OL- O.-No. 298. MAKKDALE, ONT., MAY 27, 1886. COPUS or TBS SltplliJID FiVX CXHT8 SAck. â- th. C 10 •• i 6 2o»i 6 31 • I 6 47 " 1 7 02" 7 26 " 7 51 " I 8 22 •• H30" 8 45 " 9 25 " i 10 S5 " 240p 310« 3 3()' 340" 3.52. 1(15" 431. 4 57. 5 23- 535' 5 55 • 630« 8le« CHTJBCH. »t 10:30 a. v lesdaveveDiDKi n, Pastor; \\n at. BCH. p. m. 9tli^ M and 7. 13th 7. Jas. Wari, 3l 2:30. J. HURCH. It 10:30 a, m at 2:30. ening from 8 Dg from 8 to ur;: W.A.Bro' dits' Aid in retMT. m .^8. meet! er^ it 8 o'clock in th Visitiig bretb^ N'o. 141 I ck, every aJten ck. A visit frt Iges solicited. 045 mcete in i e f nil noM ter;r.XBlil {ECEPTORH t I klarkdale L. Ol] ,c]i month, ^il «,W.P. leiT, Begisti ofOatam Hofsases* 'inediwsoiii JL nesstni' pficatefl 'a/; *«/*** )EBATB. IMART, JATIJ, qRAX/ ••SSL. '1 IIEl/lE. roadway and Elgin, l^^egracte^oz.Coin lease, ^ll-^- jjlerys $14.50. lartlett's'^- $18.00. Wnirautcil two years. I -Lave the pofKls and must give you cut I'rices to make room for a stock of Ilnmpilen Watches with kpifuuauae on, coming June 15ih. Ei.and work equal to any shop in W. A. BROWN, A Behalle Jeweller, Markdale. tolaDd Other Items. ^â- ncss in theite cohtvins intended to benefit ,, mUndml or Swiety will be charged ten a lint for the first iwertion and five ualine each s.tihegueTt insertion. lli rtc0-r ^n*' I jIb. G. J. Bljtb of ChatBWorU* N* jiD town the 24th. JIbs. A^ch Ijyons, of Sunderland, 3 visiting frieuds in this place. ,Ib, John Reid, of Mt Forest, iptot ljtQueen"8 Birthday in Markdale. We had a pleasant call from D. |ireiglitou, M.P.P., on WedneBday. h and Mrs. Freeman, of George- Imn, lire the guests |0f G. S. Bow«f, \b\. J,£, Majsh hae erected a bandsome |i(f fence iu Iront of hi*, hotel |;remises. The next sitting of No. 5 Diviiion lioiirt ffill be held, in Markdale on the |l^d July, Thiri are thou^iand* i{ hushels of lnohtoes to gpar«^i r this district bat ls« market for tht:..j. MnL. N. Tlnbaudau of Manitoa- J Iffl Island Molted frieuds here recently |adretarn«d last week. â- i ti. Hunter Esq., the great land |udloanageDt of Dnndalk gaveiuft fooffly call on Wednesday. ^.i. W. Elliott of Chatsworth I « former resident of Markdale, gare ia» friendly «all oh the 24th. ^. Thos. Portkb, of Orangeyille, wtlierto oar genial head teacher, [•Psntafew day. m Mirkdale thii and «tweek. C.W.Rutl«dge has added to his "naence grounds, and built a wove *»• fence in front of the new aa well uthooid. ^».Fox, who sang at the concert MMon 24tb evenJng.iione of the select jR«tt for the -real Musical Festival '•"rontoin June. Messers W, .*. Ueming, H. Robin- ?» Md D. Cr.'i,uhton, M. P. P., of oj beorgeg OhurcJi Owen Bound, jein Markdale on Wednesday, at- »n« ® semi-annual meeting in ^DDttiou With the Church of Eng- i^T?'^^ SinginR Class wUl "eW? c "" evening at four Cdl; M"'^*y ' 2.80; also next •ns J;^- • P-"^- ^^1 persons desir- plJ:/"' for the next term will ^- fil^Jam ° 0" Saturday afternoon. iiJ """Sbtly siras across th* W aZ^P*f Kwpfs grocery and iitiir! ^°^eman HamUton's NKn.; ' ^»v« been removed, l^tteyP,*" ^»^ i»« shop front Hiute an improvement. '^i!!^LA^^ Eruption. iS ^â- ** conditions of the skin. Hanlan's Bigatta. â€" The ioUciwing reduced fare wiil be givu to Hanlan's Begat* a m Toronto, which takes place on I he 4th and 5th June, viz, fare from Markdale to Toronto and return, good from 3rd to 5th iuclusive, $2.85 good for any regular train any ot the three days mentioned. New Doctor. â€" G. M. Brodie, M. P., C. M.. Member of the College of Physicians Sui'geous, Out., has commenced practiee m this place, and mny be consulted at his office Stephen's Drug Store. He comes well recommended and we bespeak for him a good share of patronage. Serioxjs Accident. â€" One day recent- ly, wtile Wm. Mason, of this village, and family were driving out to visit a friend in the country, part of the har- ness gave way, causing the horse to run and kick the occupants were thrown out and a little daugbt.er had her scull fractured. She is yet in a precarious condition. Wc regret to have to refer again to the accident by which Alfred Moffat lost his eye. A communication in last week's Advance makes strong insiniaations that our reference to the matter in the Stamdabd uf the previous week was misleading, and intended to convey the idea that the injury was done maliciously. A lawyer may make black appear white and vice versa, but no unbiassed mind could put such a construction an said item. There was no intended harm on the part of any, neither was any one to blame in particular; it was purely accidental. DisTBiCT Meeting. â€" The annual meeting of the Owen Sound District was held in the Methodist Church Markdale, on Wednesday and Thursday last when some 17 ministers and as many lay were prsent; Bev J. Owin Sound, Superintendent of the District in the chair. The meeting was harmonious through- out, and the general results of the past year very satisfactory and encouraging. There is one representive from each district, with the supereniendent on the Stationing Committee at the an- nual Conference, which position Bev W. Caeson was elected to, and Bev W. Ayers on the S. S. committee. The, public meeting on Wednesday evenmg was well attended and very interesting. The lay represetatives to conference from this place are, for Markdale, 0. W. Bntledge; Holland Centre, G. S. Bowes Chatsworth, W. A. Brown. If any of onr readers that are afflicted with Bheumatism have never tried West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, we advise liiem to do so at once, and be con- vinced of its extraor^nsry inerits. It will positively cure you. It is a never-failinf; remedy for Guts, Sprains,' Braises and all complaints requiring external treatment. Price 25 cents and aO cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. May The last new venture in iilastrated jonmalisfti is The Mibboi, an eight page pap^r published in Toronto, whose aim is "to hold, as 'twere." the mirror up to nature," in accordance with Hamlet's advice to the players. We do not profess to know how such a publication, issned at 5 cents per copy or $2.00 annnal subscription, can be produced with seub a degree of excellence and yet be found ren- nmerative; but that is, after all, "none of our business." The initial number which IS printed on toned paper and mav be characterized as a perfect mode of typographical perfection, contams original iUustrations of the presentotion of th* North- West medals to the Toronto volunteers, some in- teresting views from the vicinity of Ottawa and Paterborough, portraits of the 12 meipbers of Toronto Bass-Ball Club, and .iso some rapital original comic sketches. Great attraetioot are promised for the second namber including illustrations firom original sketches of the anti-Scott Act dyna- mite (^^trages at Orangeville. Never drug the stomach with nauseatiug and weakening expect, orants and opiate*; Hagyards Pectoral Balsam is plesant and reliable in it* effect*, and safe in all throat and long complaints that, if n^leeted, end in eoncnmption. BUSINESS LOCALS. Fob y3ur School Books and Station cry, go to Stephen, the druggist. Feavxb colic, unnatural appetit( fretfnl- nbss, weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. AT..L the leading Patent Medicines to be had ae the New Drug Store. The Great Source of Consumption and many wasting forms of disease, IS scrofula lurking in the system. The true specific for this condition is foimd in Burdock Blood Bitters; that medicine purfies the blood and builds up the enfeebled frame.. A stock of prime fresh groceries jast opened by Mrs. Clement. Beasons why you should purchase Fluid Light aing in preference to all other remedies are. Bapid result â€" cures instantly. It is easily applied â€" ^no trouble â€" no lost time. It does not require constant use â€" one appli- cation is effectual. One bottle will remove more pain than any other remedy in ex- istence. Try it for Nsuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Bheumatism. Sold at Q.'ic. a tlottle by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale. 3 Green Oranges, Lettuce, Radish and Apples, just to hand at Mrs. Clement's. GBUTCHES BENDEBBD USELESS. The poor cripple who has to use crutches on account cf Bheumatism, stiff and swollen joints, contracted cords, and other aches, pains and lameness, may throw aside his crutches if he will try Hagyard's Tellow Oil faithfully. Tixr*iip Seedet, fresh and pure, a large variety to chose from, at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Go. A FOBTUMATE ESCAPE. Mrs. Cyrus Eilbum, Be^imsville Ont., had what was spposed to be a Cancer on her nose. She was about tolsubmit to a cancardoctor's treatment, when she concluded to try Burdock Blood E.^^H^welUM! A P^tt?"' '^^^ ?**'â- ""' few bottles of which entirely cured her. Examine your address label and see how much you owe the publisher the date thereon is that to which your subscription is paid. THE LAST TEAB. 18R6. After the abo ire year is ended there need be no more suffering from Bhenmatism, Neuralgia. Toothache, Headache. Lumbago, or any acute pain, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lightning, as it cares instantly. Pain cannot stay where it is used. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. 2 Don't buy foctory made Buggies and Democrats as they are built to sell cheap, but go to Wm Mason where you will get the worth of your money, as he gives a guarantee for two years at as close figure'as any other firm in the ceunty. A USEFCI. mNT. It may be useful for the reader to know that the popular preperation known as Hagyanl's Yellow Oil has proved a sovengn remedy for deafness, many certified cures bemg on record. Hagret's Ifellow Oil also cures aches, panes and lameness, and may be ased internally a* Well a* outwardly. The Dominion parliament will pro- rogn* to-day (Thunday). A 8XCBET FOB TU LADOEB. The grettt secret of beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and all blotches that disfigure the face, may be quickly cured by Burdo«k Blood Bitt«rs. Annie Heath, of Portland, eertfies, that she was cared by tin* rem*d7 after suffering for two years The town of Milton had a disastrous fir* last Monday. BPBiMa and BuioaB. Prepare tih* Dody for health and vigor by taking Dr. Ghaie's Liyer Our*. No Spring kedicine egtial* it. It stim- ulates th* Liver, aid* digeston, and purifies the blood. Large bottle* and Receipt book*, $1. Sold by A. Tani*r Go. May. The widow of Biel di*d on Mcmday. nrVISIliLE BUT INSTANTANEOUS. All pains or aehes w91 be iaaUatty nmoved b a few diop* of Fhiid T i igh t nn iK mvp^ei over the effeeted pwU. No time lort no neaoseoos medicines needed no ponltMliig or using greasy Uniments. It will not blister or dirtolor the skilly 8oM at «g e._ per bottle BiuMters utMi JOl TINGS FROM ABROAD- condensed fbox oxm exchanges and OTHIkBWISE. Flesherton Boyal Templar lodge has 40 members. A man named John Ireland had his head badly jammed at a raising in Mulmur last week. Mr. John Dunsmoor, of Glenelg, died last week at the advanced age of 96 years. The Hon. L. S. Huntington died in New York last week. Faithful prayer always implies co- relative exertion and no man can ask honestly and hopefully to he de- livered from temptation unless he is himself honestly and firmly determin- ed to do the best he can to keep out of it. Where you are, whatever your sta- tion, there, and in that station, serve God. EstabUsh in your own heart the principles of a Christian life and in your home the atmosphere of a christian household. Be regular in your habits of prayer, search the Scriptures daily, resist temptations courageously and do good gladly. The practicij life of the Christian comprehends three distinct elements. We have to do the will of God in our bueiness this is working. We have to oppose our sin and resist tempta* tation this is fighting. We have to endure with cheerfulness and submis- sion whatever cross the Lord Jesus lays upon us this is suffenng. A thoughtless boy with a shining pail went singing gaily down the Sale, to where a sad-eyed cow with a brindle tail on clover sweet did herself regale. A bumble bee did gaily sail over the soft and shadowed vale, to where the boy with the shining pail was milking the cow with the brindled tail. The bee lit down on the eow'a right ear, her heels flew up through the atmos- phere, and through this leaves of a big oak tree the boy sailed into eternity. A Scotch dominie, after relating to his scholars the story of Ananias and S\pphira, asked them "why God did not strike everybody dead who told a lie." After a long silence, one little fellow got to his feet an4«9cclaimed â€" "Because^ sir, there wailKka be ony- bodyleft." ^^ By the 1st July th* C. P. B. will b* absolutely free from Government connections; its railways, its lands, its everything, will be free from the Government lieu; and the only con- nection ol any kind it will have with the Government will arise out of th* fact that it ha* deposited with th* Government over $12,000.000rin cash to guarantee the payment of a three per cent, divided to shareholders for the next seven and a half years. â€" [Woodstock Free Pre^s. A Yankee woman recently married a Chinese laundrymah, and in three day* thareafter the nnhai^y Celestial appeared at a barber shop and ordered hi* pigtail to be cut off, saying m axpUnation "Too muchee yank." A talking match between two parrots was to take place in Mt. Forest on Queen's Buihday. Chesely roller rink was opened week before last. The Bible, Viewed merely as a human or liter- ary production, the bible is a marve- lous book, and without a rivd. It embraces works of forty authors, re- presenting the extremes of society, from the throne of a king to the boat of a fisherman it was written during a long period of sixteen centuries, on the banks of the Nile, in the desert of Arabia, in the land of promise, in Asia Minor, in classical Greece and imper- ial Bome. It commences with the creation and ends with the final glori- fication, after describing all the inter- vening stages in the relations of God and the spiritual composition: it raises to the highest heights and desends to the very lowest depth oi humanity; it measures all states and conditions of life; it is acquainted with every grief and every woe it touches every chord of sympathy; it contains th* spiritual biography of every human heart; it is suited to every class of society; and can be read with the same interest and profit by the long and the beggar, by the philosopher and the chdd; it is as universal as the race, and reaches beyond the limit of time into the regions .of eternity. Of all the books in the world the bible is the only one of which we never tire, but which we admire more and more in porportion as we use it, Like the diamond, it casts its luster in every direction; like a heal- ing herb, the harder it is pressed, the sweeter is its fragrance. BE ON YOUB GUABD. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrhs One to five boxes will cure chronic (3atarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. 812 Pearl* of Thoasht. A face that cannot snule is never good. We like to give in the sunlightand to receive in the dark. Prosperty nnmasks the voice; adversity re- veals the virtues. Experience is the name men give to their follies or their sorrow. The wayes of happiness, like throes of light are colorless when unbroken. Eternity is long enough to make up for the ills of our brief troubles in life. If yon would not have affliction visit yon twice, hstea at once what it teaches. A man in any station can do his duty, and doing can earn his own respect. Donotoact your burdens upon other^s. Best them between yourself and heaven. If yen assume the garb of a fool, are yoa very sure that you have net a natural right to it. There is nothiog more neoessaiy than to know how to bear the tedious moments of life. Betribute stands with uplifted ax, and col tnre, rank and robe oi sanctity oannot stand its Mow. If oar whole time was spent in ^muring ourselVM we Aould find it more wearaoue than the hardest day's work. Never speak evil of another while yon are under the inflnenoe of envy and malevoloioei but wait till your spirits are oooled down, that yen may better jud^ whether to utter or suppress the matter. There is, perhaps, no qnality whieh has a more prevading influenee in giving oolor to the whole ehaiaoter than the strietest truth- fulness for it is the fouudati^-stona of honesty and an all prevading integrity. Orangeyille had a serious fire last week. An effort is being made t* obtain a snbsidy for a rulway to connect Trenton with the C. P, R* at Call- ander. What adds to the unpopularity of the cyclone is that, whil* it blows vway almost everything on a farm, it ha*n*ver been known to take the mortgage. Mr. E. Yanzant, onr famous marble man, ha* Boenred th* contract for «r- eeting th* monnment to tne menBorj of tib* late Squire Kerr, of Euphrasia. The monument is to be ol solid granite over 80 Cs*t in height, and wUl cost $1000. by B. L. Bterh«. Ds«w*i. "JIIJSITL?*^ On Saturday night last th* Mail Lii^tning. **â- »• • $*0|000 lO**. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An M phyuoian, retired from practice, having had plaoed in his bands by an East bidia missionary the formula of a simpU vegetable reme^ for the speedy and peman- ' ent cure of Consumption, Bronebitis,Catarrh, Asthma and all thnat and Long AfflietionB, also a positive and radical ear* for Nervous Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful ctvative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellowH. Actuated by this motivM and a desire to relieve homAn suffering. I will send free of (diarge. tb all who dtinre it, this reeipe, in Oerman, VrMioe or English,' wiOi full direetious lor prapating an-i using, ttent by mail by adiimsing with stamp, nuning this paper, V. V. Nona, 149 Pewet't Block, Boeluiter, N. Y. Have yoa ToothMhe Use Fluid Lifditning. Have yoa Bhamatiem r Use Fhiid Lightning. Have yoa a Stiff Joint Use Fluid Lightning. Haveyoo Neoralcia? Use Llnid Ligbtniug. Have yoa Lumbago? Use fluid Lightning. Are yoa troubled with Heada^eT Use Fluid Lightning. Hayeyoaaay Plain' Use Fluid Lichtaing. It wilfeora^oa the inelant it isMmUed. Tiy it, 25e. per bottle at B. L. Stcjfcec's Drag Store, Markdale. â- I 4 gUtm^itMmm^iik