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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Apr 1886, p. 7

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 â-º .- 'â- â€¢â- !»v«*. '»^:v ^t^^rv^- â- .i-«ai-*""!«»-w«VSwir^ 'J«»».jSi' .,-^,^!rj. ^â- "'I-r' -•««:».. ,^.-.VCt'uj« »!.:«*r«i, j. «»^I'«S;*V ^OUSfiHOLD. The Mother's Work. L !»«!«*!'•* "cr more fally R.L-ZBd by L."h.S of the ertablUhment than l^iSe from U!neu to fol oi^the •H The re.t of the family al.o .ad- trfSP*"" thLt »he U the main spoke in ^^i himself, and it ml»fcrtniie '»'*?^r/.hV of a lost button he br. t^"" Ire'cbed, It i8»tiange how ••f 'fnlpM tbe married mwi in general If W^" hen he has no one to look f "fnajvidually and collectively he Ll»iy •^. Twicaa week for twenty years, t^*""' w me where ho should find his tjbMtfW^^^ll thig time they have J (birt»i "â-  jjj^^er of the sams bureau, '•"'"'to teU bl°^ "" Ume,'*lhe con- liei dolefallf â-  ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 'â- 'â- ""^^aZ "for ovnr thirty years ^^' ' )r.d me the self same question '"""^fw^ran^wered calmly, 'left •^ 'rfS drawer next to the «op." .^'"'llcorgr.tulated her^tf that she P^tvih :°"S^ w„i nuu, in existence r* °f if/tl^n to inaist on their doing L f»»liy t^. ~. ^h children it la oer- F'TwtT'plan to 4ke them wait fel^KaVmuch as possible. The Tike hooka for clothes, bureaus for ' rents.bags for shoM and stockings, bSbookB and a box for plfy*WngV, 1 oican well insist that things shall K/nt in their right places. V .n Hve bo?8 you may be the means E^^ajlhnwhow'm not have to Kahunired times a year where his linen is. provided he has an orderly I There is no danger bnt what there L » call for all your strength if you do Lp continually on the jump for the rfmaginwy wishes of all the rest of fijinlly. As a rule, with few exceptions, Leof a mother is one continual giving li mind a^d strength for others. The I mm hand of an aged mother is a sym- loi self-sacrificing toil. Everyday Cooking. iivr.i^. carrc ir 5 Heakt.â€" 1 ike a pint bowl of ffiing ftem bieaa crumbs, a slios or two tit perk chopped tiao, and au egg, the a weli eeasoacd with pepper and a p:nch fcje, 0-ion is go-3 to- flivor a dressing L bat it U iMiVdr safe to use onions in fe.nniesa you know the peculiarities Ltislea of tlicss \7ho arc ••o t^rtake of fAlt'r thtTO.;^!iiyio:ikt2g aaci cleanalDg Icelit, ii i' '.^l:^ ^Lio ursaiing, and biiid Btria of ciotk then â-  ;.r until it is teacer, .; a-oc t^o VTJi-.fcr tO! r. *; â-  J .: ,t;' iiikt up the ., .. ' ' ;;'iivv. â-  Oi.t crip of liiUer, ;, ;;, --..vp' c: RUg.r, nu-2 :\: (.... o i!';;i. c^c lab:'?- â-  ifui vi saier- _â-  ^.-^. lii tait;r, a;;d -,â- ..â- .".â-  t' .:.' b-.i .t.r to 3 â- , xv -cli have baen ' â- . S i»--» i-A-/i the • V. '..'..;.â- â- , c; :;.:-:i-i0i":t3ii* ;â-  t ^-.ror.ghly Bifvd, l---.-.:: .â- ; :..i .rorn, A^Ssr the I'.t ..j.;y i, littij. Scivo Tvilii -^Ai'ti. â€"One halt cup of butter, k;:,T. :;-ovvii.rLdi:jgs.r,.ihe whit;j of oac Isaciiif cup of cicim, ona tijasp3onfui fraoa or, Cream the tutter, ;::S;;?i,i, th'^n thi! v/bi'CB oi Iko egg, !u3t the cream. Pit c 3 trie flover anotbfr of oi water stir until R. tut bj sura net tj cock it until it pye'.bf,-. ..iArii' â€"Two tablespoonfuls of J!"»irch, one i|ii,r!; cl milk, two eggs, a Ksilt, Icur tiblsspcoaf uls of sugar, eni jtesapcoifd of flavoring, Bdl theniilk, liidtse core itiich disaolvsd in a little pi taea aid the egga well beaten with fjiir; ic; it bril up once, stir it and it ~e. Aid the tUvaricg after it ia re- Riirom the lira. P Casf.,â€" Sift cne teaspoonfol of ;tirtar and one-half teaspoonful of 'â- ato one pint of tl )ur, a pinch of salt, P^pocnfa! of cinnimon, and two table- Fttu ot a-.-gir. When ready to fry, [.^'tinsw milk rather stiflE, Have the «otiard boiling hot, and drop them in f'liabaUs about as large as half of a mi^^' ^^^^ " ^°^^ o^*^» aud when rsre done. Take out with a skimmer JS n In a colander. S srve hot. J^^^^^-^â€"'^^^o a pint bowl full of pitMd dou^h beat a fresh egg and add r â- Ulead it thoroughlyâ€" it wiU take ten !«• Koll out an indh thick, cut into r^ and lay them upon a tin sheet and I ""a a waim place; Bake in a quick EcDnoay in Love. fc.'irir^i*" ^^^ you at the Aca- r»ittia.trangegirl l«t night. Who Rst^hr'^^** ^*" ^y spring and I M'rf'love ^^« *^*^«° «y *»» and *^^ ^tf^Kfe"'" *^'*^* ^^°' "^ly envelope l'SS'^!?°vy°« "l" *o explain. iefs,^/" '1^83 icecream and hates •t »nd\?^ """"^^ girl despises ioe- *Uve !f"' *^e bivalves. By thia â- ^J^ Mighty DoUar B'^^'Sv^f? ^° '«°* ^°"le of Pol 7^' Itcnr« .i'"'^®' "d best pain S" "«4d. ,»;»« "°^"^*' oramps, colic, pain ik"'^Sy ffl'Pl^i" "»« chert; in fc^^if "^^" " an external ^nK P*la remedy, NervUlie. ^i^'f'ysVan^'^i '«^ h°"le« only 25 THE AOOIT OF BBIE8. »na«na Saflertags Knded bya Itoslble George W Neal, the keeper cf the New- ark dog pound, who wag bitSen bya SpiMs drg, ditxi In great sgiry the etiier evening at u a home. The phyMioians deolars pea- itivelv that hs waa a vlotim of hydropho- bia. He had paased a reatlesa night, notwith- atanding potent narootloa. At fonr o'clock en the day of hia death, while lila gnardiana. Policemen Ast^l y, and Caagrave, were in an- other room he levped from bed delirlona and arming himaelf with a peker, daahad np ataira to the rooma of hia father in-law, Joiin P. Moore, uttering wild cries. The effiaera pursued him, "Go Dack I I'U not bs taken go back I" he cried, with the poker ralaed threatening- ly. Mr. Moare calmed him. At tliat mo- ment the opening of a dosr oansed a draught of air to blow on blm and he was aelzsd with the ia-ne laryngeal oenvalalona which were produced at the eight of water. He was led to his own room and quieted with an injection of atropia. THIBST NOT TO BE QTTBNCHBO. Early in the morning Dra. B^adm and German call ad. Ai aoon ai the patient aaw them he exjlaimed â€" ' Don't aend me away please don't." " Are you thirsty " asked Dr. O'Gor- man. " Yea, very," waa the reply. Dr. O Ger- man cut an apple into very amall pieots and fed Nial witn it. This waa his first nour- ishment iivthree daya. It was only a litda, for convulatoia began and atropia waa again used, D.*. Bradin tried to moirten tne sufferer's lips with the nae of a aponge, while Neal's eyei were dosed ao that he ahould not see the water. As aeon aa the sponge touched hia lipa he cried, "Oh, don't I take it away I can't at aud It." Ajalnthe expekment waa tried, bnt with tbe same result and all attempts at quenoh- ing his thirst were abandoned. At nine o'clock hia temperature waa 103^ and hia pulse 150. Ha waa removed from his bed to a acfa near a front window. Every draught caused oonvulsiona, and every hour the nervous symptoms were sg^vated. One of the officers passed in front of the window and his shadow fell upon Neal. With a cry of agony he started from the sofa and put his hands over his eyes. " Go away, for heaven's sake go away. You torture me," he cried. A DEVOTED WIFE. His wife was constantly by hia side. Wnen rational the unfortunate man placed his hands in those of bi3 wife and sat in sil- ence. It was just after a fearful convulsive strangle that ne turned to her and said â€" " I won't suffer long. It will so^n be over," Ha saw the tears fill his wife's eyes, and It troubled him. Again becoming deliri- oua, he cried â€" " If I go, I want Mary to go wiih me, I can't bs separated from asr" Aao.Iier injescion of morphiae waa, aud he VTa-S caltri far a few r.-Jiintoi. Alter a aiigh; tremor had psssed ever hlni, â- ;d £iid sa ii iow.Sorie to his wife :â€" " Miry, i Avian ycu vrocLti Icava me,- when 1 am iibous to go i.u^ J civalBioEG. I am afraid I viii i-j ;.r'j yua, Dj go away." Mra. Weal r.over fiiachad. E,-£L»thono- llcsrai'u and the iibfjicians recoiled from hitn at moir.ont:, shclderiag at the uhought oi ccmtag ir. cyutiict with, tae dciii'ly^vituj whien finked ;ro"i hiz Upi, while etraggllag i la ojnvu alciis, but tlic brara v.'omau never j liiiov/tid s.jja ul 'Lzt, tad Uur devotion never ialt^-rei. At no-.n ho cxperirnced tha moot violent ccav'uisicn, Ha Eprang from hii ^!c i. Red ciied â€" ** Xhsre, there 1 see tb-j,i3 dcga They must bs drowned Say, Sebold, -low man/ more did wa get to-day Look, Icok, at that big bl*ck dog I Don't let him coma near me. He's mad, mad, mad " At a':n he sask back exhausted, bat all the time mutceiing about Sebold, his asaij- ttfint at the dcg pcund and the dogs, big, little, bljick, and mad, seemed to bs an tvar revolving kaleidoscopic vision. In three days his form had grown attenuated. His fice was white as marble and his eyes wild and frightened. i USELESS REMEDIES i At a quarter to five Dr. Bradin made tbe first lijsctien of curara. An ordinary needle point syringo was used, and the In- j;3ction was made in the back of the neck, oelow the base of the brain. The patient did not seem to be affected by it. A vapor bath was then arranged. Lint was placed in all the window cracks and all air paasagea closed. A kettle of water waa placed upon a hot fire, and the steam which arose soon filled the rscm' At half-past five the ther- niometer rei^iatered SO degreea, |The patient rested quietly for over an hour. Then be waa aeizsd with a violent eonvulsion. He clutched the pillow upon \^hich his head rested and nttered the strange, croup like sonnda peculiar to the disease. The muscles of hia neck became rigid and the flsah became hard. Hb body twitched convulsively, and t)efore he could be restrained he threw himself upon the fioor and drew himself np. Cocaine wsa in- j acted and he rested easier. It waa deemed adviaable to let him rest on the floor, and with hia head resting on a pillow propped against an overturned chair he lay qatet under the soothing inflaenoe of the narcot- ic. DTIKG. Drs. O'Gorman and Hereld called at- Neal's house at 6 o'clock. They fonnd him free from spasms, bnt the nervens twitob- inga of hia iimbj continnsd. Dr. O'Gtonnan saw that the end was near and that farther iojectiona of curara waa aaeleac. "Take me to my bed," gasped the man. The aufferer'a face and handa ware llfid. The two atalwart polioamen aaaiited him to his feet, bat he aank again to the fiaor. The shadow of death waa upon him, and all in the room aaw it. Hia wife'a aged father and mother atood by her aide oomf orting her. The four men who took care of lilm aeemed appalled at t sight. The dying man'a two sons reooUed as if m fear. ,,..., Ii Oh, my »" and Neal datoked at hia throat. With a aob hia wife aprang to hia aide, and, paahing aside the offioera, anp- ported him In her anna, and half carried, half dragged him to the bed. The men, and brave men, too. InTOlootarfly rwjoOad. Theanffarer aoddenly a ee m ed paralyia» and lank nerrelen in lui wife'a arau. **Oh.ajGod, tteaadaflBl Tak» awar I Oh, pUymaaad tak*tt«Baway I" he oriad. Dr. 0'G«nnaB and Mn. Naal plaaed blm onlila bed, where he lay aa if in a ataper. Hia handa were oold and rigid, the blood- dtot ayaa proteadad firsm tlnlr aoolntB, and Ma lower Umba were ai marbla. Anather iojeotion of morphia waa given, aadtlw inf- f erer aeemed to rest more eaay. THS LkST aCBNE. At twenty minntea of aeven Neal ralaed himsdf np In bed and oried, "There I there I Do yea aee thatdogt" Tie terrible eameatneaa of the words, the look of terror mi the f aoe and Ae qniverlng of the pointed hand, aent a ahodder throagh the group around the bed. "Therein that comer," and he pointed into the next room. ** I mnat leave thIa bed. It wUl klU m^" he ezolidined In hia fren^. Hia wife caught him In her anna aa he waa falling over the edge of the bed and bore him Into the next room,- where he waa laid in the aame poaition from which he had atrnggled ahortly before. Hia wife knelt beside him and looked Into hia bloodshot eyes. " I am burning np I" he exolidmed. He gasped for breath. Great beada of perapir- ation atood on hia brow. Hia feet and handa were cold. At ten minntea to seven he groaned. A atraoge gntteral sound oamef rem bii throat. Hiadtttorted featnrea relaxed. Hia chest heaved, and with a feeble groan the suffer- er smk back into the arms of hia father-In- Itw, dead. Hia wife, who had borne np bravely through the terrible ordeal, gave way at last. She waa led from the rooin by her mother, and a aheet waa thrown over the corpse. Neal'a death occurred jart fifty-aeven honra after he wiM aeizsd with the firrt pir- oxyam. The time elapaing aince the firat bite Inflicted on Neal ia aeventy daya. He was within the limit cf the time allotted for the development of the diaeaae, the time being from eight to ten weeka. The first symptoms were developed in Neal's case in sixty-seven days, although the first intima- tion was two days earlier. The usual time for the disease to become fatal is from three to six days, and Meal's limit was, from the first intimation, six days, and from the firat aymptoma, three daya. ^^ ARRIAGE WAGON AXLES. Uanafaotnren of the Celebrated ^^I GUELPH AXLE WORKS 7^^. T. PEPPER AsICO., Ouelph, Ont. Onr Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. JAMES PARK SON, Pork Packers, Toronto. Ii. 0. Baoon, Railed Sploe Baoon, 0. 0: Saoon, 6!a9«;0Tr Besf IIx?ua, Sugar Oarsd Hq, Bred Beet, Sxeakfaul Biccn, Smcko:! Tcogces, Mass Fork, Ploslsd Tongaes, Cheese, FamUy or Navy Fok, IsnJL in Tuba and ?sli3. Iha SiU Bra^^ds of I ng- liiii ric9 Dairy S::klt r "ri k. mW Tbe Billing Ont and Packliip: for Nnrsery- Li B " "'*•"â- *" "'"1 Ocalers a Bsi^ SpccLiIly. Ls'iiint; hatiiy kin ja, in larga quaatltiaa, raised oa O'ii' owe fcrounda, ia lat 43°. H.H.HuMSon, JOC^^ ..Halton Sursery, *â-  Wk S P Barlington, Ont. T.f lew Orlems Real Oari; Go' â€" MASur ACTTiaaaa â€" Winters Patent Fcad Cart, Baggies, Carrlagest Sleiglis, c. Send for Oaitlogue. j J. WINTERS, aianaeer, Calt, Ont » ARMSTRONG'S Patent Tempered Steel Bagey €arriage Gears. Oar "Jump Seat" Bod; on EoUpsa Oear metts with a ready sale, and makes a light, handsome, durable and useful ooaveysnce. Rides easy with one cr four passengers, and changed from a tingle bnggtr to s douMe carriage qniokly and oonTcniently. Ask your carriage maker tot partlo^rs. 0«talogae mailed on application to J. B. ABMSTRONG IHfs. Co. (Ld)., GUELPH. CANADA. rOKTHS HnXlOH. Along the line of the CUeac* and WwUtwe atara â- aUway Im Cemtnl Kakota and Hertfefem ITebnufta. New sections are being opened np aad npMly set^adln these wmJerfMy jer edMcMve " wiflhaTS ngimnM, and the choice " of location. â- fifSt I bars "im For full infoimation f wtalA will be aeat yoo Ifsa al ohanre) about the liea lands and chsap bones, ttntj to jom n,MOWMxr, Western Clansdlan Pass. Agent, 0. fe H. W. By., B. b; IIAIK, • loA St., Xoraato, Oai. Gensnl nta. Ageni Oblaa Dla. CONB«T'S CARRIAGE TOPS An Um Beat and Otaeapeat ia the Maikel Ofdai one from your Oaniage Maker. Take ao Other kind. BeiMl lor Oatalognsâ€" 407 King St. W., Tobobto, I CURE FITS! Wbml Mr eon I do not naan manlj to itop tbnu fiira Itane mod then haTo them nturnA^n. I iiMan a radical em. Ibanmadatbedlaeaa*orniS,KFIUPSTerFAIJt IKO SIOKNBSSa Ur*.loas itodr. I wanaat mj randr to care the wont caaet. Beeaoaa othata hare lUlad ia BS xaaaoDfur not now nealvlnca cara. Sand at ooea for • tnatiae and a Fna Bottla oi my Infallible nmadr. Oil* Sniiaaa and PoatOSIca. It eoata yon nothlnc for a ttliL and I will eon yon, ^ddreaa DB. a. O. BOOT, Braicli dee, 37 loBiejl, TorontQ. FAYOBITB NO SNOWDRIFT fflBAKINGPOWDER Drift Oo. CONSUMPTION. IhaTaapoaUlTenBadxforthea) '««dlaaaae;bflltaM thwnianda ofeaaaa of tba wont kinu ant of Ions atandinc bavo baan enred. Indaad, ao atronc la my faith In Ita aBcaey, that I win aand TWO BOTTUB FREB, tocatbar with a y^VatBlX TBBATI8B on thIa dlaaaaa to any â- nShnr. eua azpra« andf O. addnaa. DB. T. A. 8L0CUM, B r aaohOffioe. 37 Tongo St,TQNMto REE FUWaiNQ PLANTS BTMAIL. IS lor n M I Au naat (ffuim, and wHk eraiy « M 50 I DoUwoido*. •â-  «B«i^lia. a Chiya- S ** 5 I anthsssew wr Monthly Beee. FMM. The Bert aerMrt«rTy Plants, *Stt$.a Doten. I gaanatee Plants to pieaas aad to antra In good Older at any poal oOoa In the Domlaioa. Lstga plaata by f idint or aBprasa. J. P. CodEbwrB, Florist* (Staaqpatsken). OaavHo ai^ 0«fc inroH, I.AKSA CO.. «ai.t. Axle and Maclims Screw Works. CaRtaage and Wagon Aziea, Inn aad Btsal Sal and Oap flecawsk sto. Ust on appUoatloa, MAKUFA(7A7BEBS AND. MILLEBS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USINO HgGoU's Lardine Machine Oil. Xiy it onoa aad yon will oae no other. â€" â€" Breiy Banrel Guanaitsetf. We are tke Role HaBrnfaetnten off ae fiennlme Idodlne. tr Also CjUnder. Engine, Wool and Harness OilSa "v* McCOLL BROS. CO ., TORONTO. Try Onr Canadian Coal Oil. ** SUNLIGHT" Brand, Finost in th» Market. DRUNKENNESSI Oplnm, Horpblne, and Kindred Habits. Yalnable trestle sent free. Ih medicine nioy be given in tea or coffee, without the knoitledze of the penon taking It, if so desired. Send two 3o. stamps for fall pirtlcrUra and testimonials of those whohave been cured. Address, M. T. Luban, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. SLADGHTER of the IMOGENTS. THE S PARROWS MU ST GO. By the diMection of many hnndied apecimens it has been proved that 94 per cent, of the food of the spar- tow, cooaistfi of griin or seeds of some kind, and iaiect food only about 6 per cent, and that they consume in Qieat Britain alona four mlllloa buahela of «ria annually. Ihe Union Ornothologist recommends aa fol- lows :â€" First. " That sheltering or tthervriae foatcrio^ the sparrow^by the public, Ira disconraged, and that Its Introduction artificially into new localltlej, and its sale far such purposes, be forbidden by law." Second, "That all exininj laws protjoting the sparroiv be repealed, and that bounties be offered for its destruction." Mimitioiis FOR ruE Slaughter. CONSIST OF A PATENT SHOT CARTRIDGE. ' The;e c»r«rid?ea aie mido ia thi ordiiirv k:z :-, or R'.in and Central Fir; fof b5th Pistols and Rfflei. The ;hot li ensl-iKd i i » thick pp;r c.\is. p^ntod D'oi^lv. ?;-;d when est ia the isheil has the appearance o( bsinir 5 b:zUet. Th!3 cue U )ubria*-Acl on thj oat'W-: \V,i .u ehot, th^ paper CM3 is forced throngb the rifliosr of ' th^ wa1p^^, anl tiTOur^il!.' clmn^ '.ad o^!' 'h.- '*r:,l, 9.-;dat tha fl»m3 'ims retinj; i3 a ehot concentrator. j Upji \-e.cA"(; t'n-i mazx'.e o( *h-. rile n: rii'.oi. t'l- cif.e bursts aid tbi: shot soilter-j. J The 22 Icng. 32 iOt ^rA 3.S l^aij iV.Xi l\f ;.;-.-;, i ,.,^ee "'•a .-vdapiod to Revolver?, to Flobert, Remington, I BalUtd. ticycTH, I'jd o'..'i-3r K'll ;tj of tijoi? c-Iii--; Tae 22 â- ;irtri"a;e3 arn a'.l rarida wltb'No. 12 Ohllled j Saot, while in 32 n-if. Si ti? sh i* jj Uripr, B»y A v 9 hit nnd m ire of it. The^a Biz;3 are especially adapt. I tdlOTopirrs'VMor other im-ill birds, an'i csp;cill.-- {.it q, pirtridges, equirrs's, acd otiier small f^amj. I From'.s r£0 -Iv-^i, w notics th f i :â-  -itii i-ni. c:it3 they hive o^an Ur?=!y used, eepacSally for ci'.3. A c»'., if-er rcc-.i/iav oa ao?e, (if ')lo t Ijivo ttie premise?) rarely ever ritur^s, but takjs up her aha^s tnECTiio rliie r.^ni^te f "jm tii3 ma was' jsvij :i riaa or pljtal and kjsps a stack of ehat crrtridges alout h^s hcuae. The 3 W. piziiâ€" 32 and 33 -i'e niBd U-s;lv b- persons who own a batter cla's cf revolvers, 8u:h as M H lO Cos « H;vol-'»:3, S i: W. lle.-o'.er.' jud faa bottijr^r.xie ot Bnll Daj; Revolvers, such as X L Bull Org or b^-^ar cUsi cf Am. Bull Djjs. or :â- . .y olh.^r ?ocd C. F PJatoi. Persons wto are not ownera of rlBes can ttki a f .* hundred of th-;a3 cirtrll,'r=. vrith them on their summer vaoUians and hive really as muah spirt with *hem bv u iag ih3m in tSeir revoi'ers, aa do those who oirrv lifljs. The 44 Wlnoheater ShotCi'trldi;e3(So. 6andS!ihit)5r5 adipted to th3 â- .VUsheitar Micrazlne Rifls and aUFroiiiiir Pistils cf same caliDre, anl are used for shjoSing priirie obijsjna oa tbe western prairies. RIH FIRE. 22 cal. Rim Fire, Ling pirbox cf 50. Q.l 40 3 " " " " 50, (1 75 33 " " short " 51. 1 tl as " •• long •• 50, 1 " 56â€"52 cal. Spencer or Josiyn Rlfls, 1 10 CENTB4L FIRE. 32cal. S. ti-W.,JC.i' per box of 50, 0 90 38 " " " " 50, 1 00 44 " Winohegter, 0. P ^^ •• 50, 1 25 44 "Evans Rifle " .^ " 50, 150 NcW GAME LAWS. The recent wise remodelling of the crame Uwj for the Dsmlnlon defines the close periods aa follows:â€" (I) â€" Deei, nik, moose, reindeer or caribou, oetveeii the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day ot October. 2) -Qrouao, pbeasant, prairie tow! or p.-jr(icid;e, between the first day of January and the first day of September. (3) -Ko q jail chall be hunted, taken or killed during the years 1886 and 1SS7, and no wild turkeys duriatr the years 1836 1H87 and 1888 and in e«c!i caw thiietfter not between the fifteenth day cf December and the fifteenth day of Oatober following. (4) -Woodcock, between the firat day of January and the fifteenth day cf August. 5 -Snipe, riil, ana gol en plover of all kind* between the first day ot January and the fint day of SeptemOei. 6)â€" Svan* or geese between the fiist day ot Hay and the first eay cf September. (7) -Ducks of all kinds, and all other water fowl, between the first day of January and the first day of September. 8 flares, between the fifteenth day of March and the firat day cf September. We are Canadian Headquarters for tlic sale oftlie foUowtng well-laiown goods Winclicster Repeatina Arms Co.â€" Wlnchpster Repeating Blfles Winchester Siogle Shot R'.fl s; HotohUss Repeating Rifles; Paper ani Braas Sheila, Wads, Gaps and Ammunition of all kinds. Harlin Fire Arms C«.â€" Harlln Repeating R;fl3a Ballard eicile shot Rifles; Standard Revolvers; Daly's Patent Hand CoSs. Colt's Patent Fire armsBIannfaetnrlttgCa.â€" Mew Ughtning Repeating R'.fidS, sioKleand Double Action Army, Navy, Police and House Pistols; Donble-barreled BrSech-loadiog Shot- guns. J. Stevens • Co.â€" Oalleiy and Sporting Rifles and Pistols E. Kemlagton A Son's- Rifles, Onns and Bevol- vers. H. H. QuackenbnsIi-'Air Rifles and appurtenanoea Tower A Iiyon â€" Police equipments. Ltcowskl Clay Fiseen Co .-Canada Target Ball CO.â€" Herwln, Halbert « Co.'s Auto- matic Army, Police, and flonse Pistols. Sml li and Wesson'sâ€" Revolrers. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS J. P Olabrough Jc Bros. Bnos, James C- Co. â€" Westley, Blchatds Oo. â€" 0. O. BonehlU. W. W. Greener. • • Kynook k Oo. (Limited). Below we give an Idea of the prices of onr goods It yon are In want of Airmnf fi, or take any Inter- eat in diootlng, boxing, fencing, etc tend your address on a post card for onr catalogue. We have xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzx our No. 150 and No. I Doaole Barrel, Breeoh Loading gliot fSnns, side snap action and Genuin* Twist BarreUt, 10 or 12 Gauge, for $13 and SI5 •re the most remarkable bargains ever offeredâ€" Il- lustrated on page 87 of our ostUogne. XXXXXXXTXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXI single Xnzsle Loading Gans • from 98 00 to $13 Double Muzzle Loading Oans- from 5 00 to 20 Uonble Ureeob Loading guns • from 9 00 to 300 Target Blfles, 22-oallbre • • from 3 50 to 30 Oomblnf d Snot and Rifles, Breeoh Loading from 15 00 to 60 Breodh Loading Sporting Rifles from 4 00 to 150 OUR GUN RBPAIRING DEPARTMENT la complete with New and In-proved Htohloery forOhoke boring. re-ttooklnK and all kinds ot repairs. We wUl mail, Fbbs, to any address, our new One Hundred and Ttoenty Page Ittiutrated CcUalogue^ oontaining a complete description ct every kind ot FIRE ARMS AND SPORTING GOODS. CHAS. STARK, 5S Church Street, THE EAGLE BRAND FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. Wearing. Fitting^ Looking HOES. Best IN THE MABEBT Every pair and erery box heanilthls eagle AS TRADE MARK. Take No Othbbb.

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