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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 May 1886, p. 2

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 11- Al ^1; H i it, • iioi I: Mi I i i* i FABM. i- ter farnkhad thantha gimt majority af ooeui oanian. It â- won the Ain tn oan mwitiina law* provide for floata and rafti is addition to the boati bat aa they have no Ma-coing •teanuo, exoept aloag the ooatl» the travel- ing panliB doee not bant fit by their fore- thought. An Engliih iuToator raggeati that a number of hollow iteel floats, eadi eighty feet tqoare, mfght b« anohored in mld-eoean, bearing lizty foot Ught-towera. Iheae might be only a few hnndred milee qpait, and wonid Mrre aa liarboia of refnge in the event of ditowreoki aa well aa plaoea for tlie feranmianen of aliipping-newa, by telegraph, and tm weather atatfona. The oable oompaniea oonld afford to pay the ex- penae •! roiioiDg tiiem by the aaving that wenld be efieoted in the nae of reUy inatm- menta. Ofoonrae, tiiia woaM neoeaaitate the aUpa keq^ing en one route goliw and ooming. Undoubtedly aometiiing of thia kind will be done in the ooorae of time. Indeed, theee artifioial ialanda ndght be need aa aanitarlama, aa i^vn are certain forma of alokneaa wldoh are benefited by the^Ut eoeaa bre*z!«. ICudBationte IGlk. Thniiri^fie Talw oi flHii, blip atol bria to eaialinliiT far mOk nnidaoiianisannot h^ woU stafead; It wwddT depanl open the qnalitgraChaf, etrakr wniidka ac ether ferage fa4«Wi Uisnu Oer%. ev ii^at ia mnA hettar, ladian maifl, ahiie le toe lati^ tening to be fed f oi- n^k, aa Ita tandeoi^ ia to make fat and flaah rather tlian mUk while bran alone k not hearty enoogh to make mUk and flaah at the aame time; wheat mMdBnga or aherta Wonld be better. The two MfuUned* lay onc-fonrth Indian meal uid iGile-f onitha bran, wonld be a tol- erably good raiien. Oata, whole or groond, is an excellent ratioB for mOk Imtperhapa a bettor cne weald boa mixture in uie fol- lowing proportioBS fed night and morning, with y alone at aeein One qoart Indian meal to two qnarta eat meal and two quarto wheat bran. The grain of the two former may be mixed at the rate of ona of com to two of oato and ground together, and then two quarto 'of wan be added to every three qnarta of ula proven- der. If a pint of M or linaeed meal, or half a pint el^cettonaeed meal could be aiidded to eveiy five quarto of the above mixture, it would inmeaaa the vaJne ef theraticn oonai- derably, and aaaiat mUoh in the digeation of all ether food and keep the bowela in fine condition. If linaeed meal oannot be obtain- ed eaaily, endeavor to get aome flaxieed, from whloh thia ia made, and grind it with the com and oata at the rato ef four quarto to the bnahel of the two latter. Ds not feed oottonaeed whole, for although thia ia done in the South it ia dangerona, and aemetimea cauaee death from indigeatien. In feeiding meal it ia much bettor to mix with hay out up abort in a atraw-cntter a half bnnel of ttifa to every flve or aix quarto ef the mixture of meala and bran. In do* ing this apread tiie hay out well in a wide tub or trough, aprinkle the meal, eto., oyer it, then wet well with pure wator, mix all up together and feed. The benefit ef feed- ing meal and hay together thna is, that the cowa retain the ration in thtir flrat atomaoh till all ia thoroughly digeajod; but if the meal ia fed alone it ia apt to paaa too rapid- ly into the third atomaoh and more or leaa be voided undigeited, oonaequently lieing aomething of a waate of food, except adding to the riolineaa of the manure. In chopped oomatalka, of large growth, the only i»rt of them of any .value ia the leave! and the stalk out off above the ear. The atalk below the ear ia little more nutri- tiona than ao inuch wood or aawdnat. Com- atelka of the aweet varietiea wbioh grow from five to aix feet high, and cut aa they begin to ailk, or when the ear ia aoft and in the milk, are very valuable fodder, nearly equal to the beat of bay for making milk, and oowr, and indeed ateck of all kinda, eat them either green or when proprely cured with great avidity. If any cow of the herd happena to be in poorer fleah than the othera, it ndght be adviaable to give her two qnarta of Indian meal inatead of enly one in the above ratim, till her condition improvea enoogh to find ime quart luffisient to keep her in good order. Stock Hotes. It will not hurt to have line upon line and precept upon precept concerning a aup- {ily of pure water ,for farm animals, n aome parte but few oreeka afford decent water, being moatly filled, not by apringi, but by the water which ruahea from the land, full of varied Impurity, after each rain, and aeon reoedea into ategnant poola to bccomea leia foul. Very few ponda are mere commendable. It coato money to dig a well, and water ia drawn from it at the ex- penae of labor. But it ia more economical to expend thia money and thia labor, than to compel the farm animala to drink stag- nant wator from a pool or pond. A oom- pleto pumping outfit, including valve tanka, can be got far one hundred dollara, and ahould M had n^ere conaiderably stock ia kept. If you pump the water by hand, put a roof over the weU, to protect you from the aun or lahi. I find th:!it the most progressive veterln- ariana do not aling animala with broken limba, much leaa do they give each animala up to die. An animal with a broken limb will not put any weight on that limb, hence there ia really no need of awinging it eff the ground and it ia moie at ease atand- ing on three lege than auspended by banda acrea8.ita belly. The limb muat be adjuat- ed to tring the broken eada of the bone to- gether, and held in place by rplinto. Wet paper bandagea are alao recommended. Dip the atripa cf paper into paato made of cal- cined phkater of paria. This pasto soon acta and makea a atiff, permanedt bandage, which will hold ^e bone in place until it heals. The paper is covered with a cloth. In oases (rf severe or compound fracture, an opening fia the bandagea muat be left for the eaoapa of pus. Xid-Ooean Farbon of Befage. The loss of the Oregon has ala r med tiia thousands oTrich peocle who yearly cross the Atlantic, for «m fact has come to light that none of the large ooean steamers carry baato enough to save more tlian one-third of the passengers. There were nearly nine hundrad persons oa beard the Oregon, but enly baato enough for three hndrad and fifty and yet that ill-fated vessel was bet YOUNG FOI*|;^ *; KHa^li^U^WMid,^!-^ ** Ka, AkjfSkrhTnUiaA friag ^^ «• No Ittay went ftila kmg." ** Faftfear saUwa mn ta d* wr cksrai *• Yes. Ihi ^art going to;" But Hal kept on tiybg to make Carlo sit upright and hold a pipe In his month. Tha sitting np waa a suooeaa aa long as Oarlb^ was faei/ah bnt he wee k anad down ha « moat provonng manner aa aoan as left to himself.^ The pipe fell to the floor and went to pieces joht as BtJa lather looked In it thesheddeor. « All done boys r ' Yes, sir, said Hal's Iwethara prompt^. •• WeUâ€" ahnoet," aald HaL ' The General and Ua ataft, with a de- tachment ef aoldiera, are going to paaa almig the Winbnrg road tlda momirg I thought if you had all finiahed your work we might widk over there and too them. Hurry, thenl there will be no time to loae." ' Hurrah 1 what a frolic i" The boya whoaa work waa done ran to get ready. Hal knew bettor than to leave hia work undone, fw hia father, with all hia bidulgenoe, was strict, and Hal had had enough disi^point- mento through hia heedleaa, dawdling habite to have taught him bettsr. •' I'U help you," aaid llttie Tom, kindly, ai he made a ruah to pick up the applea. They were aeon gathered, but in poor order, and then Hal inaiated en Tom'a leav- ing him and going with the othera. '• I'U catch yon," he aaid. " I'U ride the pony and go 'cress leto." HepUed the wood, but so badly. In his hurry, that it fell down and had to be done ever. Then, out of breath and fearing he would entirely lose the fine sight, he threw hlmsdf, coatieaa, hatiess and shoe- less, upon the pony'a bare back and rode quickly acreea the fielda. " I won't go around by the bridge," he aaid to himself. " I'U go by farmer AUen's ford It'll sheiton the way a great deaL" But as he came to the brook he saw that it was so much swollen by lato rains that he felt a little doubtful about the wisdom of trying to oroaa, and wiahed he iiad gone around by the bridge. "Bat it's too hkto now," he aaid. If I don't hurry up I aha'n't aee a thing." He daahed in aind urged the pony on. " Hello, there 1" cried a man'a voice. ' Ddu't you try to oroaa it'a too deep, Look out now I there'a a big hole right ahead ef you if you get in it'a ton to one you'U never get out." " Hal reined back hia piny, which was already floundering about aa if in great doubt of hia footing. From farther down the bank Firmer Allen came on his own horae, picking his way along the ahaJlewer plaoea and growling at the folly and atu- pidity of boya. ' There " he grumbled aa he at last aeized^he pony and turned him the other way. " The next time you come foolln' round in deep wator I'U leave yon to get out aa beat you canâ€" aee if I don't " In a very orestfallen spirit poor Hal turned the ether way. " If only the General'a a Uttle aftor thne," he aaid, " perhapa I'U be there aeon enough yet. I do believe I hear the drum and fife new. Get up. Pony 1" Pony did hia beat, but alas 1 when Hal at last naohed hia brothers, whom he found in a state of deUghted excitement, he could only catoh a faint glimpse of nodding plumea over a cloud of duat in the far dia- tMice. ' Oh, if you had only been here. We ohoered and WAved our bate." And the General took eff hia hat to ua." " And I'm going to ha a General myaelf aome day," added Tom. • Suoh a horae aa he had-:-and:9 sword I" Wa HonsBHO]^D. r^Jia*. Bavn jPMdj seal â-  nni tritorhh. Andlat nalja have to wait for 4. â€" flmftliOMl. ThaaamustbavwjclMaaM wtth npad palish, ^o iamn *M »»**« hava ndsea of baaswax, jnd vte Um iroo b toka^off the flra mb It ovir ttaa bssai r a T, and then Mb the Iron on srihe omshad salt and it will nin smoothly. Now on the ironing shjiatlajy* elsan,Bnw«th olath;a handkar «iii«if sriU da. Lay a aallar an this, fold over part of tha handkardilaf, and Iran qoiekly from ona and to the other two or tiiraa times- ta dry^ It n Uttia. -Wiffla stfll stnming. take oft .J4w tiMdkj«nhIef( 8tret tiie oolltf with the hands, ana. Iran briskly on tha ri^ht sUrstra^ht aersss. If the iron Is not hot encugh, or the boUar too dry, the starah wiU sUok. When tha right side is smooth, without creaaaa, tnm it on tha other side and iron more slowly so as to dry it thoroughly. The irons re qiire 3onstant re- newing, as tha datap eools them quickly. If sny staoh appears en the bran it mnat be aoraped off with a Imife Iwfore going liaok to Qre. If yon do not want ahirto or onffi to blfatorand wrinkle when buttoned do net make the flrat, or boiled staroh, to stiff, and mbiflnwelL Of course you know that theyabonld ^^ays be. dipped in cold staroh. La., dear staroh mixed tiiln with cold water, before Ironing. " Always UM, poor Hal I" said his father, looking pltUoRy at his boy's rueful face. " When I'm a General," aaid Hal pat- tiahly, " I'U take my own time to do things, and not alwaya have, to be hurry- ing." â- ^ " li you are ever a general or any other great man, my boy, you wiU find It your first need to be prompt and dUigent in all you do. But be aure that no ene who ia a triflsr and a laggard aa a bay wiU ever bs a great man or a gooi one, which ia far better. A aoldier of Christ meat alwaya be up and about hia Maator'a busineaa. If you ever expect to do Him good and loyal ser- vice, Hal, you muat make your firat fight against the faulta that beset you now. When you reach home go to your room and learn thia verse: "*Not slothfnl in bualneaa; fervent in aphrit, aerving the Iiord.' " One Way of Gettmg a Hew Spring Hat. • Dent pretend to be aaleep, madam,' aaid young Freahie, tiie broker, as ha re- turned from tha olub and awoke hb wife one night Just a week and a half ago, "Hew is it that I find a man under your bed V "Snare us, George I spare nsl I told Charlieâ€" I mean Mr. Skldmeraâ€" not to hMa there. I knew yon'd oatoh hhn. Maroy I merOTTl" " Whatâ€" miserable wamani" shrieked Freshie, " have I deteoted yon at last I" and he emptied his revolver nndar the l)ed. " Have I stumbled upon your crime 7 I was only trying to April Fool yon, butâ€"" " Gat fodad yonieel^" aaid Mrs. F. cahn- ly. " And now that yau've shot my bon- net box fuU of hales, perhaps you'd better fork ant that twenty for the new Sprbs hat I wanted and coma to bed." And he did. Joy in ETery Dr»p. Thia may be truly said of Poison's Nbbv- mm, tiiegriaatest pain remedy of Oe age. It brhigs oomfart to the weary sufiaiaririnn f idlure has attended the use of every known remedy. NervUfaie is an absolnto cure for all kinds of pain, iatemal, eztamaly or looaL Porohase a 10 oent sample battle and try this great remedy, NarvIlLie, nerve pain cue. Dui't forget the name at any drugstara. ' " Why were yon not at ohuroh last Son- ^y»9.^?l asked AmeUa, "I couldn't go didn I have anything to weiar, I shaU go nwt Sunday, If my Mwk ia dene," " Oh 1 you saek-iallglans thbg I" How to Wash Woolen Blankets. Select a bright, sunny day, with a brisk breeze, so that they may dry tapldly. Have the wator aa hot as the hands wiU bear, and diasolve the soap in the water, avoiding rub- bing it on the Uankelta hiUeia very aoiled apota render it imperative. After rubUng it through this wator, thoroughly rinse tb r jugh two Waters or the same temperature ef the rubbing water. Wring as dry as pos- sible; then let seme one take hold of eM!h end of the blanket and pnU evenly and strong to brbgltto Ita former size oef ore drying. Pin as evenly as possible en^e Una, and let it become periectiy dry. Treat- ed in this way no ironing is necessary. The secret of washing flannels without shrinking ia to have aU the wator the aame tomperature (and after long experience I prefer hot to lukewarm water), and alao to theraughly rinse aU soap frem tha blanket. BeceiplB, Tomato soup made ofoanned tomatoes: One pint ef canned tomatoes and one quart of boiUng water. As soon as this holla add one amafi teaspoonfulof aoda then add one pint of milk, and salt and pepper to taato. Aftor thia boila, aif t in the crumbs of right buttor crackers roUed fine. Lemon Pickle â€"The fruit ahould be amaU, with thick rinda. Rub them with a pieoe of flannel then aUt them down in quartora, but not quite through the pulp, fiU the alito with aalt hard preaaed in aet them nijright in a pan for four or five daya until the aalt melta turn them three daya untU they beoome tender in their Uqnor. Then make enough pickle to cover them of ripe vinegar, the brfna of the Istauma, Jam- aica pepper and ginger; boll and^ ikim It. When cold put it over the lemons. ' BocK-WoBK.â€" One quart of milk, five egga, aix tableapoonfula of augar, vanilla or other easence. Heat the milk pour upon the beaten yolks acd sugur. Cook until the custard begins to thicken. Pour out, and, when cold, flavour and pour into a glaaa bowl. Whip the w'hites stiff with two apoonfub of augar, flavor, and poach by lay- bg, a apoonful at a time, upon boiling mUk, and, oarefuUy withdrawing the apoon from underneath, leaving the oval maaa of mer- ingue fl9ating upon the auriaoe. Turn it over when one aide is done, and presentiy .take it up and lay upon the oustard. Heap them Irregularly on the toq^, and let aU get cold before serving. Pass light oakea with thia cuatard. Mabbled Cbsam CAirDT.â€" Four cups of white augar, ote cup rich aweet cream, one cup water, one tablespoopful butter, one tablespoonful vinegar, bit of soda the aizj of a pea, stirred in cream, vaidlla extract, three tableapoonfula of ohooaUto grated. BoU all the Ingrediedta exoept half the cream, the ohocolato wad vanUla together very fut until it is a thick, ropy airup. Heat in a aeparato aaucepan the reaerved cream, bto which yon must have rubbed tite grated ohocolato. Let it stow until quito thick, and when the oandy b dona add a cupful of it to thb, atlrrbg fa well. Turn the nneelmrad simp oat tipen broad dishes, uul poor apcn It hare and there, great spom- fnb af tha Aooolato mixture. PoU as soon aa yon ean handle It with oomfart, and with the tlpa of ycur fingers only. If daftiy manl- pnlated it wUl be stiaakaa with whito and brown. A Fuzluu: Qaestion. -Sl!i£!S?"/^"l'""»Wa tooopa whh solentffia faots, Odr bahiiltv bainff SfiKr ^y ^^^ •oAe23S«r2f ttelradnoatfon. For hundtods of genera- A to n oh ar In a wastom aauntK fa Canada, wfafla making eaUa among tiia'peap^J^ 1-^^^*^ *** **" »P J»« reaidanea fatha/'haokwaods." Ofo^ thnohS u4 fonnsr tsaohar cama fa tor orittehtn and^tim^jady, fa :^kffg^ iS?^^' ha'tiSf ' *^* "'" 'â- y ^^* ** "Wa'al hatold 'em tiib 'era arth was "Jf^inT^* *» y" »«»k ol such 2ff r XJnwIUmg to o«na nndar thaoatSS; of 2l,ig^*. thatoaofaar JS^^£ -^..^^u**"**^""" ttythat Itaoea re- dawal' â-  "^^ "« «» Mm f aes Msaldf The Ohambifk hi of thsir first npoB aatmaaU with it m$al ol Ta that early dla^liia want to attribnto their varans health in aid age. '" Mirabean ia stated to liava been an anor mous feeder, eating as mudi at a meal aa would auffioe three ordinary men.- Talley- rand was idaoa noted gourmand. Goethe « and Napolean ato large qaantlttes offoeid; bnt oarad little for tha qoaliliy. Pdnoa Btamarok b noted for hia appetite, which b Inaatbble bnt Us food is of tha simplest qnaUpf. Many ansodates are told of the|prosa do- l^ht fa eating oi tiie t ira Dumaa, father and sen, ene of which is that the younger, befag overtaken h/ a storm, took refnge fa a hetoi niar Paris. Twanty-fonr tnrkcyi were liang*ng upon the spit. " And aU for a singls tiaveUer," xplaln- ed the hast. " O'eatmon pert ' exiiaimed Alexi^idra. He waa right. The faot la, that tne man of genlna fa- atcal af being, aa young people usually aup- peae, a cr^atureof deUoate organb»tion who oan dfae on tiie perfnme ef a lily, nsnaUy requirea a large supply of snbatantial food, laaelleotnal work demands fuU nutrition fa the stemaoh to repair the waato of brafa- tiaaue. Hence additional caution la needed In young men who take np suoh wcrk for life, that the apparentiy unnatural craving for food and diink, whioti foUews severe ex- ertion of the brafa, ahaU be kept within wholesome limita. There Is a great truth for all time fa the legend of Ciroa and the awfaa. I'if"l^ CAUSE Human beings.^^ML the Barrels. maiZ^Jl or BzU~as impro^f'^, S. CUBE that GranalS:t and Healthy m,^ „ abeve enumerated. K^T ^\ Arouse the Trampâ€"*' Well, mum, have yon got any more o' them buckwheat oakes te-day?" Mrs. Coldoash- " There'a seme oold ones^ but I am afraid yon wiU find them rather fa- digeat.ble. ' Tramp â€" "Oh, I don't expect to eat 'em." Mrs. Coldoashâ€" " Don't ex- pect to eat 'em 7" Tramp â€" " No'm. You see my dartor has took to pafating, and she finda 'em very oonwcnient to nae for placquea 1" Prematurely Aged* Many a woman b robbed of theae obarma which the gentler sex value ao highly, and made old before her time by f unctiowd ir- regularitiea. Toanohthe bloom of jonth may be reatered by the nae of a remedy which haa atood the teat of time and which is to-day aoktoirladged to be without an equal as a cure for all female wetkaesses â€" Dr. Pierce's "Favorito Prescription." By aU Dmggbta. Pongee lap robea are en regie for May aid June. " Crentle as the Breeze of ETenine" Thia Une of an old hymn ia quito appro- priate when appUed to "Pleasant Purga- tive PeUeta." " I do3t like to takj pills if I oan avoid it," we often hear persons" nay, " beoanab they oonatipato ms ao." Now the " PeUeto" never da this. Thtj are aa gentle and mitd that theb effect la almoat pre- obely aimiliar to a natural movement of the bowels, and no nnpleaeant effeota are left behind. The fashionable foldfag fan has aeten sticks. Tlirow Away Trusses. Cures guaranteed of every case of ruo- ture undertaken. B9ok of particulare 10 cents In atampa. Addreas, World'a Dbpen- aary Medical Aaaoclation, Buffalo, N. Y. Benneta of rough atraw are worn to ex- ceia. Jwlil'^.'KrS'" MoaeouspurgatlviBa such as tnua, salts, o when you can eet In Dr. Canon 8 Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowtls gently. oleanaUiR pur- ities from the eystem and rendering the B*ood pui e and cooL Great Spring Medicine SOcta. Fear and ladness oan accept beliefa only trust and oonrage wUl quesdan them. To reject oonseorated opinions demands a con seoratod mfad, A.P.28L M^2rJâ„¢^^»»?? !?«"••*'••-â- â€¢ CaBTstseia; Kocd pay. H. K. KnnnDT. Ionma». Ont. ' Kbhhidt, lonmtoi Onl CUPKBIOR POM ASS BASPS-WAREANTTO n^. ^l^^to beta Imported aUMndacf le-onttiog^ Gait rUe Woiks. FaaoaaicK Paxuh, Gslt P.O F^\ 8AI.B-THREB TOUNG IXtKA GOOD ahorihom bnUs lexMsrtd ia Dominion Hcrt- book. Jena Hakdt, AShgtora P O """"" ""» 60 aowa AORRB GOOD' ' Plvrnplon for XOWKSHIP OP ^^ â€" cheap: small amount oa at e par osnt. M. J. KENT, iMdon. „„**?•«»• }«5««* manulaotaraia .SSk^u^ nKPRBnNTATIVB to oacA oeunty ta estt •'Pie. jKi £«l»lBiponMd«-^ibookMl^Oon!^ S£;iil"*?2EJ2« " th«nsB.^W«»ai?f gSS-Oa?^*^ Book Wbl. ui. BATO SAW faqjWTwnenta bracket »C to elranlaiB. Oat BIZBB-LAZBSY OfWB POE HBW PABALLBL A " »?£?â- ."' 15^ PABALLBL PAWLT Book and Blbl.^Sa;»ar55: '"*â€" *»"»' ,,s5£^i;!'2f'k2t.2ta^^ oaly IS (Sl?SmdSS?M«SaMd'SS^ "ilSSi ma 8chBylgS5irS!;aMghyig^ I aMsndlag our Aaadan hyMfhaalltaataiato In sItwatleM. Im. alon gh ot *^»'^tt *a 1 w tuS^oS^' *»»«™ BoiEie OOLLiei. S'riSIf5-^1?""Wâ€" BBWABB able eduoatloBia mAi, .vr^- aduoattona (MlviBiUemeiBfi' and do not tl uarall' Boat wtrntB^SSff OMTl eaa h lia wBo ars piao 0. a..BMoi% Sasietary. ^^hick acts at the same ti«,. f'n-ck ana Blood .^fh strengthens every Organ. ^1 THOS B. B. D. S800. *• :^*" '•»^^«iii3 WWWWi 100,000 MUv ttoi u-?' UUll I. "'"â- ! (or poHUona st Book- CMlgnph 01 Telegfsph Bine ProTlBoai and But year.- grratfaatM placed ia oonuiiar .Oaoada and the United SlrtTSi- faoniUeaexgelleat; InetrnoHwlni^.? WB WAJTt THBU Acnni Muniy (or anew book w^J .market la t»o weeki; lUrlDwZfc pagres and retaU at 12.75 HliS«" Canadian aentlemu, who liu uTbIi aslkT' to find oai who the bri|IUd^k1 .2?ok is upon an ImponaBltoiilnwipSJ dlsonased by OsuiadUn aulhonrtliiU oome agent) (or thia remarkabUntaBta to write (or parttonlan. Addnii i Book and Bible Home, loranto. A CENTS !-tOU 04Ni riKD A L... trtvea better aatlittctioBertliiijnaii money (aeter with than " WoiM'iWoBdai'r all olaases-OhriiUaoi and Isldeli, CMUb, Protestantl, old and yons;; ollipaiiM not oanvaMed lor yean aiefoliidakailii It 0. F. Jeoklna aold 128 the finl mA-.i. aays: "The firat week with" Wondm'i one bondred and etxteen dollan" A i f or nnemplored pareoai; ontHllml â-¼assers, write (or term], BuBin Oo. Brantlord Boys! WewaataiJ echooldlnrtetto Spedilllei-br o Caaadlultrdlrl^ Imakil MACHINERY. 5M Englnea, Boilen, Irao. Wood, ill ik •ous machlnM, (or lale. rorpaiUogluiUia J H. W. 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