m f! Htii I lii all: m\ 1^ I t-'i ill m *Vrt»'«Mr own eorrettimd^**. SSTT^EVENTH ANMVEB8AEY ODDFELLOWSHIF. I. O. O. F. â-²TU8. THE KEPPEL TRAGEDY. Our readers wdl remember an item in the Standlbd a ftw week* ago in xeference to the burning of a house in Ivtjppel township, near Wiarton, in which two men â€" Jas. A. Bailey and a hired man. whose name is unknown â€" perished in the flames. A post mortem examination was held and marks of nolence found on the bodies, and evidence going to show tnat a murder had been committed, and that the house was set on Are to cover the black deed. Detective Rogers has since been working up the case, and has succeed- ed in unravelling the mystery so far as to the confession of one who knows the secret and the arrest of the sup- posed guilty parties whe are now in Owen Sound gaol. The parties arrested arc Ellen Mc- Cleary, a girl who lives next door to the burned house; Charles McClearj^, her brother James King, and John Wilson. The evidence so far point strongly to the guilt of the two last named. Other witnessss are expected to throw further light on the affair. Bailey was not murdered for money but through jealousy. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. The young people of the Methodist congregation of this place met on Monday evening last in the basement of the church and formed themselves into a society with the following officers â€" Mr. F, Porter, President. " J. E. Crone, Isl Vice-President Miss 8. Armstrong, 2nd do. Mr. W. T. Jackman, Secretary. Miss L. Rorke, Treasurer. nmECTOBS R. O. Whitby, J. R. Mathews, Miss S. Davis, Miss Purvis, and tke above officers, with power to add to their number. Their first work is to raise funds by enbsenption aiid otherwise, to fence the church premises and improve its surroundings. All the young people of the congregation are considered members of this society, and are ex- pected to be co-workers. The next meeting will be on Mon- day evening nt^xt after Bible clasj, in the basement, when a large attendance is requested. BtMOS BY BBV The members of Dufferin Liodge I. 0, 0. F. of this village celebrated the sixtj-seventh anmyereary of Oddfel- lowship in America by attending divme service in the Methodist church here on Sabbath evening last. The breth- ren assembled m their Hall about 6 p.m. After clothing in regalia march- ed to the church. Rev. Bro. W. Ayers conducted the service, reading for scripture lesson the 20th chap, of tbe First Book of Samuel, and seiectmg for his text tire il, 12 13 verses of 31st chap, of First Samuel. "And they fottnd an Egyptian in the field and brought bim to David, and gave him bread and he did eat and they made hun drink water. And they gave bim a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins, and when he had eaten his spirit eame again to him for he had eaten no bread nor drank any water, three days and three nights," c., c. The speaker then went forward to prove that the lesson taught in the text was that which was daily and weekly being practiced by true Odd- fellows. The principal planks in Odd- fellowship bemg, Ist, Friendsnip; 2nd, Love, and 8rd, Truth. It afford- ed a broad platform on which all who desired could benefit their fellow be- ings. The order was strictlv religious and highly moral, and ho regarded Oddfellowship as Jthe Handmaid of Re- Union. Closing, he urged every broth- er and member to love his Heavenly Father, and to ever look and pray for the dawning of that better day when one shall not have to say to his neigh- bor "Know je the Lord." During the service the choir ren- dered a very choice anthem. Miss Richardson sang a solo very sweetly and much to the delight of all who beard her* On Monday evening the members with their families, of Dufferin Lodge I. 0. O. F. assembled in their Hall in the capacity of a social gathering to further celebrate the anniversary of the order. Good things were provided by the ladies. Various amusements were entered into during the evening, and at the close a short but interest- ing programme was gone through, when aU separated for their homes well pleased with the evening's en- joyment. THOU NBW aSD MN«r«D 8DB«C«IBBE8. G Priee is to the front.with Spnng 1 .and'smmmer goods, and the ladiee appear to know it. as they are flocking i^fwhilethegnidmen are bmsy m the field, not having time to poke their nose into domestic affaire, while Miss Blades suppUes head geare in a becoming manner, adding several Lhes to the bight ot the dear ones. -IN- D U NLQFS BLOC K A SUeCESSFUL RESULT. Mr. Frank Hendry, writing from Seatorth, says 'I punjhased one bottle of Burdock Blcod Bitters to ouify my blood. It did purify it, and now I have exceUent health." As a blood purifying tonic and ^system regulator tte result of taking B. b. B- is always successful. â€" â€" â€" â- â- " SALT RHEUM CURED. McGregor 4 Parke's CarboUc Cerate has been tried and fcnnd to be the only positiTe cure for Salt Rhnme. Pimples, Blotches on the face or hands. Cuts, Boms Bmsea, or any Sore that nothing else will heal, iry McGregor Parke's embolic COTate Pnce 25c. per box at R. L. ^phen's Drug Store, Markdalo. Flowers, BeaHtiful Flowers. I wish to heartily thank the residents of Markdale and vicinity for their liberal patronage last year, and hope to visit them again soon with Flowers. I have a good selection of Hoijfsb Plants. Hang- ing Baskets, Cplesus, and Bed- ding Plants; also Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoe, Cucumber. Pepper, and Celery Plants, m season. A good stock of Plants will be kept for sale at Fleshcrton Res- taurant.. 293-6 I James Beecboft. ENVELOPES, NOT£ PAPER. PENCILS,. PENS. INKS FJHtCr GOODS. TOYS. To- the People of. Markdale and sttr. rounding -vidnitifi- Having opened" ae. Stationery and Fancy Groods Store kt Dunlop's Block. I hereby solicit a share of public patro- nage. Hoping' that our intercouree may prove both pleasant and profitable, lam. yours truly, MRS. CLEMENT, m ^m Diet BlSCUiiil A. call respectfully solicited, MRS. CLEMENT, MARKDALtl o o oboooooo b c o o o o o o o o o o c ANNOUNCE o o o p_o_o_o_c_o o_c o _q o.,p. o o,.o_,cl._o,p :oxo: Cileneig: Statistics. SUPPLIED BTB.KUTLEDOE, THE ASSES80B. No. acres assessad 68257 »^ •• cleared 82840 Assessmtnt real propoerty ...$660541 " personal " ... 48460 Total real personal -- 709001 No. of Persons 3340 " Cattle 3471 " Sheep 4266 " Hogs 1114 •' Horses 976 ♦* Acres Woodland 20807 " " Swamp Marsh 9865 " Orchard Garden 813 •• Frfl Wheat 1068 ' ' Children betwesn 5 16 980 " 7.tl3 517 16 21 877 BE ON YOUB GUABD, Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured fQr 25 cents. A few application wiUcu^ incipient Catarrhr One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. McGregor S-aekes carbolic CERATE. Have you an old Sore, Cut, Burii, Bruise, Com, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches, Rough Hands or Face If so, there is but one cure, namely, McGregor* Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. If you but try it, it will con- vince you. It costs 2oc. at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 2 i â- » « A VALUABLE FEATUER. One of the most valuable features of Hagyard's Yellow Oil is that un- like ordinary liniments it can be safely and effectually taken internally as well as appUed in case of pains, inflammation, sore throat, rheuma- tism, and all painful complaints and injuries. Ladies troubled with Pimples, Blotches, Rough Hands or Face, or Sores of any discri| ti»n, should use McGregor Parke's Carbolici- Cerate. It viU leave the skin in perfect health, smooth, clean and good color. Be sure and get the genuine, made by McGregor ParKc. Price 25c. Sold at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 3 ^»tkft]SUptvt»* Holland Centre. (I i( Kimberley. From our own correspondent, Eimberley people are doing a good work in building sidewalk. I beUeve it is the first in the township. Fall wheat is looking better sines the late rain it promisei an average crop. James O'Brianhas moved from the bleak and inhospitable shores of Arte- mesia to the more congenial neighbor- hood of Eimberley. John Hnrlbert, one of the early pioneers here, is going to move to the N. W. soon. The Orangemen pre- sentcid him with a medal, hx his bravwy, I suppose, in remioding a few Gacholies here of defeat at the Boyne. However, be that as it may, no matter iiow we may differ in opinion as to the prcdeuee and manlinesss of re- Ireshiog people's memories of thove old strifes, one thing is certam Mr. Hnrlbert, as a neighbor, is highly re- spected, and-^ewisfa him snccess and happiness in his new N. W. home CRUTCHES BENDB^D USELB88. The pour eripple wiu baa to use enilebM oil aocooirt rf Bh«aBi»ti«a. stiir and â- wolkn jtiiiito. eoBbaetad aorda, and otlMr sebaa. ]iaiB« aoi kwnwasa nay throw aaUe bis rntohas UhmmOttrj Hagyaid's TeUtfW Ofl faithfally. From our ovm Correspondent. After a long sleep I awake to give my dream. Fine weather the past two week^ and farmers getting on well witn- ' spring work. Fall wheat is looking well, but there is a smaller acreage sown than usual. Mr. Walter Perry, son of ths Bev. D. Perry, is home on a visit. Mr. Mclntyre, Presbyterian minis* t«r, and family have moved here, being stationed here for six months in place of Mr. Mann as announced som« time since. There was joy at the house of Mr. Gso. Crowther the other day when a daughter came to town â€" the first in ten years of married life.â€" In honor of the event Mayor Crowther proclaimed a civic holiday. The flag on the "Queen's Hotel" could be seen bU over town. We were first under th«. impression that Irelaad has 8«ear«d Home Bule, but soon learned ths ti ne cause of th« rejoicing. Oar sidewalks are in need of re- pair; hope onr Mayor will attead, •Ise there will b« a change in onr ballot next election. John Doyle of Sullivan, brother of Stewart Doyle of this place, was instantly killed by a failing tree wliile chopping recently. John Nite, one of tbe^ oldest settlers of Holland, died on the 16th inst., inflamation of the Lungs was the cause. John Trouien, one of the lisnds in Lyman Anderson's Bhm^e Mill, got one hand badly mabgl^ bj a â- AW. The front' flager baa to be •mpuiMed and tb^ |Mxt me wifl likely hayt to be^ • *r â- /, MAliKDALE. Fall Wheat »0 70 Spring Wheat 75 Barley .... 40 Peas 54 Oats 30 Butter 14 Eggs 10 Apples ....v..... 40 Potatoes 20 • riay ».•«••.... ....... xO iX/ Pork 5 00 Flour 4 00 Wool 17 to to to to to to to to to to to to to 9C80 80' 65 56 31 15 00 60 25 000 5 75 4 75 18 TO HAND A CONSIGJ^MENT OF Beady Made Clothing, heap. Stylish and Nobbyâ€" in desirable Shades and Pattern Young taen and others who wish an ELEGANT FftSHiONABLE OUTFIT Should see my stocKr.betore purchasing elsewhere. BOaTS SHOES Of superior quality madfi^-ty order. Kji^airiuj; done expeditionslj, Stock Complete in all Departments, Prices Righi. N B.â€" The highest Drice for Butter and Eggs at the TORONTO HOUSE. WM. BROWN. f. TO BENT. A single shop next door-to^ Turner A Go's Drug Store. Also a ffurm 8 miles from Markdale with 50 acres eleared, wll be leased for one or more years. MASON'S iSARSIAGE WORKS is the bept place in Grey to procure light oi heavy Buggies or Wagon's. A large stock of picked timber thoroughl} seasoned, and the very best of mechanics to work it up, cannot fail to result m a prime lot of. carriages. All the leading improved styles to pick from An early call respectfully soUcited. IVM. MASON, Onposite Revere Hotel, MARKDALE ssr 194-8: Apiiiy.to TURNER* Co., MajOcd^e. FARM FOR SALE ^SM4 i^-^iSSiy LOT No. 2st COB. 4, N;. D. B. Olenelg. 100 acres, will be sold, cneap and on easy terms of payment, for fnrtiier particulars apply on the premises, or byi; fetter to J. 8.BLACS, 190-tf. 2omona,P. 0, FORjSALE. ATHOBOUGHBSED TtoCting Stallion with pedigree, iiii good oonditioiL, eisht yearsold. For further partionlars apply to JOHKQAULEY, Williamgford Station. P. O., Qnt. 8 w HACVARDt:; YELLOW OIL Clip. El. RMElJMATi'iv Spectacles and Eye-Cflas ARE THE ONLY -g GENUINE ENGLISH ARTIO-^ IN THE -o Real Pebbles are kept in stoc'J|jpjjjJ TESTS ARE GIVEN TO PURCHASERS TO PROVE bfi J They are reoommended by and testimonials ^^'^^^^Sol'i»^ft Prerident, Vice-President, Ex-President and Ex-Vice-Pre^ciiBS'"*,* Association of Canada the President of the Cdle«?e of ^fpjjrflsjj ffeons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Ls^ g^ i^ President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Coancd of ^o^^ These reoommendation' ooght to be snffioieDt to profo bat if fortiier proof is needed, c Jl on Twmiffjk .: â- '4 tat i^Jj «./ hemists wO' â- anie only p^tooe^lnTawn whete they ca^r^p|||.^ Sp€KS^Aoii^i^ed on Soleiitif ic Pr»r^ "^^^â€" ---â€"' it.