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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Apr 1886, p. 8

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 c \f 1 m I '?a •sir Tbe HarH Standard â€"Is lastMd eTCsy ^iBrsday,.at Uie o£lce. Mill Street, MarkdaU. Tbbms â€" H per year in advance; ?1.50 if mot paid withiu three months. Professional aiid_ business cards one inch space and under, per year, $4. 1 YB. 6 KO. 3 MO. "VV hole column 550 00 ?27 50 ?13 0«i Half column 27 00 1.5 OC 10 00 -iQuarter column ., .. l*; 00 10 M 6 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 llvee inch spa«e 10 00 g 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- nmn 10 cents per line first insortiou. 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c,, advertised 3 weeks for §1, the advertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the aption of tlie pnbUsher. JOB PrInTINC- The Stand4BD office ha^ a splendid t;qnip- ment of poster as well as fim^ job ty|je Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders tilled with dispatch. EDITOR AND PEOPEIETOR. Loan on Beal BiMte low rates. "â-  Nov.5, "SS-ly SAnHEAi WADE£.Ii, TT7ELL DIGGER AND ©ittUiEB. ALL VV orders promptly fended to. Eesi denix* -Snider's Hill Owen^Sonud 122-35 iJ. J. Ka^liioiialle Tailor, OVEB MACFABLAND's 'STOBE. A. PEKFECT FIT GUAKANTEBD. ISAAC STlSrSON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. Ail work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-6m* Eesldence, MARKDALE. B $«0al. I*. i:cO«iiousrii. BAREISTEH, SOLICITOR, c. OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLANDS STORE, MABKDALE. jM-oTiey to Hioan. 274 W. G. RICHARDS, UILDER. CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Iblarkdale. 1241v MeafHly Pairs. OrangeTi'lleâ€" The second 3?hiBf»l»y in each month. Dandalk â€" Tuesday before .Orange- yflle. " " ' Flesherton â€" Monday before Oifange- ville. â-  Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orange- ville. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each nioutb. Chatswtrthâ€" Monday before Dur- ham,. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Cka^swortb. Priceyille â€" Monday before Durham, Hanover â€" 5.Ionday before DurliMm. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesc'ay lu each month. t.ime"~5 Taki/ig effect JUond^, ^efoIloiH^ is the Ml* ftoo^:â€" ' -â-  ' Wheat.. Flour. 62 f^* •' *o 61 •"^.Vvi 39 60 • • v 38 5» • • 37 68 • • 36 57 • • 35 56 • • 34 55 « • 32 54 « • 31 5S « • .30 o2 • • 28 51 • â- â€¢ 26 50 • • 25 ' Dran Shorts. 13' :,•..' U • .. H .. 15 1« .. 17 i. 18 19 2© 20 20 ^0 J, IV. FORD. HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (SUCCESSOKS TO LAUDER HANDs), BAr.EISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, t. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, 16 King Street Earst, 199-251 Toronto. WM. G. GUTHRIE, Plain Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Church Mark- dale. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering. ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomtniug Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 30.S EUGENIA Grist, SawandLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALvVAYS ON HAND CHOPPING DONE EVERY DAY. B AEEISTEES, SOLICITOES, a. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block ^Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over 3IeFarlaiid's Store, on Friday and Satuiday every week. 57-ly J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massox. N.B. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six tj Eight per cent. .Alexander Broiw. 'TSSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and I Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei -in B. E. tfec. Conveyancer and Money to loan for the County .of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually ' at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Nov. 5th. 1885. 1-y Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortect notice. LUMBEE AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Wwk. Bronvn, JSSUER%F MAERIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. E. fec. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se curity. J. P. MARSHALL, L-D.S. DENTIST, /-^j-eaduate OF TOEONTO ::hool, yjC of DeEtistry, will be at the Markdale i House, Markdale, on the 1st aud thii-d Wed- nesday of each month aad also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47 MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Syclenliam Sti'eet, MARKDALE. Victor Rolkr Mills, MARKDALE. IVrmers are driving from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor Eoller Mill, aud are so liighly pleased with tljc results that they always come baok. No waiting, or return trip necessary as you get your grist home with you every time. No change made in the scale of exchantje from the past. Parties wishing choice florr, be sure and go to Plewes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran and shorts always for sale. "Wanted, all the go'd Spring Wlieat in the four townshii^s, for which the higb st price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- Scale of Gristing: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. _going STATIOKS^ Toronto.... Leave ' Cardwell Junction."' Orange- 1 Arrire.."' vilJe. /Leave... I" Oraiigeville Jiin,.'" yhelbnruc.-..i..,'"' Bundalk ....... ,\" Flcslierton Markdafe. ,..'..'" Berholcy ....." \V'jlliauisfon .... ' ^hatsworth .."!.""" Owen Hoinii... ' «ll NORTH. â-  iiK^i: '223- 12M.. '» Owen Sounl CJiatswQjth Williamsfoid.. V. Berkeley .. Markdale "" rie.shertou ... ... riuidaik ....;. f:;;^" \\\ Shdburue l"/*" m 0.angevillcJnn!."""7"u!:" 'sf Orantie I Anive... vill"..rL»ave..."... CardwellJuuction!.' Toronto Arrive. ' |UathJaic Clji EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINOS supplied on the shortes notice. wriK.vr. s-l lbs. Gi " GO " 59 " 58 '• 57 " 50 'â- ' 5.5 " 54 " 51 50 4'J WEIOKINO. 41 flour. 40 " .SO " 38 " 37 •• 36 •• 35 '• 34 " 33 " 32 " 30 " 2y '• 2G " 24 •' (^VV.Kl.. 13 I'jb. IS " 14 " 15 •' 16 " 17 " IH " 3!) " 20 •â-  20 '• 20 " 2(t " 20 " 20 PE2SBYTEIlA.\-CHrECB. Services every 4aft at l(,:3».| oclock. lU.v..A[wilso„,p,n| Lromi, S. S. Suiicrijteiident. CHlilSt CHUEll. S(rviceefc.rMarJ:th,7p.B,.UtU 2 ii 10:,% and -A- Silend.icl Ilearsse t«r hire at moderate rates. licuieinbcr I give yen all yoxir small wheat -home v/ith you. which is consideiuble. 270 W- J. ROWE. and 7. 2ist 7. 4tli, 7. lltlilO 10:.S0 aikl 7. l!ev. Sabb.-jth School 2:3^ J. W. tendent. md 7. Ml â-  fas. Wari Irn MEIHOD ST CHITXH, Services every i' m% atI0:3(!a,»J 7 p. m. Sunday IcM at 2:30, Meeting every Tiiii sdayeTeniiijfnHii Bible clasp .MouJa eTening ta i t Kev-. AYesley Cass ». Pastor; W A.B S. S. Superiutendiit. Ladip' Aiding uectiou Mrs. T ill, Secreiarv.. Farm for Sale. 1 pr /^ ACKES North f of lot No. 18. con. 1. 1/ 1/ 8, Enphrasia, 100 acres cleared and under cultivation, 60 acres of which is fit for reaper and mower, ferced with 'cedar rails, ' well watered, log house and frame barn. The ' uncleared portion is hardwood, with suiEcient cedar for fencing purposes. SoU clay loam, and almost free from stone. This is a de- arable farm and will be -old on easy terms. (-Tiurcb and school convenient. Distance from JIarkdale, 9 miles; from EocUyu, 3 miles. For further particulars apply to JAMES BOYP, 273-tf liocklyn P. O. â€" AU kinds ofâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL pricevhjLiE. Out. Large aud conimodious Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, a. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor PUBE BEAZILLIAN PEBBLE SPZC- TACLES, manufactured by Frank Lazarus late of the firm of Lazarus Morris, form- erly of Hartford County, now of No. 28, Maryland's Eoad, Harrow Eoad, Loudon] Eng., can be had of W. A. Brown,' Watchmaker, Ac, Markdale. Mr. Lazarns would beg to notify his num- erous friends and patrons, that he has no connection with any other firm in the Do- minion, and only his Pebbles can be procured as above. Frank L-azarus, Manu- facturer Optician, 28 Mai-yland's Boad Har- row Eoad, London W.. England. 274-6m MARKDALE. The subscriber b^s to inform the travelling public generally, that he has leised the above premises for a term of yeixrs, and hopes by jatering to their ciomfort to merit a share of lublic patronage, Bai- and Larder well sup- slied. GLod stabliug aud attentive hostler. D. McLEAN, Proprietor, Uarkdale. Nov. 13. 18ts5. EUGENIA HOTEL '«^-^^-"' EUGENIA FALLS MARKDALE BAKERY, ^FOR H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUREE OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Garble, de. JUST EECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar nes m Vermont. Will be gold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin. Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oUed and Sandblasted to hide th« imperfections, and called White Brcoie. H. B. HAERISON. MARKDALE Woolen Is. WEAVING done on short notice. (Jatton Warp supplied. Charges moderate. A call respect- fully Bolicitei. 248 4io F. J. RITCHIE. $aem f twrtor^. Markdale C. 0. |). F. Xo. 76, mffiiii alternate Moudav penmg at 8 o'cloi Hall, JrcDougali'4bkt. TMtajl welcome. Marl-dale A. Ol U. W, No 141 1 their Hall, McDoijgall's block, eveirai Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Aviatil brethren of reigbporuigiodRessoliciieil Health is Wealth I Oitt. ricAleer, Prop. The pnUie may lely on receiving everr neoeMM7 wttention ag to Baubles. Drink- jiU»t. and Horse Care. ^91 BREAD, CAKES AND BUNS, AT REASONABLE RATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY of all kinds on hand. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest f^otice. Weddini: Cakn a S^eialfy. A call is respeotfhlly solicited. Bread delivere d in all p arts of tlie town PBEiniSES X Next Door to the Boiler Riak. '8G BDWARD ROOKIE. MARKDALE, Manupacubeb of all kinds of Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron Pumps Supplied Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also agent for Sargent's Patent Load Lifter for Glenelg and Bentinck town- ships. Orders by mail promptly at- 219 Markd-ileL, Hall on Friday oi month. Tlios. El Secretary. ,L.So.l015i»eet'iii| I or before M' liott, Master; ir. VICTORIA R. 8. MPIi No. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of MsrldaletJ No. 1045, first Friday in each moi* ing Sir Knights alivsTS ffelcome. 275 THoHisEmon, " tended. Db. E. O. Wbst'bNkbvi: ahd Brain Tbkat- »ENT. a gnaranteed specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsiong. K s. Nervoii Ne*: r^ia, Headache. Nerrous Prostration caused Mpi^l°T w'"?^" "'â-  ^^^"^^ Wakefulness, Mental UepresMMi. ikrftening of the BraiiJ resulting in Inaamtr and l^in^ to tateS^ de ,ay and death, I-remahire OldAge.SS' ness Lpascf Powe^ in either GeS imSS twy Losses and Hpennatorrhoea ^eS iS over-exertion of the bnwu. sBlf-abuseororS^ TO SCHOOL TBPSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing as ex- cellent assortment of School Furniture, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS- DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ew, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, whereyer tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept al^rays on hand. Send for catalogue to Cliataworth P. O. ^^1 ANDSEW McGILL. Honoraj Cnw/*fl'e o Veterinary Treatsili^dis- eases of domes- tie animals. Veterinary Mediches 1^^* CAi.LSPEOMPTI'YATl^- MILL STREET. Opposrt^f'" ft.. J 11 c "*• nionth's tt«atment ^e dollar a bor, or «x boxes for fiveSS* sent by m»a prepaid on receipt of prieeWa R^tf^toe di boM. to cure any^^^WiS ««ch order «oeiwd Ij na Im dxl«eB JS •»^ied with fit^fiuw. „'S{^ porcheser onr written gnumUMTio^^ J^adujj^Bt, Ch«^. JU. 8^^« ««««r«^ i7Wy Clover Seed, Medium Bed, Large Bed, White Dutch, Aisike, Lnoonne and fellow. CRA88~8EED, 1,- 5^2*^^.^^°«' Mieadow Fox Tail. Eng- ^JwCjTmothy. Canadian Bine, Bed Top. Import of Field and Garden Beedstoar- iT«lrom Sngland earlj in March. H. PARKER, St tSe^dtsiii£.ii, n' lIKi*r- tf^ Liver Complaint, Wf^SeS**^ Jaundice, Headacte^J^^^i^ Costiveness, or »iiT^ii»«** lirer,DF..CHAS«-slJ«» jy t and certain reiwdy- bEM», ta The unqualified »^^f **Lnli^j Li4 a.mpl«at r^PlK? compounded from«J^ioN. '"Jy*' other invalua* r^f^^ powerful eff«:' "â-  *SoO ^Zi Slood. «*•â- %• JiUe, and worth^rTji^ '

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