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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Apr 1886, p. 1

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 925 ..I 1005 M 1080-i lft32"i 1058 •.; ;li22' I '1147" ll2C2fn, 12 14-. •223" 12 S8 « 1 o; " SOUTH. Exp. 6 10 " 625"' 6 34" 6 47" 7 26" 7 51" 8 22" 8 30" 8 45 " 9 25 " i 10 55 " (1 [Ait CHUSCH. Ijbath at 10;a„ Wednesday evenij Wilson, Pastor- :eudent. CHURCH. 7th, 7 p. m. 14th i 10:30 and 7. od 7. I8tb 7. IS. Ward, lutia J- W.Ford,! â- T CHUECH.I iday at 10:30 a,: hool at 2:30. lay ejeningfromS evening from 8 i Pastor; W A.Bij Ijadies' Aid in| Secretary. • F. No. 78. meets I niug at 8 o'clock ii ,ock. Visitirg b« W. No. 141 ma ll's block, every ala 8 o'clock. A 1 ing lodges solicite No. 104nieet3iaj • before full niooaj ,t. Master; r. J. I PRECEPTO i. 282, I m of MarkdaleLJ y in each month. " ys welcome. 3 Bbodib, W. p. \s Elliott, T""' VIIV, V.I duate of Ontarn Horses* inedforjj ness mn' 'ficates'g ,s Kept and Om TLY ATTE'D INFIRMARY. â-  .poiHe Stanm n it f ,/t I Wt â- ^, a.-No. Ji93 MAKKDALE, ONT., APillL 22, 1886, CoruB or thx Stasdabd FlTX CKHTS EACH. HMtMli 11 3 UNES OF telGAN WATCEES Thomas Clocks. I iRSE ASSORTMENT .8JLVER- fgUSICAUNSTBUMENTS. Itoariis pSe Speeb. (/fi/flr Lines of Jewelry, etc. 18 K. WEDDING RINGS. Soods Work Warranted. FINE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. f.A. A Keliable Jewelleir. Icca! aM^tlier Iims.; Ijoticis in the'^e cohaimsi-ntended to benefit: ,.,]im!iriducd or SocicUi will be chatted ten vn(,- (I line for the fir^t visertiori and five mU d line each subiequent insertion. Xbxt Sunday will be Easter, Seewng is progressing rapidly. Go TO. Mather's' for Bafey Carriages. â- WiAHTON IS te have »QTr school buikliugs. r' Mrs. SHAXAEAN.moveiS. this^fvcek to' Peuetaug. .\kmstroxg-8 miiris now CiilttHig 500^ week. -show, at Rocklyn lie 'ISih April. Miss â- \Vi;u;ut returned froEa AlletB- fonl ou Tuesilciy. Thos. Gamsy, Esq., gave us a pleas- ant call last -iveek. The Rose Library always on hand at Mrs. Clement's. Mr. T-. Hall, of the Herald, dropped in on us last Saturday. Mb. Mrs! A. B. Fawcett gaf?e us a friendly call yesterday. Mathews is preparing to «reet-» fine brick shop on tha old stand. The Steamer Africa was linrnftd at Ow8u Sound on Thuasday night last. Dr. Ja^iison, of Durham, has takan a partner in the person of Dr. Kelly. PiBDi-cED fare on tlie C. P. E. from to-day until Monday next, Easter iiolidays. There vcs, 73 person killed in th« ncent cyclone in Minnesota sand 218 ifonaded. ^YAXTED,â€" "Within one week, five ear loads potatoes at J. E. Trimble's, ilarkdale. Hot Cross Buns for Breakfast on wod Friday, at the Markdale Bakery, -fc-Eooke. » (i.vsiEs.â€" Old 5miuoe Clement's. Jelly is rebuilding his fine was destroyed by fire in Di Maid cards, 'fminoes, Checkers, C, at Dice, Mrs. tlock Mfhk Slielburne. Oil Cake Cattle Food cheap Jf fash at the Medical Hall. A. burner Co. !*»• Jamiesom, of Durham, is -P^«n of as a candidate ia the Cou- ««rvativ« interest. House cleaning is all the rage. We will fr()bii^ly take a trip for a week nntJl -the tg^ is»over, TuK lower parts ef Montreal pufferecl great loss this weefes by floods, caused i^fftn ice jam. -Lo?« Clear £a«on, ^Smoked Ham Jlnd Roll Bacon, «t Sarjeaui's batcher shop, -cheap for oash. GfiAss Seeds and Clover -Seeds for Permanent pasture at the Medical Hafi. A. Turner Co. Tm.V. P. R. Co. -will run their first through train from Montreal to Van- couver City on May 24tb, S.BA1) Wm. Brown 8 new adv. in anc^her columns something import- ant and worthy your attention. M«. SffiNKiNsof tlte €hronicle is bring- ing himBelf orft as a candidate for M. P. tet the coming general election. L'E.wE yoRr orders for Music and Boots of Instruction, any instrument, at W. A. Brown^* Jewellery Store. ISToiiicE. â€" Tl€ Markdale Roller Rink, until the close of this season, will be open-on Tuesday and Saturday nights •only. E. S-. Whitby has sold his business :in Orangevit'e, and will spend this summur -at home to recuperate his healtli, Crarden S»eeIg!- â€" A large assoftmant, fresh, from the best grow- ers just received at the Medical Hall. A. Tiroer Co jMskey to loan on real estate, the very best rates and terms no com- missions charged exponces low. Apply to C. VV. Rutledge. Both sexes, all ages and all classes, 'men,-wom« n, children and preachers, are striking, except the able editor. He never strikes. He kicks. The large discount for cash, 10 to 20 per cent., will continue till May 1st on Watches, Clocks, iSilverware, etc. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Fakms â€" If you want to buy a good cheap farm, on good terms of payment, call at the great land office of A. G. Hunter, in the Town of Durham. Look out for W. H. Flesher's advertisement. Flesherton, next week. He has something important t© say to those who have wool to manufacture. Trout Season, May Ist. â€" Get your Poles, Hooks, Lines, Baft Cups. Flies, etc., at the cheapest tackle place m town, W. A. Brown's Jewellery Store. The weather has been most delight- ful since the 12th inst.. the themometer ranging firom 60 to 74 in the shade, which is good average June heat. Thi old Methodist church has been sold to G. S. BoweB» who has men to work pulling it limb from limb. He will utilize the material in building tenement houses^ OuB village school yards are said to be in an exceedingly bad coadition, endangering the health of the pupilp.. We hope the aatter will receive prompt attention. The sidewalki m Markdale are in a tolerable good condition after the winter, and with » little repairs now, will be quite passible until the statute laber season a month hence. FmsT OF THE Season. â€" An excur- sion from Dnndalk, Proton and Cor- betton to Toronto is announced to take place on the ^Otb, under the auppices of the Methodist church ef Dundalk. Silver Cases have advanced this month, on factory combination 10 per cent. I had a full stock, so prices will hold the same for American Watches, and they ate close for cash. W. A. Brown. Mb3. Clement has opened out a first-class dress and mantle making establishment, where our fairer sex can have the best of satisfaction. Perfect fit m all the latest styles is a leading feature. Dunlop.'S block, Markdale. A New Post-Offioe. â€" Auguston P. O. was was opened last week. It is situated on lot 16, 4th con.,. Old Sur- vey, Melancthon â€" about siss miles north of Shelburne. Mr. Wm. August has been appointed post-maeter. â€" [Economist. Notice. â€" As has been. customary in former years the Merchants of Mark- dale will close their stores at 7 p. m-, beginning first of May.. We hope that all those who feel it to their advantage to trade in Markdale will govecn them- selves accoidingly. Dominion Express. â€" The delivery agency of this Co. in Markdale has been changed, and will in future be attended to by the Markdale House. All parcels toft with J. E. Marsh, will be delivered promptly. Free delivery between Station and all parts of the village both ways. TMis to ceiitify that I haye used McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaiiit, aad do honestly say that if it cost me one hundred ($100.00) a bottle I would not be without it, as it has done me more good than all the medicines I ever used, and I feel like a new man. â€" Yours truly, Alex. Steel,. Garleton Place, Ont. This medicine is fop sale at 0c. and S4..00 per bottle at it. L. Stephen's Drug Store. 1 Great Bargains in Candies. â€" I in- tend to sell, tor the next 80 days, all my large stock of Candies at wholesale prices so as to give my numerous customers of the last 13 years a rare ohanee. Biscuits 1 cent less per lb. Come one, come all. and clear them ont. Mrs. Montgomery, Dnnlop's Block. The first Friday ia May is set apart by the Educational Department of Ontario, as Arbor Day, for the planting of treesj cleaning up school grounds. c.. Last year over 80.000^ trees were planted, and we tFast the good work will' be continued from year to year^ and extend to 'vdlages and oountry. Fair Waekino. â€" The Village Police will make a tour of inspectioa on the 1st of May, and every citizen is hereby notified to have their yards and closits thoroughly cleaned before that date. Any failure to comply with the above notice will be dealt with according to law. Ed. Davis, Wm. Lucas, G..M. Haskett, Trustees. FntE Bug. â€" On Saturday eyening last, about 11 o.'elock, a fire was dis- eovezed in the upper story of Noble's carriage shop, but ttraa speedly sub- dued with a few pails of water. The origin appears a mistery as no fire had been in that portion of the buy- ing that day except peihapa that in a man's pipe, and as to« being set on fire,.ijt appears strange that any per- son would start a ^e at that hour of the evening when everyone was about. IMPORTANT NEWS ITEM. CooKSTowN. â€" Mrs. Campbell had been troubled for a number of years with Indi- gestion and Constipation, and was induced to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed, and would recommend its use to any person similarly troubl^. This invalns^le remedy isold in every: part of Canada at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold at E. L. Stephen's Drug Store. IfoTicK to the Public. â€" Owing to an increase in business the Mansion House is undergoing a thorough reno- vation, as I find that an increase in the trade of this house requires it. As my lease continues loru term of years I find that certain improvements would be advantageous in attendins; to the comforts of my cubtomers, 1 have, at considerable expense, made these im- provements. To my patrons I would say, that in the future, as heretofore, they will receire the most careful and prompt attentidi^ Youfs truly, Jas. Bryan. BE ON YOUR GUARD, Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develtop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few application will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure dironic (Catarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure, Sold by all dealers, at 25 cents per box. Artemesia Council. FlowevSf Beantiful Flow^ers. I wish to heartily thank the residents of Markdale and vicinity for theizi liberal patronage last year, and hope to visit them again soon with Flowers. I have a good selection of Hous6 Plants. Hang- ing Baskets, Colesus, and Bed- ding Plants also Cabbage, Caulifiower, Tomatoe, Cucumber, Peppe.?, and Celery Plants, in season. A good stock of Plants will be kept for sale at Fleshcrttm Res- taurant. 293-6 Jaues Beecboft. Aboye Council met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the 5th inst. Members all present, Reeye in the chaii. Minutes of last sessiou read and confirmed. Communications as follows present- ed and read â€" Wm. Jackson, for A. McGill, re road scrapers. Tp. Clerk Euphrasia, re Walton road deviation- Tp. Clerk of Proton, re town line Artemesia Proton. Tp. Clerk Glenelg, re town line Artemesia Glenelg. John Hazard re pathmaster. J. R. Rawlings, re J. Mclntyre an indigent. John Stewart, re drains lots 8 9, Con. 2nd N. D. R. Accounts,^ â€" R. J. Sproale, postage, $2,01. Jane Thompson, bread for N. Boyles, $4,20. Petitions, â€" S. Dainude et al, re charging boundaries School Sections and8. E. Cook et al, re forming^ new section from School Sections 5, 2, 11. Bv-law No. 895, to remove lots 181 182 in 2nd range N. E., from S. S. No. 4 and place the same inS. S. No. 8-, went through the regular stages and Was passed. By-laws 393 394 went through the regular stages and were passed. Auditors' Report received and accepted and Clerk instructed to get 200 copies printed. Petitions of D. Thompso.n et al, S. Damude et al, and Robt. Cook et al, were received and the Clerk instructed to give the necessary notices, as by law directed, and said petitions to be considered at the next session of Council. In reference to the matter of road deviation, re Hugh Walton, the Coun- cil advised arbitration, and instructed Clerk to forward a copy of resolution and request the appointment of an I arbitrator, jointly with Artemesia, as early as possible, so that the matter i may be finally disposed of. 1 Accounts to be paid â€" Mrs. Thomp- son, $4,20; R. J. Sproulei $2,01 this day's session of Council, $11.70; and monthly allowance to indigents. Council adjourned to meet on the 26th mst. instead of the 3rd day of May. W. J. Bellaut, Clerk, IVeir and Renewed Subs. â-² Few W^ords •n the Potato Rot. paster Cards.â€" Beauti- the Medical Hall. i»^ JlassortmeEfc at *• iDTEer Co. b^u^^'^^^^^ wanted to learn Drees bnds^iS^^^ « prepared to do aU I'iintt^ T®' Sign, and Carriage Jjun 8. Special attention »• House **^"ig.- Estmates given frw. The Markdale Brass Band has made good progress during the winter months, and have recently made the evening breeze tn waft wfrh thrilling strains of smsie to the delight of ttw citizens. "What IS HeOiegot's Speedy One fer ' It is far Dyspepda, Liver Compftfirtr L*^ gestteni, Kliousnew. and it is the finest Uood porifiar in the known wotld te-day. "Doee iimvesetiffMtionr We«miot point to one instanee wkete it did not. "Where does it have J^ieiffnt sale r Uightin AeOitr Haiidtt«», wlfere it is mMnriMta e*.^t liere has been ever on thoosand dolIsn*^wartnsold in the last year retail, and thegteetnajbrity (rftiMselesareliyone raoommcndfeiif^ it to another. For sale at fiOc. end VJOti per hottle bgr B. It. SteiilMn, Ihrnggist. 4 iFyour are afflicted with Rheumatism call on your druggist immediately and procure a bottle of West's World's Wonder or Family Lmiment,. it is a certain andpositive cure. Itis infalli- able for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds and all diseased requiring ex- ternal application. Price 25 cents^ and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. April FiBE in Stayneb. â€" A serious fire occurred Iftst Friday night in the building owned by J. H. McEeggie ' and occopied by Lindsay Bros., dry- 'froods merchants, and the upper storey by Freemasons' Lodge. The fire burned furiously, and, though the steam fire esgme promptly got to work and an-, excellent' and continuona supply of water was o)»tained, the building «id contents were totally destroyed. The fire then eommnni- cated to CJtutnpbeirs Agricaltaral Im- plemeniieiiop, the office of The Stayner Ban. the store of W. G. Begg, and the residence tf Charles Wiggins, all of wbieh were totally destroyed. ' McGBE€ldB'88PEEIT CUBE. When we say MaOwwoe's OpieJ y Cara thean]y perfeot eidre fer Srspepsia, lirar Gooqiliiinta. In^gastim and Ittpnro Blbod, 'veaie tdliag j^ain faetR. ef irineh hnndtede i^en hmdnds «att tes^ ^^ have been re- â- tond to parfeet heaUh by its nse. W« â- wocdd t hs t a te i c aiMw yon stron^y if yon •re a sobjeitt of any of ttie aboye tranblea to ghe ISoGragOKk SpMf Cake a trial and be ow.vinoed. It is sold in 50e. and f 1.0O bottles ft B. L. Stephen's Drag Store. S A grave wosd of caution needs to foe spoken on the subject of potato-growing this year- There seems te be no doubt that th« disease which attacked the crop last season was the genuine potato rot. We have in a previous number of The Rural fully explained the nature of that dibease, and we give some hints on the best means of dealing with it. There is a great danger of it spreading orac a wider area of country this year, and of its proving far mois destructive than hitherto. But with the exercise and care aiA judgment on the part of fanners, we think it is possible to stay the disease to some extent â€" to keep it " izot^ running riot ever the land. A few facts ought to be well understood and re- membered. One is, that iibe disease is of the zomatio olass by which is meiBtt that it is infectious. It spreads from phuit to plant, and from field to field, by minute germs carried by the wind, or it may be in some portion af the, plant itself and ^ese germs falling «poBa healthy plant communicate to it the disease. Another is, that those germs may survive the winter in the tops of the potato, as well as in the tuber itself, with unimpaired vitality, and their grotrth and development will begin jnst as soon as they are planed in the favourable conditio'ns in other words, as soon as they come into con- tact with the -potato plant in a moist or growing state. A third is, that an infected seed potato is a centre for a trare spread of the diseaseâ€" one in a^eli bemi sufficient, in the proper state of weatiier, te spread the infection to the whole field. Now, for a few words of eantion. Don't plant a K«ed potato th^ is, even in the slightest degree, diseased. Dan't plant m the same groond on wMoh hut season's crop was grown if there was any appeareoee of ^sease in the crop. Dont {riant on the wiadwant aide of last year's crop, is it it was sffsetadâ€" either yomr own crop or yonr neighbor's die wind may carry germs fmm tops or tabers left m last years' ground. Dont plant in moist or badly drained land; exeass of moistue predisposes the plants to sti attack of the dis e a a e Plant none bat healthy tebara plant on An leeward side of land planted laat yaar, as Ut inm that as possibh end vHacA eaily oo well drained ud ifve^ soil, so as id ensoM an early ripening o the creivâ€" [Bond Oaaad'an. Angus Plewes, Markdale, Jan. '86. Wm. Stevens, Markdale Jan. '87. R. Dowdle, Markdale, July, '66. Heartwell Heartwell, Markdale. (New) April. '86. S. J. Coleman, Markdale, (New) April, '86. W. H. Fleshcr, Flesherton, (New April, '86. Jas. Beecroft, Fle.sherton, Jan. '87. James Vause, Priceville, March, '87. Thos. Gamey, Maxwell, Jan. '87. J. S. Rodman, Harkaway, Jan, '86/ J. Manarey, Goring, Jan, '87. Arch. Neilson. Imstioge, Jan. '87. S. Stephen, Berkeley, (New) April, '86. Samuel Wright, Ivy, .Jan. '87. T. H. Wilson, ChurGhill,(New)ADril, '86. 1. 1. Carson, Kendall, Jan. '87. John Rowe, Waskada, Man., Jan. '87. That hacking cough can be com- pletely cured by using Wbsfs Cough Syrup. It is the best known remedy for the speedy cure of Couglis, Cold.s, Consumption Hoarseness, Influenza, Bronchefis, Asthma nud all Throat and Lnr.g complaints. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists. Price 25c-. oOe, and $1.00 per bottle. April 22 DEATHS. Whiteâ€" In Artemesia. on the 19th in-'t.. Sarah, wife of Wm. John White, aged 48 years Utaritgt ity»yt», MARKDALE. Fall Wheat.... fO 70 to »080 Spring Wheat......... 73 to 80 Barley .............. to to 63 PcM 54 to 56 Oats ........... ...... 30 to 31 Batter U to 15 Eggs 10 to 00 Atpie» 40 te • 60 Potatoes 20 to 25 Jay ................10 00 to 00 Fork..... .....500 to 6 T.*; Konr .,*......,,.., td^ to 475 Wool •••....^......, -17 to jg I i i •i

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