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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 May 1886, p. 6

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 \n n â- â-  L-li hi V m i Ik n: ^1- ' h' M. R OB thd uuntntWf toMititlahii pbM of prav,' Mid Mn. 8. an giHag hn fint ordar, "Oh, ao," Mid Mr. S.. ' aqr BIMMH7 b goad." ^Wd. ttm. a tpool of 60 OoMoo'a bUok lh%£^ *• Yea." «* A yard of not too ll|^t aad not loo dark calloo." » Tlalaf hoiroejpathio rnx Tomloa pallata, a â€" " ' Walt a aaoond," aaid Mr. S., ooantiiig on hla fiagara. ** Aod a bottle of vanilla aztraot and a yard of triple bex-pUted orepe Una ;hia hat and waa nufiM) il9f4'i* atatien. What the poor jain-wByH/llma waa a yard of bedttdcing, three yarda of blaok nanKeaBf^aaDn^D^Draaii, â- ^jpMMOwi -green yam, aizty apsola of ooat thread, a yud of very blaok oalloo, and a pint bottle of homce- opathio piOh :** Ilieaa, My deMv" ftioiHng down hla package trlom^hantly, " I don't think .yonll find a thing miafdng. Who aaya a man oan't do ahoppbig I" ' TAME 7I0LSNT DEAtuS. ttaptNatM lif eponing a barber aheptiAai Iliad ** a ahaTO and a hard b •aneanti." P^D An ezpwa trafai ^1k»!Pwi#i, Vermont BaOway dMliei| iamid..MarTe the other day. and^iSSSa^MaAlS^te a herd of B«m« 'WrfW%S'K^ilag» Five anfanala wan kfllad, bat tht train did not leave the taHa. hl^ degree of oreife. sSt la.Je8oifbed. aa Tory weman^ awl hiadaMM withdL A writer in tiie Beaton Trcuucripttxji!\alaM to hia own Miiafaetiatf how tiie BlaM eateia chew andawdlow glaaa. He. Ihinka'AlMv adneate tiieir throafeiaa doM the aworfl awallowte, and tlfan fntreddee a tnba whioh reoelTM tte gUH and holda' it vtfl itoan be removed withont detection. Geeri^ l^antera km a good many crowa and the way^ of doing it la thoa deaoribedr ' Catch one of ttv|bird% tie it to yenr body, and walk thrbngh' ^e field with ^nr ^ua oooked and finger on^tho triggar. Oie otea of the bird will oaoM othera of ita tribe to flock aromid yon and they can Im eaaily allot. " warda of Spmi^ld, Maw a Fquer olnlr called ** Wiaaenachaftliohedartoffelpfann«B- knchenvereln." One of the by-lawa reqnirea that amemb«|mutip«)lltho nam«r^f the clab after ev«^ ifilat. K4M(hkp«B#«R cor- rectly, he la Bober enough and thiraty enongh for anotter drlnk^ A IbbiEboyii bKiobolHvUle, k^tpltqied at hanging the oiher day, and indaoed Wal- ter Cluke, aged 12, to be the hangee. He atnck hia bead in the nooao and a Iwy kick- ed a barrel oat from under him, and tiian hla oemfianlona ran away and left Walter klokirg in the air. He waa cut down by paaaing men, but waa nhoenaoloua for aever- al hours. A box waa received at the U. S. Govern- ment Redemption effioe the other day Which contained aorapa of burnt paper, which the aender aaid had been bllla amounting to flO,- 000^ which had accidentally been burned uid which he wanted redeemed, It did not take an expert long to determine that the contenta of the box were piecea of conunon writing p»per and a few two-dollar billa that haid been bomed and mixed; The aixteen-year-old daughter of William Ferdyoe of Wabaab, Ind., rather enjoyed the company of AI. Watkine, a bartender of that town and a married man. One eve- ning recently while the twain were walking together Mr. Fordyoe overtook them, ana with a pooketknife cut Mr. Watkfaia ae bad- ly that he la likely to die. Fordyce, who haa been arrested, Mys that he waa only doing hia duty and waa protecting hia dangh- ter'a good name. A Spaniah veaael laden with molaaaea went aahere on the Florida coaat acme daya ago, and all bnt one of the crew eacaped, thanka to the aaaiatance of the reaidents of that neighborhood. When the wreck broke up and caska of molaaaea began to come aahore, the Captain and the crew atood by with axea and broke them np aifaat aa they came within reachf refnaing even the empty caska to the men who e» reoently helped aave their Uvea, Aeronant Wells of Indlanapolla Mya that he once made aaascwt from Buenoa AyreOr^ ^sX havn efiha kry ItWM anffiflleBt I'fmoJTsm'K and whUe^ar above the La Plata Biveraaw waa found by Lonhtberry the aun act. Soon after the wind ceaaed and the baHeon went down to the walpr. So tlirew out all ballaat, and then, dtting in the booa, cut. away the car. At ttJe ttie balloon ahot up to anoh a height thi^ the â- on, which had aet hoara Dtferat t6 Qie per- Bons below him, again appeared. The effect waa aa S the aun waa rldng in the weat. Mra. Mary Pollard la called a repreaenta- tlve woman of Maine, She Uvea fa Skpwhe- gan, and inperfatenda a farm of 200 aorea. Last aummer, bealdee dobg her honaework, ahe made batter and oheoM to atsll i^id ^okr cd and canned more berrlM tiiian ai^ one elM fa ttiat neighborhood. ' Thtenghyfa'g ahe milked fourcowa ovwy night and took all the care the piga and heaa. She lives five milea from the church, bnt ahe goes there regularly every Sunday. She raada the paper daily and ta a well-informed and vigorona old lady. Iaafnan appean to be ezeeptioaaI|y pre- valent m Keanebeo county, Mafa^ and fa Martha's ViBtyaird. A recent aoientifie fa. veatigation bt'tiie nuitter ihoWa that h'beCh diatriota there ia abundant evidence of her- edity and MpeoiaDy ataviam. In the fain- Hiea afibotedtlMre were alae fonnd bUndneas, insanity, idleoy and deformity, and fa acme oaaea a long lustory of oonaangnineal marri- agea. InMartha'aT^neyardftedialrlbMiiB ofdeafhesa osineidea with tliat ofi' pa^tafa aeUi, and its eaatem bonndai^ ia tabo the typhoid fever line. Tobacco blindneM la booo w h ig a oemnw^ affliction, ^t preaaa t ttere ate aeveial per- aona under treatment for it atone Laaden hcapital. It firat takMthe form of color blfadnesa, the aoffiuera who have amoked themaelvea into thia cenditi« being quite unable to diatingniaih the color of a piece of red ctotii l^ld op before them. SoMier' the vlotia 1mm hia qradght al|qgfl|^e^ Although amoking la to a large extent the cauae of the malady, and ao givea it ita name, heavy drinkfag is also partly reapon- ilble. David Van Dyke of Maaon, Ohio, 70 years old, owns a houM and lot, and tiiat'a all; and ewes a large debt contracted by gofag seenri^ for a friend. Aaloogaa Mrau Van Dyke lived the houM and let could net be attached for the debt, under the Hemeatead Exemption law. Bat Mra. Van Dyke died a abort time ago. and anit waa at once brought agidnat the widower and the Sheriff adveitiaed tk« pcopw^ f o(r aale. Under the Ii^^ Van Dyke conld not now claim a4iome- atead, m fade wlto had died, and he had no minor children or ifamarrled daughter living witii him. The only way of Moape wm to marry agidn, he ttou^t^ and eo he went to Cinoinnati aad called onaovwral woman be- fore he fenad oa* to anit him. Aft but he hit oaMiMMay Jww*. why waa willing, and thof war* MBRiad tlM 6 A of last naatta. That WM bat a few dafi belen the day fixed for tha Bilib MAtiM pcoeoadiaga fa »aaa. itaaaaa â- Â»â€" The oaM wm mTEiIIm OMHaoa PloM Goort, A â- nahaa* mia Ua Iflfte, WU BMtlier'a Heykew and â- inaselt. The partioulan of a triple mneden at L.unaberry Station on the Deleware, Lack- awanna and WMtem Baiiroadk fear mllM. east of mohols, lloga County, 'have' j oat been leaned. At the atation mentioned there lived Horace^ Lonnaberxy andiwife»- and with them lioi^oe A PaydfiB»'l«ii|iliSR; whowMafavorlte witii the old people, m tbfjhjA^^hmrj^ fMar^n. Horace Loansoeri7*a brother, JNbrman, age fifty- two, the prfaelpal fa t^ tragedy, mvoiiJ yeara ago parted from hla jMe, loat his property and sface has drifted about, livfag for some time fa Elmlra. ' After a time he went to hi' brother's faim to. live. In Daoeinber he married Min Praawr, age seventeen, and begatt housekeepbg fa a small house near the home of his brother, the latter supplyfag him with money. Nor- man is represented m beins jaaleas, becauM Horace Lounsberry shewed m Much favor to the nephew Horace and thia with a quarrel whiph occurred^ yeaterday between tne murder and the latter about a hone ia thought to have led to the tragedy. About 8 o'clock thia morning Fiaaoea Pay- ion, a sister of Horace, noticed Norman Lounsberrv going Into thf wepdihed of the house with a gar. Shortly afterward a report was heard and her feara were arous- ed as Lounsberry had been heard to threaten her brother's life. She and Mra. Horace Leunaberry ran out and f^pnd Horace Pay- son lying dead where he ha^ been shot while plougblDg. Constables Cbarlea L. Dunham, of Nichols, and Spencer, ot Tioga Centre, were sent to arrest Lounsberry. On breaking fato the honae, Leunaberry waa found lyfag fa the centre of the room with ths top of bis head bldvb off and thcbleiidiadJbiabii aoattirA. ed all about on a bed. In a back room wu fonnd the body of his wife with a gunshot wound bade of one ear. Tae following note Sendfor Allen O. Lennabeiryft* eome and tidMbkfe 6f ^itte, to '^nMf,: I ain crasy. May God have mercy on my aouL I have a hope beyond this world and have prayed for Him to have mercy on my aoul/ Onaof ttte horset wm woniidM by the firat shot which misaed Payaon. Notwith- staadb^g Louubeny'a rti«imsat MM li* wM crasy. It ia believed thht he WaaoanM- lesaly Jealoaa of Payaoii. ' IM MSM â- â-  " '" " â-  "Keep Toar Month Bhnt." Dr. Hall aivlsM every one who goM out In the open air from a « arm apartment, to keep the. month (hut while walking or rid- Lag. He i aye Before yon leave the room, bundle up well glovea, cloak, and comforter abut your moutii before you open the atraet deer, aad keen it resolutely clos- ed aatn j4a have walkai brUly for mom ten mfautM then, if yen -keep mi walklni or havf reaohedyoor hAlw, 3Bia;auy ^a'kai much M ycru pleaae. Notaodofag, many a heart once happy and y^nng now IIm fa the ohnrohyard, that might have been yonna and happy atllL Bnt how! If yen ke^ year month oloaed and walk rapidly, the afar oan only reaoh tte lunga by a ciranH (tf the aoMaad head« and becoaaM Wftfaied be- fore reaohfag the lunga, thus cauaing no der rangemenk but if yon convnae, large draji^te of 4oId air dith difeotlY fa aDon the^fangi chBlU^Ihe IramtfiMH^t^ ly. The briak walking throwa O* blood to tneauifaM ef the body, thoa luieplng np a vigorooB droulation, «iaklnga ceu iamee- slble, if yon don't get fato a o^ badte* quickly after yon get huM. Negleat of taeae preoantiena bdnga aicftnesa aad pre- mature death to mnltitudee every year." Eow he Popped tiie Qoeatioxu I WM anting tiie afae of Imogene, meditatfag upon the bMt manner of oomfaff to the pobit, when she took ap an oraue that Jay. sm the Mbl«. » i'^, *. qafred. I assented, bat my mind wm niHUag more on orange ftofvaia tlwubnlt. What she waa thlnlfagbf I bsa^Vih^ Sde divid- ed the orange Into two parte, and gsve me one. A sadden, faapbation oame open me "Oh, Imogmel" aaid I, •• J wUh yra would aerre mt m yon have thia orange." " What do yon meanr ahe askedqnito Innocently. W^, yen have halved the orange now won't yon have me " I am a niOa eUlvfcai m to ;rtM» fellewed for tho aS^lMr "'•â€"TTf 'otvl ilTjL her that aomehewlfoaad my mooatMie fa "••^•**i««P^ Waaratobotfar- liod oady fa a* SanuMr. 1 fa tttoOU«Ulpiitt pdtimp^^^ ' ^•muft teaohora fa Ontario, who* «MiwtiiB'28M «i- war* e iiiiJwj rti*. Ai4he ead ef 1883 thebpodtfOM ir*r* laverMd, th«r* bebg 1.200'iBoi* iriimm thaa aton engaged fa thia This hvoftid^ ft* gwaft â- h*wMi faboeahi; raacoM hM lelBiaed U* amam^ UC thenrovlBM ef Maidtobai fkoter to pNveat wcmsa from eatorfag ata^t« On* waMaif Umaw ia ddiy at- tendaadaaad defag remarkably w«IL^ ia the pravfaM ei Ontario ttif wMlt^Jeat aad moat Important fa the Damuloa, the wemea have for yeatrmad* oemmeadable and coatfaaed e ggrte to aafa admittaaoe to atteaded to faoty^ laat arfatiBr:^"'^ey de- mesatiaft^ ft tt* axamaaatfawr that they were fnUs.oapable.'of JMgMqnu^ work whIoh tbqrlMafidibttlilfk^S Wii»i# them paaaed with hoaora, two of thsM carr^iag off gold medalst wlule aaether new' onio^a the dbtinotlon ef befag the flrriS V«m^ ia the previaoe who hM qualified for the^^iMl- tion of nbdpal fa the hlfh adhoiohC or ocd-. legiato fiitiiatM. ' ^Llleif •! tfWM faott ft la not larpriUog iHftt 1|it.4Q0.se9%q^an7«t tending £" naiveraity ahbiud treat the do2SBladrea with the greatrnt reepoot and conrteey. No doubt their number will be ]ar|a» ^^umidted fKia iifator. ' The ezMET- m«ii^WM#i^lif1»fth 'upkn fa Ck* mm4 ohMkM Uk beeir so Mfiafaoto^ fli^t th» government and the ooUege cenncil are pre- aeade^/^Twr government DM^i^i^viM an cffident :8nperintendent for them, and If they dlatingniah titemaelvM M in the pMt wfatar they will eajay still grmter advan- tages. At the laat matrioiilatlon examfaa- tion twenty-one glrla li^^illed. Among thia number wm a colored girl, who will attend the college. McGill Unlveraity, of Montreal, which firat opened hs doera to wem;n about a year ago, hM received another munificent donation of ^.000, maktag In all wmethiag over $100,000 favMted fa that city for the higher education of women. Progreia ia alao befag mtde fa the medical education of women, Beth the Kbgaton and Toronto woubn's usdical oollboes have had an facreased attendance during the PMt wfater. The former ia dindvan- tageoualy located, bnt thia ia more than compeuMted for by the fact that it la en a decidedly better finanofal baaia than the latter, IthM, too, a more liberal charter, befag oontnlled by wemeui consequently it hM the largeat patronage. In a word, it la a women'a college, while the other la large- ly a man'a college for wcmm. The bnainess oollegM have each year an inoreaaed attendaaoe of women wh* are gradually bcconung more popular fa effisea, atores, eto., than they were acme yeara ago ladeed they are becemiag more nnmerons fa all plaoM where skill ia of more faoaporteaoe than mnade. The bee fadnatry la growing rapidly fa Canada. Thia la largely owiag to the atten- tion it hM tfoeivad from women daring the PMt few yeara. I very much regret that I canuot fumlib, Mreqneated, the atattaMoal information m to^ f mploymeatcf labor, oto. Mo addltien- alfiguNi fa tUadq^artaant have been fnr- nlahed by the Oovwnmssit afnio the pnbll- oataon ot my report laet year. Ho irorer, fremthaabovoitwillbo Modllyseea that our women have advaafagM that will oem- pare favorably with tiuMo of any oonntry aimUar fa popnlatlon and wcal They have, I think, no oaaM to be Mhamed of Canada. !f If men i^onld remember tnaca woman Jis^'iSi}^^^ "Til If each watf «a kla^ t? .tlio,ot|ier m when they wer* lovwa. umm wM»m ^M^iMfSm a«|i)g tttOUghtido^fiiliuiMMroA. -^ ' •n both foflieo :ieaB0PbfMi«4rÂ¥h*l tiioy married for worMM well m for bettot. If tker* were fewer allk and velvet atreet ooBtamtora^difiOt* Iplalb, tidy houM ^^rthort were fewer ' p'aais darHiga" fa public, an4.|iy^0(pf|p|pn manner* fa private. .^ «ttadUl£l«1Jtta fiir' BlviSlilH^ ftmJ- ninoidlftof^ mo Inpo were tnmed falo^fthe general ftmd until auch time Mthoy oonld be Incurred w ith*n ft riak. If men i^onld remember that a woman oa thtf d^^zi hM dropped fa, tend a alok baby, tfa np the cut UBger of a two-y*ar old, tie np the head of a aix-«arold re^^.fer fdioplf4o My nothfag of deanlng, aweepbg, dn^t^g. etc. A woman with all thb to contend wttn mi^ claim it m a privdego to look ifadfoel tired Mmetimei, end a word td ayapathy would not be too much to expect from, the man who, during the honeymoon, would net lei her ottry M much m a aunahado. DIAMQAVS OF TEOnOHT. â-  «â- Â».* SpeokM yon ti^k^ b» whftryOti an, pay year deMf of all Jiinda... I p^erto 1^ oim- ed M" eoohd- and "^aolvent, ud m^ word m good M my bond, and to be what cannot be skipped, or diaaaplfad or nDd8rmfaed,to all the eelcU fa the unn^rM. â€"Emerson. We do not alway tfs^work wiaely or well. Some attempt too many thfaga, and ao ao- oomj^lsh nothing aatisfaotorlly wme at- tempt what they are not' fitted for, and thereforo fall; while many p*M their en- tire Uvea fa an easer and aervoae atrafa, al- ternated with frenul drapoadcnoy, becanse they cannot roaoh the Impoadblo. An idle word may be nemfagly harmloaa fa ita utterance but let it be fanned by paadon, let it be fed by tiie fuel ef mtooonceptlen, u evil intention, of j^jadloa, and It will soon grow fato a aweepfag fire that will melt the ohalna of human friendahip, t|^at will bum to ashes many cherished hopes, and blacken more fair names than one. Such honsNmay men bnild for thenuelvM and anch Uvm may they live fa them, that at laat calm ahall be breathed upon the aea f lawleaa pasalcn, and the wmtor of the world ahall be changed Into audi halcyon daya that the birda of the air may have their neato fa peace, and the Son of Man where to lay Hla head.â€" i?tw;i»a. How many are f .miliar with the laugnago of the oron, with the torma saorifioo, mU- denial, and self-omdfixion, who know no- thfag praoticaUy of what they aignifiy I The oroH ia made an ornament it Is wrought fa gold and jeirela it hanga fa pfa- tuTM in degant halla, or tips the ooetly church-spire. And yet how tar li all this from true evangelical oroM-bearing, or the meek endnraaM of divlao ohattisoinont, the humble and faithful perfermanco ef pajnfal duty.â€" Dr. Kirk. UllDEE THE SEA. A Mver Wft* rae^cMeOy Met WItk Bead â- edlea. "Did you ever come acroH any dead bodiM fa the water T ' aaked the reporter. "Oh, yes, often," wm the reply. "J have been aeat to aearoh for th^aad I have run against them aBexpeotedIy7 There are acme oftheMtiifags I weald ratiwr aet talk about* but thore are aoai* instenoM d findfagooi^^Uiatl oanreoaU and dea't mfad mentraning. When I wm fa the Irlah Mrvloel went down fa dghty-five feetof water to look after the body of a yoona gentieman who wm drowned when out son- mug in a boat witii hie aweetiieart. W twj«tworocko,wltii tiiogamThig lyfag "Another time when I wm diving off tiie tiie bottom I notioed an object leanfas ^8^ on^ef ti!M dock pUM, which ItooS «n.SriMdi stoavera. I want up to it^ Sff^^Ai? ^^Z^.^'" fiSmtemSS iVaadtiteghMUyfaoo- ddead«anbob. bed up doee to my own. I recovered from my horror fa a aomtet, aOd^to^ the buiTv fa my arm. «d brought htTSiMrtS? JjPWTodtobetii. bJdyef amST wholS diaappeared Mme time Sefore. nnlf iV" .^ «•** to get naed to mMting queer thfags," ha oondnded. "Dosd^mS are f ordgnera niiaer tite eea m aadi aa^ dlv«ra are, bat tiieia .ro Mm* ef tt! «Si2; attacked by aavkiad ofafiab. butlhw! mrt *orn. diai tial m.d* nS fad „pK KSS kifo'fal'StSK^ •N«rt, d£bh •lw.,0 a oi.M» .1 hh wJM:*,,1!5~^ Paoperthelfoyelitt. The fnileat ^baad wOl draw a maa to hla deatiny. Cooper became a novdiat through his wife's challenge to make good a boMt. One eveamg. while he read a newnovd dM- criptive of Eagliah aodoty. he throw it down Myfafi* "I bi^evo I conld wilto a bettor book myself." " Let me bm yen de it " Mid hia wife, with a amile. In a few daya he had written a few chaptors, which she and Mvend friends apprevod. Theb encouragement oanaed him to completo the atory, whioh wu pnbUdied at his own ozpenM nndar the title of •• Preoantioii." -f .. The novel atteaoted little attention from the reading jpabliok bat it gave the young writer aofadklfagef hia oanadtyfor atory- writlag. Durfag the fdlowlM year he wrote aad pubUahel " The Spy," whidi ap- P?f»«l««^"teengly totboDKMotfaaympa- thlM.of hit oooatrymen ttatltboMmo a onM ageaeialfaTorit*. The wtto'a ohallelige-^-4ntaBded, donbtlsM to spur him to nao the talent ahe knew he p o BMaM d ma de him the anth«r of thirty- two woite of fiction, fita mere than Soott wrote. MdieredMkto read-to hle honsekeeper portions of tiio comedy he wm writing, that ha aJghtl«aKa»Jl^mi)a effect lia^y^pi^ ed on her, whether or not the piece would pleaae thop^bUft IfalMaeemedto bennfa- tweeted, he did not bharge her with atnpid- ity he eroMd the paawge. If ahe fanahed Sir Walter S of the •*L»dy man. VHewl orittc, imd Soott profited^, by ^Ahi iiti On the. that great • ^^^ fona hare and tifJ*** Be*rbyred*Iij5?*«i AgdntiieAarJJJtei Jra gWMdroiJJ^i â- till water »»t»«Iii '••* dT olpit9ua bUiTj k*? **ffi! ttoogh f«n,:d^Jȣ «?,• »aMnB;g,wtwi!;i|W«* Weeks efsteaeliJ*»«iiL, fcmfag other Btthte^M Mmeotti»ei,»tn,2lLi!?**i toe,wnpl|,rl?J^ T»^»g views dfiii'T?'.*! :j^\ •â- Bnuner day is thi» T"" whenUght/oud, fl?*«^ rattait^'Sr. it«pMdltisin,i»«"g«^»lJ a wooded hai, dl SrtH? 'Jl^ilt oratory of natoirelSl2#« frem.doudda,pe„r^*l â- pruce and pfa», ni^^ boat la wafted »lM».U*» everohangfag. WlKSl mellowed by the r.,,^!" peredbythewlndbgwrfi^ olae tec bolsteroM biMhrS^L"' ended dl too soon. °"*^ 'H The Jetdt Petheii. R,«.i.^' JequM, who aocght brt â- Â«?!?? ' head of tiie grMt^,i,7M'2'»S his trust "fa that Privldto^ tt. UtUe birds Of th?2raa wild flowers of the daiert."^*!? ered fato the ♦â€""^^ ?** J "•"Wen wi«dt tJ word, or sign, or soosd eTw 2t' him and AUdle, «1» safc Si»S the ahore. ttrongh the UbyriaftTi and planted the standstd VfS the largest of the nenp. hid ft* l they kdi with Baton ia W {Zi beauty, her purity, enrpnast U more than t«ro centviM iKt, uj k thoaelafands today almortutir when the devont and dtiiu JaS, tLeir ladian goldea fintlt^td mi fa thdr beauty. Civflizitin kai around them; the deipeUu bi/ hM been stayed. Sara lute udi cleared spot, a fiahenntn'i oiUl three or tour lighthouM te gutd th commerce whioh fliwi put tluMB aboies of the few, they ve not s were when earth waa yooag, Long voyaj;^ are mtda tt Tiette! tiM of nature onr people flodtobi ef many seu in search of aoasHflik to atore life's memory, bnt the hp grandear*of Scpirfori ialii tqitlKt^ not surpass, the moat famad inqii ill Old World. whue-TnvPilot" wm pMsligifirbhgh .ttepr^j:^pe,j.eadap,rtloa of It to a ahAm«to;wit whotrho' had bean assoda- ••dwhen a midshipman fa the navy. .ki ^* **°" *•»• dsMription of the ship B boating out from the •• Djvil's Gcin." hiB shipmate became rMtloH. Kisfag from S'A^^Jj^ "«»?^ ?lb»«»4 dpwn tfcuT floor. SFfilNG 8FASELE8. All played outâ€" Open ah otsoati, Bsmaiu to b3 leaâ€" Aay dij itl morgue. Working liae a heraa-rs hvjv dBii| np a conveyance. If a yonni{ man oannot mib i M can make an effort It U the " dnok ef a bauut" tbta a yeuDg girl's head iwiin. " I hear tiut FilUos b daUif " Well, you ooddn't expaet Ua *m pidly." He's had no doctor, ao hr.' ' " AwGawge, heard abestMlWiF dlM Lost, of cawae." "Naw, fa** wediy loat hk paw e'dke! Mmt vekfag, ycu knew." A minister not long sgo mf^,\ the text, "Ba ye therefore la^t* the printer made him ezpoimliroa there for breakfast. ' When a grocer advertli* ««n raiaina, does he include danW I j«ck-sorews. yeast, rope ssdW** pins, and mustard plaatan There wetwothfajp wUJJI wlU not Mt foriuppsr,' "4S«M»j what are tiieyr'asksdUibW. fMt and dinner," WMthsisply' yon toll me wUch o«m*^£" inter next!" '•C^n't, iJr. ' M-f • reot-the constdhktion " ^^" Amuslod exchange hM « "TTJ " What Muiio Teaoheri 8h« joatioe to a long â- "'^iS vSl*' cfaeydiould avdd "Sesst W» poMlbly"SaeS.w."^^^^,I MistreMâ€" " How U «* "Kai bad piece of bed It « f^^, I ^pfiate-"JMtwh»t I*f 5li maSame. Isddlf itwaffcr»»» not have it." ,.,. »»L,Piai»' Some one has sdd ^^^ ' will be completed '""•J^gbnJ* oauM M. de ^^f'X^^^^^ eartii" to *«»«" ,th« A"' MpBWouldgetonfa.fra^**g^, mSve leaa heaven w^"*7.^ip'J*'J Mamma to Bt»y at ^^\^!f':j^t m Bunn^„ii§irVK'5tSto«ent: he'w- fai«»*«iMoo#n'afa«tiite^ •^t's itfvWjhwalt^y Ine fellow, but you have let your jib stand too long J" he "whtaMdjM tf arfreahtfthe «ltor Joo- peraoeeptedj^ (titiokai, ahd ^fajir Us jib outof mother has to send yoBM»^ ^m fa makfag them tfred ofjo»^ ^^ W tall, me she had to •W^JTf^ir Now,.you'Ur«»«p-fi;;»iJ| Ua* toils me night. Harold: " Oh I y« when shdl I comer watch your Bends you, " hkpupBshowteartirnw diould P»w*»^5??;J|(toy. time, and can* "â-  I-N"' AGVrm«.choolj«^iia which WM to ofVJ Md*l* ddldren." laid »Jj57?-» iooBMtiietrdnarrtwirT. wâ€"'M i^^i^ ^J^P^ Kafet el Labor' wdkto w y*"**" ••bofMHaSr IGraadDok* •I* lond M you can 'JT^i^^\ Uraad Dnke m***!,^ pb*^

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