^i^ a kisi from hii^ tight thing to aUJ *t4t is ParaljM. ^Mu die from wh»t b o*lled '"^^^r »poplexy »teio«t Inter- ly«i"*^^!'t not » little fe*r ha. been SS^'ji mach inquiry Um.de for an S»*^' fihe cauBes of what app««an p»ti»"»'Zdly diaeaae. Udng the ' » "f %, inteUigent obterver we ihall ^;TiS^'oL point- that are ef ^^T»lnfc ^jj^gj meobanic, whoM l»^ „ir« him to wl.ld a hammer, »* "i!iing that he !â- unable to "•fmmera°m.or perhape whUe at »^.^ uddekly fael. hi. arm be- r* f ^d weak it fall, to hU aide, foimihe man appUe. «,. it i. teS monoplefji* from mnaole tire," I »»""*, .Imply that the man ha. over- *ffi hS.mer arm and it need, re.t â- Z »«• the Tery approprUte name of P"r^lj," Is given. Again, a poor- r^nervooBly c«n8truoted person, moat 'eSe ii unoual mental .r phy.loal '"nToerhaps without warning lose. '\d,mB partof the body, often of «» °' "" L. -„^ J. nniil Ifl to sneak n^l Now Jusriiow thfs come. K we fancy It wuld puzzle the nao.t 'i«pecial"t to ay. Concerning thU So^,homyet, a well a. tke one be- toentlaned, this nuch ia known, viz., Lhracpropriate tnatment they recover, P:'ij very j,ood eidenoe that no part /i,, nervous appartua is broken. The Icarea reported frm time to time are Libly, for the mosl part, cases of this ntwmetimes happea that an Intoiioated Ln will fall aeleep with the head reat- Lapon the arm or wth the arm hanging giAiii back. W;en he wake, the arm jnbwidifl paraJyadâ€" another case of Htchial monoplegia, IPreHore upon the runka of the nerve. ich anpply the diuiled member has af- Ixd thoie nerves so hat they are nnable Iperform their nana {duty. The nerve. \£ go out from the irain spinal cord to le extremltiea are quie comparable to the ^1 which are streshed from place to put for electric commnicatiena, and pre.- Doponthe one seoton of thoae nerve. Mocei reaulta very Ue those which fol- »n interference with the electric lire, The case joi given illaatrates well a large amber of case, of ir from pressure, frm pressure upon the jiia or spinal cord, ir the nerve. wUoh Le their exit theref Dm, will produce a liiy whose extent wil depend upon the test of the pre3%ure,uid whose duration J depend upon the aances for removing -jaare, Freaaare upn the nerreS which Ipply one side of the iute produce, a very ractsrittic paralysia, and one that cause. „y many laughable mstakes on the part ' tyros and hon-prelessional people by lelr attempt to detect the affected side. jrenora upon the braii or spinal cord may e due to the presence of tumors, to f rac- jueiof thesknll, or tothe npper bones of liiich the backbone is formed, and to blood Ists within the Ekull or spiiul canal. Pa- â- eiti who recover frpn diphtheria, scarlet pr, and some other acute sickhess, are iqaeatly paralyzed in some part. These ja generally recover ly proper treatmant, Jiditis quite probabb that many cases â- odd recover spontaneously If let alone. People who work in Itad are liable to r. icnliar form of paralysis, which la first m, u a rule, b the nisoles of the fore- rm, on acc«ant of whick the patient Is un- petoextend the hand ipon the arm. At Tm the whole maacnltr system la involv- J, Change of occopation and the use of pediea which will assist the elimination ifthe mineral from the lystem is the proper tonne for such patients. Analogous forms V paralysis are caused by arsenic ttud quick- per, probably by their action upon the vm Btractnre of the tpinal cord. Woo- JKi, the Indian arrow- poison, will also pro- Pice pualf 8i3 it introdneed into the sys- pmlDsutHjient qnantitles. The paralyz- jeSect of large doses of alcohol are well mown. Certain conditions of the circulatory ap- "Mjtus predispose to extensive and often wrable paralysis. Hera it is that most ••«• of apoplexy oconr. The arteries are wtic tubes. By age, hard work, care and Keprolonged use ot alcoholic drinks, these «M8 lose their elasticity and become brit- 'â- â- By scma event which excites the flow pan unusual quantity of blood to the biain p« of these now inelastic tubes i. broken, ntepoured-ont bleed settles In the ventricle. IJM there form clots whose presence erases iWy paralysis. \s^^ to certato systematic condition. Itt w '"^^t^iioe normally suspended in InL, ' â- o'netimes ledge, upon the flsod- l=I?9f7»l^e8of the heart Preeently a im of this matter is dislodged and washed L "**' ^^ ^lood perchance It reache. Il^fy In the brain which will not par- IS,' u."^^- Tnenwehave an "embol- Idm « »l °'^^' °^ '^« Wood .upply from a Itol ,®.'"*^« °08 oftheimmdlateaymp. IbZ â- !°^ is palsy of the part of the lt^;,!7p""°^^^«» It. nerve .upply from te «?!'«'"' °^*^^^f»^- Tfaew paralyse. dkhfl- l^*«°=J^«. "Dd «» not readily nS^^ ^^^®^'°°^ *^«e ju.t mentl9ned. hribo "^^^S^ 111 the struoinre of the Ittls.. â- "'v °°^^ produce paralysis, more trt»! '°, "^^ varying in extent with the «to{ nerve structure Involved. Such M^yiUi are especially obstinate In those ' ^.theT"' "" "'"^^^ produce dls- uilf^^P^*^^' "Object h»« led to the PJiitoin "" °^ °"**^ fe»J° 08°^o. as j^«Mng special muscular control, so that ^Lp n. 1 °^ P^a'yais can ba traced to NthsL!l",°*^'*°°**°nin definite part. ^Safe, Sure, and Painless. I "^^lod^L* "^1^^^ °* moanbg this statement '•itnsn' "' '^** yoo are looking for, "'•iie srL,"^°"' Painles. Com Eitraotor N~. It^'^^'P^P corn cureâ€" act. In thia h««Jilv^^"^?.?° "ore apots; Mfe, â€" aot. ;r!«Ul» «„ J ,~ """ OpWBi MUB, (Hill 1 T^'»ithoSl'^^*",°'"^ty J .ureandmUd. "iiiltuta "°^°** i^Pon by Imitations or THE LDCB-nur CLUB. " I ahoold llk« to ipoka a few words to Braddw Aouzm Green," ndd the Preai- dent u the meeting opened and the Hall grewqolet. Brother Green, who i. ayoons mui with a mellow look and a hitch in hi. gait, ad- vanced to the platform in a hedtag man- ner and the Prerident oentinned "Bmdder Oreon, I Tarn dat yon am on de pint of gwine Inter bizoe.. fer yenwlf I am told dat yon am wen to open a oo'ner grocery an' a butcher .hop combined." " Ye., eah." " I Z3 glad dat you am abont to make a start In bfe^ and I dedab to drop a few hint, whioh may be of nme value to yon. Bmdder Green, de grocer whe give, fifteen onnoe. to de pound may wax fat fnr a few year, an' git. to be referee at a wreetUn' matoh, bnt Jnetloe ha. her eye on him, and when the ole gal git. around to It riie'll gin him a don dat will Mt him back fer twen- ty years. " De pnsaon who sell, fifty-cent tea an' two-.hilUn' tea from de nme chiat may git along powerful smart fnr a while, bnt he' only ooaxin' a Ule to firew on hi. nose. When de bile come, hell pay out more for flax.eed dan he haa made on tea. ' In sellln' beefsteak rtndy human natnr' Some men doan' object to a pound and a half of bone to hidf a pound of meat, bnt we ain't all built artor dat iaahnn. Doan' kill a hnndred dollar, wirl of cn.tem fnr de sake of sellin' fo' cents worf of bone. " While it am expected dat you will hide de bad tator. in de middle of de meaanre, doan' misnnderstan' de public an' water yer 'lasses a. well. ' If a m%n axes you fer lamb an' yen ha.3't got nnflia bnt ole sheep, tell him so. Daceivin' a man en mutton make, him a. much your ent my as if you beat him out o' a coDgreshunal nomtnashun. "Da paper which you buy fur two cents a pound kin be weighed up wid goods dat sell fur fifteen and nobody will kick, bnt doan' emaglne dat dia gives yon license to roast beau, wid your coffee or keep fillin' up de vinegar bar'l wid r^in-water. " Ba keerfnl whom ycu credit. Dar am plenty of people in dia world who like to pay debt., but dar am about de asma num- ber who will jump you fur .ome other .toah a. .oon as de book, balance f o'toen cent, agin 'em. " Doan' cease gwine to ohuroh bekase you am In business, but next tima de pew-rent- in' come, off take a seat a leedle furder back. Lots of people hev somehow got de ideah dat a modern bizness man, doin' biznen artor de madem fashnn, has got to do a heap o' wrestlin' wid hi. consclenco in case ha adopts any pertlckler brand o' religan. " Da pnblio will expect yon to make some mistakes In addishun, bnt be a leetle keer- ful about It. M»ke 'em In favor of de pub- lic about half de time." FAILED TO PAbS, J adge Ohewso offered the following reso- lution "Resolved, Dat It am de .enw of dis Lime-Kiln Club dat de pre.ent Congries should pas. a law makin it a penal offeoae fur any pnason to place a torpedo chicken in his coop. Da reason we want di. law am to purteck de nateral chicken frcm bein' Bubjeck toexploshun." Lord Timber ly Johnson favored the reso- lution. The torpedo chicken was invented to surpriu the parson who gained aooe.. to a hen coop and undertook to pull a pullet off her rooat, bu!; time bad demonstrated that the torpedo was liable to explode at any other time and bring destruction npoi^ inno- cent fowls. Sir Wallaoe Smith also favored the reso- lution. He was the friend of the hen undCi all c'roumatances, and he would ever riise his voice to ameliorate her down-trodden conditicn. The Kev. Penstock opposed the resolution and demanded a call of the roll. Certain people were always .eeking to connect col ored people and chickens together, but why he could not see. If the torpedo chicken was invented to protect chickens from thieves why need the colored man ba afraid? Why need any colore i man seek to work up sympathy for the hen Judge Chewso might prefer hen beef to other meats, but let him eat it in silence and not .eek to drag this club before the public in a false light. The Secretary then called the roll, and the Judge's resolution waa voted down by a majority of 47. • NOT ONK, A communication from St. Lani. made Inquiry If any member of the Lime-Kiln Ciub would be attac'ied to any base ball club, circus, theatrical company or dime museum this coming season. If none hal been engaged were any member, open to engagement I Seventeen members arose In chorus, and seveiteen voices were seeking to get the pitch, when the President's gavel came down and he asked " Why dis sudden cmoshnn! Am dar a fiahin de grocery below T' " What's de ulary " asked Colonel June- berry Cro:stree in an anx ous voice. '• Salary fnr what ' " Furtrabblln' around de kentry." " Bmdder CroMtree. .ot down I'za happy to Inform de pnblio dat no member of dis Club am ingaged up to de present mo- ment. FnrJcr dan dat, none am open to ingagement, We's all gwine to stay right heah an' attend to our con an' taters. Does any pussan In dis Hall deaiah to ap- peal frc m de decishun of dis oha'r 7" He lo Jted up and down the aisles. There was dead silence. Nobody desired to ap- peal. NOT A DKFACLTEB. Sir Isaao Wa'pole, of the committee on Internal Investigation, desired to eporton the case of Alabaster Jordar, Assistant Treasurer. Some four week, since Brother Jordan found his casta short by fifteea cent., or, rather she In-estlgattng Cemmittse did, and he was suspended pendtog an examma- tion. Focr days sfaice, in changing his wok., the heart-broken man found the mils • Ing money In hi. left heel, where it bad slipped CO sra from a hole in his posket. He had felt the hard substaTice. there right along, but .tqiposed, of coarse, thty wtre two new corns ef revised pattern. The mineyhad been handed in, hi. acconnto balanced, and It plearod Sir I.aao to be able to Inform thednb that Brother Jordan Btood before thtm a. Innocent ae a qpiug ^*oi' motion ol Wokle. Smith, the club adeptad a reKtlntiaa to the effeek tiiat H had not Mt â€" y eoBfideaoe in the TH OODS. Prof Bsrwell CaTondidi, a late beal member, made hli d»}mt by inquiring if tlM claboffioially nj^eldthe code. If he wai inmlted, and he otaallenged tbe inndter, would the olnb rtand ly Um T •• What would yen ohalleoge him to do V aaked tha Preaident. " To meet me on de field of henah, nh." "What fnr »• •' To fight, uh." " Oh, I tea. Well, Bmdder Cavendleh, my advics to yon am to keep off de field of henah. You'll git yer feet all wet, ta'r yer oeat-tail. on de bwdie% and prabablybe run off bydefkimer's brindled dog. When a man kumb me, an' dose It to be mean, I'ze gwine to let drive fnr hie aeee wid my bunch of fivea. Dat'a code "nnff fnr anybody, an' yon kin hit him on de sidewalk as well a. to go off to .one Held of honah. Let n. now adjourn fnr one week." Dangers in A£rioa "The most dangerous wvage foe. we have to fear," my. Mr. Sfeanky, " are the crocodile, hippepotemn. and the buffalo. We lo.t five men during my lart vidt to the Congo from thoK animal. tiiree were kill- ed by crocodiles, one by a liippopotamna and one by a buffalo. There are a large numbar of hippopotami along the Oonco and it. tributiurle., and thonnnd. upon thon.and. of crocodile.. The latter are by far the moat Inudlooa foe. we have, be- came they are so silent and so .wift. Yon Me a msua bathing in the river," .aid Mr. Stanley, with one of hi. vivid graphic tonohe. " he is atandiog near the wore lancbing at you, perhaps, laughing in the keen enjoyment of hi. bath suddenly he fall, over and yon ue him no more. A crocodile ha. approached nuMen, ha. .tmck him a blow with it. tail that knock, him over, and he I. in.tantly Mized and can led off. Or, it may be tt at the man ia .wim- ming he I. totally nnconacion. of danger there I. nothing bi dght, nothing to .tir a tremor of apprehenrion bnt there, in deep water, under the riiadow of that rook, or hidden beneath the .belter ef the tree, yon- der, i. a huge crocodile it ha. qpotted the swimmer, and i. watohing the opportunity the awimmer approachea he 1. witUn striking distance rtealthily, .ilently, „nn- perc^ved, the creature make, for ita prey the man know, nothing till he i. Mized by the leg and dragged under, and he know, no more I A bubble or two indicate, the place where he ha. gone down, and that 1. all." M â- â- â- â- Essay on " Oolombos." The following .tory come, from a achool in the Midland.. The maater told the boy. of the third olas. to write a short esray upon Colnmbu.. The following waa cent up by an ambition, euayist " Clnmbu. was a man who could make an egg stand on end without breaking it. The King of Spain said to Clumbue, Can yon discover America 7 ' Ye.,' Kud Clumbua, ' if you will give me a .hip.' So he had a ship, and .ailed over the .ea in the direction where he thought America ought to be found. The .ailor. qnarrelled, and they â- aid they believed there wa. no .uch place. Bat altor many day. the pilot came to him and said, • Clnmbw,' I aee land.' ' Then that 1. America,' Mid Clumbua. When the .hip get near the land waa full of black men. Clnmbu. said, ' Is this America?' ' Ye. it b,' Mid they. Then he uid. • I suppose yon are the Nigger. 7' 'Yes," they iuiid; we are.' The chief said, I suppose you are Clumbua 7' 'Yau are right,' Mid he. Then the chief turned to hi. men and .aid, ' There i. no help for it we are discovered at laat.' " â- ^^^»â€" ^a^^.*â€" »^^^^^.^â€" ^â€" Harried Life- I think it i. a. mush the hnsband'a dnty to make home what it ought to be a. the wife'.. Are not their .honlder. a. broad a. ours? We all have our duty to perform. I think sometime, if hnaband. thought more about making their home, happy, in- stead of the wives having it all to do, some would be diffarent from what they are now. Woman's work tometime. i. fbe Mme week in and week out; then i. it to be wondered at that .he doe. not alway. have a smUe on her face, when iha stay, at home month after month 7 Why dosen't her husband My, I must go up town, and It will do you good to get out we will all go and take a .leigh ride 7 I imagine he says to himself it will take fifteen or twenty minute, to get the hone and wagon ready, and it 1. .o much trouble to take my wife and children, they are uMd to .taylng at home, and it' not neceesary for them to go, I'll go afoot. An Expert- Mr.. Fizzletop overheard hermn Johnny nrearlike a trooper. " Why, Johnny," die exclaimed, " who taught yon to .wear tliat way ' " Taught me to .wear," exclaimed Johnny, " wny it' me who teaohu the other boys." â- â- irotAsIWiU. Blindfoidel end alone I stand With unknown tnresuolds on each nana The datkue's deep an. as I Krope. Afraid to ft a^. afraid to hope Yet this one tbing 1 learn to know Each day more surely as I go. That doore are opened, ways are m ide. Burdens are lifted or ara laid. By some great law unsepa and rtill Unfathoued purpose to fulfiJ, ••Nota. IwUL" Blindfolded and alone I wait, Iiosa seems too bitter, gain top late Too heavy burdens in ihe load. And too WW helpers on the road And joy is weak and grief i. tfrong. And years and days so long, so long T et this one thing I learn to know Bacli day more surely as I go. That I am glad the Kocd andill By cbangcIeM law are orderea stui "NotasIwilU," " Not as 1 wilir the .ouudgrow. nreet Each tim a my Ups tne wo dfl repeat •• Not ael will." taedarknessfeela More safe than Ugbt when tni. thought steals lilkewhispered v^ioe to calm and bitj.. All unrest and all lonelinew. "Not a.1 will " because Ae One Who lovel u- first and bert has gone Before us on the road, and â- till ?S tumust all ms love fulflll- "Nott.Iwill." SNOWDRIFT MBETIQlllfi iteow Slit* iiakiac fowoat Oo ibantlvia. om. Felt ft Slate Boofer. lUanfaetnnr and dealer la Taircd raM, Boeitaig Ptteh. BnndiDg FapsA Oaipet and DcafealBg Fd^ Ready Roofinct etc Ite low prtosa addfM. m. WIU.IA1IS, « AddaMc 8k â- .. Tonato. GUELPH CARPET WORKS. J.A.ABMSTfiOMGO., lUNUFAOrCaBBS OF WODL, UNION DAMASK CARPETS, 01 new patterns and desUcBBi C«elali. Wwt. Axirwr|3Sflrc»S SEND FOR PRICK LIST. Awning, Flag, Tent ft Camping Depot 169 Yonge Street, Teremto. MONEYfLOAN THV aubeoilber has a luge amount ol money to lend tor clients on security of mortgages on productive Urm and town property. The lowest current rate ot interest is charged, and repayment prlvlle.ee «;ranted In luoh terms tbat the borrower is placed in an extremely favorable poelHon to pay his Indebtedne s as ha hndi hImsMf able, without snatalilog Ion ot interest. Special Inducements ara offered. All oommunioa. tions oonfideniial. E. M. Chadwiok, Esq., Bank ol Toronto Building, loaomo. New Orleans Road Gart Go't â€" XAHUraOtDUB.â€" Winters Patent Road Cart, RnsKies, Carrlaceg, Slelslis* e. Bend tor Oatalogns. J. WINTERS, Hanaser, Calt, Ont* MACHINEBT. !•«â- , Weod. aad lor 'â- TREES. i CURE FITS Wfaen I Bfty cure I do not mean merely to stop tbem for â- Itme ABd then have them return again. I mean a radical tare. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSV orFALIr INO SICKNESS a lirMonf? atudy. I warrant my remedj to care the worst cases. Because Qthers have failed la no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ot my Infallible remedy. Glva Ezpreaa and Post Office. It costs yo.u nothlnir for a triaL and I will cure you. address DR. H. G. ROOT, Brandi dee, 37YDDge St., Toronto. H W PRTR»F. »»»«-•♦â€"•• 0«*. BRANTFOR P C old WATER RiCESTARc H NEVER FAILS. Allan lone Eoyal lail Steamsblps. Bj^lur telng wjatet troa Port aa ' erer* Thnndar. and ^ifax every Satordar toUvef^ool. aadinawBMi from Qnebecevny Satardu toUveepooI, edUnc atLoB' aondeny to land mage and pa i een t ere for Seotland and gebnd. iUnfrom Baltimore, vto Halifax andSbJoha'e, H. r., to liverpool fortaiihtly daring lommer OMBlhi. tts iteMMri nf the Olavow VUm iidl darlnc wiatei to aadltram HaUtax. Fortland, Bciton andAuia«d OBia: and dnrinc rammer batweaa Gtaecow aad ltoa "**• ^7l.' OMMtow ao^Boeton. wceUr: andOlaa. â- ow and Philadelphia, f ortnWatly. VOX trdKht, passam, rr other infOnnatlon apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore 8. Cunard CkM HalUu Hhea ft Co St. John's. N. F,. Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, N. B. Allan ft Co., Chicago: Lore ft Alden, New \ork H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans, Rae Co.. Quebec: Wm. Brockle. Philadelphia: U.A. Allan. Portland Boston. Mona'al TLaiiKK KNIVES, SlAVHi UUilKb, bIVB AT^^ Jointer, oheese box, veneer, leatbr spUtUngl bookblndere. moulding;, tenoning^, and other maohina knives o* best quality, nannf aotnrad by Pbtbb Hat Oalt Machine Kalte Works. Gait, Ont send for price list. FOK ma auLuoH. ^ooK the Une ot the Chleace and NorthweaMn KaUway im OestnU Bakata mnd Blorthen Kebrasluu Kew eeettona are belct; opened np and rapidly settled la these wondertnlly prodnctlT* rectoHSt and the "flrat comers" will have "first choice " ot location. For toll Intormatlen (which will be sent yon tree si oharge) abont the free lands and cheap homes, apaly to JOHHrH.IIOBI.ET. Western Oanadlan Pass. Asent. 0. ft H. W. By., a. B. HAU, B York St., Toronto. ObL V* r% fT A The BUUng Ovt and I U L L V Paeklns for Nursery I ni I lA n«n and Dealers a I IlkkW Specialty. Leading hardy kinds, In large quantities, raised on our own grounds. In Ut' 48° H. H.Hnrd8on, Halton Nnrsery, BnrUncton, Ont. FRiE FLOWERIKG PLANTS BY MAIL. 13 tor tl 00 I All FnsT Qualitt, and wHh every « •* 50 I Dollar order, an AmaryUie, a Chrjs. 3 " 25 I anthemnmoriloDthlyRcBe, FBEJB. The Beat Straviberry PUtrUg, tS cts. a Dozen. I guarattee Plants to please and to arrive in good order at any poet oflSoe In the Dominion. Large plants by freight or express. J. P. Cockbnm, Florist, (Stamps ti^en). QaATSSHu asT. Oht ARMSTRONGS Patent Tempered Steel Bog$y Carriage Gears. Our "Jump Seat" Bod; on Bollpse Gear meets with a ready sale, and makes a light, handsome, durable and useful conveyaDoe. Bides easy with one or tour paseengers, and changed from a tingle bnnrr to a double carriage qnlokly and conveniently. Ask your carriage maker f oi partlcclars. Catalogue mailed on application to J.B. ARMSTRONG Hfsr. Co. (Ld)., GUELPH, CANADA CONBOT'S CARRIAGE TOPS Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market Ordei one from your Carriage Maker Take no other kind. Suid tor Catalogueâ€" 407 King St. W., Zorohto, llOi^lKC^ST-WEJi ToRpKTO FoP FU-- MexLtion ThiH Pa,c*4r UNTON, lAKK « CO., CAI.T. Axle and HacMne Screw Works. Carrlam and ^agon Axlrs, Iron atd Steel Set and Cap Screws, etc. ListonappUcatlin. CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the a1 tve diBease bv Ita lua tbomands of cases of the worst kio.. au l of lon^ standlnff haTe been cured. Indeed, so stroni? is mv faith in ita •IHcacy, that I wIH send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TBEATISG on this disease to any â- oSierer Give ezpreaa and P. O. addreas. DB. T. A. SLOCUM, Srancli OfiBce. 37 Ygmq St, Toronto Oils Are made only at the 4|neen City Oil WorkS* and have received during tha laat three years SIX GOLD MEDALS. Bend lor sample barrel. II It docs not prove lattalactory we will pay tielght both wa} a SAMUEL ROGERS CO., 30 Front 8t. Sast, ToiontOi "HEAP'S PATENT" DRY EARTH CLOSETS Are The Best in The World. Over 16,000 in XT$a. • Awarded 16 First Prize lledali. " Twenty Ave ot these Oommodes were supplied to the Mount Boyal Hospital, Montreal, and the Medical men and ldy nurses In ctarge express themselves well pleased and latisfied with Ihem." Professor Ooldwln Smith says " I have pleasure In testifying that the Earth Olosrta (3) supplied by your Oompany to houiea oooupied by membere ot my house. hold, are lound to work extremely well and to be very conducive M health and oomton" " Very Bev. Dean Boomer (Londor ). la pleased to tes- tify to uia value and usefidneeB ot the Beddde Oommode, â- i^ldied to him by Mr. Heap. It hae fnUUled aU the promises made lor it in tha printed clicnlar, and be strongly recommends It tor the use ot InvaUda" [Wt may add. It Is a No. 9 Poll.up Oommode and itands by tha Daan^ bsdslde. bs being aconflrmed Invalid. lelspkans Ho. 66. Patent Kla^ts For Sale. Company (Limited). S7 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. iBMloreu rertable BeJiyaCen i â€" A, the Urine Bepamtor B, urine Baoeptaola 0. Bxoremeat Pafl. ^^^^^ ^^^^ f^KU^e-Mutkegcn, Mieh.Z»»iM TacUrry IVMsatlaa tUa paper. -MmncKattr,