). lOio meets in i fore full moim Jaster;H'.J.Bl»kJ rQi. 6.-N0. iyi. UAHKDALE, ONT., APKIL 29, 1886. Copus or FiVB STAHDUtD EACH. 3 LINES OF lilERICAN WATCHES \^ Warkan NTAULE GbADES- \Seth Thomas. Clocks. LARGE ASSORTMENT 81LVER- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Itoarus Mble Specks. Oiher Lines of Jewelry, etc. 18 K. WEDDJHG RINGS. JGcatls Work W arranted, mEREPAIFiING A SPECIALTY. f A. BROWN, A Eeliable Jeweller. Local and Oiler Hems. N.vrnTS Hi tliPKe cohimns interidedXff benefit fill iniUrithwl orSoclety will be charged ten cints a line for the limt inseition an4 five ;gni) I line eiich subsequent insertion. The Lmtcu sason i« over. OwEx Sound is to have eieptric light. • SrRiKo Show at EoekJyn to-morrow, Friday. Dr Sproule, M. p., spent Easter at iiome.- Flesherton is to hav« a new cemetaiT. I There will be no Durham Chronicle printed next weak. Eddie KEYNOLOij was home from NorwoDd for Easter. Spesce "Wilson spent hia Easter holidays at home in Markdale. Mr. PiUDD, of Perth, has been the guest of Mr. Mathews recently. QiARTERLY meeting will be held ia the Methodist Church next Sunday. Harry Gilhore, tho champion light weight boxer, was in Markdale last week. Leave a clean nail in your inkbottle and' the acid will spend itself on the irou thereby saving the pen. The Methodist District Meeting of the Owen Bound District will be held iu Markdale on the 19th May. Some of our citizens are anxiously waiting the arrival ot village police trustees to clean up their yards. A 3-year-old child of John Mc Vicars, of Gleuelg, had its scnll fractured by tue kick of a horse week before last. Misses Mamie Bowes and Emma J^tisht spent their Easter holidays at liome, from Collingwood Itigh School. |Ve are pleased to notice that our ochool premises have been looked alter by the trustees, and are in geod shape. liME FLIES BAPiDLr. â€" So says some of our subscribers who are a year or 'WO m arrears,â€" almost before tJity »te aware. Jassie and George Myers, of ^nphrasia took train last Tuesday for • ew lork where they will spend a "Qple of weeks. A meekmg will be held in the City ^otei on Friday evening. 30th, to S^J^.'^Tangements for the "Queen's ^mhday" celebration. Wm.Haskett, /^Ev. Mr. Casson has accepted a JJ*wmou8 call from the official ^fa of the tov\-n of Berlin Methodist ^ommittee"^^" *° *^* StaUoning h„i;?°^.^«M'AY was observed as a cC^ i*^ Markdale, the stores being fienl if°^ *^« beautiful day spent S y '" P*«a««»' walks and re- ^eshiDg drives. ' TVk understand that W. H. Flesher is makius: preparations for a big Summer's run in the Fleshertou Wcolen Faeiory, Advertisement too late ior this week's issue. Wsi. Galbbaith bought the imm on the opposite corner from him, being formerly occupied by Dr. Mahaffy, and situated two and a half miles from Markdale, $1,000 was the price paid. If 3 on have a corn and your boot pinches it, go to McLeod's and have the boot stretched he has a •nachixi« for the purpose which will stretch aay spot which comes upon the corn, f®»- only 5 cents a boot. McGjll, of Chatsworth, makes the best road scraper iu the market, without any exception. Those who. have used them would have no other: Tp. Councils should make a note of this. See adv. in another column. Mr. Thos. Mathews, having sold his livery business and premises, has purchased tlie "Mark Richardson" property, aid will build this summer a fine brick residcLce on the rear corner, opposite the Methodist prsoua.2:e. He is also building %Sne Liiek shop on Mill St. Dominion Express. â€" The deli^.ary agency of this Co. iu Markdale has been changed, and will in future be attended to by the Markdale House. All parcels kft with J. E. Marsh, will be delivered promptly. Free delivery between Station and all parts, of the village both ways. AcciBEKT. â€" On Good Friday a number of boys were expermienting with fire-arms when a piece of cartridge struck Alfred Moffat, son of Thos. Moffat of the Markdale foundry, who was standing by. The- young man is now under a doctors care iu Owen Sound, but will probably loose one eye. Faib Wabnins. â€" The Village Police will make a tour of inspection on the Ist of May, and every citizen ia hereby notified to have their yard and ciosits thoroughly cleaned before that date. Any failure to comply with the above notice will be dealt wiih according to law. Ed. Davis, Wm. Lncas G. M. Haskett, Txustees. At the Easter Vestry meeting held in Christ Church, Markdale, on Mon- day evening, the following named officers were elected ;â€" Church War- dens, B. Coleman and S. Douglass Sidesmen, Sol. HilU A. Turner, Thos. Elliott and O. Walker; Lay Delegate to Synod, A. Turner Vestry Clerk â€" R. D. Bigger Auditors, J. W. Ford snd J. Caesar. Cleai^ino up. â€" It is right and pro- per to thoroughly clean up all yards but it i» a most reprehensible act to dump the filth thus scraped up, in wagon loads on our leading street, as some of our citizens have done this week. This filthy rubbish should be burned, and not left to breed disease and stifle other citizens who live ad- jacent, or those who pass to and from the station so frequently. Our railway station yard is in a very bad condition, the mud being about a foot deep oa ani average. This could easily be remedied by scraping o£f the surface, which is rotten bark and chips, and put down a layer of small field stone â€" which could be got conveniently, and covering it with gravel. There is a large business done both in freight and passeng-jr traffic here, and we trust the company will make the necessary improve- ments. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old phy-)i«aB.» retired from practice, having had placed iu hia hands by an East India missionar; the fmnmiila of a aimpl" veg etable remedy for the speedy and peiman- ent cure of Gonsomptioii, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and aU tbrr at aiidlinng AiSUctioDS, also a positive and radical cnce for Nervoas Dability and all Nflrroos Goaidaiota, after having tested its wonderfal entative powers in thonsands of oases, has (sit it his daty to make it known to hia rafleriiig fdlows. Actuated by this motivn and « desire to relieve human snffwring, 'L'wSk send free of charge, to all iriMdMDe it, His veip« in Oermui, Vr^use at 'Sni^iiht -mm foil direclioas tor pr^riBfr^aa^itHii Snt \ij mail by ad-.;rcssiiig with sunp, naiaing this paper, V. .\- Uosm, Ma Mmt's BUk^, Boehuter, 1' u»o operations will b« brisk in Marktifth tliis season. Chakob in. Bmnnss. â€" Thomas Mathews has sold his liyery bnsinesn, together with bnck dwelling and shop, stables, horses, carriages. c., e., to a Mr. Wm. Taylor of Sarnia, for $8,000 cash, giving possecsioni oa Monday last. Mr. l^thews has been very successful in the business for many years, but wishes to concen- trate his attention more fully to the harness manufacturing, which he has also conducted wit!i cradil. to himself and satisfaction to the public for the past 20 years. Mr. Taylor is a young man of energy, and is already making improvements in adding to the already large equipment of vehicles. We wish him every success. Miss Bowes, organizer of the Provincial Woman's Christain Temperance Union, has been very successful in her recent tour. She is an able and fluent public speitker, taking a practical commonseuse view of the temperance question â€" or rather, the alcoholic drink traffic â€" presenting to heenumerous and attentive hearers facts and statistics at once interesting and surprising. The great majority of temperance workers are extremists, thereby destroying tlie influence they would otherwise have-,*^ but Miss Bowes provokes interest, givrs con- fidence and leaves a lasting impression for good, whicli has. secured the uni- versal sympathy and good will of the publio- and eulogy ot the press wJiere- evcr she has lectured. A TRAGEDY â€" A circumstance.:which looked extremely suspicious occurred on Tuesday morning. The atmosphere being cool and damp, our boy, as usual, started a. e in the stove, which, however.,. soon filled the, room with smoke. The doois were thrown open, the pipes examined dampers opened, but all in vain, the iilmates were all in tears the boss could stand it no longer, and promptly quenched the fire by a liberal supply of water, when an examination was made as to the r^al causti, as the draft had always been excellent up to this 'oc- casion. The pipe was drawn from the chimney when we were horrified; What can it be an inlaut rolled in a shawl a burglar who had attempted to rob the office, or what. We suc- ceeded, however, after strenoua efforts, to drag the crisped, blackened J and deformed remains of an old pair of pantloons from tiie chimney; How did it come there thats what we want to know perhaps our tenant in the next flat had been cleaning the upper portion of th« ehimnej and fell in, loosing his pants, or else nsed an old pair for a sweep, and iltopped them through, stopping where we found them. It is needless to say that the draft is wonderfully improved since. All Sorts. â€" John E. Richards, merchant of Rocklyn, was in town over Sunday. Dr. Jamieson, of Durham, was in t«wn on THesday. J. W. Henderson, of Toronto, called off at Markdale an Tuesday. â€" r- Dr. Spronle, M. P., left for Ottawa on Tuesday. ^An Owen Sounder lost a bunch ut keys with a cork screw at- tached m Markdale on Good Friday. ])r. Sproule has a shop to rent* also a larm see adv.- â€" Wm. Taylor, our new livery man, is rushing busi- ness.. Gardening is progressmg favorajhly, also house cleaning. Some of our best farmers are nearly through seeding. P»ll wheat looks well. Large quantities of potaitoes are ooming tO; market. Wta. Han bury has gone; to Manitoba. John Ors is supplyiiog the town \dth fresh lime. â€" ^Heartwell Heaxt- well's new sign shows good lettering; done by B. 0. Wbiiby. Mri. Street, of Milton, has been the gaest of Mr. Biggar for some- time, and returned on Wednesday. Spring seeding and vegetation is aboat foar weeks in advance of this d»t« last year. A eopioos rain haa oome nnoe last week and the weather is again deli^tfol. ^Ber. W. CMSon inll giT« a leeturt m ahoot two wasks cm "The BritiBh Scipire." ^Hra. Bowes had xhabarb melact week from this year'f gto^ in her garden. JOlTINOaFROM ABROAD- COMnKNSSD FBOU OUR BXCHANGI* AND OTHkBWISE. The Scott Act was defeated in St. John, N. B., last week by a majority of 77, and carried, by 129 in Portiand, an adjoiningtDwn. Wm. Berrie. of Hanover, has been appointed a constable fbr Bitnce Go. A dead cow came floating down the river to Durham last week. Flesherton people have decided en a site, and will ereet this nummer a fine brick school house opposite tlie old one. "Mr. Wm. McCracken, of Glenelg, died last vt^ek, aged 88 years. Mr. Beuner. proprietor of the Mt. Forest Confederate, le|t last week on a trip to the Old Country. Mt. Forrest has commenced to re- pair their sideivalks â€" a very good example. Mt. Forest council has appropriated $2,000 towards improving roads lead- ing into town. A paper has recently been started in Tweed, Ont., cald. the Tweed Herald itis a neat well,prinjbed sheet but we id^ to find thea^une of editor or proprietor in it. Milton town council are m favor of having the Scott Act repealed while Georgetown wants it continued and enforced. Mayor Howland has had over 600, names of women, added to the voters list in Toronto. Dundalk has a population of 780. Orillia is agitating for a new Post office building. The Queen's Own Rifles will camp three days at Orillia, the 22nd, 28rd, and 24th May. Creemore wants a sash and door factory, and a tannery. i The Collingwood Bulletin says that conservative faces in that town had grown so long a week ago last Sattir* day when the News announced the re- tirem^it of Sir John from public and political life, that the barbera charged them an extra five cents for a shave. The- Rev. John Stewart,, formerly of EinASf dme, but lately of the North West, has accepted a cal from the Presbyterian congregation at Eeady. The 0. P. B. have advertised for tenders for the building of a short line from Smith'B Falls to Montreal. The ministers of Cleveland, Ohio, are determinsd to put down Sunday papers. Orillia psaposes expending $5,000 in increased school accomodation. The Meaford Monitor solemly re- minds its readers, that Spring is npon us. The Msaford Monitor office is to be enlai^ed. A mad dog was killed in Chatsworth last week. Durham railway station was burg- larized last Thursday night, but nothing taken. Seven thousand four hundred and eighty-eight pieces of silverware passed the customs yesterday for W. F. Doll, wholesale jeweller, of this city. â€" [Winnipeg Sun. A tramp crawled into a window in ChatsworUi town hall, and secured a comfortable nu^hts lodging last week. Bio Bbas and three of his head men have been released from jaol. FxcuBsioN from Dundalk to Toronto to-morrow, SOtb. Nbw Rboulation.^â€" The Postmaster General has given orders that parcels going ever the Canadian Padfid Railway to Manitoba and the North- west may be the same weight as those oraally carried, namelj, fiye pounds. Horetofore the nteximnm wei^t was two pounds three ooneea, tlat wei^t bong a regulation when in transit tiuongh the United States. BUSINESS LOCALS. Thb new Check Suitings at Mc- Farland's. Hakosomb Shirte, Ties, and nobby Hats, at McFarland's. Call at Knapp's with your Eggs and get your money for them. Bacon at Knapp's at 8 cts. per lb by the 100 lbs the best in town. Ri 0. Whitbt has a first-class Top Buggy, nearly new, for sale, cheap.. Fob stylish Hats, Bonnets, Lacea, and Fancy Goods, call at Hill Bro's. New Stock of Women's, Misses' Men's and Boy's Boots at W. Mc- Leod's Young gentlemen wishing private board can be accommodated at Mrs. Dundas. Oil Cake Cattle Food cheap for cash at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Long Clear Bacon, Smoked Ham and Roll Bacon, at Sarjeant's butcher shop, cheap' for cash. E!a,ste Oards. â€" Beauti- ful assortment at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Hill Bbo's have jnst received a few all wool Tweed Suits, selling at $7.00 per suit. Grass Seeds and Clover Seeds for Permanent pasture at the Medical HalJ. A. Turner k Co. A GOOD article is always the cheap- est McLeod keeps a genuiue article in Bootd, and will sew, free of charge, all rips. R. J. McCoT is prepared to supply anything in the shape of first-class pumps, well or cistern look out for adv. next week. Grarden ^eedsi. â€" A large assoitment, fresh, from the best grow- ers just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Monet to loan on real estate, tho very best rates and terms no com- missions charged exponcf s low. Apply to C. W. Rutledge. W. J. McFabland is showing won- derful value in Black Cashmere):, Black Ottomon Cords and Black Silks cheaper than city houses. R. 0. WmTBT li prepared to do all kinds of 13ouse, Sign, and Can^i^ge Painting. Special attention to Hou^e Pamting. Estmates given free. FARifs I â€" If you want to buy a good cheap farm, on good terms of payment, call at the great land office of A. G. Hunter, in the Town of Dundalk. rFeats. â€" We have tried the triumphant and the Pride of Hamilton, but Hill Bro's Teas, named Triumphant Pride, downs them all. Tbout Season, May Ist. â€" Get your Poles, Hooks, Lmes, Bait Cups, Flies, eto., at the cheapest tackle place m town, W. A. Browns Jewellery Store. No Ladt need send to the city for Dress Goods. W. J. McFarland has an immense variety, all the new Color- ings Trimmings and Buttons to mateb. SiLVBB Cases have advanced this month, on factory combination 10 per cent. I had a full stock, so prices will hold the same for American Watches, and they are close for cash. W. A. Brown. See McFarland's display of Giutj- hams. Muslins, Embroideries, and liie new Seersucker cloth for Dresges. Just opened another replete order Ladies' Hate and Bonnets, lateEt New York Fashions. Mbs. Clbmrnt has opened out a first-class dress and mantle making establishment, where our fairer sex can have the best of satisfaction. Perfect fit in all the latest styles is a leading feature. Dniilop's block, Markdale. NoncB. â€" ^A»ha8 been customary iu former years the Merchants of Murk- dide wiU close their stores at 7 p. m., beginning JSrst of May. We hope that aU those who feel it to their advanta'e to kade in MariKdale will govern thcu)-. selves aeeordiufi^y.