:t)L. )•- -^o. 291. ^^ ' -i-'.i lU â€" â- '•â- "•'.- ' • M e n ti s ;^ râ€" r-y 35 .£|yx mSi^TS Jt^CSU. d 3 LINES OF jRICAN WATCHES vy^PRAXTABLE Grades. Jbonms Clocks. ROE ASSORTMENT SILVER- WARE. m Feiie Specks. C; t./ £/;7es of Jewelry, etc. 18 K. WEDDIK^ RINGS. Lis Work Warranted. \m hEPmiHG A SPECIALTY. t A. BROWH, A reliable Jeweller [liiil ari^ 1iil]ems. IKES in the^e column i intended tohenefit •j.iiiri'hwl or ociet!i Kill be charged ten ,a '/(« for the flr.H insertio7i and fiv* la line rack suhiajucnt insertion. Besi Cheese J 3 cents per lb. at nrrnvi'V. Ei PHKAsiA spring show, at Roeklyn k 'Mil April. JlinKPALE Spring Show will bs held itLiiiOtli April. (t. S. Bkown, jr., acfl lady left two eeks ago for Arkansas. EocT. McLouGHBY Started for the }ior;i; Wfst ou Monday. Wii.i. i'Ai'KR â€" You Will find a nice liSBiiiuciit at Iliil .L)io'«. N-iPASEE bail a Imndred thousand ii:ilar fire on Monday night. The BoirOrgan factory at Guelph war unroofed Dy the storm oa Tues- iiy. Ladies' Pr,;ss Goods and Trimw- ^Si ;i; all the ucirest styles at J, B.- Irinible's. Oil Calie Cattle Food cheap Jt cash at the Medical Hall. A. lamer t Co. Feeemaxs Worm Powders destroy iKarumove worms without injury tc I Suitor infant. Easter Cai-ds-â€" Beauti- P"a^OTt^)ert at the Medical Hall. [^â- iurKer ACo. The gtorm of Tuesday was the most 'ere of any one of the â- ^rcughout Ontario. Thebe was a $i?0,0 •""' building, Toronto, last week loss w^ered by insurance. ^Gkas? Seeds and Clover Seeds for 'Wiiiuntnt pasture at the Medical ^^' A. Turners Co. jUbstrcctioxs oi the the Stomach, jl'ver and Bowels, are promptly re- â- "^^^d by National Pills. ' B«ason fire in the in 1^8. Low' s Pleasant Woem Sybup.- .« apreea bk, sate and effe;tualremeay •^^^â- aove all kinds of .worm! •Jiinf "i "" ^^^ ^^^'on ' like every. m the Grocery line, cheaper tbaa Ths Statidabd ti any address tite balance of 188G for :75 cents, '^^. â- " The Canadian Press Association axe ' likely to go to British Columbia as their ansaal excnrsioa the ctaning summer. "*â- " ' Do't fail to call at Mason's Car- riage works and see those celebrated champion Buggy Gears before purchasing. Fob rough condition of the skin, Shampooing the head. Pimples. Ei np- tion and skin diseases, nseProf. Low's Sulpber Soap. C^rardoTi S^eeclgs. â€" A large assoitment, fresh, from the best grow- ers just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co The corner stone of a new Metho- dist church will he laid in Creemoie on the 24th May by Warring Kennedy, Esq., of Toronto.' Mb. FctiUEB of Toronto, brother of Mrs. T. Hill of Hill Bro's, Markdak, has opened a branch Photograph Studio in Durham. J, B. Tbihbls has just opened out one of the largest beet nobbiest and clieaj)est lot of Beady Made Clothing ever shown in Markdale. L STRAIGHT to J. R. Trimble's if you want to get a Eeady Made Suit. He has the largest and most varied assortment to choose from. « Crate of Crockery and Glassware opened out at Benson's this week, will be disposed of for cash, cheap, eggs taken in exchange for goods. The large discount for cash, 10 to 20 per cent., will continue till May Ist on Watches, Clocks, Silverware, ete. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Call and see them Springs for milk haulers at Wm. Mason's Carriage Works, Markdale. They are the best Spring for the purpose known. Eev. Mb. Longhead, Presbyterian minister at EoUiug Biver, near Minedosa, Man., was killed last week by being thrown from bis horse. Alt. correspondAiee, communicati- cations and changes of advertisement must be in this office on Tuesday to insure a place in that weeks issue^ The place to get your Milhnery ^s at Hill Bid's they keep the best goods and latest styles. All trimming done under the supervision of Miss Loye. W. J. Andebson have purchased a thoroughbred Durham bull 3 years old (Gerrymander) firom near Walk«r- ton. We hope their enterprise will be a profitable one. Mb. J. H. Cabsok is to the frd^nt with farm implements and machinery for tho million, be sure asd read his adv. in another colomn. Ofce alilhe Markdale House. â- • "^-'-/- If you- want to buy goods of any kind J. E. Trimble can 'pitnse^ jpn. He has the most cou^^lete stock in all lines of any house in Markdale and at the right pnces. Wb understand that arrangem^ts have been made by which the C. P. E. is to pay back, irf j;a^i, by the 1^ July next, twenty millions of the loan re- ceiyed from the Govermnent. ^ic. jr irC- m i^ Miii|M^i Mabkdale Debating Club have a debate to^nighi 09 the -qoastion "Bd i solved that thie Pdn nr itf^tictt- tken the Sword." llr. P'orCer is captain of the affirmative and Mr. Jackoiaii the n^[atrve.- â- --.,* â€" Mb. J. J. Ihwih, 9ar respected Veterinary Surgeon has bemi obliged to engage an assistant, his practice having enlarged so rarity. Mr. S. G. Alexander, V. S., ISteof Oakville, is the new partner. Farmbbs requiring Floiir, Bran, Shirts, Chop, or anything in the feed line have no need in rnnning out to the mill, Benson keeps both Ford's and Plewes' flour, and sells, at tlie same price as mill. Eejttvenatob assists nature and re- moves the cause of diseases from the system by keeping the kidneys, liver, stomach and blood pure and nature's channels free, then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Heavy Loss. â€" A. S. Vandusen of Flesherton lost bis fine trotting horse, "Eevenue," last Saturday. This was one of the finest horses in the country, worth $700. Congestion, tollowed by inflammation, was the cause of his death; " V We are glad to report that Mr. John McEenna has changed his mind, and will not remove from Markdale, as announced last week. He can still be found at his post ready to servo his customers in the blacksmithing business. Just opened out at Benson's, ttns week, Case Long^Clear;Bftc6n ch^c than any place in t#wfi,- *lso ja «»n- signmeut of Oatmeal from'^rifels mill Owen Beund, li^M-^ ©er A^^i. '^Place in to^^â- n,;t Morrow Leave B our instrument. ;;^ka.-fInstr„etion,a«y • ^- -brown's Jewellery Store. theSr^sedtheThornbury tannery, ^jjj '"^y commcLce business torth- in sS?" '^^^ ot Geo. iiir, k ^^^ severely scsideil: yjter " l^aekwaids into a paU of hot •â- To nAt (ThTTSdajri is ;the dfy ^|ip- potttttBcl by;"Mr. "Xilaidaikoae. to «ia*kjB orders for Mâ„¢ a^a) feSPiMr^Jf'siggt Rnte" policy. waiting «ii|i gr«»t;-^tei;eat 'M^lf CoLi,iNOiro6n ColIel^sfffWBaftKff fe gk^ning api enviably t«pnti^ti6ft^o|t on^aa a superier High fiebootv^Mlip Eutherford's} about .»0( «ttettitiBF- jhfltitTWe' 11 1 i?d.'j boA itik f-srn^ ic'i e lboroQ£^l»ea 5:5* for goods, and biglS-fr^ M jMPiOllK^^m' jmf The Flesherton Advance has pro- cured a fresh lot of news type of a smaller size than formerly used, so that there is now no. need of enlarging the paper to its foimer size. The paper looks bright and cleai;, and much improved. The Meaford Mirror says "Mrs. Eobmsou and Johnston of that town were in Owen Sound last week on matters pertaining to the Dominion Voter's Lists." The ladies are ap- parently taking a deep interest in the franchise. Credit Sale. â€" Mr. Joseph R. Bums, 6th line Euphrasia will sell on Saturday the 10th inst., hi^ farm stock, implements, c., by public auction. He is moving away and will sell without reserve. W. J. Shepherd- son, auctioneer. There is a wonderful rivalry ex- isting between cities in the United States; take St. Pauls and Minneapolis, for instance it is alleged that a con- gregation in Minneapolis left the church becaase tUe minister took his text from St.. Paul. The most reliable place you can take your Buggies. Democrats, Wag ons, Ac, to b% repaired, re-trimmed, re-painted, e., is to Wm. Mason's Carriage Works^ Markdale. Satisfac- tion guaranteed and prices lower than any other shop m the county. ' Auction Sais; â€" Oa-MoBdy, 12tb-. Apiil, on'^^8, ctai.* IS,' Avtemesia, Mr. Sam'l L^lbjf'wili sell by, auction |^^ a large qoantitj^ of farm stock, ini- piembuts, lomber, wood, hay, e. Sale at one o'clock. Terms. $10 and under c^h, over that amount 8 months .cm good security. OuB Little Ones for ApiS is prompt ly to band with seasonabl»articie»and illustrations for spring, and as usual receives a joyous welcome from the little folks. A prettier and more suit able magazine for the yonnger children we have yet to see. $1.50 a year pingle copies 15c. Eussell Publishing Co., Boston Mass. The 3ftrror says, "Notwithstanding the universal cry ot havdl times the younger portion of the rural com- munity seem to think otherwise, and are plunging into the blissful state of matrimony at the rate of two os-tiiree pairs a week." Perhaps they expect to live OH bliss the first year, and when they add ter the bliss they can subsist on blister. Tbe Canadian Bee Journal has entered upon its second year of exis- tance with an increase m size of from 16 to 20 pages, with no advance in price. Bee farming is becoming a profitable business, and every man keeping bees should have this journal. It is published weekly, at Beeton, Out., by Jones, McPherson Co. for $1. per year. It is admitted everywhere that one of the greatest blessings conferred on mankind was the invention of West's Cough Syrup, as this remedy has cured thousands of cases of Consump- tion in its early stages, the proprietors have testimonials without number to thin effect for Coughs, Golds, Ihflmnza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Throat and Lunc' Disea'^es it is incomparable. Sold by A. Turner I Co. Druggists. Price 25c, 50c, and ' $1,00 per Bottle. April 8 CMltB. .i^tooh^ ^JJi:lQOikJf. U OuB esteemed friend, Mr. Dnndas, is abo)it openug a store in^ Eocklyn, and will carry on the boot and shoe manufacturings as well. Mr. D. has long experience m both the above lines, and besides is a man of undoubted iu,tegnty. We wish him success. 14,fi. JosiBPH MANAASt of EiiobraBia Las purchased a fin^ fpvir jauiold, pure bred, Cart StalUon,."' whieh. be, will trtivePthis ife^it ^isfe-a'yery seivic^blc ii^iidji^ Bo^' for i^tmers,' and we ka,^ -rmh ^/igil:^ cjnjt. ^ni»l frieud'JoiiwiHbaiMfL-aBlseeesfittl wtaaKiJ M^i^!^^ McV^aUL 'inpe^' ,^t week, lism^Itendttlkva l^SkfttDsfoldi and Markdale stations 656 cords wuod! to Toronto, «in]]|^^2k]«Mr.^ eanimii» to G(A]fti^^^bnii^mfWAi^U .j[if ^r^ «p1iX,8^1pMjti^l|(^f!^^ is all BhH^ped^/eiwl«Dkmiir:tok«k d^ months?;! .v^-^j)'*; tiEki griAVAiiiLC^Aiir dyspepsw :«iM 'iHME. ^amidainkr-Aiuidi was scarcely able to take the mos^ simplsviwriiAnMvt. ^BM«ii ofwiil« " '" bottled' hest, -wfy Teooa axm M i tW» Thebe are scores of patent washing machmes, and very few of them are any improvement on the old wash board Haskett Bro's have however secured the patent wright for this district, for a washer which is claimed to be ahead of anything in the market. :The "Improved Eagle Washer." Be- ware of imitations, and don't buy until you have seen this machine. None gentiine without the star on in- side of cylender. Sold only by Haskett Bros.. Markdale. The Canadian Poultry Eeview for Apiil gives a fine full page lithograph cu" of a Play moth Eock Cock "Canadian Champion," owned by W. J. Lewis, Owen Sound, conductor on C. P. E. Mr. Lewis has been very successful in the poultry business, having carried off first prize, for above cock at Toronto Show, Ontario Poultry Show at Ouelph, and Other leading shows, and many other prizes lor hens of sapie class. He is selling eggs for $8 per setting. â- Eggs-actly. â€" A siibscriber in town tells us q| a cute way he has of getting the best end of the bargam in the hen nuiiance. H^ don't keep any himself, but fixes'^, m quiet comers, tempting neats for the visiting, chickens, who re- pay his kindness mth a plentiful sup- ply of •'â- fresh eggs.- Uy-and-by the owners ^11 ' probably' discover the wrinkly .^^ (ioufine their feathered stock. This is «. decidtjdly better way of dealwlgr-wkb fl^ -rdiffieulty than Clubbing the- â- iiriftrfce'iit' birii^J, -ttiit qaarrelliLg with ^Qi^, .aeJghboxs.T- [CoUingiJoi^ 'BuilatMte r ' Qi: An Osprey ^tsbr^sybni^^t ' mforVs -us that a miost' -ilifigrdQei^' co^ toQ^k place JBiPcoiqden«i3i;charch » week ago last Sunday, in which four young r 3 engaged^Ai) frM^rroimd-rough-and tumble seritamf enter tf young ladj whoflf eSbt (tf'thS'ffi^^nals'named^ had daJtfiH n i nf .^ c^ort himoi "They fonght {orJagktl'iMjB^ oar .norrespon dent, "np aM^i^oen^ tii« iali«y3 ^o0 they r prMuihi the biggest man took^r home, after trovneiiig^W •*iituhiiJMi,M^iwgg, ' Oranges and Lemons' fiG- doEen at .Speer's Badtery; A oEWffnj^ .election; ft* tfi^ Coinmons is likeJy to come o next iS^tember.. ^OTicB.-^A meeiing of those inter- •sted in the organisation of a Laorosee Club will be held at the Markdale House Monday evening next. â€" Come. The following is the Honor Eoll for S. S, No. 4, Holland. The namea being arranged in order of merit History Classâ€" Ist. Thos. J. Trough- ton 2nd, Maggie C. Farley; 8rd, Eddie Troughton. Fourth Class â€" Ist, Annie C. Hannah 2nd, Maggie Far- ley 8rd. Eddie Troughton. Thurd Class â€" 1st, Thomas Farley 2Dd, Sara Troughton 8rd, Joseph Mc- Mullen. Second Classâ€" 1st, Lena Wise 2nd, Willie McKay 8rd, Jas. Hannah. First Book (part 2ndj â€" 1st, Lizzie Barclay; 2Qd, Eussel Stephenson Joseph O'Biien. First Books â€" Joseph Wise, Ptrcy Thebbot, George Shute, John H. Thebbut. Alma U. Horton, teacher. â- R.J. Sproule, money tend- er, Flesherton, is agent for that and honorable dealing Company, the Canada Perm-, ant Loan and Savings Com- pany,. Toronto. H^bas any quantity Money to, lend at lowest rates of interest. Mortgages bought and chang- ed when expiring or bearing a high rate of interest to a much lower. Apply to R. J; Sproule Postmaster and CoEveyancer,. Flesherton. CPE Travelling Show.â€" The car containing the Manitoba and North- west exhibit, arrived on time at Markdale last Thursday, April ^p^ under the management of Mr. E. a! Bailey, emigration commissioner for Manitoba, and assisted by Mr. S. A. Bedford,- C. P. E. emigration agent, Moosomiu, N. W. T. Hundreds of people visited the car during the afternoon and didn't consider them- selves "April Fool'd" worth a cent, but were much pleased and profited by their visit. The great variety of grains, grasses, roots, minerals, c., c.,- were very tastefully arranged, and notwithstanding, the fact that this car has been on the road the past six months, during which time it has been in tbe Martime Provinces, and the State ol Maine, the samples are in fine condition. The only way to get a correct idea of the exhibit ia to yisit the car. Mri. Geo. Little, Assessor of Hol- land, has completed his work and has handed in the following interesting rtjturn :â€" The real estate is assessed at $555,180, personal $49,575, and non- resident $22,160, making a total of $626,865. The number ,of acres cleared is 32,335, wood-land 24,732, •marsb 3,588, orchard 278. and under fall wheat 566. Tlie number of cattle is 3,218, hors£;s 983, sheep 4,039, and hogs 789. (This probably does not include the nmnber of these animals hid imoellars, root houses and other out-of-the-way places.) The total populatipn of tije township is 3,181. There ard, 9S9 of the ponulatioii. ;bet\vecn;t.heages;Of 6 and- 16, there are 489 between 7 and 18, and 297- between 16^^^'21, Tbe i)Utober of, days roa4,^?u|k is- .3:.i2S.;" Tlie ' total assefsiheut tills year is compared with vthat ot last year is raised oyer $100,» ,000; and compared ^vatll 1882, when" Mr. Littlp #bS Assessor befOre, there â- is a raise ofoter J^^^OOO. !: 'itjie roll I thi3 5^u:.Is' l^)u$lu^, eyej;' ,«turnea lin the township, and still it is a goo;l deal lower llj«Ojit«hottld be~a go*vl de.vl lower i»rf»jioi4ionarly than it is in Snllivan.â€" fCh'a^swdTth cortespon-' denco isi ,0.'A:dve?tiser.. j ni^ eiMBi; jSI WOllTH TtEMEMB'EEtoG." In a long IdUer from John fl, Hall jofBaddickt Oii^ firitoii' N. S isays: "I f^^!St|Fe::lt'\aoi for jBurdock BW J^51^XiUw*tl». u» t iny gsMo^sU«o«Bed mut,ji^nimt^tm^ f !â- f" â- 'Si 'â- if fi ' â- ^. â- ,^'-r l-'r h-t ;nr ^nm ' 1 ' »â- , :Am ';â- â- ]* â- - ill' -i IV --'i^ '•r^!^5!' ii m- mk^i^