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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 May 1886, p. 3

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 " • i ^-iiTitSr. â-  •' i n-' i â- Â«*« iTfli"i'"'"tiii^ V»^^^ jtio Aninaali- y^ !«Hr. :_.»:-,oe to oaraelvej. [^^*i::,niu^ :»»»• *°j^ â€" t' 'iTw'l'aiuo'adltloji »' well at V^^Lmwtic anloiil" areplaln- "«Jr8^o.. ithmanagement. ^^^uci "'cold ra!M hortei driv- •?•%£ cTirrent.; cattle over- ilif: .1 JmneUod to bieathe bad !« oS' oonatipated by t iW'*|^"tv,^e misdei hOUld COBL »i»^l intelligent butchers know Kf.'^Se other aourcee of supply. j!i«'«*^,!!!t°i^'*fo«»d, then'weaken S.?* Sting nothing but the •P'***^ these misdemfanor* and • ',^, them deprive eur domeeUo "".v.f, njwer to serve ue. ton d come from perfectly r^ue4tihoi'°.,."._*v„4.nJ,.r« know PtXo-n^ni^"'"" not granlvcr- l« '^.WtW on cam they are unfit I^'^n-hther Moses was whimsical or V „f oTiaazed adipose that Pi'Ttfcei b»d air aboucaa long ^^t^^'D oircnUtlon snd weakened •' -^ rnld have let them, even If """ ^ai"'tiaterfered, Bhontdbe ra- ^n,taaawsiU5byJews. "?fho7cbolera--that outrage en "tive corn diet, occasions or ag- Filthy water, made worse by ""fith foil of bacteria and malarial Kf^m from vegetable and anl- "^,lTth6 drink which some hojis ' «.n rf the year when their '"l^^Bt. Every organ ef the body, r'^nrce Etiive; and struggles' to re- ^1 a-sometimea with partial sue '^tenthe uaeqaal struggle ends in ::;»'«"., I---- «* pwinn. cattle knoi whole heraa of swine. iiehog cbolera, always follow after " â-  loose methods. Whea tsrgo before .^t existed lor months on tte lo:dsr "?. snd death-now baried in snow 1^;^ before the bliz^^rd ;_now =«f- If.nifos! atif- now terribly collapsed for ,â-  ,i • r,ow feveriah with thirst that „=„aea*ched-end their troubled ex- jmta-"P- oaro-pnanrnonta,- or any ,,oi luDga. Le-.rt. liver, iijney' r-rcjclcs skinor toiea, nobody will riisedat It, who has common senae sweBtoaae It, LvKizsd world ahould enter ind- ktBst szainatthe abuse of dumb TaelawEhoald panlsh transgres- ,1, (.ft""er than it does. The abaard- itsched'when people copsent to be r i.jt^np out" what carelessness and L brought in the height of audacity t:'sdvhen the migohief-makera pro- le" a tax. Evary f sr^n needs cattle Jjfebasmcfa shcuid ba distributed, I' 'ar's broken up, civilized treitment "faad^harswill b3 littla stamping m.1 Ifariv stamping must be done, l."tosTitiii"i.".l3i-ves'.iji!ateandEe3who t-thcMc;EsUy zazd the bill to him. jldiugi of iaEd, great herds of cit- fciygidlooteiy -3 fnoy alwiys are and Y^,y.i ccnirwy to " public poHcy " it iihi! in Bi to "enocurage such things ieviig th£ offiading partv from any lii:ie!thsyhsva created. Let u? maJ:e • ccuii'jrprofilnhk, lowtoMaEase Soil Butter. rn (lairymaoi s^ inds out to his csisths following direotrona for hand- -ilbLttjr: lj:«cnE8 why roll batter is £0 low |,aw6llas la the past few years, la peofitB poor keeping qualities, and b:y country merctaita, as receivers, ::: uLderstaad handling it, apd the L-n prefe: bat'erine to roil that has kizpoied to the lr and tho smell cf all Irioisiathfl store. iv- rcU hiti'cr surce.i.^/ally and have i^jQae of iZi trescinesa till sold, you jtnpea.h roll In muilin that has been udto get oat the sizing and dipped in tejtalt brine. The briae will orystal- |Rir the mmlin iid help to keep the nit; and if you pack in boxes, line hi a like manner with muslin and jieloM, to aa not So shake while in tran- |Bd h sure and sot to pack poor xolla • goodâ€" you had better put them in Ipeue tab, or fling them out of the back [sidby all means ship your butter Donst hold for a higher market, as "«i »Dd sell it for grease. It you IH to meet the tnurket price aooord- Itjulity, as it is sold in large mar- ^ttunyon will make bv selling. Ian Impp's Great Business. pd Kinpp owns probably ttirlatgeat ia the warld dependent on one inil- Ihe works witkln the Town of •t«3py more than 5C0 acres, half of suuner cover. Acoarding to a oenaoa Ssptember, 18S1, the number by Mr. Ktupp was 19 605, the 1^, 'of their familtes 45,776/ making I" peiiona Bupported by hia wotks. ^tapp owns 547 iron mines In Gsr- OWES four sea steamers, and ncocE9cted with his Essen works ';l»»mile8c{ railway employing-'lwren- r:;5 tomoiivfs aadSSS cars, sixty- â- Â°?« with 191 wagon's, and-forty •«ifgraph wires, with thirty five ,J.'f.^'-irtyav3 Mo-Eo apparituies. f ib" ' "^^"^^ poi23ss2s a grand ohBmi- [^â- ^'i^rr, a phot9grat5hic and lithp- [^•»-eUcr,apr!nticgcffi:e with three I " iiand presses, and a book 'i^p^ -^e eata'clhhment even runs itiiE. ^WVv â- C!?^r^e^:^^^*S!«S:^!!???^i»^ •â- f-irilMCT. «h..«i.'iU»«!«?..iS3ftKrs?CaKtJSE»-: jm ...'.. \.. aen.-[aan8hot, Jiat Some Vomen Suffer. /°®g Wife's Greatest Trial" is the â- Â«8o»»!7.1° *^« Christian Observer. V lad f^V! *^ " *^°°t JJi"' w well aa *»Kd »!?*/'• She forgot to bring in '»CS!:""J'P*« kindling th3 ^njnn„- ^? *^8 overslept and the ^4 ^°^ "ke all poaseaaed, "«*t!,.v •*,â„¢*" la^e intervening "Sb*^',^uV°" *^ woed-hooae Mh^ If ked and then the fire *«ntffi„ V *^« °°fiee waa muddy (uW'^M and the ateaka burn- ^lad, hnabaad was or«a» iw^ " get married. '*Ihaib0enw»lkln' *roiind(m topdbaixth mighty nigh my allotted tima," aaid Brothar QuiairtM%h»buid«aaiaijlMag, •*and ylt aame thftiga are jiat aa maatk Ca mjitary â- t^ a aa aa aalMB I waa 90. " How doea it liappen dat de folksaa who am head-ober-heela In delit pot en de iQoaa' BtyleT " Why am It dat de man wU a head fall of bralna moa' play aeoond-fiddle to a men- ksy wid a pookat fall o' money 1 " How doea It come, dat while we pn^eaa to lub our naylor, nott^'tloklea na mo' dan to h'ar he liaa recelTed^a aet-back and mna* take a oheaper hooae 7 " How am it dat de man *wid de iMCgeat di'mun plo, an' de woman wid de moar real lac 3 -on her dreaa, git ahet ef deir conhter- felt nioklea aooner dan anybody elae ** Show me a party of fifty pnaaona gwlne to make a- trip to Turap, an' 111 pint ont thirty five who am atarln' off credlten to do It. " We complain dat serrant gala doan' know deir dutiea, aa' we eddloato our dar- tera to ignore housework as beneaf 'em. De hired gkls of de next gineraahun won't be to blame if dey mix bread In ae bath-tub an' ma^h tatera wid a beer-bottle. " When de preacher gita up In de pulpit an' sp'ainr dat de African heathen am pinia' for tracks an' Bibles we shell out de cash wid hot fingers. When de wldder calla at de'iront do^h to inform us dat her chill'en tai'Cold and hungry an' ragged, we keep de caah keerfully salted down, an' wonder if an autograph album wooldn't help de f am'ly pull frew. " Saema*ta me, as I lean en de fenoe an' look ober de lansoape, dat a good aheer of dia world am wrong eand to. De shine of blaaa keetches de eye ^har' ailver am nmtb- ^ed. A li^s^ Toloa jnthera a crewd'aaaBeir dan aweet song. Soblety demands a. dress coat an' a white ahirt, an' if dat demand am satisfied nobody will ax de wearer whether he has bin in State Prison er de Stats L^g'a- lachur I L^t us new pnrceed to dispatch de routine biztneaa ef de eavenin'" BOUNCED, The Chairman cf the Commitee on Appli- oationa reported that the following appli- cants had been rejected for the cauie named: Over-Estlmated J^^okaon, of Atlanta; con- cealed the fact that he had a wooden leg, and had been in jail aeveral times for drnnk- ennesB. Major-General Deiire, of Petersburg, Vir- ginia, failed to mention in lila appUoation thai he waa a anaka charmer ani traveled with a sido show. He wm also very reticent about a certain tranaaction in keroaene oil, which retired him from public gaze for aev- erel moons. John Henry Opsngate, of Jaokaon, Mis- slesippi claimed ta be 37 years of age when he was over sixty, and he did net ctiink it necessary to inform the club that he got his meat at another man's smoko house. WASTED IT CHANGED. Shindig Wtkins desired to cikll the atten- tion of the meeting to the faot that there was a shoal in Lake Huron which had been set down on the charts by the government surveyors ai " NlggerHeid Shoal." He for one felt it to bs a rcfiactlon en his race, and he hcpcd the club would forward its protest to CangresB. " Br udder Watkins, do you call yourself a nagger " blandly inquired the F/esident. "No, sah â€" no, sah 1 In co'ae I don't I'z3 a caU'd man, sah " ** Z lotly, Brodder Watkins, an' so am I an' all de res' of de crowd. If dar' am ary niggeir who wants to complain about dat shoal let him go ahead it am none of on? funeral." Brother Watkins sat down, but he didn't look exactly like a man who had gained a barrel and a half of vlusibla information for nothing. CHARTER WITHDRAWN. Glveadam Jones then presented a report of his recent trip to Dover, 0, to which point he was dispatched to investigate com- plaints regarding the branch club granted a charter last year. He found the following shocking state of affairs exiating 1. No dignity on the part of the officers. Tne President permittea himaelf to be ad- dressed as "Old bay" and " you, there," 2. Members were allowed to remove their shoes and atackinga to aoratch the chilblains in open meeting. 3. The branch was in debs to every buai- cesa holose in the town, and its Treasurer had not been required to give bonds. 4. Lkwlesa proceedings in the vicinity of the hall, Every hitohing-post for half a mile aronnd had been pulled op by the xoots. Daring hu two days' atay in Dover he was robbed ef liia ailver watoli, hit In the neck With a brickbat and made the victim of two ooafidence games. He wenld recom- mend that the charter of the bnuaohbe with- drawn at once. ^- â- ' ' On motion of Shindig Watklna his report wss accepted, and the reoommendadon adopted. FINB REMITTED Somoweeks since Judge Napoleon Cabiff remoyedj one of hia dioes doring the meet- ing, oontraiy to roles, and placed his heel on a corner of tl:e stove and went to aleep. When the heel got heated op it created^ an alarm, aoe^membera had an exciting time •ledking for^ what was anppoBei to be an in- cipitenc conflagration in the garret of the hall. The Judge was brought up under the pro^neto^of the constitution and fined $709. Since that time he has made three diffarent attempts to commit, suicide, and at this meettog ' kpetition rigned by 178 cf hia friends was prosec*:c in hia favor. His wife also sent down woi.* that If ills fine was not remitted and he restored to his former stand- ing she would have to leave him, aa ahe had become fearfnl of lier life. "lahidlremit define." said the F/ad- dent in reply to the petiflon, «'an' Jad|fe Cabiff wni agin resume hia farmer standug, but I hope dia wlU be a wamia' tohlaa. De man who deliberately Ignoree de rights of his feller-men mna' not look for sympathy when his trubbles come." The Judge aaid in explanatiai that he had not been quite right in hia mind for aev- eral wceka-prevloua to the epfaotto wh|* proved hia downfaH. He had taken to eat- s a 5oOotofa«' every night before gdng to bed. andher«wJeWfo^«f'*»«»*Bd and active agaidSi bcuJ*^ prbmlae Aa* «Af**^ The mieting then went home. ritttt^ ^m^ •/!»; -f? 0UrADA9 ,.r ACUasiseattke Calnii«)a« into AstatlieadlbHloB HseV^ i* kM «««i|r fakdioatian ef aacoalUtg its laimsiisli f fJe oeaaeifl, bath â- â-  regacdafNpnlintefMt aadi; ottUty; and, speakirg paitloalatly ef Canada, it ia happily aaaoted that ferezMaft and variety tlie preaeat dis^y will Ite exeeedaoy previooa effait. The apaoe ia oaosidaraUy moM than that allotted to tha Doaaiaiea at the famadPiiiiadelphia ezhlbi- tbnof 1876, and it feUewa, «a ahatnnl aequeaos to the remarUlde a«ricultanl and vaaniaetozlog pregteaa eC Canada doting Oe paat deeadap that the vOdfaita allow both in aombec and qosUfy an Immense advanoe upon any pvevloos time. Oa entering the ezhlUtlon Imlldl^s one is at onoe faoe to faoe with atrlUng re- mindara of Imperial development, (tetbe varlooa panels deooratlBg the entranoe liall are portrayed a serlea of views of the metro- polis, and leading provincial and oolotilbl towns. Among them wHl be foond HalOas^ St. John, QoelMO, Montreal, Ottawa, To- ronto, Winnipeg and Yipterte, an ezoellent puetama of Canadian civio growth and im- poitance. Passing threogh the harmonleasly arranged splendors from the ladlaa empirei crossing the court of United Aostralia, and down the central avenoe* one fi ads the Can- adian aeotion, excellfn^y placed In the central arciide, where, Inalndiog annexei^ transepta, corridora, 34,899 feet are provided. Extenaiona thence ron into the weat gallery, with 20.280 feet (rf apaoe, and the weat arcade with 2,080 feet, whioh, with additlona In the east and weat quadrant, the conservatory and gardens, Albsrt Hall and the new building adjoining, mike in all jost over 73.830 feet of ^ocs space. First to claim attention -are the decorations, the basis, aa it were, of the whole diq^lay, and hsre one ia at once struck by A LEADING DI3TIKCTI0K between the courts of Canada and the ether ooloniea. The coloring is sobdued, and in a sense onebtruaive. From the eastern corridor, through the transepta and central gallery to the western corridor, a length of 600 feet in a atraight line, handaom? show caaea of dark Canadian wooda line the sidea .at intervale. The walla are draped with maroon cloth, relieved by a deep old-gold valance in the Irnya round the court, with painted plaquea bearing the word "Canada" and the letters ** Y. R " while on either dde of the upper lights han^s a pale lilac satin valance. The arohes are picked out with gold tipped leaves, and as each spring of the arch, 12 feet high and 10 feet apart, appropriate flags on apears are fes- tooned over ahields ornamented with maple leaves bearing the namea of rhs provinoea of the Dominion. The effjct tbui distinctly differs from that produced by the magnifi- cent tapestries and br.lliancy of endleis paints met with in many other courts, and herein lies an iadioiti«n cf the primary objects of the exhibits from the virions colonies. Australian sene of the word They have already, if anything, too large a population, and cannot be desoribed aa in any ardent haste to attract C3pltal and enterprise. Hence, India and the class of countries it repre- sents, can well afford to spend much of their energies open decorative effect. Cjkoada has other and more ' practical ends to serve. By her exhibits themaelvea, rather than the rare deooratiena, ara desired to bi the inaia objects of attraction, and while having due regard to unquestioned neatness in design and taste in (X mention, care has beta ^en to do nothing to detraci in any way from the propsr prominance due to the vast products of forest, mine, land and water. Fallowing, therefore, the natural course, let na briefly glanoe at the remarkable gathering of G in- ada's resource], from the shores of the At lantlote the waters of the Pacific, which is now filling the area at command. AGRICOLTUBX AND MAKn#ACIUBE. Commencing with the c a item afqproaoh to the central gallery, one finds first atten- tion properly paid to agrlooltore, the back- bone of Can»(Uan prograaa. To tills divi- siou the whole of the east transept ia devot- ed. Vegetablea, oereals. fruits, and wooda from the isolated Autlcosti, side by aide with the remarkable prodoota of the Cana- dian mainland, from Nova Scotia and New Bronswick to Ontario, the Northwest and British Columbia, vie .irith. one another In friendly zaal to fahcw the agrlonltural and industrial aivanoement ef their ons oenn- try. And here some speoial features de- serve attention. Many of the Indians of Canada may be foond ai agricultural ezliib- iters under th^ own namsaâ€" a striking and encouraging inatsnce of the progress of olvi- Uzition among seveial of the tribes. Then, again. It will be observed by those who nakesearoh, that with other exfaibiton of oereala, vMetablea and fruit, are aettlsss who but a few years abioe left- thia, their native land, to try their fortune ottCaiadisn Boil. Noticeable fmOng these a^ some of Lady Cathcart's croftsra, n3w snoceasfully settled at Wapella, North-west territories. Surely no mere potent faster could lie desir- ed in the promeden ef desirable emigration. The fruit exhibits of the different provinces will elBO prove a fetire of no ordinary in- terest to the B-Itish, and Indeed European visiters tp the court. They oQaaiat ef about 1 000 jam of fruit preserved in their natur- al osndltitn in antkepHc fluids. Such large collections of grapes, pears, apples, peaches, late-keeping winter apples in fresh oondi- tion, aa well aa many otherchsMS, must ipi- questlonably prove of great praotioal value Ui demonstrating the auitabillty of the oli- n:ates of C nada to the;ooltivation of fruit of nearly all varieties. THESE PRODUCTS OF FABH and orohard all centre round a Mghlyat- traotivattrophy of large, hot proportieoite dimenaiona, btdlt op with a variavr ef tf^« onltnral •rhibili whfah nng fr -abJ* j^wig. Ins. conUna to giv* h «tliMn| |^iiri.l«Mf- feSt. Glaaoing ooyn tiie .cei^ jj^ety- In lAloh the mannfaMtrnM audi sdai|riH of Cn»^aan ezampUfiedâ€" vefiBd«handa«ne patlllon fer tiw rweptloo., of^^?M^jr m sana, idanoa, aid ganwal murioal implam meroblweods of Britiah^Calumb!*. espod- aUy irett Jb«:MMl JliUWdjWe^^AiKh. ly peHahad, i a»d,4lspyi .tyie iwiMw j*!* oeme mlscellsnepus manniaotniai, â€" ing txhOils win _^ .. cal tteC^^Mte omX' S^ OMMw irdptUs be t^rflSseii Sedh K«Bih|loBi 1|»ket» the â- il0tiii9 iria «*siy way fsr lliila it^taant- â- mSiX' ThawuMOMl Onad* immmfflM a wadd-wlde repntatfon, and aewhan. is tii^r nmKh to bvor more narked thadt «n On TbHaaa and suaeag Bna|ll* eunon. It iaiMMd tkat •^poKtoaity idU arise ier the ereeliaaefaeana* trophy. There oan be nedainbfe that moh a dbpuy would peaae a a mnab at intenat to naiiy Tistten. â-  »â- â-  â-  â-  â-  THUGS TO sEnaaES. A weak mind Is Uke a miereaeepe, %hioh magidltea small tiiiaga imt oaaaek reoalve great oaea. ThedaricaatheurbitiM Uatory ef a yeung maa b iriian lie sitB down to atudy how to get insnay wltheut heneatiy eaniiag It Then ia but little bad iuok in Wbt world, but there ia a great deal of bad maa^gement. One trouble makes ua forget a thouaaad merdea. Vice stings In pleamre, but virtue conaolea in pain. Man oan not beoome perfect in a hundred years but he oan beoome oerrupt In less than a day. Nothing keeps a person from knowledge and wisdom like thinking he has lioth. Fight yohr own battlesâ€" ^ask ae favors. Yoo wfil suooeed a tiiousand times batter than one «ho is always baaeeohing pitron- Some people, like brooka, are always mur- mmwig. If you talk much beware of those who lis- ten attentively. :Se Is happy whose oironmstsnees auita liis temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to circumstances. Obstinacy Is the heroism of little minds. A bad marriage is like an electric ma- chine it makss yau daioa, but you can't let go. Sitting down on a hornet's neat is stimu- lating, but not nourishing. A man may be so wrapped up in science that he forgets all things else but he never fools with electridty and gunpowder more than once. Kfaid words oost little but they do more good than anythhig else. The best way to look at a friend's faults is to shut your eyes. Kindness, flavored with love, is the true prinoiple for association. Courage ia always groat-:at when blended with meokmesa, Mind your own basineas. To Eemova Chips from tlie Eye. Those who are in engaged in mechanical cpsrations run great rias of accident to the eje, and theroforo a few bints in regaifl to thia subject may be valuable to our readers. Minute particles of dust, sand, cinders, etc are best removed by means of a camel hair brush or pencil, moistened, but not wet, and formed to a fine, smooth point. The brnah will absorb the moisture of the eye and with it will t^e up the partiole, provided the latter has net been driven into the eye ball. When the brush is not at hand, a thin strip of soft paper, rolled spirally so aa to form a fino pohit, is the next best thing to use. The ragged cbJpa and splinters wiiich are separ- ated during the processes of turning or chip- ping, often find their way into the eye, and are sometimes very difficult to remove. Magnets are of no use whatever if the chip ia in any degree Imbedded. In auoh a case, tfltne operator is gifted with a steady hind and /rm nerves, tbe best instrument for re- moving the chip is a good sharp penknife, and is to be preferred. In simple cases let the patient stand up with his head firmly held against a door pest, turn back the eye- lids with the fingers, find the speck and by passing the knife gently but firmly over the ball as you would a raz9r In shaving, you may sweep It up. Where the chip ia firmly imbedded in the eye, lay the patient en his back on a bench, torn the eyelids bsuik and fix them by means of a key ring or a ring made specially out of a piece of stiff wire, then you will find yourself free to operate without danger of interference from the patient's winking. Iron splinters ialways have ragged edges, and oan Iks oaught on the fine, siiarp edge ef a knife and lifted out- Although the knife is the^ beat instrument te use, it must be remembwed that no cutting of the eye balls is to be permitted in any case except by an experienced oonlist. Where the person who Is operating is the leaat nerreuB or timid it will no2 do to ose the knife. In this case, take aems soft white silk waste and wind It round a splinter of wood so aa to completely oover the end and form a Uttie lrnah of looped threada. Tie it faat to the splinter. When suoh a brush is awei« over that part of the eyeball in which the chip la Imliedded, the latter will become entangled In the thieada and be easily re- moved. A good magnifying glass is a good thing te have on suoh an oooaslon and is eften handy for many other purposes about a shop. The Horiebaok Gore. There is a saying among the Russians that a m*n whe is f ena of his horse will not gf ow eld early. The Arab and the Cossack are examples of the truth of the proverb. They generally live long, enjoy robust health, and have no use for liver pads and blue pills. That vigorous octogenarian, Davtd Dudley Field, tells us that he attri- Iralita Ilia remarkable vitality to the habit •f luwaebaok riding, and, if tiie truth were kaowai it. would deubUeas appear tiiatour â- tnnUsatold maaare thoae who have been IobA of the saddle. The taste for equestrian aporti and ezerciiw whioh has lately made anoh pregion In Brooklyn ia, therefore, a hopeful and healthful ripu It ia act a mere freak af fashion, but a development in the direotion of rattond aojoyment and an aa- anianoe tlut tiie riaing generation will be leas of an Indoor and mere of an outdoor .people. It means leas headache hereafter, bettor appetites, strongarlttBgs,iroBieroheeka taWtar eTe% soimdereieep, taappier ^vlts, IwSalotal diliTioai of that otipu which, anyp^tding ta Sydney Smith, mmgn -men a^ gbod' deal lower thaa the aagtliâ€" tii6 ifver. immi. Fatti|irUpT]dBnFor ?llffclHlH f^^^^^ fs^ fli puttlaK away^^^Tm mmmiar to ho ad felloara If you have aot a regular camphor Innkâ€" t«»itii Rohwt .mad# of oiipit^«r wood- take aa ordinanr truk or eheat tiiat ia woU o»v«oarw «^f ii wgmiiBs^nViii^' •»! put a layer ef cam^yc fan la Oo bottom of It. Denp each article separately ia a oleui oloth, thoa do' them up ta.newimapora^ putbag tbooadaoe they iriD boporfeoltar tight. What theioia abook ariatara' iak tight. What theioia ^at Bfths4iriikoao tt woold V diffi«dt tp aav, but ttiaco la aemetiibg aibont H they doataMnrvo Of. lapa^WlAiageod deal of oonflloBeo on ttia matter, for I havo traatadinra oCall Idada aad wooka gar- mwts lathis wiiyfor aovond yean, aad I have aaver bad a moth get Into a thing that was so proteoted. Blankets I simpfy fold as Isofo aa poaai* ble to fit thotrunk, aveldlag: mon oraaaaB thaa i« naoaaaaiy, and lay tiiom oa Hnt bot- tom of the tnmk, without puttliig iqto pa- para, plaoing bits of oamphor betireea each layer. If thotrunk la not filled with tiieldukets,Ipat In the weolea under- elotlilng, etq,, tiiea In another trunk the nndercletliee, cloaks, furs, hoods, and over- coats, theu being done up la aewspapera, a layer of oamphor In the Iwttom of tho trunk, and la the pockets ef tbe eosta and dioaka small pieoea ef the osmplior gum. Fcr the removal of greaae s^his in such heavy fabrics as carpets, the most efifoctual metiied«, I think, wUI be to use absorbent materials, such as potter's olayi poirdered aaapatone, or budcwheat flour. Suooeaslvo applications of one er the otlier of these win fizially accomplish the desired result. The ose of benzoie, naphtha, tdrpehtine, or ether solvents is not to be recommended, as, owing to the thickness ef the material, it will Im next to impossible to prevent tiio solvent from spreadmg the greaae over a lirge aorface, leaving an ogly looking ring abcut the spotwhere it was applied. Cold bdled rice may be utUIztd to- make hot cakes for breakfast. Te every two cups of rice add a quarter of a cup of fl»ur, one egg, a, tablespoenfol of sugar and enough milK or water to make Into a batter. Fry in hot drippings in email, round' oakes and eat with maple syrup. Before washing flumels, have the dust carefully beaten out of them In the open air. Then they are not scalded out in water muddy with their own dust. For that matter, a daily beating and bmahing out of an upper story window should bo the rule fer all cloth skirts and all woolen oreases that are In daily wear. An excellent diah for breakfast is made of six ^gs and three tableapomfuls ef ham chcpped very fine; beat in the eggs and,- sitKx malting a lamp of batter in the fryiag- pin, drop the eggs Into It and stb the ham in; the ham has cf Course, besn cooked, eiiber fried or boiled seaami with pepper. Thia Is a good way to ose up pieces of meat that are left f re m dinner. Choice Seceipts Cheese Blsooiti â€" Take aa much cheese as you want for your biscuit, and with sklm- mllk mix it into a very stiff paste, after which roll it out to aboot the thidcneas of a penny, then out into small pieces the size of a quarter-dollar, and rolling very thin, bake In a quick oven. Steam Wheat Puddingâ€" One cup of su- gar, one cup sweet milk, two cupa flour, two egga, three tableapoonfuls of butter, two teaspoofuls cream tartar, one teupoen- f nl of soda one cu;i chopped raisins Im- proves it. Steam one uida half hours. Serve with sauce. Breakfast Bolls Without Sodaâ€" Two eggs, 1^ cupfnls sweet ndlk, a teaspoenfnl of salt, and flour enough te make a thlok batter. These must be baked In an iron gem pan to ba a success, and a quick oven is desirable. Potato Chowder â€" Gat half a pound of salt pork into thin slices Mid fry slowly a light brown, and five large sliced onions. L^tthemoolor slightly. Put a layer of pared and sliced petaton in a aonp kettie, then a thin layer of pork and oniona, aea- son each Uyer with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. When dl the ingredienta are used, oover [[with two quarts ef water, let it oeme slowly to the boiling point, and cook forty minutes,^er until the potaiaea are done. About two quarta of potateea will be needed. Any herbs, auoh aa parsley or young celery tops, may be used also. Cookiesâ€" One onp of butter, one ef cream, three eggs, one-and-two-thirda oupa of augar, one toaapooiiful of aaleratua. Very rhdi and good. Ginger Cakea for Brwakfaat Oio cup- ful of New Orleaaa molaasas, one of sugar, one of butter, two teaspoonfula of soda. Put half a oup of hot water on the soda, pour this on the butter, mlxseft,roU ont, and cut Itte oeokles. Bake In a quick oven. Uae gimter to the taste. Oae-Egg Cakeâ€" One egg, three-fourths cup of sw^nt milk, butter size of an egg, one oup cf sugar, two and one-half of flour, two teaspoonfnls of baking powder; Flavor to the taste. Fhotoqraphing the Eyes of the Dead. A Paris physician oallsattentioB to an ac- coont of a recent attempt to observe in the retina of a murdered gM's eye the iina(ge of herunk|iown slayer. He said.: !*' It's all nonaenoe to expect that this thing oan bo done. I have Imown of a dozen ezperfanents, aU of whioh failed from the very nature of the thing. All there is to it is this The brilliant coat of the retina lias a ooler due ti what is known, as vishal puqplok and title color is to some extent visible Impressed ly light. When in college we tried a oareful experiment on a horiu. We gave the aulmal atropUno and plaoed a negative of my own photograph over his eye. It was then kept in a dark room rix hours. TUs waa follow- ed by ezpoabg the retina totlw pbtnre fai brosd daylight for a few momenta. The re- sult oonaUtod of tlirae dark patcdiisa repre- senting my phui, nose and forehead. It waa aaabaolnto failure aa far as prodndhig ro- oogniyiUo ttk^nesa U ooiiooined '.\. A yonai giri waate to know, *Vft; ii tma that kiasiag enea fKoklsK" WohUhtt say, l^aitlvaiy^ bat a aiBiMr:re«Upt' like tlils i worth tiTteg. Cill aftat biMiiaaafâ€" " ;^i

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