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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 May 1886, p. 2

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 i "â-  ' II ' i in !H K THE FABM. ^waj Bpny Qzchaid Lueots. Twrnfy fir. to thirty ywra ago my «- obard bon foil oropi arery »Iteniato year of â- mooth, roTOd applM. I go* me^y tiun eader and faster, picking and Mlling the fralt, than at any other time in my life. The treea were large, and I ooold aet a lad- der in a good spot and get a barrelfol with- out moving it. Bat latterly treea have not lionie aa well, and i^plea have been knotty and wcrmy; caterpUlan and oankerwanM have inoreaaed ao aa to min many orriiarda. ^he cadlin moth haa baea wont crfi^ and tte moat difficult en mytoko'd In ^eok. iiut I feel aore now that it ia an easy thine to destroy tne whole crowd of ndiard IS- â- eot^ by spraying the treea with London pnrpleâ€" which ia much better tiian Paria ffreen, and cheaper; it does not aetUe ia. water as the green does, and does no* need ane person to stir it as yon drive alou with aiorcepamp, Mr. George Allen boaghta fruit farm near Holly, N, Y., which Una in snch a condition that the whole neighbor- hood ridicnled the pnrchaae. Oankeiworma were in the orchard, the trees liad not been trimmed, and the farm had not paid it» way for some time. Ha palled ont half the tre«a, gave the others a good praning, sprayed with Paria green once a week for a mouth, and harvest- ed 1,400 barrels of aa fine applea as ever were seen yon coald hardly find a wormy one, H? expects to have s«me thcnaands of barrels thL} year, as many of the trees had b66n M stri]^^ by cankerworma fai '34 thak they did -not bloasom in in '85 ^«t seem sar« ' for this season. Mr. Allen pkiBghed --^ raised beans and some other tpig ^^^i] between part of the trees, pat on what b^' manure there^ was on the farm, but w ' made the most snrprising rcsnlt was ti^" ' spraying. The thiiming and pmnin^r va' T ' jnat as necessary. If you think you caaap' spend time to tpray the trees but eoea. ' tame then is when the apples are «â-  V t^* " full-slzid peas then the blouem 1^8® apple stands up, and the poiM" ^5" ° blossom end where it wiU ' ,;8«tBO^' good," asthecodlmmotJ- " ^•^^ ""»â-  the blossom end and v' way in. sPKve^" •*»«»"• °* Genesee Comity, ^„ th« .«,^ on one side and left the other. not aw* '/*" â- **« **»• *PP'" " **^ *°^ r^!ij. -rmy one on the other they were -y» wormy and poor. And the trees ^pear to bear better if sprayed jaat before tiie blossoms open leaf- rollers â€" little cater- pillars becoming very destructive^get on the blessom-buda before they open, that make t'lem look aa if singed and bads tiiat way set no fruit. This pest also is killed by the poison. Three Unseed oil barrels and a force pamp with a rubber hose to pat in the bunghole, make a good rig to spray with. B? sure and not get too muon purple or green. Mr. Bathbone has experimented mere than any one else I know he says that half a ponnd of purple to sixty gallons of water is plenty. The purple should ba wet like paste before putting it in the larrel, and then it will mix easily and not float on the water. Profesacr A, J. Csok, who first showed the value of this remedy, urges great care upon those who use it do not turn stack into the orchard till after a heavy rain has washed all the p9isen from the grass cnder the trees. k|7dttiMash ttl «,^widliadbeeii: â- till aiowly mdt- sniiaoe of the ^w f er folly a by many toi««iv"'?S223|' ttw fiae atttn Tartaighl, I 4iiraaA mora «bandant new smw*. lodde- and thafr in many inatanoea rsvltaetf k i,^ presslani whioh several yaara aj^oMRi. ^y plowed arvBow too wat and spitagy. Iv t ia cTearly the rasnlt of keeping the raltffe^ and snowfall npoa and in tiia greand, a« i»\ done by tree-planling. I m^ht point out that the oomfielda with their wildermaa of broken and taii||led stoma help also to con erva tlie nows m the winter. HEALTH. Slow TraiM. A man was one day making a trip en » « mixed" train on a Cioadianr jad. Passes on these trains is never taken except en journeys of considerable length walking is as easy and much faster for short distanoes. On this eooadon the movement was much more deliberate than usual and the pasaan-- ger called the conductor to his seat and said " Isn't tbis motion pretty slow '"' • Well, we aija't flying, I'll admit. Sure ever/ 'ng is all right ' "Ith^nk-^ 2 Kdl" .hem myself." ' creek back so that they lays the egg ii nen hatohed eate ita Sheep. This is the season of the year when sheep need speolal care, partioolarly the ewes that are in lamb. Some farmers are in the habit of allowing thehr sheep to roam over the pastures early in the spring, and do not realize that the meagre quantity of grass they get does them little good, and that ba- ins constantly on the move in search for It they lose flesh. They should be tnmed out only for a short time each day. when the weather is not stormy, and they should have an allowanoo of grain dally while changing from dry food to grass. By proper attentiqp at this time of year, they will be strong aa thrifty when finally they are left on pasture A pint of com or oata each day along with their, hay will mabitain the strength of the sheep and keep them in good flesh. It will be found much better to keep the ewes in the yard until the lambs have gained strength enough to follow their dams easily when placed with the rest of the flock, otherwise they will not make the growth they should. It is a good plan to give the ewes extra feed while they are suckliiig their lambs, so they will provide a full supp'y of milk. Those who make a specialty of breeding atcck for exhibition give their animUs the beat oare and attention, and succeed in ao- complishing that which the ordinary farmer would not believo te be possible. It is ad- mitted that snch animals, by living in arti- ficially heated buildings, and being fed on prepucd food, as well as having been doiely faibr^, we sometimes lacking in vitality, and prove faUniea when \a. the hands of the farm^. But thoroughbred stock is not in- tended for general farm purposes. Their true mission is to improve the common stock. The common stock by constant sub- i action to the weather and changeable diet, beoome hardy and vigorous, yet lacking in dedrable qualities. The blending of the blood cf the thoroughbred with that of the mongrel will therefore bel best for the farmer, and enable him to keep superior stock with- out resorting to artificial methods for so doing. One Effect of Fiairie Flantiog. Upon the treeless plains the mows diiap- p^i^aaya ProL Beasey in' the New York TribniK, â-¼ry quickly under the hot tun wljohbeata down from the cloudless skiea â- 0 oraunontiiere in all aeasona. The water Muiot panetrato tiMgraaad,for it Is frozen, r!TBe ttnaa ofiFaat ia lost. Where the Sni fw «â-¼Â« ' gnnad ud bvined the I^Ttha* tfa* phinaof «â-¼Â« e a ittni l^abiaska w«eBotloBgriBoe looked apas m daaart- Ilka tn liMb diynsas. '"wtth «h« plutiBC «f tN«i aU thia b gSotiL iBtlMlM dtlM namw "wbd-tNiki." y^Sr"â€" •f«^ 'OBainfor watkaaAsr "^MBdehswhere is entirely ban. Hm -TtSfaom tlMM malti^ saowbuikv slaw^ ?^nMâ€" dowa Ttr tha grwmd, waking iato "^j^Tottia rnaning away. In a i sss at ^mmw wfstward aver the pla'ni of asataa ritbiaU* I »•* tundtela ti piaota where " Whe^ ai «• Y-jjv I gre " Tt^ aU on " Yea, we rui. rongh f here and soaked n no whc would stay." " Any spokes loose " "No." -^ouare of**^^ the wheels are all on "^iIa T" V Jhey '^^g ^â- pi,n i come In. " ' ,^"aldn*t be possible that any of them /- A and the axie dragging, could it " I guess not." Are we goIng~np hill " • No, this Is piet^ midd'lin' level." 'Do you always run at this gait " ' â-  No, we generally hump along a little hi ter'nthis." « May I ask wbai IS we trouble then!" " Certabily. We found a fine two-yea 1 steer stuck in a trestle back here, b -e you got on;.,and stopped and helped 4, You kn/*^ the rules of the road a ^t in such â- ^ the animal belongs 1 company.' But I don't, 3 why that should mak run so tiiun ring elow." Why, you bl.- le fool, we're takin' that along tri* -^c.aarteri go^ it tied be- and it i( n- d to leadin, and don't walk np very )!' I'm doing all I C3m got the brakem i prodding It ap with an umbreir, and an i s.r of c^r" tied to the end of the bell rope. If yon th ik I'm gom' to start up and go howlin' alon and yank the horns off as good a steer as there is in the territoi^, why you're miifc.ken, that's all. Us tr*'men -*n't expect our pay unless bricg a seme atock once'ner while." ITever Satisfied. A little, with content, in much To him -who'll not lefose it. Who takes It a3 the Lord has sent Aadj^^ j^ "09 Ti(?htly use It ilOTfmeu, h noi h: ng, have a thought That life ould bo a pleasure It they COT share, in amallest part, %vithth( who h«ve the treasure utisthU ue? Experience shows Th»t, in is world of sorrow, The man -« lO fiehn for bread to day Willflgh !or pietj-morrow. Diseased Honey. A writer gives some vary part neat alirioe aiitiilssabjeot In the nnmereos speonlations as to uie variety of Ways and ohaonels through wliioh the germs of oentagiana dlaeaae may be disseminated, there is one to which but ,^ tleorno importanoe haa tbna far been *^ oliad, Irat wbich, nevertheless, probably *|^ aoimpsrtaatrole. Werafarto that 1*$^^ al olroulatfng medium â€" ^money. It antv^ TtpMrtiaily fr«m the liand of the P*!J!J* into that of the baggar, oon- â- ^••^^^SBi. 'ating Owugh evwty olass and l^fZS^^ *»*y- T*» l»«on of fas- SOndlBOn hn win tnm fM.m kl. path con- his ^.. »...*,-, ho %ill torn from of ark a St. hbit tMtwith SOB will receive, hBBi%^ „.„„»«„. pocket witlwmttlhr ^l^^^^^^^^r. diagast, or psrhapr w*.^"" 8*^ ** » tib^t, mowy ttlrharl)i."»-«ds ortimas paas^ Sirongh handrorr«jJ^'«d '"P'^kets Whose contact he wontt- dbafW *• «»• P»l- IntioD. Inr- ^t to the dang«rrtiiK« "5^^^.. ,, from ;.i»i» canse, paper meaay Is mwoa^teoiy mo: to be f eued than eofaii anil tfa* in- des ribably filthy appearanoe of .mnon of that which is aeen in oircnlaitioB ii faal*, iliar to all who read this. Taat thu hand! ing of sash nasty stuff is of tea fraught with seriona danger, no sensible pariien can doubt It would be well if tiie •rstem •aid to be In vogne in oertain cmiB^,^*^^ Europe, of deatreyiag every nob hat comea into tlM banka and iasoiiur bot Jnes in their stead were praotioed wit ns, though even this would only to aecM t lent lessfBn and not do away with the daag' at thengb paper onrrenoy is tbe leat e feared on the soora of oommnuicating ., ^- vooin ia by no means free froni dan- -^^ -yv» same kind. It lias been shown blft'JflSA coating, which may \» i the 3f sea and in the milled edges "y ^athat ve been in dronlatien for a ' 'time, CO sta of ergaido filth which n ja.uitro~-^ into dbtlUed water and amfaied ie he miorosoopa was foand be swa.r mg vith bacteria and fungi. We are lot S:.ngulne enough to expect lat cur readers shall decline to touch or mdle the stuff, for the reasons here pebit- out, but we can not refrain from ntter- a our protest against the nnntterabie ^\ilness, of which many persons are z itywho would feel themselves deeply iu ilted at any Iniinnation of a lack of re- f 'mient or good breeding, of placing paper currency or coin in the mouth for tampor- .."y convenience, while making change or the like. This mo^ disgnstfaL^ habit ia singularly enouf^ ^nfined almt^' .excln- alvely to woma.^" thoughtlessness *;his ever practice never do again. and Is au "^t of 1, if any wh6^ ads e feel sure thr will He vows he does not want the earth His thoughts are far above it The gold of Indus and of Or, nis tSmrle tastes don't covet A very little meets his wants Bnouffh to famish living. He says, is all a man phculd ask. And thank the Lord for giving. But, is it true? WelLlfitbo, The truth you'll have to borrow. The man who fights for briaa to-day Will fight for pie to-morrow. Of wealth, fraction's all he 3kB, With smallest numcator Setout in unit bold, above A la'ge deiiominacor. That makes the ^um of all his joys. Of all his hopes and 'Tis all he needs, 'tis all he prays 'Tis bread and cheese and kisses, But, is ittme You bet it ain't. For in this world of f orrow, Ihnman who fiahtsfr^r breed 'o-day Will fight tor pie to-morrow. ales md Females g fac» concerning the ' males and femalei \re y-sixth annual rapoi of cer genera' In each 1, )0 are are 4i$7 males and 13 every IQO females IC i.5 At every age of life ^he lower in the females, and ' greater in early years. is "Vitality of Some intere' relative vitality shown in the ft the Eoglish reg living persons t females but fo males were bom death rate w^** the diffeir •'i'^r In both bT- 'r^'^. .^^uninished death rate taking placv males than i provement is" up to 43 and 1 expectation of 33, and of a annual expeota the days, nearl Hake Pain banished Nervillae is a pi taneous reraedy local pains. The to known falls fi potent power In Good for external cent ssinple boetli at all druggists. is more marked in fe- at all ages. The Im- lly notable In women nen to 35. The mean a male at Inrtb ia 41.- e 44 62 years. The f illnau b, ooimtod by same In both sexea. ^ote of Tills. ,if by m^o. Polson'a live and almost Instan- t extomal, intomal, or ast acti'e remedy hither- short of Nerviiine for 'le relief of nerve pidn, r intomal use. Buy a 10 Luge bottles 25 cento. 8THPATAT. POOK IBIK6S! Ha' ao DRXADTULLX mot Vu sum IMMIX BX SSiOCOH TO so AMOVSD, She Tiu^ Sot Him* Piadai's ddaat boy haa for a loeg baaa faying attaatioa to Miss Already, but oanll not mortar uf oomaga enough to tart Ilia fata. The o^hor avsoing he praaanted h«r witii a pair af glovaa. Slia sweetly ac- cepted than with tiia rsmark "Thank yon. Do ycu want to take a handlnthaaer Ilia printer liai the order for their card^. SNOW DrT^ Aere is Happy in His Dreams at Laat- Fjnd Wifeâ€" ' Did yon have pleasant diaaau lart niglit« Osiwga 1" Rude Bnsbandâ€" " Why do yon aak " Fond Wifeâ€"** Bsoauae I netloed a plea- sant smile on yonr face »â-  yen slept." Bade Husband- ' Yea I forgot for the time that I was married. Pass tne bnttor." What Wonld the World Do without woman? asks the essayist who starts out to say aometiiing new on this oft- treated But^eot. Of oonrae, tiie human ele- ment ai the world would not exldt without woman, so the question is gratnitoua. It would have lieen far more sensibie to ask What weald the world dowltbeat the sal- vation of woman, without a panacea for her physical ills and core for her peculiar di- seases. In a word, what wonld the world do without Dr, Pierce's " Favorito Prescrip- tion," the grea» remedy for femak waak- neuesf It is iDOiispensible for the ills of womankind. More than fear thonaaad devises for ooniding have been patented, and yet tiiou- aands of luchelors and maidens go It alone In this oouutry. Niglitmare, -- jk-headaobes, depressioa of spirite, ant of ambition areqrmptoaMP of a d' jdHver. T^ltmga, atomadi, and bowels are idl in sff "^athy. lAta k only a living death. D'f '!)rce's ** Goldoa Medloal JMa- ton the torpid liver, and af- oves all these difficulties aod arvous fsellngs, gloomy fare- :rritabillty of tesaper all diai^ and oovery ac fectaally disorders, bodings, an pear. That WP.a a cautious oM. traaap who Ba7d bdng asL^d whether h» would have a drink of whisky, as he was^begiuiiog a job of saw- ing wood, or would 'have it when he liad finished it,imswe'ed Weil, mom, I think 111 take it now. There has been a pile of sodden deaths lately." Young or middle-aged men saffering freaa nervous debility and kindred wealmesaes should send 10 centa in stamp* for large il- lustrated treatise suggeating sure mean* of cure. World's Dispensary Medical Associr- ation, Baffalo, N. Y. A young Sunday-school teacdter was try- ing to Impress upon her class tiie duty of renouncing pomp and vanities in Last. Tlibiking that she waa net qcdto under- stood she said ' Caa anyone tAl me the meaning of pomp 7" " Yea, I know," said one little girl, eagerly. ** It's seme* thing that we have In onr back yard." Do not take Pills or Powders containing C alomel, for, at this time of the year, the re- snit may be serious. If jeu require a dof a of physio take I)r. Carsoa'b Stomach and Gtav Btlpatlon Bitters It aots gmtlv on the Bowels, purifies the Blood, impraves the clroulatisn, stimulates the Ldver ani Kidneys, and aj]e-d- ily cures Bilionsnes?. Hdadacne, Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Search ue Drug tores irom one end at Canada to the other, and yon caunot find a remedy equal to it. Try it and use It in Sour CamiUes. Sold eyerywhere in 1 rge ottlesatfiOoenta. Fogg wants to know why Mn. F.'a aooth k like the Tempk ef Janus. The bmto says it u lieoause â-  peace when Itk dos- ed, and when It *^-^sn It Is war. A.P.279. SUPERIOR fil: equal to beak i Qalt File Woiks, Fb XD RASPSâ€" WARRANTRD ortcd all kinds of re-oattiog. iRicK PAaaui, Oalt P.O. £»f\ A0RE3 GOOi LAND IN TOWNSHIP OP \)\j Plympton to. s«le cheap: nmall amouBl ^own balanoa at 6 pe cent. M. J. KENT, London. CAKKIA«E KOKKIES FOR CaRIXRS, wholesale houses, maanfaoturen first pilse Oential Fairs. Address M. D. NauJOAa, Ibaufac- tnier, HamUlon. Q Q fin 80 Acre Farasâ€" 9100 0 Aere farm POUU| â€"100.000 aotinv pUys, 16 cents 100.000 6 cent mosio Instmmsnts baU-prioe. BUILAND, Toronto. AND saw MAOHINESâ€" ALL SIZESâ€" LATEST impioTsments bncket band saws lor attach- log to posts neat, oh»M and doiable send for oifculaia. JOHN GILLIia k 00., Oatleton Place, Ont. AU OLEARINO ITP A SITAKP LOT â€" 175 aoresâ€" immediately adloinlng Penstaagaltbene Iroat twenty acres Mndy loam, test blaak mnok well dnined will make splendia sttok farm good •prmg creek; creamery being bunt on next taim price now, f our thoasand tanns easy. A M. KBATINa, Penetangulshene. A HAN OK A WOMAN WANTED IN ETEBT township, to seU Dr. Talaiage's new book, **Ilve Coals.** The keenest and most visofbus speolmea of onrtoiy ever written nearW 700 pages only 18; tnUpartlonlaisot this and other new books rasa. Schuyler Smith ft Oo.,Pablishen,LBidOB,Ont ^TEYEB IHOBOUOHLT TAUGHT BT S^ MaU; or Stodents attendhig onr Academy wIU thoroughly prepared by hithest Masters to Short- hand. I^pewrifing. Bo*keeptog, and Bnstoess Train- taig. Advanced students hdped to sitaattons. Im- BMdtaMy addissB, The Union Btaorthandsi's Con msidal Aoadamv, Aicada. Toionto. 8PBCIAI. NOTICV.-ORAND INDUCEMENTS ofieied to youaz Ladies and Gentlemea during May. Shorthand. Bookkeapiag. Oommeidal Badness, Engllsb, Olasdcal or Mathematloal oonises, sepanS or aU together, at haU the regular tuition ter. Ad- dress Immfd la t eiy, Ihb TOaosro Busaaai Oolusb, lonato. Oat. SPSOAI, ATMPrnOM.-aoaiethlng every body should havs. a ••wm"leuntato pea; the e h sspMt sad mosl dmabls ever toyented eveiypen t yraat esajtogive aatWsoliaa; scents wanted for an parts otOsaada; tome ce Mml ss fci B and no esprtsi BMobcd; sndfordMsripttrsotosalanaDdspoelal toteosBMirts to agsBls. 0. a. Baooxs, SoleOsnadlan Agent, •-â€"*- -pE CTtMrO UIMiniE â€" GARDEN LOn-OTSS' iSb to Ik trolmadisd4aBsn; laigsnakMa ^. loyJy^S^d tha teira ol Psao addisss OM hnaksd daOsto psr arts m- iatm maam nv each fXTH WANT -ML t""?^ kMannitok •* ma *lsw on ttM Bssckst la two wsskai Il«a oeotateireh -HIM^^^ toM^^taet t B il^ ens asvsr Difoss ' •gsi^ fOt this NsaaAabl^'valnBse are advised 7^ l*?. C****"'*!* Addiessb iBtsrsatkaal Buk SI d Bib!s House^ Torodlo. ntoe Provlaoe, mTIS^H?-^^ year gra!Jnite» p^a^ â- â€¢ •Jta^ Oarada and uJe ft!?* «21S«I faoUities exoeCf iSiSi'^rS" Ktves better MttifariifflBTi^d money tatter with Sâ„¢ ^2?»4a5y all claMee-ChrlitUn. "»i"i»2J?^ vMsen, write for WimiT'"'"fc« Co. Bnmtford *• ^ut 6a Hae no superior; 20 feel ner hâ„¢, 'H power; combined borlB,M^J«] grand lucoesi; first priiB?l?i*%al oatalogue. "' P"'" »»4i11iJob;7' «* ""y M.. iswi,,,, t Alls and lacIiisB km U Carriage and Wagon Axki, ba^ and dap Screws, etc Unn JAMES PAEKSol Pork Packers, Tomti.! L. 0. Baoon, EtoHtd Spice Emoo. r r J Glasgow Beet. H»m8, Sugar Cured aU'wul Breakfast Baoon, Smoked lonnei iTr Pi3kled Tanguep, Ohe,fle, Family or Sm I Lard In tubes »-d »alls. The Bed iw^A Ush Fine Dairy Salt In atock. â„¢ â„¢"'l machinery;! â- 6M Engines, Boilers, Iron, Wog(I,iai| -eons machines, tor sale, for puticaiui^ H. W.PEniIE,B MONEY TO lend! â€"01- Productive Town, YiJla?e ilaml D. MItCHEIX HcMSAU, I « Union Blockâ€" lotontoSbett j ARBIAftiB WACOli Mannf actnren of the Celebnkd V^^GUELPHAXLEIOllB T. PEPPER CO., Gnelpb,! Onr Duplex Axles are ill to be bid it 4 prtodpal Hardware Stores In t lomlDla J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVE^ 10 King S' East TORONTO. GUELPH CARPET WC J.A.ARMSTB0Ne4fl MASCHCnUSIOf WOOL, UNION DAMASK I Ol new patterns ud designsi awnTng SEND FOR PWC* ^\ Awning, Flag, Tent Cm 1S9 Yonge itreet, Ttrei* I B. S PENCE Cy oS a i Ooneamerswillfi^dnto*"*^, ** to ask the tnde for our m»k« « ""j, tS iRasps. Ke-Cnttliig»8P«^' a for price Ust*ndteimi^_____ m 1 Hamilton^jjll?^ "OLiNEK KNIVES swracnmJ ^b^ders. monldtojf. te^^^JJuM knives 0' best quallg. Sffflrt;**! Gait Machine Knife Works, wn."»' I Bst _____^ THE B4BK Of NoUce is hereby gl^^^ J^J cent, for the current •^L-J, ItTIiWf. eight pet «"ti.?;'*Sofft«3a c^t upon the Wd-ap "P'"^^ fJ»J day been declar«t«d tort's. trf'Sa at the Bank «»d »^ b^'^fjt. Ibe «jjl the 1st day sfJnM Jj^tofteSK*! wiil be closed from «« i'" J both days included ,,_-iMeefl»l" The Annual e««*,^ w »*fl for the elw"0S.",?Sm o. *«£n log house of a"'"si. tte***' at noon. By order » »»â-  p oOCW'" Bank of Toronto, Apm-*";^;;^^^ Jbi OrlBii! Boii Jj Winters Patent JJ] BagfM.Co"""' *.wo«»* GONSJl^

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