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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 May 1886, p. 6

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 -s II r fj U 'I 9!'r â- n.!' f4i Prof. Ebrtein'a work on tho tewbtmut af OMrjmlmce hM bo^ truid«tod by Dr. E. W. Haeber of Now Yoi^. To Humm who ate anxioaa to rodnes thotr adToirdiipob by a rogolar â- yatem wo commend the following line* Altar Uyinc mnoh atreaa opon the Im- portanoe of carefol adaptation of thaiya- tcm to the Individiial caao, ao that tho de- oroan in eorpnlenoe aball be gradnal and noTer to nq^ aa to in any drgree wealcen the forceaof the patient, the anther reoom- menda " Tne diet mnat oonriat of tiiree meaU, breakfaat, with tea or oofiee â€" bnt thia without mOk er angarâ€" dinner and sapper. The dinner ia the moat Important meal. Nothing ahoald be taken between break- faat and dinner. Sapper moat be oompara- tively light, ^th dinner the patient may take one or two glasaea of light wine, white or red beer ia to be avoided, uoleaa the hydro-carbona are proportionately rednoed, and then oniy a very amall quantity can be allowed." Here ia a ta-nplebill of fare by which a patient waa rednoed " twenty pcuada In three quarters of a year," which to people In a hurry about it may aeem to be aome- what alow and auggeat mcmoriei of the charity boy, who, liavlng learned the alpha- bet, doubted " whether It was worth while to go through ao much to learn ao little" " (1) Breakfaat, one large cap of black tea, without milk or angar about two onncea of white or brown bread, and plenty of batter. Time, in anmmer, 6:30 in win- ter, 7:30 a. m. (2) Dinner (about 2 p. m.), aoup, with bone marrow oooaaioaally, four to aiz euncea of meat, boiled or roaated^ with fat gravy, especially of fat meat, plenty of vegetables, cabbage, and moat of all legumea (peaa and beans). Bseta, oar- rots, and tnmipa were on aooeunt of the angar they contain almoat totally excluded, ftetatoea entirely. After dinner a little rash fruit, ocoaaionaUy some aalad or stew- ed fruit, but without aagar. To thia was added two or three glasses of white wine. Soon after dinner a large cap of black tea, again without sugar or milk. (3) supper, (between 7 and 8 p. m. ), In winter regular ly, and In summer occasionally, another large cup of tea, without any angar or milk one egg or aome small plate of fat meat, or both, or some ham, with its fat, sausage, amoked or fresh fish, two ounces of white liread, with plenty jf butter, and oooaaion-. ally a little cheese and a little freah fruit." There doea nol; aeem to be much depriva- tion and hardahip about that â€" to one who haa never tried it. Ebstein, it will be ob- served, allows a liberal qaantity of flaida with meals. In thia reapeot he ia vigor- onsly opposed by other scientific theorists. Dr Schweninger, for Instance, absolutely forbids the ditoUng of anything at meals, or within two and a half hours after mxi, and requires that at all times the quantity ef fluid taken shall be the least poaaible, OniatiTe Powers of Water Thera Is probably no single article in the world which pesseasea auoh curative powers as water. If it ooat a dollar a pint, and had to be brought a thouaand milea, phyaiclana would no doubt preaorlbe it, and people would le anxioaa to purchaae it, But It Is, Eirhaps, too oheap and convenient to come to general use. About three quarters of every human I)ody la warm water, and the preaence or absence of this fluid In due pro- portion haa mere to do with health than almeat any other oondition ef our existence. A man can live upon water three or four tlmea aa long aa he can upon dry food in faot, nothing U ht for food unlea it contains a large peroentsga of water. And for a large proportion oi the diseases from which man su£Far, water Is the most prompt and efficient remedy. In cases of croup, oolio, neuralgia, congestion, sore throat or rheu- matism, there is probably nothing which wHl ao promptly relieve disbreaa and dan- geroua aymptema aa pare bet water. In fevera nature orlea out for water with un- atterable deaire and It Is often the only remedy which can satisfy and relieve the sufferer. Mil SCIENnFIC AND USEFUL. Silver that id not in frequent use will not tamiah if buried in oatmeal. To remove paint splashes on window glass, moisten tbe spots with a strong solution of soda, then rub hard. An instrument called the mehdometer haa been der^ignsd for the study of minerals in a state of fusion, The amount of coal In the Pittaburg re- gion b estimated by Professor Laaley, ef the Pennsylvania Geoldgical Survey, at 30,000,- 000,000 tons. About 11,000,000 tons are now taken annually from the bed, of which two thirds are bituminona coal and one- third anthracite. Profeaaor Lesley bellevea that the oil and gaa supply will practically oeaae ten or twenty yeara hence. It is announced that Messrs, Appert of Olichy, France, have discovered a process that will make glass blowing by tiie mouth unnet^Bsary, Many attempts have, been made to get rid of thb painful process in the operations of glaaa-making, bnt to thia day in everylbettle house may be seen pale-faced men with their oheeka hanging limp in folds, the reanlt of yeara ef glaaa-blowing by the month. Oaaes have been known In which men's cheeks have been worn so thin that they have actuidly cracked, and it is a com- mon sight in a bottle houae to aee blowers at work with their thin oheeka puffed out like the fiagera of a glove. The two cometa that are approaching the earth are coming at a tremendona rateâ€" aa oometi will-~«id promiae to be ebjeota of gieat brilllanoy. Profeaaor H. A. Newton, •f the Yale Obaarvatory. thinka they wHl be brighteat about May 1, and wOl ahow well in the North weatem aky. The one dia- cDvered by the French obaervei, Falwy, will oome relatively very nearâ€" within a dia- tanoe of only 15.000,000 milea, or but a lit- tle more than one-half the distance of the planet Venua. It !â-  not yet certain that both oemefes iHll be visible at the same time in the same quarter of tiie heavena, bnt it ia pearible tiut thnt nnnanal apeotaole may econr. Vke W«B«crfllid Oi»Mr erUwarA Im. It waa a bright morning in Spriaig, the English fleet UyatMMherinPaKluwath harbor, awaiting the admiral'a signal to stwrt out on a ondaoi. The flagaUp, a hogo, for- nddabla ahlp of the line, witii ita dark aidea briatUng with gnna, waa all in ooBmetioD. The adminl, the moit famoni aaflor of Ui day, waa ready to reeieye him. Already the gnna of the squadron were beginning to thunder forth their welcome^ and aeon tiie veMol was wreiathed in amoke» and qniyar- Ing beneath the diachargea of her heavy ord nuioe, aa Admiral Nelaon tonohed herdedC, anrrounded by a brilliant ataffl Standing near the edge ef the qnartar-deokiaiid watdi- log the acene with mtenae eu;emea, waa a young lad efabent eighteen. He waa dressed aimply but neatly, and hia oheeka glowed, and his oyes kindled, aa he watohed the ex- dtlng eventa tliat were going on around lilm. Aa he returned the aalotee of the officers, the admiral chanced to observe the lad. " Whole thia?" heaaked, tnndng tothe captain of the yesaaL " He'i a young lad that oame on board a few honra ago," replied the captain. " He inaiats on aeeing you, air, aa he aaya he has Bomething of Importinoe to aay to you. Well, my lad," aaid the admiral kindly, markmnaa." â- evenly wmmdad, harefnied to go below, and stood at hia poet natU tho doe* olni* aotion. When Sir Hydo Parkor gave the «g- nal for diMmntiani^ «m fight Ueotaaiut Lsereportad it to Lecd Nelaon. The ad- miral, p«ttii« the glaM to hia biiad eye^ wtd, with meok gravity. " i really dont MO^^e fign^l. Keep our flag for doaer liattle atlU fl^ng. Thaft^tteway laaaww auoh alg- nala. Nail mine to tin maat" It leemed thnt the fertosM of liie grant admiral and hia protege were nmtorlooalT united, for this yiBtery, whioh made the one a vlaooant, made the other a fint lieatennnt, though he had juat oomo of age. He foUowad hia oonunaadar, who had become warmly attaohod to lilm, ttirongh all theyearatfaatintervened, aathat, whan the great day of Trafalgar oame, ha waa tiie Kcond in oommaod to Captain Hardy. Aathe action began. Lord Nalaonapproaohed him, and^Iacing Ua hand on hia ahonlder, said, " We are going to have a hard day, Edward. I hope yon may paia through it â- afAy." "lahalltryto do my duty, my lord," aaid Lieutenant Lee. • But,^' he added, pointing to the nniform and deoerations whiob uie oommaader wore, ooatrary to his ouatom, " why doea yeur lordahlp reader yourself ao oonaplonona to day T Yon wHl aurdy draw upon yen the fire af aome " apeak ontfredy, " If you pleaae, air." aaid the boy, ' I'ye come to aak yon to take me to aea irith you. " " Is that all you have to aay, yon young tovap " aaked the oaptain, diarply. " Let him alone," aaid the admiral, laugh- ing. "What position do you want!" he aaked, turning to the bey. "If you would take me aa your oabin boy, air." Slid the lad, " lahonld be very glad." " That'a a poor chance for you, U you wish to riae above it," aaid the admiral, kindly. " It will be a begbining," replied the lad. " If you'll give me a atar^ 111 work my way up, air. You did it and I mean to do ao, too." The admird gazad at him kindly bnt searahingly, and then aaid, with aamDe, "I'll take yon with me on thia omiae and if yea want to riae, I'll give you a ohanoa. Wliatia your name " " Edward Lse," waa the reply. " Very well, then, Edward, I take yen Into my aervioe," add the admird. " I ahall ex- pect you to prove youraelf worthy efthe truat" " I'U do It, air," add the bey, eameatly, aa he moved aside, reapeokfully, to let the ad- mird paaa. In two houra the Vanguard atood out to sea, followed by the squadron, to join Earl Sk. Yinoent at Uibrdtar. The yenng valat af the admird made a deddedly favorable im- presdon upon the officers ef the ship lefere the completion of the voyage. " 'TIstoobad," aaid the hdmiid to hia flag-captain one day, " that that boy ahoald fiU a meald'a pentiea." The oaptaia agreed with hia oommaader, and thereault efthe matter waa that, a few days after the arrivd af the Vangvard at Gibrdter, Edward Lse was given a midahip- man'a warrant by Ewl St. Viaoeat, at the apedd request d Admiral Nelaon. Then oame the f ameua omiae in the Medi- terranean, in aearch ef Banaparto and hia flset. In the terrific gde which diamaated the admiral'a ahlp, young Lee proved that he merited the kindnesa liis great comman- der had shown hfan, and won praise from aU on beard. Then oame the brin hdt at Syra- cuse, the arrivd of the wished-fer reinforoe- menta, and the departure for Egypt. Aa tiie dawn of the memorable firat of Anguat re- vaa'ad to tha eyaa of the Enf^ tiie trioaler floating over Alexandria, aad the French fleet in the bayof Abonkir, Edward Lee waa standing by hb chief en the deck of the flagahlp. There they are," Imrat from a aeara of voloea, aa tha diataat yeaaeb oame ia view. " Ye^" muttered the boy ;•• aad we'll be there, too, Iwfore alght." Nelaea glaaoed at him appraylagly. " Thenra a ohaaoe for promotioa far aa all in there," he aaid, amillng. He waa rij^t The fearful enoonater which carried auoh aorrew and deapair to ao many English homee, brought to dteaa two men fame and honor. Through the whole aotion the admiral'a eye waa en the young " middy," and dl through that Ions and thrilling Summer night it never leat the gleam of aatldaotien whioh had lllamfaiad it aa he heard the yenng aaOor'a words in tiie moraiay. Theaame diapatoh that greeted him aa Zord Nelaon informed him that hb request for a lieutenancy for young Lee waa granted. Steady devotion to hb profaadon, and oon- aplcuoua bravery In timea of danger, soon made the youthful lieutenant a noted man In Hb Msjeaty'a navy. The batUe of the BdUo waa a memorable day to him. It waa truly the greateot battle he had been in. Though ** I have a praaaatimaat," said the adndr- aU that myraoe b ma so I have put on all my hameaa to-day. Li honor I gdned them," he exoldmed, proudly laying his haad oa the inaignia, " and in honor I will die with them." The preeentiment waa realized. It waa the laat aotion of the great aailor. As he fell on the deck, in the heat of the battle, the oap- tain and Uentenant of the ahlp aprang to him, in an agony of grief. " Oo back to your poet, Edward," he add, aa the lieutenant kadt by him. Then ha added, gentiy, " God bleaa you, lad." With a aad heart the young man returned to hb place. The fate which had aeemed to unite hb deatiny with that of hia commander waa fully raallaed on thb day, for, juatM the victory waa gained, a heavy diaoharge of grape from a Frcooh ahip of the line awept thetleok of Lord Nelaon'a ahip and when the amoke cleared away, Oaptain Hardy aaw hb Uentenant lying almoat in tha aamo apat trhara the oonqnerer of the Nile had fallen, wi hb breast torn open by tha terrible dboharge. I She Seqaized no Forthar Explanation. At a rant diaaar oa aaa af their eetatea the Duke and Duohaaa of M ^happened to 1m preaent, whan a aaa of the aoll appeared ia a atato af great axdtemaat. Tha duohaaa, Inqniriag tha oaaia af hb dbtraaa, waa told that, haviag oame a laag dbtaaoa, he had loot the reat on tha way, but If agreeable to tham ha would ga back aad look for It A few daya after ha appeared with tha lost moaay. Tha duohen aakad him where ha found It, aad waa aaawered la the following rather singular manner ' Well, yon aea, on my way I stopped at tha Banrigh athblea to apeak to a frtoad. I took out my pookatbook to gie him a latter and mnat have dropped tho money, for ^h b boa I f onnd it. Suppeaing hb graoa wi^ tha ataUaa aad yaur gnoa the nwanra aa^ waa the rant Waal, yon aeeâ€"" " Yea, yea," intarrapted her graoe, qniok- ly ** that wfll do. I perfeotiy nadarataad the whole a£Eatr." Greatest DiscoTery Since 1499. For oongha, colda, aorathreata broaohitb, laryngitia, and consumption in Ita early atagaa, aethiag cquab Dr. Piaroe'a ** Galdaa Medlod Diaooyeiy." It b also a great blood-purifier and atrength-reatorar, er tonic, and for liver oomphdnt and ooattye cendi- tien of tha bawab It haa no equal. Said by druggbta. ' Anexplodon ooonrrad reoaatiy oa board a amall river ateamar, tiie ' Colombia" at Tn- maoa, Paaama, raanlting in tha deatii af fifteen peneaa, aad tha aayara bjory of tweaty-two. The **FaTorlte Prescriptton," Dr. R. V. Piaroa,ef BaiUo, N. Y., whose aamo haa baoome known over the world through hb ancoeaa aa a phyddan. aad eapedaUy through tbe reputation ofhb " Golden Mediod Diaoeyery," haa done a ffood work in preparing aa eapedd remedy for the many dbtreaaing trenblaa olaaaed aa " female weakaeaaea." It b kaowa aa tiia • Favorite Preaoriptioa." Underlta admia- btratioa dl the pelvic orgaaa are atreagtii- eaed, and the woman beoomea that embodi- ment of health and beauty whioh God In- tended har to be. Mra Haaklna: "Why, Mra. Begga, how atrangdy you acted in charoh to-day What waa the matter? Nothlns aerienal Ihope." Mra Bpgga: «^Krtw5 ?.?•.*â- â€¢ J*"*/""**" te tdl me »ou didn't notice Mra. Banney'a new bonnet I" "**$*^f i^ m V m ^*.. y- ,.r" M. Ml »Mw M HOT. grsnii. • "» A Dm-, khow m Msnisi wug sPMADnr* xi'i IMFOBTAIT TO DAKOTA 8ETTLEB8. KanA^CoaanaUaloaar Bparka* Vnaaaaa •rder •ffApiUSB^vokedby aMrHuy Kamar. â€" â- aaeat r et^ara â- â€¢ to be Hade te Bnirer af s law Sbrapatable Charae* Dparfod â- ealsastlaa ar KenBoval arsvavka. WASHiircnoK, D. C.â€" The text of the order of ravaeatiaa aad a Uatory ef the order of April S ware laid bafora aaoh mem- lier of tha oalilnat at yaatarday'a meeting. The laagoaga d tiia ordar el raveoatlon waa approyad aa it ataada. It b aaid tliat if any ayaaion of tiia order ta attempted, Mr. Sparka will le called -on to rarign TEXT at XHS OSDBB. Following if the full text af tha order af Ireveoatioa: Dspartmeat of the Interior, Waahlagton, D. C April 6.-â€" To «he Comndariener of tho General Land Office :â€" Sir On April 3, 1885, yen isanad the following order Practice, Soapandon of Entriea â€" Final aotion In tiib office upon all entriea of the public land, except private oaah entriea and auoh lorip loeationa as are not dependent upon acta of aettlement and oultiyatton, b anapended in the following localltiea, viz AU weat of the firat gnide meridian west In Kaaaas all west ef raage 17 weat ia No- braaka th* whole of Colorado, except land ia the late Ute reaervatiMia dl ef D^ota, Idaho, Utah, WaahiaRton, New Mexico, Moataaa, Wyoming and Nevada and that portion of MInneaeta north of the indem- nity limita of the Northern Pacific rdl- road and eaat of the Indemnity limita of the St. Paul, Minneapolb St Manitoba rail- road. In addition, find aotion In thb office ynll be anapended upon all timber entriea under the act of June 3, 1878, alao upon all oaaea of deaert land entriea. [Signed.] W. A. J. Spabks, Commiaaioner. Whatever neceaaity may have existed at the time of its promulgation haa oeaaed to be anffioleBt to longer oontinne an ordar anapending all actiona, and involving in a common condemnation the innocent and the guilty, the honeat and the diahoneat. While I earneatly urge the exeroiae of the atrloteat y/silanee to prevent by all the agenoiea witiiin our power, the oenanmiaa- tioa ef fraudulent or wrongful land olaima, yet, whan the vlgllaaoe of all theaa agaadea ahowa ao anbataatid ayldeaoe of fraud or wrong, honeat olaima ahonid not be delayed or thebr oondderation rdnaod on general re- Eorta or nunora. The above order aa baued y you b therdore revoked, aad yon will praoeed in the regular orderly and lawful oondderatton and diipead of the olaima BuapendedbyH* Very reapeotfnlly, [Signed.] L. Q. 0. Lamab, Seo'y. Kuptore, Breach, or Hernia, neglected, aftan beoomea atraagulated aad provea fataL We employ a aew method and guarantee a cure in every case or no pay. Sand 10 cente In atamps for pamphlet and refereaoea, World'a Dhpsnaary Medi- od Aaaooiatlon, 663 Main Street, BuflTdo, N. Y. Oordoroy ^rta with jeraay bodloea and oerdnroy oeata with woolen akirta will be worn by children. Do not take PUla or Pewdera oontalninK Calomel, fee. at tbis time ot Uia rear, the re- adt may be aariona. It you require a dose ot phyaietdw Dr. Oarson'a Stomach and Con- Btlpatien Bitteta It acta gentlv on the Bowela, purlfleethe Blood, improvee the oiroulation, Btlmulatea the Liver and Kidneys, and speed- ily curee BilloaanaBs, Headaohe, Dyapepela. Indigeationi Saaroh tha Drag tores crom one end of Canada to tha othar. and yon oaunot find a remedy equd to it tiy it and use It in jom fainlliee._Sold ayaiy where In 1 rge bottleiatfiOaants. A.P. 271. (QUPKBIOR riLES AHD RA8P8â€" WAKBANTID St. iS"i*?J'««* lmi»«»«» »» Mods of re-outtbff. CMt He Woiks, FaaosaicK PAaKoi, Qalt P.O. CAUIAOB KORBIIg FOB OABIERS. ^Jl'S'f^ J55»^ manutaotareis; Siat prlaa Oeatnl Faba. Addraaa M. D. SmuutM, muaUo- tnisf, ttuantcB. tt Q AA 80 Acre Fam-9N0 00 Aeve nrm WOyV) _iop,ooo MsUnr piMa, 16 oenta lOO.OOO B eant mualo Inalmments nalt-prtos. BUILAND. loionto. "DAn) SAW MAOmraS-ALL 8IZE8-LATE8t n lapioTemaBla btMjket band saws for attach- tor to ports: Mrt,ohf an and datable send for ^tooulaia. JOHN GILLuS 00., Carleton PImw. 1AM OLEABIVO UP A SVAMP LOT 175 "^•^i' '^S? "»»» lOMn, net bteok muok wdldnined; wtU make ipteodlo atok f«nn MOd tpitog creek OMamery bdns buUI on next fun piles now, four thoniaBd terns easy. ^^ A. M. KBAIIHQ. Panefcunnlahana. P^!l ^^^JE**^' B^ PBIVATB TRKATT £». 1-" Thoronghbred Dnrhun Cattle, with S^^fiflS^ • ' "J!?^ Thownghbwd Aynhlie SlM!'.^,nl"f?SS^ pedtareea 8 haad High Grvls S!JS!.^ui".Sf?°"ff°g*»*"**^'»^» Sheep. For 8o!f Ctat^ ^^ H. Qlaibbbooe. slmooe. fioitdk tf^US ^J^*.?^ WASTED IK EVEBT ..wi,.J**!?^*«**-f^^®' 'fdmaBe-a aew book, "Mve Coala." The keeneat and moat Tlcorona apeoiman of otatoiy ever writtan nearty 700 nana only t2 taU parttonUis ot thia ud ^t new^S^ raaa. aohuylat Smith ft Oo.,Pnbll aheia.lBdOB!ont BT will lort- ;, and Bnalnaas Traln- Im- Com fia^jajfaATO^raoBouoHLT tauqht tof hSE lag. AdTaaoad siadmts~haTpeSf to'ritaaittm.' band. lboio^;hl^ pnpued by 'hlrhast Ifiuiten in .Bookki Dranghlypnp i^pawriunir, S:Si3nf.!*2?**"".^5f°» Shorthandart nwRdal Atadomv, Aroade. loroato. "V»L^?-*52- 'OF'WBIQHXS J, BHOINKEB8. antM»tlomgtaaafrem2tol6h.p.; automaUoen- S£!! " P'MS.' ".*«» 5 »^» 'P'*^ antomaSo en. â„¢!!!Sl "P"'*^ J»"»«" faotoiias, or any other PMP«2 wheja a Ucht and oheap pcnTer la ttqSn^ price list and other pahtonlaia addnaaaa ^juw^bi 01 Menaph Opentoia: atndenia from S25Ju'^*^ f?^?^ o. opmmefolal centrea d faSSISL"'*.?" u»i*«d SUtea; tatca moderate boUltteeexoallent: toatrootlcn IndlvUma fntoima. ate., addtesa. M. MioCOBMI OK. Priw^ii^^^^ W*J^J!^, »â- â- â- â-  A«Kim m EACH ml.w^ '*y*y to* • aw book we will pkoa on the 2^JSi*^n*"«^5 UwUloontatoSvehmdwS SSSl2*^Sl? *• ^^i' »• ««««»«lbyapiJS3SSt "Mwuan centfcman, who haa not made pnbUo hia 3»r to «Sli*S?*1! **A ^^^ntff ^^ *Sl te dl bMk Ita '^i 7^ *•»• »»«»»» writer la the dSiiMdira!2JEf "S* »oi*»'»«?«var llafofe M^nTTS y." " 0'an anthois; all wisUac to h»- £ iiff" *«» »•* ««narkabl/volumol5eadWMd R. W. PknUB, Bnattoid. Onl too to^5 N«?jrv •9 a K. 8] Productive Town, fil.S T. PBPPIR 4;00 ' KeadyStoflKal Foi low piloea MUni, ^1 H. wmuM r GUELPH CARPET J.A. lUBvriciuiaig Of new pattemi muI deil(Mt (, BRANTFOJ C oLDWATEBlfill NEVER PJ JAMES PAEKAS Pork Paeken, Toimi| L.O. BaoOB.BdItd 8ilMBui,UI Qlascow Baaf Huii, Snjw OnlM Beef, Bfaaktast BaooD, BnoMIaial Fldkled Ton^et, OhMN, hair « k Laid In Tubs ud FaOi tkiMWll Uih Fine Dairr 8*11 r M k. The Koyal MannfactiiniiG SPerthSt., CidAMj L C. WIDEMANI â€"HllUFiatOUII Of • â- mpreved Fkadly ui Imtrl And aU Undi of Uondi; iffMlj Proof Window-Bub Loeki,8lipUI«l{ Modal.MakliiK, MUl-ViUlitlii al Work. 0'Sbno job Pbioi Li8I' J Allan Line fioyallisti Balling during winter fcom M»J^ ndHiflfMceTefTBifairf«yto Mwi* |B from Quebec eTeiT*'B^«»iâ„¢S;ir donderry to land ni»l!i»n4PWS5?i IreUnd. Al»fromB»lHm(»,»W«J»J N. F., to LiTetpoolfortm^ ««J; to and tram H»lit*z. "'«*«â- . j Dhla: and daring nunn* 'â- ^'r^Si S^ weekly, ai»«ro" !2J,SSr ' sow and Phlladslphli, 'o*il|MJ|^|^ For freight. passsW « *V apply to A. SohumMha «- »jji dSiMd Co. Halifax: Steaew^l N. F,. Wm. Thomson «*.»'J] Allah Co., Chlc«o;toy6»Aa Quebec; Wm.^ tocUe. I™»«- 1 Allan. Portland BoBton.J MONEy?l« a* THK subscriber h« » '"PJ!!? productive firm «â- Â» »om P«J*S|,t •^ The lowest onrrent " "'S^lrfJ repayment priTllegee i^^^^aM boVfSwer Is R'«^J" ».?2h ««* " to pay his Indebtedae i â-  " without snsUtoing lo" «' ^J H Special induoemena u» ««* tiona confidentiaL w Ul H. M. Chadwofc »J H8W Oileaiis Soa^. Winters Patent »»" BngKies, CaffW* Bend for Oatalogat- giU^J CONSi with • VALUiBUi w^rjJiSr war*. 0Iv..xP^,*^^jl*2j| SiiiaoohOfiBfiOl' ;^«»' 1^

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