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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1886, p. 5

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 t«li StHtes. Hiâ€" â€" Mâ€" Nortb- Western ^jjiSirOBAFAKMEK'S SXPEKIENCB. • Sv.nv ,r iii' Noitliern Pacific Col- j „.â€" deputed an agent of •'â- ""'^^uv'iovi it Manitoba and «ee "•"""^^""'.ouc to wDrk up a scheme of la.r^'e nt scale They com r^n iis ai liouDthwaite; and' "K. Ni.vibtrn racilie liailwBy lands f"' " uv"'v l='daho nad Wnshiugtcn """ l^,,"tiaC'i.oit of -emigranta and '"â- ^""â- ^ ^f..;cli oil'i' in nianj instances- '""',i \v'e ifliiv li^rs inentiou that " " \ii Wiiltt'i- Ford, who came to 'i'"" ' „.. about four years near Oalron. Manitoba, by .,^,.cH'-i;:iiiut«. pot himself into '"â-  jU c r-iiifl-tiiiices, lla^ins a Rood 'â- ',,.',.- ajipifiueiitfi-aiid stock to from â-  "'" ;i i'ood lierd. He sold »Ut to Wasliington Terr.tory, ,1 iicar liom iiim us the stsory '\i,A«tiian: iu;an^ Jl- ;L)c jiii' "...jj^rs of lioiuitiiwaite asked the- • I,, iK'ui two of their number to â-  j'ji,^ juiiuiise ' iiiiid and report?" An ,,:. J tu'jin:iindselrcted Messrs. Gam- nr:. ife--pi--i-table honest fann- H •:. ci t.i- laiiud on which the uHts were to settle. Passes aii.i casii to pay their expenses ;i[niit; i\v() shortly afterwards ::(.-. til try to fiiid a richer and ru !ivi m than the North-west. :,• liiri ct through Southern iN,.nKC'ju D;Ui0i.a to Minuew- ;, '„, iii cii 01 liie Northern Pacific, and ' '..,^., ,; ij.f r oiiijjey by rail to the i; I ou^i. Tiny returiie-l after an absence ,.n; â- liS '.vc'Kh and reported that on u-ii'-:!-^ ti'^y i'-:ssi^d over the fertdo- ,1 hull Myn Manitoba, across the r, ,. iiiiu l':ii;o;a. Witii tlje exception ' ., uiiir.- lifiiicst Turde Mountain they ',, ti.v (•.â- .itiuy -tony ami muoli broken bv .iibu:- ^,iir;'i;u idcci liy uiuslvcg. Scarcely ,ii,i .Mttiiiii .;ui;'d be got in one block of 1 ,,aii lii Ki cnitivation. Passing -we.-.t- !,i)ii tiie c:irs. after trcssin;^' the state lino ii:n":ii. ilii:y ciittred the "bad lands" of ;â- ;.; :i v.u:i-U art- .^1' wt-11 known and- sj oi.ii':..uiy ii.iiDU-,1 liiat little need bo said ..Lii.ri.i Int'y Hav»- no lami lit for settlv- .[ iii:"ii tiny rsjaclied Spokane l*!all.=i, with sci-i-'ti'Mi uf lieif and there small areas tj-j rivtr l)ottoiu.s which were all taken up. isj-sau" I'liils. t'lii-y repait, is an old settle-- |icj! v.ii.ifiuMil land, l;ut all that is worth vJui:;: IS fihtiidy occupied. They then. iKiiaiii" tltiir j.Tairiiev to Yakima, when they |sii.u laid 'vt'!- for a few day.' aad examiiled â- .jtC'-iuarv ill tlie nt'igliborhood, but failed ;,i:iii iiny land at all suitable for settlement. ZLjuhin;^ «liu)lJ^' the S8ttlers,th('y were on iZjiui- told to reiraiu in Ma?iitoba. Not li, ui tliiiM-' ^p(JkeLl to had a good word to i.y..: till ..riiiitry, all were dissatisfied and |:i, I ;!iL' .liy iliey sat up as farmers in such luiini-f'isai.i'ii fouiitiy. Here they "met Mr. â- ilioui-w" h;ive previcusly riderred to, ':•!â- â€¢ ;ili !)is lUdiicy. tiie- result of four 1., :.-i:t"ir 111 Jfiiiiitoba. and after being idle ii^:i, was (;;;!(1 to get work in a saw- a: ',\k) a m-juth. and board himself. ;m' ;,.!;iiii;,;' liu-n being very low. ?20 11.1)11 ii 111 iiiL; all that first-class men ii Hi cimr-e ariizans get higher pay, ;.: ':i.i(!! â- ^s li.Mi inc. average wages of the 3.i:. lia^- n Maiiitola. Tiiey say there are .. J," :i;i.^.- for fiO.niirs in the vast territories â- â- : ;i: id;;ili tl;iy travelled. Even on the "â- â€¢,,•â- 01, iund to be found, the rainfall is so i:;; ihiti ;.i!g,a!0!i is necessary to obtain j;- Tini .t ;ui. rdH.ssi-.;. Gammon andLock- â- ii. v.i-i.t I.: uitliin tifty miles of the Pacific -- â- :. luv.i wii c toid liy the Northern Pacific -Vm:v,- s,-.ju wiui accompanied them -that -.:} i:i...i 1 eu ^i! tile laud worth anything on '•i-\ iiitv aeoordingly set out on their -â- ta.:;;. Oil their Way bacK they were ac- â- i i V cio.vds of disappointed pros- • au.i otliers who, having spent all lareiy sufficient to pay to the east, were returning -f ill lii^^•J^t, .sadder but wiser men. 'â- ' --iv:i.,- tlie cars and taking their team ill. Miitiitoba l^oundary, they over- he numbers going to Manitoba to. They also met a party who â- ;'"'i't â- ."ostahhsh stoek farm in Assiniboia, "11 wi-s; 01 t,.y Jiunitoba boundary in the 'â- â- :a:: ):iij.v,-( .st. Calling at the â- ^â- â- iiii,' Inn 1 Ofliee, fliey were informed "'u (iitTes w( re made in one day, and ^i-iui'-st all the best land in the Deloraine â- net liiut Ii..-c-:: lal.ea np. I m'^- "•""'â- ^ '" â- 'â- ' Lockkr-rt returned 3â„¢-' ' ""'^â- " liigher aipreLdatiou of the I 'jy tiioy live in and their neigiihois and lw"""' '^^'â- ' ""' "i^^ satisfied with [T 'â- onteutcd to struggle through the I* •"" t^^ing diftieultieg of the pres- ^.counuent that the fertile plains they tUl I niTe an ,mp!e rftum for their laW, and /•^'t^a.airpetence for them inâ€" flie near ^Con;t be mtsled by highly colored reports "*^;^'.*f'"1the lying pamphlets pub^ jourquueiuiat j3td6on'8 hotel^fiotk^D, Members all preseWi^-" ' '^i^"' i Mifiufces bl^las|; sjS'SAioq.oJt' '^l^^ read and eonfirmBdl l.^l' "' ' y," By-lajw No. .^65^ iQr, tUe-ere^tiiwi of a Tow^sbioEaii; ivaa earned sbreiigh tbe differeut stages' nud-pafsriedr' »" 'E^ ClerkJiras iwaere*4o'Boit^;the couficil ot Artemesia tbat JtM^ c^miiiil, is willing 50 i)ay at tbe ',:yat|i 'agreed- Hpoii, for ikija, talte^ fprn '\tif^:'^f^fm" for road parpos^. and tba ,im«e. â- .. c 1 .- Messrs. Fawcett' aad'\Hurd were appoioted to examine 3 and 4 nde Ime in tbe 4tb ^onceasioiS, and report at next meeting of council as te^tbe; ailvisabiKty of opening tbe sames,. James Strutbers, Kaq., was appouit- ed Arbitrator on ail union sqhoof basiuess connected, witb tbi^ ami sur- rnuuding townships. Tlie (Jlerk was nistructed to adver- tise tLe old Town Hall and site for sale. Tbe Cldrk was instr»eted to notify tbe Trustees of S. S. No. 5? of union S. S. No. 5, and S. S. No. 7, also tbe Trustees of union S. S. No. 6 and of S. S. No. 3, tbat cbanges may be made at next meeting ol couueil con- cerning tbe boundaries of, tbese S. Sections. 'J'be Treasurer was ordered to remit to li. McKoisibt, Esq., registrar, the sum of §7 09, fees for regiatermg deedtj. Tbe application of James Cleland, Esq., in reference to arrears of taxes, received but not entertained. The Eeevfcs orders were issued On tbe Treasurer to pay as follows, viz Aloxiinder McEeweu, §2, repairing bridge Messra. Yeomans Liittle, f 184, part' payment on material for Town Hall Eobert Myles, $40, pairt salary as Assessor Robert Dunlop, $40, part salary for current year Ceojgo Black, §200. payment Town Hall site. Council iidjournpd until tbe last Saturday in April next, tbeu to. meet at McOoiiuel's b, Kocklyu, for dis- patcb of business. KOBERT DuNLOP, Tp. Clerk. iFOr^llE fi; 8*. » ?! ttii io .retlJ V, i i-:!?o rai to eno ai-ii itaCi *qoxi ei sTaiiJ ^iy^icH t-ja-jOB-j -:^A .A.tir'i'xi-a ti- ' f^,.' ,i-\a'jf' »:i' lo =«â- -•. "â- 'ni'i ani •;'5'v-5 l:^;i" /Toilet Art|c!^^ Ami Pidf fiimery â-  j.'-i... -ATâ€" The Hew Drag Store. Yon Hill not make a mietake if led to parch ave at THE NEW 0EU6 STOfii Come and Look at them Anyway DIAMOND DYES, DIAMOND DYES A WD Diamond Easter ^yeSf EACH Package Containing 4- Cohrs, ONLY 10 CENTS, mmmmmmmmtammmmmmammamm OftRSOlt'g Jl'.fti b'k-ls ?•-«. r^uinw t .s^ 'â- * 'â- ' â- ,-; »., ..-:i.,;. â- â€¢' !r:d; V •- â- â€¢.' â- â- â-  U--. limt \9domwÂ¥t t» tiie pabUo iVmV I BttAliiftMaotiiiiaMwkhBn ««w, itm' «W'1d itij»p!y yOtfr i^ftlitr ifi ApS^ ???HJ»PftQ»b,aWw ^*rff c* :;â-  .«c ;.s. ^liimBAmf9^,b:.i-f^^ 5i,r;.; •â-  .i-v-oi.-^ft £»fjiâ„¢ii*y-. nA. tfcri«iaitk'8i' Si.,; .; ..:,.i %BtMaiiasid HaTC«LE^«r Tfarediing GrMnDrilW, Sidgje dr Qoml)iDed. :^19%H, eight kinds. Broadoasi Se«d«r, CombiD««l. 8pnngTo«ch HuTews. Iron HarrowBi Land Boilers. Potatoe Plow«. GaB(; Plowa. 8mffler8, three kinds. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air FarnacM. Boad Hcrapers. ' Wagons, D^mocrafs, Open Top Biiggles, c., c. OfRte at Markdate ffouse^ 291809 MARKDALE. SavE JHoijieT -AT- :-7' Anotlier J^'ortb-tVcst Boeni â- ^-.1 l\;sa;;t baci-; The immigration agent at Port Arthur states tbat in tbe first three weeks of March over 700 emigrants passed tbrougb to tbvt western districts. The increase in the passenger traffic hab compelled a dnily train,' with sleeping cars attached, to be jjut on between Winnipeg and Moose Jaw. Tbe business people of Winnipeg are jubilant over tbe present prospects of an increased trade, Tbere has been nothing like it since the great boom. Caj a package at ouce« and get ")â-  beautiful i^jiveh with'^each package AT THE HEW -DRUG STORE. Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs Oenerally at the NEW DRUG STORE. Yours respectfully, R.L STEPHEN. THE GENUINE SINGER (•i -!C- ;. .. •â- 'd J-.-i t'c a BO ' .-.-: F1.ESHCRTOII. A Baiutifut Sfdclr to. Select from. o o » o. o. o 00 o oooeopo"t oa CB" It IE a fact, as eYery one ' says, tbat EUSSELL is Jhe manr to repair yottr Watch or Clock properly. 0.0 00 o -V- a o o o FOE SALE. NOTIOE is hereby Riven, th»t the site of the old Township HfJl, of the To-wn- ship of Bapbrasia, ia the village of Bonkljrri, (thirteen perehea of land mere or less) to gather with th6 wall of the old Hall now standing thereon is now oSeied for sale. Terms and conditions can be obtained from the Beeve, Deputy-Reeve, *r any other member of the Cdincilv EOBEBT DUNLOP, Tp. Cledc. Eapteuia, March 89th, 1886. 291rS R. J. SPROULE, FXiESHERTON. Conyeyanaer, Appraiser, VaJnator aad Money Lender. Deeds, Moft- gage's. Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B.J. SPEOULE, Money Lender and Postmaster, Fltsberton. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction, JIS. 6. RUSSELL 217-269 TO RENT OR SELL BLACKSMITH Shop and business an excellent business stand in Markdale. This is a fine large new shop drang a good business. JOHNMeKENNA, 289.91 Markdale. Extensive Fire in Sbclburne. I "--aed ,. .. J'^w-e.^ited land Companies, but u ;vith tho Manitoba and North-West • "'zatiun agent at Toronto before choosing w.ocatioa.-;xoith west "Vindicator." A VALUABLE FIND. "Sffies Alex. Sproule, of Orangeville, li fs found Burdock Blood •Jf ^^.l^e tbe best medicine be ever l^Mor kidney complaint, with which B" n'°" Suffering. He declares â- "â- i^. without a rival. ^ew Advei-tisemcnts, ^- •^- Sproule. Flesbertonâ€" Money. ,, ;• L. Stfcpben, Markdaleâ€" The I •^^Bellamy-New York "Singer." â- M- Speer-New Bakery. :|^ ^. Black-Money. â- a- Mason-Carriage making. ^^UCH IN A LITTLE.' I ^J»«^nI)owd, writingfromBums. On Sunday eveniug at eleven o'clock a fire broke out in the Ptojal Block, owned by Mr. Jelly, completely des- troyiLig it. Loss $15,000 insured for $5,000 in the Waterloo Mutual. Jeseop Hogg, dry-goods and grocer- ies, loss ^-7,500 insured for $2,000. Pioy Mason, loss $20,000 insured for $2,000 iu tbe City of London, Glasgow §1,000, lioyal §1,000, Caledonian/ $1,000. J. F. Belzry, drug and book store, loss $2,000 insured for $1,000. Geo. Gillespie, photographer, loss $3,U0O insured in tbe Northern for $1,500. R. W. Tuck, Royal Hotel, loss $4,000; in- sured in the Nortbern for $2,000. w mÂ¥ Chased bt a Beab. â€" On Sunday afternoon, the 21st ult., as Mr. Elijah Page, jr., ot Meiancthon, waa going from nis farm on the Srd line to his father's on tbe 2nd line, and passing through a bush, be met a large bear sitting on a fallen tree. Mr. Page being entirely defenceless, started to walk backwards from the bear, at the same time keeping his eyes fixed upon hiai. After getting a good distance from Brain be started to run, the bear at the same time- giving chase. He was chased for about threft hundred yardf when en looking back be. aaw tbe bear close upon Uim. He then Btavled to run around a tree with 'tfie bear after him, when a limb in a tret near by broke and fell down. This frightened Bruin who immeduttely stopped, and Mr. Page seising tfec opportouity aeain tcok to bis lieels. The bear agam gav» chase and follpir- «d Mm Ull he got to the ckjJMSiig, sfhisn the animal stopped. Whea Mr, P«ge waohed the bon8» be w»» «mptet^y exhausted. A utwober of men started in pursuit of the bear, bttt ^^i JiW" »0* beep 8«f^iwg4.r^l^iti4liiiKW IWMWW 'Which *»s«faictMl with «nil- r^indiri^- u^*'® '«'â-¼ «« «n* pwn- '^W"' "^^iog reF-- ---' '"•^-bottbeareaSJlI! ^•Sdw " nothing reneveiViiiUlf V 7; THOSE IN NEED OF A S EWIWC -:â-  M ACHINE Should be sure and get the 000000 oooocoooo GENmKE NEW YORK SlliGER occo. 00000 o c o o o Tbe best is tbe cheapest, and tbii grand machine is certainly the best;. LIVER COMPLAINT. for_sale. ATilbEOUGHBBED Trotting Stallion with pedijTee,iii good eondition, eight years old. Fof further particulars apply to JOHN CiAUXiEY, WJlliaiasftrd Stalaon, P. O,, Ont. 3 w MONEY To Loa.u on real estate security. Simpla Interest, low rates, and easy terms, C. W. ETJTLEDGE, 275 Standard Office. MARKDALE BAKERY, -FOB- SYMPTOIIS. -00 â€" â€" Yellow Eyes, Shallow Com- plexion, pain under right shoolder, alternate Costiveness and Diarrhoea, Tongue Coated with dark heavy Slime, Dnll Spirits, Weariness, Sick Headaches, Variable Appetite, pooivCirculaiion, DeUKty, n. MBSE. The Liver being the largest Glandular Organ, and a filterer of the blood, is ofteuer diseased than most other Organs, both in n.TiiTTM.1 and human beings. Its chief pffice besides is to Secrete Bile, which is the Natnral Cathartic to the Bowels. Whatever then deranges the Blood or Bile â€" as improper food, bad drinks, bad air, cold, malarial poison, bad drainage, etc. or whattfTar will clog up the Bile Ducts will induce Liver Complaint. BREAD, CAKES AND BUNS, AT REASONABLE RATES. BISCUITS AND OONFECTIONARY of all kinds on baud. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES, Supplied on tbe Shortest Motice. Weddln$: Cakes a Specialty. A call is respectfully solicited, Breaddelivered in all parts of tbe town PREJUISES: IV«xt D«or to the Roller Rink. •86 EDWARD RUOKE. 290 C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, Markdale. CURE. FARM FOR SALE LOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg. 100 acres, will be sold cueap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particulars apply on the premises, or by letter t J.S.BLA.CK, 190-tf. Pomona, P. O. Tbe Diet muct be plain and noiuishiug ta make Pure Blood and Healthy Bile. Shun tbe causes above enumerated. £eep tle Bowels fr«e, and the Digestive Powers active, and AroBse the SlaerSficli Liver vrith that Oravd IJver Reffolator BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Which acts at the same tune apon the Bowels, Stomaeh and Blood, which it regulates and Blx-eiigtbcais every Organ. â€" THUSâ€" B.B.B.CURE8LIVER€0MPLAINT Peerless Oil Ahead of All Competitors. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. ooooooooooooooooopooooouoooooooooooooodooooooOoooOooooqodoooooobooooo SatisfactionGnaraiiieed. Ask for PEERLESS and be snre you get it, as there are imitations.- The g«p bine is only made by fSAtWAfiE WDWCS ...11 • • i-.ii, ' :o'iit MASOM'S talEe best place in Oftvf l» ]^roeia«^ht m heavy Buggies or Wagon's. A.lAiQe s^ock ol picked timber thoroughly «eMotied*«adtbo Tecy bMt^f neebsnies ie «rdrk it vp, i8nnet' ftdl to r||^^in^Sk I^nin^. let tf6»rp»i^y .['__ _, • " ;. -loiti^-f sagi-ii .^rc â- . i r^ All the leading impaniad't^llli^^^' Wfa^ An:e|uly;i^ retq^foIJt^il^i^ V.^ ' ,? •'iL--. mi. (S bid 9d: ael'n.-! sil9*»its 0t'X ,i«aM-; uci ,hs£^izd OiipiwHiiitwrtwPHolrfy *fs;jfiTc.;i â- ,".f»?a o\«l '1 £.1..; li'-Ok. 5«.i .l-.i- K huL .i. j) M i.-- ftU ' .aMmnv eaariJ bio " .-saii*' I Dn« jT«q ban sw sie-ffocsJ Jf»ts ew* swai aa^-wJsd ei^'i/iUl bne .hstfciii hits YI8Y « elril ".^il^icmii I M o6 iluAt 'a' lt»draoi worts ot gnlog m« 'I esood awo ^^ oi SMatq b; qqoib h«d ad ,I»jb« gaffrioowi 'snWi .i9v»ioi too ti baMold tait il ^oqs ^^iM4n 9 Queen City OH Works, TORONTO, ONT. OK r^l cebtp H^cqnfj, nt low lute ot interest, no cuimmissioc cb^ged. Busi-- ne|t Stri}t^,Ucnfl(i)ntiii^, r • Pbt|Maa,PrOi hiAhOtr^ â- DEAUtlFULLY situated within 4 nailw ifXy of tfiii i hti t iuB T awB "°Mwfwt .^)eint.' iwiihMilMnyof! mm^imiri^m^ â- Â»â€¢' r i\ ' it r i

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