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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Apr 1886, p. 1

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 ««B »» O.-No. 292. MAKKDAliE, ONT., APHIL 15, 1886. Conxs or thx Sxabsass I i FiVB CXHTS KACB. r Bfissm 3 UWES OF 1 lllERICAB Y/ATCHES r • Warrantable Grades. jgfA Thomas' C/ocks. lAnGEASiJORllENTSILVER- â-  WARE. 4 0SIC/IL INSTRUMENTS. Itaianis MWe Specks. Cf^er Lines of Jewelry, etc. 18 K. WEDDING RINGS. Ilioods Work W arranted. fm REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. f. A. BROWN, A reliable Jeweller ^•^m IcdandOtJieritems. N'oTii i:s in thexe fohimns intended to benefit ami vi'Undiial cr Societij leill be charged ten tni a 'line for the first insertion and five mt' (t line e'arh snbe(tnent insertion. Per WuRTOx cbair factory is closed down. Er?Hr..\sTA spring show, at Rocklyn he 'i'-itli April. PiiNT foigeL MarMala Spring Show next Tueficiay. The Rose Library always on hand at Mrs. Clement's. AniKMEs:* miniitea came too late to a!)pcar tliis week. ..T.L Paper â€" You will find a nice atscitraeiit at Hill Bro's. Makkdale Spring Show will be' held on t!iL 20tli, next Tuesday. TiiK Standard to any address the balance of 1886 for 75 cents. ^liiRE is to be a new Postoffice at Proron Station this Summer. I'l.i Plewes of Guelph is th« guest of h-^r cousin, Mr. Angus Plewes. Mks. T. H.ALL of Dundal.k has been tlie guest of Mrs. McNea- this waek. GLABgTQNB's Home Eule bill passed itjiiisl reading without a division. CxE case of prime L. C. Bacon just leceived at J. E. Trimble's, cheap for casii. JIk. H. Kixg has sold "British En- 'i?!! and purchased another fine Stallion. Games.â€" Old Maid cards, Dic«, DoiiiiJoeB, Checkers, c,, ai Mrs. Clemeutrs, Till- bottsrhe does his â- work the ^8ss IS known or though^, of him.â€" The proof veafler. Oil Cake Cattle Food ch8»|» fM cish at the Medical Hall. A. Turnf r Co. Apprentices wanted to learn Drees »M Mantle Making. Apply to Mrs. Clem.nt, Markdale. Easter Cards-â€" Beauti- "Ua.sortmeiit at the Medical Hall. -laruer Co. GnAss Seeds and Clover Seeds for -manent pasture at the Medical 2^' A. Turner* Co. • J ""^^^ .*^^« iJofced Oscar Wild like \ir,l' "^iWe's blonde salesman: ^y transposmg the name. B^f-^^ your orders for Music and at \V A ^°^*^°otion, any instrumeBt, • A. Brown's Jewellery Stor«. i£^^' fail to call at Mason's Car- !W ^°^^^ ^^^ see those celebrated ^2*fTED at the Revere Hotel, Mark- ^^ two girig^ one for kitA«n work ^att^?^^ for dinii^ room.: J«o. Mr. Geo. Bichabdbon, Eapbrasia, made 40 gallons beautiful maple syi-up in four and a half days recently. Mr. Asch. Botq has returned to the villaere, and wili be happy to serve all his old customers in the weaving business. The Ladies are all talking about McFarland's wonderful display of Dress Goods Silks aud Trimmings to match., J. R. Trimble's Spiing and Sun- mer stock is now complete in every department. Special quotations to cash purchasers. GJ-arclen Sieecls. â€" A large assoitmsnt, fresh, from the beqt grow- ers just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co Tbs large discount for cash, 10 to 20 per cent., will continue till May l»st on Watches, Clocks, Silverware, etc. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. We had a friendly call last week from Mr. Samuel Wright of Simcoe Co., formerly of Euphrasia, who has been visiting friends ia this district. J. R. Tbiuble haB the largest lot of Prints au choicest assortment of Ladies Di'ess Goods ever shown in Markdale. Special value for cash. ^foNEY to loan on lenl estate, the veiy b«t.t rates aud terms: no com- mibsious charged e^^pcuees low. Apply lo C. \V. Rutlcdge. R. J. McCoT has moved to our village this week, and will open next week a branch of Baine'e Pump Works of Owen Sound. Mr. Forest butchers have raised the puce of beefsteak from 10 to 12 cents. Markdale butchers didn't raise, their 's were up all winter. The new parliament buildings at Toronto is to be commenced shortly. They are to cost about $750,000, and to be completed in three years. R. 0. WmTBT is prepared to do all kinds of House, Sign, and Carriage Painting. Special attention to House Painting. Estmates given free. Look out for W. H. Flesher's advertisement, Flesherton, next week. He has something important ta say to those who have wool to manufacture. Mr. Isaac Stinsom, builder and contractor, has taken up his reridHuce in Markdale, and is prepared to attend to the wants of the public in that line. The place to get your Millinery is at Hill Bro's they keep the best goods aud latest styles. All trimming done under the supervision of Miss Lo've. The most beautiful Suitings, beau- tiful Pan tings, latest style Hats m Felts and Straws, and magnificent Ties are all to be found at J. R. Trimble's. Hbartwell Hbartwili. have opened in the butcher business in Rutledge's old stand and are prepared to serve all who favor them with their patronage. Adv. next week. J. R. Trimble has just received a quantity of that famous Tea, Pride of Hamilton, besides being a very fine article, a prize is drawn with every pound purchased. Mt. Forests three newspaper men arc members of the new Fire Brigade. Notlaing like getting men into the com- pany who are used to hard work and accustomed to being in hot water. J, R. Trimblb's stock of Ready Made Clothing is very large and par- ticularly well assorred, comprising all shades, shades and sizas, at very low figures ^1 â-  cash. Fob Sale.â€" One thoroughbred cow and calf, one heifer two years old, a quantity of hay, seed oats, peas, and about 600 bushels of potatoes. Applj to James Meroer, one mile from Markiale. 2 w. The mo9t reliable plaee yea can take your Bug^ea, Demoerats, Wag ons, c' to be repured^ re-trimmed, re-painted, Ae., is to Wm. Mason's Carriage Works, Markdale. Satislac- tion guaranteed and priees lower tiiao any other shop m fbe eomi'^. Pete. MrmfiHAw eoDtinues to run a bus to all regular trains from Flesher-. ton to the Station. He is also agent for the Dominion Express Co., and attends promptly to all such. Head- quarters at Muushaw's Hotsl. Notice. â€" As has been customary in foroier years the Merchants of Mark- dale will close their stores at 7 p. m-, beginning first ol May. We hope that all those who feel it to their advantage to trade in Markdale will govern them- selves accoidingly. Gladstonb's Irish Home Rule schema has been looked forward to with such universal interest, we have concluded to give it in the Standard, many not having an opportunity of seeing it otherwise. It is so Isngthy we are obliged to continue it next week, for want of space. Great Bargains in Candies. â€" I in- tend to sell, tor the next 30 days, all my large stock of Candies at wholesale prices so as to give ray numerous customers of the last 1,8 years a rare •hance. Biscuits 1 cent less per lb. Come one, come all, and dear them oat. Mrs. Montgomery, Dnnlop's Block. Left thb Countbt. â€" Old hard times has left our shore, I never want to see him more, but what I want to see is people by the scare with Eggs by the millions at the people's cheap Shoe Store but this I would say more, if you would prefer to pay the cash you are always welcome inside our door. Wm. McLeod. A Hoax. â€" Johnia Noble, who we reported two weeks ago as having skipped, was only to Collingwood working for a. couple of weeks, and has returned, not even married as rumored. He is to work as industri- ously as ever, and we trust the "sand off" we gave him will not cause him any disadvantage. "Step right into the parlor and make yourself at home," said the 9-year-old son of the editor to his sister's best young man. "Take the rocking chair and help youirself to the album. Helen Louise is up-stairs and won't be down for some time yet â€" has to make up her form, you know, before going to press." There is an unUmited number of lives saved annually by using West's Cough Syrup in time. If people were to exercise a little more care and procure a bottle of West's Cough Syrup, when a cough first troubles, much after misery could be averted. Sold by A, Turner Co., Druggists Price 25c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. April 15 The Rural Canadian for April has been received. It contains thoughtful articles on the following 8ubject3:-The India Wheat Scare A Few Words on the Potato Rot and a most interesting description of a Gold Medal Farm. Rural Notes are not quite as extended as usual but the Farm and Field, Sheep and Swine, Poultry and Pets, and Garden and Orchard Depart- ment, are full of seasonable leading. Musie is emitted from this number. Published by C. Blackett Robinson, 5 Jordon Street, Toronto. R.J. Sproule, money lend- er, Flesherton, is agent for that and honorable dealing Company, the Candida Perm- ant Loan and Savings Com- pany, Toronto. He has any quantity Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Mortgages bought and chang- ed when expiring or bearing a high rate of interest to a much lower. i Apply to R. J. Sproule Postmaster and Conveyancer, Flesherton. McGEBbOP'S SPEEDY CUBE. When we «•; XeQregor's Speedy^ Care is the only perfect cote for Dyspepsis, Liver GomplamtB. InXpHiioa and Trnpare Blood, we are telliag pii facts, of whieh hnndied» upon fanndreds cut testify idio have been re- stored to pexieet beatth j its use. We would therefCTe adviM 70a ctrongiy it yon ueasabject ofcDf of liwabcyetiodUes tc fffre UbQregDi's ^wecfy' Care â-  trisi sad be oonvineed. It is mAd in SOe. and fl.00 kettles at B.L..St^hcB'B Drag ttoBs. ft BsjnvBNATOR assists nature and re- moves the cause of diseases from the system by keeping the kidneys, liver, stomach and blood pure and nature's channels free, then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. The idea that the termini of the C. P. R. shall be Liverpool and Hong Eong has taken hold in Britain. Truth's statement that the imperial government has decided to subsidize a line of steamers from British Columbia to Chinese and Australian ports may be premature, but it undoubtedly casts the shadow of the British mind. Bri- tain can and will afford to pay a mil- lion pounds sterling for the purposes which the proposed subsidy will sub- serve. There is no longer any ques- tion of the C. P. R's. importance as a Canadian work. Its importance as an imperial work is beginning to be understood. It is just a question that the Irish man will accept Gladstone's scheme to drive him out of Westminster and out of EngUsh politics, and confine his- great energy for agitation to Ireland. Paddy rather likes going to London, raising a dust there, interrupting English legislation, and generally making himself obnoxious to the Sax- on. And what will the American Irishmen think of it? Antagonism to Britain, as much as love of Ireland, is a mainspring of their activity over this question. Will the dollars they now contribute to the cause go here* after to the true advancement of the interests of the people oi Ireland, or will they still be directed to keeping up the agitation against England Froh the following paragraph iti the Rochester Democrat, our citizens will be pleased to learn that Rev. J. E. Allen is winning good opinions on the other side â€" "The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Marion, is furnishing a fine course of lectures. The first by Pastor Allen, upon "The Cranks of Creation," illus- trating his great elocutionary, dramatic and instructive powers. The lecture well deserves the high comments by Canada, Buffalo and Canandaigua newspapers. The second was given on the 24th by Rev. A. J. Barthop, of Hopewell, JN. Y., a former colleague of Mr. Allen in the far Northwest, upon "The Great Loan Land." Ic was a most vivid picturmg by word, maps and diagrams prepared by the speaker, of the to us almost unknown, grand "New Northwest," Manitoba, Assini- boine. Alberta, Saskatchewan, etc. 'If Her Majesty's Dominion can spare us such men, ministers and lecturers as ' Messre. Allen and Barthop, she is welcome to all our defaulters and their spoils. The third lecture by Bishop Ives, is eagerly anticipated." neatord Road. From our own Correspondent. The pallid messenger who approach eswith silent footfall has again visited our hamlet, his victim this time being the wife ol Mr. John MoGee who has passed away to her eternal rest. Her end was peace. She died trusting in Jesus. Mr. Wm. Smith, Jr., got one of his hands badly cut while working at* a lath machine in Spencer's baw-mill. Mrs. Jas. Brodie has been suffering for most of the winter with a severe- attack of inflammation of the eyes, and is very little better. Mr. W. Buchanan, Jr., is' again laid, up. with rheamatism. Mr. T. Gilbert has been severely in. disposed for some time past. He is now slowly recovering. W. J. Warlinf 's eldest daughter has- had a very severe attack of inflamma-- tion of the lungs. And They Bid. He had been courting his Sarah Ann for many a year. The blushing girl had become a mature woman, with a hint of crow's feet and faded hair, Azai'iah as he was about to leave her one evening, sympathetically remarked "Sarah Ann, I bought a lot in the graveyard to-day, that we may lay our bones aldngside of each other at last." Sarah Ann insinuately rejoined "Azariah, can't we lay our bones alongside of each other while we live "' Ipyour are afflicted with Rheumatism call on your druggist immediately and procure a bottle of West's W'^rld's Wender or Family Liniment, it is a certain and positive care. It is infalli- able for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds and'All diseased requiruig ex- ternal application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents pes bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. April IMPOBTAUT }«SW8 ITEM. CooKBTowH. â€" ^Mrs. CsBipbdl had been troubled for a nambec cf years with Indi- gestion and CcBstipaticD, and wad indaeedto try If cGregor'a Speedy Onre and foond it all that was needed, and would veoommend ita use to any person aiiiularly tnmbled. This invalnable t«medy is stdd in every part cf Canada at 500. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold at B.L. Stei^ien'B Drag Store. CBUIOHSS BENDEBBD USELESS. The poor cripple who has to oae eratoJieB on aeeemi of Bheamstism, stiff and swollen jmnfc, eonftraeted cords, and other aches, pains and lasBaness, may tiuow aside lis erntdMB if he wffl try Hagyaid's Yellow O'd fHtbtvOcr. "What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for ' It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indi- gestion, Bilioasness. and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world to- day. "Docs it give satisfaction " We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "Where does it haye the largest sale " Bight in the City of Hamilton, where it is manufactared, there has been over on thousand dollars' worth sold in the last year retail, and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending it to another. For sale at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by B. L. Stephen, Druggist. 4 BE ON YOUR GUARD, Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into- Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few application will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes wUl cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes wjU cure chronic (/atarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. Why do iK^e Have Egg^sat Easter. Easter is observed among all Christain people as tbd anniversary of the gi-eat event of the resurrection of Christ. He was dead, but returned to life. The eggs is taken as emblematio of a return to life. It is to all appear- ance dead, but we. know that if placed under proper conditions, Ufe will come forth from it. The use of eggs at Easter was adopted from an usage older than our era. It was the custom in very early times to celebrate the return of spring by making presents of eggs. "Why does not Easter always tall upon^ fixed day' Christmas is always OB December 25th, why should not Eaater be fixed with equal certainty " Easter must always be on Sunday. It is not a particular date that is ob- served, but a particular Sunday. How to decide upon the Sunday, gave the very early churches much trouble, and there were differences on that account,, but tho matter was settled at a council held at Nice, in the year 325. The rule was adopted that: "Easter daj is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon or next after March 21st, and if the full moon happens on a Sunday, Easter' day is the next Sunday after. This gives Easter day a wide range of dates, as it may occur on any Sundav from March 22nd to April 25th.â€" [Ameri- can Agriculturist for April. • CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice, having'hadDlacedinhishapds by an East India missionf ly the foimula of a simplo vegetableieir.edy.iorthe speedy and perman- ent cure of OMsamptiin, Broncliitis, Catairb, Asthma and all Ibi c at and Lang Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous DabiH.ty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in tbonsands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire t(' relieve human entering. I will send" free of ' charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Cterman, Frence or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noxis, 149 Power's Block, Boehetter, N.Y. Thie is to certify that I haye used McGregor's. Speecfy Cure for Dyspepsia and. Liver Com- pLaint, and do honestly say that if it ost me qne hundred (9100.00) a bottle I would not be without it. sa it has done me mc»:e jtood than all flie medicines I ev«r used, and rfedlik^ai^msQ.â€" Yours truly, Alex. Snail, GaH^ajaPiaCe, Ont. This medicine ia for syei^roc. and fi.OO per bottle at it. L. ^Xefl^p^Omg Store. .;^ :^. V â- ^1 â- ^f u 4 j

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