^mm 'i " mil. iC --:*♦« ThB Standard 5.':.i«i?.-r.-l MARKDALE APRIL 8. 1886 jear. ,_ t w*it " »^* :th«*k, Mr.C.Oilbertol Wij«^»i.wa»ete ia,ig troubles. v k^ -«w Bicater4l Fto9t-our «•« Gomiip**""" ' ' The annual MiMifiwu!!, Meeting held in the W«»l»y ClMnroJi, was a 1 decided wiceees. tb» e©ll««tiui» and subsfcriptionB bting 1u exc^sa of last npRinffiwip 113 U£ A graei feature in the 4- 0- U. W. is the Relief Society which has recent- ly be€n added to the organization 1 wliich entitles its members to from $900 to $1,200. aceording to age. Oat of this sum he can draw, in case of siekness, or accident causing dissa- bility, $10 per veek, or in caee a 41) ember is totally disabled he can draw $300 a year for three yeuis, the balance, if any, to be paid at his death. This does not affect the A. O. U. W. certificate of $2,000, but is separate, the members having the priviiegp of taking advautage of this aew aud valuable feature, tlie Admis- sion fee being nuly $5 Tlie Reli-f Society, ttiough conufct'-d with the A. 0. U. W., is 6elt-8ustaiiing. Every memht^r should iost bimseK on the working of the Relief Sociftv.. lifeinS" plenty. 1 ,.' •:- 4 v 1 "FfiSii* Mr. W J. Holly baa amTftd^ Back,. B^^j^j^^^ hera ajjain* from the VaUeyw '^• ' â- â- -â- i â- ^e testdetteslbiftha Mr. A. SawpJe batf-»l«o nH)ye^ here" siBt.F^dViofc'EaEfeato in de 8- Dwel'ing honses are maud jnst. at pre^t^nt, Mppws. J Weber and J. HoUey s- familre* are Buffefing Irom whobpinu cough, Mr. T. Penelton is back hom« a-jam from Toronto where he has been at the hospital He says that he is very little better. jflaxwell. © arr aspaudajiJOB* 'ol^fijJhjPi*^.'" er,; a-^^ all ^»M ptiiifi^ sop 66fl2]?t!l-:i ^Ih .T-,S t^titcR'tnl 01 1. iv.-iirr-. sUl itfl J f-' ' OCATHS of "Wm, AiB^sttbbg,' Es^., BSSrMaTs. Elizabeth Herma. eUest daagfiter pi- Nathaniel Margret Tan* Caii*te1I. as^d 4 years 6 months and 6 days, The fnneral will ta^e place froin tha^Bi^eiice of her parents at nesherlion,irirgursaa/. 8th April, at 2 p. m. m»tktt ^tptneiif* Notice. â€" W« wish it distinctly nnderstood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for th«opiniiuBex,reBsedby our correspondents To the Editor of the Standard. DsAB Sib, â€" In your issue of the 18th of Maifdi an ai'ticle appears 07er the signature of 11. H. Stiuson, which has only to be read to give the most casual cbseryer an idea of the dispositioii and charactbr of th« writer. That "I knsw too m ich for him" fully ex- plains th«' oyer- weening wlf-couceit of the man. Then follows a tirade of personal abuse which is seidom met with in a public journal. Your loot note, Mr, Editor, fully explains your opinion as to the propriety of allowing such billingsgate to appear in t?ie columns of your paper. But as some men will bang themselves if they can only get rope enough, it is wi^ll (hat you did allow this wolf in sheep's clothing an opportunity to expose the depravity of his heart. Df course .Mr. Stinson prides himiself in being very popular where he formerly resided, aud boasts of being presented, ou leaviag with a copy of the Scriptures. It is a pity that a perusal of that good book hadn't a nioie salutary effect upon his life and courersation. But, Sir, he that as it may, I heard a lady say that if Mr, Stinson would ouly leave this iieigliborhood. she Would willingly give him six Bibles, and considers his removal would be sufBcient remuneration for the money in vested. But, Mr. Editor, to be brief, this diflScnlty arose through the actions of Mr, Sanson, (as he claims to be the centre aroiird which all the otheri revolve) by collecting and keeping on hand a large amount of the people's money as a surplus tliau was neces- sary and when the sciiool grant was retained until a second grant was forthcoming before being applied to its legitimate use, suspicions lid arise, and some were wicked enougl* te charge Mr. Stmsoo. not with dishonesty in the matter, but in his extremity of utiug the surplns for tis own private purposes. This, Mr. Editor, is the whole trouble in a nut sht'll, and an investigation of such matters should not arouse the ire of an honest aud intelligent man and Stinson's own actions, as admitted in his letter, show conclusively that he is not such an adept in school law as he imagmes, otherwise be would no have disqualified himself by retaining the school moneys in his hands as See.-Treas. under the plea of having made an imitation o| a blackboard ou the wall. As to the charactw of those who he nuligns, it is unnecessary to say much they have all resided in this sec- tion of country as long as Mr. Stinson aud it is not saying much for them) that their ..nctlous, either private or pubhc, will bear a Comparison with that frentleman's. Thanking yoa for so mach space in your \-aluaUa paper, I remain Yonrs tndy, Samdxl Walssb. From our own correspondent. Spring is at hand, aiid tbe farmers arS daily coming in with their ploughs and harrow* to have tbem rspaired. Sugar making gojng on, but it is thought there will not be much made in this neighborhood Business is very good at present. One of our loading merdiauts, Mr. John Stinson, has sold out his exten sivft stock to a Mr. Williams of Mc- Intyre, who will tube posssssion shortly. Mr- G. M. Fiftkl, a respected young citiispn and formerly cierk in the above store, has sone to Singhampton wh^re he is engaged with the same firm. Success to you, Cy. Mr. John Olark aud wife are visit- ing friends in this plase. We are pleased to relate tliat tne K«v. Mr. D' Argent has almost recov- •red his serious illness and will soon be able to perform his ministerial duties. Phiz. MAKKDALE. FaU -^Vheat ^..»0 70 Spring "Wheat. ....... 7. Barley •• *0 Peas 54 Oats • 30- Butter '4 Eggs ................ -^^ Apples • • ^0 Potatoes 2 Hay ...10 00 Pork « 00 FUrar 4, 00 Wool ...... 17 Fittirlt:sr- mts; -lie â- 'riiaxf a 7S tLTiZ '»iS(U t4X:i » t i d4 it. f t A SOS'S i^atfV'm ,i »osfi :iifetU»:*sis MarkiMc rritif vir- '^i. J â- ll^^^i ~T w- .- ^.. Stationery and Fanar^*«^*^' " Dunlop's Block. ^Hiere^^e**a'iftare of pubhc patro- |^^^^E^"«nr ihtercourse rnayj ig^m Wi^pieWMxit aad profitable. f^'cr TOYS; *;/. Ttttfl. TQurs truly, '}^:' MRS. CLEUEMT, Seyenth line Enpbrasia. Vrom a Correspondent. As the Standard is a welcome week- ly visitor to nearly erery hous* in this neighborhood, I will take the liberty of sending a few items for pub- lication. Sam. Lackey is to have a credit sale next Monday. He goes to Berkeley to work at the saw- mill. J, M. Da\is is to leaye this week with a car of seed oats for Liueds Co. Batchelob Jo is said to be about adding a dock to his household furniture. Hope he will be success- ful. btoretoftent m Makaah. THE Store in Eeynold's Block to rent. Application as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, 148-tf. Strathnaim. P. 0., Ow»er New Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Jfarkdale and surrotinding country that I have opened in MOriTOOlVI FRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, Of my own manufacture, also Bisruns a confectionary, oranges. LEMONS. A BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eg^s taken in exchange. I cordiaHy solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and clofee attention to tmsiness to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W. M- SPEER- A cafl respeetfuUy 3olicited, MHS. CLEMEHl HAVE YOO FELT THE It is shaking the Town and County, from centre to circm ference, and completely pulverizing and paraiyzing all c6inietition. We are all bound for SCONS, CAIIES PASTEY N«w England. Business is booming at Wiley's saw mill as they have two gangs of men and running their mill day and night. Mr. E. E. Hicks has been very ill with a lievere attack of inflammatory rhciHmatism at present he is slowly rdcoveriug and considered out of dauger. Mr. Hicko has been a yery active and useful member of society in this place for .-years, therefore his sympathizerKare numerous during his affliction. Com. New and Kcnewed Sabs. A WIDE RANGE. ' A wicle range of painfhi affections may be met with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of Woodville, Out., speaks of it in high terms for rbeumatiam, laaie back, sprains, and many paiolal coonplfuntstoo numerons to mentioii. It ia used internally or. ^aisrhally. BE ON YOOR GUARD. Don't allow a cold ia the h«ad to /slowfy.^ad. «ui»ly dsvelop itadf inta (;fttanr«fr~iriiMK yan «ni b» eued for Thos. Campbell, Markdale, April '80. K. ElUott, MarudaJe. Jan. '87. Joseph Morrow. Markilale. Jan. '87. D. McUuffie. Markdale, (New) April '86. Tboa. Neale. Markdale. (New) July '86. Andrew Walker. Markdde, Jan. '86. John Hamilton, Markdale, Jan. '87. Samaol Walker, Markdale. New) Jan. '67. G. S. Bowes, Mai-kdale, Jan. '87 B. C. Biyden, Markdale. Jan. '87. M. Cummings. Markdale, Jan. '87. W. M. SpMr. Markdale, Apr:r86. G. M. Haskett, Markdisle, (New) April '86. H. Stone, Flesherton St., (New) Jan. '87. B Douglas, Vandeleor. Jan '87. Fred Taylor, Harkaway, July '8*^ Thoi. Sargent. Berkeley, Aug. 'M. Miss Blades, Williamsford, (New) Mareh '87. James Mower, Waltw'e Falls. Jan. '87. Mrs. J. Waldie, rttreetsville, Mareh '87. S. Wilson, Pr^videnoe Bay. Jan. '87. B. A. Scott, Minedoa»,Man., Jan. '87. Thos. Cooledge, Fingerboard. Jan. '17. John Williams. SaultSte Marie, Jaa. '87. John McDonald, Linton, (New) Jan. '87. J. Q. Irvuig, Qaelph. Jan. 87. John Freeman, DaviBOB St., Mioh., (New) 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest ratss of interest. Apply to k J SPKOULE, Conveyancer and Fobtra aster, Flesherton. THEY ALL SAY IT To .t find out the cause of such a commotion. Itifi generally supposed to have been created by the Outrageously Low Prices] AT WHICH K3iAPP IS SELLING THE IMIICNSE STOCK Of Oysters by the Gallon. Gannsd Qoods of aii -000- Coleman 1 Hamilton's Is the cheapest place in town for Parlor, DiniHfr room. Bedroom and Kitchen FURNITURE. UNOEilTAKm Haying received a stock of imdertaking goods, we can now supply all kinds of funer- al furnishings on shortest notice. Hearse for hire in connection. C OLEMAN A H AMtLTQH, MARKP«[LE. CONSOMPXION CUBED. An old phyiticiui, retired from praetioe having had placed in his hands by aa East India niissioaaqr the fonnala of a simiil* vegetahtesemedy forthe speedy and peimu- entcur»ofConaumptiua,BroQoIutia Catarrh. Antluna and «U th« at and Li^ Affiction^^ also a poBUTe and radioil onra for Nexvooa DabiUVjandall Noroos Complaiats, aftar having testad iu wondeifal mnS^mxtamar, toiaateit known to Lis ndbniu mlZj A^4^ by Uiis BH»twa andTjLSTto naova koaun »iitf8riqg,'tj^iQ -Mad jbM " te fell ~i â€" â- SHOP. B. CABNAfiAN wbold respeetfaQy intimate to the inhabitihta of the eur- ronnding cottntiy tbftLhe baa openAd » general harnewislM^ o»Kiog*tr«et mthevsl^gedf HOUtANf) •GE^|Tfte I will oae onfy first oiaaa ?*"««w«i6 ,»oso |« irew iem^ eg IL.IQTJQ3a Aand everything kept in a first-clr.ss Grocery. Which he has jast received. He has goods that will giaiTJen theWj the Young, the 01 -I, tlie Rich and the Poorâ€" everybody, in fici-a gladdening process don't c-ost mnch, either. Be sure and.calJat m^^.pp'Sr^^^^^ ""' undfers:ld. Remember. HANBURY'S OLD STAND. :^pv^ii Spectacles and Eye-Gli r-.?i«.i*'^is/ i»;zL '• -v--"-K" ^^' THB ONLY CtNlliME ENGLISH ARTiCb' iS?- («â- -•» f -\~, MARKET- â- J---:-! i. l^^tS ^KMM^bbtos are kept In §to^' divert -to Purchasers to provft GeS Prwden^ ^^FibB^P!rtB»^ ^%.9imd»tA and E»-^««^TS»ie*8'» fJttim'a'jCa^afcr*h« Pw^ of the eolIe«e of ^Jtja,a»U^ Brenduti and J$x.^t«Bid«ito df the Medieal Coaooil of l^o*" t::^^lm-ii^^m^:^t^hi suffioleot to pw«» *^ •tpi ^oi»a« tdi m^9Sf#URUaUD'4».l«*»« ^JJ^ â- *