'"*ffr'"'9?p8!^f? VOL. 6.-N0. 29U. MAKKDALE, ONT., APIUL 1, 1886. Conjw or tb Stutdasb FiTB CCHT8 SACH. meets ewj (.lock in tlieii itirii IrctLi* 3 LINES OF iHERICAN WATCHES Seth Thomas Clocks. URGE ASl)ORll€NT SiLV£R- JVARL UUSIC'AL INSTRlfMENTS, other Lines of Jewetry, «fc 18 K. WEODlNfi \m%. Work Warrantei. mE REPAmmG A SPEC/ALT/. W.A.BROY^, A tellable Jeweller local and '0111811 teis. ywiTicF.s hi. thexe columns intended to bewfit am imi-vi'dv'dl or Societij leill he chared ten (pAs a •'/» for the first insertion avd (w(, a line e'd^.^siit sequent inse:^v^ The roads are in a I3A -condition. Capt. Jones is Visiting friends at Cape Croke?. Don't forget to visit tlie 0. P. E. exhibition car 'this afternoon. It is not true that John McNeely kseiopod; we e«vw binl at the rmk .tils' other night. Dn. SpaouLE, M. P., was home for i day or two, and returned to Ottawa on Monday. DoNT forget the meeting ol Mafk- dale cbeeKe factory od Saturday at the Markdale IlouBe. ' Alt, correspondence, communicati- catioGs and cjiiiupes of advertisement must be in this omce on Tuesday to mture a place in that weeks issue. Tek date of the end of the world is now put down for 188G. Ther's no doubt it will lie to many,, and. it is â- very de.-irable to have the printer paid. Thkuf. are not niany lady black- imitbs, but \ylien gardening com- ni^uctj it will not be an uncommon thing to see a wotnau sho the hens. Ms. Speeks, the new baker, has m'ived and is overliauliug and fitting i:p MoEtgotaery's bakery, and will be m diape next week to solicit a share ofpatror.age. Ms .Joh: ^IcKenna has leased his cwelliGg iiouse to Mr. Thomas and h.acksiLitb shop to Wm. Mason, and lutecd.s moving to Orangbville shortly. \\e very much rGf,ret to loe such de- sirable citizens, and good neighbors. Notice.â€" A meeting will be held at the Markdale House at half past eight this Thursday evenmg to orsranize for thecelebrationcfthecomih wtbday" in Markdale aance is desired. There was a perfect stampede down J["l street on Saturday last to Trim- J^^esstiibles. on the arrival of Lord ~JY^' tle imported stallion. Scorts "leading farmers viewed this fine "wmal with pleasure. !j«n s debating clut) will Jitely derdop jT^^'l 'tarried mens' club in about a th« ^^® ^® *o undtrttand that "6 young men are all to te marriid: jorsfortbe reception of that «lii88 JDp^ •, ^- ^- exhibitioin CKT, contain- oflfo^r^^^beprodncte and amh 1T'^*' and 3?. W. Territories, ThLT"' ^^^^ ' ^2 o'clock, an mu-- Samples of seed Kwrai «8vib^?^®° **V' «»d all are oordi»Ihf »rS+,l"'P*^'*^e contents of the Ij. ENAi4 payi cash for eggs. ^xJDott ltATs^tfj died in Uoutreal ki Tuesday last «rftet ^ix days illness. Ooicfoet-ablK ttouse ta fcnt, apply at tills (M.ce. Hwt ^ANBABo tn any address the balance of 1666 for 7S 'Cents. Mb. J. G-. BossBtL, jeweller of i^lesherton, gave us a pleasent call on Tuesday, Mr. Ms E. M«a£E^ of Chatswortb, was to ie'Wn last week. L. Kfv»» pays vash for roll butter. Mr. Jvs. B. Ou»ield, of Duadalk, was ia tewn last week. THsOii'tario Jjegialature prorogued last Thunday. Db. Low's PiiSASANT Worm Syrup. â€" An agrees bid, sate and e£r6ctiial remedy t6 remove all kinds of worms. (^iu)iNG operations will be exten- si^ in Hanover this season. Ngxt Saturday is Markdale cattle fair. A. CAR load of nails for Haskett's arrived recently. Bargains in all {,rocerio8 at Mor- row's, Markdale. Fob rough condition ot the skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Erup- tion and iikin aiseaees, use Pruf. Low's Sulpher Soap. A FniE occurred in the Central Prison, Toronto, on Sunday, destroy- ing the chapel. Loss $7,000. Grass Seeds and Clover Seeds for Permanent pasture at the Medical Hal). A. Turner Co. Fifteen lbs best dried apples at Morrow's store for $1. A GOOD assortment ot hand made bouts always in stock at McLeod's shoe store. Edibeblet has organized a Council of K. T. of T. This is a good older and safe life insurance association. g "Queen's A full attezt- A BRICK dwelling to rent, $3 month. Apply to Thos; McNea. per Mr. B. M. Cummtngs was in town this week. Mb. B. Carnahan, harness maker at Williamslord Station addresses the public through the medium of the Standard this week. Those in the vicinity of Williamsford will do well to. give him a fair trial and we believe they will not regret it. Credit Sale. â€" Mr, Joseph B. Bnrns, Gih line Euphrasia will sell on Saturday the 10th inst., his farm stock, implements, c., by public auction. E« is moving away and will sell without reserve. W. J. Shepherd- son, auctioneer. Beading Matter. â€" Mrs. Clement has now on hand a full line of "The Bose Library." Be sure and-eall early as they arc going fast. Just opened out at Benson' this week. Case Long Clear Bacon cheaper than aiiy place in town, also a -com- siernment of Oatmeal from Write's mill Owen Sound, for $2.50 per cwt. Mb. Wesley J. Moore, from Lied- i say, Victoria Co., is visiting at bis' uncle's D, B. Ellis, Euphrasia, and E. W. Moore, HoKand. Oil Cake Cattle Food cheap for cash at the Medical HalL A. Turner Co. Frbeman's Worm Powdbbs destroy and remove worms without iigury tc adult or infant. Ha^^ been to Toronto and made arrangements with a musie dealer so lihat I can get any class of musicj or mnsioal instruction books, at eloee 'prices. iJesre your order from cat«»- logoe with W. A. Brown, jeweller. ^AioncBS requiring Flour, Bran, iShor^s, tJliop, or anything in the feed line:; ihBT* aoneed inanntuug out to the -mill. Beneon keeps both Ford's mA Slaves' flour, and sells at the •same price as vdll. Ifias. tJisiBRz ike^ cancliaB, Insenits, hAm luraad ^nfl Iraiis, mdJumumade HoUiAWD Obmtbb M. it L- S. will giv« a neck-tie loeial next Monday evening m that Tillage. Thbsb are scores of patent washing machines, and very few of them are any improvement on the old wash board; Haskett Bro's have however secured the patent wright for this district, for a washer whioh is claimed to be ahead of anything in the market. The "Improved Eagle Washer." Be- ware of imitations, and don't buy until you have seen this machine. None genuine without the star en in- side of cylender. Sold only by Haskett Bros., Markdale. Obstbuctions ot the the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, are promptly re moved by National Pills. We will sell furniture for the next ten days at cost, for cash. Coleman Hamilton. Bemember the place next door to Lucas' bank. Markdale. Quite a flutter was caused on Tues- day by the presence of several con- stables from Markdale and Flesherton, in Durham. It turned out that they were loking out for the goods of P. J. Welsh from the vicinity of Travers- ton, which were attached at the station here on their way to Dakota, in the interest of various creditors. We have been intormed that all claims were adjusted, to the satisfaction of the claimants.â€" fGrrey Eeyiew. M*»»^TAT.Tt Grange got in a carload of salt recently, and Artemesia Grange received one yesterday. "A REPUTASHUN," says Josh Billings, once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the, spot where the crack was." Taken a wife. â€" One of the nicest little affairs of yesterday was the Marriage of Mr. J. p, Marshall, L. D. S., of this place, to Miss. Kate Brown, ol Nottawa. The interestincr ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's father in the presence of a few invited friends. The happy couple will return form a short trip and take up their residence in Shelbume in a few days.â€" [Shelbume Economist. Biwuvenator assists nature and re- moves the cause of diseases from the system by keeping the kidneys, liver, stomach and blood pure and nature's channels free, then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Twelve lbs. raisins for $1 at Mor- row's, Markdale. C^arden Seeds.â€" A large assortment, fresh, from the best grow- ers ins.t received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Go Crate of Crockery and Glassware opened out at Benson's this week, will be disposed of for cash, cheap, eggs taken in exchange for goods. W. McLeod, shoe maker has secured a first class workman and is now fully prepared to get up the nobbiest boots of all classes to â- be had anywhere. Give us a trial and you wn't regret it. Church Subscription. â€" Those wTio subscribed to the building fund of the Markdale Methodist Church are re- spectfully requested to pay the samel to -the Sec.-Treas., C. W. Butledge, wTien due. There is an instalment of -ssad eubseriptiou duo {he 1st April, wTnc'h we hope to receive forthwith. By 'wder of the board. Bbv. Mr. Farthing, of Durham, will •condtrdtlfbeaervicein Christ Chmreh. Markdifla, on Sunday evening April 4th, and 'pnJbably the wrek day ser- vice on FmBi^., to-morrow evening. Mb. JoBiilKnNBBi.T has decided to import best Vhidksmiths* coal fr^m Pensyjvania. We^will supply sa«t4n â- ers in lots fromams'ton to a car loaH at any station ffiram Bhapimn 'to Owen Sound at iprioes wfcch defy competition. For iparticolars 'vnrite John lloNeely, MafldhDa. Taa Thombnry Newi insinnates that the Markdale dudes are not re- spectable citizens â€" They are, Mr. Newt, and beudes, they are "duced oleva." ^A FBBSH stock of ready-made boots and shoes at McLeod' shoe store. Prices right. Miss BowBS, of Milton, provincial organizer of The Women's Christian Temperance Union, will give an address in the Markdale Methodist church next Sunday evening at the 'usual seryice hoar, 7 o'clock. GoQD mixed chop, also bran and shorts for sale ctieap for cash at Plewes' Boiler Mill. L. Enapp cells bacon cheaper than any body m town, call and see. That horse blanket advertised last week was left in pesterday. Do not fail to have your watches, clocks, acd jewellery repaired by Bus- sell, Flesherton, it will pay you. The Meaford Mirror says that "Meaford is a paradise for burglars and other lawless individuals. Smith the barber will be in Flesher- ton on the 5th of April, Fair Day, to do hair cutting, shaving, dyeing, and every thing in the tonsorial artist line. Miss Bbemneb. McB'arland's mil- liner, who has been in London and Toronto copying the latest spring and summer styles, is expected here this week. Just arrived another lot of well as- sorted goods at Mrs. Montgomery's candy store; a great assortment ot biscuits to choose from; all sorts of candies and marbels. Come one come all. BussELL the noted jewellery man, Flesherton, has an excellent stock of watches, clocks, jewellery, spectacles, silver ware, fancy goods, vioUns, c., at extraordinary low prices. Mb. Breadner is fitting up a hand- some clothing room for McFarland. Young men would do well to call and see Mc's latest styles in suits and gents furnishings. A GOOD farm of 100 acres, on first class road, well improved and fit to run machinery on, for sale on easy terms. Interest only six per cent on unpaid portion this office. Fbom this issue till May give bargains for cash in Clocks, c. New lines of this week in silver ware, concertinas, mouth organs, goods and get prices from Brown, a reliable jeweller. j Cbedit Sale. â€" Mrs. Liake will sell by public auction on her premises, two miles from Markdale, on the town line of Holland and Euphrasia, on Tuesday the 6th April, her farm stock, implements, e., usual terms. The farm will also be sold at same time and place, and a quantity of good hay. Geo Noble, auctioneer. The Mutaal Improvement Society of Holland Centre purpose holding a neck-tie and apron social on Monday, April 5th. Ladies brmging aprons and neck-ties to be admitted free; others and gentlemen 20cts. A good programme is being prepaj?ed. Be- freshmen ts sometime during the even- ing. Doors open at 7; programme to commence at 8 sharp. Ladies wtU please hajd in the ties as early as nnauihlo. • of price. Apply at Ist I will Watches, goods in flat ware, c. See W. A. W. J« MdFAXuoia osiin passing bis English thrao^ the -customs. Toronto' i THEY ALL 8AY IT! â- â- 00 " ' ' Golemiui Hsmulton's Is the cheapest place in town for Parlor, Dining room. Bedroom and Kitchen FUBNITURE. UNDERTAKING.^ Haying received a otoek of undertaking goods, we can now supply all kinds of fanar' al hunishings on shortest notice. Hearse for hire in oonneetion. Q OLEMAN H AMILTON, MARKDALE- m lAsiEss sior. R. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count] y that he has opeiled a general harness shop on King street in the village ot HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to mahnfacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HSA.VT HABNESS, long and short tnge, STBAW COLLARS, WHIPS, COMBS,. BBU8HES, HARNESS OIL Ac. I will nse only' first' class matenal and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfullv yours. R. CARNAHAN. 190 possible. Debating Club. â€" The yoang men ef the village have formed themselvas into a debating efociety, tlie committee of managemwit being Messrs. F. Por- ter, W. L. Yeaing, and -J, J, Lrwin.i The first debate vhM telra pUtem in lawyer McGnllough's veoms on Friday evening, (with closed doers) tiie sub- ject being "resolved *t]a84i it is in the in- terest of the p^Ke ta extend /the FrasMhise te4be ^female sex." Mr. Porter takes the iffinnativa and Mr. MoCullough 'ike asgatava, with C. Lawrence and W. 4. Benson as second msn respectively. The young men are entering the ^nh with commen- dable XryoQirsnt a (rood -ndfin arvi7|dable sntbosiMBi aod will for the of the litest songs in AeMt«iaiiQ,{gojime8snt exalade all nunied men. ito BasssQ, iJteaheBtea. We aBsh.tiMBs«Mibo«nded sooeess. Mb. John Fosteb of Corbetton lost one of his horses recently. The animal dropped dead while working. Cheslet has expressed its desire, by a large majority of a well attended meeting recently, to encourage a felt factory and a furniture factory, by ex- empting the same from taxes for ten years. The C. p. B. Colonists' Trains, of March 16th and 23rd made such re- markable quick time that it has b^eu deemed advisable on April 6th 13th to run settlers' trains to all points in Manitoba and the North West, leaving same stations at same time as trains of March 16th 23rd and 30th. Michael Mathews, of Holland, meh with a severe accident last Thursday while working for Prtrick Mathews. He had fallen a tree which lodged,, and Mathews went up the flanting tree to release it with ' his axe, when he fell coming down with liip left arm on the axe inflicting a fearful gash at the wrist. Dr. Oldham dressed the wounded member and he is progressing favorably.-- [Chatsworth News. Mb. Buchanan, Meaford Road. Artemesia, orPiered and used one of Messrs. Wdrhnan Ward's horse hay fork's witu sheaf lifter attachment last season, reserving the right to return it if not satisfactory after a fair trial. Mr. E. is however well satisfied, and would not be without it for twice its cost, as he can unload hay, peas, looser barley or sheaves in one third *he time it t«ok in the old way, making the hardest work a pleasure. Anotheb Wabnang. â€" Last Wedne.*- day evening a man by tne name of Perry, from Duiitronn was driving home on a wagon load of lumber, and being sliglitly under the influenco of liquor he drove his horses too close to the dcen^ditch in front of Cameron's garden, ara the wagon and load upset into the ditch. Mr. Perry fell un- derneath the load, aod was crushed and mangled in a frightful manner. He was extracted with considerable' difficulty and taken to Poplar Hotel where he breathed his last about en hour after the accident happened thia is indeed a solemn warning to those who indnWs in the sodal glass.â€" [Col- Uagwood Bulletin. I: il ;j8i.l- otW^ '»?*5[ ' â- â- .:"jl»--: 'J-.i.ti