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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Apr 1886, p. 2

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 vf 'M ' il b| rami} ;r" H| 1 H| 1 pi:! I TH£S FABM. Ponttij* Iteft k npcnrfv^ birt it piff to i«^ b ft h lh« bMt auitHftil thai oac m mm for atlmoUtlBC MS prodoelioa, aad mMy hoH coBufc mpnOtM* for ft* WM« cf ft. BrMden, like nantrymea, pwhrtojaiw •nd nU iwir thiags Tny oui obtUB hlglNr prioM f or them, u tiMjr an dadrsdbyam* •tsori, whOe they hvn littla oomipetraon. A Baitun Isya a laigar egg in prop o rtio n to aise than any ether olaai eC fowy. and for food connimad yielda m large profits aa de^ the larger breeds. They are exoellent pets for the ofafldren, and uaally edi «he little ones to a knoidedge of ki pealtry. ..^ No man can tell what sex the ^tc wUl pro- daoe. In faot, it is almost inposnble to tell, sJter the chioken ii hatched, nntil the oomb andtailbfgfaitogrow. Itseemssafetoassnme tiiat tiie rales for determiBing the sez of «ggB will be monopolized fay "aoientifio amatenrs." The favorite egg for settioK appears to be SM nearly oval aa possible. The best brerd- «rs rrject every pointed or irregular egg, or • very large one. It Ii onstomary to pick «at the eggs very carefully In breeding fine â- took. Generally eighty per cent are reject- ted as liable to prodnoe inferior cbfekens. When the fanner attempts to hatch tbon- t«nda of chicks the most discouraging spec- tacle is the apparently great mortality chat oocars. He becomes apptdled and wonders Imw the "old hen" can be so socoeiafal, wlvUe the brooders Eeem to fail. But let hf m veflect and apply the standard of eight «hieks raised from ten hatched,' and make liii comparison. Sapposlng, for illnitra- tion, that she was capable ol hatching 5000 •he weald lose 1000. Hence with the a«e of inoabators we may hatch 5000 chicks, snfier « loss of 1000 and be, proportionately, at par with the hen that hatches ten chicks and raiMS eight. We believe ia forcing the htas to their iitmost, and getting as large profits as pes- aible in the shortest space of time. The cow 1ruigs forth only ons young in a year, while the hen is capable of laying enough eggs to fill her plase with fifty pullets, which re- quire but half a year of growth to be made aervioeabls. Henoe, to force the bens means to supply them with all the elements neces- aary for prodncing eggs, as well as a variety for the promotion of health and vigor. It means warm, dry quarters, c!eau water, sround food, and opportunities for exercise, A dozen of the Urgest eggs have been found to weigh twenty-four ounces, while a dosen of the smaller onsacf the eame stock weighed only 14^ ounces. The fair average weight to the dozen is about 32^ ounces. Absu!; one-third of the entire woigut may be xe^garded aa nitre g;nous and nutritive mat- ter a greater proportion than that of meat, «'hlch is rated at only ab3ut 25 to 28 psr cant, while ths nutritive part cf the oyster is only about 12 per cc-iit. If a pound of ^gs, therefore, ohonld bs valued at 22 cents. a pound cf besf would fee worth 24 to 2S â- cants, acd a pound of oys^-srs 12 cents, Tr.3 cditrr cf tae Farm, Fidd and Fireside. Bayp: "We have realizjd as much aa So from a EiDgIs hea, andaa *hs lien vra valued at only fifty CEnis, the gross sum derived was cquil to ono thoasaDd per cent. And we have tXze Imown if fl cks that gave a retprcfi' of §7 escb. But the conciiiiDng •wcrt f ivorable. The hens â- were fed rsgu.'.ar- ly they wore Eupplied with all thai tliay rtquired tkey wera o-rafu ly eheltared, ana kept warm, cry aa.d corrJcrUb^e had mnrtsU-ictcd range, and ccnstqaently were conitntod and hippy, ascured plenty of cx- â- Â«rci99, and were capable of aaaisting them- aelv68 whenever the proper conditions cf iocd were overlooked by the owners. TEAT OlflEB BOX. ta JOUA II*KAIB WBIBHS. Bon Down by Infernal Dogs. A£:er this when dogs chase my sheep «very one run down or heated will be dis- posed of without dely, A number of years «p;o dogs killed and scattered a fl3ck of Metiaos, and we kept all that lived. It took some of them two years to die, but die they did, and as they pined so long I ex- Quniued them and found that they lived as long as they had any lungs. Two years s^^o the dogs chased and bit a number of a flock of course-wooled lambs. Ncne dlei, but several ef them have not done well eince. They are poor tbis winter in spite of all we could do, and I am sure their Inogs are affected, the same as the Merinos were. They really have consumption, and In time will die ef this disease, caused by over- iteatlng and congestion of the lungs at the tfane the dogs ohased them. They were so tired out .that they did not eat for several days, but lay quiet in tiie stable where they were taken when found. The Merinos hid ik the underbrush in tbe woods and were «here three days £f»er beiog hunted down iiy the dogs. It !â-  a folly to attempt to beep sheep under aaoh circumstances and fgtib knytfaiog out of them. As soon as they have cooled ofi they should be slaughtered. They win not gtin. in condition and food is ^raited upon them. Timalj Engc^estioiu. Hogs of ien become covered with ticks and Hoe. If a little sulphur is fed in their feed «ooMionally it will entirely rid the swine of -these pes's. O'ten the hogs are covered with tese parasites when the owner would act suspect it from the appearance ot the «iiimal8, and otMuequently it is always well ito examine them olosely occasionally, so as be sure they have no such tax on their ^tals. to steal away what should go toward SBShking growth and flash. The treatment of warts is to para the l ^H and dry skin from their tops, and thesi 'toooh them witii the amallaat drop itnmg aontfo Mid, taking can tiiat liie aoid deea aot con «fftiM wart npon the aaighboriag dkia, f w if it doei it will eooasion inflam tjflti and maoh pabu If thii praotioe be ktinoed enoe or twloe daOy, wfthnKolar- «y. paring tiie nufaee ef the wacti^en it ti nard and dry* «ffintiiatty enred. tha wart may be mob Some figmea of spsaoli: "GanttaBMB of iMiiD^!^aald aa Irish baniiter, " ft wiU bTfiryra to aay whetlMr tttia defendant *«U bS allawed te o«n» Into oo»t w Itli on- "Wot •â-¼â€¢fT fii^itt a .â€" « ferevafy godrteoautoKpart «f •^i, •rayMnli afamQy.that etkar bey,^ isaebedy'sbef ;f«r«Tei7 bof taa hesM, Um haoMeai Ih^. What Is tiib vagnnt, anawoad bey T He il the makiag (A the fntnra toamp, oiimlaal, paaper a burden and a tarrar to tha eom- ^raai^^le to vnde all tiia goed year bey may greir vf to aooampliah. -^^hefelsthkboyofthadangereu dan- 7 la a havel attio, oeUar, a staying ited by a droakan father, by a druiai or Ignorant, «r reoklew mother he ii an orphan, allowad a onnt aada shelt- er by oriminals, who hope to nae him in orime when he Is a little elder he is a poor- house he is boand ontto some irresponsible party, iHio r^ards hfan aa somnoh muoalar fnoe, ignorlag the faot that he hM a mfnd and a soul beia, perhaps, a little higher in the social scale, with parents and a home, bnt the parents " let him ran," have ne idea of governing or oonnselling him tiie home offers him no attraotf ons he goes to achool when he likes, plays traant when he pleases; raoea the streets at night, hangs abont oor- ners, groceries, bar-rooms, never goes to ohmroh or Sunday-school, swears, plays fer keeps, and knows tiie taste of beer and brandy he b a rich man's boy, perhaps; his mother pays no heed to him, his father sets lihn a bad example, raffiana deooy him, he has too much money in his poeket, and is just as surely set on the road to end " black-leg" as the boy from the slums. In this last case, as in the ethers, he Is really 'â- nobody's bey," for to have menly begotten or brought forth a child ia not to lie a pa- rent in any proper aenso of that potent word. What ia to Dsoome of tiiia multndinena nobody'a boy germ of the mob If aeclety doea not spseuly riae up and master the mob, the mob ia bound to maater society. We must dominate our criminals now, or we shall be preseutiy destreyad by them. But how shall we do this 7 Mere force Is not the remedy irons, stone walls, an army of pollcsmen will not meet the case. France bad ones a Butile and an army as ready to fire on Jacques as on Hans. Bu^ the Bas- tlle crumbled suddenly, the army fraterniz- ed with the mob, there was a revolution, above which, sole landmark, rose the gail- lotine, pouring forth a river of blood. Mobs and criminal classes are to be man- aged successfully only^y meral means, and moral means can only be applied successful- ly when the mob is in embryo, the plastic state of boyhood. Nobody's bay Is the danger of our future we can and must make him the oorner-stoae in the fabric of our hope. Bnt how to do this Whatever our boy needs, nobody's boy needs, Wl: a will make our boy good, safe, roliable, will make that other boy sifs, reliable, good. All t^a" v.'a give our boy of encouragement, of fortanate prejudices, of moral environment, we should give nobody's boy. We must make up to him of hia disas- troua lack of home, of parents, of morali- ties. Largely considered, this may ba an affair of compahbry cducition cf the elpba- bst and tha ten corarciandmaiita insisted upon for CTery ens cf no vagrants and Sinte-sohocls for in-Justrial arts; bnt there are oatgcirgs o: tho question too larga for the prjsent aTticle. We prefer the aiaiple and praotioai. That villags is cloaa wfaero every villager 8-.veeps well about hia own door Blono, If every nefghborh'icd solved the tjrobleai cf its own n'g'ected, va~raa1;, destitute boys, tbe probiom cf trie country atiarga would Btra5ghtlyfind Jta solution. Lit U3 drap tho consideration of tho greau cjnterr, the citis?, for the moment, ualeea they msy choose to share in theso simple biata for the towns, villages, rural districts. We can cob expeoS to entirely aeggregate our boy frrm nobody's boy. Wo must not bo so fearful of exposing our boy to the other boy's precocious evil, that we devote ourselves merely to aeparathig them, as far as possible. Their lives will lap some- where let us arrange the meeting point where it will do the one good and the other DO harm. No wise, sober, respectable, use- ful family should rest easy ono hour, so long as within the reach of their inflaenoe is any lad left to evil influences, or no la- fluecces at all for, In this last cate, the evil will come in fast enough. Here is not a matter of collecting fundr, establishing costly libraries, readlng-reomr, and BO on. Good indeed are these when one can come to them, but the thing b to begin at once, and to brfaag personal influ- ences to bear on the personal boy. The primary dagger to nobody's boy is from latemperanos. All that our boy needs to develop temperance prejudice and prlnol- ple, the other boy needs. Cuivaaa tiie neighborhood for hbn, bring him to a tem- peranos aociety, buy him a badge and a pledge csrd. It coats llttie to get together ten, fifteen, twenty boys of the neighbor- hood, in some clean, blight kitohen er din- ing-room well lit and wumed, to talk tem- perance, sing it, tell temperance riddles, read stories, speak pieces and end np with i plato of ginger oakea or a buket of applet. The effect wJDl be beyond mere opinlona concerning beer and aloohol. You will find these boys goicg to aohool mon regularly, that they may read and speak lietter yon will find them coming to the meeting with dean handa and ahosa, witii brnahed ludr and olothea their voloea will moderate, their language will be oleuier and olviler. I remember a nelgbhorhood numbering forty or fifty boys, fnm eight to aiztean yeara. Oae lady eatabliahed such a tem- perance aoobty at her home aa I have mm.- tioned;badge8, pledge oarda. leaflets, gin- gsrbread,ooat abont |5 or |6ayear. Tha ether lady ooUeoted all the booka ahe oonld beg in the na^hborhood from frienda or fromreUdou aodetlea, raised a snbaorip. tionof 120 and boogfat aome mon hooka, toned OM oflMr nema bte a oiroabtins yi»ary, diatlad with tiie b^onSatorday aft«B«oaa^Mn thay came fw books. helD- oboe^ hdped tiMm tttfak/Md fa monthi tiia b^ naw oreatnrea. They wen Biip«in rL'ar to Daa't ' wwry Ikartalr eigbtansmontiui tiia teya of tiiat localitv b^Miamarly, IntelligeBti enterptlg^ oat.thanaldBg «f a nwial aauns £m^u •Hung tha vlude boat's SiSj^as-'SSte ttaaa time eboSne bSTTtot^ th« an tan, twenty, fif^TX SSboiS jn the «on nnd to pro^ f^tiS I laMTto to you in Soadaf becraw a book, wilhdall borica; SSai tajTiSap book far tham to look ow^M^Mm,aiItaliaiia aay. ta /esto. •.ttMitoiataad mat obaaifoUy. Where b SeT neighborhood* when some empty nemoaanot bo fomd, and where, «aiaoog»u the nei^bwa. a toWo or two. a few ebain, adondinaedatoye, afow pi«torea, â- Â«Â»â€¢ wfadow ahadea, oaa not bo begged or bw- rowed when 10000 booka, magizlnam pa- pers, oao not be oontrlbntod when aoms miial father oan not make a few paokagea ef jaok-atnws, two or tiireo f ox-and-goaa o boarda, a box or ao of latton to play games of worda, a llttio atationeiy for who woold write a letter T Do yon know If anob a plaoe b open for tho loafing beys, theywfll stop loafing they will make the fin and aweep and aorab tho room by tnma, and wfll re- frain from awearing »nd spitting on the fleor, and will avail themaelvea of flie warii- bewl, oake of aoap and towel aet '•'Wâ„¢ entry or oomer 1 Then witii one good friend or another to keep the peaoe eveiung after evenhag, and detadl wenden of natural science, or atoriea ef adventue, or mighty deeda of Uatory to lay ban the many aided evite of strong drink, and aketoh the bright fortnaea of honeat enterprbe and indnatar, the horizona of theae neglected Uvea will widen, they will breathe pnnr airs. No- body's boy will feel tiiat he oan be the aon of hia own deeda, and the father of hb own fortnnea hb dormant manhood will awake and hia neaclent bntoheod will be eliminat- ed, and the oommnniatio rtMes of the nine- teenth century nVi die with the osntnry, aa died with the earlier oentnriea that soourge, the black plague. Finally, to sum np, whenever there -u a bey neglected, prenedby evil example, n- sponsibleto nobody, then b work for the nearest person whose eyes fall npon him, work fer which that person b reaponaible to God, the country, the oommuidty. THE LIME-KILir OLUB. When the meeting bad been opened in due form Brother Gardner aaid he dealred to call the attention of the meeting to the following cbcular recently iasued by the keeper of the museum To the public: "The Lime Kiln Club Museum now contains about 4,000 relics, ranging In interest from the sword of Bunker Hill to the jack-knife of J ohn Qaiacy Adams. We have room for at least 2,0l'0 more, and ar J making an earnest effort to build up some- thirg which will live after us. If you have anything In the nature of a relic which vou are willing to part with we will receive it with grateful hearts. Wo sadly need another skull of Xero, and can make rcom for any old boots bcloDijicg to Plato, rpBides or shovels used by Diogenep, orahot-guas with the name of Ca.- :ar etgraved on the breech, We are the oa!y musecm in this country which accepts rol!c 3 as msrked and a wear by 'em forever after." IN 10RMA.TIOJ5 WASTED Sir leaao Walpcle wanted socie iafcrmi- ation. Hq had bof n looking over the annual report cf the Dotrcit Pclfco Board, end hd noted the fee!; that, out of ovtr 7 COO arr^-sts daii:2g ths year, th-sre were cji'y four Afri- can?, HcKevor, when ia'-oms to colored pooplo born in the U^jited S'atfs th3 figurcB were 453. Did this go to show that olvSilz*- tloa corrupted tho colored man? Didn't it gfve a black eye to tha ganerally accepted Btieory that the batter a colored man was eduoat'd tho higher above crime would he soar He would like the views of tho Presi- dent on the matter, ••My theory in regard to your figgers am dis," replied Hi other Gardner. ' Dar' war' only fo' real ole Africans in Detroit, an' artsr daso had bin run ia do stock was ex- hausted an' da perli^e had to go fur cuU'd Americans t-. fill up de gap When only one fish-Look out of sebenteen cotohes a cuU'd man I doui' reckon ha am slidin' down hill so worry fast," DECLINED, A csmmunlcation was received froih Prof. Wsgermau, prophet and predictor, cffertiig to furnish the Llaae-Kiln Club with a spring two weeks earlier than usual In consideration ot the small sum of five dollars. The Pro- fessor is a resident of St Louis, and has predicted m ire dark nighta during the water- melon season than any other man in Am- erica. Glveadam Jones moved that his cffar bs aoMpted. He was getting tired of hb chil- blains and sighed for a rest. Trustee Pnllbsck hoped the motion would prevail. If he couldn't go barefo3t two weeks earlier than usual thb year he would have to sit tn the house. "De off 91 will be sncjfaitly deollnsd." n- plied the President. "I am not oidT urin fooUng wid de weather, butif de white f7lks kin atand it we ahonldn't let oq dat It horto STATISnOAL. Waydown Beebe aidd he had been think- ing for some time tiiat the dab ought to take It upon itself to gatiier and oompUe car- toln atotTsttos rwardlag the ooloied nos of thb oonntry, andhe troated tiiat a movemant fattiat directum would be favorably ceaald- ored. Pioklea Smith anpported the idea. He wanted to know juat hew many oolored men wne hanged evwr^ yoar howmsny left the profeaaion of whitowashlag for tiiat ef law what mtmber beeama hald-haaded how many oemmitted aidolda, aad why ti^y did Se^l otiier mamben dbonand tiia snb- jeot favonbly, and It waa fiaaUr asn^ that aatotbtiolan •hooldboappsfatadaftaB no»«jdftat h. wonM Mprtu EroL Obd. â- footed hlmto aatv upon Wduttai at omL ^*P ^^^•••'â- l-lr ottdontiiayaS nmad. Tho offioo b dfalfaolhaly haBon?^ and tho faembaiVi wSTSSmTSHSt oiioaUiafaod»tood»a»yp5r • WhaleboMHowkKenndaraMtellaa ta ^^ M lew that » ffU MtM oodd Elte Pa^«aUiikiii waa 4d|#B^ at theidM. Ho btaif yrt fa two w^ fno- In WVOB dnianoB wpbww»»» «dMB. and lii wafw wen lesa tifMi $10. Ho naawKhaay^tiio faapbaltap of the trooartM fa Uaaool oonld keep afeltbbeBt low them np, apeak to fatereat yooiaelf fa Fol. â€" o oara ga Whali Eltl vaaoed fiftasM per emC 'Itammyonfayiiii»" obaervad thePreai- doDt aftar the Elder had anbalded, "dat any mora jbtnow tofaoreaao prioea wfll reaot on na. If wo bagfa to pat an de prioea we â- hallakeerpsoj^ooatof de ideahefwUto- waabfa' or takfa np oa'peta. When do snm- merhaafaly opened db anbjlok kfa be branght ap agta far dbsaahvn." NOTES. A motion that a barnl of lemoaade be placed fa the liall St every maetlpg here- after waa voted down, asd Elder Toota, who made It, waa fined $11. Jadge ArUtratlen Smith attompted to rt a reaolation through the meeting decdar- .jg the aooordion to bs tha national mnijioal faatrnment ef Amerioa, bnt received no irap- port. Uncle Ben Thompson wanted the meeting to express itaelf on the aabjeot of a war with China, but waa ordered to alt down. The janitor nported twenty-two new leaks fa the roof and fifteen in the atove, and waa Inatruoted to draw on the Ireaanrer for twelve oento to bay cement. The meeting then adjsamed. How a Bachelor Hakes His Gouch. It uaed to t»ke him abont thirty mfantea to get the linen to lie perfeotiy smooth, it nsaally takfag a notion to poff np and re- olfae fa a confased heap fa any portion of the bed bnt the one he wanted. Ibis b no longer the case. Hu bed he makes aa well and aa qaiokly aa the moat deft feminine fingera oonld. He haa invented a plan which, befag well off, he haa decided not to have patented, but b wilUng to make public for the benefit of the rest of auffarfag bache- lorhood. By an fagenioaa oentrivaaoe he haa fixed heavy ahot on the end of bucklea, which he adjoate to each comer of the aheet, throwa the aheet fa air over the bed, and presto I the weighte ahoot oat and the aheet lodges squarely and fairly in the place where it ought to be. A Great Oomposer. Mr. DuEcnberry â€" Well, I'll admit, dear, that it was a little late whein I came home. O, it was just astonishing the vray he brought music out of the instrament. Being himself a great composer â€" â€" Mrs. Dasenberry â€" Yes, no doubt, sir. I noticed you brought a good deal of him home with you. "Eh, my de7r A good deal of what?" '0f the great composer, I found a half- filled fissk in your pocket this momiug," " Said Airoa to Hons Let'8 cut off oar noses." Aaron must; havs b^en a sufferer from catarrh. The dciperaticn which catarrh produces is often suffiaient to make people aay and Ao many rish things and many con- tinue suffering just as if no such cure as Dr S ige'g .Catarrh Remedy czisfe'd. It oarea every case from tha simplsat to the moa; complicated, and all tbe consequences ai citirrb. A parson once cared by Dr. Sage's Cajirr.'i Ksmedy will not ba apt to tuiio co'.d^-gata, aa it loavaa the miio'.an membrinca heIthy and strong, By drag- gist*. P d f at!n rala umbrdlaa are ihc latest Parisiaia uoveity, -^ "I Dont- know What Ails Me," says many a sufferer. " I havs the ' blats ' frightfully ;,I aai troubled with heaiache and dizziness; I have lost my oppjtiie there is a bai taste In my mouth constant- ly. What is the matter with me ' We will tell you,; ycu are bilisus," Ge^ a bottle of Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery," ase it faithfully, and you will soon ba a new man again. All druggists have it. Correct mourning jewelry u of EngliEh crape etc n3. Use the surest Bsmedy for catarrh â€" Dr. Sige's Black hosiery b worn by men, women and children. Imperial Congh Drop wfll give PoBittve and Instant iielief to those anffering from Celds,Hoar8eneaa,SenTlur«at,efa.,imd are favalnable to oraton and vooalbti. Fer aaleby dnundatoand oenfeotionera. B, T. WATS(»r. Manafaotunra, Torwito. Ontario. Alwiys precede a lady in going up stairs This maxim b a legacy from a maiden an at. Do not take PiUa or Powders oontaiulng; Calomel, tor. at this time of the year, the re- sult may be serloua II yon requJra a doi e of SSSl? '" J*' i««oa • Stomach and Con- SS?ftJii1^**S?" ?." .•«*" B"»ttT on the Bowels, purifleo the Blood, improves the chroolation. Btlmulates the Liver and Kidneya. and speed- y^curea BUtcusBtss, Beadacbe. Dyspepsia. iSH**?*/^*'"'-.. Sfor^ the Drug tores from one end^ Canute the other, and you cavnot find a remjdy equal to it try it and use It in fittoitS'SSt..*** eTe.ywh«e fa brge A.P. 275 K(% ^^B 'AUrr«K~gMiB-«»BAP- 2y *55Si"£'?^Sl?«^! *•"«« al 6 per esBS. AOdwsML J. KMl^ Laadon, Ont. OU 10a:a no lorotabs. â- te aad Hew Terse Cards, !^Ge. GkddBbn, Albums, 8'^*t5""J'l?'***" *OW8 OOABSE SALT â€"balk sad ssoks; also all ollwr gndes sslt; 55^sS2gi."ia£d,'°*-' **-â-  °-"-^- WmjAM OMCPBMJ; flod eiiefc. T Ain SAW MAOBIBBSâ€" AU. aiZBa-LARST JL Im^OTHiMBts bia^rt bend snra tot aSkwh- otanaK JOHH GILUS ft OO., (Metoa Flsoe. aaaa. xypamMaa. BaeUnadig: aadStaaaa Ciaia- 4vH£^||^ sous mactalnei, fer JS fe Wail*' â€" â€" -i!^?S5a^ P»«n«i»eed to riT. mu- ^T^UnJ?! sU pirt. of OstSl.. uS*"'*: 22" AKsnt, Toronto. ^- **• *«ioitt^ lies, of We. To tap.rtn«Ji"*»"«k'l •aoh men i« the di^n^ !?"**•â-  H." tJon, For tennB, etc oiir:.?!1^«ttf Williams' Eye Wtfc, hi'"" 'WlM oeas by all who htve nji il J!U*^ tfJ ttthel, eye, were o^li'^b'jS undewlgned oertinoatea. 5 â„¢ J" m would not try me, AleMil„ wIS^*** OhH. Ami9tt 4 yew, EaieDrf?*' «»l| and now I see JohnSomU. aT' " ^1 It. Wholesjle-LmMSm;*^'" cc A eRANiTlleir" It tresli irom the preaa wlsi 7m iSlI?"*»i ter pf thrflUng InteSS Tnd S*?^ pages of beaotlfal eteel aMf 5^ mapB. It ia eold only by rabecZJ,'*^ tire WBDtEd In i».^ /.J^^^^^FO'iM Manufacturer and dealer In Bmed ia u Pitch.; Building Papers, Catpet^^'j Keady Roofing, etc. For low prices addrbes fl. mLLIAHg, staraS $i«Pcrlq,| WEii BeL Haa no Bupsrior 20 feet pot honr; ImriTJ power combined boiinj: and rock driUlnji grand Bocceas firai prizes and dlpicmu: catalogue. 68 Mar y St.. H amlllea, GUELPH"CARPErW0R J.A.AEÂ¥rS M.'":f4crrR3E3 cr woc!, mm mm Of new pi'J.'.-ra^ snd ioslgcs. Cotlpll SDND FOE PRICE LlSlI taingJlagJeiibSCamM^ Ifi!) I'onge 'Irecf, Toreato. mwtim l nd for cli;rn ou eicarity rf nsKiPl pruJucth-e f in-i â- â€¢n-. t)XQ propsirv. J Xfce low.3" eu'.-eii5 ;»t! of l-.lfratfecJ'gl rep»5 meet pr! '.ktfi srrastcd ia so:" teuBlM borrower is placid in an extreme!Tf»roisMW to piv b!8 icc:.l-!iEe 6 a is ^^ 0â„¢'T withunt BKSiali in; !o of icteiest. Fpfcial iDdu:'frj?nt3 ar; oCersl. M H0Q8 c?nfldcDtil. .K M, Chadwiek, Esq, â-  ° Bwk of lonnto "SSl BRANTFO B fl oLD WATER RJi Jl NEVBEji Allan Line Eoyal Maa Stei an%M1?f^«SSi1g IromQuebeoeTery •'•«^/,S^SS^9«S dOBderry to land """Z;?^* ^^ftilfw'i'J Trel.nd. AlaofromB'Itimore, wj^^^ The rteamers el the "J."*? .jiSMtai ""^l eSSrd Co,. Hshfei; 8Ma« N IT Wm. Thomson ft,^*? iJiaj Quebec :_Wm. ftooWe. r»- Allan, PortlMJeUB«*Siii!^ A

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