brown, and fesmd Um eatins eonMr. " Did yon awear in my wife'a prearaoeFaiked Mr. WUliams. "Idid,^" aaawered Mr. Bmm. Ihareupen Mr. Williaaia shot Mr- Brewn dead. Tnirty-twe yean ago the father of Alex- ander Bafles ^ed, and after the eetato Kad been aattled, aa wm snppeeed, aome PH?*'" aad family relics were locked In a cheat and given to the oare of the boy's grandmother. She died and the cheat want to the mother. BaUea waa married a while ago and went to heuaekeepiag in Greenville^ Mich., aad hfs mother sent die ohest to him. He opened it, and in the old family Bible fonnd daon- mente which make him hefar to property worth $10,000. A band of robbers, d r eesed aa Indiana, came into the little town of Pate, near Merida, tn Yucatan. A travelling oompaay were playiag in the theatre, the Mat people «f the town forming the andieaoe. The robbers surrounded tiie theatre, a sofoient number of them going in and plundering every one ef all tbe money and valntblea on their persons, sometimea with vielonce. A party went oa the stage, ransacked the wardrobe, aact finally oarried f ff the hand- aomeat prima donna, Mme. Ruiz, and two good-looking chorus girls. Durfaig the tu- mult a son of Mme.ttnizwa8 killed, defend' AYeiy.Oaiioai OoBmnail^. Early b tUi oaolBiy m anmber el Ger- HkM, aader the leedewMp of Geewe Bapp, ing his mother, and $3,000 raniem for the I ladies had fo be paid. CaUf«mia carriea on a larga business in sea shells, which are gathered on ite oeaat and shipped to Europe. One firm has a con- tract to ahip foity t«u of shells every sixty days. They are worth from $700 to $1,000 a tan. They are used in all kinds of decor- ative industriev, returning to the United States frcm France vastly moreaaed in price when transformed into pearl buttons, brooch- es, shawl clasps, knife handles, or inlaid work. Tahita shells, large flat mother tf- pearl shells, are worth from $1.50 to $4 each, and the finest selected pairs are sometimee sold for as much as $50. Oliver Hoghes aad Stove Coanelten, lada of Sparta, Oaio, want squirrel hnntuig on Saturday. They happened to get into the same woods, and when tbey were about fifty yerda'hpart Hughea sat down and b;gan to fan himself with a brown handkerohief. Conselton, who had not seen him, saw the flatter ef the handkerohief aad thought it waa a bird. Ho orept up, and when within gunshot waa certain the flutter waa made by two Ug owla fightiog. So he biased away, and peppered Hughe's head full of bird shot. LnokUy hia eyes were not hit, and the in- juries were net serious. Barglars entered several residences in VTilten, Cona., the other morning. At tbe honsaofMrs. Ciarisca Davenport-Kaymond, the aged lady whose 104th year was com- pleted on Easter Sunday, the old lady was the first to hear the movemente of the in- truders. With her stafT, which always stands at the head of her coach at night, she rapped the floor so vigeroualy that the barglars departed without securlns; any of the family treasurer. She said that she wss afraid they would steal her little Bible, which contained the family record, includ- ing her oan birth at Stamford, April 25th. made m aattlaoMBft la Pean»lvaaia» fear- toea mllea from PNIibarv. They aimed to Initato tiM example ef tiie Di«!iplee aa re- lated m Ibe Ante ef tiio Apoetlee. Ia ether words, tiuy eeiabllahed a oommnaity having all tiiisgi la oenuaoa. The family relation was reiptrded far a number of yeara, bnt finally the oonunanity booame oellbatea, and tiie hnsbaads aad. wives lived apart. As a ooasequeaoe tiie membership beoaaier lesa and len. At one time they nnmbered about a Uionsaad persona. All that ia left is about fifty eld mea and women. The oommualty proapered ia wealth while it diminished in numbsra. In the past ita maaafaotuies were famous, espedaliy tiieir broaddoths, flanaela, aad blaakete. Some yean ago they bonght aome wild lead in Peaaaylvaala for tiie sake of the timber it ooataiaed. Subseqneatiy thia traot.preved to be the middle cf the oil bearing region. R'ohes poured in upon the oommualty, while all the time it is dyiag ent^ beoause it made ae proaelytea and weald net ooon'enanoe family life. Yisiton to the community tell tonohing stories ef the hunger for chil- dren which tiioM old men aad women still feoL The bablea and littie ones who come to Harmony, aa their village is called, are pssslonatoly oareased and wept ever by these oelibato cemmoalsts. Ia puaing It is worthy of noto that the Shakers are dying out in numben. They make few or no prose- lytes, and the only reomite they get are ^children they adopt from the alma houaes. history of American seoialiatic experi- DYSPli ing of Food. Hean^l^IiiL' Taste m Mouth h ^^Utidi?* Foul Coated TolJ^j^cS mg Painsâ€" esDeri^r -^ SobTS CAUSE Death of a Frinoe in Poverty. The last Prince of Gruainien baa jast died at St. Peterabnrg in very atraitened circumatanoes. Of late yean the Prince lived quite poor in a suburb of the city Prince George of Grueinien waa the laitre presentative of a once powerful house. Aa a youth he went to St. Petonburg, where he attrao od much attention through his beauty, the elegance ef his carriage, and the splendor of his diamonda. He kept a great honae and became renowneid for hos- pitality and benevolence. Oa a aingle day, however, his wealth left him, and eventual ly he took to a couple of small rooms and live on a modeat penaion allowed him b\' the Govemmest. He bore hia revene ef f ortane without oemplalning, even man aging to devoto a portion of hia amall pea sion to the maintenance of less favored friends. A Court lady ef hia mother, fer instance, was provided with both home and necessaries for a long time, and this de- pendent, 90 yean of age, adalatored to the Priaoe duciiq; hia last hours. meato, such as the Shaken, the Ecoaomites, and the Oneida Commaniats, would be very interesting reading. Our Progress. As stages are quickly abandoned with the completion of nilroads, so the huge drastic, oftthartic pills, composed of crude and bulky medicines are quickly abandoned by the in- troduction of D.-. Pleroe's " Pleasant Put^ gative Pelleto," which are sugarooatod, and littie larger than mustard seeds, but com- p»sed of highly oonoeatratod vegetable ex- tracte. By dniggists. Oaotus cloth is a aew matorial with a sur- face oompoied of soft silvery hairs. JL SmaU Leak will siak a great ship and what at first ap- pean to be atrlfling ooogh ia apt to oulmin- ato fai oonsamptien if aot properly atteadsd • to in time. For oonsamptien, which is sore- fula of the lungs, and for all blood and akin dlseaaes, Dr. Pieroe'a " Golden Medical Dis- covery " has no equal. By dragglata. Seme manufactnren have introduoed pa per hate. There may be seme Inoonvenlence about them, but it won't be • felt." Youag and middle-aged men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred affections, as leas of memory and hypochondria, ahonld enoloae 10 cents in stamps fer large iUaa- tn^d pamphlet suggesting sure care. Ad- dress, Wo Id's Dispensary Medical Associa- tion. Buffalo, N. Y. A 150-ton bculder rolled down the moun- tain at Svanville, Me., the other day, and out a dean swath through a large fonst trees for ever thirty rods y°° Hearty j^^ asy and anSu^'S"^; tfl cheese, pickles, Z.'^-pa.r'" tion;BadAir;'ll5;',fWG toHardWorkl^iS*"^;S immediately after ^0^9\ many Stomach Troug'"'^. CUBE Hours, Rapid E^^^.' A? Stomach .^ReguIateVg^^^t^ Drmkingat Meals- Ahan^^^'^.k as far as possible. Eat nni I M»J Food. Milkorpnrev^j'^P'^^Nf Take Burdock Bbodlr^"' lates the BowelsXSa tioD. Makes Pure Blood, Tji Regulates the Liver and S^^ Restores Perfect HeSaafe'*^ Debilitated System " ,PS?n ^^ ?*" nsaaeouspargatlves such M Fills, SaltB, c when yon can get In Dr. Carson B Stomach Bitters, a medicine that movea the Bowels gently, cleansixR all In pur- lUesirom the system andrenderioK the Bood pu: e and oooL Great Spiiog Medicine SOots, A.F. 282. MENâ€" IHBEB-and two ladies-as OsBTariers srood pay. H. E. Kbhhist, Toronto, Onl SUPERIOR FILES AND RA8P8-WARBANTID « 1* w'}°^*°i*"!L!"»«'"" aUMndaolie-outtlfle. Gait File Woika, FBSDsaiCK Fakkui, Qalt P.O. £*I\ ACRES GOOD OV .Plympton for down riym babai LAND IN XOWNSmP OF Bale cheap: (mall amonnt ee ate per cant. X. J. KENT. Londoa, CAKKIACB wholeaale honaea. KORBIKg FOR CARTERS, oâ€" .. 1 ».. â€" i-iJ"*» "Mnulaotnreta flrat prlsa Oentral Fain. Addieas M. O. NsLueu. ManSfao- tamt, Hamilton. â€"â€"»•â- Â» S800 *• ^*" rarm-miâ€" «• Aere Farm KV.Zk t~^?"5?° â- ***^P'*y^ Woenta; 100.000 6 cent mnaio Instrameata ' loionto. Playa, nalf-pi price. BUILAND, RBPRBBBNtATIYE ia each oonnty to aeU " Pre .hi» ff^ â- â- * BspouiM "-a book on Love. Conri- Alp, Patrimony and kindred themea. Write tot otaOTlais. fatematioiial Book and Bible zoronto, uni. nae. â- O AND SAW MAOHW^IiJIj;-,^^ tuIlUnatratiou; cSitS,, 4?Sâ„¢.ff' Bwera on Bible Toplw UbeiK***" Book and Bible Hom »,' toiKt oounty. for the 0. K. PtmiSl tblae oat J mHi at right; WBjrKiaJ reoefpt of price, loo. q' ddat Si « roBjut.ftlSjJ JHL towiuUp. to Mil Di. IttatMal «Mve CoaU.- The k««Beili7iLY apeclmen ot oialoiy erer wittta; MtbaU only $! foil patttenhn ot tUi udobval rass. Schnrler Smith Oo.,Pobliaeair SraaAL Honer.-oKABD uâ„¢, oDered to yoaag Ud\miat (Mlaal May. Shortfaaiid.Bookkeapla|,OaBiiMMk EDgUab, aaisioal or lUthemiUaloaiimk or all together, «t half the regnlii toUiain dreaa ImJuedUtel;, Im loiono Buamt Toronto. Oct. inSIiPH BII8IHE88 COUEU, 0^1 Yonsg men and woiiMntlio(i)ii|kl;)i for posltlone as Book-kecptn, Bhoithadl_ Oallgraph or Telegraph Openkin; aalBliJ nine Provlnoea and Statei 1b ittenduti i year graouatei puoed In comaunUi Catada and the Cclted Statei; nkii taclUtiea ezoellent; loetmcUgg iidliUoil;! etc.. address, H. kUoCORMIOK, ftbdpil. N' EL80N CO., MILLWBIGHTStKSffl Berlin, Ont.-Sole manufactuitnii ' automatic engines from 2 to 15 h. p. ala gines for printing officea; high speed ut 9 ines for electric lighting; tatomitici cheese, butter, and sausage factoriet, n iQ| purpose where a light and cheap ponriar For price list and other paibcnlM (^ above WE WABTT THBEB ISBâ„¢" j ooun«y for a new book we wm psM market In two weeks; ttvllleailiiitnr pages, and retaU at t2.75 it lieiiliedl)»|r Canadian grentleman, who hu not Duei name It Is expected the llteniy "«*'"J aatii to find out who the biflUail »â- " book ia upon an ImperUBlloitaoBiii* dlaonsaed by Oanadfam anlhon; tunae] come agents for this remarkii*" w««»"T to write for parUonlan. AMiea "*â-  Book and Bible House, Toronto, AeiWTS !-TOU GUJ1 IW? "ll gives better satUfaoUon w tW»« â- ! money faster with than '• WoiOT J«*2Jl all olasaee-OhrletlaBi and hiW u^n Proteatants. old and yow«i*JS?!;5^ not canvasaed tor years are gWjf"""., It 0. F. Jenkins sold 128 tteWw«..'|^ aaya: "The first week with "W«wi% one hundred and sixteen «««*• *Ja for unemployed persons; «»"'"?m vaaaere, write for terms. BeuW »â-  C o. Biantfoid â€" i MACHINBBJJ see Engines, Boilers, J». *SlS3 aona maohtoee, for m^ ^^^l^ Boys! We waat saw;^, MhooldWrWfcJ^S SpectaWse-l' casadiu, MONEY TO LEND ProdnctiveTown,AffJf^ GUELPH CARPET*^ J.A.ARMS£OJ04^ WOOL. UHIOH DAIPS5 Of new patterns Md*«W^ ,, PBPPIB « CjV Our Dnpl« •**'?jSl««»"??^ prlBdpal aafdw«eSloiei^_...^--g^ a. sPB»«2is^ A I Ovr Fnend Terreverie: What WOULD Bl 80 B»«OTIV« IHlOOLOBS. TO-MOBKOW AKD PAIS* H. Appreciative Owner Will sow r« „,.» SAT so. Iv. ALL«BS «HOTOHII MTsSil »„-'" *° H«AB TOU LOOK IN COLOR. «»81tFj HOW tDTX B WOULD TU PVBSmLT OF AST. iHE OLD Will. Ij SHOULD UXM to tlAT-T HAS ALB»AI)t" i?S"lT*? ^^ ^^^ â„¢^ ™» OI-D l^y "AY. A .. GOOD WUNDaIioN W^^'^k""' '" '^t' " UHTOHi lift* lib and BaoiW »*.H ^^ â- ^ Ma Aji* â-  CtertaiEO •â- * li eta J^ I lUnafaotuier awMe^ tfi Wm Low prices addig" witfg}**' v^

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