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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 May 1886, p. 2

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 iif i '!)' H HW i i i A WHOLESAlJSjnrKDESEB. tW«BCB. AdjtG«ii. Ikylor si Oidond* baa b hU iUmI^ fa A* Baidfty31ook, • ndskslls ia*h»d fa InekAfa* teo* Am prmtty ot •Id EmfaMit .tiM UttiMa kilkd lUrlv-tiro whlfa omq. bqC rat ti â- â- liMaornrtte pntpOM cf wbnfag, fast riira^bMVMh^had KOMrfNifor Sio«d- â- hel EnfaoMtvM kilkd hyadefMhiMBt «f Fin* Oonde C»nlr^, ir|i^wMUB« from Fort CH^Iaad by CoL Sun F. Tbppui. Ibe knife «M p|«Mnted to Lonii N. Tap- pan, and by 1dm i» the oelleotion fa oharf;e oi Gan. JCayknc It ia as evU-hwldng weap- on, made prabably by Eipfaoaa bibuielf, ue Idade babg oamred with dark apetai doabt- leoi blood. It ia ajnatter of conjeotnre on tlie pact of thoM who mo it aa to whether Ihii^tiimnt deap«t«£e^ all of the Qiidy- two viotinu, a nppotition not (^nito plu- aible, aa the dreadfiil murderer waa known to have beat Tory expert fa tlie nae of his gon, Nethfag ii known of the early life of Ei- pfaoaa. He waa firat diaooTered aelUog whiakey to the Indiana on the border efMez- ioo, and waa arretted for tbia anlairfal pro- oeedfag, the cffioera fatendfag to make htm priaener. He eluded them, however, made hia eaoape, and waa not heard of for acme time. Abont thia time dead BODXBS BKGAir TO BE FOCKD fa that part of Caltrado. In the gnlohes, fa the minfag oampi, among tiie rooka, la many a aequeatored spot, bodies were found which Boemml to have been deepatohed in the meat bmtal manner. Week after week, month after month, this state of thing went on. The ^Colorado eaith was soaked with blood which reeked in ann and shade. For month no cine conld be found to the mnrder- era. The many and frequent deaths were faezpllcable. Black mystery hong over the young Territory. People were afraid to venture out after dark, and, fa fact, did not feel safe even fa the uaytime. After a lapse of long weary months, Mexican woman ono day crossed Baton Pass just above Trinidad, in company with a white man, in an ambulanca drawn by mules. Journeying slowly along over the ateep rooks, the pair were suddenly sur- prised by havfag their horses fired upon and killed. The man succeeded fa making hia escape In the mountains, but the WOMAN WAS TAKEN PRISOTJER by the two Mexicans who had killed the horses. One of the Mexicans was Eaplnosa The woman remafaed fa captivity for som time, but fiaally escaped one dark nig h and made her way back to her people, who lived jast absva Trinidad, at Pargoire. Daring her captivity she had soon fixed the identity of the nuaiereua murderers with which the Territory was ringiiig. She had studied the man, obEerved hia plans, and was positive that she was right in her cen- olusion. Ko sooner had she returned to her people than the news went abroad, and purs hit now became fixed on one Mexican named Eapfaosa, who waa believed to bs guilty of all this Indiscriminate elanghter. All th's happened in 1862 and 63, Espln- osa being heard of m California Gulch, where he was again up to his old tiicks of separating the soul from the body. Upon the heels of the murders the minors of California followed fast in hot pursuit of the villain, fiaally overtaking and ILUNO A TOUNQEB BBOTHEB of Espinosa'a, who ravaged the country under his leadership. EapIcoBa, however, escaped his pursuers the second time, and was next heard of fa the San Luis valley. In the meantime the Territorial Legislature had offered a large rewaid for him, dead or alive, and several men were out on the aaaroh. Early one autumn morning, just at sun- rise, it transpired that Eapfaosa was camped near Grayliack Gulch, in the Sangre de Chriato range, on the southwest slope, abont twelve mika firom Fort Garland. The men fa pnmit were on thia side of the monntafa, feeding snre that Eapfaosa waa somewhere fa the region, although they had no Idea that they were anywhere in his immediate Tiofaity. A man whose name is Tom Tobin, â- till living fa the San Luis Valley waa the â- oont in advance of the soldiers. Tebfa waa known aa a dead sure shot, it having been said for years, that he had never aimed at any living thfag and missed it. This man, riding oantiondy along fa tiie autumn sun- rise, waa attraotod by the smoke of a camp fire fa the ravfae. Qoiokly dismoontfag from hia hone, he CBBPT CAUnOrSLY ALONG, aocempanied by one of the young men fa ilia detaohment, untQ he gafaed a plaoe where he ooold see, the firat glanoe reveal- ing two Mozioana leiinrely cooking their breakfaat fa the very hewrt of the ravfae. It needed bnt an inatant for Tobin to see that the grim, ocnipar-vinged old man so care- fully breiUng h£i antelope steak on the coals, waa none ethor than Espfaosa, who might well have been ohrisfaned the "Bed Hand- ed." MalKinjr np Ida mind fa an inatant Tobfaaaidto Ua oompanfon: "I'll ahoot at the old man. Yon aim at the young •nor Thoae faurtmotions, Tobfa afterwards ex- plained, were given beoanae ha knew hia friend waa a peorahot» and ha f elt aore ttiat Ida own aim waa iMttor ditebtad npeo Col- erade'a aroh fiend. Both men raiaed their snns, batii fired, and the nnaupeotfag father at mnrdeia, old Es^osa, fell ever tlie red ooala, A LIFlLtSS COBPSE. In exaot aoondanoa with the notfona of Tobin, the otiier man'a aim failed fa ite pur- pose, only, wondfag the young Mexican, open whom ToUn aoon dnw hia gun and dcapatdied aa qniokfy aa he had dene the elder. The fatrepid Tebfa then sent his flompuplMi to faak after tiieir hiose, whloh they had left Mmeradi away, without any witneana aava haavenand the blood-stained rooka rf the ravine deliberately severed old Bmfaosn's head ffom hia body, drew the fangblaok ludr op over hia acalp^ tied it fa a km^ and, making liia way to the spot whoa hia friend waa atandfag with horses, stnokhts saddle- horn ti*rongli the knot of til* liair, and rode ifito Fort Garland, where he waa reosivad with anthnsiasm, ex Gov. Gflpin, tiMn the Govamor of the Territory, bdng there with aoldierB, all of whom gave I^bfa aliearty reoeptlon. Ih0 MiMrd efind far E'p'noaa waa lug«^bBtT«UBlMl oealdlffioolty faio- earing it. Oae Ltgidatjire after aBetbar ff claim fa kfad of way, tiia yaan meantime, wtOrat TaUa'a a oent. Ia, tha and* half the BfmofEtnd, whioh SartabfaflfaonpAa Aa fdrBlpiiMaa, 1m wa*«10Ba wlw MMT plMdmd, andiriia did mitmnkdan aaHia â- Â» â€" • ffn* veaoB, bat sianty it ia thau^ •*k^!iul a baarfn «M fcracla.'^Itiaa abg- «iar faotti^ h« ptmr »Hed tka mm ha qoirder^mauy and vahubla liaying bMO, frequcntiy found on their deadbediea. {Hia character ia one of the moat atrikfag efiuiy desperado'a ever heard of fa the Wein» and hia nramery-atiU iivea fa the liaarta^. a score of eariy j^neers, who, for a period of two years, oefar ]i^ down t* ikap at jugkt without dftkdfng his approaohb m m â-  â-  â-  I I B£B£ AKD THEBS. Eggs of Derkloga weigh 5 ponnda 12 ounces per score, l^hem rgga a little over 3 pounds, and Spanish eggs 2 ponnia 14 ounces. An old resident of Cromwell, near Mid- dleton. Conn., has taken 111 bodies of drowned persona from the Connecticut lUver hi that vicinity. Two and a half million ponnda atorlfag has been the average value for the past three years of the E^mberly diamond mlnea in South Africa. A 150*tonlKulder rolled down the monn- tafa at Ssranville, Me.,, the other day, and cut a clean swath through a large forest trees for over thirty reds, Aa Iowa cattle grower baa dehcmed 125 castle with no bad resiUts, and regards it as creat economy. Ha thfaks that homa do $1,000,000 damage aannally fa Iowa alone. Two thousand dollars have been given to Princeton College, the fatereat of which will be annually paid to a member of the j 3n!or class whose' father was a missionary and who himself expects to become a mis- sionjry, Jcaeph 0. Barratt of Newport, fa., vrhile workfag m the woods, hung his vest on a bush. The woods caught fi?e, and ^hen Barrett went for his vest only the but- tons remafaed. Hia gold watch lay on tiie ground ticking steadily fa spite of the fire. The little two-year-old daughter of August Kutscher of New Haven played abont the room the other day with a sharp- ened slate pencil fa her mjuth. She fell and the pencil was driven fato her throat, piercing the j 3gular vefa, She died almost immediately. E '.even-year-old Tommy Bickus of In- dianapolis stole a horae and buggy, and drove away with them, Tiie buggy didn't suit; h'm, and be stole another that did. He kept this lig threa days, takfag daily rides for health aud pkatue until he was arrest- ed. Ho will be tried ror grand larceny. George B. Hfgley of Simabury, Cjnn,, re- cently lo£t hia picket book and looked fa vain for it. That nfghfi he dree m 3d that he bad found the boik and his speotaples, which as yet he had not missed, under a tree that he had set out the day before. In ths miming he dug up the tree and there founa the misafag property. William Anderson, a citizen of Clncfa- nati, objected to payfag hack hire unless the hackman proved himself the bstter man. Finding Mgnment useless, thehack- iu«n drove Mr, Andenon to a retired spot and there wiped the ground with him. Then, to his disgust, he found that Mr. Anderson hadn't a red cent and could hot pay. though he had been well thrashed, The other day a sailer belongiiig on a British vessel anchored off Yallejo, OaL, went ashore, and after a ramble of several hours he returned with a big rattlesnake, which he had put fa a can. He waa con- siderably surpriaed, when he pulled the serpent out of the canto show it to a native, to be told cf the dangerous character of the pat he had caught. Taere was reoentiy fa Exeter, N. H., a tanrnamrnt of the New Eagland Trap Shooters' Association, and fifteen boys were hired to work the traps. When all were ready the word " Poll" was given, bnt no glass balla flew in the air. Thrioe tne word was given without result, and then the leader of the boya arose and said "We want a dellar and a half a day or no work." The strike waa a ancoess. Jeffarson Herman of Owfagsvllle, Ky waa clearing a hillside of bushes not long ago. His axe became entangled fa grape- vfaes, and in hia eiforts to extrioato it he stumbled and fell over a ledge of rooks fifteen feet high. It waa not mnoh of a fall, but Jefferson managed, before he reaohed bottom, to cut off hia nose and most of hia upper lip an 1 to knock out nearly all of hia teeth and break his jaw. Henry Allia, who died fa OoatosvOle, Pa,, recently, was known to have saved $1,300. but it oould not be found. After hia burial the story got about that the money waa sewed m the linfag of the coat fa which he was buried. Soon after the grave waa opsn- ed, the coffin split open, and the body taken out. It waa found fa the graveyard, with the clothing scattered around, except the coat, whioh waa mlssfag. Mra. Stafford of St. Louis waa spendins the afternoon witii a neighbor, whraiaS saw a valuable setter dtg of her husband'a racbg back and forth between the two houses and attempting tojuinp nptethe 1 i?";, T?*f* " ^^ alttfag. She at length dedded that aomething waa wrong, went to her honae, nnloeked the door, imd found that the iiouae was an fire. Hie dos's """*- timj, end the building ms wamins waa fa saved. A few daya before William Aahworlh af Ormn, Mo., died, heUd a qnaBtity ef goldMin. That waa fifteen yemaw^and though a earefnl aaaiofa waa made for the |raaaan,ltooaldMtbefeand. LaatwaelE M«. Aahwortn ampSed en old chum that had stood an a aheif fa tiie tmske honae I'^J*'!^ HiaohntnwaafnUof boaB8,end fa the bottom waa a tin oan, and fatheofa waa ui old woellenaodk, and fathaseiA S*j„*^g'8»-«««»^tegoid. ItamiSt. wiSoJiS^ Z'iSL "J" «» •»»*• parted oosmuqr* n Mia«f iMka. Tbm Jm ft» ilMniirt Jeliaieaand ' rmmc lodgingank M want down fato _oava,aaa tiia bmb managed to gat WtT^bxtdaytiMiialghbora gotj^tena Mft.ferSaaidafnilkv«. The aitealwaa noktani^ad, atthon^ k(» lud faHaa ov^ mruHk ,, " of BoAdo saya tliat the |iWka will aliDW hsw tha bosa pfambon auke ao mnc^ Jh. said *f I Will tell yan one if^ war geta ^0tl may tottjoB m'ira. 33i«y aand men ont who ara aa niwe, than min apprenHoee, and whose wagM ei)t,Ba«faer»wan $1.50 per day; but it is aharoad -W t*" bUl at $5 per day, every tiBMr- Bay»-«i»'tiH»-«ad»to do man'a work and a» paid men's wages, and exorbi- tsbt at that, by tKoiiB rho ara| nnfort^nnata Sfaugh to* VkrtTi^oA aA% V do tiidr It if refatad that whan the first Mama railroKd wia afarted; abaat forty yaan sg W. C. Pitman cl Bangwwaaa condnoter. One rainy morning he atartad from Water- Vnie, and, on arrivfag at North Belgrade, a flag station, net aeafag any fl«g. ran by the station. Jnit aa fta trafa had passed the red flag waa rvn attt ior same paasen- gers to get on. Mr. ntaaan stopped hia trafa and aaked Stephan Biohardaon, the' station agaat, why he did not display the flag before. Mr. Biduurdaon replied, "Be yon a-gem' to ran your trafa in rafay weather t I didn't thfak yon would." A resident of Mfaneaota, who has seen sereral severe tornadoaa, aajni that there most peonliar feature i« the sfagnlar suck- fag movement. Boildfags are snoked up fato the clouds entire, and oome down soon fa fragments. After the great Rochester tornado a farmer twelve miles from the town f oimd an uninjured marble top table fa hia field. Another found a very large sheep that had coma from no one know where, and had been deposited fa his yard imhurt. The Minnesota man further said that ho had aeen a board fato vihich wheat straws bad heen driven until they stuck through on the other ride, Alsohs saw a plank driven through a big tree, and a piece ef pfae moulding driven through a small butternut tree. Judge Bybee of Portland, Ore., has an Irish setter, and between the Justice and the dog a very intimate friendship exists. The other day the Judge went to Sin Fcan- obco without osnsnltfag the setter. As soon as the dog missed his master he went moping »boatf^ad a a fn se d ta be comforted. The next day he grew moodier, and when three days passed by and still np master wa8 visible he lay down in the closet where the hunting trapa were kept, and refused aU caresses, and for five days wosld not take a particle of food. Ffaally he wandered off to a livery stable, where his master's horse was kept, and would not be driven away. Once a day he went back to the house for food, and kept np this programme till the abient one returned. ^^^^ JalbwdauaiB.lilgliTartudfa amy itylaaadafaqpai Doat nae any m»a nanaaoiHi purgattyea anch -!^ .. -^ .when Jtpia oan get fa Dr. ' BittttV* â„¢^^°*"" ***** ' Spirit VisitationB- The recent deaeh, fa an fas^no asylum, of Charles Foster, the originator of the doc- trfae of the spbit visitations, which caused at one time such a thrillfag sensation throngbout the whole of £arope, has arous- ed the attention of the marvel mongers once more. But the true paychoIogisQ finds a deeper faterest fa the study of the man him- self than fa the mere enumeration of the miracles he perfornEed. Taere was the great mystery. The man was of the com- monest typa known to oivilfzition â€" heavy, flabby, large featured, short necked, bow- legged, without ease or faoility of move- mentâ€"and yet he managed for years to lead the spiritists into the belief of every muacle he professed to prove, end to be- C3mean absolute idol fa the eyes of hia wor- shippers. The seoret ef his immense power lay fa his oonoentration of thought, so it ia Imagfaed. "flow do yon know what an- swer to give to questions unexpressed T' said a learned £jg|ish phjraician to Foster one vluy. » Because I do my own thfakfas with their thoughts," waa the qukk reply whioh left the irqdrer fa greater perplexity than ever. Althongh the man waa so dirty fa his person and oaraleas fa his hablte that he waa nicknamed " Grabby Foster," yet there are many people whelver to have seen the moatlbeantifnl sfrla olaaning him by the nook, kissfag his flalil^ oheek witii rapture, and weeping tears of tendemeas npon his bosomâ€" aU the while beholding, fa obedienoe to hia will, the lost mother or sister long sface borieiiBn the etave. "Grul^lV Pottei^' wa. efS faJltfd to Koebworth. and laden with honora by Lird S^^t^ilv-^* T? "'•o'W»»l Marffravefa the " Sirange Story," and whUe Lord Lyt- tons gnait waa fatrodneed to the bistiest boinandwealttleat^fa tiia land. Some of fas deoeptiens have been diaoovered and ex- posed, whjle ethers have remained unde- tected to tills day, althongh snlmltted to the minutest aeratby by science. His American wit enabled him at ens time to make a magnificent revenue. In AnatraUa itis aaldherealiaed fivehnndred delSIr! dayl^ makbg the poor exilea behold fa hia hideraa visage tiiat of tiied«Ml reUtireOT beautiful aweetheart tiiey had left bSfad! returned to Amenoa, where he was pfaked "P^^'**?" •""*«» WfatohedwSr«M umnn. Sere his madneaa aaaomed the most demoniaoal form. Hia faSS to ilfZSrS' ^^' "?â-  "««««v?Spo^ £?SSy*L**?S'^."«^ Several timea he tried to murder Ua attendant* and with the most treaoheronaonanfac wanldK«k «» take that ft«ctio«ry1^^S?*;jiS Sli^ M.*i!^ ««*. ttd he haa jnat died a atupld idiot, ^onoonaeieu ef • ratwud aantttton. «.d faoapable ef mHoI^ oomp,aUon. The SScSliS^ fa Dr. OafsSi 'ISomaoh' Bittdrit â-  medlidne thai mioytSmi%^tH» gently. OmoMiaK all i^pu' Itiea frsfa the.system ud poftMlng theB^ csxjrtmoKWOkB asp (asksâ€" VAiftUkSTn) i^ coaal to beat fan|iot«ra all fcindaof is^tiag;. OaM IQe Woi^ toaaaicK Pabbm, Gait F.O. OV iÂ¥b^ fcr i^ cha« oaaysmourt CAKKIACB KOKKIKB ^t OaBTERS. nbolraale booiea, Biannf«onRia frtt ptue QentndJ'altB. Addisaa M.D. Kaudf^^ lU^nlap- tuier, HMoUton. Ci Qltn ^*' F8rm-9IM «• Aerc Fai;^ WOVU| J:.i6(^otlO actliir pUja, 15 ' hslf-ptlce, â€" l6(^OtlO actliir tnatnunenta iU\a, ISoenta; 100.000 BUZLAND, BAND SAW MAOHUrBS-AUi SIZESâ€" LATE8X hnpiovemants bracket bud aaiwa tor attach- luff to posts; veal, cbrap and dunble aena for olnmlaia. JOHN GILLISS ft CO., Oatleton Maoe, Ont^ I AM CIEABISG DP A SWAMP LOT â€" 175 screeâ€" iiBnie3i«tcly d joining Penetaj)|roiheDe ^lObt tvf Bty aciea rand) loam, leat black muck .well drained wlU nake fplendio atcck farm good ipnneotcek; oreanery belrgboUt on next fann pilce nov, fcnr tJionmid terms eaay. A. M. KEAXIMQ, Pesetangniahene. MAS OK A WOMAM WAKTED IN EVERT towDibip, to sell Dr. Talnage'a new book, **Iive Coals." Xhe keenest and moat vlgorona specimen ot ciatoiy ever written nearly 700 pages only a i toll pattionlara ot this and other new booka FBsa. Schuyler toith Co., Pnbllehcra, IiOBdon,Ont HORniAH]» IHOBOUOHLT lAUGHI BY Mail or Stndenta attending our Academy will be thoronghly prepared by blcheot Masters io Short- hand, Typewrlung, Bookkeeping, and ^atoeas Inln- ing. Advanced atadenta helped to aitaationa. Im- mediately addreta, Xhe Union Shorthandei'a Oom meroial Academy, Arcade, loronto. PENETAKGUI8HENE â€" OABDESr LOTS-over- looking harbour, adjoining bneloess centre, two to three hundred dol!aia per sore haU-aere bnildlng lota, two hnndred dollara large paik lots, one hundred dollars per acre np lovply land and water scenery healthy position • the town ot Pene- tangulAhene ia makiiig wosdeifol progiesa; address A. M. KEATING, Penetangnl:hc T:e. SPKCIAIi NOTICP.-GRAsn INDUCEMENTS oftered to yount; I,adi«a ..'a Gdntlem.n during May. Shorthand. Bookkeeping, CcmmerclalBoeineaa, Engllab, Olaealcal or Mathematical oourat a, eeparate or all together, at half the regular tuition fe?. Ad- dreaa immediately, Xhb Tobonio BusiKsas Cclliob, Toronto, Oct. NEMON CO., MILLWRIGHTS* ENGINEERS. Berlin, Ont.â€" Sole manufacturers in Canada of automatic eng:ines from 2 tolS h. p. automatic en- gines for printing^ offices high speed automatic en- gines for electric lighting; automatic engines for cheese, butter, and sausage factories, or any other purpose where a li^bt and cheap power is required For price list and other particulars address aa above (^ VEKPH BrsXSES^COIXEGE, Goelph, Ont. X Tonng men and women thoroughly prepared tit poaitions as Book-keepers, Shorthand Writers, Oaligraph or Telegraph Operators students from nine PiOTinoee and btates in attendance- within a year graouatea pUtced In commercial centres of Oacada and the Untied SlAtes rates moderate faclUtleaexsellent; Irstmctlan icdlrtdual for terms, etc., addieee, M MicCOR.UICK, PrhiclpaL Xir? £ tVAXT IBBEE AGESTS IN EACH V V conniy for a new took ne will place en the market in two weeks it will cnntaln five hnndied pajfes, asd rtt.ll at S2.75; it isidltedby aprcmlneot Canadian trentltman, who has not made public his cao/e; it Is (xpected tie 'iteraiy worJd will be all astir to fled ont who ibe brlUlact writer le the bock is upon nn impcrtant tcplc, one never before diecueeedby Canadian autbors; ill wiehlcg to be- come agents tor this remftrkabl' volume ate advised to write for particulars. Address, International Book and Bible House, Toronto. A' GENTS !r.^TOU CAH'T PfND~A"BOOK THAT Ktves better eatlifaction or that yon can make money faster with than •• woilrt'e Wonders." Sellsto all c!acseaâ€" Chrtstia^B and Icfidelg, Cath(riics and Protestant!, old and young old agent) who have not canvassed for years are going Into the field with it 0. P. Jecklne bold 128 the first week J. E. Bnice says: 'Tne flrbt week with " Wonders " netted me one htudred and elxteen dollars " A good chance tor uaemploved penois; outfit free to actual can- vasseis, write tor terms. BBASLar OabbrsoH Co. Brantto rd H. 'Sfi^a^^' FeltA SlatB RoofBr. PiSS" »*?«."»*'" '**'*» '" '^•"e" Felt. Roofing PItoh, Building Papers, Carpet end Deafening Pelt, Ready Boofinsr, c Per Low prices address H. WILLIAMS, 4 Adelaide St. E., Toronta GUELPH CARPET WORKS, J.A..4RMSTS0NG00., KumrAcrcxiBS of WODL, UNION DAMASK eAfiPETS, OI new patt erns and desIgnSi Csclpli, •at. Send tor oatalogns of Fralt, Grain and Xmck Farms in the centre ot the ta* mona Peach belt of DaUwara, to JtA^VIS A COm MnaoaB, Dbl. JAMES PABK SON, Pork Packers, Toronto. t«S^ l!US?"iSr "**'*ii "P^' ^«». 0- 0. Bacon. BiSSll* SjL5*^*"«^^Cured Hama. Dried Beef Breakfast Bacon. Jimoked Ton«uca, Mess Pork) B»Sr.?'SjL5'^-*"«r.C««d Hanw. Dried Beef Si « .f "tL "*»"« "Uoked Toner " ' fri?1*iE.?'P^' Oh^'ie. Family VA Fina Dairy Salt in stook. I«djn^bi-s^i Si^""The"BSt MTot bS under aftids „ tothfakof. At Brasent Si^aans mnoh herself is at fault wh« oentomptatfag fti extaSrff lot bar power f •a It wera» by tiie itraaee anomaly preaenti nary denial of edlvnatir? "" """' "«'"" For tke lear 1896 Nc^fa*|«re«dBtion CM W nude ttMoto rmM Imying any of tiie sabatttatoa oftn^ ^(unifaotueis of tae Oelebiated isa? eUELPfi IILI WOUKS ;i^ T. PBPPIR ft CO., auelph. Out. ^^^f^;*'».*P.»i*ad at aU the Our Dnplez AzleS'an an to be had at Priaelpaiaaidware Stores in th^DbmSSaT AWNINGS I SXND FOlTmCS LIST. Awning, Flag, fent Damping Depot !«• T«B«e Smet, IteMnte. B- SPEHCE « CO., OmisninerB wm flad ft to their advaatage waakfhetoidsrbranr miksof FlIsB and wr pries l ift end tsrmsL ^^ HamUtoin, Ontario. I I BRANTFORP C old ttATEB BICE STABC }} ISfEVmR FAILS. Tkerels SnowDiiii] Xhe mxcMBoiJi «irnlenB|,c;;7"« TUb Royal CFeiOig,. L C. lijj Improved â-  And al, kln';TL;i« tarSmi ice Prim l^, armstronl Patent !„,«, J Onr-JmnpSeaVBodjoa a ready eaJe..Dd makes, u, and useful convevMce. dS pasBengejs, and chsrgedXt'"" double carriage qnlckif„„Si^ carriage maker lot parUctuS^oJS'" application to J.B.AIIMSTROSCliferJ GUELPH. CAsff THEliilni DIVIfiEis I,. „, Space l9 hereby gtrerShTt « cent for the current hall.y«,. ^^^1 eight per cent, pet annnm isd »b«.HJ cent. upoQ the Pald-np fhpW of ffla day bBtn declared, andOntthettn»S5 at the Bank and It, branch" on Sa btXSuii^d""'""""'^^^ lie Annual Ciencnilllertlirilii for the election cf D;rfosorBw!Lt«JeM" Imr houso of thp Institution on Wtjii IGtIi day of Jane next. IhectoEk at noon. By order of the Boirl D con vi\ Bank of Toronto, ApiU 28a, Allan LiiB Royal mS Bailing durinE Krister from Port in" no aad Haltfai evtry 3»turd»y toIiherp(»l,ia tromQuebeceTerySnturdiytoIive^iH, doad6i't; to liujd mhUs si^d pusesicn foriG Irel'na. AbofroDiBiitiino.'e.rJHiliiiiidJ, N. P., to LiTerpool fcttcifhtly djiic£icn K'te ;r£ti3iet3 c{ the G!»3?ow iitmiilll to and f 'oia Er.!iiM, Potiiicd, Bcifcn a phis. and doriug jummer botmeii Sl^gi tresl, wo^Ky, ft;»»jow ialEciitcn,tK!ili;i cow Rnd PhiiaSelphii, fortiJgliUj. For frsight, passage, nr othKiL apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltii Cunard Co.. Halifax; She8Co,a N. F,. Wm. Thomson feCa.St J*! Allan Co., Ch'.cago;LoTe ^da,j \orlE;H, Bosrlier, Toronto ;Alliii,B Quebec Wm. Brockie, PhUadd^ Allan, Portland Boston. Montreal lew Orleaiis Soaiyi â€" lUKDricimiii- Winters Patent Wl Ba^es, Carria8[esSIei|^f Send for Caialogne. J. WOTEBS, 1 KNIVES, MAV coiftj TJbANJBK KNIVES, flj"' "JSi Jr Jointer, cheese box, nnw. "3^ Cobkblndere. monldlBr, ••"SJsJjuFi knlvea c* beBlqnallg,!"""^. „.., out IfacUne Knife Works, 6«it, «* ' Lit To WoodworkerSi Ca FatemtPleketPel»««*^s2i Xhto niaoWne will «^*ifS(^2rflS smaUplakets; «l^.r£i|oe«'!£ S3i can beadJM*»«^«rtA^. Seed lor clrcuUr. ^AfTJJ" J^ "" J for the Danjlnlon of CMJ^j,^ FasoB Co.. 16J Bl'« 8»««« ^- «'«"?l"t. SiancliOScec87 »'

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