....r.,.n.,^.^,.-l^^^ Jjti^iag. 34 Uf^ ^^ "^^ H ^# "Ksimf r':*ifr;-y sto^- fie*!***"**' was out iafall evening last and graia Band Saturday t turn ring with* few verj rnues Thanks, boys. â- '"%! considerable excitement It^r^ ,,, end oi the town on Mon- '""r the loss of a little cbUd 'â- '-^'!m belonging to Walter ' Tu'e child was missed from â- ^'.-e about 8 o'clock iu the "and after considerable aearcii .irents and no trace ot the â- â- ^^ '^â- .^ be foniKl, the alarm was "'^enatnrn out of the neigh- 'â- •' '^i^a goiii^'iu all directions. '""â- jo o-ck'ck jitnoon the little ^^' 'imv\ stuck iu the mud by of A swamp on Mr. George 1-- ffti-ffi. The day bsing very ""â- '^Vcol^i the i.nior child was al- ',;^njlH.a wiiou found. Fair on Monday last 1 1^-' â- â- • '-• attended as usual, j vi cows changed ^17 M MARDM BMlJJWRT OF FOB â€" «?*'!. i AUi %i BREiD, cms 119 in^, AT REASONABLE BATEa BI$CUITS AND C0NFECTI8IIARY of all kinds on ba^d. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on tl^ Shortest I4otice. Wedding; Gak«s a Specialty. A call is respectfully solicited. Bread 4elivered in all parts of the town y.,-4 h k glOHOlllDIEiKtt m M tnwM svr •^ -â- :• -^♦i-*^ PREiniSES: Next Dttor to the Roller Rink. '86 EDWARD RUOKE. Tl\p Coart of Bevisiea for the lomship Glenelg, wQl hold its first sitting iortnie oorraat yaar at tiie Town H^ OB SATURDAY, 99TH MAY, 1886. at 10 o'doek *.(fli. Xhe Conoeil will meet for general J^^uiaess at 2 odock p.jn. the game 3tff, J. a. BLACK,. Township CTlork. Glcoelg, 13th May, 18$$. 29S-98 -ATTHK- Departmental Examinations TTiFOEâ€" I Second and Third-Ciass Mon-Pnf»asional Certiffcatea. CuttlP ,: as largely 'id nuiuber but at very low prices, fti iHiu" bid for new milcb cows -nviiOT.-cro pressed for funds closed ' 'laer • but most of tliose having iri' raui-iicvl them to the farm KNITTING. MAGNIFICENT -:- ASSORTMENT -or- Comtis, Brushes, ToBet Articles, And Perfumery Watctm, Clocks* Jewelry, Spectacesv Pipes, Ac. -AT- JAS. G. mss£us FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. -AT- st ,uerchii:it J. G. Auderson, one of our ^..VpMted youu;,' men. who has """tlia employ 0' Mr. M.EicharLl- for i;e;irly four years ci'oseu his c-iigagemeut there ,w tiikiiig a lioiiday at borne i p::iv:jt.s. Mr. Anderson, Li p( sitioii Jiere, in the large .ji,.o: Li/:iCi;ufiUit:Viicc m this pra-t •I. cotr.;try, iu:ide many warm â- â- lii his business relations tau.jpui-li;\ liiri ready hand, pleas- ;i ci.'!.i:'.l luumer, and sterling 11' " â- n.iu for him the esteem of i;i \Yhati;ver courao he may map itiie fuiiire we wish him the Lceev autl blo^siug that attends the ktwho puts his trust in God. MES. CRAWFOED has opened a Cnstora EnittiBR Fttctory in Markdale, and is now prepared to do all sizes and shapes of stockings and sockfe, in â- wool or cotton on short notice, and at reasonable charges. A trial respectfully solicited. Fiictory opposite tlie Standard office. 295-8 ROAD SCRAPER. COSSUilPTION CUEED. liEflil vly-""'"' i-f tired from practice, W-.l;ailil;u'ti.liui lis bauds by an East tiili^-;onaly the formula of a simple KKiibio n meily for tbe speedy and perman- titri'lConjumptiou, Bronchitis, Catarrh, liliii;' ami ;iii tbn ;it and Lung AJSiictions, caroiitiveaiiil r'.lioal cure for Nervous iliiiltv ami :i!l Nc-rvous Complaints, Lrj;!;teftt'J its wonderful curative powers tlv.jaud- of cases, has felt it his duty like :t known to liis suffering fellows. ~iWi by tliis Eiotiva and a desire to kim:in siuTerinir, I mil send free of X\j .lU who dc.-ire it. this recipe, in cj?, liviic- or English, with full i lor iTtpariu^ and using. Sent by ii' il^robsiiig witii btamp, naming this V. A. NoYKtr, l-i'J Power's Block, ::rTciii-:s];i:xi'EnED tseless. .hT c;:i \\v who ]ja.4 to use crutches â- ..-' cf illiv uiaa;i.-iu, still and swollen .. :i:;:..ua cov-.lr, and other aches, :!;;'.:â- .'.•::.;-:, mav throw aside his â- iliodUffvlIn^vard's YeUow Oil I beg to call the attention of Municipal Councils and others to my new Solid Steel Road Scraper â€" One Solid Plate of Steel after pressed into Shape. The weak point with steel bottom scrapers has been overcome in this caso by putting on Steel Shoes which protect the bottom, so that there is no more wear on it thiin on any other part. The Scraper combines Lightiie^ with Strength, and Haniliness with Durability, and wil scrape any ordinary ground without plough- ing. They gave good satisfaction to aU who used them last Season. A Sample sent Free of Freight wherever desired. Send for Prices to ANDREW McGILL, Chatsworth Foundry, Chats worth, Ont. NOTICE is hereby given to intending candidates for Second and Third-Glass nn-professionah certificates that their ap-: phcations must be sent iu' to me fiUed and: accompanied by the examination fee â€" two' dollars, if writing for third-class oidy lonr ' dollars, if wiiting for second and third-clafls â€" i NOT I.ATER ZfiAN THE TweBty-Fiftii Day of IVIaj, next. Blank forms of applicatiin will be suppUed on request. TipO.MAS GORDON, Inspector, Owen Sound. Owen Sound, April 20. 1886. 236 6 btore to Rent in khkaale. THE Store in Reynold's Block to rent, Applieation as to terms can be ojbtained from Johr Lyons, Mftrkdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vineent, 143-tf. Strathnahm. P. O.. Owner FARM FOR SALE. 1 /^/^ acres being lot South lot 8, con. IVjiJ 12, Euphrasia, 60 acres cleared, balance hardwood with good sugar bush, 40 seeded down, well stoned. Tbe farm must be^sold po ssession given immediately, terms easy. Apply on the premises to ELIZABETH LAKE, 192-5. Markdale, P. 0. N Ew Bakery. The Kei Drug Store. You will,not make a mistakt if lod ' to purehsse at THE NEW DRUG ;8T0RL Coipe and Look at them Jnyway. f peooooooo ocooo.oooo It IE a £act, as every one jsays, that BUSSEHL is the man I to repair your Watch or Clock [properly. ^000000000 oooooeooo/ 294-300 SCONS. CAEES PASTRY I would respectfully intimate to tbe in habitants of Markdale and surrounding country that I have opened in MONTGOMFRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS CONFECTIONARY, ORANGES, LEMONS, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of pubUc patron- age, and trust "by honest dealing ai^d cloe attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 â- W- M- SPEER- DIAMOND DYES. DIAMOND DYES AND DiamQiid Easter Dyes, Package Containing 4 Colors^ ONLY 10 CENTS, Buy a package at once, and get a beautiful EASTER CARD PIVEN WITH EACH PACKAGE AT THE NEW DRUB STORE. Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs Generally at the NEW DRUG STORE. Yo'irs respectfully, R.L STEPHEN. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to f^ive satis- faction, J«S. e. RUSSELL. 217-269 CARSON'S Impleiiieiit Emporinm. The laf I'Ov; tP 3 cyclopedia. I TO REN I CTv" isrlia of universal ;(i i 'hc- most valuable iv. For practical ;:• valuable as larger -il ^un;:h often conraiu 01 v?vbIago and lin- ger, v.-!iilo the cost is â- tli.s-^ more pretentious i"..L-farious reading :.ie in clanger of "ivs;. or worse than ..; caunot be said They are full of ".in,:: every depart- -iSiiirrapiiv, Science, '1 I'^eonomy, a com- '.nsclves. ^t'S, ir!c"c;i;Lts, professional --i a.ino till classes of people 1^^ picS: r.!i..l instruction by "b' t;:;i T. ork for ii:formation ~:-ttcrs within the range of â- .-.-.,-.â€"1. • â- J- -ri; cf rijicreuce it will be â- \i!U5uir!abl.:- value, and will rscil- the necessity of unsatisfactory search vol-araes of separate A single shop next door to Turner Go's Drug Store. Also a farm 8 miles from Markdale vdth 50. acres cleared, will be leased for one or more years. Apply to A. TURNER Co., 194-8 Markdale. THE 6PDI»E SINGER THOSE IN NEED QF A REWiNC â- : M ACHINE Bhould be sure and get the I beg to announce to the public that lam this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery. I will keep on band Self-Binders. Beapers. Mowers. ^ulky Relies. Steam, and Horse Power Threshing Machines. Grain^ Prills Single or Combined. Plows, eight kind^. Sulky Plows^ Fanning Miiis. Broadcast Seedfir, Combined., Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Upen "top, Buggies, c., c. OKce at Markdale House, 291-809 MARKDALE. ooor -i. ly. ' :;i ;â- •RIC^S. «r"«i4R,(2^;«r5agS*^ ocoocooooo o c o c o GENUINE NEW YORK SIDGER o o c c o o oaoooooc 00 -, " i â- ;-i-'"Strritior..s are fine and abund- ^^^ cipar. the paper and ^= frjcd, auu die general arrange- ^; '-^ 11:5 vork excellent. ,.^^=orai:;iiy recommend the work .. uieu ovcrr intelligent familv ^- â- " possess. ?I-EASINGDUTY. â- ^^te^en i^y to say," writes John ' er,.e.i â- ' â- Q- "^^-^' Burdock Blood .â- â- -;'i^;-'^\,i^'^^ " li^er complaint, 'i^??:^ "â- â- '" clironic sufferer. I'l f ' ^^-^^P' 'n:ptoms soon gave ""'oalisiitT, liighly recommend the iitering as she did." L '^AR AGAINST f^IVE HUNDRED. r»iCh;.' BothweU, Ont., was "^»*'nednr^""°'^^^ the blood. '*^wonl ' ^^^^ «* Bordock Blood "'"'^diSes"'"!!-*^' »500-.00paid â„¢*^- It 13 a reliable blood SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMEROIAL TRAVELLERS Mathews' Pd Stand, opposite Markdale House W^l. T/rYbOR, PROPRIETOR. [0^. WOOL! WOOL! !!!£!!!!!: lAOU Those having jo\ to sell or manufaotpre, will find it to their advantage to call at the The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certamly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 29Q Markdale. m HiBiEss sior. E. CABNAHAN would respectfully intinuite to the inhabitants of tbe sdr- ronnding coanby that he has opened {^ general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on h^d a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HAP-NESS, long and short tugs, STRAW COLLARS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES. HARNESS OHi Sec. I will nse only first claea matenal and those requiring anythint; in the hamsss line will find it to their interest to ei^l at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfolly jonrs. R.CARNAHAN. 190 Peerless Oil Ahead of All Competitors. Higliest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Ask for PEEELESS and be sure' you get it, as there are imitations. The genuine is only made by â- 9 Queen City Oii Works, TORONTO, ONT. ON real' estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged- Bnsi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0* FLESHERTON WOOLLEN -:- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splenffid worktng'itfaer, and' hayicg .engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy mwwptarxnR gpioas iwuallj^ keptinatock. 'Any «uistoni work ^^^^^^^^^B.^'^^V'^r.f^, carefnl attention, and done at reaeenfbM prices. GIVE US A CALL. May 8rd. 1886. W- DOfi'T FAILTO' WE#|ylfiG. Having retimifld to Markdale, in order to be more eoav«nient for my enstomerB, I beg to nmoanee that I am now oreiMaed to do all kinds of Cnstom Weaving. Beodeno* old ataad, opposite Presbyterian Ghordi. 233 ARCH. BOip. 6 tER (lENT: Money loaoad on Farm er Town PropeHy ftt knraiBt nlM of i^tnesl. M.,J, SPBpXIIjB. GonTejaneer ft^di ' Ppfctinaitor, .-.- FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFULLY situated within 4 miles of the thriving Town of Meaford, being south half lot 26. eon. 7, St. Vincent. 100 acres, 55 acres being- cleared and in a gobd^ state of coltiTation. There is a good yooiiR orchard, an abmidance of good water, with suitable bnildings. Price very low. Terms easy. For.partienlars apply to J. i. JOHNSTON^ 1^-98 Chishdm's BkdE, Heaf urd R^J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. '^^ Conyeyanfler, Appraiser, Yalaator and Ifon^ Lender. Deeds, Mort- gagM, Lej^sfs and ^^Is drawn np and' Yahuil^ns, nade. on i^orteet^ ' 1 4 B. J. «»0 PaiiMuittrr,