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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 May 1886, p. 1

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 i».*»4 Wr -*r»T. »#r Hi Mail., *% '2 23.. ,? •no 3 ISO â- ^40 4; ;35j ' -w j «30J p- 111. :itii, ifij 'J "iiil 7. :i(l i:itli 7. 2 â-  Ja-' '^Var.l, M4 Horses eil inedfors rlicat?sgi^ the ^jc*? bi^- e.-No. 2^7. MAKKDALE, ONT., MAY 20, i8«6. Coran or tbs Smmsabs Fits onrat macb. and Elgin, Ce"giade,3oz..Com ' Case, $lj--QQ' $14.50. ' $18.00. roadway Ellery Bartlett's Warranted two ytars, aud must give you mske room for a llbavethegoods L .,• cnt prices to â-  E'itock of Hampden Watches with 'om name on, coming June 15ih. Us and work equal to any ihop in Iret. W. A. BROWN, A Behable Jeweller, Marlcdale. M and Oilier Items. I ViiTicF.s in fhese columnx intended to benefit [iiMkidualor Society will be charged ten vtiiline for the Hmt insertion and five lilineeach subsequent insertion. Don't offer too many spoligies, or people will begin to think there is somethio]? wrong. SuBscBiPTioN LISTS am numerous lately. One has been lately gotten out, soliciting subscriptions for the '«r«etion"' of a football club. Thx Young People of the Methodist church purpose holding a garden Party at the residence of Wm Arm' strong, Esq, on the 4th June. Th« S. S. express going north on Wednesday struck a cow on the track at Markdale station killing her. The animal belonged to Mrs, Boyd. If you are in town on queen'^i Birth- day be sure and call at Wm. Mason's Carrage Works where you will get the lest bargin in buggies and Democrats. Thk Brass Band will accompany the ealithumpians in a general parade of the town at 10 o'clock on Monday, 24th. This will be the best ever given in Markdale. The football match, to be played on the 24tb in Markdale, will be conducted by the rules of Association, »nd 12 will comprise a team instead of 20 as stated in the bill. R. L. Setphea, our new druggest has put up in his plate glass shop front a set of Decorated Opaque Spring Boiler shades, which are an improTe- ment as well as an ornament. Miss. Worts made us a flying visit twiek, Is.PcpHAM was in town visiting friends jtwesk »go, Jdb, Sproulk, M.P., is expeetsdhome |(ii Saturday. M». All«n McDougall arrived from iFort William on Monday. Mrs. Wright is now visiting her isnghter, Mrs. Hollingshead. Blwk notes and receipts always on 'jbA at the Standard office. 1. 0. Whitby has a first-class Top |3iiggy,inearl7 new, for sale cheap. We hail pleasant call last week |faBi Mrs. Might, now of Chatsworth. Farmers and Stock owners, take a jkkatthenew adv. of Stephen, the jcnggist. liuc Stinson is building a brick Inadence op[X)site jDr, Sproule's |iiKdeiice. Glenelg township Court of Revision I 'ill be bid in the Town Hall next ittarday, the 29th. Ihi Markdale Roller Rink has I ifcued for the season but will be |»e:edcutlie2-ith of May, A foot ball team from Owen Sound t« from Chatsworth and Orangeville I'^tobe on baud to play the 24th. Inu are about 15 Methodist I backers in Markdale yesterday and I'^a.T. They appeared quite civil. ^Thename of Williamsford Station â- Olias been changed to Holland P^aitie, and Sullivan P.O. to William- I wtd. Jhb fine Doherty Organ in the ««Wi8t Church gives excellent «Q«iaction. and appears to constantly I '"iproTe. "*• Tauor, the new livery man, is .2? a good steady business, and at- ^M'" closely to the wants of his I "istomers. w° !^ '°- ^Jason'e to get your rigs metl tnmmed and painted. Prices I ?^MiS ^^^ **°^®^' *°^ satisfaction i^^o^ener Thomas and wife \2\ Sa^^field, Manitouliu, on ijtjjj/!"' andare visiting friends ^cmity. iio,!j*f yoar address label and see 4,^'^jch you owe the publisher the 'f«reonis that to which your ^*«Ption is paid. ^^etSr'^^' °^f'««« of Mark- (apC",f ""ibare. W.J.Benson, i,J«n, Oscar Wright. Secâ€" Treas.; kt.Jpj^f^'i-I'resident. The club 'â- ^^ODnt ^^^^ ^^*^ *°y team-in Tn will be Methodist Bazaar and Concert, given bj the Ladies, RuNAWAT. â€" On Taefldsy last while Mark Creasor was leading ijoods at the station with Taylor's- dray-tean, a shingle was blown off the bnildiug where men were re-shingling the roof, the horses took fright and ran up Mill St. at lightening speed and were brought to a standstill opposite Lamb's blacksmith shop No harm was done except a broken neckyoke. The coneert given last week by Christ Church Ladies' Aid, which we briefly noticed, was one of the best ever given in Markdale. The String Band from Oveen Soand did their part excellent, and their efforts were highly appreciated. Mrs. Moore of Shelbume is a singer of rare ability, having great command of her voice. Her render- ing of "Where is Heaven" and "Kath- leen Mavoumen" were highly applaud- ed, and justly so. Mr. Jakeway, of Stayner, gave several recitations, which were not up to what we have often had by local talent. The choir did well also other local talent, especi- ally our noted comio, W. J. Benson. Altogether a very excellent and varied programme was rendered, and the audience was large and appreciative. JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD- COMDBMSBD FBOM OUX XXOHAXSM AND ormcBwiBE. .BUSINESS LOCALS. We know, for a fact, that you can get fourteen good milk pans for $1.00 at Haskett Bro's, and no shoddy either. Natioxaii Piu. are siigar coated, mild bat thorongh, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pill in nae. A. G. Peuchen's celebrated prepar- ed paints mixed ready for use Any quantity, any color, at Haskett Bro's. Use Prof. Low's Sui^hsb SoAPfor Priekley Heat, Nettle Bash, Scaley Eruption, Itoh, and all diaeased conditions of the skin. Fob your School Books and Station- which of the Church on the 24th, promises to eclipse their former successful efforts. For full particulars see large posters. The evening express train going South on Saturday, ran over a cow belonging to Robert Bumside at the crossing at Maikdale station, kill- ing her instantly, also wounding Mr. Jery, go" to Stephen, the druggist. John Lyons' cow. Mk McGill of Chatsworth sent last week a shipment of Scliool desks to Assiniboia, N. W. T. Mr. McG. makes an exeellant and substantial school desk, and trustees in need of such should not pass him. ©HEAP Fabe.â€" The C. P. R. will reduee the fare for the Queen's Birth- day holhday as follows; â€" Single fare between all stations on the 24th, good for one day only, one and a third fare from 21st to 24th inclusive, good to return np to 25th. \. I The Hectic Flvsh. pale hoUow cheeks ' and precarions appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectnally remove them. At.l the leading Patent Medicines to be had at the New Drug Store. Feayer colic, tmnatoral appetite, fretfnl- ness, weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. A stock of priAie fresh groceries just opened by Mrs. Clement. that Don't buy foctory made Buggies and Democrats as they are built to sell cheap, but go to Wm Mason where you will get the worth of your money, as he gives a guarantee for two years at as close figure any othei firm in the ceunty. Rev. Mr. Casson's lecture on Wed- nesday evening last. 12th, was well attended, and was instructive, statis- tical and very interesting, especially that part referring to British India. M. Richardson, Esq., of llesherton, occupied the chair. Hill Bros, have decided to put a plate glass front in their premises, as also that occupied by W. A. Brown, as jewellery store, which is the same block. They will otherwise greatly change the front which will make a vast improvement. Notice.â€" The Markdale cheese fac- tory will commence operations for the season next Monday, the 24th inst. Milk haulers are hereby notified to commence that morning and comply witli the conditions of their contract. B. Col^an, President. Mrs. O. "B. Johnson, of Seattle, Washington Territory, has been visit- ing at the residence of Mrs. W. Corn- wall for some time past, and left on Sunday last for Parry Sound, where she will make a brief visit. She will also visit places of note before return- ing home. Fbrhament PABTURB.-^Quite a num- ber of farmers have decided to try piece of permanent pasture as recom- mended by Prof. Brown of tlie Ontario Experimental Farm, and we may look for results being reported in due time. Mr. Tocn^ has. still a supply of the proper seeds, and it is not yet too late to try a piece of ground for this season. If any of our readers that are afflicted with Bheumatism have never tried West's World's "Wonder or Family Liniment, we advise them to do so at once, and be con- vinced of its extraordinary merits. It will positively cure yon. It is a never-failing remedy for Cuts, Sprains, Bruises and all complaints requiring external treatment. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. May Mrs. Clement is this week in Toronto replenishing her stock of toys, fancy goods, confectionery, stationery, c., and the public can find the best eelection in town at her depot. "Header," in infonmng yon of the wonder- ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that :we are doing you a great kindness, as if yon have any of the aboye complaints, if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaotioD in every case or moey refunded. Ask for McQregor's Lung Compound. Price 50o. and 91.00 per bottle at B. L. Stephen's, Drug Store, Markdale. 3 Green Oranges, Lettuce, Radish and Apples, just to hand at Mrs. Clement's. Never drug the stomach with nauseating and weakcniag expect, orants and opiates; Hagyards Pectoral Balsam is plesant and reliable in its effects, and safe in all throat and lung complaints that, if neglected, end in eoneumption. Lunch and ice-erean) lU all hoQif on Monday next, 84Uli »t Ifvl^ Clement's A rOBTUHATE XSCAm. Mrs. Cyrus Eilbnm, fiaamsville Ont, had what was sppoaed to be a ctocer OQ her nose. She was about tolsabmit to a canoardostor's treatment, when she concluded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, internally and externally. few b(^«8 of which entirely cured her. 17curriip Seeds, fresh and pure, a large variety to ehoie from, at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Jo. Dnndalk cheese factory opened last Monday. The great Street Car strike in 'loronto continues. The tramp actually idle-izes sum- mer weather. C. J. Miller's tannery at Qrillia was burned last week. The new post office in Orangeville will be opened this month. Mr Coulter's tailor shop, Shelbuma was burglarized last week, 70 people were instantly killed in Spain by a hurricane recently. There was an explosion in Flesh erton last week; it was'nt dynamite, but a jem jar of yeast. The small boy learning the alphabet is very much like the postage stamp â€" he often gets stuck on a letter. The C. P. R.. hoats are runnmg regularly and making close time be- tween Owen Sound and Port Arthur. The corner stone of a new Menhodist church was laid by Mr. Warring Kennedy, of Toronto, at Mitchel, Ont, last Monday. When a man who drinks on the sly comes out of an hotel he is apt to look more innocent than an innocent man would. A number of our contemporaries are discussing "the proper time for girls to marry." After they are asked to, we should say. Enox Church, Owen Sound, has been enlarged and was re-opened last Sabbath by Principal Grant of Queen's University, Kingston. There are lots of people who mix their religion with business, but forget to stir it up well. The business in- variably rises to the top as a result. Dr Hammond is still insisting that a generation of bald heads is coming, and the doctor must be right, foe a yery recent baby was bom that way. Doctors are great men. Joseph Paul, of Primrose, while en- gaged in cleaning grain last week, had two of the fingjires of his left hand badly crushed in the cogs of the hopper. â€" [Orangeville Sun. A poet sent to an editor a contribu- tion entitled, "why do I live?" and the editor answered, "Because yon sent your contributions by mail in- stead of bringing them in person." It is said that a Chinaman never swears when he gets mad becaiise tiiere are no cuss words in his diction- ary. He simply upsets his washtub, butts the bottom out, kicks a dog and feels better. Another dynamite outrage was eommitted on the residence of Mr. Monro, Police Magistrate of Orange- ville, on Tuesday mommg last. The house was badly damaged, but no person hurt. "Why, Lftura,how tightyon wear your corsets," said one lady to another as they were dressing for dinner; I never could enjoy anything I ate if I were mine as tight as you do," Grace be- fore meat," the other replied as she laeed herself in. Tho following case which came up at the Bruce assizes, is of some intrest to our readers, as it has been com- mented on in a local joumel,-â€" Ries vs. WiUonghby. â€"An action for slander in saymg that the plantiff stole defend- imt'a bees. This was disposed of by the defendant saying that he never said so and by the defendant payment $60 to ttie plantift.â€" [Grey Reyiew. Miss Brooks,, who wan employed as a servant at the Paul House, was arrested the other day on a warrant from' Barrie for theft, and on appear- ing for trial pleaded guilty, She was sent down for six mentiis. â€" [Thorn* bury News. A New Pusbvtexian. â€" At ftmeei" ing of the Presbyterian Synod held at Gait on May 5th, on motion of Rev. D. Mftcdonell, seconded by Rev. W A. Hunter, that of Orangeville, which is to meet on the third Tuesday of July, with Rev. A McFaul of Charleston, to be first moderator. SPRINO and SUBfBOBE. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liyer Cure. No Spring Medicine equals it. It stim* ulates the Liver, aids digeston, and purifies the blood. Large bottles and Receipt books, $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. May. Business men and coporations may be interested in the following â€" It has been decided by the courts that il a partner of a dissolving firm neglected to give notice through a newspaper of a dissolution of partner- ship, he is equally liable with his partner for all debts contrasted after dissolution. A sxcbit fob the laddcb. The great secret of beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and all blotches that disfigure the face, may be quickly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Annie Heath, of Portiand, eertfies, that she was cured 1 y this remedy after suffering for two years Cheltenham, Ont, May 16. â€" William Dobson, a wealthy and respected farmer of Chinguacousy Township, blew the top of his head off with a shotgun at an early hour this morning. No cause for the act. He was in Brampton on Saturday and returned home in the evening in good health and spirits. wobth kbhxmbebiko. There is probably no better relaxing remedy for stiff joints, contracted cords and painful conjestion, than l^igyard's Yellow Oil. It cured Birs. John BidJdl, of Orton, Ont, who was afflict- ed for years with contraction of the bronchial pipes and tightneas of the chest. It is the grest remedy for in- ternal or external pain. A USEFUL HINT. It may be useful for the reader to know that the popular preperation known as Hagyard's Yellow Oil has proved a sovengn remedy for deafness, many certified cures bemg on record. Hagret's lellow Oil also cures aches, panes and lameness, and may be used internally as well as outwardly. A second party of 200 boys (ages 8 to 16), is expected to leave Dr. Barn- ado's Training Homes. London and Woroestei shire, England, early in June, and will arrive in Peterborough towards the end of the mouth. IS* Applications for those boys will be dealt with in the order in which they are sent in and completed and should be made early so that all arrangmeuts may be made to forward them on ar^ rival. All commucicatious to be sent to Mr. Edward Dufl, Superintendent, Dr. Bamado's Distributing HomC) Peterborough, Ont. JIcGEEGOB'S LUNG COMPOUND. Have you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse^ ness, a feeling of Lightness in thn Chest, Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint If so, buy at once a bottle of McGregor's Lung eompound. "It will cuteyott." It eontaius entirely new specifics, of whidt one does is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies. It is put up in dOc. and »1.00 bottles. Srfd by B. L.' Stephen, Druggist. Try it, and you will never have reason to eramplaiav 4 An additional field of usfolness for the C. P. R. hns been indicated frcm an Imperial point of view. It has been suggestedâ€" and the suggeston will probably be acted upon â€" that an alter- native telegraphic cable, entirely under British control, should be laid from England via the Cape of Good Hope to Australia in India. The advan^. tage of this would be that, in case of the obstruction of the Suez route during a War, Britian would have a direct and independent medium of communication with her remote possessions. It is argued that» if the 0. P. R,'b wires licross this continent were utilized, there would be a saving in distance alone of about 8000 miles, counting the slajck \«ire of the two routes. It is every day more evideut that our great railway has before it^ possibiUties of usefulness which it most enthusiastic promoters have not overrated. ^, I.

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