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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 May 1886, p. 4

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 I* S'l i' ^^^ nr^-' Vf ^.Si i mm .IS 1 i The Siaaulard. MAT S7. 1886 THE MTH IN MABKDALE. nM waftthir wu all Uwt oonld be dennd, sod Um oeo^e adiiDR for » bolidftj, ovnMqnently large number 4ook • day's oatiiig. The ealithnmpiang nadeaiadden «xit from l^eir head quartan between ten and devan o'eloek. The front de taehment eompnied a caravan c(m • taining 18 dreeaed eharaeicn with ' taMe infltmmente. drawn bj a pair ef Taylor's liteiy honee m full drees, and led by Captain Gznuistingtyong- aten. «r B. O. W. for short, whose fMily phisique and stem ezpressum were sufficient to at ones beget confi denee and command the respect and obedience of his subordinates. The junicv band took up the rear w an Indian tribe and did their part im mensely while the roniic would charm the heart of a teakettle. The parade extended through the principal streets to the amusement of the citizens and delight of the juTeniles. The general sports commenced shortly alter noon on the agricultural grounds, the brass band adding very materially to the attractions they did their part well and richly earned the numerous eulogies of the people. Over one thousand spectators were on the grounds and everythuig passed off orderly and without accident worthy oi note. nnzB LIST HoBSB Backs. â€" Open Bunnmo; Baee â€" Ist, D. McLean 2nd, Mr. Boderiek. Open Trot â€" Ist, Lou Enapp 2nd, John Bnmside. Local Banning Bace â€" Ist and 2nd, John Carson. 100 yd, race (Professiohals) â€" Ist, £atchnm 2nd, J. Colgau. 100 yd. race (Amatenrs) â€" 1st, B. O. Whitby 2nd, J. L. Alexander. 200 yd. riice â€" Ist, Eetcham 2nd, J. Golgan, Boys under 15 â€" 1st, Willie Mathews; 2nd, John DundaH. Boys under 10 â€" Ist, Ired Dundas 2nd. Frank Hill. Half mile race â€" lut, Ketcbum 2nd, B. L. Stephen. Best Step Dancer â€" 1st, T, Morgan; 2nd, Jas. Moore. Football match between Glenelg and Markdale teams, dale team. A aommmueatiim from • 1*" ham eknmkit camplaulmf of wa StaimAto'a wport of a w«»«»* "^^S given under the auspieaa of Chnrt CbuwhL.A.8. WhanweraadaaJ eommunieation we ware foreiMy atmak wiihtbebmthofaheadltBa wa tohaya at sdiool in our eopy- "Children and fools should Bo4 half dona work." The writer artam judgement on the report, and haatuy mails his decision to aneighbonrg paper for puUication, taking care not to gira OS any intimation that any disaatiafaetion axiatad as to said report. Think of our surprist on learning that sneh was the caaa.through the medium of one of our exchangee, 86 honra after the bahmeeof the report was printed and in the hands of subsenb* era. The writer also inainuatea that had it bean a Metiwdist concert, the report would haye been a R»»*«f length (not leaa than half a oolnmn). Now, the writer, or anybody elae, never s|kw in the SrAiinAan. a report of any concert, entertainment or tsa- â- :^iii* imm. mm HUM. BAZAAB AND OONGEBT The annnal bazaar, under the auspices of tli* L. A. S. of tbe Methodist church, was held in ooe of Haskett's new stores. The stock of articles was not nearly so large as on some former occasions, but a ready sale was effected for most of what was offered, and the results correspondingly satisfactory. THE CONCEBT was held in Haskett's Hall, which was filled by a respectable audience. In the absence of Dr. Sproule, M. P., his oontinued parlia- mentary duties necessitating his absence. Bey. Mr. Casson took the chair, when a lengthy proKramme of a superier order was entered upon and maintained throughout with marked ability, while the attention and ezeellent order was the subject of general mentidn. The choir gare the opeoing piece of first ' and second parts very creditably. Misses Ayers Christoe, Flesherton. sang well and showed good voice culture. • Committed to the Deep " he has a grand bass voice, and won thtf applause of the audi- «nce. Miss Hopkins, of i^lesherton, is a re- citer of rare ability, and an excellent rieader she gave one of each. Mrs. Fox, ef Toronto, appeared twiee and was eneored both times. She has an exoeUent and-well trained voice, and handles her guitar to perfection. Her rendering of "The Cuckoo" brot' down the house completely and justly so. Misses Biohardson, of Flesherton. and Misses Borke Ayera gave very appropriate and well rendered selections. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong's ittstmmeotal was very fine, few beng sufiici- ently up in mnsie to be able to fully appreci- ate her skilful renderings. Mr. James has a grand yoioe, and gave his selection creditably Mrs. Tnmble Mr, Brown gave "I Heard a Voice," which was one of the pieces of the evening. We never heard Mrs. T. do so well, tbo' iFhe alwHy.^d-MS well, and is highly sp, p; eciated. Mr, Aa^ttrson enthused the audi- ence with "The Mardh of the Cameron Men" iis none else e»i do. The tcmoert was a rare treat, to say the least, and ^as the Lest ever given by this bOci«ty. Mesjis. Bey- Wilson and Ayers jgfa^ a tew appropriate remarks, after which the imMeediugs were brot' to a dose by e iiigiuj{ ot tBe -Kational Anthem." meeting, of anj church or society, half a column in length furthermore, we^are prepared to proTe that our re- ports of entertamraents given by sister ohurehes, btve been noticeably longer and more complimentary than thpse of the Methodist church, so much' so that we have been taken to task for 80 domg. The Standabd is not a sectarian paper, and its course in fu* ture (as long as we have control of it) will be as in the past, no respecter of sects. As regards the frequent men- tion of doings in connection with the Methodist church for some time past we have no apology to offer. There has been eartra-ordinary doings owing to ebureh building daring the past year, and as a matter of course, there was necessarily more frequent men- tion than of other churched. Had it been another denomination which was engaged in building, or other import- ant doings, they would certainly have had a eimilar prominence at our hands; and besides, there are often items of more or less importance in connection with other churches which we are utterly ignorant of until they are past and out of date, and doubtless others that we never know, which, if reported to us from time to time (as we have repeatedly requested) we would gladly receive, and cheerfully publish them, but how in the name of common sense are we to publish what we don't know. In conclusion we would say that we have always attended all tbe entertain- won by Mark- ments we conld in our vicinity, even when the managers say by their ac- tions â€" we don't want you or your re- port â€" as in the one in question for. when the customery courtesies to the press is not extended, in the shape of a complimentary ticket, it is conclu- sive evidence that our presence or services are not required. iky jifMi ear MiV, dU^At JJ^^^^STwiUtfQ «!• hort*** •* y S^Sy^ cor M W. fl. QAv^M, tha Btam diaaMa (milamimtMB) haM him aa ita |»fajr, wd on Thnrsdy wrfit, after hot • vaty brief pMsed prtwrfoUy away. Daaaaaad Vaa s haartgr, atrong looUng van whom one would tUnk had fair pros- pectofor longlifis. How naoe^awry to p C || n I I R U^ to tha worda in the good book,| f C R U I L O ««Ba ya aiao ra«^ fa* in aoah «a hour ha ye think not tha Son of man oonietb." Ha laaTaa an almoat mva- Iida wife and tbraa ohildraB. Tha sad aroit caat a gloom ovtf tha whole villa«a. for ha had almoat aiakanad and died bafera all in tha oommumty hitf kaliiabfhuibaia^iU. Saareely had tha aad nawa of death eeaaad ita effeela wpon tha haarto of tha people until the aympathiaa of tha commnnity were dntwn out in another direction, when the ahuraa ia sounded from one of dnr nulla that one of our â-¼lUage boya had been ocaimed. Mr. Will. Campbell, who waa employed in Mr. Bradley'a saw mill, got his hand caught in tha amall button.-aaw, aaver- ing tha most of tha left hand and cut- ting several ugly gashes in the arm up to t^e elbow. Dr. Ch^toe was summonsed at once and dreeaed the wound. It waa thought at firat the arm would have to be taken off at tha elbow but since, hopes are antertainad of savmg the arm and fiaat finger. Bev. Mr. Arkella, of Maxwell, con- ducted the funeral aarvice of tbe late W. H. Colquett. and preached a very interesting sermon in the Methodist church after tbe regular service at the grave. The Orange brethren took charge and consigned the deceased brother's remains to the tomb with Orange honors. A large number of the~ brethren were present. The Flesherton Brass ^and led the pro- cession with very appropriate music. B ul FUEI -IN- 'S f$m. INKS. met toeu. TOYS. Mk^ To ike Pf^ of Markdale remmiiHjf neimty: "•^ Mr. Having availed a Stationery |^ Fancy Ooods' Store in Dnnlop's Block. I hanhy aidioit a abate of public ptt^^ nage. Hoping that euf intseeooias ««. pnrre both pleasant and pi«fiiablt| lam.veqntraly. mi iitti n" A eall respectfully solicited, MRS. CLEHEKT. tVt»» O d'0~0~0~0 6 O O O OOOOOOOCOOOoe 6~S~a~n ANNOIlNCEMENi o o o o_!0_o_p_p_o P_g-0-eLO.-P.-0 o _Q-Q..0-O- q_o_c o'cTTi :oxo: The Hectic Flosh, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. BIRTHS. BuTUEDOE â€" ^In Fort Williiun, on the 22nd inst., the wife of £. 8. Butledge, merchant, of a sen. TO HAND A CONSIGNMERT OP Ready Made Clothing I Cheap, Stylish and Nobbyâ€" in desirable Shades ohI hkA Young men and others who wish an ELEGANT FASHIONABLE OOTFUI Should see my stock before purchasing elaewhen. X BOOTS SHOES Of superior quality made to order. Bepairiu^ done eipeditioiiilj. I Stock Complete in all Departments, (Prices Bigtt WOBTH RBMEMBEBING. There is probably no better relaxing remedy for stiff ioiuts, contracted cords and painful conjestion, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It cured Mrs. John Bid Jell, of Orton, Ont, who was afflict- ed for years with contraction of the bronchial pipes and tightness of the chest. It is the great remedy for in- ternal or externsi pain. MABKDALE. FaU Wheat.... 10 70 to* Spring Wheat 70 to Barley 40 to Peas 64 to Oats 28 to Butter 12 to Eggs 10 to Apples 40 to Potatoes 10 to Hay 10 00 to Pork ..: 5 00 to Flour .8 56 to Wool 12 to »C80 78 65 56 28 12 00 60 15 000 6 75 4 50 12 fliolland Centre. From our ovm eorretpondent. Our station has been re-shingled, not too soon however, as the old ones Gap. Jones gave had became so spongy when dry, that they were in great danger of fire, and in fact did ignite recently b; a spark from a passing train, which was how ever noticed in time and promptly eubdued with a liberal iqphcation of water by the train hands. J. A. Lilbum. are adding a match- er and planer to their saw-mill. This wat much needed. We had in our town a ease of shame- ful wife beating â€" the parties recently married. The boys sa]^ if it is repeat- ed, his lordship will be oompelled to take a swim in the mill pond. The name of our Posa OCBce has been changed to Holland Centre, also the Station, in honor of which some of our citizens had quite a jubilee. The 24th passed off quiet. Those who spent the day here appeared to enjoy themselves until late at night, when some of them raised eain gener- ally, and made the night anr echo with hidious and unearthly noises to the disgust of peaceful citizens. If it repeated, we will publish names. G. M. BR ODIE, M .D., CM., MEMBEB of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. IS'Offica and residence, B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 898-1I FARM FOR SALE. Lbt 8; con. 14, Olenelg, 100 acres, 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance hard- wood, soil clay loam, well watered, log house and bam, and an orchard of 135 good bear- ing trees. This farm is utuated 8 miles from Markdale and 4 from Berkeley, and is one of the best farms in the township. Will be sold on reasonable tenu. For full particulars, apply to NinoirilPnxaife sugar coated, mild hat tUorbioHt. ^nd" ne the best Stomach aad Liver PilJ in use. 18 MAaTELOUS One doie of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cureNSick Headache, Dizzinesa, and Sour Stomach. 1 ta 2 bottles are warranted torcuira Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Biliousness. Sold by A. Tomer Co, May 298-3in GEO. L4HB,)v JA8. ahMoottP.O. N. B.â€" The highest Dilce for Butter and the TOBONTO HOUSE. WM. BROWN. MASON'S (g ABBIAGE WSRKSI is the best plaoe in Grey to procure light oi heavy Buggies or Wagon's. A large stock of picked timber thoron^y seasoned, and the very best of mechanics work it up, cannot fail to nsuit in a prime lot of carriages. All the leading improved styles to pick from An early oall respeetiolly solicited. WM. MASON; Opposite BcvwHstel MABKDALE. Mce to Creditors. PDB8UAHT to 8m. 34. Cap. 107, B. 8. 0. the oraditon and all othen hayins daims agauisk the esUte rf Ifrs. 0« Lamb, 8r., deoeaaed. in her lifetime, of tbe township of Olenelg, in the County of Oiey, Wiiam • who died on or about the Sth day of April! A. D. 1886. are hcnby aotfied te Mod by post, prepaid, or deUrcr to Geo. or Jm. Lamb Ghueott P. O.. the Ezeeators of the dMseaaed on or before THE 218T DAY OF JUNE, 1886. Their diristiaD and aanuunes. adiienea and de8arqtion. the fuU pMliealam of their daim«^, statement •! ttor aeeowits. abd Aenatunof thesesontiM (if any), held by them or in dfifult thereof and mi^tL Jy after soahJastiiMned date, the assets of the said-BMate wiUbe distriboted among t^ Parties entaUed thereto, ngant bdnghriTonly to the damis of which notioe shaUhwebS will not be hable for the said assets orury ^•^"fflf' **1^ pa«Ma ar^ehewi eUa. nohee shaU net have been rwwived aa aW said,attheti«e«f.Mhdirtrib|itiou. Dated this mk day «f May A. D. 1886. JAMES LAMBr^f^^*«««*«' M8 301 GUttoottP.O. l^xM^/ Spectacles and Eye-(}li ^ARE THE ONLT i ffft GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICI'B' â€" m THE RJNli Pebbles are kept m stocit TESTS ARE GIVEN TO PURCHASERS TO PROVE ^â- 00 itedftfc They are reoommendad^ and teetmionials h^^^j^^^.'^ftbe-- Preiddent, Vioe.P»«a«it,Ex.Pre8ident and Ex-Vice-Pro8id^»^,tfi*^ Association of Cam4it the President of the College of ^^r,^"^^^ geons of Quebec Uie Dean of the Medical Faculty olht^*^ scot* *^ President and Bx-PMeidents ol the Medical Conncil of f^on tbeir T hese f ebommendatibne ought to be sufficienb to proro botit fiirtber ffroof imeeded, call on j^j A. TUHM^IUlo., hemists nJ If^'JJ The only place in Town where they can v^ SbectActlBs Pitted on Scientific Prin

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