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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 May 1886, p. 5

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 t^ „„ OVA corr«r»"*»»«- EscAPB--On Wednesaay '*^i!«t some of the young females 'D« vrere out prominftding, /o«r vill»g« ,nsmg ted flF' for awhile at the oft the Boyne Water them stood leaninR f^' failinc leading to the bridge. "' Iway. and Miss Mamie, " nf Bev. W. Ayers, was pre- k^"Shftckward and fell to the river l^Snce of about ten fee^ *^-; H.nately escaped with a bad rfor the city fathers to look ^r'oken sidewalks and aU dacger- '^â- ..cnnuublic streets. â- ^-'-fTaJes '•- leased Mr. W. H. ""IhaTuo one in that" line iu our ^â- 1o there was a good opening for .,.„ has leased Mr. W, factory and has opiened out /nuffiP manufaciory here now. â- jiUe V" r :„ tUnf lino ill /\.n ItiJSge We welcome J!d in tbat business. ll HaTes and wish him success m j li'euterp'ise here. ' ,4 pushing and enterprnmg W, ^V rtv brick ttaker, is now running f'ucriof men in hia brick yard, •M he may have ample brick made arplf all '^^ **"*^ °^ ^^^ numer- customers in his line this summer. The Fleeberton cheese factory has com^nenced operations for an- ,er 6«won under the charts of :r,i, Stewart, Esq., who has proved Lsdf, in tbe pact seasons, to be a class cheese maker. J. W. H. Colquett, implement Itin this place, was taken sndden- iijl on Thursday last with inflamma- â-  of the lungs, and altho' under the .tment of Drs. Kerr and Christoe, ibe time of writing this (Tuesday) sorning, all hopes of his recovery ave been abandoned. Mr. Aikinliead and son of Toronto iive been spending a few days in this yity fishing. They are the guests i J. W. Armstrong, Esq. Mr. Madill, of Corbetton, preached i! die Presbyterian chursh here on jtlibatb last. AT REASONABLE BATES. BISCUITS AND GONFECTHMAHT of all kinds on liaucl. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Sapplied on tbe Shortest flotice. WsMini; Oikts i SptclaHy. A call is respectfully solioited, BreaiQ delivered in all parts of tbe town PBEMISBSt Next Door to tke Roller Rink. •86 EDWARD ROOKE. KNITTING. fWtX WTKL J .. w .- jr- WteMM it Is expeiieBt to h»v»a Speeial UeeMag in this nourty.forthe better orgSB- izstioa the libwal Ooaaerratimi Buty. AH penoBs intetestod ara cordially reqoMtod to attend at Baron HMel, Markdale, ob Thondajr evening. May S7tk, at 7:10 o'do^ Don't aUy away, aveiyConaerTatiTe is invited vithoat diBtinotioB. JAMBS ALLAN. Becntary. Sooth Grqr A»soeiation. THEY AU. SAY IT I ooo Goleiaii k Hamilton's Is tbe cheapest place in town for Parlor, Dining room. Bedroom and Kitchen FURNITURE. :*^jO'.Tia«^f»*-«!»r» fWV*»MSrt»)rl»i FinuRSUOiUR -GOTOâ€" R.L, MBS. GBAWFORD has opened a Caotom Enittiuff Factory in Markdale, and is now prepared to do nil gizas and sbtqies of stockings and soeka, in wool or cotton on short notice, and at reasonable charges. A trial respectfnliy solicited. Factory opposite the Stampabd office. 299-8 STEEL. ROAD SCRAPER. BE ON YOUR GUARD, Dou't allow a cold in the head to iiiawly and surely develop itself into Idlrrk when you can be cured for ):i cents. A few applications will cure Lipient Catarrh. One to two hoses care ordinary Catarrh. One to |:v6 boxes will cure chronic (Catarrh. JDr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all lUecs at 25 cents per box. 812 â€"UNDERTAKING. received a stock of pood. we can now supply all kinds of fanor- al fui-i. hings on shortest notice. Hearse foi hi,- « cotmeetioB. Q pLbMAN H AMILTON, MARKDALE. -POB- THE EMPIRE HORSE AND FOOD CONDIMENT, The Original Thoriey Food. By baying your W«t0tl»8| Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaeesw Pipes, Ao. -AT- JAS. 6. RUSSELL'S ^ESUERTON. A BaauHM Stock fe Sthet from.. /OOP o o e ooo ooooooooo' It IE a iiaot, as erery oner' says, that RUSSELL isihe man[ Ito repMr yoor Wateh or Clock I properly. ooeoooooo oooeeoooe/' The Torrens System. COURT OF_REYISM TOWNSHIP OF CLENEL8. The Court of Bevision for the Township of Glenelg, will hold its fir»t sitting for the current year at the Town Hall on SATURDAY, 29TH MAY, 1886. at 10 o'clock a. m. The Council will nieet for general bubiness at 2 o clock p. m. the same day. J. S. BLACK, Township Clerk. Glenelg, 13th May. 1886. 296-98 During the season of exceptionally hard work, teo much cannot be said in reference to keeping tbe working undertaking Sanimal in proper condition. To meet tbe inerease demand made upon tbeoi the spring work often leaves the stock run down, and they have scarcely time to recover before the harvest is full upon them therefore if you want to get yotir animal quickly into condition use the Empire Food Condiment. GIVE HIM A TBIAL. Every job warranted to givct satis- faction. 217-269 MS. e. RUSSELL (Canada Citizen.) Tbe annual meeting of Land Law Ipicform Association took place in Tor- laiD a few days ago, and the time 111 therefore opportune for calling luuntion to what the society has ac Itomplisiied. Its chief object is to get jiitTorrens syetsm of transfer generally jinttoduced iu Canada so that in tbe mi of all lands brought under its lotmtion the registrar's certificate bay De a certificate of absolute title. J. .e assumption underlying the agi- lution is that it should be as easy to |li'sland from one person to another 'It 18 to pass ahorse or railway share JE'i tliis assumption is not seriously liiiputed. There are,of cour8e,ob8tacles IJitlngeueral adoption of the system, I »t these will disappear through time |«la8 the result of continued agitation I'M majority of lawyers are opposed j-^iUor the present system of "search- i^'tiHesisa source of revenue to '""â-  The prepont registrars are Imposed to it, for tiieir remuneration IJPeadson the amount of "searching" l««Kandthe "searching" would IJPiillj disappear under the Torrens pteiB. Then the process of quieting hMlesofland before it is brought Ijerthe system has been an ex- imte one. And h i'Ay, do one thinks L f" "^^ °^a"8»e unless he is sell- P* buying. H'ould be a great boon to the own- I .-MUnds if all lots hereafter patent- ly of the ProTinces were placed .««« nndtr the Torrens system- jJ*ould prevent the present con- l^j'y***' from spreadmg, and â- ^:* '"§« number of examples to l«"th.» i "mplicity and economy I ;^'J«thod. Steps haye been taken L â€" r.gc^itkvV ' Mwrable an arrangement lNBN^Sb»eNorthw„t Territory and Man- l^tiS "°^'^^*«Ps^ill probably IWhi "° "**°^ "^y ^° Ontario. IW. "° *^is province the rWk» ?T IS confined to the Co. l'i«to\ru city of Toronto, and l%ira P*^ ibet the number j themielvea of the security '»ill rapidly increase. ket?r!l'*^ *° learn that A. b'«eeM*°**'P'^8 druggists "^Wv? *?,^*g«ncy for the truly ^fo^J^tl'"?•^^^g•acert«ii ^l«f»n^lK^"®^ difficulties, colic, 1^ ""tt* and cholera Only 25 May 20,, I beg to call the attention of Municipal Councils and others to my new ^lid Steel Boad Scraper â€" One Solid Plate of Steel Pressed into Shape. The weak point with steel bottom scrapers has been overcome in this casA by putting on Steel Shoes which protect the bottom, so that there is no more J wear on it than on any other part. The Scraper combines Lightness with Strength, and Handiness with Durability, and wil scrape any ordinary ground without plough- ing. They gave good satisiaction to all who used them last Season. A Sample sent Free of Freight wherever desired. Send for Prir«s to ANDREW McGILL. Chatsworth Foundry, 294-300 Chatsworth. Ont. TO RENT. A single shop next door to Turner Co's Drug Store. Also a farm 8 miles from Markdale with 50 acres cleared, will be leased for one or more years. Apply to A. TUBNER (ft Co., 194-8 Markdale. New Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants uf Markdale and surrnnnding country that I have opened in MONTGOM FRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS. SCONS, CAKES PASTRY Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS COMFECTIOMARY. ORMMGES. LEUOMS, a BEST URAMDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Batter and Eggs taU?n in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and close attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is So Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W- M- SPEER- Condition Powdor, Condition Powdor, The Dprby Condition Powder, the best stock blood purifier in the market at The M Drag Store. OIL CAKE, OIL CAKE, always on band. TVIocleT"a,te Charges, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMEROIAL TRAVELLERS. Mathews* Od Stand, opposite Mlarkdale House W|y4. TetYI»OR, f ROPRIETOR. [OVBB *!!!ti WOOL "SSS^ Those having Wool to sell or manufacture, will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESHElRTON WOOLLEN FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and ha?iug engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now basy manafactnring goods mmally kept in stock. Any custom work entrusted to ns will reo«i» prompt and careful attention, and done at qpaaonabls Brices. I^" DOU'T FAIL TO GIVE US A CAJjJ^, e â-  A full line of Potent Medicines kept by Yo'irs respectfully, R. L STEPHEN. THE GENUINE SMER CARSON'S Iiplement Eiporinm^ I beg to announce to the pnUio that I am this season better than ever pre pared to supply your wants in Agri- â-  cultural Implements and; Machinery. I will keep on hand Self-fiinders. Reapers. Mowers. Sulky Bakes. Steam and Horse Power Threehing: Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined.. Plows, eight kmds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Bcufflers, three kinds. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad. Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Open Top Buggies, c., c. OMce ttt Mari(dal Hiuee,. 291-809 MUtRKQALE.. THOSE IN NEED OF A R EWINC -:- M ACHINE Should be sure and get the o o o o o oooooosoooo aEIUIHE NEW YORK SWaEI oococoosoooooooo The best is tbe cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. m lisiiss sior. R. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- ronuding count] y that he has opened a general liArness shop on King street in the village 3f HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep m huid a large stock of LIGHT and HEAYT HABNESS, lmg and short tugs, 8TBAW GOLLABS, WHIP;). COMBS, BBC8HEB. HABNESS OIL c. I will nse only first class material aad those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to .eall at the Eiew harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Bepairing done witti neat- ness and dispateh. Sdieiig a share of pnblic patroDage. I am respectfully yoturs. liK) R.CARNAHAN. Peerless Oil !; Aliood of lil Gompotitoroa Highest Honors GokL! MIedal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WOftLD. SatisfactMaraii^^^ Ask for PEEBLESS and be sure you get it, as there are imitations.. The genuine is only made by â-  1^ Queen City Oil Works, TORONTO, ONT. MONEY TO LOAN. /^N real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chatged, ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O Busi- WEAVING. ~fiaTing retnmad to Markdale. in order to be mc»« eoavenient for my customers, I beg to anooanoe that I am now nreoared to do all kinds of Costom Weaving. Besidenoe old stand, opposite Praabtrrian Church. «« ABCH. BOYD. 6 CENT. Money ItNuied' on Farm or Town Property ti lowest rates of. interest. Apply to K. J. SPiiOULE, Conf^anoer and Postmaster^ ieieshetton. FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFULLY situated n^Miin 4 miles of thu thriring Town of Heaford, beiii),' south half lot 20. eon. 7, St. Yideent. 100 ' acres, 55 acres being cleared and in a good state of coltiTation. Tliere is a good youit^ orchard, aii abundance of good water, witli suitable biiildingM. Priee very tow. Terms. easy. For particnlars appl^ to J. J. JOHNSTON, 190-98 ChishohnV Block,, R)afura. R. J. 8PROU FIiESHERTON. ConyeyMneer, A]prais(r, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mort- gages, Leases and Wills drawn up. and Valnations made ob sbHrte8t. notiod. Cbaiges very low. Apply to. B, J. SPROULE, Mousy Lsnder««id' Postmastsr, iHesberloin.. I â-  a l

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