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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jun 1886, p. 1

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 in.9th, iO ami 7. IWli 7.' Jm. WudJ Bl 2:80. J.' ^6.-No. ^yg. MAKKDALE, ONT., JUNE 3, 1886. Coius 09 ym Sxudab» Em CBiras BMS. i iiiii2tk,is. Case, $il.u^- BEerys $14.50. kartiett's $18.00. WaiTanted two years. Iliave the goods and must give you ... (.lit prices to make room for a flrrck ot Hampden Watches with tm name ou, coming June 15tb. Jsiiiij work equal to any shop in W. A. BROWN, A Sellable Jeweller, Markdale. and ether Items. fjjffni E? in these columm intended to benefit MIriilual or Society will be charged ten Une for the first insertion and five Btiii line eaeh sulnequent insertion. Jlrs. Wm. Haskett is visiting at tlytli, Out. Mrs. Rev. Graxdy is visiting friends ItN'ewiiiarket. J Mb8. W. a. Brown anil child are It a visitfto Toronto and Woodstock. I The Standard to new subscribers Wance of 1886 for 50 cents. Qaick Ms. and Mrs. Allan McDougall are wimg a week with friends in lleronto. (J. S. Bowes and C. W. Rutledge lifton Tuesday to attend conference lii GodncL. Mrs. Geoege Steer is on a three I reeks visit with friends in Toronto pu viciuity. Bro's are turning out exeell- Iffltmacliineryand fittings for McNea's jfiaDi-jg factory. I WoxDER what our \illage fathers lae doing the sidewalks are very |iickety in places. Miss Lillie Chambers left Markdale. Her jolly company will be missed I Huong tlie young people, T?E Misses Eooke, who haY«vbeen NtiBg in Markdale for some tirae, hterued to Toronto last week. I Abibth at Fort William, published l^itbispaper last week, should have â- m3, daughter, instead of son. A fommnnicatiou from "Phin Con- py." Holland Council, and other mat- ||a unavoidably crowded out this week, '"' 'fiU appear in next issue. On esteemed friend, J. L. Alex- J«r who has been for some two mh assisting J. J. Irwin, V. S., paitned last week to Palermo, Ont. J^- Andrew Xesbit, who had a se- J|«8trote.of paralysis last winter, is ^Jytowalk about, and wait on â- ^'elf generally, but cannot speak. ^^sis at the Markdale House are ZfT' ^° ^^â- 'cb so that our tanbark J liad to lay out Monday night. We jeve he kid on the soft side of a Ijst^ Hanover Post is a peg estray I Statin D ^^y^°^ *^^* Williamsford landl ?• '"'^^ changed to Holland I ^S. It IB Holland Centre friend 1 4le?\^'" "*y ^y ^^« Young Untcl, 1?°,""*^ 0* t^e Methodist ^aoiT .?\*° ^a^« t«^ken place iJcnedfr â„¢^y)®^«^^°S' is post' I «othp^ °°®, ^^^^"' a^fl will be held S\TT^' of Wm. Armstrong, Mi will ^-^^^^ i^Bt. The Brass I *»i 15 c r " '*eo^auce. Admiss- ,^ *iits. Come and have a good Tbout fishing is carried on exten- sively in this vicinity, some for sport and others for profit. Tliera was a sncker abont six foot long seen in the SaoReeij last week they got him oat safely; weight 170 lbs. Chas. WioGiMs, of Staynor, former- ly of the Grand Central Hotel, CoUing- wood, and 15 years ago of Nottawa â€" well known by many in this district who used to team grain to GoUing- wood at that time â€" has leased the Paul House, Thornbnry. Peck's Stjn, Milwaukee, says, in reference to the fish difficulty, that 'Canada ought to have more gener- osity than to arrest our people for digging fish bait, when we send them tbonandB of onr most successful and wealthy defaulting bank cathiers. The Wizard Oil Concert Company treated our citizens to a number of excellent concerts on Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday evening. Their music was of a high order and well selected, and was appreciated by all spectators. They left to day for Dur- ham where they will remain for a day or BO. Destbuctivb Fire.â€" Last Tuesday, while Mr. Stephen Kelly and family were at dinner, fire burst forth from the stables of his new barn premises in such volume that scarcely a-nything was saved. The main builcl'ng was 60 X 44, and the stables and shedi 53 X 36, and only erected last year. A reaper, mower, and other harvest implements were consumed. Loss only partially covered by insurance. Mb. Geo. Grant of this village has sold his stock to CoIeman Hamilton, and leaves this week for Aylmer an incorporated village twelve miles from St. Thomas, where he is joining others in the manufacture of furniture on a large scale. We very much regret to loose Mr. Grant, who is one of our most respected citizens and a man of undoubted integrity. We wish him every success in his new business. Every Man his own Horse and Cattle Doctor. â€" This is the name of a book just out of press, from the offiTje of "The Canadian Sportsman and Live Stock Journal," Toronto. It is well bound, clear print, contains 443 pages, abounds with excellent' cuts of its various breeds of Horses, Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. Price $3.00, sold only bs subscription. Agents wanted in every Township. Apply to G. W. Booms, TBDundasSt., Toronto. Mr. James Bell, progressive and Fine Kesidencb one of our most successful farmers, five miles from Markdale in Gleuelg township, has let the contract for the erection and completion of his new residence to Mr. W. G. Eicharda. architect and builder of this place. This will be one of the finest farm houses m the county of Grey, and it is not necessary to say, a good job will be done, when it is known that Bichards has the con- tract. $2,400 is the price, Gatabbh Cttbbd, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasel Injecture free. For sale by E, L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Chanoino Hands. â€" We were quite surprised when we opened the Dun- dalk Herald last week to learn that Mr. Hall, the proprietor, had sold his plant and newspaper business. He has been nearly four years at the helm during which time the Herald has made constant and commendable ad- vancement, and is now one of the best edited papers in the county. Mr. Hail is a forcible and able writer, and has shown rare ability as a newspaper man. We do not know what his fu- ture intentions are, but sincerely wish him success in whatever business he may engage in. Mr. C. H. Newell, a young man recently of Montreal is the purchaser, find we also wish him every success. IMPOBTANT NEWS ITEM. CooKSTOWH.â€" Mts. Campbell had been tronbled fer a number of years with Indi- gestion and Constipation, and was indhcedto try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed, and would reeommetul iti» use to any person timilarly troubled. This invaluable .ronedy i? sold in. every P"*,â„¢ Canada a* «» and n.OO per botfle. Sold at E. L. Stephens Drug Storf. " BUSINESS LOCALS. 17ai*nip Seeds, freih and pare, a large variety to ohose from, at the Medical HalL A. Tomer Go. Natiohal Pells will not giipe or siokeDt yet are a thorooi;^ catartic. Examine your address label and see how much you owe the publisher the date thereon is that to which your subscription is paid. As Sweet As Honby is Dr Low's pleasant worm syrup, yet sure to destroy and expel worms. t The next sitting of No. 5 Division Court «(iU be held in Markdale on the 22ud July. Pbo. Low's SuLPHOB SoiP is a ddightful toilet luxury as well as a good cuiative for' skin disease. MgFabijLnd is selling more Dress Goods than all the other stores put together. Don't get mad gentlemen, it's a fact. It Can Do No Habx to try Freeman's Worm Powders when your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. The third shipment of new Dress Goods just arrived at W. J. McFar- land's. imported direct from English markets. For lameback,side or chest, use Shinh's Porous Plaster. Prioe 85 cents.' For sale by B. L. Stephen. Druggist, Markdale. W. J, McFasland is showing this week Black Jersey cloth, Black Nun's cloth. Black Cashmeres, Black Bro- caded Satins, Black Brocaded Velvets, direct importations wonderful value. "Wizard Oil for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Cbotjp, Whoopino Cough and Bronchitis immediately rehevod by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by B. L. Stephen Druggist Markdale. A Fob Ladies and Children's fine SHOES go to Bicbardson Co., ^Flesherton. Sbii.oh'b Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con- sumption. For sale by B. L. Stephen Drug- gist, Markdale. A Ready-made Clothing our stock this season is unusually large and attrac- tive in all leading styles and patterns in Boys' and Men's ware. • M. Bicb- ardson Co., Flesherton. Sles pless niohts, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for jou For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Beys Beady-made Suits a specialty at M. Bichardson Co., Flesherton. That HACKnro Couoh can be so quickly cured by Shil«h's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Marn- dale. A If you want handsome Ginghams and Prints at low prices, call at M. Bichardson Go's, Flesherton. Will You Suffeb with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? ShiUoh's YitaUzer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by B. L, Stephen, Druggist. Markbale. A For Nails and all lines in Building Hardware go to M. Bichardson Go's Hardware, Flesherton. I am just finishing up some yery fine Democrats which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Gall and see them and get prices before going else- where. Wm. Mason, Carriage Builder. For sale a new Wanzer G. Sewing Machine, neyer been used. This is a first-class machine in every respect. Will be sold cheap for cash or on time. Wm. Mason, Carriage Builder. Wm. Mason's Carnage Works is the place to g:o for anything yon want in that line in proof of the quality of the work he builds, he has just re- ceived an order for four ngs to be shipped to Port Artiinr. Wm. Mason is so Unshed building ordered work^^hat/e cannot get any in the show d work, and and see him. JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD- work finished no room. He giyes a guaran CONDXHBBD FB(MC OOB XXOHAKOBB OTHkBWISK. Aia Chicago had a $1,000,000 fira last week. President Gleyeland was married on Wednesday. The prospects for fruif never was so encouraging in this district as at present. The C. P. B. short line from Smith's Fails to Montreal is contracted for, and is to be complete next fall. The oratorio of "Queen Esther" will begiven in the Drill Shed, Flesher- ton, on the evening of Donunion Day. Struck by Lightning. â€" On Friday night last, a very severe thunder shower passed oyer the north end of Glenelg. The hghtning was very vivid, and almost incessant for some tiaie, accompanied by a short splash of rain. During the storm a stable on the townline of Glenelg and Holl- and, owned by Mr. James Ledingham, was struck by lightning and burned down. â€" [Grey Be view. We were pleased to have a call from Mr. Mark Armstrong, one of Mark- dale's most energetic citizens, on Saturday laet. â€" [Grey Beview. Mr. B. Shears, his mother, and Mrs. Freeman, of Markdale, paid Dur- ham a visit this week. â€" [Grey Beview. Mr. Neil McCoIeman left on Tuesday for the North West where he has been appointed to a very lucra- tive position. He will still retain his seat in the House for another session, and after that will probably give the arena of poUtics the go by â€" [Thorn- bury Standard. Mr. B. Carroll, of Thornbury, had his bam and contents destroyed by fire on the 24th loss $1,000, no in- surance. The fire originated from fire- crackers Ut by children. Dr. Henry, of Orangeville, bus been elected to fill the vacancy in the On- tario Medical Council caused by the death of Dr. Douglas, of Port Elgin. The Wiarton Echo very justly re- commends that town as a healthful and pleasant place for tourists to spend a few weeks of relaxation. Good boating and enchanting scenery are in store for those who visit Wiarton. BucMiV ta the If •â- OiwcM* From the Victoria {B. C.) TiHut. The development of the ranehing industry in the Northwest has been so nnostentatious that few, have aiij just idea of the extent to which it has attained. Lithe grazing region aronatl Calgary the number of animals owned by the various firms there aggregate 76,000 cattle, 10,000 horses and 18» 800 sheep, ef the value of $8.781,000.. The yearly increase among the cattle is computed at 25,000 or 80,000 will be brought m during the summer, so- that the end of this year will probably raise the aggregate in that district to 125,000. Sheep raising so far haa given fairly satisfactory results, though some ranchmen complain that sheep graze so closely^ as to desti;oy the roots of the prauie grass and injure^ the runs. This annoyance can be avoided by the employment of compet- ent and jadieious shepherde who know when to move their flocks. Th» ranching industry, at its preieot rate of increase, will lu a few years make Calgary the Ealkirk of the Dominion. â-  mm I Bttbi-Decanai. Ghapteb. â€" An im-- portant meeting in connection with the work of the Church of Englad in thijs eounty was held at Markdale on Tuesday, being the semi-annuabBieet- ing of the Buri-decanal Chapter fer Grey. Ministers, churchwardens and delegates were present from different parts of the country, Bev, Bural Dean^ Keys occupied the chair. Statistics of the various congregations were- collected, and suggestions discussed for rendering the different missions more efficient. In order to increase the efficiency of Sundy School work it wao resolved to call a convention of Sundy School teachers in connection with the different congregations throughout the country, to be held at Markdale oh the 9th of July. The next meeting of the Chapter was. arranged to be held at Ghatsworth on the second Wednesday in January. The ladies of Markdale congregation entertained the visitors at a luncheon in an evergreen booth built for the occasion. » « t Hanlin's Wizard Oil for sale By R. L Staplian. This is to certify that I liaye usedlKjlTegor'B Speedy Can toi DjspepsiA and Idver Com- plaint, and do honestly say that if it i«o8t me one handled (IIOO.UO) a bottle I would not be without it. as it has done, me more good t)"" all the iQedidnjea I ever Ytsed, and 'I feel like a new niBa^^-^oiirs tmly, Aux. i BxEHb, Cirlefcin PlaeSrOnt, '£his medicine is fair sate at *Ofr an*f l.flO par bo^, »* «â-  L.'8t^en's Prtjg Sttwe. ' r The tenth annual picnic will be held on the 23rd June. The commit- tee are makmg vigorous preparations for a good day's sport. No Othbb Need Apply. â€" Among the replies to an advertisement of a music- al committee for "a candidate as organ- ist, muaic-teacber," ect., was the following one;"Gentlsmen I noticed your advertisement for an organist and music- teacher, either lady or gentleman. Having been both for several years, I offer you my seryices." Life saved at midnight by the timely use of West's Pain King. Do not fail to always keep it in the house for attacks of colic, chol- era cholera morbus, cramps flux, dysentery and all kindney diseases and always very sudden. Be prepared. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co, Druggist. Cobpobation Salted, â€" Action for damages against the Corporation of the Village of Arthur for injuries received in falling off a bridge. It appears that Messrs. John Madden and James Bums drove to the village of Arthur on the 1st of October last, to attend to some business. It was late before they got through and the night was very dark when they started for home. In crossing a bridge in the village they were met by another conveyance and a collision occurred, and the plaintiffs were thrown mto the river â€" a distance of fourteen feet â€" sustaining injuries from which they have not yet recoyered. In addition to tnis Bums herse was killed and his baggy and harness completely destroy- ed. A verdict was given allowing Mr. Madden $2,000 and Mr. Buns $600 damages. â€" [Beview. A HEAVY BintDXH.^. Mr, Geotge Baiaell, of Aurora, Ont., saya he WW a great sufierer from a running sore of the w(nst disciption, which bafSed the bei* SM^cal skiil, and his life was i^buden. B» wiia eoiel by B. B. B. fo hui' great joy and'enTprire 5of hifi- friencK. Xnne Roses. Bich, blooming and variegated as the roses of June, comes the American Agriculturist for this month, with its one hundred original illustrations and original articles, by forty -four well-- knowc writers in various parts of the Union, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Every number now of this periodical is better than its predecessor^ and the Publishers announce thai they are providing far still new features and illustrations. The second paper, in « the series of the Homes of our Farmer Presidents, will be written by Donald G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel) J subject, George Washington. The accompany- ing engravmg will probably be as lar{,e as that of Jefferson's Home, which was the first of the series, to wit 27 inches long and 17 inches wide. These engravings of Our Farmer Presidents are to be presented to all subscriptions of the American Agn- milturist as they appear. Price of the American 4grieuXtrist $1.50 per year. We will clnb it with the Standabd for $2 a year, earh subscriber to receive both paper.aiid the Special Engravings and Descriptions by American authors as they i^ear. Ladies Only The cotnt^exion is ofteii rendered unsightly by Pimples, liver Spots, and Yellowness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Core purifies tbe blood and whole system. See Becipe Book for toflet hints sand suggBbtions oo how to preserve tbe complection. Sold by A Tmner Co. Juno s^a Killed by »â-  Ui Horve aaaveaMe SHKtBUBNE, May 28. â€" Today as George Gotwood, a'farmer living' otit about three miles from tihelbume. was etarting for home, his horse beotme unmanageable, throwing him out. HQs head struck the tfidbwalk^ Org Noirton and Bplstiu were vH at- tendance but Mr. Gorwood died in abbot tiiMe hours '^fterwardti, i^avin^ a fftniil^ of eight cftiidren. His wife wap Iwiried mly a week af^o. f i;:^:ub.7i â-  .ire t^a J;-.: â-  .ill

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