,^ â- ^^: â- ika !*--asr- mm Hi •i liofHoiynH.' '"'^t^'^os-At the residence of 'tib pareB t-s A. Wilson, on .i4:a inst Bobert Neiibitt to ' Annis aii of Artemesia. jtfarb»* g^t"^^** yr ^, ,,u' fflieat. ?0' 70. It-'" i^ues IE.. • |p«rs â- 75^ 46 54 30 14 10 40 2J .10 00 » 00 4'00 17 to' to" to' to to to to to to tc^ to to to »C80 O'80' 65' 56' 31' 14 00 60 25 00 5 75 4 75 18 -AT THE- MAGNIFICENT -:- ASSORTMENT -OF-' IJiBIIJ FOR SALE. 00 „t.rtp king lot Sotilh J lot' 8,- con. "l-) Eni'lirasia, 60 acres' de^ri? J. iardwoo.1 vvitli Kood sugar busKj 40 •Jo.vii. '-veil stoned. The farm must' ' • poaWssion given iminediately, terms "' ippiv ou the premises to ELIZABETH LAKE, Markdale.P. 0. f Brushes, t'lsHet Airtieles^ And F%rfumsr^ -AT- The New Drag Store. You will liot make a mistake if led to purcbaRe at THE NEW DRUG STORE. Come and Look at Them Anyway. FOB SAIiE. 'OllCE i- lieicby given, that the site of ;L,. ol.l Township Hf.ll, of the Town- ,,'f'Eupl)iasia, iu the village of Eocklyn, -tfj |)6u!its of laud more or less) to f^ifi \nti-i ilif â- 'vall of the old Hall now m: thereon is now offeied fdr sale. auu,- conditions can be obtained • Ei.v.-(.' Deputy Keeve, or any other rbrt of ihe' Coancil. llOBEET DUNLOF, Tp. Clerk. liihrf-sip;, March 29th, 1 886.- 291- 3 U.m OHSTIPATION. -o:o â- Inactive or irregular ac- ting Bowels, pain across o'.vols or in the lower part of the back tum.ilatinn of wind straining at Stool, dui';? Piles, and often Fistula; Sallow lEvlvxion Headache Eruptive Sorts titialh jreueral derangement of the entire â- aii-m is the result of negLcted Constipa- liyCC Neglect of Regular Habits food ISSsSl hard to Digest Torpid Liver es. Stimularits and Astringents Too free f Cathartics, c.. of a hash nature, which pstrny the tone of the Stomach, Liver and loweh. JIIBC Eat lipe Fruits and Vegetables' 'â- S^!si Ua'aneal. Coarse Bread, Mush and ias-fs. Broths. cVc. Shun harsh Physic, E siriitiv rcgidar at efforts to evacuate the labels. 'Corr(st the inactive Liter and Biliary Organs with the best of all regulators hrdock Blood Bitters Wioii tones and regulates the Bowels, pro^ Mil the tiow if Bile, -which keeps the blood F« anl liealtliy, and secures a natural "':oa ni the Bowels, without weakening in IB}' man-ier. IIRDACK ^Loon yiTTERS EURES O.irSTIPATIOBr. INew ^AKERY. 1 I itouU rcspoctfully intimate to the in p«.ii.ts of^ Markuale and surrounding "liirj that I li;r e opened in MONTGOiVi FRY'S STAND, r-aelwisl keep qii hand a good supply of P^-^^' SCONS. "â- ^^- CAKES PASTRY Of my own matinfacture, also' f?E* ^O^I'^^TIQNARY, ORMNGES, \^^OMS, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUH^ â- 'â- â- Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. teoraiallv solicit a share of pubho patron- fe' '"" " '°'^®^* dealing and close ^•^ «on to husiuess to merit your confi- "« ana support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, W. ivr- SPEER- "EY MX SAY It! taan~i HamUton's fwll n '^P'^^ P^ac« i° town for ^tclien FURNITURE room, Bed Worn and UNDERTAKING. ^^c^J '°** '^f undertaking '^inco!i„!.'^°'^«* '»o*J«e. House .QjEjjAju H AMILTON, MARKPAL DIAItlOWI DYES, DIAMOND DYES AMD Diamond Easter Dyss, EACH Package Coniaining 4 €olors, ONLY to CEMTS. Buy a package at once, and^ gpdit^ a^ beautiful EASTEE CAmU Given with each pa^kaigg' ^â€" AT â€" •- THE HEW DRUG SmiRE. Dye Woods and Dye ^iif0s Generally at th NEW DRUG STORE. Yours respectfully^ A L STEPHEN. THE GENUINE SINGER ^,Il^tiBiii^^'^ha^ j«^ Jliij^^ maldiif aboat eOpoimdiif^tii»be«t M*iite-^pn|p}9DQ««tt jwl^ie^oo ;, and I Im h«ard so mndi itbosatllarlt^ dale tfaU lijtsfc'iMjM^ Q|ki|g|4ppii^ Uu^t I vuold M« ihat Tillage i|adi«uiB off n^ Syrup irar* Stor? ii^i^^ Bo says I to my old man. I am ffooft down .to liarkdale*;.aiid rag[» Mv-ypa-.aint eouojE to tak« any iSyrap, as ns wid the ehildteB can eat Syrup jjat aacwell as those stack up Tilianfers but you'd tetter'take loine oMBby so thai if you see some cheap goods down there' you canf'bBy, tkeoh Well. Sir, 1 went do^n, and there was Markdale as large as lift.- Tbe^sciuioe baiUliug Bsawwas one of tiie allfredest tucest Louses 1 ever 8«ir,abdIlet|]|):ed«ud asked who owned it, and whb told Dr. Spronle. Well, -it beat»4d) wli»ti tb»N. B. will do for some people. I strolled round town, visi«d 8evierai stores miilfiBiilly got into your store. I saw Mr. Bowes, Andy Mc, Charley Lawreno«nd Bert Oassen. I heard that they were not too aoccnnmodating-and wer'sl6w';;bat,.tomy surprise, they were active and busy, and no sooner had I stepped -ini tbe.- doer than one of them began to shoi^ 'me the New Goods \rhich had j.tist arrived from England. As seon as he toIdme the prices I began to think of i the money the old man gave me. 'J^e first Tpriced was Dress Goods, and when be showed me your All Wool Dress- Goods for 26'0ent8 per yard, LBmiled,.tben he smiled, then we both smiled ;: I couldn't stand it long6r,,so I took:2(£yard.:. then I bought a pair of LaoGartttns^.tony, only $1.0G; which. heatasever^tbing I ever saw then he showed me -some Cheap Boots Shoes, Bbeught a: pcur cf all leather water tight for tbe'suggr bush tor $1,86-; then Ltook^aJook.at your Hand Sewed Bc*etfr fop'men, tfie best:! ever saw, price |bBI50i My Jack was with me, says he, liiotheT, I must' have a^ pair oi these here BootK. Just when^he was try- ing.them on (a pair o£10'a);'Up you stipped'andsaid^tdme,. your boy is built both for strength and activity,, legs like a deer and; feet like a bear. Jack didn't like it much, but the Boots were so cheap) that he took a pair. We then went over to the Grocery counter and samgled your Tea. Now, if. there is anything iu this world I know when. L see,, it is^gpod Tea, and I was so pleased with' your thirty (80);cent Jiapan^ Tea: that £ took the largest box I could get (67 lbs)) We then went up) stairs- and. took, a look« through: your Clothing, and it was so good and; cheap- and- fitted so well that Jack, was bound to have a suit: I just had- $4.00' left, so Jack; went dawn into- his breeches pocket with his left hand- and. brought out ai handful of tobaceo and silfer and picked out $8.50, so we put it tbgether acid bought him the suit. As soon as I go home and get some more' money Lam coming back to get the old man one oi your cheap suits, i'pidced nearlly all the difierent kinds of goods you had, and no' mibtake they are- the eheapest and best I have seen for years, and I will not hesitate to tell' my neighbors-.. Your Millinery Goods are just the loveliest I ever clapped eyesiony and: Mary J*ne, she teaches school up on the 7th, will c^^me in and get Or Hat,. Ekcisol, and other fixins She and Joe is going to get spliced this !ff Ul audi will want a lot of stuff. Take it all in, you beat the hull country, asxd I am not giving you any taf^ir either. I will be down again soon. Wishais youi aootinued prosperity and good health, Youxs faithfully,. • MKSv MARY JAJFE PEPPER. P. S.â€" Come up and bring the missev and bave a Taffy Pull. JlimaZ A: '«•-. "By auying y^vr • ...:- *iia .c-^?*.*^ Clook8t •^*"^*"^:'^^***" C ^•to Bpeetaees, JAS, e/SmELLs FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock Uf Select from. yooooooooo ccoooooo o " Statement of Receipts and Expenditure FOR "THE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY FOR 1885. THOSE IN NE£D OF A R EWINC ;- M ACHINE iShould b^ stire* and get the O O O-O, O- O- o o o o o o o SENUINE NEW YORK SIHGER o o o oooooocoooooo The best is the cheapest,, and this grand tuaohine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, !^dd Markdale. 1!]^ liSiEss sior. R. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimatie to the inhabitants of the sur* rounding couutiy that he has opened a geneial baroess shop on King street iu the village ol HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and teep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVr HARNESS, long and short toga. STRAW COLLARS, WHIP3, COMBS, BEUSB BS, HARNESS OIL fec. I will use only first class matetial and ibose requiring anything in the harness line wHl find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Sohciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfully yours BBCEIFTS. Feb. 6 To Balance on hand from 1884, 71 67 Assessments 8210 99 License Fund 153 'Si Clergy Beserve Fund 9 67 Land Luprovement Fund 85 20 Fines.. z^..,.........,.. 6 00 Non-Besident Tax- es from County ' Treasurer.......,, 857 60 18888 25 CIXPENDIXQBES. By County Ratea. â€" $2635 27 Salaries ftCommissicnis 603 GO School SectioBS. .,. 4232 55 Election Expenses 37 00 Charities 185 69 Printing, Postage an$ Stationery 148 08 Miscellaneous 208 4S Roads Bridges .., 637 52; Total Expenditure...$8682 44 Balance on hand ... 155 81 «8888 35 We hereby certify that to the best of onr knowIedg(Q the above state- ment of Receipts and Expenditures together with the statement in detail of Rec»pts and Expenditures of the Township of Oe^rey since last audit Feb. 6tli, 18851 are correct and correspond with voochers produced and- accounts in the Treaaorer's Books. M. CURTS, lA„^jf««, Dated the 20th day of February, 1886. It IE a fact, as eVery one -says, that RUSSELL is the man^ to repair your Watch or Clock L- properly. l; â- ^ooo'oooooo ooooo«ooo/ Y- •^- â- â- GIVE HIM ATRIAL. Every job warranted^ tou' give satisfaction. MS. 6. RUSSELL 217-269 CARSON'S Implement Emporinm.. I beg to anoounee to the pubtic thai I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply year wants in Agri- cultural Implemente and Machinery. I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Reapers. Mowers. Snlky Raises. Steam and Horse Power Threshing Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined.. Plows, eight kinds. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. .. Spring- Toeth Hartows. Iron Harrows^- ' Land Rollers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Bcufflers, three kinds; Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Road Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Open.v TopL^t Buggies, c., c. Office at Markdale House, 291-309 MARKDALE. Peerless Orll Ahead of All Competitors. Highest Honors GoM Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS INS YEARS- lEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. ooOoooooooooooooooooooobooooooooooeoooooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MASON'S (BMfilAGE WORKS is the best place in Grey to procure ligbt oi heavy Baggies or Wagon's. A large stook of picked timber thoroughly seasoned, and the very best of mechanics to work it up, cannot fail to resoit in a prime lot of earriages. All the leading improved styles to pick from ' An early call respeotfoUy aolicited. WM. MASON, Opposite Bevere Hotel, MAfiKDAI»B 190 R. CARNAHAN. WEAVING. Having retnmed to Mnrkdale, in order to be more convenient iar my customers, I bfg to announce that I am now ncemred to do all kiads of Custom Wearing. Bwid-^fle otd stind, opposite PreBbjtorian Chuidi. 282 ABGH..BOTD. ooooocoooeoooooooooooooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooQuooo Msfactioa Guaranteed. Ask for PEERLESS and be sure you get it, as there are i'mitatSens. The genuine is oqIv made by SIUIEBSW, Queen City Oil Works,. TOEONTO.ONT. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged.1 Buu- ness Strictly Confidential, ' J. 8. BLACK,;.. 190 Pomona, P. 0. 6 PEB CENT. Money loaned on Fann orTowo Property at lowest ratas of iaterett. Apply to j^^ Ji. J. SPROTILB, -Li. L. FUNK fm SALE LOT No. 24. MB. 4, N. X B. Glene^. 100 aeras, will be sold eaa^ uul m easy tenns of pajnneat, forliBtlMr partwalan aotdv on the premises, er by letter to J. 8. BLACK, 190-«f. :--:- Pmei»«P.O. mHSfltac* ill " ^!llK Sototih ie.er FOB SALE. ATHOBOTTOHBBED Trottiiig StaQlon with pedigree, in good oan£ti(m, eight yearsold. Forfnrttierpartiealanapidyto JOHNaAtlLKT. WiUiamaford mtkuaa, P. a, tefe 8 w to •ft W. BUTLIlMHBt FARM FOnPSALE. BEAUllFCLLY situated *(rithin 4 miles: of the thriving Tbm qf Afeaford, being â- onth half 1(^ 26. eon. X'St. Vittcent, 100 acres, 65 acres being cleared and in a good aftate of coltivatiDn. There is a good yoruiK orchard, an abundance of good water, with, suitable bufMlagK. Price ye^r low. Terms:!. easy. For parniiqlars apply to ' J. J, JOHNSTON, 190-8a CauBhoha's Blook. Ifoafuid, R.J. SPRpULEp iFIiESHBRTaN. (%iiyeyaneer. Appraiser, Yalni^loc. asd lioey I^ender^ |toedii»^ M«rl^ fiigaat Leases and W3l8 4^Kfm tp and YjUloiilioBS a^UEt da slibrleit^, noti^' Cbiipat tw^ W. tM^. to^ it. J. SlioULB, « I IfoiMf Landar wid Pc 1. â- â- â- â- â- '-I \% â- t^ • i « 'j:. |! T.