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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Mar 1886, p. 3

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 .-»53ia4sJ--.-, 4. â- â- li.- V .. 'w .ta*i;. B .Miii.i«fc.»y -m^^ â- â- \^. fm^im i«*ph(nM,i||lf| orstoMe a _-r-.. ECYPTlWt Lore andiWlld idTentnre, finmded npon StartHing BeTsMiBg in the Oareer of Araliia Pasha. ivUMt of NisA, Thb NiHiLisr," "Thb Rsd Spoi," £to.( Era, Ero 'Thb BirssuH Srr," IcBAPlEfi- O hariiHt by ' oortega palAoe, "Igo, ripe that â- tream- i of the lane* whloh he in tkke qnare I I driveov bronzed •) ooold Bqa«re ower- ttake Alex- have oity t) by least yet ^^ xXXVn â€" (CJoHTiin;«i) ^\ thftt the popnlwe, ha- i'P^mpaSedtheKhedival [*"'riJteroftheR«-el-Tin fc-^Lf^a,, as tea. they could l^'*„wS retnrning Into the town. r ia of mUohief and he knew •S £«gh the Plaoe. 1°" iltS wiih every to and ont »^"f o1«qaently with narrow '*;itSd short cuts by whi ^ir«methat the caleohe would r" L matter how fwt it wae ' r'f'ACaaqnicWya. hi, K« hey were ver/.wift one.) te nd directly he gatoed the r "ji'ijg out at the top of a most power Pirinch duiointed aentencea aa teKhedU" " He haa oome to ^. lAtoca.t himaelf oq the proteolion [MMd., the Ferbgheea and unbdievei Efilthy«'rine eitera are co-nlng " -jT onr tyrant, and when they I R;? ironclada will .hell the IZitroy the faithful and the moeqnea "we worahip Allah and the one true h'ntterancea aa theee were oalcnlated -nnct Immediate attention, aa well a iTthe fi;rc at pissiona of the mob. ' B the Grand Square was by now at Mrter filled. hjwllyennuoh had rot, however, j^u Ihlifnil B»y. He had secured a hearing jurronnded himself with llstenera, and [(ndbeini; gained he at once oame out Vhe pith of that which he had to com- licate. mat think you ' he went' on, In ac- id fiery ioom. " The Christian doga Ihutenhig to escape the fate that they L bpu«ht down upon the Faithful, who [tok tired at with aho' and she 1 only oMUity wanttogoveri themaelvea in- del being ruled and robbed by foreign- Ihey are runninf; aa.rata run fcom a jg tower; but they would rob at atill, bis their flight, and one will oome along I presently, aye, and I see Ida carriage to dirtance even now, who ia miuiing k with a beautiful Cirojwaian damael )ii deitined for the harem of the oheaen ^people, the light of a darkened nation, Itegenerator of the faith of Islam, the idive that ia to be, the war mtolater, (igalam ' I told this He every bit a« coolly as uhit had been the truth, and at mention lieia^aciouj iut-ult th?.t bad been offer- ;a Kappi and an uabeleiver to their jofanhonr (the greatest inault that can U7 poBsibility be ofifered to a Moham- ki), h!: lisrcnera grew aa furious aa f an- I ctald grow. We will take her from him. \\ e will ntr her for you to take back to your Iter. We will kill the Kaffir who has caat \M on nur be3.rds." These and many r gpeechea broke from the lipa of those ithe eunuch bad atirred up to be his a«a, aid whilst they thns expressed kItcs they grasped their clubs and •oirJnously. Itthiijancture an event occurred that well calculated to increase their fnry„ irest wh'.rh, thocgli trivial in itself, has «tomake cDnteniporary history, and is iMonsly thou?b5 by many to have been Idionmit^nca that; nrevloualy led to the Vnprislcg and the terri le massacres that fcwec, â-ºwe to tbe spot wnere the eunuch was Iffoing the vile at paesions of a smll fwtlot native 8 for his own and his mis- '•lelfish ard evil purposes, a drunken «ss«iilor, beloDgiogto one of the ships ttw, had taken npon himself to sennd- tsimce a native donkey boy for having fted him ia giving him hie change. â- Â« times of peace and quietude he might "Mhed the youngater to bis heart's »ti and whether he had deserved it or [••ncticewculd have been taken of the Now, however, that the populace 'Kexasperated against Europeans, and J«boBtin force, acme of them very na- •'yrnshed to thtir ccuntryman'a assist ^»hereat the Maltese began to lay ^m with his stick, caUing loudly for ?Me while, and soon his cries brought n^lortunateiy) a lot of hia feUow '"J'.en to hia assistance, who had also raitakuig Bcmewhat heavily in a nelgh- that they ceuld not brina their ^en off without having reconrse to ,^?«,'?«e than fats or sticks, these ^*m instant recourse to knivea and J^» dozen shota were fired by them, P more to frighten than to hurt, bnt ifdu f *y' °°«' ** least, of the na- » -^11 • " **ie first blood being shed miW'^*"' oppressor," as aU Ea- P»ad«!if "'"e^. the fact bad as quick U JV.° *^«^* " **i« applyli'g of a •«StV°'.*"'°°f8^I~wderr xnt »iuu ' Imagined that In a single â- eroMinl iu" 'â- *^" who nnta then had o»h'r '^°*" ^^^^ ono direotlen kith».i°\'**,"*^"8 '° sullen or excited ^-S^.^fii^d"?.""" ""'"*â-  Nd n^.!!â„¢ *« Malteae had kiUed V X M allying point by aix 'liJte^'"' »» yell oStwh*t had ,«ch riaJT. 'y "*!»• dog" of KafSrs" [•^ttrfilm •*"' "** «^«'V word oould ••tothro^fc "'"' •" 0' *l»o immenae %»n ' T."' ^^ *^e answering ahont •* »»v. ' *^ Buropeana who oame tCSV* " '"• »«»kiah r^ttistmii^Sf •"â-¼log pit np their Npr£^ "^derthefalae impgeaJan ,. '^O^te.theBebiotQgMd Into the gUttaciog oafea, 4i« tobaooo aliopa, the hotala, the plate ghMi wfadowad emperinma of faahion, the Dutlu, Mid fa abort, into every European eatoblialiment of thla, the very heart of the Earopcwa quarter,, roahed the wild and inforiated fanatlaa, and their alirieka and groani and plteona ories for help might have been heard from witliin moflt of them, and whenever ^e mnrderona enthoriaata iaaoed forth again, the dsbs of at all erente the great majority w«re liespat- tered with blood and brains, and in aoma inatanoaa their Ug aliarp knivea were bleed drlpptog aa welL CHAPTER XXXVIIL TOBN ASITNDBB â€" THE FBISONBB OV THS Jg KUNUCH. Mattora were at this paaa when the oaleohe oontatotog Frank Doneily and hia wife, witti Pat Monaghan atnok up aa atiff aa a ramrod on the box behind the driver, entered the eqnare, bnt they were more than a third of the way through it ere either of them dia- oovered the cause of the oonf naion and tn- mnlt which nntil then they had imagtoed to ba occasioned by a boistorona rejoioing at the arrival to the town of the popular war minister. It waa Nellia who firat exolaimed to terri- fied aooente "Oh, Frank, it ia murder thatia being perpetrated. Thoae are aoreama of agony that are mingled with the ahonte and oheera. Look I look I on further, over there by the Penlnsnlar and Oriental Hotel, they are ron- ning alter and braining every European whom they can ovetteke. There, too, are aome people betog torn ont of a oarriaga to be bntohered. Oh, let na turn baok or in another minute their fate will be onra." Frank Danelly waa about to issue the order, bat it was already too late, for as he rose in the carriage the myrmidona of Oaman Oglon, the Prtooeaa Zaeneh'a aga, awarmed a.- jund It, pcunpted thereto by anoh whla- pered aenttnoea aa "That ia the Feringhee, though he b disgnlaed aa ani^gyptato.' f'A E^ffir ais attompttog to eeoape to the akto of an Egyptian lion." "Have at him fa the name of the prophet* and wfaen he and hia aervant have been dragged out of the car- riage, t wilt get toto it and toke the girl straight away to the harem of my lord and ma8ter,,the aavionr of Egypt and the ohoaen of the nation." Thus up to tbe very mom^t of the attack had the wily ennnoh worked both npon tbeir -inger and their gratitude, so that they aurrouuded and attacked tbe carriage with an excess of fury that convinced the young British ifficer that any attempt to parley with them would be worae thannieleas, and driven to desperation he tried to get at hia revolver, bidoing Fat to do the same and the driver to force his way along. Instead of dotog so, however, the Arab Jehu, all hia sympathiea being with hia countrymen, made a clntoh at Pat Mona- ghan's arm in order to prevent his getttog at his thoottog irons, and though the athletio Iriahman wculd have shaken off hia grasp to almost next to-no time, he could not do so ere a bludgeon blow over bis bead knocked him off the box down under the wheels of the carriage, whiht hia master, almost at the same instant firtog hia revolver at his foremost asi allants, heard a faint snap, snap snap, without any report, which recalled the fact to bis mind (with a thrill of horror at the conviction) that in his hurry he had for- gotten to reload Ills weapon ere leavtog the bote' It was too late to remedy the omission by drawing bis aword, for ere it was jalf cut of its scabbard a dozen swarthy hands bad seized upon hia arms, and their owneia, by shetr force draggtoghim ont of the carriage, would then and there have dispatobed him had not a yonng Ej(yptian cavalry officer at that tostant galloped np to the spot, (xclaim- tog to Arabic •' Bold, myl)rother. Inkilltogthe Fjrin- gheea yon are dooming your beantifnl oity and perbapa your wives and littie oma to destrnction. His excellency the war mto- later requires all such ft r hia priionera, to order that by tlueatening to bang then to case a hostile shot ia fired against tbe town he may deter the Britiah ironclada from bombarding it. Perhaps fa the end he Will hang them all the same. We shall see." Neither Nellie nor Orman Oglon heard half thia apeeoh, for the ennooh jumped mto the carriage by one doer aa quickly aa Frank Doneily waa hauled ont ef It by the other, and graaptog hold of the veiled bride, ao that ahecenld not spring from the vehicle to her hnsband'a fate, aa it waa evidently her half-formed totention to do, he leant for- ward and said to the driver "To the Raa el-Tin Palace aa fsat aa your horsea can tear along, and yon shaU be^d with mnoh goldâ€" aye, with a pnne half fnU of gold." Away they then went at a tenrlfio pMe, paat the oironlar panel of thefenntafa, paat the flowerfag oarol treea on the one dde ud the shattered and rfled ahopaand maoatoea en tne other, where nonpa of Ajraba aat squatted on the broad pavement eooUy dlvidtog their speDa, whilat th»e whom thny had bntokarad lay mangled ooipaea wiOin ibe half open doora, and a fewyenng girla even toaide the plUe glaaa windowa, whi Aw had hem redreaw (to honor of SeSnrtln^g airfwdbroh) at thn m». ment when the rietera had roahed fa. and oatohing them nnawarea, beatwi ont their br^na with tlidr oinba. met her gaie, but *• â- â€¢^«?«»»"^*2J5?[ ontw.rd'^e onlj. •«« '^f SJ.'SL^TaI _h.« iMwlth the eye of the brun an* Md •?« aafw ihe waa aoTC Ubi • BHd olrl tlMlka_«M«M»MWdl«h«»%lh«ba •f the oarriB(| only bMMna aha aax- fandy ooorted tiie aame fate wb^ aha faftr a^adbadbaiallaBktr baahaad, Ifat alao â- V naaaa that arm fa bar ptMMt aandition â- haiaaafBiiadthaUdao^ fanltfag oooa- teaianoe of the. ennnoh plaiiilw" nnancii. and faltjragaaly aonvfaoed In her heartlf baarta Oat ha WM aoBdnoHur bar to a fate that to liar rafinad mini and: Waatons pt^jadiaai woald ba infiatlaly wona than • awidaB and agraiaina deatli. Bat alaa, ttiera ware none to help bar. Oanan Oglon nX grlnnfag maliolendw Iqr bar aide, witlioaa arm tittowB atannd fair wabl^ and a drawn ettlatto grMped fa hia other hand with wlddi ha k^ vawing ba would Ull bar if aba attempted to anoavar Imr faoa or otharwiaa atferaot attantian. Than ware oartainlT plenty of ^yptlaa palioe aboBt, Imt wlian open paaafag Hm open door of a stattai honaa aha beheld a few Earopeana, who haa anpanntly roahed there for aaf ety and proteoaon, bebg msaaa ored ly theae men, and tbdr bloody and diafigorad oorpaea flang forth into the atreet for the wandering dogs to prey opoa, alia ahrank with horror and loathing from snob wretohea, and felt even fa her preaant oon- dition thankful that ahe had not ventorad to Oi: ll to them for aid, whibt Oaman Oglon aeemed |o read her thooghta. Bat aoon the onoe gay Plaoe Mohemet Ali ia left far behtod, and then the governor' palaoe ia flaahed paat on the right, and a -momentary glanoe la eaoght of l^e lilce Mediterranean and of Fort Pharoa. with the tall, white lighthooae, all at the extremity of a narrow potot of land that atratohed fair ont into the aea like a tongue. But it waa aoon leat eight of agafa, and then the oaleohe tnmtog aharply to the left and presently paaatog the hoapital on the one hand and the high walla and hnge iron gate* of the araenal on the ether, reached those of the Baa-el-Tto Palaoe. The well-known form ol the gigantic ennnch clad to tbe gorgeous livery of his agaahip (uniform he would doobtless have called It) waa ao well known to the sentriea at tbe gates that they did not even trouble to oh*llenge the vehiole, bat let it paaa to withoot any aeemtog notice, thoogh doobt- lesa they wondered what female waa being brought to the palace to a common baok cale.he. The atelid todifferenoe that waa written to the ooontenanoea of the aoldiery appalled poor Nellie almoat aa mnoh aa the barbaritiea which she had previoosly witneaaed, it look- ed to her ao much aa though they were ao- ouatomed to aee helpleaa European girla poonoed apon and brooght to the palaoe fa thia manner, and ahe did not reflect that (aa under momentary fear of O^man O^lon'a dagger point) she waa sitting quite still and alao olosely veiled, there waa nothing about her to ahow them whether ahe waa Christian or Mcslem, or even whether ahe waa yieldtog to force and threate or conung there of her own free will. Neither did she know that ninety -nine out of every hundred Moalem girls wculd have thought it a great honor to be brought pris- oners to the Khedival seraglio by the aga of eonachs, and as great a disgrace to be taken away therefrom, even to beceme the one wife of an honest man. Tb» oaleohe containtog our lovely heroine and newly made bride haa now been drivenf throogh the w ndtog pathwaya of a garden wherein the flowers and fruits of every trop- ical country under the son bloom luxuriant- ly, and are toterspersedwith a hundred dif- ferent varieties of blosaomtog treea, wbieh joyonaly flourish with their roote in the water, their heads to tbe sun and myriads of atoging birds nestltog to their branches, cntil at last pink wal and golden, or at least gilded roofs, to company with windowa innnmerable, flaahed npon her vision from between the green waidng boughs of syca- mores, aoaciaa, fig, olive, palm, plum and carol trees, and she recognizes at a glance the famona palace of Baa-el-Tto. Bnt there are many windtog and serpen- tine paths to be traversed still, bordered by beds of moss and psstorea of flowers, and everywhere, in and ont, about and around them are the little terra ootta channels of mnrmnrtog water, without which all their greenness and freshness would aoon be scorched and withered so that at last when the paUce ia really reached it ia neither the front nor one of tne aide wfagf thereof that they are opp' aite to, bat a pwtlon thereof where the wtodowa are few and far between, and defended with strong Iron oroaa bars, aa though they were thoae of a prison, whilst deep Bonk fa the thick wall Nellie obaervea a low arched door, patoted to brilliant colors, and covered all over with deep cut andgUd- ed Arabio oharactera. Then, aa her eyea rest on wtodowa and on door by tnma, she aeema to aaaan imi^ary fountain, throw tog high toto the air amber- hued waters, and the gleamtog whiteneaa of bare neoka and rhooldera within the dark- neaa of one of the deep-aet windowa, and l^rank Doneily atanding beaide her to hia bright court nntform, with the baleful opal rtog glittertog en his finger, and lastly her mother coming toward them to tear them aaondto, and aa thia phantaamagorio vision vanished like a diaaelvtog view, the painted doer ia opened and ahe seea atandtog to the apcrtoie an onveHed woman with her faoe pafated like a dawn'a. CHAPTER XXXIX. IW THB POWKB 01 TH« PMHCKSa ZKIHIH. The reader wiU have already tacosnized fa the female who atoad awaitfag Nellie at the outer door of the Khedival aeraglio El- marr, tbeba£Eoan. .^,1 u Osman Oglon got down ont of the oaleohe, hot never let go of Nallia wbUat ha did ao. No sooner were both hia feat planted on the groond than be liftedtbia oa]^ ont of the mrriaca aa caaDy aa ttian^ aha had been a child, and then fltogbg to the Arab driver a puraa, whiob fram ita olfak aaemad to ba toWably fnU, ha graapad Nelha b» anarm gff« and witt genUe feroe lad bar fa ^^teloa^bahind bar the legend ovar thegataaofaoaitafafainoBa pdMo aomv. rad to tba paor girl'a mind and aha kept aumnnrlng aem agafa and agafa AteaaoB hope an ye who aalat base I And wdl m^it aha at hapa. far tba bidaana laakng ,^ ,, lh#daoftothalrraarwllbaoaaltt«, af M kaya tfaa* damibd hi hit M!lSMllk*%k paaMfa^aad Ifeannp bapa,f laahad aairing bar aafain^«faatap ofwbleb.tiMy eama fato tt^^k ifafa, and av la^ barafaa 'feoad banaif fa n kind af apaalaatwlibala. tbatWWM^Md by:*na wldawa an« TnAiah carpefa and nllaa oC mubfana. On aoma af «bamafaNaUlaaawball-aak«d bbMhri^U^ylkiflttiiiyBpba earradaniof elmny, far the aeMaaaa ef tte Sondan amaff meat paifaotformntbeir aarlyyoBttflhoag^ Aay get groiB, aomatimaa alapbaatiaa, witb^ faoraaaiag yaan. BiU Nellie anlyeaal apaaaiag riaaoa an tteee girla, for her attention waa slgieat fai- madiaialy attraolad by tba tart and heavy elofth of gold bolUan frfagad ootafa thai â- araaaadttaa wbafaof onaalda^lhaaaaBfag â-¼ eatl l i Hl a and by the two giartie annaflha with large and bcawny Umbi, and aaarlet and wbha torbaaa and body dotb^H who â- tood ana on eaoh iMa tiiaraof, with idatola and daggara fa tbeir balta and great Iwoad- biaded and naked sofanitaia gnapad fa their Booatrena lianda. Thera waa no more exprsaafon on their f aoaa than If they had baanoarved from wood, nor wonld there liave been, even if tbe moat lovely girl in the seraglio liad been s t ri pped naked aoiil l^had to daathfa their preaenoe. Oiman Oglon made to theae aeeinlng ata- toea a xapid aign, wliiob remalnad onanawer- ed. Perhapa, however, fa this oaae m fa othera, aileaoe and atlUneaa gave oonaent, for withoot more ado the aga raiaad the oentre of the oortaJn and paaaed therennder, dragging NelUe after him, and aha befag oloMly followed fa tarn by Elmarr. Th^ now paaaed along oerrider after oor- rUor, liaving oortafaa on braaa roda bare and tlMre at resnlar fatervala, and wUoh aeemed to be the entranoea to dUFerent ohambera, fa lien of doora. Sometimea a pretty little pair of yellow satin alippera or of red heeled ahoea wonld be lyfag jost oataide one of these oartalna, and NelUe remembered to liave read tiiat thia waa a sign that the lady withfa waa en- gaged, and at even the Khedive himaelf did not dare to mtrode upon her privacy fa the face of anoh an totloiation. Behfad aome of the oorteina mode and atogtog ooold be heard, and to the rear of othera voioea ralaed fa merriment or anger, bnt no wee^g or other aoond of aorrow oame from any diraoHon, and Elmair, the boffoon, draw Nellie'a attention to the faot and blontly told her to make heraelf happy. Bat onr herofae made no answer, for ahe knew that all repliea wonld be equally vafa. At length ahe reached a onrtafa of moch richer material than the othera, and above whioh were two or three Arabic words en- graved fa gold, and now Elmarr took the fair oaptive by a hand and Oaoian Oglon re- Itoqaiahed hia graap on her arm and raiaed the oortaln for tne two to pasannder, which dofag oor onfortonate herofae fotmd heraelf the next moment to a room that was farnish- ed aa oaoal with oarpeto and heaps of ous- biona only, and to the preaenoe of a most beantiful but fierce eyed woman, who waa reclfadng in an attitude fall of onstudled graoe upon a divan, whilst a little negresa, naked to the hips, stood behtod her wieldtog a punkah and a fly flap to one, so that she cooled the air and dispersed the little buzz ing tormentors at the same tims. The lady had evidently been amoktog, for the little snakelike stem of her chibouque waa still coiled around one of her shapely arms, but the pipe waa oot, or at all events seemed to be. Sae throw down the flexible atom aa ahe gazed open her trembltog viaitor (priaener woold be the bettor word, perhaps), and add witti lips that quivered with rage the while: "So yon are come. The last time that we met was, I tlitok, fa the Cairo theatre when I sent yon a note which op to this moment haa been unacknowledged, whilat the firat time that we ever encountered each other waa npon the Chonbrah road, one evening after sunset, when yon were toe to- tently admiring a rtog upon a gentleman's hand, or maybe the gentleman himself, to toke much heed of ine. Was it not so T" The taunttog speech and the sneer where- with it was accompanied effected two thtogs, for they aroused the Engli6h girl'a todignia- tion while they diapelled her feara. " The gentleman whom I waa with was an old friend, a fellow-oonntryman and ny af- fianced huaband. At preaent he is my hus- band, for we were married this morning." The prtooeas'a migiUfioent and atarlike eyes actually blazed with wrath at thia an- nonnoement, but the baleful light aeemed somewhat to die out of them aa ahe replied to the French tongue, which ahe knew tlias neither Elmarr nor the negreaa oould onder- atand, bot which ahe henelf apoke even bet- ter than did her prisoner (TO BB OOHTINUBI), wiirrESWBiinQ.Es. A hoUow ooatâ€" Paying a man for diggin{^ a cellar. Two heada are better than oneâ€" On a freak fa a dime muaeum. Tlie meat forward women look the mort baokward on the atreet. "Bnloea atfe bred to Kanaaa," it is aaid. Tliey are meat elaewhere. A parformanoe en tlie slack wireâ€" Count ing a billiard game. A grocer mlla his aoalea "ambnah" ba- oanae they lie fa weight. A photographer ahould alwaya toke the negative dde of the queatien fa a debate. Advertiatog ia a good deal like making love to a widow. It can't be overdone. Lord Fife haa deaerted Gladatona, hot it dooBit matter. The g. o. m. doaan't need a taater. A wenun batea to paaa a pretty bonnet fa a atora window, bnt ahalauways willing to gabaylt. Tba only naw tiling under the aaatliatwa knew of, ia the bine patoh ea tite aaat o f Ilia pantalaana. Tliaaalfiab may bavamaob wealth; Imt Ike ttia water af tba aea, it qnanohaa tha Ibbaftw wHhafaiga ak^ yaor aalflrta KQiLIIft tIDLVSB BT HUIDBED8. «naer,Claaa •* Hea Wka â- anfVritk StryA. lliata Is a daaa of buntaia out fa tlia Yal- ia, wlieaaonly amomnitlon la aad wIm taat frafa NoTambar fipi«a*faUqgadir9l Ibor !ar ttii monay Aay can make, .and lotol^i*- ibaiV^waa H lie giudg a a aant of U^ for Mia eidy game ttay hunt la '^haMAte*' out there, I^gnaaa tlierd mnet lie at SOO prefeealanal wolvan that aoourtliaBig am ocanjtary fa tba YaOowatona Baafa almva tha d Laada, and proliably aa many more walk tha MUI River region, niay are known aa walven, and tiwy are difierant fr^m any athar ofaM of Laat^ or trappara. In the autumn of the year th« wolvan begfa to gatiicr at the fr mtfer peate where they do their trading. They dupoaeofall tlia fura thay may hvn on hand, and than fit thamaelTaa ont for ttie wiator'a oampaign againat the wolvea. They take -auppliea enongh to laat them a long time, for they aeldom retam from the wUdameaa before apcfag. The principal item h their outfit ia atrychnfaa. Tlie welvera alwaay travel fa partiea of half a dozen er ao, and before they go fato the wlldemesa they divide up the entire territory toto aeetione, the bound- erlee of which tiiey know aa well aa if they were run fsut and ataked by a aurveyor. Each party ia aaaignOd er draws a aeotfon, and on that alone he hnnta. One party ef wolvera wculd no mere think of working on another party'a aeotlon than they would think of putting atfyobnine fa a commde'a meaa. They am enabled to keep withto their bounda by landmarks which yean of accceaaive bunttog to the aame territory have made aa familiar as their own namea. One party, for that mattor, haan'tmuch excuae for getting over on another'a torri- tory, for a wolfing aeotion will cover aa much ground aa the biggest county to Can- ada. The firat tiling a party of wolven do on reaohtog their aeotion le to put np their cabto or repair tiieir old one. Theee oabina an chinked with mud, and their altea era alwaya to the centra of a good 'wooding up' laoality, ao tbat there will be no danger of a acardty of fuel, for one anoh wtoter aa they have out thera can make one good able- Iwdied firaplace eat npan area of forest that would Keep a whole Eastern town fa firs wood for a year. Every oabfa haa a- stone fireplace that will take in a log ten feet long, and ao you can imagine how much of a fira can be built fa one of them. Bonanza Mackay'a palsos couldn't houae a wolfer for the winter more comfortably than one of theae mud-daubed oabina to the very heart of the Bad Landa. Then is no ex- cluaiveneas about thea% wlldemesa shelten, either. Erery man's cabto ia free to hie neighbor. It often happens that a wolfer in a day'a tramp may find himaelf at night nearor some other party'i cabin than hia own, and he aeeka ita shelter just as freely and with so more hesitation than he would go to hia own. But he never asks more than shelter. It ia wolfer etiquette to always carry plenty of provisions and to draw on your own store wherever you may be. A good saddle hone and a pack horae or two goes with every wolfer a outfit. If he doea not c»re to use them for the time, they are tomed cut on the range, where they know how to provide for themselves, no matter how deep the snow is. A large store of the seneral provisions of the wol- fera of an ente torritory is alwaya cached, and the Ircition Is known to all. Every- thing for the welfare and safety of the wolferi bavtog been done, the real bustoess of the wtoter bagtos. Each party is provid- ed with hundreds of long, slender ptoe sticks sharpened at tbe ends. An elk, or as many as ara needed, is killed, and the car CMS cut up into small pieces. These ara poisoned with atrychntoe, and each wolfer fills a small sack with tiiem. After each snow fall the wolfen start out. They make a circuit of miles, and at intervsls sink one of thq ptoe sticks to the snow, a piece of the poiaoned meat betog placed on the upper end, ao that it ia temptingly ex- posed above tne snow. Two days later the wolfen go over tbe sune route agato with pack ho -SOS, slcto the wolf carcases that they pi k up by the hundred, and fetch them into the cabins and prapaie them for market. How many tboa«anda of wolvee ara thus gathered to tbe Bad Lands by theae peniatent hnnten iu the conrae of a single aeaaon it ia difficult to estimate, but the wolfers make from $150 to $300 a month aidece to the sale of the pelts they secure. Yet, ao rapidly do the wolvea tooreaae, there b no perceptible dimtoution to their numbera. A wolfer never hnnta anytiifag else unless he needs game to si^»ply hia oabfa. A dos- en elk, deer, antelope or any otiier game animal ought paaa within gunshot ef Um every heur and he woold pay no mora at- tention to them than if they were ao many crowa. He is out after wolvea, for bustoess. That b all he thinka ef, and all he wanta. »â€" .. Serrice of Bone* â-  If a nation may lie made to drift toto war b; the tofluence of martial muaio, why may not the apirit of peace be generated and to- foaad by. the faflaenoe of aaored muaio and aongT The poot Lowell aaya one of Hb aweeteat oIiaritieB b muda Inoorpoorhaoaea tharaaraold men and waman, aad, hopeleaa, weary â€" long atrang- en to any gentle minlatrationa. In ear priaena tiiera ara doll fatollecta and hearta hardanad agdnrt openrallgieoa eJSsrta; fa oor hemttab ara aa£EBriiig anaa, ao warn with pun, ao weskk, ae near the world for wliidi, alaai tiiay have recdvad no prepara- tfarnâ€" to dt tiieae mii^ be bona, an tha wlnga of aong, tha wovda «f Ufa from Blm who oame "to. preadi the goapel to the poor uid bed the brokea-heuted, to aat at liberty them that an brdaad." A Chrbtian aeng baa jtbb advaataga aver aaarmeaâ€" tha tivDi fa tt feeneboa ilia heart of tba liaaMr naawaraa, wiien liab not on ttaddannira agdnrt tba gonaL â-  ^addly aiiuuaafiil aarthahyBaa baB •amabdpMtiModit brraaafad ovaraa fa tba rnnfaa « tiia Tlib faatana wi manja haaier aadaingaik- adf fa hb mfadan and dafB after Iti â-  • u 1 1' ' 9t ft) aad tha haart • E?«P*o wffl laa ^jtta.

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