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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1886, p. 8

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 ';;: '.mm i^j'i !J: 11 I' I5gf- __|^fife8sionaI ^dJbd^esi^jnrSs onelneh ^Vholepolumn ..$50 0(J'?27 50 fla WT Half cdlO!rirf..«^...ii.'«7 00 15 OG 10 Ott g«M-tercdiuaiQ,.. ..^Ln'fO 10 QQ, d.QO 'Pw» inch' Space. .;. A " iO '4 (JO:.. "•; 'ITiree inch spaee JO 00 S Of) Cairaal wivetttseiBeiits 8 cents per lin«fint in«prtiou, 3 cents per line each Bubseqaent insertion, nonvareil measure, EoLtoiial aoUces, or nc^ices ia local col- nnn 10 cents per line first insertion, ^ceats each subsequent insertion. Utray aniinals c., •dvetticed 3 veeks for Si, the advertisement not to exceed tnrelve â-  liaes. Mo pqMr dteooottuned rmtik all arrears are pui exeepftst; the^tiem of ifaefmblislier. The Staxdasid office bat; a splendid eqnip- ment of poster as well as fins job type Spc- mal attention to orders by mail. Orders AUed with dispatch. EDITOB AND PEOPEIETOR. SiMUaiiiMiiiiWttllRff. rAV -if- a «.'!;â- â- :.. n." i I«oan (m ltMPX«ial^«t l«r .^ .n-.J i!,; rt â- - S; IS ist sl TTT^IiL DIGGEE AND DBILLER. ALL VY orders' prbAptiyattindAffW.' Besi daiM«»-Snider'slfill OwpnSAmd^^; "' " v!i^ « «T«SW a«siae |a ifilL^iuMM* ^e0al. P. AlcCullougrli, BABEISTBB, SOLICITOE, c. OFFJCEâ€"OVER KhFARLAMOS STORE. MAEKBALE. jMoney to ILoa.n. 271 ISAAC STIHrSON Builder and Cbrttraetor eveiyrmoa^i. In all kinds of Brick and Stone wttk. Estimates given. All work Ruaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-fim* MAaKD4^ P. JD. -^ month. ;.i^..L liaBK _•_ v] :-'s^ ,i"" '^ai ..-.â- â- â- -I,-. â- â- : --.•â- :-:, B^oUwtt^yden^ftfrti-j^^ before Chataworth. " "" " "â-  PrioeVille--Mi()ii^ybdf6t(sDnthftm, Hanover â€" llf oday liefere DiirliHm. Walk^rfcdiiâ€" Last WediftsSolay ' Ja Mnant potcflt'-^;:^3iiri Wednesdaj in each monitli. ' ' *. '"W »t»d# W. C. RICHARDS/ BUILDKR, CONTRAGTOB, 4 AECHI- TEOT, Ittarkdale. HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (sUCCESSOItS TO LAUDEB HANDS), BAHEISTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Convoyancerij, fte. Money to 'loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street East, 199-251 ToEOHTo, IHASSOn A MASSON, T3AKEISTEES, SOLICITOES, c. Offices â€" Ow6n Sonad, in Vieker's Block Ponlott St.; Branch office in Markdale, over .MeFarland's Store, on Friday andSatmday every week. 57-ly J.-Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massos. N.Ii. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six to Eight per cent. WM. G. CUTHilE, Plain Ornamental Piaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Ghurdi iark- daSe. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washing and Bepairs promptly attended to. 303 Grist, Spranpllip^ Having made eqtensiv* 'improvements in my Grist Mill I feel eoirfident I can ^ve go«d satisfaction. •, " 6000 FLOUR ALWAYS ON HANO oc Mo. .noMLa o ' 9ia morn, .ouooia ^fam^l gaa^b Ail ^»?»*oJ siJdrsaoqrlTei ji oofi ViAfloWoacl Af.u aa Stat^i ^?, f)»45fi ,-^ ^i -/i.-o Wi'nawt hr\ 9-( ail Lpt: QDl" .iiu'd^h -Ici :,9 •ill • Time .«pj Taking e/ifec(#o«i^ -a 4 a^« Chopping Done Every Day Custom Sawing and Bills Filled ool th« I shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAtS ON HAND. Cherry, Baltsront, White Ash, Black Ash Bassweod, Pine i,nd Hemlock Logs wanted Alexander Brotra. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. E. c. Conveyancer and Money to loan 'for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Nov.-5th. I889. ' 1-y 9ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. "Wm. Broim, JSSTTEE OF MAEEIAGE LICENSES, A'c Commissioner in B. li. Sea. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se curity. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTS ST, " IUDUaTE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL ViX of Dentistry, \srill bo at the Maikdale House, Markdale, on; the 1st and third Wed-, â- ;ijsday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Fleslierton. the day following the third Wednesday in eacb mouth for the prac ticc of his j)rofes6iou. 122-47 ROBERT S. RAE. TAILOR, Sydenliam Street, MARKDALE. Milts, I'araiecs are 4i'ititig'~frott' One to twenty-foor miles to ihe; Victor BolJer. Mil), and are so bigfalj pleased with the results that they always come back No' waitiD^, or return trip necessary' as you get your grist home with you eveiy time. No change made in the scale -of exchan(;e from the past. Parties wishing choice flonr, be sure and go to Plewes Mill. Good mix^d chop, bran and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the go«^d Spring Wheat in the four townships, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. »19 ANGUS PLEWES- Sdale of Gristing: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. :r____«TATloj;s 'Toronto... "Le^„"" Oiange- Arrive ' "iJe /Loave."" Oiangevilli, J ' " Shelburiie lundalk Fletiherton, Markdali'.." li*rteley.. " Wihianjsford Chatswoi iL Owen hound.. *Tlk' I'll... Owen Sound.... ClmtBwonh ...." 'i WiUiamsford' '"""' '(i BerkelcT ... '«5i Maikdale...!"" '•'â- ' '^U FleBherUm ..' '^^i Dundalk .. ""' "'1 Shdbnnie '..'.\\\ !j2t 3ianeevilIe.lHu '»- Orange ArrivB "•••822 CardwellJ unction '"' Toronto... ..Arrive ' â- I 925 1055 PEESBYTERIAN CHU2 Service.-; every Sabbath EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, iVr A i: Iil A J ^K nmm furnisisi6I6s supplied on the shortes notice. WHK.iT. fl'i ibs. 61 " CO " 59 " 50 '• 57 " 5C •' 55 " 54 '• 53 " 52 " 51 " 50 " 49 " WEIGHING. 41 flour. 40 " 39 " 38 " 37 â- â€¢ 3G " .S5 â-  '• 34 •* 3.S " .32 " 30 " 2S •• 2fi " 24 'K» AL. 13 lbs. 13 *• 14 •' 15 •' IC " 17 " 18 •• 19 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " •ii) " 20 8 o clock. Key,. A. Mm U Brown, S. S. Su^etintcudeu ' ' CHElST CHUECH. Farm for Sale. A. .SiDlenclid. Hearse tur hire at moderate rates. Eemember I give yen all your pmall wheat home with jou. which is considerable. 2T0 W. J. ROWE. PiGTiiRE AU kinds cfâ€" FRAMING Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE jiii MARKDALE, ♦ ' OIJT. J. £ Marsh, Prop\ Ie rv ACRES North f of lot No. 18, con. *) \J 8, Euphrasia, 100 acres cleared and under cultivation, 60 acres of which is fit for reaper and mower, ferced with cedar raUs, well watered, log house and frame barn. The uncleared portion is hardwood, with sufficient cedar for fenciuu purposes. Soil clay loam, and almost free from stone. This is a de- sirable farm and will be -old on easy terms. 'haroh and school convenient. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles from Eocklyn, 3 miles. For further particulars apply to JAMES BOYD, 273-tf Eocklyn P.O. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS MARKDALE leDlis. Servicee for March 7th Tu m ftrd7. .2mt7. ?8t.h l,i::i,) 4 th, 7. lltl!lO:3uaBd 7 'Sdi 10:30 and 7. KfV. Jas. \iva Sabbath School 2.-30. J. W '4 tendent. ' • MErnODIST CHUP, 1 Services fvery Sunday at )(i:.H 7 p. ni Sunday School at n( Jfeetinp every Tlinrsday ereiii!;? Bible class ?ii(ni(lav evening (ri Eev. Weslev Cass( n. Pastor; V S. S. SnperiuiendcDt. Ladies' aJi nection Mrs. T Hill, Secrelarr. $«jf tttn girtrtwi COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVHjLiE. Ont. Larue And «om'itf*liotis Sample Eooifts Good Bed Kooma, c. Tlio Bar .-tuit lard'e '*;weU-supjIi«l witj» the .best iliMP'^^l^at Hf /fcBu-i^gc^ilStahiihgjanit^elktii^wHostlir's .,„^_. ^.,„...„„, m.i^Lyaaut% " I -.^ 1 ' THOS.. .ATKllfSgNj |mpri«ftor j Ww.'Bota, Loudon W., En^«nd, â- ptf^ EEAZILLIAN PEBBLE SPJ2C- ' J. TACLEa. manufactnred by Frank Lazaijis late of the firm o£ Lazarati A- l^o^xis. form- erly of Hartford County, now of Nu^jjs Maryland's Eoad, Harrow Road, London' EDg,,.can be had of W. A. Brown' WatehmaKer.A-cTlIarkdale. ' Mr. Lazarna would beg to notifv his num. eroas fric-nds and patrons." that' he has no connccti.n with any other firm in the Do- minion, and only \a» r«bUe« can be procured M^above. Frank Lazarns, Mauu- tac^er Optician, 38 Marykaii's Eoad, Har- â- ^ "' " " '" " " • 274.6m H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUREE OF MARBLE AHD $RAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECE1VET Carloads Finest Variegated Marble IS- Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries m Vermont. WUl he sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin. Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperiections, and called Wliite Bronte. H. B. HARRISON. Weaving done.. on short notice. Cotton warp supplied. Charges moderate. A call respectfully solicited. 248 4in F. J. RITCHIE. Health is Wealth I MARKDALE, Manufacturer of 9 J kind-s of Cylinder, Drop Valve and Ci^ern Pumps. Iron r*umps Sxipplied Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also agent for Sargent's Patent Load Lifter for Glenelg and Bentmek tov^n- ships. Urders by mail promptly at- tended. 219 llarkda^ C. 0. 0. F No. 7:. E ^^ alternate !tIoiulay evening at Sc'do Hall, ;McI)o!igaii's bioci. Yisitii; welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W. No 141 W their Hall, McDougall's block, evi Monday evening at 8 o'clod. A breUircn of ntigliboriuglodBesso!; M.^RKDAr.F L. G. L. Ko. lOl.j Hall on Friday on or before fiiU i month, llios. Elliott, .Master; IT. Secretary, TO SCHOOL TROSTEES. VICTORIA R- B. PfiEflEP No. -282, Meets in Lodg'e Ecom cff Markdmi No. 1045, tirst Eriday in each moi;j.l ing Sir Knights always welcome. James -BRonn:. IV. 275 Thomas Eiuon, J, jr. mwix, Honorary Graduate Veterinary Treats all dis- eases of domes- tic animals. Veterinary Medicines Kept CHAEGEslioDEBAl callspeomptlyattes OFFICE AND INFIfiMASr. M/LL STREET. Opposite. ^f' MAEKDALi ex- The sabscriber bcge to iclorm tlie travellity^ pnblic semerallyi *hat Ive has leased tlie above ]iremti«»s for flrterm of years, and hopes hj iAt^iiiii^to llioiv flrtmfort to merit a share, of »rijlie patoona.^ Biv and Larder well snp- Itli^l OL.od Ktbling«ud attoativo hostlur • ' â- " ' ]P,,LJ[cLEAN, ".♦ fctvyK'»! ^•-^l! vi' 1 â-  propri^or, i-z li, i ' i .xj- fi t M ' â€" HOTEL mmf gg65i.E8S Or IIITURE. T/te most Important and Orifjinal $ciei- V li/ic I'aperTtf the Coyntry. PBICE f 1.50 PEE TEAB. "Work of ^Jectricity in Natore." price $1.60. â-  'Origin of ^Hxaes," price 75c ol Electricity in the Solar aystem " price 2go. The tmderaigned is manufacturing an cellent assortment of wcUool B^ixr-nittH-e, ?p°/rw'?,^«°i,^J^"^®^^ S^^TS and DESKS. TEACHERS' DESKS, etc.. of tue latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapne*, comfort and compactness. Sf'"*T« ^^^-^ assdrtment of Farm and School Bdls t^t always on hand. Send for catalogue to Cbatsworth P. O. ^^^ ANDREW McGILL. iV necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink nWea. and HortC Care ^^ of Ekctridty in theEMt]»,«price25 l-Xl ^l""" price 25e. .♦♦pfficesofKlectricityintheBfaan Bodv ' Pric«,Jfc " J Evidences of Chirwter,-* pSSlB!;' 'â-  PROBLEMS OP NATO^E," NewTork. Bdibm Red, Seed, White Dutch, £91 180 Dr. E. C. West's NKi(»E.As»ihtAiN Tueat- ^XT, a guaranteed speeific for Hysteria Dizziness, Convulsions, Fi s. NervouV?^' raWa, Headache. Nervous B^ostr^^L.^ Mental Depression^, Softaaite of theXl^i resulting in Ins«fiitr.,«4 iS« to mS aeay and death. ffeoii$ia^mL»^^S~ ness, Loss cf Power iTSr^^TSr tary Losses and f^per^^l.^^^J::^"^; over-exertion of the braiu,.a^ba,â„¢ver^ mduipenqe. One box wm cure rS caS One dollar aboK. or-ai, botes for iir«.d»i]ara sent by mailprepai^oneoeipt of p^cflv; Rnarantee six bbxes^tb Cure aSy ca.4 Wi^ each order received by ns ler six boxP. I^ companied with five d^Urs, wo^wife the ^J«^n St.. Chicago,-^.U.B,n^^t:^ »g^t -fe t^ ^^^ui^^^ 270-1, ire*aeaKEa:2L^a,i(E: 'ofi^FoxtSl, Eng- Blne^fied Top, u«hfiyt,TimoOiy,Ci YollcjwOaf, r,Ji7°' 2f ^\^^ »°d GaMen Seeds to nve from England early i* March. H. PAR^R, HAVE YO" Liver Complaint, D« ifcdj Jaundice. Headache, l^^jj,^!;*^!, or any o.- »y liver, Df. Chases LirtB^ and certain rem°y-,_f.,e REM^, ,ir3] • NATURE »n|^iifJ The unqualified ^^^^^fy*ii^^^^ Liver Complaii-.t "'^^I'^^^J,, componndedfromnat^J^ 2^^ r.„moonnded f""" "?!^s,hW. «?^j 3BAKE AND "Jt ig^ f^t* invaluable rooB,w^^t ar- Mandbake other in' powerful eneti u.. -â- â- - ^^ blood. 600.0»y ^M to try t"'"'^^»^;, T.iaJ a: Wrapped'arounde^^g: remedy. Ffice, 35 r SOLR By â- iikAki

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