.o^-ro.' vrop '-•' .liand Couacil* i«.rtoftbe Holland Council 'f twnsactiou of business. ••^\rcbair. Minutes of ,;,ei:ngread and approyed. orier I IS unless ft Howevâ€" that Jas. Young for $5.00 for taxes wrong- ,ed Galbraitliâ€" WiUiseroft *;£' account of C. W. u-oaid A communication M, ba'Hg 'or sale lor taxes. ' ;,! fail5 to see tl.at there ^rn^'Otbe matter ,; ;f -H lot not being ' J hT the assessor ui 1863^ A l;,.ition was receivsd from X^,,^, (ialbrauh-WiUis- .-^ittlie auditors' abstract be LjTtbe Cbatsworth ^ews. A f-reidfrom J-S- l^lac^. clerk Ckwitbregardto work done i line bei-weeu Holland and Tlia Council would beg to Holland Council laid equft-aleut on the town hue ' Qcr on tlie sixth and going I " Galbraithâ€" Wilhscroftâ€" ' lai collector's bond for 1884 be â- i to biin aud;tbat tlie collector, ilarquis, received $65 for toEg the taxes for 1885. Sbuteâ€" i,;il--tJiat tlie petition of Moses J ikh regard to building bridge ice's be laid over till next J,, of Council. The Towusbin [iHer banded in a statement of boa band amounting to $500.00. [ted aud seconded that the Coun- jioarn uptil tlie 28th May. Carson Price, .Clerk. \n • long'blteir froni Jofan 9. Ball, •fBadaick, C*J» Bnto,!, N. B.. J»a says; "J J^dy^ys wexa it ppt Inr Burdock Blood Bitters 4)0all be in mj grave." jLt cored q»a f4. kidav^ and liver compUMDib and gtapfgfA- 4ebilitgr» which had naarijr proved it^, â- â- »- â€" iFyonr areafflie^ vi|,l;i BS^eomatism call on your druggist imnw^M^j imd procure a bottJ^ ojf W^sfs W^rldW Wende^ oiF F#ai^ Lmiraowt, is » certain and positive .cure, j^ is luliidli- able for tiprains, CipitSj BniMtQSj.Baniej Scalds and aU diseased re^a^'ijpg ex- ternal applicatiou. Prv:e \^ .cet^ and $0 cents pes bobtl^.. ^p^4 Jliy A. Turner po. hw^ :#.*/-i.yA. -â- tS,- ii ftf /.at tbe THE SiNCER." The Improved Singer Sewing Machine is the leading machine in America, and ooly requires to be fairly tested to secm« the unanimous verdict of "the best." MR. C. W. BELLAMY- has been appointed agent for this district, and we can ireeommend him to the pubUc as a man of honor. Fesidence on Toronto Street, MARKDALE. Iawokdto the wise. oiiot allow that cough to weaken [Lau,2s, but immediately purchase ;ot' West's Cough Syrup at A. Lri Co., Druggists, and you will Liettly cured. It is an infallible jeJv for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 111 Throat and Lung difficulties. BE ON yo^B (yTJABD.. • Don't allow « cold iin the beat fto slowly and «arely dev^op itseljf ii«tQ Catarrh wJien you C9.n be cured for 25 cents. A few applica'tjo;^ will .cure in^pient Catarrh. One ito 4;;wo bo^es will ^ure ordinary patari^. 0«e to five bo^es will cure chronic Catai^. 'â- . Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure, Sold by.4il^' dealers at 25 cents per box.. MAKKDALE. Fall Wheat.. »0 70 \f Spring 'Wheat. ....... 0, ,75 :to Barley.. 40 4o Peas.... 54 to Oats .......... ...... 30 jto Butter ....,..«.. .7.. 14 to Eggs 12 to Apples 40 ,to Potatoes 20 to Hay ...,, 10 00 to Pork 5 do to FJour 4 00 :to Wool 17 to ,1 I. i;»iii. •»!;•;•. ;ii 4M)«0 .0 80 65 66 81 14 00 .60 25 « 00 6 75 75 18 2jc, yOc, am §1.00 per April 1 Ameriran Ag^riculturist tor April, 1§§6. leEiiftors claim, presents a greater p of matter than ever has before preJiii a single issue of tnis perio-" The list of contributors em- [tsmasy of the recognized and ag wiiteis of the country. The fc, long and short, number over liiuadred. There are eighty-eight and smaller engravings, lealms Farm Scenes, Cattle, Farm Conveniences, House liaru Plans, new Fruits, new â-ºers, numerous designs for tbe blioldDepartment, etc etc. The jail jpage illustration, entitled the pe Guard Colonel," will attract Jersal attention. Price §1.50 per 'â- Siugle numbers, 15 cents. 751 Mway, New York. biore to Rent tn Makaafe. THE Store in Beynold's Bloek to rent, Applieation as to terms canbe.qbtained from Johr Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent. 14»-tf. Strathnaim. P. O., Owner FARM FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FIND. f^es Ales. Sproiile, of Orange ville, has found Burdock Blood :tobe tbe best medicine he ever ffcr kidney complaint, with which loQi; suii'eriag. He declares f-o. Without a rival. LOT No. 24, COB. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulaxp apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona, P.O. MONEY TO LOAK, ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. .^u^i-i ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, I 190 Pomona, P.O. " FARM FOR SALIp BEAUTIFULLY situated within 4 miles of the thriving Town pf Meaford, being south half lot 2«. con. 7, St. Vincent. 100 acres, 55 acres being cleared and -in a ,good state of cultivation. There is a .go^d youag orchard, an abundance of gbod water, with suitable buildings. Price Very -Ip^. Terms easy. For particulars apply tp .J.J.JOHNSTON, 190-98 Chishohn's Blook, Meafurd. MASON'S ^ARMAfig WORKS is the best pUee ia Orey to proeore light oi bea^ lillggies or W«9Mi'8. AiUi89 «tock of fJtlMi timber thoronghly seasoned, ^i. the Teij best of mechanics to work it lip, .cannot iall to cesoit in a prime lot of carriages. All the loadiv; Improved itjleE to pick from An eai^y oaSy jMspeetfally aciaBited. WM. MASON, jOpposite £eT«re Hotel, j^IABKDALE ..,, By iMiyiag ymu Watchesy Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaees, PlpeSrJbo* JAS. a msEws FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. 'ooooooooo-oo e o o o o o o^ It le a fact, as every one] says, that BUSSELL is the man! Ito repair yoar Wateb or Clock I properly. ooo'oooooo ooooo«ooo â- '"' ' â- Y' ' " I ' ' GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted' to -^ give satisfaction. „ JIS. a. RUSSELL. 217269 TO RENT OR SELL BLACKSMITH Shop and biuiness an excellent business stand, in Markdale. This is a fine large new shop doing a good business. JOHNMcKENNA, 289-91 Markdale. Q000OCOO00OOOO00OOO0Q0O0Q0OO00Q$:).9UC iii«ii • • iiii«;iiii J ' â- â- "" ' iil'CH IN A LITTLE. ^iltouDowd, writing from Bums, 'sys be was afflicted with cuil- Hiiich were very sore and pain- ^l^J'cli nothing relieved until ^^Higyards icDow OU less â- 'lie bottle cured him. â- I^R STATvYATION'S DOOE. P- N'elson W. ^Yhitehead, of 'fi' a chronic sufferer from i?f ^^" liver eomplaint, and L'^ceii able to taiie the most ^jDounshment. Even a swallow ^r caused great distress. Two ^otBura,ck Blood.Bitters cured Sr.f""^^*^- She heartily 'DQs this remedy to all suffer- A WIDE RANGE. SieL?^',°^ painful affections h«P«ai«!fI^^"'°°' of WoodviUe, K " '° '^^ terms for Ppaii^'i '^^^^^"â- ^^Pfai'^8. and "moT t!"'^^^^"^^**' numerous jl • At lb used internally or DYSPEPSIA. -TiOp- SYMPTOMS^ 'y^riable appetite, isint gnawing at pit of the stomach, rising aoid .pouring of food, heartburn, wind iii .8tc(m8ch, choking load from food undigested, tja^ taste in month, headache, constipation, foul coated tongue, low spirits, wf^^d'ering pains^espedally in left side â€" Lwigj^ and Debility. JACKSON'S Iniplement Depot. I have opened a general Implemeot and Machine rdepot, where tbe fpUowiog articles, together with repairs, will foe kep|i constantly on h9nd;» Reapers. Mowers. Sulky Sakes. ^riil and Seeder combined. Section Spring 2ooth Seeder, Sprinff, 2 ootk' Cultivator, Springs Tooth Marrows. Iron Marrows. ^lows (/O different ktnds), Ganff ^lows. Turnip Sowers. Scufflers. Zand Pollers. Soot Cutters. Straw Cutters. Grain Crushers. Grain Threshersâ€" Steam and Mbrsepower. School Desk. School and JFarm ^ells. Wheelbarrows, iioad Scrapers. It will pay intending purchasers to see my stock and get prices before buying. UTOT. JACKSOM, WAEEROOmS.â€" Opposite Printing Offce. ItARKDALE. FOB _SAIiB. ATHOROUGHBBED Trotting StalUon with pedigree, in good condition, eight years old. For further particulars apply to JOHNGAULEY, Williamsfcrd Station, P. O., Ont. 3 w MONEY To Lo:;in on real estate security. Simpla Interest, low rates, and easy terms, C. W. BUTLEDGE, 275 Standard OiEce^ â€"FOB â€" BREAD, CAKES AND BUNS» AT REASONABLE RATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTION ARIT of all kinds on baud. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on tbe Shortest Notice. Wedding: Cakes a Specialty. A call is respectfully solicited, Bread delivered in all narts of the town PREmSES: Hext Door to the Roller Rink. '86 EDWARD ROOKE. m«Kvn "â- ^OOPITUP." S?;%oftbe most difficult *• ^W " ' whooping '««pSv?" by ordiSa^ ^P^jTictoaixs left to whoop I'^Bau' ^^ '^an-- Hagyard's r^inTr? ^^«s reUef in this as fables ' bronchial, and Allier -TiQO hearty eating; eating tqo JJ^W^SLW^^y"' 'oo^'*® '" °* stimu- lants; i99 fliTjich greasy and animal food-^ gravy, pasijry, cheese, pickles, etc.; neglected constipfl.ti9n; fcad air; lack of exercise; hur- rying tc? hard work â€" eitl^r phymcal or men- tal-^immediately after easing, is the sourer of many gtoquwdi Troa\4^- HIIQC Regulate the diet and mode of li limit liying; take active exercise, but not too soon after eating; shun stimulants; avoid late hours, rapid eawng, and overtak- ing the stomach; regnlate the bowels; avoid drinking at mwOs; abandon all narcotics, snch as tea. coffee. Jpbacoo, Uqnws, etc " far as possible. Eat only plain nonrwhing food. Milk or pure water is the Lest drmic. Take Burdock Blood BiHc a, widch regol^ the bowels, promotes pe. -oct digestion, makaa pure Wood, tones the stomach, regnlates^ livOT and kidnOTS, and thiis rertores P«*« health and iMngt^ l(i jflw debiliUted sys^qo. BURDOCK BIOOD BITTERS CUBES DYRPBPSIA. Advertise in the 9SaSISSr ... ^^ The M Drug i iGhemical Store. .«i i i iiiiiiii i pj iiii iwMn i T iii niM w mm t» M »TVV Tp the people of Jifarkdute and sur- rounding vicinity, T beg to announce, that having opened out ja new establish' ment â€" DBIXIOATBDâ€" TO THE mU^, MmUCINE. CNEkUCAL AND ^ATIOMERY BEPARTMENL ^^n^mm ^.â- ^ aa J am IherefefjB a soUcitant for a fair share of your patronage, being read^ at alt times to meet your requirements in these lines of trade, having a ffew and welt selected stock; and hoping, with choice goads, reasouabte pri^*, and fair dealing, to retain the good ifitlofs^ypeth'ome, Tomre Very respectfully, TWO BOOHS BUT OF MHJ. HMO'S HLOCK. MAItS3AIjS. Peerless Oil I Ahead of All Competifors. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. SatisfactionGuaranteed. Ask for PEERLESS and be sure" you get it, as there are imitations. The genuine is only made by "U ,1 M Queen City Oil Works, TORONTO, ONT. FOR_SALE, SPAN TOUNG MABIS8, either cash or time to Rocd m«rk; also twenty-five t^n^ good TunoAy Hayâ€" cash. WM.BBOWN. ISrOTICB. HSEHKO of th« patioiw ol Markdale «f- UiMJMFa0UM}«iUbeMdoaaatiitaagr, ' the 8t«A April, flonunenoing at one o'olnok, tX th« yarkdsto Hoose. ior the par|iese rf letting tho Tianlipg of uiilk im the eonent year. B. C0i£MAN. Prmidit. m r'u ' X ;.- f, ' V ' I M J •â- â- ::in 1" f â- 'â- 'I i'i ' vW. i: â- â- â-