SBW â- * CHAPTER !• » ,.-M over, and »h» broker! Ttf oommenclng mystery. iTi«yi« Mrh»pi ». 1 with to know f'"?L Si broker. In at all. l?*'^.l^m»»oe,or even of pa- '*^l'iraP»*"*°* anonghtome .i^efLpnU' plodding along ,lk««'2i?,,t a hundred and forty fci^ Uid I w" engaged to be ^•'ul- "erett-the | jart re- i» " .. .mhitlon being of a llmit- ,tfd onr vai to take plaoe •* " rabed to one hnndred P "'7.. which, at the time when R!tf npon commencing my narra- P^l^ould be in the next year. l^ ImY aay â- » °°"' »l*boogh fc**^^r.« thenâ€" a distant relative, LI k 10 til"**""""' **â- ""â- "â- •• •«â€"«-â- -â- , I h.d entertained no eipecta- !f Jd leftme about a thoui»nd â- "' .n w»d myeelf, ai I need hard- ;S:td^lthout waiting for the r 1^ not have mattered 10 greatly, tobethebe.tthlngIopald • JlC we acted a. we hafl original- s' which wa to have inveated i;h8leofthU money in the pur- r «nDle of Bttle houaea, and plod- »^£ my olerkahlp as before. Bat, Kdhave It, Iwaain the whole- trde and one of our travelleraâ€" .. Mti fellow I always considered I ,„ without doubt he wa«â€" had re- II to U up in bustoeiB for bimaelf KwKe how it wa. powible to do iZ «ood with Mven or eight hun- than ja«t to get a miaerable â- idi Mr cent, en house-property. I j Ah to dweU on this pairt of my UwIU only say that I invested my lLL In the bushieas, and at the tTfint half-year I received a divl- tttherate of twelve per cent, per an- IbeMCond half-year was moreanc- â- iffl » rather larger dividend being^ ..ttdthen, a assistance was requir- Ita fuller development of the bnai- tnn np my clerkship, to takea more llttknhitheconjern. 1 dten surprisedâ€" at first almost lit the style of people with whom baaineiB seemed chiefly to be tran- 1 they were, with scarcely an excep- \a, common people, and mere drinking and smoking than is cue- efen in the wtoe trade â€" as I bad [ued to it, AtnoDg them was one luiui-he could net have been thirty Cjudtocoma infrequently, and whom Pit disliked greatly but my partner lid him as the very imporsonation of jind honour. His name was Soate,. Puderttcod that he represented an in- iil firm fa the City. Whether my irhtd spoken well of me to Mr. Scate, I, I did not know, but the latter was piverycoarteouB to me â€" after his style. I hardly tell what he came for, bat from occasional hints, that there lionfy transactions between him and iitser bat the latter, always langhed iTitqiiites, and said I should soon see p bnikess was. I certainly had an Won that, little as I liked the appear- [t!Mr, S;ate, he really did come on !i, which was more than I could be- nuyef enr visitors, and was part- led to credit what my partner said iataulve transactions. ^ill, one day, fire weeks after my last- il was received, I found, on arriving ix, a letter from my partner, re- (that oiicumstances altogether un- ii,ud enthely beyond his control, l^mpelled him to leave far America ^ttcd also to say that the stock â€" ittd been mysteriensly' disappearing eenld not meet the demands and I and he advised me to put myself IwiDlcation with some experienced r' |iwn H I recovered from the shock of hI'HIdid seek a solicitor; bat in pp«ctl need not have troubled myself, Vlfut half-a-dozen experienced solici- ffct themselves into cemmunicatiein m Bnjh to my discomfort. The case [7' •»* one so many people had " in ' the trading had been so «. Bid the disposal of all the best •» rayicions, that snions thoughts 'WBtshed of proseouKng me for ,V* *1« was happOy abandoned. I£!»T' °*" *°" B"** ^^^ been rVTi from a clerk who was in the ~^«»« of the hostile soUcItors. He "PM an acquaintance with me while 'â- J**!* writs and all sarts of pre- fc? ^T^K notices but he was T'Meerfnl.nd jocular even over soch WttT i *^"° drinking a glass of I*«««rted oounting house where IZH? *â- "'«" bad ence been carried â- 2t°' *•„'*•" np »l«o. •• You're r'l'^tell you that." J? gW to hear It,' I replied. «2tL V .*'â- «n»«what dtdefnl. ijji«se how It could have been »ny- J'°^' 5" """'" together, M*. 1' â- " the clerk •• you've had a I safe I jj*«i Of oouse but you're *^ClLJ'""'»"y«J^«i; for up "•a7nrfr;i'"'"'P~*«l the exist- ^»hS T f!"'""" consultations as %»kiti'"'°°° about to hear. ?4i£,' .S'"';?* «»« «»«* with a ••ftrt."' *° ^e* » n»»n carry It feu,-^ "-«â- •"" I^.te"';^°° notice of my ilA?ZfA= "Youkao^ .**y and il-?°^l "" y®n np for ^CaiK Bntold Jadahson HLHb 8«.if' ,^° "tack up for ' »?(Wi "•-*" I heardjhlm- fe"y8»Sr!,^"«' t5« a fool," HSUMa^ J""" with enongh fcJ^i "CI.*^" *°* » •andwCh £*• Autfen 'S" °;i' *»»« door and «"W be a rrgue."_Well, jodgeof whatkngse wm M«ay tBMmmm the Telle ee na tfUy he had gnat faifla- eawr iUJ^.ge^ Mii«.ffJ9: ttjl* uAXm gla^ a(K IfMrS^ynk, he^^m^; N« er thi^ tlncre that didn't kmy Oa eld asa» antf ttay wiire iaolinsif tebe naaty f bat there vaa aaether' party there who speke np well in yonr favor. My eye! ha did give tt^ some ef 'em." "Indeed," I said. «« And who was he!" " A friend nf years, I rappese," anawer- ed th« clerk ' tald he knew yen waD In the btnlnesa. His name Waa Biie, or Orate ^n« I Soateâ€" that waa it. I thought he was going to let fly at one f ellew. It tooM a game I But when I aee what they have all done. It strikes me yon won't have a brass farthing for yourself." My weIi-mefkBln«; although psdnfnlly vul- gar friend was right. My oredltors left me no farthings, or any other coin and so total was the collapse, so utterly was I la- volved, that all the fniAltare irarlh spesdc- ing of at No. 9 Viotorla Louisa Terraoe, Kentish lownf'-wasaeiaad. Oar home was •tripped from top^, bottom bills were stuck all over the windows auctioneers came andbrokers, and Jews, and shabby hangers-on â€" of every desoriptfon, I was go- ing to say but they were faideeorlbable. Sympathising neighbors oame in too; not to buy, but to peep and quiz and titter for I fear we had lieen oonsildered stnok-np people, and it waa felt that a little reverse was radior good for as than otherwise. However, the saia *;ook place went off well, I was assured, for In most sales the goods fetched folly one fourth of what I had given for them twelve or thirteen months before and the auctioneer oengratnlated me. At last, aU the hangers-on were gone, and the house was dull and void, aave for the few things that were not seised, and a few other sjrtiolea which one of Sana's aants had purchased bac for our use. I had no relatives. Sasan's friends wero quiet peo- ple, oocnpjring a small farm in a Welsh in- Und county and we determined not to trouble them. so this aunt, who lived in Lsndoa On A siiUilt annuity, was the only one who knew of onr downfiUl. She, then, was the'only' fzldtad we expeoted to find at oar sale Imt, tofourj^nuprue, anotiier one turned up In the person of my former ao- qnaintasce and recent ohampioci Mr. Scate. Not only did he appear at the sale, but lame np to me, and calling me "old fellow," said he waa sorry to see such goings on in my house, that he knew all about the doiogi which had led to It, suid considered I had- been scandalously used. LltUe as I had liked the man before, I re- membered his exertions with my creditors on my behAlf, and wai melted ly bis sym- pathy now so warmly shook the hand he extended, " Now, old boy," he continued, " what would you like ms to bny in for you just say the woid, and it's yours, even if 1 have to kick the whole of these swindlers out of the room to get it." I was more staggered than ever at this question, and opnld hardly get out my an- swer, that I would not trouble him. He cut me short here. " Trouble 1 Non- sense I No trouble' at alL I'll get some- thing back from their claws â€" Thete I he Is jast putting up that marble clock, and hark! that hook-nosed old villain has bid fifteen shillings for It Why, It must bs worth ten times as much." Wltii this, he began bid- ding and his style, I may even say his swagger, was so Impressive, that the men allowed him to have the clock for thirty shillings while I am convinced they would have run it up to treble the money with any other stranger. So the sale vnn over; the brokers and all the attendant vampires had gone ;- the cartf whioh had been standing about all the i^ternoen, were gone also but the marks of muddy feet over all the rooms and on the staircase were not gone, nor were the wisps of dirty itrawwiiiota lay In every cor- ner and behind every door. My wife and ncyaelf were sitting In what we called onr breakfast-retHn, whiih locked out on the little sloping frost mrden with which all the homes In Victoria Iiouisa Ter- race were furnished. Not that we were looking oat then for the gas was lighted, the blinds were down, and we wera seated, talking sadly enough, in the room, which seemed so bare and wretched twmpared with its aspect of a day or two before. I pretended to bisat np ooxifideBtly, for I saw poor Sasan's eyes tiU with tears when she looked at the naked boards where had been, such a oomfiurtalile dark earpet j or. sluiced at the conunon wooden ohairs and table bought back out of onr kitchen fnmitore, and now forced to serve instead of ou plain but handsome leather-Mveiced seats. She trisd to hide thess tears from me, and every time she caught my eye she smiled bat her Up trembled so in the effort, that It waa almost worse than the burst of sobbing aha wastryfa^cso hard to keep baok. The soli- tary item whIoh reminded as of our pre- vloai ooarfortaadama r taass waaihe mrj^^ olcck, whkh ttoked o» n«iteli|Bq[k and we had already sidd two or three timea over, how greasy obliged Wo aatM to fMl to Mr. Scate for his klndneas, I haveaiid I pretoidad toJmt. iv k"«- fally; It waa all pcataaM, f or nothbg ooold be more utterly hopoleaa thaii wo^ onr proapeots ai^ what made na more nUaer- able than we ahonld otherwise have been, was what had praviendy glvn ua freat j oy. Sasan expeoted to have a baby in abonc a oonple of months, and what wet* we to do than Before that time arrived, it waa dear that we sbonld find another home, for qaarter-day would eome, and it wm hope- less to thmk of going on where we were. Our preaent house was la'ge enongh to justi- fy ns In letting one floorâ€" the oard, in^aed, Willi; Mmpfe •w*P««»««f!*:t'2^??;*: m^tB,^ 8tni hong ldly4i(4«irMsl«lkrbat where waa tho furniture to oome from " Dont yon think, dear," aald my wUe, trying to speak withent a eatdi Jft h« voice, "that we niignt b»y â- «»• P^*" fur^iltpre from iNpjf .^ItW-*^^ f^^' ly payments, and so â€" I shook my head av ahe paa^d, for .tiila waa only another daipger, a fr«i|h nmnlng into debt. ... a " Perhaps, then, dear," sho resnmea, •• some firm might t k?. yra W«^ Jtaveller. I have heard jhat t ae i^toiaM nwka a groat deal of money in that way." tion. « The faoUa.;^. .b«g«W .5?^ • bsoBlna pab; aa r liiMlota wha*a ttay waa add np, aM W diih'i mhid it " a^ adJal; that aha w«mld ta|hwalay wMfcaaiar har aa aha ala^adr msft LUh had a^toed thateor, wwiaacd aasnabadj iaqniriH '» Mr. aadMi^ MaMsv. TKa wammVun^f ;lnitVbmySa.m^i*'Smru- •if ih«f t AU iMik» 4ni1 yon '•« »rtl%iid thaaSSl ttar want niibi iii":tai blsaid litTifljgi" iWfol- lawif A .rtep m tha lriwj tap •* onr room door, and ttea the weU-knawn fignra andfaoao(MvJB«*»1i«ipii yUble. "^AhM yon did aoM^^of MolDgma I" ha SBifc li nod.^" Ko iS^SaglSiMit r but I got homeeuly, andloooldat reat with- oat oamtaq ioiiad.â€"Yoar â- aorranl, Mrs. Matloy. I.onght to apelogisa forintrading lifcatbla bat I know yon will oooasa me. I am a plain man. Everybody knows me and Ned Suatola haxeta 4wy that he never heard of snob scandnloos treatment as yonr hnsband has met wlthg ma'am, niat'awhat I am here for."' Although the man's â-¼(doe, aii^ and maii- ner altogetiier were terribly vulgar, ttiere was no resisting this at aiyrate Snsan could not resist It, and her teats broke otit In earnest, and thanking -him warmlyiahe Invited him to be seatsd and stay a whOe with ns. " It's what I came for, ma'am. If yon will exouse my saying se,^' replied Mr. Soate. "I oame to talk thh^gs ovw irith: Mr. Matteyâ€" and yonrself of oourse â€" and to see If we can't do something to make matters Btralght I'm In rathor a large way of business myself, and have friends who are very inflaentlal. They could make room for a dczsn like Mr. Matley, and be glad to get such men. Yes, ma'am, glad to get them, for men like Mr. Matley are ^t to be fonnd at the corner of- every streo. I saw him in business, ma'atn I know what heisoapaUe of, and will take oara that others know it too." " I am sure I don't know how to thank you for this diBlnterested kindneoa," began my poor wife " to strangers toe, who"-â€" "Then don't thank me, ma'am," blunt- ly interrupted the other â€" " don't thank me, at anynte till I have done something more than talk about my good- will. As for bdng strangers, ma'am, I don't Intend to raawln a stnuiger any longer. Tbit la niot a time to stand on a lot of caromony, and Ned Scale never oared for ceremony. He'a a plain John Bull, he Is.â€" And noir, gover- nor" â€" ^thls was of ocurse to me â€" " though Mrs. Matiey probably dont go hi for scch things, I have taken the liberty « f bringicg round a single bottle of sherry, if the quality can be beaten in all liottdoir, I can only say I havd nevtir seen 1(he quality to beat It. ' Suiting the actions to the words, he drew from one pc cket of hii long overcoat, which was white or drab, and made him look like a grizier, a bcttle of sherry and thisit he produced a knife with a number of blades and odd appurtenances, among others a ooik- ccrew. All this was utterly opposed t9 onr habits. We cued not for drinking at all, save otu meals and wine we drank but rarely. We, however, were hesitating, and restrain- ed by a fear cf seeming ungrateful to onr new friend. He had no s art of hesitation abont him to while we faltered, he had oallod Lizzie the servant, whp at his com- mand brought two out of the few odd tum- blers wh'cti were left, with a wine-glass. " Depend upan it, ma'am," said he, aa he handed the glau to my wife with his pelit- ea) abTf In whiohâ€" nngratefol aa I felt It was to notioe it-i-I could not sfea at that mo- ment refirain from s^eeing something of a swaggerâ€" " depend upon it tiit^titt %lint thing yon oior do Is to give way. lam stare if yen keep up, your husbsmd will keep np alio. Why, ma'am, I have been In ^xes tweni^.tipi»a worn than ttiis, tVfiity^ tlq»es over, and I have get but of them'â€" and here I am my own mastw, and oaring for no- body, â€" And now, ma'am I" oontjnned Mr. Ssate, " I have maoU pleasure in drinking your health, with prosperity to yon and yonr wcrthy hnsband. Why, In dayjlto come. We shall have many ai laugh over these times.â€" Your very gooid healths, both â€" Yon must not think, ma'am," obntlnned onr visitor, " that~I haveintnided npon yon for nothing, or just tossy a letr nnmwanlng words far from It. As I told yen iwf ore, I have heard all about the shamefol way in which Mr. Matley has been treated, and I have spoken to some frioids already In his behalf. I hope yonwHl not think It was taking too great a liberty.*' â€" My wife as- sured him that he added to tne obligation by doing so.â€"" And I am pleased to tell yoa, jna'aip," he wenton,^ "that there ia soaielUng'meretlianabIuuiM of 'uopen- iqg^: lamnptanthoriaed to makeaa ofbr to-a^t, and thsrefore, looking at fha naat- torpanlyinik boainaai light, loof^t la hfkvasdd a«tiiing abeat tha ^^r nntfl|I waa ao «athoriaaa. Batâ€" If yon will azonaa myMybigMâ€" I was so ahoqkedat seeing •^Glad of it I" TiSSft'^tam uikiVuM glad; I do pefckBOwjMir |o^euiifc|Mdnrf- JutlHlm\ tmk aaMm^' tooi iottble th* dior, aad aahert ooawB t a M mUafHim thprV)eniiM_t6 tha breakfaal^nkift uliMr, she sud 'HJh, "ffyda plMse,~mnmrVi a gentieman aa wants to aee the apartsaints." " SaO tha apartments ?* we both aehoM. " On, he oaajt. Tell him, Msalo."â€" " No, na l^oiaaenae 1 Ezonse me for the bktetmptfen," said our new friend â- but If I weroyon, I should haye hUvfa, end aae wliat he is like I should ihdaod. It may ooms to nothing, ef ooono Imt Wn aohaaoe, and my msxim In liBsinaBaBi, nav«r to throw a ohanoeaway." (TO Bi obHtisnntD Justin the Bfipk of Tiflie. "Gentlamaa," nrgsd a, merchant at • nwating of "â- o«od»W. "l*'li»« f^ week mffa,anll wiUbaable n p«X.y«ndl Infnll,'*;.;,. -v.. .,/.;. r.u^^ demairt^. 'JJh^iV* JWb»P»W»* »• ofthattimaf'r v^,. " My^M U to be boyoottsd tomaa^w mwntaig.^/ J â- •. •â- SNUW 'M JirilJMiViHa t uffULii ;i L. C. WIDEMAN CO. Aadk aitiAds of Prad Wiadow-Sash Loeksi Step laddeis. els., eto. Modaif-lldiiBr. mta^ttomt sad Oaipeatsitac arSmsD lOB FBiOB^LiiT. ' ..'r-..- .-.. .wl^'^^*»«^- i' ,»o.nio a.' i, Winters J imi-.c liDidCart, i i #• wihthm .-' L.J ONES WO O D EN G RAVE R iQ King 3' la'jT TORONTO Patent iTempelred Steel Bog;:; Cailriage Gears. Our "Jnmp SesV Body oaEelipseOeaimselsAlth a ready sale, and niidas a Ucht, haadsome, dni»1)la and usMul oeaTeyaDOe. Bfcus easy with one ot four Basssajsiri and chsngsd fiem a siaii^baaTto a donUe oamhge qnlokIy«tad eoavealaatiy. Ask yon oaiifaie sakei lot parMealaib Oatalogoe asailed SB aroUcatton lb J.B. ABBISTRON6 Vfg. Co* CLAU GUELPH, CANADA 'DLUnCK lEHITBS, BX^YK OUITKH, 8IAV â- r Jeloter, ohaese mhc, TSneer, leathai spUIUar n o M f mnm ms w Ij Wt, leaenlM, aad nltof b^mMb knives e* best tratm, naaiCsaimid tqrfMa Hai^ Oalt Maohine Kioif e woiksi jBall, Out 1 send tot pries IM !l ^,.i SALt ABOARD r^ORmT ASKATOOH The Boaid ot Dinolon ol the Tempenuioe OolOD- lz»tion Soolety (Limited) nqnest that every Scrip Oirner this season jtfeOttiM land in the Oolony to whtch his eorip enjpsf Uph; The resident atfiilatnUNe Jaw Is Mr. John A. Whllmore, and tfee randaal agent In the oolony is Mr. Ihomas Oopbnd, BaSfeatocn. A, O. WBIZB, Fresidenl.' 0. POWBLL, Manager. [^ Society's Offices: 114 King St. West, Toronto. Toronto. 24ih April, 1886. i£ip^Iaiie Mai Jail stmsMps. BsilM wing wfaMi from^oMl •»' jweis "^innday, AH BooIrJI^TeTy BsMtrday to UvokmS. aiais anmoiei from Qnebeoerery Sfttorday to LiTerpooI. omlliiui ht Lon- donderry to land malls and pusenoen for Sootland an Ireland. iJaotrom Baltimore, Tia Halifax and St J'obn'i, N. T.«taLlven)ooI fortni^tly dnring tnmmer moctka. The tSSaneri^fite QlaSow Wtoi s « dniWrKlntei to and^tramlllaUtaz, PiiHan4,;BoiH« andnfladal nhla: and doBng moupeSjbetiMen (muow and Mon treSl. we«kly, OiawmiMd Boston, meUv: wdOlaa gow and FhUadelphU, f ortnlgnUy. Vor freight, passage, or other infonnadcn apply to A. SobunwoBer A: C!o., Baltimore 8. Cunard ft Co. Halifax Shea ft Co St. John'a N. F;. Wte.'Iliomson ft Co., Sit^ Jdin. N. B- Allan ft Co.,. Chicago LoVe ft Alden, New Kork: H. Bourliert Toronto: Allans, Bae ft Ca, Qadieo;i,Wm- Bnapkie, Philadelphia H, A. I CURE FITS When I ny care I do not mamn merely to itop them for k Bmaud tbip luve tbem return again. J, mean a radical («;«. I haVytaade Um diaaase orn^^jEPILErSY or FALL- UreaOSl^Sa Ilff-lopg atxA^. I ^(itaiikmyremedfi to cnre tha worst coBea. Because other8*hftT0' failed U no raaaon for not now receiving a 'cure. Send at once for a treatiia and a Free Bottletrt my InfaUiblp remedy. Olt* Bxpraaa and Foat Offlca. Itcoala ^on nothlnc^ fo^a tiUI^ and I witl cure you. ildilreaa D'H. S.~R(gra THEKINGOFBtACKING •SOLD EVERYWHERE- T« Woodworkirarst Cfuventen, c 111 ti Paten«:PliBket Pelntthc Shaping HaeUne. This macfhine will make one thousand 01 more outs par hour, and a boy oan do the woik. it will pay for Itself in oweek. It dan be adjusted to out iaive or small pickets wiH also out eqoars plokets. %iis maehine can be adjusted to oat in any way desind. Seed ior oiranlar. Active agents wanted. Sole agents tor the Domiaion ot Otnad*. Tobohto Piccbi Wnta {teo»00k.-151 Blvet Stteat. Someto. I 4 UOKlKCST-WEjT ^J Toronto Mention. Thlm Paner CONSUMPTION. I have a paattlTaremedy for tbea1:ra diaeaae br ItiSaa thonaandaofcaaesof the worst klhuau'l of long atandlBC have been anted. Indeed, ab .atnag la my.IUthtn tta •fflcacy, that I xrlil land TWO.S07TLE3 FBEE, tesatbar with a VALUABLE TBEATISE en'thi* lUMhaa to any ioffarar. Olve expreia andf Q. addrma.-' DB. T. A. SLOeTJll, Br|iEli.(lce, 37 Timor St.,TO(iiito. Jw!iMff».?7 's^si:???** L D. SAWYER OML â€" UHUMCTDBSBS OV^ "LeD.St" ENGINES. Awarded FIBST PRIZE. 1885, at PnTinolal Fair,' London) Oenlial Fair, Hamilton, and Northen ralTnWirilssrtCfB. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" ,,; SE P A RKTOH^i •«Kltlc*'awse^we«Mpv «,«,«, IkStad IS FowsM. for I* t aad S JMrsM. Ui^t »eara«ors, tar Br e a d and Sweep- â- -â- • â- . Pewets. .,...' " ' Oi^fawtMvIUasttKlsaBitf OBttfogaa Piloe Us^ l^^UFAGTUBBBS ANB MILLERS WJLLL SAVE MONEY !»: USING iiis Isui^ Oil. ,â- â- V..; t • â- ••" .-.»â- â- • i. n SMS snaTOti wm im no oHwr. iâ€"i ' fr â- BreitT-Bsml Cna i s Bl sed. " tl^f Ura ihe a*to â- amdiMCiBleMef ^e;c» wm^tam CylJiMlffr, JJagUie, Wool aAd â- amcm •Hi.'M JSSW^ BROa CO .. T8R0liT0. ftUNLIOHT** Bnuid, Aaoot la tho •:6mi? LE iBRAMD i|OTS 4Mp SHCWS. Wearins, FIttihg, Looking ly 't-- oTKMijtor Â¥ IN THE MARKET â- teryi^iUb' aaidi ivchr kox TbewnptUsiCpglo [Of* I AS niii^V|i4SM. ' T- rii-ii.iiir imiMiiiaitaaaariimasaiiai iMiiiliiililMiiliiltliiliiili^^