Ji^MBii of the 'AJataiM." ,nL in the OttUn^, by Sentbo^'^^p.toh an offioer ^^"" i»y that tur. hip WM '»7"our boati were dta- ^* '„ onr •mallMt boat, ea- " I,, onr quarter boata 'OT«Id iiiher. Dr. p*'°°lhowa« In charge of the r*?*!-,! room diTiBion, came on "wf«Srrder.totakethe jl»»'^*jSderfor every man to L«'^?'.un ^o enforce the or- To enforce the or jed the the decka vere '^.^S^wd a^d^rged the men ',^e .tern-port, where itDod â- - ^M with one or two Of the r^Mthn.' steward, who, poor fel- r om d to a watery grave, aa he J i^ The Alafama a atem-port Kttothe water's edge. Partly Kplnog^d iEto the aea, aivl fcg from the .inking ship. Cap- \^ with a life preserver and I ona r,t,hma. settled Btem foremost. JJ^, bows high in the air. Graoe- l^er death-8trnggle. she fa a mo- Itared from the face of the wa- rTsa now presented a mass of liv- Ltriving for their lives. Many [•^ ,ank for the want of timely Vme I .aw a float of empty ahell- 'ualledtooneof the men, a good «s examine It; he didso andre- Tjthe doctor, sir. «?ead. Poor 1 heie.ished almost in sijiht of Ml The young Midshipman Miffit Jifi wd offered his life preserver. r,. was not proving a very buoyant T lie white caps breakins! over my tfidl8trp"«iDgly unoomforUble, to La. iUffit said • Mr. Kell, take laVserver, Bir; yen are almost ex- Iljlhe gallant boy did not consider Injdltlon, but his pallid face told Jot heroism was superior to hisbod- |ri«, and I refused it, After twen- B or more I heard near mo some lollt, ' There is cur first lieutenant,' Itte-xt moment I was pulled into a Himich was Captain Semmes, stretch- to the stern sheets, as pallid as e had received during the action jjttintMlon on the hand, and the I the water had almost exhausted jre were also several of our crew tilt, and. in a few moments we were ^ia littlP steam yacht, which had fiEgi u: floa' irj^ men, and by tbrow- Ite rojfs saved many lives. Upon fcirher decs, I asL-ertaiced for the Itethat she was the yacht Deerhound, W Mr. John Lancaster, of Ecgland Imc round I saw two French pilot- ttiged in .aving cur crew, and final- proats from the Ktarsarge," |hicli£oloeical liad in Egypt. enftli has had tho good fortune to bv»n ancient Egyptian necropolis In iLibn deaert, opposite Assouan, on the Ibuof the INile, Among the tombs id;pened are several which date from Itwch dynasty {circa h. c, 3,000), and iMiL'ccted in the stj le of the great ^pc»n .epnlchres in the mountain !ut. They consist of two or more iichanbera, connected by corridors, Isoeing supported by colonms, and In decorated with colored has reliefs lit preservation. Several of these pesr to belong to members of a l«iilly, the hfads of which were prcb I ernors of the province. plgestiaa truly magnificent sepul- fcaenring 140 feet in repth by forty Ik eadth, and contoining thirty col- T- me square, some round. It pur- 1 the the tcmb of a certain prince of fd lower Egypt, who lived in the ptme Neferkara, and who b repre- kc one ef the wall paintings as a nil leaning on a crutch. A fine shrine iSrtiSjK 23f2wi3SSB ' tiw •ad •» altar •fattto Iwwiiinrt condniona The â- ooIptaxM an Twy oQiiooa, and aspeot ol tha wliala tomb k npotttd m tramely anhaio. From ttia aaoand tatha end of tha alavaoth dynaa^ then mn, however, many Ungi namad Nsfarkara; and onto tha iM cti p tkwia an folly dedphar- ad it is impoBslble to say oadar whidi rolar thb lama fnnotiniiary flowbtaed. Tha tomb is attf ibated by thoae an tiia spot to tha third dynasty; but It aeama for many reaaona more likaly to data from tha time of that Ndarkara who â- nooaaded Meranra ef the sixth dynaaty. Tlia faoadw (^thii line, Atl, waa a native of the bland of Ele- phantine, oppoaito Aasooan, and the plaoa first roao to importance nnder hla anooeaaora. It was daring tin reign of Merenra that Una, a famooa Gitneral and Prima Minlitar, qoarrled the graalto of Asaonan for tha sepnlohre and aaroephagus of Ids aovereign, and built a fleet of thirteen veasels at Ele- phantine for the transport of tha same. Pending farther details, we shonld thero- fore be InoUned to ascribe the large tomb to a gentleman of that period, eepeolally if 'tiie neighboring twelfth dynasty tomba are those of Ills descendants. In one of theaa latter there were foond a series ef Oalrlde statues, representing the diseased in mum- mied form, done in baked olay er terra ootta, and placed in reoesses along the cor- ridor. This, at all events, is an entire nov- elty in tomb decoration. The cemetery will probably prove to be of great extent, as there is evidence of its hav- ing been in nse down to a late period. The large tomb, nsnrped by later comers, was found piled to the celling with mnmmles, mummy cases, and funerary fnmiture of Roman times, inolnding upward of aixty memorial stolae. Gren. Orenfell is actively pursuing his work of discovery by the help of our Bnglish soldi* rs, who continue to open and cuar out tomb after temb. OY£B THE OCEAN. The eldest ion of the Shah of Persia la making a tear through Europe. Mr. Broadhnrst, M. P. as a mason, actu- ally helped to build the Home Office, where he Is now second in command aa nnder heme secretary. According to the London Practical Con- fectioner " the potato introduced in Eng- land 1.1 1600 was first eaten aa a sweetmeat, stewed in sack wine and sugar. The recent census in Bavaria has bronght to light the following torse, though some- wbailengthy title: "A B Royal Ba- varian RailroadconsttuotienEectionfire-wood storehousekeeper." Mr. Arch appeared at the recent Parlia- mentary, banquet given in his honor In a pepper-and-salt suit and scarlet tie. He sat bestde Mr. Chamberlain, who was in full evening dress. Poor Lord Bute, having spent £1,000,000 on bis new house, can only afiord to give 1-5,000 of that sum to the widows andorpnaua of the colliers who were killed while lately working for him. A diamond, larger and more valuable than the Koh-i-Noor, is about to arrive from the Cape. The lapidary has been esga^d eight- een months in cutting the gem. The Koh- i-Noor is said to be worth $140,000. In 1799 the Parliament of Great Britain had to tiansact the business, so far as home sffairs were concerned, of alout 12,000,000 people to-day of about 35,000,000, and the afifalrs of Ireland (then transacted in Dublin) absorb about three-fourtlis of time, so that pressing English business has to stand over. Dr. Phipson, in a German scientifio jour- nal, advocates the general nse of sugar as an article of dieti not simple as a pleasing ad- dition to food, fie affirms that during forty years he haa eaten at least a quarter of a pound ef sugar daily, not osunting sugar- forming substances taken at the same time, and has been benefitted by it. No Russian lady can travel without her husband's assent to the issue of her pass- port, but in Austria wcman's right to a veto has just been recognized. It is slated that a drciee las recently been promulgated to the effect that no man led Austrian sub- ject sfaall henceforth receive a passport for jourreyisg beyord the frontier, without the express consent cf his wife. Prince Erapotklne, the "Citizen Fi inoe," ssssssssiai^KBsaBaBmmm M ha ii wnr tmiMmuMt atfhd hf tt« Beelaliali, la » stndienaJooUng maa af miodlaaia, vUh a bald taoad and Shako* â- paaraan teee, aad weara a isslstln eap aad â- paetaclea. Ha^aakaEogliahwIlhaaiKilar- ly ooftaalnaii aad tnoA vhh vataaaolar fioanoy. Hla ideal af gevemmeat ia what ha torma anarohioal oemmoaiaB. grning, â- iokeBiagpilli ladad ly Dr. Piana'a The hoga, draatio, are fait balna anpoiaaded _, â€" "Purgative Pellets." Saldlqr drnggtits. Tha BOW ootton gsoda are aa hand s oma aa India allka. .... Yerang or middle-aged men â- of- fering from nervous debility or othardaiioato diseaaee, however in^uoed, speedOy asd'par- manentiy oared. Addieaa, World's Dis- pensary Medical Asaooiation Bnffalo, N. Y. Taoka are revived on spring frooka. "Tlu Ug^tthatUei^ la woman's syes^" la a ray of heavsn'a own lirlghtness but it Is, alas I often dimmed or qnenohed by soma wearing, diseaae, perhaps silently borne, but taking all oomf crt and en jsymant emt •} life. That light of the honsebold can be re- kindled and made to glow witii Ita natoral brightness. Dr. R V. Pieroe's 1" Favorite Prescription" is a potent specific for most of the oliroaio wcakneaaea and d iae as es pecul- iar to women. â- M. Gaston Tessandier's " I Natare " has jnat entered npcn ita fonrteeenth volnme with a subscription list of 15.000. Imperial Coasli Brop wOi give Peaittve and InstantSelief to those raffsrina from Colds,Hearsene«,SoreThreat,ato.,and are invalnable to orators and veoallstai Far asde by druggiste aad oenfecticmera. B, h T. WATSCO?, Mannfaoturers. Toronto. Ontario. A newspaper haa been started at Sitka. Printers out of a Sit-kan perhaps get one by applying early.â€" [Boston Post, in such far- fetehed attempta we cannot see what there is to Boston. Postpone them for the f ntare. [The Alaskan (Sitka) It takes a good while for a joke to travel to Alaska and back, especially when it ia as weak as the above and in the Intorval we had forgotten our crime. New as we Sitka-mly and look at it we sigh, Alaskan such things be I Do not take Pills or Powders containing Caltmel, lor. attbistlmecf the year, the le- suit may be serious. If you require a dure of pliysio lake Dr. Careon^s iBtomaeb and Con- stipaiicn Bitters It sets gentlT on the Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the circulation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and speed- ily cures Bilicu£tt8r, Beadache. Dyspepsia. IndigcetioD. Search the Drug tores from erne end of Cemada to the other, and you cannot find a remedy equal to it. Try it and use it In your fan'iilea Sold eyerywheie In large bottles at SO cents. A.P. 274 MACHINERY. see Bngines. Boileis, lion. Wood, and mlsoellan- euos machines, for sale V'or paiticnlara addieaa H. W. FITBIE, Bianltoid, Ont. WASTEDâ€" 10,000 MillmeD and others Interested In machineiy to send name and address (or ft copy of my ^o. 18 Ulnstiated Cfttalogne sent Ireo. H. W. PEIRIE, Mtcblntst and Geneial Ilaohine Dealer, Brant toid, Ont. SPECIAI. ATTESIIOlf.â€" Scmethiiiir every- boay sbcnld Have, a 'Wiif tcwitsin pen. the otaeftpest and moat durable evtr invented; every pen goaianteed to give •atiifaciicn i«enta wanted for all parts of Carada laige con miasioD and no capital requited send for deeoiptive oil onlais and special inductroents to ageota C. B. Ebooks, Sole Oaaadlan Agent. Toronto. A CKAXD BOOK. TTKBOES or thb Eiblb, Bible Lakds abd thb Xl War ni tub Socdak." This remarkable book is (resn from the press vilui 750 pages of reaalcg mat- ter of thrlUing loteieat and ttaiUing tiutbs. Over 60 pages of beaotlfal eteel and vooil engiavlngs and maps. It is rold cnly by snbccriptlon a leprcsenta- tive wanted in every district; liberal pay will be given full Infoimation «ill be given free of charge by the sole publishers In Oinads. International Book ft Bible Bcuee 16 and 48 Fiont St. E.. loronto. W M. EVANS, M to 9S HcClU Street, Montreal. Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds. „ Seed Grain. Clover and Timothy Seed. etc. Muiaeiy Stock, Fnilt and Ornamental Tnes, SmaU Fruits, Shrubs. Boses, etc Gteenhonse and Bedding Plants. Send for oaulORUcs Vegetatle Plan ts, etc jj^ -ifnjJAMs.:"TQltfcR1ataTlnnfflP. Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Rocfing Pitch, Buildhig Papers, Oarpet and DeafenlnK Felt, Beady Koofins, etc. Forlowp.Ic.add«.s^^^^^g « Adelaide St B., Toronto; Boses .f"*^ iH« HOBsa SHoa hhbobt," bats *»«s'm *^**^THDrG 8SSHS TO 00 BRTSB J VtSOMm "MGHTIB, YOU'M MUCH HAPPUB." I But a gnvBBt lvboh ojr THmaar-UJfDmB aoi KOSDIBD BIS TBWB OH XBB BWJUaOK. nHMKIIM OMITS BTMAIL IS Isr n •• I AifbVaae qfuttrr, and wllk svssv S" M I Dollar osda*. aa «m«s^lls. • CHija- «1 I slhisaaMoelIoatt^Bsse.BmM. tlu BtM ahwMts rry JtawH, Iff ste. a JosMa. I aasiai tun Plants to please aad to antva in gocd sadsr at aay mm ofBoa tn the Doalaioa. Largs plaits by tssigftt or sxptass Cm. J* P. Cockbam, Florist, OMsi^ takaa). aaavasmrasr. lOVOB, I,AKK CO.. CAI.T. Ixle and Machine Screw Works. CaRlafpeaMA Wacom .Axles, Ireaaad atad Bsl and cap Besewsb olB. Usi so anpUeaMoa. ONTARIO PUMP GO'Y, (UmltwI.) rForonto Out. !intt;r'.^ie^ii B5!«..-,i*.-?t«. luioJoiB SNOWDRl! M f BAKING POWDER rlMN Co.. Scveateem Blaes GEARED WimiLLS, flwm I to M h. p., for Pnm^g Water. mnnloK Giain Omshaia, Btijaw Ont- tara. Boot Palpers. or any other maohinety up to a 40 h.p.OdstJfpi. HAYING TOOLS. A VaU line of ^•THE BEST. I X I. FEED MILI. fruaranfeed to grind from 10 to SO bushel* per hour, anoordlng to aize. These HUls are the mo«t durable, perfect and obeapes* Iron Feed MtU yet invented. 'iisi-i.^ TANKS, From the smallest np.'to 2,85S bbls. PIPE AND Pipe Fittings. In (act a fuil line of VTat'r Supply Material. ^^^ WIHDMULS Frem 8 to SO^feet diameter. ABMSTBONG'S Patent Teapered Steel Bigsy k Carriage Gears. Ow "Jump Ssat" Body on BoHpes Gear SIS' ts vtlh aiaadlysala. aadaakto a UghK haadsoaw. dmable sod useful eeaveyaeoa. BMes sssy with one er four p ssss Hg s i aad chaafrad tram a slagla bnggr to a double oaniagaqnliAly aad ooavcBlsatlr Ask your oairlags maker tw partlOLlan. Oatalogoe mailed oa applloaMoa to J. B. ABMSTK4NG Hfff. Co. (Ld)., GUELPH. CANADA. HEAPT â- IftUOH. Abrng the Una of tte CUcagoaad Hwtki Kallwaj Im Cemtral Sakota aad Hartkesa Betoaaka. New seotions are being opened up aad lapidly aetUad hi these woKdertally jarodaettva reglOBS, aad the "flisi eomeis" wiOhave " â- ^looatlon. For fnU informatioa (wUoh will be seat yen free si charge) about the free lands and aheap homer, uoly to JOnr BU MOKIST, Western Canadian Pass. Agent. 0. • R..W. By., a. â- . HAB, rVork 8t^ Toieato. Oat Qeneial Pass. AgSBlg Ohioatv. Illi CONBOY'S C4BBIAGE TOPS Are tiie Best and Obcapeet in the MarkeL Order one from your Carriage Maker. Take no other Und. Bend lor Catalogueâ€" 407 King Si. W., Tobohto. PUMPS. Iron and Wood. Force or Ufl. Deep Well Pumps A Gpeoialty. Send us vour address on a poet card and we wlU send yon 101-page illustrated catalogue free. GONSUNiPTION. I bara a poiltlve remedy for the a! ve diaeaae b? lU us thoiuanda of casea of tha worst kin.. aui of long itandinff bare bMn cared. Indeed, ao itroni; ia my faith in Ita afflcacy, that I Till send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with â- VALUABLE TBEATISB on this dlaeaaa to any â- ofliBrer QiTe expreaa and P. O. adilrc.a. DB. T. A. RLOCPM, BranohOffice. 37 Tonga St., Toroto SEEDS IRENNIE'S SEEDS ARE THE BESTI ninstrated Cataloarae for 188C IContaininjf description and prices of the choicest I IfIELD, OASDEKftFLOWEBSEESSl I Mailed free. ETery Farmer and Gardener should I â- have a copy before ordering^ seeds for the coming I I season. Handsomest cataIo|iue published in Canada WiiRENNIE. TORONTO. I CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to atop them for â- time and then have tbem retnni araln. 1 mean a radical cure. I have made the dlKaae of PITS, EPILEPSY or FAUr ISO SICRNE^jS a life-lonE study. I warrant my remedy ' to cure the worst coses. Because others have failed la no reaaonfor not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a tteatise and a Free Bottle ol my Infallible remedy. OIt* Express and Post Office. It casta you nothing for a trial, and I will care you. Address DB. H. O. BOOT, Brancli dee, 37 longest., Toronto. Peerless Oils, An made only at the Qneen City Oil Works« and have reoahed during the last three years SIX GOLD MEDALS. Band lor sample barrel. If It does net prore satisfactory we will pay freight both ways. *â- SAMUEL ROGERS CO., 80 Front St. E., Toronto. DRUNKENNESSI Oplwrn, Moraine, aad Kindred HaMts. Valuable treatle sent free- The medicine â- my DO given In tea or ooflee. without the knowledire of the person taking It. if so desired. Send two So. stamps for full pvirtlorlaia and testlmoBlala of those who have been oured. Address, BI. T. Lnban. 47 WelUngtoa St. Baat, Toronto, Canada. Over 16,006 in lue. "HEAFS PATENT" DRY EARTH CLOSETS Are The Best in The World. AwardetPje Fint Prize MedtOi. " Tweaty-llve of these OosBmodeo were soppUad to the Houat Royal HospllBl. Montreal, and tha Medical maa aad la^ autes in ohanc* exnoss IlieaiselTas wtll plaasad aad. satWtod with tham.^ Jroleasor Ooldwln Smith ssys: "I;haTa pieasoiela leslttylac that tte Kaith Oosels (S) supplied by your Oanpaay to bouses ooenpled tw mambeis of my honts- "â- " an (ouDd to work axttrmmr well aad to be Tosy .i fj wf to health aad ooosIoiIl" "Very Ber. Pcaa Boomer (laoiriao), la pleased to tss- 4r to MM rslw and UBefnlaass ol the Bedside OoasBsode â- iqnlied to him i^y Mr. Heap. It has fnUUed all the .iiiaiilsse mala fur It la the printed olronlar. aad he rti e aaly soooBuncn^s it for the ure of laTaUds." [We nay add. it is a No. 9 PnU-up Ooauaode. aad stands by die DsaaH badsMs, he baiaf a oaaflined iaraUd.] Telspteae No. 66. Pinar Biaats na Sill. fleap'8 Patent Dry larth or Ashes Closet ' â€" -â- ' Coi^Muiy (Ltaited). ST Adelaide St. Wert, f eroato. JVMteryâ€" JTastopon, JTisA. Miglttk natU/nrâ€"MmnOtHer. M J.